Mobile Suit Gundam: Harpoon

_____Revelle bumped shoulders with Achilleia on their way down the hall. She shot the squadron's top killer a sidelong glance. "I'm going one way, you're going the other. I can't have you too close to me on an OP, who's going to take care of the squadron when I punch my ticket?" She shrugged her shoulders at the thought. "I thought you'd get bored flying an unarmed transport plane, anyway. See you out there, killer."
_____Revelle bumped shoulders with Achilleia on their way down the hall. She shot the squadron's top killer a sidelong glance. "I'm going one way, you're going the other. I can't have you too close to me on an OP, who's going to take care of the squadron when I punch my ticket?" She shrugged her shoulders at the thought. "I thought you'd get bored flying an unarmed transport plane, anyway. See you out there, killer."

"Don't- "

Achilleia bit off her initial response, turning it into yet another of her grunts. The unspoken words hung in the air between the two for a moment, before she found a different response. Not a better one, just different.

"If you buy the farm, I'm just going to go out there and burn it all down," she said. "There's no STS-7 without you, and these assholes aren't worth the paper to wipe them with. I'll send every damn Zeke to you in Hell as a burnt offering."

The flames in her eyes banked down as suddenly as they'd flared.

"But yeah, you need someone who can poke holes in Zekes, right? About the one thing I can be counted on to get right."
Achilleia snorted. "Not a member of the Sierra Hotel Club any more, huh?" she said, directing her remark pointedly to no-one in particular. "Guess I'm going to have to look for something to break shit with."

She punched Callista in the arm. "Looks like it's you and me in the hangars again, Coriolle," she said. "Just like old times." @NephyrisX
"Ha," Callista snorted as she nursed her recently bruised arm, "Last I checked, I'm the one who has to pull you out of the fire."
"Don't- "

Achilleia bit off her initial response, turning it into yet another of her grunts. The unspoken words hung in the air between the two for a moment, before she found a different response. Not a better one, just different.

"If you buy the farm, I'm just going to go out there and burn it all down," she said. "There's no STS-7 without you, and these assholes aren't worth the paper to wipe them with. I'll send every damn Zeke to you in Hell as a burnt offering."

The flames in her eyes banked down as suddenly as they'd flared.

"But yeah, you need someone who can poke holes in Zekes, right? About the one thing I can be counted on to get right."
"Yeah, what she says. She's got a murderboner for every untouched Zeke out there, present company exempted," Callista swung her arms out in an imitation of a flourish, "Yeah yeah, colony bred and born. Big whoop. Anyway, I'm the gal you're looking for if you need something. Officially, by hook or by crook, I can get it. Like right now when we're pulling off the mobile suit version of a grand theft auto, you look for me. Just try not to get blood over me, right, Ach?"

Maion smiled, nodded in almost a bow, and then set off with the order. "Well then, off we go!" Then he made a small spectacle of himself as he straightened up and his expression slowly became more and more pensive. He was thinking about this - he would have to play face getting through the checkpoint with all the "how do you dos" and "no hard feelings, chaps" that would imply. He'd have to stretch the truth of himself to...evaluation? Inventory? Something he could naturally say if asked on his way through the checkpoint that would still get him hangarside, and that any fellow Federation forces manning it in the transfer would be able to follow. Bullshit wasn't his native tongue, he was a straight shooter who tended to speak his mind and romanticize the hell out of it for flavor. Would that work? He hoped it would, then finished fiddling with his uniform and picked up his feet to go get prepared.
_____"Federation's finest, I see," Cania said as half a joke. "Killers and mad women." She started to prepare for the mission ahead. There was no point objection to the operation. She was a conscript; there were few ways out that didn't involve some form of pain. Being who she was, Cania couldn't think of those painless methods.
_____"Federation's finest, I see," Cania said as half a joke. "Killers and mad women." She started to prepare for the mission ahead. There was no point objection to the operation. She was a conscript; there were few ways out that didn't involve some form of pain. Being who she was, Cania couldn't think of those painless methods.
Mack chuckled, walking besides Cania. "They're actually pretty nice. When you get to know 'em."
Ibrahim joined the rest of STS-7's pilots as they filed out of the room and into the passageway. The others bantered and engaged in gallows humor as they made their way to prepare before heading upward, but Ibrahim remained in contemplative silence for the time being as he strode, his arms swinging slightly at his sides with his steps. He was walking just behind the group of Gabrielle, Achilleia, and Callista, but just ahead of Mack and Cania.

