Mobile Suit Gundam: Colliding Stars

Mobile Suit Gundam: Colliding Stars

I figured why not have a Gundam Role play for this site, so here it is XD. Heres the link to the OOC and sign up we currently need 2 more earth federation players.

Set in the Universal Century of 0105, just nine years after the events of Gundam Unicorn (UC 0096), the Republic of Zeon has since given up its autonomy and has merged back into the Earth Federation. Since the collapse of Zeon at the end of the third Neo Zeon war, their has been almost a decade of peace, and the Earth Federation has been given free range to reach out and begin to slowly reunify the remaining space colonies back under their authority. Some spacenoids have welcomed the return of some stability to their lives, but many fear the new restricting laws and mandates for the colonies coming with this new era of "peace". In attempt to prevent further conflicts the Earth Federation compromised with the colonies and slightly reduced their military as a sign of good faith. On the eve of the 9th anniversary of the surrender and collapse of Zeon, a terrorist attack was launched on earth by a small military organization calling themselves the "Sons of Zeon" claiming to be the remaining remnants of the Republic of Zeon refusing to bow down to the Earth Federation. During the attack they were successful in stealing an advanced Earth Federation command ship and several mobile suits. Now with these weapons added to their small but very deadly fleet of ships and mobile suits, the group disappears back into the colonies resurfacing for quick guerrilla attacks. Now in what many are calling "the fourth Neo Zeon war", these two powerful organizations clash with each other in a conflict that threatens to once again undo all past strides toward peace.

Son's of Zeon

0. Enigma Z/Leader (Ninjamaster227)
1. Gene Rikaru (Ninjamaster227)
2. Gray Mcendrick (Dust and Echoes)
3. John Connor (lordZeddthedrunk)
4. Jie Tan/Freelancer (DannyboyZero)
Earth Federation:
1. Jack Wolf/Freelancer (Genon)
2. Gaius Piast (Louis Dabout)
3. Giovanna Richfield (Kensai)
4. Alberta 'Bert' Townsend/Freelancer (Tankdrop24)​
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UC 0105, Two months into the Fourth Neo Zeon War

"I'm told your command ship will finish it's resupplying, and repairs within the next few days. I trust your stay in our colony has been an enjoyable one Mr. Enigma?" The governor of the side 6 agricultural colony Terra, said to Enigma Z as he gazed down at the colony from the governor's balcony.

"Yes our stay has been quite memorable, and your hospitality in particular has been most appreciated governor. The people of side 6 have been very supportive of the war effort, it does the heart good to see spacenoids helping each other. My men in particular, have been very pleased to rest their heads and breathe a sigh of relief among such generous people." Enigma said to the governor, as he continued to look down at the hustle and bustle of the colony towns below the governor's manor.

"I'm glad to hear your men have had a comfortable stay in our colony as well. You won't find too many friends of the federation among us smaller colonies in side 6. Much like you "sleeves" our people are still "VERY" bitter over the annexing of our nation, by the Earth Federation...But we do still need them for our economy and trade, which wouldn't work if we didn't appear neutral. So as much as I'd like to have given you more support, allowing you to dock for this past week has been the best I can do." The governor said to Enigma Z, after pouring a glass of wine for both him and his honored guest.

"Not at all I understand the need for stability in these times, the Riah Republic of side 6 always had a "rocky" relationship with the people of Zeon. The fact a former member such as yourself is able to offer sanctuary at all is a greater comfort than you could possibly know. A sign that we've made strides toward building an understanding as spacenoids. Never forget what the Federation took from Side 6, just as the people of Side 3 never will...I've always enjoyed the peacefulness found in little places, especially this colony in particular. I'm not sure you'll believe me with all the "colorful" rumors about my past, but once upon a time I grew up in a small farming colony much like Terra back in Side 3." Enigma said to the governor, as a slit opened in his mask so he could sip some of the wine, while briefly remembering a much younger boy in what seemed like eons ago.

"I couldn't have said it better myself Mr. Enigma, now after hearing that would you honor a request of mine, and stow the political talk and sit with me farm boy to farm boy and swap stories." The governor said after both men sat down at a patio table.

