Winning vote:
[X] Plan: Cities and Energy
Infrastructure (3 dice)
-[] Yellow Zone Reconstruction (Phase 1) (Progress 355/400: 15 Resources per dice) (x1)
-[] Modular Green Zone cities (Phase 1) (Progress 0/100: 5 Resources per dice) (x2)
Ecology (4 dice)
-[] Cleaning the Rhine (Phase 3) (Progress 33/350: 10 Resources per dice) (x4)
Heavy Industry (2 dice)
-[] Reconstruction of the Flanders industrial complex (Progress 334/350: 15 Resources per dice) (x1)
-[] Power Plants of the Green Zone (Phase 1) (Progress 0/200: 5 Resources per dice) (x3)
Military (4 dice)
-[] Military operations against rioters (Progress 0/300: 15 Resources per dice) (x4)
Service (3 dice)
-[] Refugee camps for the inhabitants of the red zone (Progress 83/350: 20 Resources per dice) (x3)
Diplomacy (2 dice)
-[] New staff (DC 50/70/90, political implications) (x2)
Science (3 dice)
-[] Creating a test reactor (Progress 0/400: 15 Resources per dice) (x3)
Resources Used: 260
Reserve: 115
[] Yellow Zone Reconstruction (Phase 1)
Unlike green areas, yellow areas have suffered significantly, but mainly from environmental problems. Currently, Barcelona and Bordeaux are almost completely flooded, and the population is forced to gradually build new neighborhoods, barely keeping pace with the rise in water levels. We can very well help them. (Progress 382/400: 15 Resources per dice)
Frimm decided slowly, but it is right to complete the reconstruction of infrastructure on the Mediterranean coast. Most of the work was completed, in its essence, on Corsica, Sardinia and the Balearic Islands, where only a fairly small number of the population lived. But together with this, it should be recognized that they have a key role in the plans to improve the situation of the population of the yellow zone. Cause for this? Their central position at the intersection of the communication paths. Therefore, it was so important to provide the local population with due infrastructure, which potentially could also serve the needs of the economy.
[] Modular Green Zone cities (Phase 1)
We could well start relocating the population from the Red Zones to the Green Zones. We do not have the resources to create full-fledged cities in the Green Zones, and it would not be very reasonable, but we could well create several cities here, created from the same type of residential blocks. They do not represent good living conditions, but the ecology of green areas is much better than in other areas. (Progress 52/100: 5 Resources per dice)
Green area for us is a fairly important element of the plan. This is the standard of residential standards in which we should strive to try to ensure the best living conditions for the entire population of Europe. In addition, they also provide a better environmental condition, where the population threatens much less health problems. Therefore, the evacuation of the population already located in our camps in the Red zone should be a priority for us. Unfortunately, although the population of Belgium accepted such news with stir, we faced a number of protests in the green zones themselves, since the population does not like the emergence of migrants.
[] Cleaning the Rhine (Phase 3)
Finally, our third item in the area of work with the Rhine is the purification of the toxic sludge that is at the bottom of the river. We will have to attract a fairly large amount of specific equipment for a project of this magnitude, which was carried out only once - from the Mississippi to the United States. (Progress 225/350: 10 Resources per dice)
But it is completely successful and without any questions, working with the Rhine, carrying out a dredging question and the fence of the silt filled with toxic materials. In fact, although the project is not yet completed, payment has already been fully issued and everything will soon be completed. The problem lies in a few other aspects - we cannot consider the project completed until it is sent to the processing of toxic silt deposits. In the end, we simply can't dump it into a bunch of river, because then it will rise to the air.
[] Reconstruction of the Flanders industrial complex
Currently, most of Flanders is flooded. It is a fact. But most of Flanders' industry was evacuated to the first and only arcology at the moment - Brussels. And for the last twenty years, high-precision machines... just sit in boxes. Of course, a lot has been damaged, but we can restore some of the factories. (Progress 416/350: 15 Resources per dice)
We also successfully carried out an open industrial complex based on enterprises from Flanders. With a big pump, we opened a new industrial complex. The symbol of the fact that even after a great mistake, the world can be restored. That industrial development does not stop in spite of everything. True, in the current situation we will need to solve one associated question.