"Federation's finest, I see," remarked fellow newcomer Cania, "Killers and mad women."

"They're actually pretty nice. When you get to know 'em,"
the young ensign with the Side 5 accent chimed in in response.

Ibrahim turned back to the two to add his own remark, "Killers are exactly what we should be in this profession. As for the madness, it's likely that we all catch the same madness with time." If he had meant it as a bit of dark humor, nothing in his tone or disposition indicated it. Ibrahim then addressed Mack more specifically, "I was briefly acquainted with Ensign Cania on the way here, but you must be Ensign Mack Robbins," Ibrahim had eyed Mack's nametag, so it was no mystery how he had figured that out from matching the surname with the list of names and ranks he had reviewed on the way from Jaburo, "I always appreciate serving with a fellow colonist in the force. Side 1, myself. You sound like Side 5."

@tankdrop24 @Carol
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"Umm... Yeah... Good to have ya, Mr. Ibs.." Mack said, nervously. In truth, him calling them killers had struck a chord with Mack. "Are you sure when you say killers, you mean, protectors, right? Because Zeon are killers, and they're the enemy."
_____"You military types are a strange bunch," Cania said. She was rather appalled by the naivety of Mack. Her irreverence couldn't hide for long. "If you smash those one-eyed Zekes—splitting them into atoms or worse—it looks plenty like murder to me. Might as well own up to it."

_____Then, hooking into the line of thought, she said: "Whatever madness that is, I don't need it. I haul cargo for a living." She tapped her head. "Can't do that anymore if you fly over the cuckoo's nest."
_____"Murder implies premeditation," Revelle said. "Nothing in this war has ever felt planned to me; just a big, nuclear mess of ideas and kinetic energy." She grabbed rations and magazines from a table overflowing with ammunition and crammed them into her survival bag. They strapped heavy armored vests over their pilot suits, and then life-jackets on top of those. It was a stifling amount of equipment for pilots used to the cockpit of a mobile suit, even before they strapped on rifles with bulky sound-suppressors and the neck-bending weight of helmets with night vision devices.

_____They filed one-by-one into landing craft that looked like metal tubs, then felt the floor beneath them lurch as the cranes lowered them into the turbulent waves. One craft held the small team destined for the port, while the other held the rest of the team and a large group of marines.

_____Most of the coastline had been unguarded. California Base occupied an enormous swathe of territory, and it seemed that the Zeon forces had taken time to lick their wounds after a blistering-fast campaign to take the area. A squad of Federation marines marched in front of the pilots, pausing periodically to scan their surroundings on the mile-long walk from the coast. The heavy footfalls of Zakus echoed through the woods infrequently, and they would wait in the shadows until the sounds faded away before moving once more.

_____The depot was still pitch dark when they arrived at the perimeter fence. A marine knelt with a pair of bolt cutters and cut a square into the fence tall enough for the pilots to slip inside. The end of a cigarette flared about twenty meters away, illuminating the face of a Zeon soldier with a bandage over one eye. He spoke in hushed tones with another soldier before returning to a small campfire, the only source of light in the quiet depot.

_____The two Zeon soldiers were seated roughly in the center of a row of trucks, four of them in all. They were large, the type of heavy mover used to transport tanks or mobile suits. The first and second ones were covered with heavy tarps and sagged low on their suspension with some considerable amount of cargo, while the third seemed to be piled high with crates of supplies. The fourth had a smaller container in the bed covered with a tarp.

_____The small campfire with the soldiers was situated directly between the second and third large trucks. Beyond the row of vehicles, they could see the shape of what looked like the test hangars, half a kilometer away.

_____They waited for the Zeon soldiers to walk out of earshot before gathering at the fence. The marine squad leader waved the pilots through the fence and knelt in the cover of an over-turned container. "This is it. The skipper said you pilots call the shots from here; we'll do our best to protect you, but don't get my guys killed." He nodded to the faint flicker of flames in front of them. "Those two. Deal with them first. It looks like they gave you pilots silencers; the enemy will hear our guns right away, but you might be able to shoot those guards without being heard."

_____"We're here." Revelle said, peering through a window as the beams of spotlights waved across the harbor. Cania, Maoin, and Ibrahim were packed in with her, along with a trio of marines that had so far been tight-lipped during the voyage. The helmsman punched a practiced code into their transmitter, and after a moment the spotlight turned off, plunging the rest of their trip into darkness.

