Mobile Suit Gundam: Colliding Stars

"I'm sorry for your loss. Some time ago, a radical cell of the Sons of Zeon attacked my neutral colony to 'make an example.' They destroyed entire cities, and killed thousands of people. My wife and son were among those they murdered. However, it turned out they were at odds with and a splinter group of the main organization, and were swiftly annihilated in response. If any of them survived, they're languishing in a maximum-security prison somewhere."

"Moving on, I run the Rezel Hacker-D. It's a limited-run variant of the original ReZEL. I send malware to enemy units, and screw with their input. It has problems against Newtypes who can psychically control and override their MS, but my EMP grenades make short work of them."

"Sounds good," Giovanna said. "We should find our other squad members and work out some team tactics. I figure this mission isn't going to be just showing the flag."
Terra Colony Secret Hangar
"Looks like all systems are in the green and no signs of any errors." I cheerfully said to myself as I looked on the results of the scans of my Tusche Schwarz. I got myself extra comfortable on the seat of the cockpit and continued the finishing up of the systems check. During this I had a screen up where I could listen to what is happening in the Hanger. 'I really wish I have popcorn right now.' I thought to myself as I listened on what is happenin.

"This is the life. Get to try out new machines. Read a good book and relax." I happily said to my self.
'Really wish I could be out in m
As I relaxed I had my screen on to listen into the conversation.
'Interesting they are going to have a little competition. Maybe I should join in, as a surprise.' I thought to myself.
I then use my access with the ship, I started a search to see if there is another simulator. That I can use to join in. I would be so much fun.

Gaius let the pretty ensign he'd met earlier on in the canteen leave first, they'd snuck away to his room after chatting for a while to relieve some of their stress from the combat mission. Gaius couldn't say it was all gone but he did feel better. After having waited for nearly ten minutes just in case he darted out of his room.

He headed down the corridors and halls of the large ship he was now based from in search of the hanger. Earlier on he'd been given a tour of the ship after having arrived but truthfully he'd been far too tired from the long haul earth to spaceside flight to really pay attention to where everything was. Thank god that the Federation put some signs up he thought as he finally arrived at the hanger. Above him hung a row of Mobile Suits, stern and unyeilding steel submitted to the flesh and emotion of humanity. Here was Zeon's judgement. For his Mother he thought as he remembered the stories his father had shared of how the Zeon had murdered his mother in the wars that had wracked their generation.
Gray smiled and rolled his eyes, before pushing off the bulkhead and following the boy, matching his speed with the womans as the kid sped ahead.
"Go easy on the kid okay Ms Pirate? Poor guys putting on his best 'cool guy' act for you. Might as well humor him a bit." He looked at her sideways, grinning wryly. "You feel like getting serious, come at me instead."
With that he kicked off the wall and perfectly angled himself into one of the simulators, imputing his settings with practiced hands. The open space did not offer the familiarity of his Old Lady, but she was there in spirit, and that comforted him as he gripped the flight controls.

"And I hate making grown men cry. I tell I lie, I love it" Tan laughed in reply.

"It wouldn't be fun if I went easy on him" She said as she turned into the last remaining simulator pod and settled down in the seat and started up the machine.

"Let the games begin!"

Terra Colony Secret Hangar
"Looks like all systems are in the green and no signs of any errors." I cheerfully said to myself as I looked on the results of the scans of my Tusche Schwarz. I got myself extra comfortable on the seat of the cockpit and continued the finishing up of the systems check. During this I had a screen up where I could listen to what is happening in the Hanger. 'I really wish I have popcorn right now.' I thought to myself as I listened on what is happenin.

"This is the life. Get to try out new machines. Read a good book and relax." I happily said to my self.
'Really wish I could be out in m
As I relaxed I had my screen on to listen into the conversation.
'Interesting they are going to have a little competition. Maybe I should join in, as a surprise.' I thought to myself.
I then use my access with the ship, I started a search to see if there is another simulator. That I can use to join in. I would be so much fun.


"Well well looks like we have a party crasher guys, i'm fine with you joining in this little "party" of ours if my friends are fine with it? Besides just another person to show off my amazing Zaku to, speaking of which i'd get in fast cause i'm pulling the trigger on this NOW!!" Gene said to the new arrival how entered the simulator room right as they were about to start the mock match, before he gripped the handles of the pod and began the match with all the suits spawning in a digital war torn city.

"Since you think these are so slow and impractical old man you can have some of these!!!" Gene shouted before he unleashed a salvo of missiles from his zakus shoulder mounted launchers, half locked on Gray and the rest on the other two suits.