"I don't see why not, but I warn you its nothing to glamorous my new friend." Enigma said to the governor as both men started swapping stories and laughing. As he's built himself up to be Enigma is a man of the people, talks like these on a personal level with political leaders were important for building future alliances, and while the governor might not be willing to break his neutrality the door is left open for the future in the war. A true tactician uses every opportunity they can to consolidate their forces and plan for the future. The war has been constant back and forth since its beginning with no real deciding factor, but soon they would start to push back once more, and when they did Enigma would be more than ready.
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Rising Axis Docked Secretly In Terra Colony (Hangar Bay)

"Man don't you ever sleep, or relax kid? We've been docked here almost two weeks, and all's you've done is lock yourself up in here with you're Zaku. I understand that our leader gave you that suit, but its good to unwind sometimes too you know?" A grunt in the Son's of Zeon said to the young 19 year old man, as he continued to work on the tests, and modifications to his mobile suit from it's cockpit.

"Yeah no thanks I'm a little busy here right now, I need to get this big guy ready to roll out, we're at war guys never know when they'll find us? He took a beating in our last engagement , and I'm still only halfway done with all the repairs and modifications. So maybe next time?" Gene Rikaru said to the grunt and his friends, before going back to work on his Custom Zaku, becoming lost in his own little world again.

"Whatever shoot yourself kid, we're just going to head into town, if you ever want to start acting normal? You never know maybe meet a nice local girl and see the whatever let's go boys this kids a lost cause." The grunt said to his friends, before they all left the ship for the town leaving Gene to work in peace.

"Sights yeah right seen one farming colony you've seen them all, besides I grew up on Axis a little hard to "wow" me after that guys. Now you my fine purple friend, how about we move that arm again eh?" Gene said to himself as he continued working, and than had his mobile suit bend it's arm up, and down to test the repair to the formerly damaged arm.
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Terra Colony Secret Hangar.

These people wouldn't know if culture slapped them in the face Tan thought as she took another half hearted drag on her empty pipe. Real tobacco was such a luxury to be enjoyed, nothing like the synthetic substitute or the chemical garbage that the workers of these backwater colonies inhaled. Well she sometimes made a buck selling the crap to them when she hit the right freighter. Tan always made sure however that the real goodies such as the tobacco, fine wines, premium meats and antiques found there way to her personal Manse.

Talking of which maybe she could invite one of these fine young...patriots back to her humble manse tonight in the spirit of co-operation between crews. Sieg Zeon and all that crap.

She let her raptor eyes critically scan the hangar for prey and came back disappointed, a slight scrowl on her sculptured face. Nothing but brutes and apes, worse then her own crew no doubt.

Still they was one that could be an interesting plaything for a while. A young man working away in his cockpit of his Zaku. Tan kicked herself off the plate flooring and let zero gravity take over, slowly drifting to the waiting open hatch.

"Well Darling what do we have here? What's a proud solider of Zeon like yourself doing here by himself? Not enjoying the tastes the Colony has to offer?" Jie Tan practically purred, twirling the elaborate silver smoking pipe in her hand.

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UC 0105, Two Months After Attack On Earth Side 1 Londenion Colony (Home too Londo Bell 3 weeks ago)

"What do you mean we don't have definite intel on which colony their hiding in on side 6? What do you expect we do search every single colony in side 6?" A member of the Earth Federation council shouted, during the war council assembly convened too handle the Zeon terrorist group after they're attack on earth.

"Such a plan would fair poorly, as it would only give them ample time to escape in all the confusion. Worse yet if too many of the wrong colonies are searched, the side 6's colonists hiding the terrorists will have more time to warn the Zeon's, and help in their escape." Another council member said to the rest of the assembly

"That would certainly be the case, we can't go in too strong for fear of creating a perfect smoke screen, and we can't go in too weak to give them enough time to escape to another side cluster. We need just enough force to handle this problem, without tipping our hand. That's why i'm suggesting the formation of a new organization within the federation, whose sole purpose will be to hunt down these Zeon's." An admiral in the federation military attending the meeting said with the stern vocie to the assembly.