_____They stopped by a reinforced guardhouse, their small craft bobbing in the harbor. There was a large antenna array installed on the roof of the place, and a squat armored car sat on the nearby road. It was quiet save for the distant thud of mobile-suit sized footfalls.

The door cracked open, and a dirty, sweat-stained Federation soldier ushered them inside. "I don't know what they were thinking, sending such a small team," the soldier said, lit cigarette dangling from his lips. A cough came from a bundle of blankets and stained bandages on the floor. Another soldier stared blankly into the face of a long-range radio set. There were enough chairs and bunks around the guardhouse to have sat a dozen at some point. The few survivors shared the same empty stare that spoke to several days of vicious fighting. "How the hell are they gonna evacuate people on a little boat like that?"

_____"They're not," Revelle said softly. "... it's not the main reason we're here, at least. We need to get into the air field and evacuate any sensitive technology before the Zeon clean up here."

_____"Right," the soldier said, seeming even more haggard than before if it were even possible. "Good fucking luck with that. They have a Zaku just standing on the fucking airstrip, his only job is to blast anything that fucking moves. They already shot up the last team that tried to make a run for it. And our long-range comms," he said, pointing up at the ceiling. "We've been ordered not to transmit in case the Zeon take it as provocation to blow us to smithereens. Can you imagine it? The whole base. Asking for reinforcements. Evacuation. For fucking hours. Can't do a damn thing about it, even if we had enough people to do it."

_____"I'm sorry to hear that."

_____"Yeah, of course you are. Welcome to earth, jackass."

_____Revelle remained impassive, waiting only for a moment before continuing. "You said Zaku. One mobile suit?"

_____"Yeah, one. They send out a new unit to relieve it every four hours, and then they pop off a few rounds our direction so we keep out heads down. It's been like that for the past day or so; you can hear them over the radio every hour, like clockwork."

_____"We deal with the Zaku, what else is there?"

_____He sighed. "Platoon of Zeon grunts, a machine gun or two. You could get through them in the armored car, but with that bastard in the Zaku you're not getting anywhere near the airstrip."
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Mack looked at the silencer on his gun in confusion. "What kinda budget crunch are we in if we can't properly outfit the dedicate gunslingers? How are we gonna fight the zeeks industrially if we can't make enough small metal tubes fer everyone?" He took another look at the two Zeeks. "Shooting 'em could work. But that would get bloody two perfectly good uniforms. What I'm thinking is, it's probably not weird for there still to be Fed soldiers in the area. Why don't I walk up to 'em and keep 'em busy for a minute while you guys sneak behind them and knock 'em out? Then, two of us could wear those uniforms and just march right in there."
Achilleia had been just about ready to spin round and educate the newbie about the difference between legitimate killing and murder when Rev stepped in her usual offhand way. She settled for fuming silently until they were in position.

She nodded to the marine. "Your guys getting waxed is not on my to do list today. We're going to do this quiet and nasty."

Then she glared at Mack like she was trying to melt his helmet. "Bad plan. Too many moving parts. Too big a mess if anything goes wrong. I say I take the one on the left, everyone else with a suppressed weapon get the one on the right. Wait till I take my shot, then perforate the bastard. We're close enough even you dickheads can't miss."

Maion raised an eyebrow at the mention of a radio. "So, they must not have communications all that locked out...which means they might be wide open for tracking. That wouldn't surprise does open up some opportunities, if we have the right equipment. I'm guessing we haven't any anti-armor weaponry nearby that could relieve us of our big green friend?"

His expression faltered a bit, or at least he made a more concerted effort to maintain it, as he saw the sorry state of the soldiers manning the little station. These guys were haggard, a portrait of Zeon's shocking drops onto Earth in miniature. The only claim they had to the land was standing on it, and they were a few 120mm shells away from a very short, one-sided debate on that ownership.
@Kensai @tankdrop24

Marching a mile along the beach with enough equipment to make her back creak almost made Kat feel like she was back in boot camp...or campaign. The squad of marines that had gotten them to the fence line had been professional and she had fallen into old habits, scanning the treeline with each pause and resisting the urge to give out commands to her fellow pilots to cover this or that sector. She had no idea what sort of training normal pilots got, survial and evasion training perhaps, though none of the other pilots had seemed that put off by having human sized guns dropped into their arms.

