Mobile Suit Gundam: Pax Iove (An Original Gundam AU Advisorquest)

[X] Coordinator of Research.

Our nation is research-focused so interacting with that may be better IMO.

[X] Head of Outreach
I prefer it over Intrigue personally.
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Our nation is research-focused so interacting with that may be better IMO.
Quaoar being research-focused means every job interacts with it. Everyone on the Consulate is appointed by the research institutions and has some background with them - the Coordinator of Research is just the closest that the academic side of things allows to a single central office. You wouldn't get high in Quaoar politics without some level of academic involvement just because of how the colony was founded and its institutions were structured.

Coordinator of Research focuses solely on it, rather than on one particular part of it alongside other responsibilities, but it will always be a part of the job.

(Each of the potential starts had their own distinct focus stat with a similar impact on overall direction - Quaoar's being obviously Learning.)
Quaoar being research-focused means every job interacts with it. Everyone on the Consulate is appointed by the research institutions and has some background with them - the Coordinator of Research is just the closest that the academic side of things allows to a single central office. You wouldn't get high in Quaoar politics without some level of academic involvement just because of how the colony was founded and its institutions were structured.

This makes me even more certain the Military gig is the way to go. We can be at the cutting edge of this first golden age of Mobile Suit development, coming up with the tactical and strategic doctrine, drafting designs of the mechs and their support craft and coming up with the training programs for the pilots.

Sure, thats probably part of the Research remit too, but our focus is likely to be more diffuse and our role might be more to facilitate the requests from admirals and generals than to set the overall agenda ourselves?
[X] Head of Outreach.
[X] Head of Security.

Outreach and Security are the main ones for me. Was gonna only vote for one but looking at how much time is left wouldn't be enough time left to possibly adjust...

Diplomacy mainly as I don't think I came across one playing as the diplomat while Intrigue can be interesting.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by fishsicles on Jul 10, 2023 at 11:29 AM, finished with 20 posts and 15 votes.
Think it's actually a tie between Coordinator of Research and Head of Security... maybe QM will just toss a coin or roll a 1d2 or something. Though now I'm interested over the latter since... well, it's similar to how Divided Loyalties started with being a Spymaster if I recall so I'm curious how being one in a Gundam universe will play out.
Adhoc vote count started by DiscordOxymoron on Jul 11, 2023 at 2:38 AM, finished with 21 posts and 16 votes.
Yeah I'm not sure why it ate that first vote there. Since this is a pretty major trajectory thing, I'd rather break the tie as a runoff than a coin flip, so I'm going to reopen the vote until this evening - if you've already voted and don't want to change it, I'm going to run it from the threadmark, so you shouldn't need to revote.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by fishsicles on Jul 11, 2023 at 7:34 AM, finished with 29 posts and 17 votes.