Monsters Lost in a New World


Glorious GM-Chan
The Abyss
You awaken very groggily to the sound of a wolf howling in the distance. It takes you a few seconds before you realize you have no idea where you are, and a few more after that before you notice the new body, with incomplete memories to go with it. After you manage to pull yourself from the hard ground, you look around to see you'd awoken in a large clearing of a dense forest. But the forest seems almost devoid of life, most of the trees seem dead, and a thin fog coats the area. blocking vision far out, but you can still make out the shape of some ruins in the distance.

A quick glance around the clearing shows some no signs of life anyway, with the very ground itself blackened an unusual color. Like the very dirt itself was dead. Some parts of the clearing shows pieces of armor, weapons, or even bones sticking from the ground. Showing signs of a past battle in the area. A tattered but long faded banner sits near the edge of the clearing in the direction of the ruins.

@UbeOne @ForgottonFuture @Omida @shinkiro @Ryven Razgriz @KamenRaidaOOO3
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You awaken very groggily to the sound of a wolf howling in the distance. It takes you a few seconds before you realize you have no idea where you are, and a few more after that before you notice the new body, with incomplete memories to go with it. After you manage to pull yourself from the hard ground, you look around to see you'd awoken in a large clearing of a dense forest. But the forest seems almost devoid of life, most of the trees seem dead, and a thin fog coats the area. blocking vision far out, but you can still make out the shape of some ruins in the distance.

A quick glance around the clearing shows some no signs of life anyway, with the very ground itself blackened an unusual color. Like the very dirt itself was dead. Some parts of the clearing shows pieces of armor, weapons, or even bones sticking from the ground. Showing signs of a past battle in the area. A tattered but long faded banner sits near the edge of the clearing in the direction of the ruins.

Any bones where quickly drawn into the newly formed gaping maw of Rhy by a multitude of black tendrils, an instinctual and unearthly hunger briefly overwhelming her higher thought process, the crunching of bone eventually bringing her back to her senses as she looked about in confusion. "wh... what happend?" She asked in barly constrained panic, even as her body shifted unnervingly.
You awaken very groggily to the sound of a wolf howling in the distance. It takes you a few seconds before you realize you have no idea where you are, and a few more after that before you notice the new body, with incomplete memories to go with it. After you manage to pull yourself from the hard ground, you look around to see you'd awoken in a large clearing of a dense forest. But the forest seems almost devoid of life, most of the trees seem dead, and a thin fog coats the area. blocking vision far out, but you can still make out the shape of some ruins in the distance.

A quick glance around the clearing shows some no signs of life anyway, with the very ground itself blackened an unusual color. Like the very dirt itself was dead. Some parts of the clearing shows pieces of armor, weapons, or even bones sticking from the ground. Showing signs of a past battle in the area. A tattered but long faded banner sits near the edge of the clearing in the direction of the ruins.
I blink, before making a very scared noise, curling in on myself with my eyes glowing red, hoping for mama to come find me. Mama where are you...? I'm scared... and hungry... please... come find me...
The Thunder of God
True Form - Human Form

Awareness came in as if a switch turned on. I awoke to a field of dead trees littered with bits of metal, some weapons, some armor while some are tattered cloth of some kind, some of flags and some of apparels. I tried to stand up but my body did not respond for reasons unknown to me.

I looked down and saw my body, enclosed in what seemed to be a gem of some kind in blue coloration and with no limbs to stand upon. I sighed out of reflex and yet what came out was not a voice but a sound heard only in keyboard instrument mixed with a metallic sheen and slight high-pitched vibrato of... a hum of some kind.

Instead of panicking, I was irritated for reasons unknown to me. 'How dare this body be so inconvenient! How am I supposed to stand! Stand damn you!'

With nary a warning, my avatar struck up and stayed floating in place. 'Well, that was convenient, I just have to actively think of it huh.'

I looked at my body again and studied my form. I seem to be two triangles, nay, two pyramids welded together, a... what was it called again? Pentagon? No wait pentagon is five sides and I have more... octagon...? No that doesn't sound right either... octahedron!

Yeah, Octahedron. A blu...e... octa...hedron... with a red core...

And I make... strange... humming... sounds...

I'm Ramiel aren't I?

... Fuck.

You awaken very groggily to the sound of a wolf howling in the distance. It takes you a few seconds before you realize you have no idea where you are, and a few more after that before you notice the new body, with incomplete memories to go with it. After you manage to pull yourself from the hard ground, you look around to see you'd awoken in a large clearing of a dense forest. But the forest seems almost devoid of life, most of the trees seem dead, and a thin fog coats the area. blocking vision far out, but you can still make out the shape of some ruins in the distance.