[] Power Plants of the Green Zone (Phase 1)
The collapse of the power supply system is a serious problem for us for obvious reasons. We simply cannot expand production if we do not have enough energy. As a result, we have already sketched out a plan for the restoration of several nuclear power plants in France. (Progress 98/200: 5 Resources per dice)
But the process of restoring a full-fledged power system by us just started, and so far very far from completion in the form of a full-fledged European power system. The main problem, which we solved throughout this time, was a source of uranium for nuclear reactors, as they are designed to work with uranium, not thorium or plutonium. We decided on this issue, but the rest of the necessary work has not yet been fulfilled.
[] Military operations against rioters
After the actual separation of the UN armed forces in Europe from the rest of the peacekeeping forces, it is necessary to test the military machine we have created in order to understand its effectiveness in preventing conflict. Moreover, we already have a suitable network - rebel groups along the shores of the North Sea that are trying to act against the authorities. (Progress 279/300: 15 Resources per dice)
The use of UN troops Together with the troops of the states in the suppression of the riot led to the whole squall of criticism of the UN, and especially the Frem itself, in which someone sees a bloody maniac. We see not intermediaries, but the accomplices of oppression. On this occasion, the Frem itself even called Sri Lanka to the new UN General Headquarters for the proceedings. Although it should be recognized that because of the military fram, with extremely limited resources and in conditions of hard political pressure, she managed to break the enemy. Of course, he could not have serious resistance, but the speed deserves at least praise.
[] Refugee camps for the inhabitants of the red zone
We are forced to face a simple fact - it is impossible to instantly restore the infrastructure and houses in the red zone, and perhaps we will have to leave them altogether. But we can equip temporary camps with dugouts with army forces, where the population will live until we find more suitable conditions for them. (Progress 239/350: 20 Resources per dice)
Following the Belgian red zone, we took up the English red zone, and then the work turned out to be quite complicated, because of the huge number of wishes to use the services of our program. At the moment, we completed it hardly by three quarters, but with further allocation of finance for this, we hardly have a lack of some kind of property, and we will be able to provide approximately thirty million elementary conditions for life.
[] New staff
We can increase the amount of forces involved in our program for the reconstruction of Western Europe. It will obviously not be some huge and incredible force, but we could well attract additional personnel, the best specialists that the United Nations can offer. (DC 50/70/90, political implications)
Our first attempts to turn to the UN with a request to allocate additional people to expand our operation caused a thorough refusal, and then Frimm decided to go to Sri Lanka, where he met with the current general secretary. We have no details of what exactly was the meeting specifically, but no one doubts that she had the most affordable way to substantiate him the importance of the mission, as well as mankind in the event of a failure of this plan.
You got -5 political support:
You have one dise, select one option:
[] Employees United Nations Industrial Development
1D3 dys heavy industry
+10 to shots on ecology
[] Employees of peacekeeping operations
+5 to resolve issues in diplomacy
[] UNITED NATIONS Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
1D3 dys services
[] Creating a test reactor
We have completed the work on the theoretical substantiation of the economic efficiency of fusion energy. But the problem is that we have not yet implemented the project in practice. Therefore, we need to try to start building at least a prototype on which we can test our theories. (165/400, 15 Resources per dice)
Our work on the construction of a test reactor has just begun. The selected place for us served the surroundings of Dijon, where the design of the reactor together with the forces of Franco-Iberia began. So far, the project is not close to completion, and moreover - not fully understandable, as far as it will justify our assumptions in the field of energy innovation.
Breaking News:
It turned out that soon after Friem knocked out additional staff for themselves, several countries appealed to the Secretary-General in order to investigate the activities of Frimm for legality. To this end, she was obliged to appear at the hearing about her own actions, which were sufficiently skeptical.