The assembly went into a massive uproar after this proclamation, that lasted several minutes, before finally dying down again, having arrived at an answer

"We've come to a decision and it is decided the formation of this organization has been approved. The formation shall be left in the federation militaries hands, a ship will be provided, and the recruitment will be handled internally. You have two and a half weeks to form this group, and start the hunt for the Zeon terrorists and either recapture or destroy the stolen command ship, be prepared for resistance." The chancellor of the federation said to the admiral before playing a clip taken from the earth attack.

The clip was a series of surprise attacks on a federation military base, in the heart of a city on earth. And a handful of custom mobile suits cutting down their MS defense forces in combat. Two suits than ripped a hole in their defense, and landed onto top of the now stolen command ship guarding it for their comrades.

"The remaining suits have yet to be identified, but two of the most prominent ones that must be shot down at all costs during your mission, are these two. A heavily customized Zaku unit with a literal arsenal equipped around it, and what we believe to be a new experimental mobile suit that bears strong resemblance to Zeon flag suits Sazabi, and the Sinaju. These two are to be considered prime targets assembly closed." The chancellor said after the clip ended and the meeting came to an end.
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Repairs were going well on Gene's Zaku it was almost back up to 100%, fixing it was one of his favorite parts of being in the organization. He refused to let any of the repair crews touch it, unless it was severally damaged and too much for him handle. Hardly anything could break his focus once he got right into repairs...until now the smell of smoke had him jump right up thinking something was broken. To his surprise he saw that it, was just some random newcomer with a pipe.

"Ah you know what they say, "seen one farm you've seen them all". Its going to take a lot more than some crops to get my attention. Besides this guy needs constant maintenance after every battle, too stay up to my standar...why hello there now your a new face aren't you?" Gene said to the new girl with the pipe, after he jumped back to his feet from his earlier smoke scare, and got a better look at her.

"My names Gene, and as you can see i'm this monster here's pilot. Now who might you be, did you just join up or something, I don't think i've seen you around the ship before?" Gene said to the woman, with a grin before he tapped the side of his Zaku's cockpit trying to look cool.

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The Geara Zulu loomed over the hangar. Not to say that it was taller, wider, or even more imposing in its features than the other Mobile Suits, but it carried an air of respect like men carry coats. It's Zeon green paint job was chipped and cracked at the edges of the trim, exposing the dark metal underneath. Some would say it needed to be repainted, but as many a paint-mechanic could attest, the new paint job would seemingly just dissipate practically the moment the machines pilot stepped into the cockpit. Similarly, strange mechanical errors or malfunctions that had perplexed many a Zeon mechanic would simply disappear as soon as the pilot was called over to examine them. Upon the engineers flabbergasted attempt at an explanation, Grey would just laugh at pat the poor man or woman on the shoulder.

'The machines just bored', he would say, 'she's just having some fun.' Which summed up the Massive Geara Zulu rather nicely. Dings and dents that refused to buff out covered her flanks, and hastily painted kill markers covered the left breastplate in uneven rows. The machine stood perfectly erect in its housing, aside from its head which tipped ever-so-slightly forward, giving the impression that it was mimicking the hat-over-the-eyes look of its pilot lounging below it. The machine was old, and despite at first glance looking remarkably unremarkable, it demanded a respect that some would say a vehicle of its class should never be able to deserve.

It's pilot however, a certain Gray Mcendrick, resembled his machine in more ways than one. He was built wide in such a way as to seem short until he was looking down on you. His features were rough, as if built out of MS armor, and the scars on his body nearly equaled the ones on his MS.
Currently, however, he appeared totally unassuming. Just another pilot, lounging on some crates in front of his Mobile suit, hat pulled down over his eyes.