A quick glance around the clearing shows some no signs of life anyway, with the very ground itself blackened an unusual color. Like the very dirt itself was dead. Some parts of the clearing shows pieces of armor, weapons, or even bones sticking from the ground. Showing signs of a past battle in the area. A tattered but long faded banner sits near the edge of the clearing in the direction of the ruins.

@UbeOne @ForgottonFuture @Omida @shinkiro @Ryven Razgriz @KamenRaidaOOO3

I can't help but feel. Myself, the world around me, the sensation of being different, yet oh so right, so soft, so strong, and so full of life, in a place unknown to me, a dead place. Though I feel the presence of a few major signs of life near me, other beings, along with minuscule presence of micro-sized ones, the more scavenger-y organisms.

Ah, the bliss of finally being a girl, curves and everything, and that feeling of being so in tune with my now-cyan body, such that I feel even my own cells working with me, within me... actually, I realize that they are me, minuscule mental presences working as one. It turns out that I have become what they call "Mitochondria Eve", with this body as being more of a living suit and home for myself. Except I have no interest in Ultimate Beings, nor trying to show the superiority of certain cellular powerhouses over the rest of life. Rather, I find myself to be more of an artist, appreciating and painting the world around me, a living canvas.

I idly put out my definitely feminine hand, and shiver in delight as I will it to transform, fur and claws gently sprouting as I please, bones softly crackling to make way for them. Then, I make the changes revert. Oh, it feels so good.

On a side note, this body feels like clothing all its own, not so different from the skin of an amphibian, or the fur of a wolf, or the scales of a snake. So in that case, I'm never naked at all.

As for this place... it feels like the ruins of a battlefield. I imagine that life will eventually find a way back to this area, but I can make it go faster...

Or we could make our way to the ruins over there as a temporary home, what with being in a place I do not know. It's scary, yet my new body feels oh so comforting.

Any bones where quickly drawn into the newly formed gaping maw of Rhy by a multitude of black tendrils, an instinctual and unearthly hunger briefly overwhelming her higher thought process, the crunching of bone eventually bringing her back to her senses as she looked about in confusion. "wh... what happend?" She asked in barly constrained panic, even as her body shifted unnervingly.

I shrug in response, though also in startlement and wonder. Talk about a rather eldritch eater over there. She feels... weird, even to my newfound sense for life. She's like many things at once, merely putting on a mask of one thing for my sake. She also reminds me of a certain host of a blackened Holy Grail. "You ate bones," I answer, "Still hungry?"

I blink, before making a very scared noise, curling in on myself with my eyes glowing red, hoping for mama to come find me. Mama where are you...? I'm scared... and hungry... please... come find me...

And that... so this is what maternal instincts feel like... as an Eve, creating and nurturing life has become my thing, and with someone who feels very new, as in, very young, and lost, and vulnerable...

I can't help but come over to the reptilian youngling, who looks more scared than scary. They remind me of, hm... a much smaller, much younger, much slimmer Godzilla, like, a level one version of it. "Um... will you be okay?" I ask, "It doesn't look welcoming here. I'm not your mom, but maybe I could help?" It feels so good, a validation of myself, to verbally refer to myself in a feminine manner.

...Now I feel a bit foolish for trying to communicate like an adult in case he doesn't get the message. So I try to mentally convey my protective intentions via direct communication with his cells, his mitochondria, some of which are part of a living being's mind. Rather than speech, it'd be more of feelings, emotions, intentions, maybe mental imagery if that could work.
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And that... so this is what maternal instincts feel like... as an Eve, creating and nurturing life has become my thing, and with someone who feels very new, as in, very young, and lost, and vulnerable...

I can't help but come over to the reptilian youngling, who looks more scared than scary. They remind me of, hm... a much smaller, much younger, much slimmer Godzilla, like, a level one version of it. "Um... will you be okay?" I ask, "It doesn't look welcoming here. I'm not your mom, but maybe I could help?" It feels so good, a validation of myself, to verbally refer to myself in a feminine manner.