From the point of view of the gathered, she failed to bring significant humanitarian programs throughout the year. The reconstruction of the heated areas of the Mediterranean at the moment is idle. The operation associated with the Rhine deserves approval, because it was possible to stop the further degradation of the environment, but this is not the most affected area. And this, in fact, not the most serious accusations, because the foregoing speaks only about her incompetence.
Even the introduction of troops in Belgium is not so bad, despite the controversial decision. However, the defendants built their position on the fact that she was much more busy with the organization of humanitarian programs, not their reasonable protection, but creating an authoritarian police state in the territory of the Red zones, for which she was reformed by the structure of the UN peacekeeping forces, which were then thrown on civil population. Not peaceful, but still civil.
Now Frimm will have to answer such accusations:
[] I do not want to justify the work done, because it was absolutely necessary. The fragmented activity of governments is completely ineffective, which has proven to turn off the energy in Europe and the winter riots reigned. Only joint efforts of the coalition under the control of the total forces can be returned to the order and stability in Europe! The UN is obliged to adopt its new, guidance, role in maintaining human existence.
[] Humanity faced a crisis that has become a serious test for us. And my actions during the research programs of new types of energy prove that I foresee this problem, but I had too little time to prevent it. The UN should take its role as something greater than the humanitarian organization, but also as a conductor of new technologies that can help humanity.
[] I refuse to recognize my guilt in what is happening, because the fault lies on all of us, at each representative of the genus of human. We caused the hardest blow to the planet, and then unwise tried to restore everything in the same form. Only by adapting to changes by creating a new cultural community, new standards of life can we solve the crisis. And I think it's true that the UN should stand at the head of political transformations, acting as an intermediary between the states of the whole world!
[] Write-in your option.
Activities of other organizations:
In the meantime, various states have not yet reacted to the speech of Frimm, but before that moment they have already conducted their own activities. So, Franco-Iberia sent significant forces to help in the construction of the reactor and promised to also complete the latest efforts in the reconstruction of the infrastructure of the Balearic Islands and Corsica in the next quarter, if the need requires that.
Integra at the same time now turned out to be much more passionate about the issue of Eastern Europe. Namely, the newly rising question of the status of the Kaliningrad region. Germany has no complaints with it, but the entire remaining Kaliningrad region is under the control of Poland, although the Slavic Federation also claims.
Finally, the North Sea Alliance, much more, was linked to the restoration of the hydroelectric power station system in Norway, which uses the energy of small mountain Norwegian rivers.
But much more disturbing should be called the crisis between the Government of Florence and Milan, which threatens to grow into war because of the issue of moving the population.
Characteristics of the state of affairs in the mandated territory:
A colossal shortage of workers.
Moderate housing shortage.
Small shortage of essential goods.
Moderate food supply.
Moderate supply of consumer goods.
Moderate shortage of capital goods.
Severe lack of energy.
Resources: 175 + 115 in reserve
Political Support: 45
Public Support: 30
Relations with Franco-Iberia = 80
Relations with England = 50
Relations with Germany = 55
Relations with Sweden = 50
Relations with Scotland = 45
Relations with Italy = 45
Relations with Padania = 45
Free Dice: 2
Infrastructure (3 dice)
[-] Green Zone Reconstruction (Phase 1)
This is currently impractical. There have been no major wars in Western Europe that could damage the housing infrastructure. It is better for us to focus on the more affected regions, where local authorities can cope on their own. (progress 0/200: 10 Resources per dice)
[] Yellow Zone Reconstruction (Phase 1)
Unlike green areas, yellow areas have suffered significantly, but mainly from environmental problems. Currently, Barcelona and Bordeaux are almost completely flooded, and the population is forced to gradually build new neighborhoods, barely keeping pace with the rise in water levels. We can very well help them. (Progress 382/400: 15 Resources per dice)
[] Modular Green Zone cities (Phase 1)
