Monsters Lost in a New World


Rhy turned from hunting down more bones to consume, noticing the dying plants, and slowly trundled over, eyeing the dying plants with a primal hunger. Food was food, as her body warped again, tendrils ready to pull the dying life inside a newly formed gaping maw.
I quickly back off, so as not to accidentally get caught in the crossfire. Reminds me of that homunculus, Gluttony. "Surely there are better food choices than this," I point out.

Shortly after the plant dies, a rumbling begins to shake the ground all around you as a dense fog rolls in from nowhere. A purple light shines up from deep beneath the ground below you as a skeletal hand shoots up from the ground. Followed shortly thereafter by another, and another. As skeletal warriors wearing well worn armor and broken weapons pull themselves from the earth all around you. Their teeth clack together as they stare at you, before shambling over in a large mob. Behind the mob a group of skeletal archers take position and begin to draw their bows. While more and more of the comrades pull themselves up to join the fight. Meanwhile in the distance, the howls grow ever closer, ever more chilling to the bone.

Scratch that. This land doesn't just promote death; it promotes undeath! Reminds me of that one plague from WarCraft 3. And now we're in actual trouble. As in, they intend to harm us!

Rhy Emitted an unearthly screech as her eyes seemed to glaze over, before her body quivered and erupted into a withering, migrain inducing mass of tentacles, mouths, and eyes, tentacles lashing out and trying to draw a warrior into a massive gaping maw of razor teeth to be consumed whole, as she wailed something in an unkown language.

"You know, like those!" I continue. Geez, she's really playing up her eldritchness.

As soon as the skeletons pop from the ground, I hug the Minizilla tighter to my chest, even as I feel the scales resurfacing all over my body.

"Shhhh... It's fiiiine, Baby, Big Sis is gonna make sure you are okay." I assure the panicking reptile, my tail snapping at the approaching skeleton. "I suggest we don't entertain the skeleton war's fresh recruits and just skedaddle. After all, we still need to find something edible for little Big Guy. And those howls sound pro-mi-sing~."

Without another word, I take off with Minizilla in my arms away from skeletons and towards the howls, shifting my scales towards my back just in case those archers got ideas.

"Yeah, we're getting out of here!" I say as I stand up and accompany Erzsebet. Tapping into my power once more, I will the skeletons' bones to be chilled, to be slowed down via their energy production being slowed. Whether that works or not, I'd then convert my own cells' energy into streams of lightning from my hands, which I release onto the horde as I keep moving. It feels like a rush to take a page off a certain Force technique...
Shortly after the plant dies, a rumbling begins to shake the ground all around you as a dense fog rolls in from nowhere. A purple light shines up from deep beneath the ground below you as a skeletal hand shoots up from the ground. Followed shortly thereafter by another, and another. As skeletal warriors wearing well worn armor and broken weapons pull themselves from the earth all around you. Their teeth clack together as they stare at you, before shambling over in a large mob. Behind the mob a group of skeletal archers take position and begin to draw their bows. While more and more of the comrades pull themselves up to join the fight. Meanwhile in the distance, the howls grow ever closer, ever more chilling to the bone.
As soon as the skeletons pop from the ground, I hug the Minizilla tighter to my chest, even as I feel the scales resurfacing all over my body.

"Shhhh... It's fiiiine, Baby, Big Sis is gonna make sure you are okay." I assure the panicking reptile, my tail snapping at the approaching skeleton. "I suggest we don't entertain the skeleton war's fresh recruits and just skedaddle. After all, we still need to find something edible for little Big Guy. And those howls sound pro-mi-sing~."

Without another word, I take off with Minizilla in my arms away from skeletons and towards the howls, shifting my scales towards my back just in case those archers got ideas.

I quickly back off, so as not to accidentally get caught in the crossfire. Reminds me of that homunculus, Gluttony. "Surely there are better food choices than this," I point out.

Scratch that. This land doesn't just promote death; it promotes undeath! Reminds me of that one plague from WarCraft 3. And now we're in actual trouble. As in, they intend to harm us!

"You know, like those!" I continue. Geez, she's really playing up her eldritchness.

"Yeah, we're getting out of here!" I say as I stand up and accompany Erzsebet. Tapping into my power once more, I will the skeletons' bones to be chilled, to be slowed down via their energy production being slowed. Whether that works or not, I'd then convert my own cells' energy into streams of lightning from my hands, which I release onto the horde as I keep moving. It feels like a rush to take a page off a certain Force technique...
I hiss(?) at the undead, instincts coming to the surface. "Damn those are ugly.. I have a idea on how to deal with them." I will my body to make my spark-powder, and with a thrash of my tail and flick of the wings, I launch the powder at the skeletons so they get coated. "Heya, eldtrich girlie. You might wanna get our of the way!"