HP: 300/300


Ability Points: 35-5=30
Ninjamaster227 threw 2 8-faced dice. Reason: 1 Total: 15
8 8 7 7
Ninjamaster227 threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: 1 Total: 1
1 1
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Gray grimaced.
Now that wasn't fair at all.
He yanked on the controls, angling the Geara Zulu's torso so that its majority was tucked behind the shield mounted to its shoulder. Then a burst of power was sent to thrusters in-built in the machines legs, giving it a boost as it started its run for cover.
(Defense: 150, no damage taken)
Gray set his mouth as the rockets burst around him, tearing through the decrepit structures and sending rubble bouncing off his Zulus armor. No major damage was taken though, so Gray continued running, circling around the building and unslinging his Sturmfaust, the single-shot rocket swinging to center on the modified Zakus flank, and firing with a woosh of smoke.

(Attack: 115)
(Ability: 15 remaining)
Dust and echoes threw 1 8-faced dice. Reason: Defending Total: 6
6 6
Dust and echoes threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Defending (shield ability) Total: 18
18 18
Dust and echoes threw 1 8-faced dice. Reason: Attacking Total: 5
5 5
Dust and echoes threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Attacking (ability) Total: 13
13 13
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Gray grimaced.
Now that wasn't fair at all.
He yanked on the controls, angling the Geara Zulu's torso so that its majority was tucked behind the shield mounted to its shoulder. Then a burst of power was sent to thrusters in-built in the machines legs, giving it a boost as it started its run for cover.
(Defense: 150, no damage taken)
Gray set his mouth as the rockets burst around him, tearing through the decrepit structures and sending rubble bouncing off his Zulus armor. No major damage was taken though, so Gray continued running, circling around the building and unslinging his Sturmfaust, the single-shot rocket swinging to center on the modified Zakus flank, and firing with a woosh of smoke.

(Attack: 115)
(Ability: 15 remaining)

HP: 300/300

Action Points: 20

"Damn your a fast one, but if it was easy where would the fun be in it? You want to play than, i'm game. HI THERE!" Gene said after his missile leveled part of the city but still missed his very fast target. He than had it's head spin 360 all the way back, too see the missile launching at him in time for him to spin around in response with one of his heat hawks, and slice it in half creating a split explosion around him and a massive smoke screen. (Defense 70+45=115 Attack ends in a tie)

"Now why don't you try this on for size, you faster than a speeding bullet huh?" Gene said after he unleashed a hail storm from the vulcan machine gun mounted on his zakus right hand. (Attack 30+15=45 Low Chance)

@Dust and echoes
Ninjamaster227 threw 1 8-faced dice. Reason: Defense Total: 7
7 7
Ninjamaster227 threw 1 8-faced dice. Reason: Counter Attack Total: 3
3 3
Ninjamaster227 threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Defense Ability Total: 9
9 9
Ninjamaster227 threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Attack Ability Total: 3
3 3
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HP: 300/300

Action Points: 25

"Damn your a fast one, but if it was easy where would the fun be in it? You want to play than, i'm game. HI THERE!" Gene said after his missile leveled part of the city but still missed his very fast target, before having his Zakus head spin 360 all the way back to see the missile launching at him in time for him to spin around in response with one of his heat hawks and slice it in half creating a split explosion around him and a massive smoke screen. (Defense 70+45=115 Attack ends in a tie)

"Now why don't you try this on for size, you faster than a speeding bullet huh?" Gene said after he unleashed a hail storm from the vulcan machine gun mounted on his zakus right hand. (Attack 30+15=45 Low Chance)

@Dust and echoes
Did that guy just slice a rocket in half?
He was a cheeky son of a bitch, Gray would give him that. He was also yelling something, though Gray wasn't really paying attention.
The Geara Zulu seemed to commit itself, bent its knees and turned to thin out its profile. With Shield forward to take the brunt of the attack, the Zulu charged into the hailstorm of vulcan fire, reaching for its Beam Tomahawk.
(70 + 90 from shield, no damage)

Gray frowned, convicted as simulated bullets rattled of his shield and deflected off those parts of his armor that showed. One massive hand of his mobile suit readied it's beam tomahawk, which sprung to life with a electronic hiss of superheated air. Once in range, Gray brought his MS' bulky frame into a nimble duck under his opponents outstretched arm, bringing his weapon down to sever the limb.
(attack: 60)
(Remaining ability points: 10)
Dust and echoes threw 1 8-faced dice. Reason: Defense Total: 7
7 7
Dust and echoes threw 1 8-faced dice. Reason: Attack Total: 4
4 4
Dust and echoes threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Attack ability (Beam Tomahawk) Total: 3
3 3
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Did that guy just slice a rocket in half?
He was a cheeky son of a bitch, Gray would give him that. He was also yelling something, though Gray wasn't really paying attention.
The Geara Zulu seemed to commit itself, bent its knees and turned to thin out its profile. With Shield forward to take the brunt of the attack, the Zulu charged into the hailstorm of vulcan fire, reaching for its Beam Tomahawk.
(70 + 90 from shield, no damage)