Now they stood on one side of a recently cut fence, with a gaggle of Zeke's and a a truck depot on the other. Already hushed discussions of how to proceed started as the marines kept a quiet watch around the knot of pilots. She eye'd ensign Robbins as he layed out his plan even as Anemos just glared at the more junior officer. "Bad plan. Too many moving parts. Too big a mess if anything goes wrong. I say I take the one on the left, everyone else with a suppressed weapon get the one on the right. Wait till I take my shot, then perforate the bastard. We're close enough even you dickheads can't miss."

"Gonna have to agree with Anemos here Robbins." Kat replied. "Fun and interesting personal histories aside, none of us are SOCOM, best keep it simple." She explained as she glanced toward Anemos. "That said I'll volunteer to take point on the other bastard. Though I think whatever plan we have long term should include the marines." She added, nodding toward the marines. "Unless they have orders to leave after getting us in allowing them to do a hit and run raid else where might pull some attention - don't need them to risk much, just make noise and fade back into the forest.... or spot for us once we get into something bigger."
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- Port Security Team -
- Guardhouse -

Ibrahim stood back with Maion and Cania while Gabrielle conversed with the infantryman. Ibrahim kept his posture alert but not aggressive: his back was straight, his attention on the conversation at hand without speaking out of turn over his superior officer, his arms crossed in front of his rifle (which hung at the front of his torso, made bulky with gear) with his right hand gripping his left wrist.

The atmosphere in that building wasn't lost on him. The Federation had been fighting on their back foot since the opening shots of the war, and the situation had only been degrading since Zeon started landed their so-called "Earth Attack Force" and taking ground at a blistering pace. The meager upshot was that, bad as morale appeared to be here, Ibrahim had seem how much lower it could be. That the soldier in charge had even idly considered the possibility of escaping to fight another day, or had the modicum of energy to call a superior officer (from another branch, but still) a "jackass", already meant they hadn't hit true rock bottom.

The four STS-7 pilots conferred to consider their next step, with Maion first to suggest possibilities. Ibrahim added in his own perspective. "M-particle density must be low. I'm familiar with the kind of antenna array on this building, and its control equipment. I've used KBN-series arrays to feed Zeon false intel, or temporarily jam their comms if I manipulate the signal just right, though it usually doesn't work twice. It's not hard to imagine how we can buy time or divert enemy firepower if we use it right." Ibrahim then looked over his teammates, their forms obcsured as they were under all their mission gear, "We could throw off their timing for rotating their Zaku, or jam their comms right as we hit them to prevent them from calling for backup, for example."

@Sushi @Hoshino Yumemi @Carol
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Mack looked at the silencer on his gun in confusion. "What kinda budget crunch are we in if we can't properly outfit the dedicate gunslingers? How are we gonna fight the zeeks industrially if we can't make enough small metal tubes fer everyone?" He took another look at the two Zeeks. "Shooting 'em could work. But that would get bloody two perfectly good uniforms. What I'm thinking is, it's probably not weird for there still to be Fed soldiers in the area. Why don't I walk up to 'em and keep 'em busy for a minute while you guys sneak behind them and knock 'em out? Then, two of us could wear those uniforms and just march right in there."

Achilleia had been just about ready to spin round and educate the newbie about the difference between legitimate killing and murder when Rev stepped in her usual offhand way. She settled for fuming silently until they were in position.

She nodded to the marine. "Your guys getting waxed is not on my to do list today. We're going to do this quiet and nasty."

Then she glared at Mack like she was trying to melt his helmet. "Bad plan. Too many moving parts. Too big a mess if anything goes wrong. I say I take the one on the left, everyone else with a suppressed weapon get the one on the right. Wait till I take my shot, then perforate the bastard. We're close enough even you dickheads can't miss."

@Kensai @tankdrop24

Marching a mile along the beach with enough equipment to make her back creak almost made Kat feel like she was back in boot camp...or campaign. The squad of marines that had gotten them to the fence line had been professional and she had fallen into old habits, scanning the treeline with each pause and resisting the urge to give out commands to her fellow pilots to cover this or that sector. She had no idea what sort of training normal pilots got, survial and evasion training perhaps, though none of the other pilots had seemed that put off by having human sized guns dropped into their arms.

Now they stood on one side of a recently cut fence, with a gaggle of Zeke's and a a truck depot on the other. Already hushed discussions of how to proceed started as the marines kept a quiet watch around the knot of pilots. She eye'd ensign Robbins as he layed out his plan even as Anemos just glared at the more junior officer. "Bad plan. Too many moving parts. Too big a mess if anything goes wrong. I say I take the one on the left, everyone else with a suppressed weapon get the one on the right. Wait till I take my shot, then perforate the bastard. We're close enough even you dickheads can't miss."