...Now I feel a bit foolish for trying to communicate like an adult in case he doesn't get the message. So I try to mentally convey my protective intentions via direct communication with his cells, his mitochondria, some of which are part of a living being's mind. Rather than speech, it'd be more of feelings, emotions, intentions, maybe mental imagery if that could work.
I shuffle closer to the nice one, eyes still glowing red from my fear. I want my mama... I think as I nuzzle the nice one. I'm hungry... and scared... I was on my rock... I wanna go home... I sniffle a bit and whimper. Where's my mama...?
I shrug in response, though also in startlement and wonder. Talk about a rather eldritch eater over there. She feels... weird, even to my newfound sense for life. She's like many things at once, merely putting on a mask of one thing for my sake. She also reminds me of a certain host of a blackened Holy Grail. "You ate bones," I answer, "Still hungry?"

She nods. "An empty void yerns to be filled." She said, examining her body, and focusing on her hand, as it started to quiver cycling though several different monstrous forms before returning to normal. "Alive... yet not." She muttered, almost trance-like, as she started moving about restlessly, truning over armor and other assorted bits for more bones to find and consume.
You awaken very groggily to the sound of a wolf howling in the distance. It takes you a few seconds before you realize you have no idea where you are, and a few more after that before you notice the new body, with incomplete memories to go with it. After you manage to pull yourself from the hard ground, you look around to see you'd awoken in a large clearing of a dense forest. But the forest seems almost devoid of life, most of the trees seem dead, and a thin fog coats the area. blocking vision far out, but you can still make out the shape of some ruins in the distance.

A quick glance around the clearing shows some no signs of life anyway, with the very ground itself blackened an unusual color. Like the very dirt itself was dead. Some parts of the clearing shows pieces of armor, weapons, or even bones sticking from the ground. Showing signs of a past battle in the area. A tattered but long faded banner sits near the edge of the clearing in the direction of the ruins.
Yawning, I wake up from my dream before the surrounding hit me. Blinking, I take in the dead landscape and some decidedly less than human fellows waking up with me. Then, I register additional weight on top of my head registers, as well as something sticking from the bottom of my spine. I gingerly touch the top of my head, coming across a pair of hard, sharp protrusions. I touch them a bit to get a feel for them before coming to conclusions.

... Horns?

That just left the stuff on my back... at which point the offending appendage lazily drifts into my view, the split ending wagging slowly from side to side. Carefully, I reach forward, touching it, my mind absentmindedly noting the gloved, feminine hands.

So. Isekai.

As soon as I came to the conclusion, the howling of the wolves reached my ears. Jumping to my feet in one swift motion, I look at the others, ready to warn them of the da-...
I blink, before making a very scared noise, curling in on myself with my eyes glowing red, hoping for mama to come find me. Mama where are you...? I'm scared... and hungry... please... come find me...
I shuffle closer to the nice one, eyes still glowing red from my fear. I want my mama... I think as I nuzzle the nice one. I'm hungry... and scared... I was on my rock... I wanna go home... I sniffle a bit and whimper. Where's my mama...?
The sound that escapes my mouth is not a squeal. Definitely not. Nuuh. While I may be excited to see an adorable little baby lizard looking like mini-godzilla, I was most definitely able to contain the instinctive reaction of all living beings to cuteness.

Skipping forward to it, I purred.

"Awww, who is the cutie?" Blushing lightly, I reach slowly, making sure not to startle baby godzilla. "You are so adorable, and you are going to grow into big, strong dragon, aren't you?"
Ramiel The Thunder of God
True Form - Human Form

With something bubbling within me, and me knowing what it is, I sighed and look straight up to the skies itself. 'You know... had you only ask, I would've accepted being a civilization-ending geometric eldritch monstrosity named after the Thunder of God with the form precisely that of the one in the anime but...'

The bubbling anger within me built up more and more as I monologue. '... but god fucking damn it you son of a bitch!'

The only warning was an eldritch scream of some kind before a beam of light manifested and struck the skies and bore holes through the clouds.

'Ah.' Realizing that I accidentally fired a beam of fuck-off laser to the skies brought me back. 'Double fuck.'
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The sound that escapes my mouth is not a squeal. Definitely not. Nuuh. While I may be excited to see an adorable little baby lizard looking like mini-godzilla, I was most definitely able to contain the instinctive reaction of all living beings to cuteness.

Skipping forward to it, I purred.

"Awww, who is the cutie?" Blushing lightly, I reach slowly, making sure not to startle baby godzilla. "You are so adorable, and you are going to grow into big, strong dragon, aren't you?"
I smell a mix of what Mama is and a flying fire breather coming closer, and look. Pretty... I think before sniffing her. I want my mama but... big sisters are nice too... I bump her hand with the top of my head. Then my stomach growls before-
With something bubbling within me, and me knowing what it is, I sighed and look straight up to the skies itself. 'You know... had you only ask, I would've accepted being a civilization-ending geometric eldritch monstrosity named after the Thunder of God with the form precisely that of the one in the anime but...'