Gray frowned, convicted as simulated bullets rattled of his shield and deflected off those parts of his armor that showed. One massive hand of his mobile suit readied it's beam tomahawk, which sprung to life with a electronic hiss of superheated air. Once in range, Gray brought his MS' bulky frame into a nimble duck under his opponents outstretched arm, bringing his weapon down to sever the limb.
(attack: 60)
(Remaining ability points: 10)

(oh this going to hurt @Dust and echoes your going to be happy we have 300 hp)

HP: 300/300

Action Points: 15 left

"Shit why the hell are you so fast! I'll admit your faster, can't ignore that...BUT THATS NOT EVERYTHING!!!." Gene said in anger as the burning red hot rounds fired from his vulcan gun just breezed past his opponent, even more so when with adrenaline pumping he barely dodged his attempt to take his arm off...unfortunately he did succeed in slicing the barrel of the gun off jamming it from further use ruining it.

"Well thats just not cool, but I have to thank you for getting so up close and personal, it almost makes losing the gun worth it! Now let me just ask you...are they still stupid now?" Gene laughed after he grabbed Gray's Zulu by the striking arm firmly holding him in place, than aimed a laser pointer at him and fired from his left shoulder rocket almost complete point blank. (Attack 30+100= 130 it hits)
Ninjamaster227 threw 1 8-faced dice. Reason: Defense Total: 6
6 6
Ninjamaster227 threw 1 8-faced dice. Reason: Attack Ability Total: 3
3 3
Ninjamaster227 threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Attack Ability Total: 20
20 20
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(oh this going to hurt @Dust and echoes your going to be happy we have 300 hp)

HP: 300/300

Action Points: 15 left

"Shit why the hell are you so fast! I'll admit your faster, can't ignore that...BUT THATS NOT EVERYTHING!!!." Gene said in anger as the burning red hot rounds fired from his vulcan gun just breezed past his opponent, even more so when with adrenaline pumping he barely dodged his attempt to take his arm off...unfortunately he did succeed in slicing the barrel of the gun of jamming it from further use ruining it.

"Well thats just not cool, but I have to thank you for getting so up close and personal, it almost makes losing the gun worth it! Now let me just ask you...are they still stupid now?" Gene laughed after he grabbed Gray's Zulu by the striking arm firmly holding him in place, than aimed a laser pointer at him and fired from his left shoulder rocket almost complete point blank. (Attack 30+100= 130 it hits)
Greys eyes widened as the Missles targeting laser centered over his Zulu.
"Well fuck m-"
The resulting would have sent him flying all over his cockpit had this not been a simulation, and he still cringed at the thought until the barrage ended, and was instead replaced with a cacophony of warning lights and status alerts for systems all over his Zulu.
However, Gray recovered himself quickly. He'd been in worse situations, and hell, this was only a simulation. This kid wanted to pull some ballsy moves? Fine, he'd be ballsy.

The battered Zulu brought its massive knee crashing into the Zaku's torso in a clang of metal on metal. The leg pulled back and kicked again, this time delivering a punishing roundhouse kick to the side. The strikes were meant to do little more than free him from the machines grip, which it did at the expense of some armor off the Zulu's forearm.
As Gray's machine took a few steps back to re-balance, it's free arm shot out, sending a primed grenade spinning towards the Zaku.
(95 damage)

(current health, 165/300)
"Sounds good," Giovanna said. "We should find our other squad members and work out some team tactics. I figure this mission isn't going to be just showing the flag."

"You're right." Jack said, . "I think I already have one, actually. If I were to disable an MS with an EMP grenade, that would leave them wide open for a cannon shot. In any case, I'd bet some of them are in the hangar somewhere, tuning their mobile suits. We could probably bother some of them, if you want."

Gaius let the pretty ensign he'd met earlier on in the canteen leave first, they'd snuck away to his room after chatting for a while to relieve some of their stress from the combat mission. Gaius couldn't say it was all gone but he did feel better. After having waited for nearly ten minutes just in case he darted out of his room.

He headed down the corridors and halls of the large ship he was now based from in search of the hanger. Earlier on he'd been given a tour of the ship after having arrived but truthfully he'd been far too tired from the long haul earth to spaceside flight to really pay attention to where everything was. Thank god that the Federation put some signs up he thought as he finally arrived at the hanger. Above him hung a row of Mobile Suits, stern and unyeilding steel submitted to the flesh and emotion of humanity. Here was Zeon's judgement. For his Mother he thought as he remembered the stories his father had shared of how the Zeon had murdered his mother in the wars that had wracked their generation.