"Gonna have to agree with Anemos here Robbins." Kat replied. "Fun and interesting personal histories aside, none of us are SOCOM, best keep it simple." She explained as she glanced toward Anemos. "That said I'll volunteer to take point on the other bastard. Though I think whatever plan we have long term should include the marines." She added, nodding toward the marines. "Unless they have orders to leave after getting us in allowing them to do a hit and run raid else where might pull some attention - don't need them to risk much, just make noise and fade back into the forest.... or spot for us once we get into something bigger."
Callista frowned as she glanced at the group she's in, resisting the urge to message her temple when they're all up in debates and arguing in hushed tones like amateurs right before a heist.

...The last part wasn't untrue, but, come on, this wasn't her first rodeo.

"Geez, guys, It's not that hard," Callista gestured towards Achilleia (@Kensai), the slight glint off her suppressor making the motion apparent, "Ach, we've done this song and dance before, yeah? I get up behind the guy on the right, drop him, then you gut the other bastard before the first guy hits the floor. It's textbook. Now shut up, and let me do my thing, then you do yours. Cool?"
_____Cania shook her head, unconvinced of the argument made. Her response was a simple: "if you say so." The conversation expanded outside of the small bubble between her and the boy; heat from both the commanding officer and the redhead convinced her not to risk a beating.

_____Having reached the target site, the ensign wiped the sweat off her brows. "A Zaku, eh? Saw a couple of eyeballs out in the shoal zone. Never this close, though." It would have been a death sentence up there. She was nearly convinced the same would happen down here.

_____"Whichever plan we're going with, just clear a way in and I can hot-wire a vehicle. Anything with two or four wheels, at least."
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Maion nodded and a satisfied smile crossed his face. "Right. We'd just need to pry their hand up and zip under before they can slap it down again, after all. In addition to setting up to throw a cross, I do think that if we throw them off subtly enough, we definitely can make a run for it as soon as we get them to flinch - we get in, the Zeeks get a black eye." Maion thought about what he said for a moment, then chuckled.

Then he considered Cania's offer for her role. "If it comes down to it, I'll be your wheelman. I've had..." he then conspicuously cleared his throat, "...experience doing airfield runs of that type."

@Sushi @Mr. Belpit @Carol
_____Revelle waited for the other pilots to take their turns before looking to Oseni. "No objections here. If we can make that Zaku clear out on its own, that armored car parked outside should deal with the enemy grunts pretty easily. Is there any way to see the hangars from here?"

_____The Fed guard waved at the bank of monitors lining the wall. "Take your pic, might have a working security feed in that area."

_____"Nothing yet... lieutenant Oseni, whatever you need to do to get our diversion ready, do it. You two," she said, looking to Cania and Maion. "Take a look at the vic outside and make sure it's functional enough for our needs."
"Geez, guys, It's not that hard," Callista gestured towards Achilleia (@Kensai), the slight glint off her suppressor making the motion apparent, "Ach, we've done this song and dance before, yeah? I get up behind the guy on the right, drop him, then you gut the other bastard before the first guy hits the floor. It's textbook. Now shut up, and let me do my thing, then you do yours. Cool?"
"Hmmm..." Mack's eyes narrowed at the enemy's campfire. "This is probably too nutty an idea, but how about I shoot one of those logs of theirs? That'll send sparks flying and probably leave 'em shaken up and easy pickings for us."
- Port Security Team -
- Guardhouse -

"Ma'am," Ibrahim nodded curtly in response to Gabrielle's orders, then immediately turned on his right heel and strode to an available seat at the monitors along the wall. He had to shift some of his gear around his waist to seat himself, but it took no time at all. He didn't acknowledge the radio man with the thousand-yard stare seated nearby.

"Very familiar control array," he murmurred, as much to himself as to those around him, "I trained on setups almost identical to this one."

After taking a brief moment to familiarize himself with where all the controls were, Ibrahim began checking to see what security camera feeds he could pull up on the monitor.

"I can likely slip into their networks, Lieutenant," he said as he worked, now addressing his commander, "And I can fool the Zaku into walking away, but as you can imagine, it won't take long before the enemy will realize what's happened. Given the importance of timing here, I will work on cracking into their comms, then wait for your signal to give the Zeons their false orders."
"Oh, hell with it." Mack quietly dropped to one knee, and shouldered his weapon. He took aim at one of the logs, standing perfectly still, being consumed by the flames. Like a colony cylinder and a nuclear blossom.