We could well start relocating the population from the Red Zones to the Green Zones. We do not have the resources to create full-fledged cities in the Green Zones, and it would not be very reasonable, but we could well create several cities here, created from the same type of residential blocks. They do not represent good living conditions, but the ecology of green areas is much better than in other areas. (Progress 52/100: 5 Resources per dice)
[] Modular Red Zone Cities (Phase 1)
We re-evaluated the resources available to us and came to the conclusion that a full-fledged reconstruction of the Red Zone at the moment is not very possible and realistic. Instead, we could start building temporary refugee cities from such buildings right inside the red zone, thereby reducing the severity of the situation in which they find themselves. (Progress 0/300: 10 Resources per dice)
Ecology (4 dice)
[] Reclamation in Iberia
Although central Iberia is one of the least economically affected areas, it is a result of the fact that it has already been severely damaged over the past half-thousand years. Once there were forests in Spain, but now it is slowly turning into a desert. And if this is not prevented, then the zone can slowly begin to turn yellow. (Progress 0/250: 10 Resources per dice)
[] Rebuilding Northern Scandinavia (Phase 2)
Fighting the reduction of permafrost in Northern Scandinavia is not very realistic and feasible. But we could well start a campaign for liming the soil in northern Scandinavia in order to reduce the level of acidity of the soil by introducing the opposite chemical compounds there .. (Progress 0/300: 10 Resources per dice)
[] Damage mitigation from flooding of the Po Valley
The Adriatic red zone became such after washing out huge volumes of fertile soil as the sea level rose. She fell into the ocean and caused the death of a huge number of organisms in the Adriatic Sea, leaving him literally dead. We can start scooping up the remaining soil to stop it from being washed away. (Progress 0/500: 20 Resources per dice)
[] Cleaning the Rhine (Phase 3)
Finally, our third item in the area of work with the Rhine is the purification of the toxic sludge that is at the bottom of the river. We will have to attract a fairly large amount of specific equipment for a project of this magnitude, which was carried out only once - from the Mississippi to the United States. (Progress 225/350: 10 Resources per dice)
Orbital (2 dice)
[] Low orbit cleanup work
Currently, the most dangerous stage in space activities is an attempt to pass a low near-earth orbit where the greatest concentration of space trash is. When colliding two objects at speeds in sixteen kilometers per second, their collision begins to calculate according to the laws of hydrodynamics. That is, the speed is so great that the solid body becomes indistinguishable from the liquid. We simply do not have a spacecraft capable of withstanding a similar collision, and it is hardly ever. Instead, we must find a way to deal with this effect. (Progress 0/350: 25 Resources per dice)
Heavy Industry (2 dice)
[] Recovery of the Rhine-Saar coal mining
The world's oil has practically ended a long time ago. So humanity was forced to go back to the times of the nineteenth century and switch to coal. Coal mining in Europe has almost ceased over the past few decades, causing a stagnation in the coal-to-liquid fuel industry. This is not the most environmentally friendly step, but it will give us energy. (Progress 0/300: 10 Resources per dice)
[] Reconstruction of the Brussels arcology
Brussels was once humanity's hope for a new era, a response to the destruction of the natural environment. Unfortunately, this was salvation only for a small circle of the elite. But it should be noted that one of the largest industrial complexes in Europe is located in Brussels. We may well update it to modern standards. (Progress 0/300: 20 Resources per dice)
[] Power Plants of the Green Zone (Phase 1)
The collapse of the power supply system is a serious problem for us for obvious reasons. We simply cannot expand production if we do not have enough energy. As a result, we have already sketched out a plan for the restoration of several nuclear power plants in France. (Progress 98/200: 5 Resources per dice)
[] Recovery of the construction industry
The second question that is necessary for us, if we want to further restore the European industry, is the restoration of the construction industry, starting from the basic things - such as the production of reinforcing piles and concrete. Potentially, this can make construction work much easier for us. (Progress 0/200: 10 Resources per dice)
Military (4 dice)
[] Military operations against rioters
After the actual separation of the UN armed forces in Europe from the rest of the peacekeeping forces, it is necessary to test the military machine we have created in order to understand its effectiveness in preventing conflict. Moreover, we already have a suitable network - rebel groups along the shores of the North Sea that are trying to act against the authorities. (Progress 279/300: 15 Resources per dice)