I take a deep breath, giving @shinkiro a chance to get out of the way.. Then as I exhale, I let loose a stream of azure fire at the skeletons, aiming for the closet one covered in dust. If I ignite the dust, that should either burn them all up or make a wall of fire to block them.
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GM Post 2

And just in time, as I floated above the... others... while interally screaming, I somehow managed to charge my laser beam and fired a scything beam to hose down the skeletons.
Rhy Emitted an unearthly screech as her eyes seemed to glaze over, before her body quivered and erupted into a withering, migrain inducing mass of tentacles, mouths, and eyes, tentacles lashing out and trying to draw a warrior into a massive gaping maw of razor teeth to be consumed whole, as she wailed something in an unkown language.
I hiss(?) at the undead, instincts coming to the surface. "Damn those are ugly.. I have a idea on how to deal with them." I will my body to make my spark-powder, and with a thrash of my tail and flick of the wings, I launch the powder at the skeletons so they get coated. "Heya, eldtrich girlie. You might wanna get our of the way!"

I take a deep breath, giving @shinkiro a chance to get out of the way.. Then as I exhale, I let loose a stream of azure fire at the skeletons, aiming for the closet one covered in dust. If I ignite the dust, that should either burn them all up or make a wall of fire to block them.

Simultaneously, three separate attacks lance out at the large group of skeleton. First, the beam cuts its way through the thickest of the mob. In an instant nearly half of the curent group explodes into fragments of bone and metal as the path of destruction is carved through the horde. Next, eldritch tentacles lance out and pick through the majority of the survivors. Feebly they attempt to swing their weapons at the tentacles binding them. But to little effect on the eldritch being consuming them whole. Finally, what few survivors from the initial horde suddenly are set ablaze. While the fire is not enough to entirely stop them, it does significantly slow them down.

Yet for all the damage done in the attacks, still more skeletons crawl from the ground below. Quickly replacing those lost, and yet more. As the numbers of the undead rise, so to does their quality of arms. Now their weapons are less frequently broken, and some among them bear armor that almost seems to glow in the moonlight however slightly.

@shinkiro @Ryven Razgriz @ForgottonFuture

As soon as the skeletons pop from the ground, I hug the Minizilla tighter to my chest, even as I feel the scales resurfacing all over my body.

"Shhhh... It's fiiiine, Baby, Big Sis is gonna make sure you are okay." I assure the panicking reptile, my tail snapping at the approaching skeleton. "I suggest we don't entertain the skeleton war's fresh recruits and just skedaddle. After all, we still need to find something edible for little Big Guy. And those howls sound pro-mi-sing~."

Without another word, I take off with Minizilla in my arms away from skeletons and towards the howls, shifting my scales towards my back just in case those archers got ideas.
"Yeah, we're getting out of here!" I say as I stand up and accompany Erzsebet. Tapping into my power once more, I will the skeletons' bones to be chilled, to be slowed down via their energy production being slowed. Whether that works or not, I'd then convert my own cells' energy into streams of lightning from my hands, which I release onto the horde as I keep moving. It feels like a rush to take a page off a certain Force technique...

While you can't see the effects directly of your attacks, shortly after the lightning attack is sent you hear the sounds of bones shattering as you quickly leave the clearing behind you.

As the three of you quickly make your way from the clearing, the sounds of battle quickly begin to fade. Save for the occasional blast or scream, the battle is far behind you. Gradually as you make your way closer to the sounds of the howls, they suddenly cease entirely. You all stop though, as you feel the presence of something staring at you from the shadows surrounding you. From the darkness behind a tree a short ways in the distance you something moving. Only once it steps fully into the moonlight do you find the source of the howls.

By the appearance of the wolf, much like the skeletons, it died long ago. But yet unlike the skeletons it never fully rotted away. As stands before you is an undead wolf, seemingly the Alpha of the pack that you now realize surrounds you. Yet they don't attack, as after a brief second of eye contact the all retreat back into the darkness once more. Leaving you all alone once again in the forest.

@UbeOne @Omida @KamenRaidaOOO3
As the three of you quickly make your way from the clearing, the sounds of battle quickly begin to fade. Save for the occasional blast or scream, the battle is far behind you. Gradually as you make your way closer to the sounds of the howls, they suddenly cease entirely. You all stop though, as you feel the presence of something staring at you from the shadows surrounding you. From the darkness behind a tree a short ways in the distance you something moving. Only once it steps fully into the moonlight do you find the source of the howls.

By the appearance of the wolf, much like the skeletons, it died long ago. But yet unlike the skeletons it never fully rotted away. As stands before you is an undead wolf, seemingly the Alpha of the pack that you now realize surrounds you. Yet they don't attack, as after a brief second of eye contact the all retreat back into the darkness once more. Leaving you all alone once again in the forest.
I whimper, trying to shrink in on myself. Don't wanna get hurt, just want food... Want some flowers... I think, my eyes still bright red from fear. I want my mama...
Simultaneously, three separate attacks lance out at the large group of skeleton. First, the beam cuts its way through the thickest of the mob. In an instant nearly half of the curent group explodes into fragments of bone and metal as the path of destruction is carved through the horde. Next, eldritch tentacles lance out and pick through the majority of the survivors. Feebly they attempt to swing their weapons at the tentacles binding them. But to little effect on the eldritch being consuming them whole. Finally, what few survivors from the initial horde suddenly are set ablaze. While the fire is not enough to entirely stop them, it does significantly slow them down.