A short time later, Jack and Giovanna entered through the automatic door to the hangar. Walking across the massive floor, humongous mobile suits lined up and ready for launch, Jack took note of his own mobile suit, the Hacker-D. It looked almost identical to an ordinary ReZEL, with the exception of the antennae poking just slightly out of its back and shoulders. There were about twenty of them in all, and each one could send terabytes of data per second. One might well consider terabytes of data for simple viruses and trojans to be overkill, until one factored in the Minovsky particle. When the Minovsky particle was considered, one would think cyberwarfare would be a thing of the past, at least outside of civilian areas. But even the Minovsky particle had its limits. If you sent an enormous load of data at one MS, something would get through. And that something, even if it was only a few kilobytes, was all Jack needed to screw with his opponents. Of course, Minovsky particles only posed a threat when he was the one sending the data. If he sent a self-replicating virus into the enemy ranks, their mobile suits would mistake it for friendly communication and, at least at first, fall victim to the ploy. Furthermore, they would attach themselves to the desperate pilot's transmissions, meaning that whoever heard the poor man or woman's pleas for help would also become infected. This caused a cascade effect that would only end with complete radio silence on the part of the opposing force via dense application of Minovsky particles. And even then, Jack could still infect enemies one at a time through liberal use of his suit's antennae. Really, the sheer psychological impact a single Hacker-D could have on the enemy was downright cruel.

The pair soon came across a young man staring out into space. Judging from the information he was given on his teammates, this was Gaius Piast. "Nice to meet you, Gaius," Jack said. "I'm Jack, callsign Loki, and this is Richfield, callsign Syndrome."
"Well well looks like we have a party crasher guys, i'm fine with you joining in this little "party" of ours if my friends are fine with it? Besides just another person to show off my amazing Zaku to, speaking of which i'd get in fast cause i'm pulling the trigger on this NOW!!" Gene said to the new arrival how entered the simulator room right as they were about to start the mock match, before he gripped the handles of the pod and began the match with all the suits spawning in a digital war torn city.

"Since you think these are so slow and impractical old man you can have some of these!!!" Gene shouted before he unleashed a salvo of missiles from his zakus shoulder mounted launchers, half locked on Gray and the rest on the other two suits.

Tan watched with ambivalence as her custom grey Kämpfer was digitally re-constructed within a vast war-torn city scape. The sight and even the smell of the rain and smoke invoked a strong reaction with Tan. The Simulation was good, it all seemed so real. Perfect.

Almost instantaneously several missiles arched over the broken roofs of the buildings from the direction of where her scanners told her that Gene's Zake had been spawned.

"Eager one aren't we boy. Good I like them with a bit of fire!"

Ability Roll - 16 x 5 = 80
Defence Roll = 50 + 80 = 130 vs 80 attack = Defence Succeeds!

The missiles now barrelled towards her down a deserted street. Tan started to move back and behind a darken shop quickly. A few of the incoming missiles cant take the sudden lurch and slammed into the derelict buildings, toppling them. Still, however more came at her and Tan was forced to grip the trigger for her Mobile Suit's Vulcan guns.

The Kämpfer's mono-eye flashed purple as it's head twitched in several directions quickly like the head of a hunting bird might, spewing explosive cannon shells into the air. In return several explosions reported the destruction of the hostile missiles.

"Tch" Tan whispered as she bit her lips.

The pirate mistress took off down the outskirts of the city, circling around the echoing clash of Gray's and Gene's battle. It took a moment for Tan to get into position atop of a warehouse a distance away, but she got a good view of the two's brawl.

She lined up the scope of her long beam rifle into the back of the Geara Zulu's back and gently pulled the trigger.

Attack Role: 50
Remaining Ability Points: 70

@Ninjamaster227 @Dust and echoes
DannyboyZero threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Ability Roll Total: 16
16 16
DannyboyZero threw 1 8-faced dice. Reason: Defence Roll Total: 5
5 5
DannyboyZero threw 1 8-faced dice. Reason: Defence Ability Roll - Vulcans Total: 8
8 8
DannyboyZero threw 1 8-faced dice. Reason: Attack Role - Long Beam Rifle Total: 5
5 5
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Tan watched with ambivalence as her custom grey Kämpfer was digitally re-constructed within a vast war-torn city scape. The sight and even the smell of the rain and smoke invoked a strong reaction with Tan. The Simulation was good, it all seemed so real. Perfect.

Almost instantaneously several missiles arched over the broken roofs of the buildings from the direction of where her scanners told her that Gene's Zake had been spawned.

"Eager one aren't we boy. Good I like them with a bit of fire!"

Ability Roll - 16 x 5 = 80
Defence Roll = 50 + 80 = 130 vs 80 attack = Defence Succeeds!

The missiles now barrelled towards her down a deserted street. Tan started to move back and behind a darken shop quickly. A few of the incoming missiles cant take the sudden lurch and slammed into the derelict buildings, toppling them. Still, however more came at her and Tan was forced to grip the trigger for her Mobile Suit's Vulcan guns.