The bubbling anger within me built up more and more as I monologue. '... but god fucking damn it you son of a bitch!'

The only warning was an eldritch scream of some kind before a beam of light manifested and struck the skies and bore holes through the clouds.

'Ah.' Realizing that I accidentally fired a beam of fuck-off laser to the skies brought me back. 'Double fuck.'
I make a terrified noise and try to put the pretty fire breather and the nice one between me and the scary noise. Mama, someone, save me! I don't wanna be here!

(@UbeOne @Omida you can sense my distress)
You awaken very groggily to the sound of a wolf howling in the distance. It takes you a few seconds before you realize you have no idea where you are, and a few more after that before you notice the new body, with incomplete memories to go with it. After you manage to pull yourself from the hard ground, you look around to see you'd awoken in a large clearing of a dense forest. But the forest seems almost devoid of life, most of the trees seem dead, and a thin fog coats the area. blocking vision far out, but you can still make out the shape of some ruins in the distance.

A quick glance around the clearing shows some no signs of life anyway, with the very ground itself blackened an unusual color. Like the very dirt itself was dead. Some parts of the clearing shows pieces of armor, weapons, or even bones sticking from the ground. Showing signs of a past battle in the area. A tattered but long faded banner sits near the edge of the clearing in the direction of the ruins.
I groan as I get up, my head pounding. "Quiet down for fuck's sake. And ugh.. where.. the.. hell am I..?" I blink, ears(?) going flat as I register my voice is different.. Right even? I quickly examine myself which.. yeah. My body's been fixed. It's right. Sure I'm a monstergirl for some strange fucking reason, but that pales to the fact my body is right. With euphoria driving my heart to pound in my chest, I hug myself close, tail flicking happily. This is all going to go well, because my body's fucking right. I feel amazing and no one is going to take this away from me.
I smell a mix of what Mama is and a flying fire breather coming closer, and look. Pretty... I think before sniffing her. I want my mama but... big sisters are nice too... I bump her hand with the top of my head. Then my stomach growls before-
I pat and scratch mini-godzilla's head and neck, giggling as I hear the growling stomach.

"Awww, when was the last time you ate? Don't worry your big sister is gonna take care of it." As another wolf howl sounds trough the air, I cannot help but giggle. "Lu-cky~, the meal is coming to us! Isn't it great, little guy?"
Ramiel The Thunder of God
True Form - Human Form

With something bubbling within me, and me knowing what it is, I sighed and look straight up to the skies itself. 'You know... had you only ask, I would've accepted being a civilization-ending geometric eldritch monstrosity named after the Thunder of God with the form precisely that of the one in the anime but...'

The bubbling anger within me built up more and more as I monologue. '... but god fucking damn it you son of a bitch!'

The only warning was an eldritch scream of some kind before a beam of light manifested and struck the skies and bore holes through the clouds.

'Ah.' Realizing that I accidentally fired a beam of fuck-off laser to the skies brought me back. 'Double fuck.'

I make a terrified noise and try to put the pretty fire breather and the nice one between me and the scary noise. Mama, someone, save me! I don't wanna be here!
Shooting the geometrical being a stinky eye, I snuggle maybe-radioactive lizard to my chest without stopping the scratches and the pats.

"That is, if some folks don't scare it away."
I pat and scratch mini-godzilla's head and neck, giggling as I hear the growling stomach.

"Awww, when was the last time you ate? Don't worry your big sister is gonna take care of it." As another wolf howl sounds trough the air, I cannot help but giggle. "Lu-cky~, the meal is coming to us! Isn't it great, little guy?"

Shooting the geometrical being a stinky eye, I snuggle maybe-radioactive lizard to my chest without stopping the scratches and the pats.

"That is, if some folks don't scare it away."
I lean into the affection, though I make a bit of a face at the idea of eating meat. I want flowers... they're tasty... I don't like meat...
I lean into the affection, though I make a bit of a face at the idea of eating meat. I want flowers... they're tasty... I don't like meat...
Noticing the grimace, or the rough approximation on the reptilian face, I sigh."Hmmm~? Not a fan of meat then? You are still going to need it to get big and strong like I know you will. Bu-ut~!" I stave off any complaints. "We can find some nice patch of greenery, and make sure there is more of it than meat. If we are lucky, maybe we will even find some herbs!"