One might even think he hadn't noticed the approaching party of grunts until they started talking to him.
"Hey Gray, what about you? You up for a night on the town? Some of the boys and I were scouting around and we found a nice-"
"Nah, not tonight fellas." Grunted the large man without turning his head. "Been working hard with the old lady, need to catch some shut eye."
One of the men sighed, crossed his arms and looked up the the MS accusingly. "C'mon man, you sound like some old Fed admiral. Why don't you have some fun once in a while? Sure, MS are cool, but you sure as hell can't drink with them or F-"
"That's what you think." Gray grinned. The mans statement stuttered to a befuddled halt, and it took him a moment to gather himself.
"Shit man, your just like all those other Crazy MS pilots we've got. Care more about their damn machinery than-"
"Don't compare them to me." Grays interruption derailed the poor grunt again, so after a moment he continued. "Any damn fool can slap god-knows how many rockets on a damn Zaku, or order himself a copy of Full Frontals Sinja-whatever. It takes a true pilot of Zeon to know what the hell you're doing."
This gave the men pause. They stood there for a minute, Gray lounging with cap pulled over his eyes, group of men silently racing to find something to say, and the Geara Zulu's inert eye looking down on them the whole time. Eventually, Gray spoke up again.
"You guys go ahead." He grunted. "I'll catch up later."
As the uncomfortable group of men ambled off he muttered to himself, "I'm too old for this shit."
UC 0105, Side 1 Londenion Colony (Space Dock)

"So the formation of our new organization, despite its hastily small time frame seems to have come along smoothly. This is the ship Londo Bell and the Federation have given us, aren't you lucky Captain the same class ship as the famous Ra Cailum?" The admiral from the earlier meeting joked to the newly promoted captain as he gave him the run about of the ship, before its launch from space dock.

"Is that supposed to be a joke Admiral? I'm not sure if this assignment was a career opportunity or a disaster, I mean its a fine ship, but who gives only less than a month to form a task force like this? Only a handful of the crew, were even picked by me in the first place, this seems like a lot to throw on the shoulders of an inexperience new captain." The young captain said to the admiral, as the wall grip dragged them through anti gravity across the ship

"Yes I'll admit I would have liked more time to prepare you, but great leaders like great warriors are forged in flame. You might think this assignment is doomed for disaster, but remember the legendary white base crew of understaffed kids, and civilians coming forged together into a battle tested crew. Fate rarely calls on us at the moment of our choosing my young friend, but count your blessings your crew isn't as understaffed or green as that. You've been given a fine experienced crew, and a fine group of mobile suit pilots to help you on this journey...looks like we're on the bridge now, and at the end of the tour you have a launch to prepare for captain I leave you to your mission than. Come see me at the end of all this, and we'll have a drink to celebrate the "Conquering heroes" of this ship." The Admiral laughed, as he and the captain finally arrived on the bridge

"The Admiral has safely left the ship, and final preparations have been made Captain should we prepare for launch now?" A young bridge officer said to the Captain who positioned himself in his command seat.

"Yes begin the countdown on my mark, after I address the crew...Crew this is your captain all hands to stations, we're about to launch from space dock for our mission in Side 6. I don't have to remind you all of the importance for this missions success. You've all been chosen for this mission, because the brass have faith in your skills as some of the federation's finest. The Zeon terrorist hit us hard at home, and now were going to bring the pressure back down on them...I am beginning the launch sequence prepare yourselves...10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1...LAUNCH!!" The Captain said, to the crew before the launch over the loud speakers, his voice echoing off every hall of the ship as it did. The ship than blasted straight out of space dock into the vast emptiness of space, bound for the side 6 cluster for the the zeon hunt, which would be disguised as a colony inspection

@Genon, @Louis Dabout, @tankdrop24, @Kensai
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Soon after launch, Jack Wolf sat in the cockpit of his newly-refurbished MS, going through the motions mechanically as the engineer overseeing the systems check progressed from step after step, sounding so annoyingly perky. He surmised her chipper tone of voice was for his own benefit, to make a simple systems test seem less monotonous. He had already walked his mobile suit up and down the engineering bay after completing the startup process, punched a massive force plate a few times, and went through some basic coordination tests. The final phase was to test the MS' cyberwarfare capabilities.

An assortment of "obstacles" were placed in front of Jack's mech. The first was an assortment of captured Zaku cameras, meant to test Jack's viruses, as well as their replication performance. Special precautions were taken to prevent the viruses from affecting other devices by isolating the cameras on their own intranet. Jack pressed the button to arm the virus delivery, then designated the target camera with his "Blind" virus, meant to shut down sensory equipment. An upload bar appeared on his screen. After about a minute, the virus was uploaded and the engineer confirmed that the first camera dropped off their intranet. This was followed by the rest of them in quick succession.