The Kämpfer's mono-eye flashed purple as it's head twitched in several directions quickly like the head of a hunting bird might, spewing explosive cannon shells into the air. In return several explosions reported the destruction of the hostile missiles.

"Tch" Tan whispered as she bit her lips.

The pirate mistress took off down the outskirts of the city, circling around the echoing clash of Gray's and Gene's battle. It took a moment for Tan to get into position atop of a warehouse a distance away, but she got a good view of the two's brawl.

She lined up the scope of her long beam rifle into the back of the Geara Zulu's back and gently pulled the trigger.

Attack Role: 50
Remaining Ability Points: 70

@Ninjamaster227 @Dust and echoes
Proximity warnings lit up almost immediately as targeting lasers painted the Geara Zulu's back.
Damn, the pirate. He'd forgotten all about her.
Thrusters flared, sending the Zulu spinning on the spot, even as its intertia continued to carry it away from the modified Zaku. The incoming energy beam slammed into the Zulu's shield, almost burning a hole straight through and triggering heat warnings from the systems all along the struck arm.
"Where are you you bi-...there."
The cheeky girl had set up on a roof across the way. Little chance of hitting her from here, but he could certaintly try.
Thrusters fired again, launching the Zulu sideways and away from both Mobile suits field of fire. Before he exited their vision completely, his machine gun raised and rattled off a quick salvo of shots towards the far-away pirate.
(Attack- 50 @DannyboyZero )
And with that, the Zulu disappeared behind a building. Time to regroup, and re asses.
Greys eyes widened as the Missles targeting laser centered over his Zulu.
"Well fuck m-"
The resulting would have sent him flying all over his cockpit had this not been a simulation, and he still cringed at the thought until the barrage ended, and was instead replaced with a cacophony of warning lights and status alerts for systems all over his Zulu.
However, Gray recovered himself quickly. He'd been in worse situations, and hell, this was only a simulation. This kid wanted to pull some ballsy moves? Fine, he'd be ballsy.

The battered Zulu brought its massive knee crashing into the Zaku's torso in a clang of metal on metal. The leg pulled back and kicked again, this time delivering a punishing roundhouse kick to the side. The strikes were meant to do little more than free him from the machines grip, which it did at the expense of some armor off the Zulu's forearm.
As Gray's machine took a few steps back to re-balance, it's free arm shot out, sending a primed grenade spinning towards the Zaku.
(95 damage)

(current health, 170/300)

HP: 205/300

"Oh god stop doing that get....getting dizzy to much kicking, wait your not about to do a yep!" Gene said as Gray's Zulu unleashed a series of fast kicks all over his Zaku aiming directly for the cockpit section causing all kinds of hell with the suit and its armor, before breaking free a with lighting fast roundhouse kick launching both of them in opposite directions.

"Ok that happened but we're good buddy we'll just back up on our feet and...oh well this is going to sting?" Gene said as his Zaku spun straight into a a building like a bullet collapsing the rubble on top of him, and once pulling himself out being greeted with a primed grenade in his face going off and wrecking all kind of damage to his suit. After pulling himself out AGAIN out of the rubble with so many system warning yelling at him, he looked up to see Gray barely dodge a sneak attack shot at him from Tan and her kampfer mobile suit, before he than disappeared behind some of the buildings for cover.

"Well isn't it funny how life works eh old timer, but in your defense that did seem a little rude just now so...maybe?" Gene said to himself as he aimed his left hand mounted missile launcher on where he'd just seen Tan's kamper debating on wether he should fire or not.

@Dust and echoes @DannyboyZero
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Proximity warnings lit up almost immediately as targeting lasers painted the Geara Zulu's back.
Damn, the pirate. He'd forgotten all about her.
Thrusters flared, sending the Zulu spinning on the spot, even as its intertia continued to carry it away from the modified Zaku. The incoming energy beam slammed into the Zulu's shield, almost burning a hole straight through and triggering heat warnings from the systems all along the struck arm.
"Where are you you bi-...there."
The cheeky girl had set up on a roof across the way. Little chance of hitting her from here, but he could certaintly try.
Thrusters fired again, launching the Zulu sideways and away from both Mobile suits field of fire. Before he exited their vision completely, his machine gun raised and rattled off a quick salvo of shots towards the far-away pirate.
(Attack- 50 @DannyboyZero )
And with that, the Zulu disappeared behind a building. Time to regroup, and re asses.

The crackling green beam from her rifle slammed into Gray's shield, painting a molten line across its surface as the Zulu boosted away its tangle with the Zaku. Good to see that the old man had survived this long due to an ounce skill in his body, Tan thought as she watched him point his own rifle at her as he darted off. You even saw my hiding place.

(Opposing Attack roll: 50 vs Defence roll : 60 = Defense succeeds!)