Yet for all the damage done in the attacks, still more skeletons crawl from the ground below. Quickly replacing those lost, and yet more. As the numbers of the undead rise, so to does their quality of arms. Now their weapons are less frequently broken, and some among them bear armor that almost seems to glow in the moonlight however slightly.

At this point, inertia is setting in however, as the more Rye consumes, the more her form swells and grows, more and more tendrils lashing out, as the gaping maw shifts from something mearly for consuming designed to crush armor, instead of merely impale and stab with fangs, while tendrils grew thicker and denser, to better resist attampts to cut though them, the beginnings of what seemed to be chitnous plates starting to grow on them.
Ramiel, The Thunder of God
True Form - Human Form

Simultaneously, three separate attacks lance out at the large group of skeleton. First, the beam cuts its way through the thickest of the mob. In an instant nearly half of the curent group explodes into fragments of bone and metal as the path of destruction is carved through the horde. Next, eldritch tentacles lance out and pick through the majority of the survivors. Feebly they attempt to swing their weapons at the tentacles binding them. But to little effect on the eldritch being consuming them whole. Finally, what few survivors from the initial horde suddenly are set ablaze. While the fire is not enough to entirely stop them, it does significantly slow them down.

Yet for all the damage done in the attacks, still more skeletons crawl from the ground below. Quickly replacing those lost, and yet more. As the numbers of the undead rise, so to does their quality of arms. Now their weapons are less frequently broken, and some among them bear armor that almost seems to glow in the moonlight however slightly.
'... Ah! There's more!?'

'And... some of them look... new? upgraded? What the fuck?'

Feeling something wrong, I aimed at the skellies with glowing armor and charged my laser beam. My body shifts into a star-shaped object, then it does twice more each larger than the previous and fired.

This time, instead of a scything beam, it's a focused beam.

'Eat shit Skelllies!'

While you can't see the effects directly of your attacks, shortly after the lightning attack is sent you hear the sounds of bones shattering as you quickly leave the clearing behind you.

As the three of you quickly make your way from the clearing, the sounds of battle quickly begin to fade. Save for the occasional blast or scream, the battle is far behind you. Gradually as you make your way closer to the sounds of the howls, they suddenly cease entirely. You all stop though, as you feel the presence of something staring at you from the shadows surrounding you. From the darkness behind a tree a short ways in the distance you something moving. Only once it steps fully into the moonlight do you find the source of the howls.

By the appearance of the wolf, much like the skeletons, it died long ago. But yet unlike the skeletons it never fully rotted away. As stands before you is an undead wolf, seemingly the Alpha of the pack that you now realize surrounds you. Yet they don't attack, as after a brief second of eye contact the all retreat back into the darkness once more. Leaving you all alone once again in the forest.

I let out a held breath, in relief at the wolves deciding to go elsewhere.

"Let's keep going?" I suggest. Now that I'm in the forest, I stretch out my biosense, searching for forms of life in this forest. Maybe this is at least more welcoming to me than the clearing behind...?
By the appearance of the wolf, much like the skeletons, it died long ago. But yet unlike the skeletons it never fully rotted away. As stands before you is an undead wolf, seemingly the Alpha of the pack that you now realize surrounds you. Yet they don't attack, as after a brief second of eye contact the all retreat back into the darkness once more. Leaving you all alone once again in the forest.
I whimper, trying to shrink in on myself. Don't wanna get hurt, just want food... Want some flowers... I think, my eyes still bright red from fear. I want my mama...
I scratch gently Babyzilla, still tense from the undead wolves' departure.
I let out a held breath, in relief at the wolves deciding to go elsewhere.

"Let's keep going?" I suggest. Now that I'm in the forest, I stretch out my biosense, searching for forms of life in this forest. Maybe this is at least more welcoming to me than the clearing behind...?
Snorting, I release the breath I wasn't even aware I was holding.

"Y-yeah." Patting the baby lizard in my arms, I chuckle as the distant sounds of others having fun echoes through the forest. "We still need to find some food for the kid, and ourselves too, I think."
Simultaneously, three separate attacks lance out at the large group of skeleton. First, the beam cuts its way through the thickest of the mob. In an instant nearly half of the curent group explodes into fragments of bone and metal as the path of destruction is carved through the horde. Next, eldritch tentacles lance out and pick through the majority of the survivors. Feebly they attempt to swing their weapons at the tentacles binding them. But to little effect on the eldritch being consuming them whole. Finally, what few survivors from the initial horde suddenly are set ablaze. While the fire is not enough to entirely stop them, it does significantly slow them down.

Yet for all the damage done in the attacks, still more skeletons crawl from the ground below. Quickly replacing those lost, and yet more. As the numbers of the undead rise, so to does their quality of arms. Now their weapons are less frequently broken, and some among them bear armor that almost seems to glow in the moonlight however slightly.

@shinkiro @Ryven Razgriz @ForgottonFuture
I hiss and throw more dust at the glowing skeletons with a flick of my wings, before blasting the dust with my fire breath. That should catch the bastards in a explosion or five and drive them back. "Where the hell are they coming from?"