I facepalm at that sudden beam being fired into the sky. "If your idea is to draw attention, that'd certainly work," I dryly remark. Talk about someone there screaming geometrically over there.

Seeing the distressed Minizilla has me patting the reptile while one of the two dragon-ladies does the snuggling. "I could grow some of that greenery," I offer, before turning towards said dragon lady (@Omida). "Hi, what's your name? I'm Rae."
Seeing the distressed Minizilla has me patting the reptile while one of the two dragon-ladies does the snuggling. "I could grow some of that greenery," I offer, before turning towards said dragon lady (@Omida). "Hi, what's your name? I'm Rae."
"Erzsébet." I reply with a smile. "And if you don't mind, please. Some fresh fruits and vegetables, maybe a herb or two. I would offer to go take care of the wolves so we have some meat mixed in bu-ut..." I cough to the side, a small cloud of purple gas escaping my mouth "I am not sure how well others would take to poisoned meat."

"Erzsébet." I reply with a smile. "And if you don't mind, please. Some fresh fruits and vegetables, maybe a herb or two. I would offer to go take care of the wolves so we have some meat mixed in bu-ut..." I cough to the side, a small cloud of purple gas escaping my mouth "I am not sure how well others would take to poisoned meat."

Erzsebet? Interesting, so the aged-up resemblance to a certain Bathory is more than skin-deep, except without the idol thing going on, and with poison instead of sound.

"Fair," I answer, before crouching and laying my hands close to the ground. Lemme see about growing a bit of flora here, by empowering the local cells around me...

And so some greenery begins to sprout...

((Edit due to GM result))

...Only for me to find them wilting as soon as they grow. Pouring a bit more power merely makes them last only a smidgen longer before dying. Somehow this environment isn't suited to the growth of things, and if anything, it's as if it promotes death instead of life. Something is wrong here. Is it a field effect?

"On second thought, we have a problem."
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Erzsebet? Interesting, so the aged-up resemblance to a certain Bathory is more than skin-deep, except without the idol thing going on, and with poison instead of sound.

"Fair," I answer, before crouching and laying my hands close to the ground. Lemme see about growing a bit of flora here, by empowering the local cells around me...

And so some greenery begins to sprout...

((Edit due to GM result))

...Only for me to find them wilting as soon as they grow. Pouring a bit more power merely makes them last only a smidgen longer before dying. Somehow this environment isn't suited to the growth of things, and if anything, it's as if it promotes death instead of life. Something is wrong here. Is it a field effect?

"On second thought, we have a problem."
I frown even as I snuggle Minizilla to my chest. That's not good then.

"Hmmmm~... We will need to relocate then." Another howl resounds in the distance. Giving the Babyzilla a quick glance, I continue. "Well then, let's just... make our way towards the wolves. Even if they move while we cover the distance, we should find something more edible away from this place."
Ramiel The Thunder of God
True Form - Human Form

I forced myself to power down and--


'Ah fuck. I fell.'

With an inaudible sigh, I powered myself back up and I floated up. 'There we go, back up again.'

Uh... How do I move again? 'Go forward Me!'

'... Well, that didn't work, right how about if I just will it then?'

As willed, my body moved forward. 'There we go. Now, reverse and are...'

The blue diamond-shaped body reversed and then turned right as willed. As it did, I saw several other beings, some humanoid, some not, quite near. 'Ah, there's others?'

One of them looked directly at me and shot me a not-quite-hostile but definitely not-so-friendly stare. 'Ah, fuck. Was it because of my beam earlier? Ugh'

Shaking my non-existent head, which apparently translated to me body shaking left and right, I willed myself to come closer to them and said hi.

Or would've had I have a mouth to speak off of.
...Only for me to find them wilting as soon as they grow. Pouring a bit more power merely makes them last only a smidgen longer before dying. Somehow this environment isn't suited to the growth of things, and if anything, it's as if it promotes death instead of life. Something is wrong here. Is it a field effect?