The shots must have been rushed as it simple task of jumping back off the roof to doge the salvo of shots as it destroyed the front of the building.

As Tan landed in the street behind, she opened up one of her four weapon cum rocket pods strapped to the Mobile Suit's back and pulled out a quad-barrelled rocket launcher and primed it.

"You're not getting off that easy Old Man!" Jie Tan shouted as she took off after him. This was what the Kämpfer was built for; hit and run attacks in an urban environment. Her superior speed and manoeuvrability meant she caught up the Zulu quickly.

Popping up beside him from around a street corner, she levelled her bazooke at Gray's head and fired a missile at it before zooming away.

(Ability Attack Roll: 16 X 5 = 80)
(Attack Roll: 8 X 10 = 80 + 80 = 160)
(Remaining ability points: 70)

@Dust and echoes @Ninjamaster227
The crackling green beam from her rifle slammed into Gray's shield, painting a molten line across its surface as the Zulu boosted away its tangle with the Zaku. Good to see that the old man had survived this long due to an ounce skill in his body, Tan thought as she watched him point his own rifle at her as he darted off. You even saw my hiding place.

(Opposing Attack roll: 50 vs Defence roll : 60 = Defense succeeds!)

The shots must have been rushed as it simple task of jumping back off the roof to doge the salvo of shots as it destroyed the front of the building.

As Tan landed in the street behind, she opened up one of her four weapon cum rocket pods strapped to the Mobile Suit's back and pulled out a quad-barrelled rocket launcher and primed it.

"You're not getting off that easy Old Man!" Jie Tan shouted as she took off after him. This was what the Kämpfer was built for; hit and run attacks in an urban environment. Her superior speed and manoeuvrability meant she caught up the Zulu quickly.

Popping up beside him from around a street corner, she levelled her bazooke at Gray's head and fired a missile at it before zooming away.

(Ability Attack Roll: 16 X 5 = 80)
(Attack Roll: 8 X 10 = 80 + 80 = 160)
(Remaining ability points: 70)

@Dust and echoes @Ninjamaster227
(55/300 health)
Gray had but a minute to register the Kämpfer's presence. Had but seconds to remember that that machine was built for urban combat, and had barely a moment to spit out a curse before the rocket slammed into his shield, this time however, it wasn't enough. The slab of metal armor, sturdy as it was, had taken more punishment than the simulation had decided it should be able to. it shattered to peice's and the rocket continued, blasting into the Zulu's center of mass and wreaking all kinds of havoc across its systems. The Zulu's legs simply stopped working mid-sprint as hydralic cables severed and strained systems struggled to re-direct power to other strained systems to keep the limbs moving.
The smoking hulk of machine pitched forward and faceplanted in the street, ripping up asphalt and sidewalk as it careened into a building. Gray was surprised it didn't explode then and there.
Glancing at all the red text and indicators all over his HUD, Gray chuckled.
"Whats wrong miss pirate? Don't tell me you won your fearsome reputation by taking on wounded old men..."
Then, quick as his strained servo's allowed, his arm reached around and unpinned his last grenade, despite missing two fingers, primed it and tossed it towards the retreating Kämpfer.
"Did I scare you? At least have some decency finish me off, don't run away yet girlie."
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As Gray's Zulu collapsed to the pavement under it's own weight, a huge horrifying smile was plastered across Tan's face, the light of the monitors reflecting of her fangs.

"Whats wrong miss pirate? Don't tell me you won your fearsome reputation by taking on wounded old men..."

"I have my repution because I win unlike others old man!" Mocked Tan. However karma was a bitch and as she finished speaking the crippled mobile suit at her feet lobbed a last ditch grenade at her.

The pirate was already moving by then as the explosive tumbled though the air in seeming slow motion. The Kampfer tilted its head and Vulcan spat dozens of heavy calibre bullets into the grenade.

Nevertheless the resulting explosion was too close for comfort. The torso of the Kampfer was peppered with countless dozens tears as silvers and mirco-shrapnel ripped into the hull exposing the critical flaw of the MS-18; it's paper thin armour.

"Hmph if this was real, I would be covered in my own blood for once" Tan mused as she retreated further away.

"Gene I left you a present~!" She giggled for all to hear.

(250/300 Health)

@Ninjamaster227 @Dust and echoes
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As Gray's Zulu collapsed to the pavement under it's own weight, a huge horrifying smile was plastered across Tan's face, the light of the monitors reflecting of her fangs.

"I have my repution because I win unlike others old man!" Mocked Tan. However karma was a bitch and as she finished speaking the crippled mobile suit at her feet lobbed a last ditch grenade at her.

The pirate was already moving by then as the explosive tumbled though the air in seeming slow motion. The Kampfer tilted its head and Vulcan spat dozens of heavy calibre bullets into the grenade.