No, not now.

Mack controlled his breathing, exhaled, and squeezed. There was a quiet puff from from the end of his gun, and then log exploded into the air.
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Truck Depot

Callista gestured towards Achilleia (@Kensai), the slight glint off her suppressor making the motion apparent, "Ach, we've done this song and dance before, yeah? I get up behind the guy on the right, drop him, then you gut the other bastard before the first guy hits the floor. It's textbook. Now shut up, and let me do my thing, then you do yours. Cool?"

Leto huffed, eyeing the two Zeke sentries with no small amount of trepidation as she considered the situation carefully. "I can't trust myself to aim properly with only one working eyeball. I'll come with you. Should be safer with a buddy, right?"

The one-eyed woman jerked her head sharply in the direction of the campfire, faintly visible among the trucks. "The trucks are good for concealment if we move slow. They won't see us coming 'til we've got the drop on the fuckers so how about you guys tag one and we'll... drop the other, just as the ensign said."

The basics of the plan had been ironed out but there was still some further, whispered discussion before everyone had agreed on a course of action. That was how Leto eventually found herself keeping low as she hugged the shadows of the trucks and enjoying the irony in the situation she was currently in, despite how she claimed earlier that she wasn't some covert ops, black ops, spec ops, whatever the heck operator.

She was in front of a truck cabin now. The other ensign, Callista her name is Callista, was nowhere to be seen but Leto knew she was somewhere close by. She inched closer towards the corner of the cabin, peeking out slightly and seeing the two Zeke sentries were still none the wiser to the Federation forces slowly closing in on them.

Mack controlled his breathing, exhaled, and squeezed. There was a quiet puff from from the end of his gun, and then log exploded into the air.


Leto burst into action, tearing around the corner of the cabin and sprinting for the closest Zeke sentry who luckily had his back turned towards her. He had stood up in shock, his weapon left discarded by the side as his brain began to to process the fact that they were under attack.

Too late.

Leto reached out towards the Zeke, who was missing an eye just like her, intent on ending him.

Her right arm snaked around his neck, hand grasping at the bicep of her left arm which was already positioned behind the Zeke sentry's head catching him in a classic chokehold. Caught off guard as he was, there was little to no chance of escape once she had completed the lock and so she began to apply pressure and squeeze.

The Zeke guard choked and flailed, hands prying at the arm she had wrapped around his neck but he was slowing. Weakening. A combination of a lack of oxygen and a constricted blood flow meant that the Zeke sentry was out like a light shortly afterwards.

Leto suddenly and unceremoniously dropped the unconscious body of the Zeon soldier, wasting a single precious moment to stare at a face that bore a wound similar to her own before realising that she was still in close-quarters combat.
"Oh, hell with it." Mack said as he fell to a knee, bringing his weapon up. Kat followed suit, bringing her own silenced weapon up, motion to one one side had to be Achilleia doing the same. Kat aimed down the sights and into the dim gloom of the truck depot, the Zeke's rendered down to silhouettes against the glare of their own fire. She held off pulling the trigger even as her sights steadied, she wasn't the one to start this party after all - she just had to wait for the right moment.

A muted crack sounded from the direction as Mack and Kat was already squeezing the trigger as a log of the Zeon's campfire exploded into the air.
You know it's a good shot when it takes you by surprise. You know it's coming. You set yourself up right. Breathe in, breathe out, hold halfway on the exhale. Take up the slack. Steady your sight picture. Lock in place. Squeeze.

And still, when the report smacks you across the face, you didn't quite see it coming because you were so focused on the target. Drawing a line of death between the muzzle and the aim point. Not quite a straight line, not even at point-blank range. The shallowest of curves. For all practical purposes, it doesn't matter. The bullet will still rip through a man's brainstem. Still drop him like a child's stuffed animal.

But for Achilleia, it does. The frown lines between her eyes crease even deeper. The Zeke sentry is dead before he can register anything out of the ordinary, his brain already incapable of processing the data as it comes in from his nerves. But it's not good enough. She wants him dead even before she takes the shot, blotted from reality by sheer will and hate.

Someone else squeezes off a burst, pumps bullets through the centre of mass of the corpse. A reverse, two-man Mozambique drill. Good practice, anyway. Never assume. Always finish the job.

Maybe it's just what the draftee said still rattling around in her mind like a spent casing. Killers and madwomen. Maybe both.