[] Presence in northern Germany
The North Sea coast is the second most disturbed region in the world. In Berlin, the former capital of Germany, the anarcho-communists set up their commune. Refugees from Denmark and the Netherlands accuse the government of the German Federation of inaction and smash government institutions. The hard truth is that they are simply not able to do their job, trying not to help those in need, but to transfer to a new level of life the central territories that have suffered the least. (Progress 0/200: 15 Resources per dice)
[] Additional forces
We could well announce an additional call to our armed forces of the local population in order to create militia units that could ensure order in the territory where we conduct our work. Of course, such an action will not be very popular, because no one likes the big militarization of the UN. (Progress 0/200: 5 Resources per dice)
Service (3 dice)
[] Refugee camps for the inhabitants of the red zone
We are forced to face a simple fact - it is impossible to instantly restore the infrastructure and houses in the red zone, and perhaps we will have to leave them altogether. But we can equip temporary camps with dugouts with army forces, where the population will live until we find more suitable conditions for them. (Progress 239/350: 20 Resources per dice)
[] Standardize educational standards
Europe is nowhere near as hard hit by the global crisis as China, leaving large populations still able to read and write. However, there is also a huge number of refugees who are held in harsh conditions in concentration camps throughout Western Europe. And their children often do not receive the most basic education. (Progress 0/200: 10 Resources per dice)
[] Working with the press
We need to improve the public perception of our program by working with the press. The population must understand that we are trying to provide the world with only a better future, even if they do not see it. The work of restoring the Earth will, of course, be extremely difficult and lengthy, but quite feasible. And we must convince people of this. (Progress 0/200: 10 Resources per dice)
Diplomacy (2 dice)
[] Regulation of the Berlin conflict
Forty years ago, the German capital moved to Frankfurt as Berlin became a seaside city. It is de facto ruled by a group of anarchists who created a commune there. And between them and the authorities of Germany, disgusting relations. We could try to resolve this conflict by providing at least latent hostility between the parties. (DC 60, 5 Resources per dice)
[] Regulation of Padania Conflict
The situation in the fall is approaching the beginning of the open war between the governments of Florence and Milan. On the one hand, in the interests of maintaining the world will stop conflict, but maybe Frimm will decide to give it up and use troops to establish direct control of its commissariat over the territory? (DC 80, 10 Resources per dice)
[] Allocation of emergency funds
While funding our program takes up a significant portion of UN funds, it is by no means all that the organization has. We could very well try to request additional funds given the importance of our mission to the organization. (DC 70, political implications)
[] New staff
We can increase the amount of forces involved in our program for the reconstruction of Western Europe. It will obviously not be some huge and incredible force, but we could well attract additional personnel, the best specialists that the United Nations can offer. (DC 50/70/90, political implications)
[] Resettlement program from South America
Frimm has great ties with the governments of South America, and it might well be possible to agree on a program to relocate the local skilled population to Europe as workers who will work in factories. Of course, European conservatives will not be too happy about this coincidence, but we may well ignore their opinion almost completely. (DC 30/80, political implications)
Science (3 dice)
[] Quantum mainframes
We could well be engaged in a fairly promising direction in computing, namely, work on quantum supercomputers. This is certainly not a full-fledged AI, but a very powerful tool for solving some specific scientific and informational problems. (???, 5 Resources per dice)
[] New methods of Dokuchaev
Back in the nineteenth century, the Russian scientist Dokuchaev formulated the principles of geography and the creation of cultural landscapes. He also restored black soil in the Stone Steppe near the city of Voronezh. We could try to start a new series of research in order to find new methods of land restoration. (???, 5 Resources per dice)
[] Creating a test reactor
We have completed the work on the theoretical substantiation of the economic efficiency of fusion energy. But the problem is that we have not yet implemented the project in practice. Therefore, we need to try to start building at least a prototype on which we can test our theories. (215/400, 15 Resources per dice)