Nevertheless the resulting explosion was too close for comfort. The torso of the Kampfer was peppered with countless dozens tears as silvers and mirco-shrapnel ripped into the hull exposing the critical flaw of the MS-18; it's paper thin armour.

"Hmph if this was real, I would be covered in my own blood for once" Tan mused as she retreated further away.

"Gene I left you a present~!" She giggled for all to hear.

(250/300 Health)

@Ninjamaster227 @Dust and echoes

HP: 205/300

Action Points: 5 Remaining (Only enough left for one last defense ability)

"You know shockingly its not quite as satisfying watching the old timer get knocked around like this. Tan's got style sure...but I feel robbed of a good fight so I'd better change that, and I know just how to." Gene thought as he watched Tan kampher just wreck Gray's zulu for a few more moments, before leaping into action detaching his remaining missile launcher, and setting if up from a buildings roof. He than after getting into position activated it remotely and fired its payload straight at Tan's kamper, getting her attention high up at the building.

"Now while your looking at those I'll be pulling my trump card out...FULL BURN MODE!!!" Gene said as his left missile launcher, missile shoulder pack, vulcan wrist gun, and knee spikes all detached from his Zaku. He than pulled out his beam halberd, and with all six boosters blazing like the sun shot straight towards Tan's Kamper at an incredible cleaving speed. The purple flames making his zaku look like a tiny violet shooting star.
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Gray fought to bring his gravely wounded machine to its feet, as systems failed and struggled to sputter back to life all over the Mobile Suit. It raised itself to its knees, then a hip stabilizer gave out. One hand shot out, catching the Zulu and stopping it from face planting again as its servos re-calibrated for the failed joint. As it raised itself to one knee, Gray was forced to smile as the kids Zaku blasted through the city, towards what he could only guess was the pirates machine.
Right, so he was going to go easy on him? Like hell.
The Zulu stumbled to its feet, systems screaming in protest. One arm failed to lock at the elbow joint, as so hung loosely, gripping the battered beam machine gun in its hand. The other arm was missing most of its armor, and clutched the un-activated Beam Tomahawk.
The machine limped its way along the road. One foot dragging slightly.
Nobody mistakes going easy on Gray McKendrick twice. He may not be able to win, but he sure wasn't going to go out without a fight.
Spotting the Kämpfer, Gray half grimaced and half frowned, directing power to the joint on his gun arm, swinging the weapon up.
He would only get a moment of time when the barrel was on target before gravity brought the limb back down he would have to time it-
The gun must have been broken in the fall. Cursing, Gray tossed it aside, readying his beam tomahawk. It sputtered to life in a wavering, erratic hiss.
Thrusters struggled and sparked as they tried to burn fuel that either wasn't there, or that they were no longer connected to.
Gray threw the machine into the fastest charge he dared, raising the tomahawk, like a spear, blade aiming for the cockpit of the already engaged Kämpfer.
Nobody leaves Gray McKendrick alive twice.
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"Aw your such a spoil sport Gene!" Tan laughed in reply, as the burning purple Zaku rocketed at her position. To describe the attack as telegraphed would have been an understatement. Still he was coming in fast.

"Think you're the only one with tricks darling?" The four duel weapon blisters on the Kampfers back glowed a brilliant red and Tan shot above Gene's attack, his beam halberd cutting the building cleanly in half.

However before Tan could gloat in her escape, Gray's Zulu appeared out of the smoke, it's tomahawk aimed at her cockpit in a cruel chopping attack. Tan had barely time to dodge but dodge she did, the tomahawk leaving nothing but a scratch against the Kämpfer's pearl paint job.

"Bastard!" Jie Tan howled in fury.

Ninja's attack roll: 80
Dust's attack roll: 20
Combined attack: 100

Base defence roll: 20
Defence ability roll: 80
Total Defence: 100

100 vs 100 = DRAW!

Growling in madness, Tan aimed her quad-barrelled rocket launcher at the two enemy mobile suits at her feet and fired two of the remaining three missiles at them; one targeted at each.

(Attack roll: 65)

(Ability points remaining: 45)
"Aw your such a spoil sport Gene!" Tan laughed in reply, as the burning purple Zaku rocketed at her position. To describe the attack as telegraphed would have been an understatement. Still he was coming in fast.

"Think you're the only one with tricks darling?" The four duel weapon blisters on the Kampfers back glowed a brilliant red and Tan shot above Gene's attack, his beam halberd cutting the building cleanly in half.

However before Tan could gloat in her escape, Gray's Zulu appeared out of the smoke, it's tomahawk aimed at her cockpit in a cruel chopping attack. Tan had barely time to dodge but dodge she did, the tomahawk leaving nothing but a scratch against the Kämpfer's pearl paint job.

"Bastard!" Jie Tan howled in fury.