"On second thought, we have a problem."
Rhy turned from hunting down more bones to consume, noticing the dying plants, and slowly trundled over, eyeing the dying plants with a primal hunger. Food was food, as her body warped again, tendrils ready to pull the dying life inside a newly formed gaping maw.
GM Post 1
Shortly after the plant dies, a rumbling begins to shake the ground all around you as a dense fog rolls in from nowhere. A purple light shines up from deep beneath the ground below you as a skeletal hand shoots up from the ground. Followed shortly thereafter by another, and another. As skeletal warriors wearing well worn armor and broken weapons pull themselves from the earth all around you. Their teeth clack together as they stare at you, before shambling over in a large mob. Behind the mob a group of skeletal archers take position and begin to draw their bows. While more and more of the comrades pull themselves up to join the fight. Meanwhile in the distance, the howls grow ever closer, ever more chilling to the bone.
Shortly after the plant dies, a rumbling begins to shake the ground all around you as a dense fog rolls in from nowhere. A purple light shines up from deep beneath the ground below you as a skeletal hand shoots up from the ground. Followed shortly thereafter by another, and another. As skeletal warriors wearing well worn armor and broken weapons pull themselves from the earth all around you. Their teeth clack together as they stare at you, before shambling over in a large mob. Behind the mob a group of skeletal archers take position and begin to draw their bows. While more and more of the comrades pull themselves up to join the fight. Meanwhile in the distance, the howls grow ever closer, ever more chilling to the bone.
I shriek in terror as the bones start to stand and such. Nonononononononono! My eyes glow bright red as I try to hide behind the nice one and the pretty one. MAMA SAVE ME!!!

(@Omida and @UbeOne can definitely feel my distress now)
Ramiel The Thunder of God
True Form - Human Form

I stopped my advance as soon as some kind of... rumbling sound begins.


Shortly after the plant dies, a rumbling begins to shake the ground all around you as a dense fog rolls in from nowhere. A purple light shines up from deep beneath the ground below you as a skeletal hand shoots up from the ground.

Followed shortly thereafter by another, and another.
Uh oh... uh...

Are... are these Minecraft Skeletons?

As skeletal warriors wearing well worn armor and broken weapons pull themselves from the earth all around you.


Their teeth clack together as they stare at you, before shambling over in a large mob. Behind the mob a group of skeletal archers take position and begin to draw their bows. While more and more of the comrades pull themselves up to join the fight. Meanwhile in the distance, the howls grow ever closer, ever more chilling to the bone.

And just in time, as I floated above the... others... while interally screaming, I somehow managed to charge my laser beam and fired a scything beam to hose down the skeletons.
Shortly after the plant dies, a rumbling begins to shake the ground all around you as a dense fog rolls in from nowhere. A purple light shines up from deep beneath the ground below you as a skeletal hand shoots up from the ground. Followed shortly thereafter by another, and another. As skeletal warriors wearing well worn armor and broken weapons pull themselves from the earth all around you. Their teeth clack together as they stare at you, before shambling over in a large mob. Behind the mob a group of skeletal archers take position and begin to draw their bows. While more and more of the comrades pull themselves up to join the fight. Meanwhile in the distance, the howls grow ever closer, ever more chilling to the bone.

Rhy Emitted an unearthly screech as her eyes seemed to glaze over, before her body quivered and erupted into a withering, migrain inducing mass of tentacles, mouths, and eyes, tentacles lashing out and trying to draw a warrior into a massive gaping maw of razor teeth to be consumed whole, as she wailed something in an unkown language.
Shortly after the plant dies, a rumbling begins to shake the ground all around you as a dense fog rolls in from nowhere. A purple light shines up from deep beneath the ground below you as a skeletal hand shoots up from the ground. Followed shortly thereafter by another, and another. As skeletal warriors wearing well worn armor and broken weapons pull themselves from the earth all around you. Their teeth clack together as they stare at you, before shambling over in a large mob. Behind the mob a group of skeletal archers take position and begin to draw their bows. While more and more of the comrades pull themselves up to join the fight. Meanwhile in the distance, the howls grow ever closer, ever more chilling to the bone.
I shriek in terror as the bones start to stand and such. Nonononononononono! My eyes glow bright red as I try to hide behind the nice one and the pretty one. MAMA SAVE ME!!!
As soon as the skeletons pop from the ground, I hug the Minizilla tighter to my chest, even as I feel the scales resurfacing all over my body.

"Shhhh... It's fiiiine, Baby, Big Sis is gonna make sure you are okay." I assure the panicking reptile, my tail snapping at the approaching skeleton. "I suggest we don't entertain the skeleton war's fresh recruits and just skedaddle. After all, we still need to find something edible for little Big Guy. And those howls sound pro-mi-sing~."

Without another word, I take off with Minizilla in my arms away from skeletons and towards the howls, shifting my scales towards my back just in case those archers got ideas.