Ninja's attack roll: 80
Dust's attack roll: 20
Combined attack: 100

Base defence roll: 20
Defence ability roll: 80
Total Defence: 100

100 vs 100 = DRAW!

Growling in madness, Tan aimed her quad-barrelled rocket launcher at the two enemy mobile suits at her feet and fired two of the remaining three missiles at them; one targeted at each.

(Attack roll: 65)

(Ability points remaining: 45)

Hp: 205/300

Ability Points: 5 (enough for one last ability)

"Ah don't say it like that, i'm not being a spoil sport i'm just trying to make it more entertaining! Gonna need to try harder than that to hit me I'm afraid!" Gene said after he turn around to see the missile come at him, and like Grays he sliced in half with his beam halberd in one motion.

"Nice try but leave it to me for now old timer, i'll take her down and than i'll finish you off!" Gene said with adrenaline pumping as he blasted towards Tan's Kamper again straight out of the smoke cloud created from her missile.
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UC 0105, Side 6 Cluster (Three Days Later)

"Captain we are entering Side 6 territory now as we speak, all the colony Federation loyalist governors have been alerted to the surprise colony inspection as order, what shall we do now?" The bridge officer asked his captain after entering side 6 space, right on top of the Zeons.

"This is going to take precision and timing, they pulled out of their sneak attack when we launched and after we didn't back down, so now its our turn to counter back. After taking this journey and studying Enigma Z, I've come up with three most likely colonies I'd say are good and sympathetic for a hiding spot we'll start there. If we don't find them there it should flush them out. So begin transmitting the dock procedures with the closest of the three Baldur Bay." The Captain said with great authority to the young officer while staring at the majestic look of the floating colonies in space.


"Attention all hands we have arrived at the first Side 6 where we believe the Zeons are hiding, prepare to begin searching you have 24 hours before we move to the next one. You are to discreetly search the colony while I distract the colony's governor. After the amounted time we will be moving to the next in three colonies I suspect are the hiding spots. First Baldur Bay, than Palda, and finally Terra I cannot express caution in this search as like the rest of side 6 these colonies are neutral. You have your orders good luck. Bridge out." The captain said over the COM after the ship made a successful docking with the now newtype research neutral colony of Baldur Bay.

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Gray grimaced as the two less-damaged machines lept into the air. His own Zulu wouldn't be able to do that in the condition it was in, and he had no ranged weapons remaining. All that was left was to wait.
Gray was not good at waiting.
The Zulu's head scanned its surroundings, searching for something, anything it could use to continue fighting.
There was nothing but buildings, which would work perfectly.
Gray picked out the unlucky structure, crouched, and triggered every thruster that still worked. Several blew out, but enough remained to literally throw Grays mobile suit into the buildings front, crumbling its superstructure and destabilizing its multi-story expanse. The building wavered, and with a few precision cuts from Grays beam tomohawk it began to fall, tipping so that its multi-ton mass fell directly towards the two hostile machines.
Gray grinned wryly.
Your not going to be finishing anyone off kid.
(Attack of 180)
(0 ability points)
"Oi Loki, Syndrome! Can yah believe this crap. 24 hours to find some crazed Zeon punks in a colony that has at least 200,000 people." Gaius shook his head, complaining. "It's insanity I tell you."

He turned to his locker, pulling out some civvie clothes he had stored on arriving at the ship. A nice pair of dark blue slacks and a plain white shirt with a black suede jacket. Hmm wonder if I can take Marissa with me, work and fun in one. Not to mention she's a smart one, engineer with a masters in astrophysics. Could be useful.
He shut his locker and moved to the business of divesting himself of his clothes and pulling on his new ones, calling out to the other. "So what's the plan, have anything?"
@Kensai @Genon

@Ninjamaster227 do I get a bonus if I bring Marissa?
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Giovanna shrugged. "Sounds like a fool's errand to me," she said. "The colonies have internal police for this sort of thing. And we're out of Federal jurisdiction sticking our heads in there. I don't like this kind of spooky stuff, give me a clear target and an open field of fire any day."

She left to get changed into her own civilian gear, utilitarian olive-drab cargo pants and a tank top underneath a light parka. They made her look like a hobo but they were comfortable and easy to move around in, and she could stuff an amazing and extremely useful variety of items in the various pockets.
Gaius shook his head vigorously, humming in agreement as he finished pulling on his pants and began to pull on his shirt. "Well the captain did say they're neutral, maybe that means their police isn't sharing with ours on this. Though if that's the case that is the most messed up kind of neutral I've ever known!"

Gaius moved towards the exit then paused for a moment at the entrance before spinning around and heading for the armory. After quick run through of all the various codes and locks the armory door slid open and Jack headed through, making a beesline for the pistols section. Hoping that they might have some smaller weapons he could conceal on himself.

@Ninjamaster227 is there any?
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