The second obstacle was meant to test his trojan capabilities. Trojans were primarily useful to siphon information from enemy networks, and it was often useful to put one onto a high-value MS to gather data on its parts and capabilities, as well as data on the pilot's fighting style by logging their inputs. One could also gather data on the target's structural integrity, location, and current target. In effect, it was the perfect weapon against one-of-a-kind or brand-new mobile suits because it allowed the Federation to come up with ways to counter even the most dangerous units. This time, however, the target in question was a humble computer, containing junk data meant purely to see if he could get in and take it. Similarly, he selected a trojan, designated the hapless computer, waited for the upload to complete, and soon a file browser was opened on his screen. He selected the test data from a directory marked "TARGET" and copied it to his machine's memory.

Confirming that he got the data to the engineers outside, he moved on to the third obstacle: A ReZEL, just like his own but without the modifications. He was to control it remotely using a RAT (Remote Access Trojan), using it to do whatever he wanted. Just like last time, he waited for the upload bar to fill, and then he decided to have some fun. The hijacked ReZEL maneuvered itself into a ballerina's pirouette, spinning on the part of its foot where its toes would be if it were human. Naturally, this caused several of the engineers to laugh, although others were scared of the ReZEL falling. Finished with his tests, he clambered out of the cockpit and decided to get some R&R in before the big day. It would be some time before they arrived at Side 6, and it was best to enjoy oneself before going out to fight. After all, any day on the battlefield could be one's last, and any soldier would tell you that living it up was better than wallowing in despair and worry.

However, as he walked to the rec room, he couldn't shake the sense of guilt from his involvement. He understood Zeon's motives, he knew that many of their ranks were idealists, and people who were fed up with the Federation's mistreatment of Spacenoids. The reason his colony shifted to a neutral stance on the war was just as much because of the Federation's many flaws and its unwillingness to fix them as it was being generally war-weary. Of course, then a radical Sons of Zeon cell attacked and they went back to the Federation for protection. And now he was going to be a direct part of an attack on a neutral colony. Of course, any collateral damage or civilian casualties would be strictly unintentional, as the purpose of the mission was to recapture the stolen command ship rather than to assault the colony. But when you brought mobile suits into a civilian space, someone was bound to get hurt, and an "accidental" civilian casualty would only serve to increase Zeon support. These were the kind of tactics that he always despised his superiors for.

At the same time, however, Zeon was part of the problem. They had fought several wars against the Federation across only a few decades, wasting thousands of lives, billions of dollars in property damage, and not doing the Spacenoids they claimed to protect any favors either. They claimed to fight for independence for the Spacenoids, but they failed every time, and with each attempt at shattering the Federation's hold on the colonies they cemented the Federation public's negative image of Spacenoids, fueling public support for even harsher restrictions on Spacenoid freedoms. This naturally caused the Spacenoids to resent their rulers even further, causing still more strife and making each war more explosive than the last. And with a terrorist attack on Earth, the Sons of Zeon had brought hatred of Spacenoids to all-new extremes. Jack predicted this war would be even more violent than the last three. He hoped beyond hope that he was wrong. But on the bright side, if the task force could capture the Rising Axis on the first try, they might be able to end the war quickly.

He ruminated on these thoughts as he opened the door to the rec room. It was filled with comfy couches, video game consoles, a bookcase or two, some 10k television sets (somewhat outdated but still competent), some virtual reality headsets, a mini-bar (likely with synthetic alcohol), vending machines, and of course the obligatory pool table or four. Quite spacious, too.

It was completely deserted due to most of the crew still at their stations from launch, but that only left more for him. He grabbed the TV remote and put on a boxing movie from UC 0032: Space Champion. It was a cheesy movie whose plot revolved around an interstellar boxing tournament held across several colonies, with the final round on Earth. Cheesy though it was, it would keep his mind off the mission.
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Repairs were going well on Gene's Zaku it was almost back up to 100%, fixing it was one of his favorite parts of being in the organization. He refused to let any of the repair crews touch it, unless it was severally damaged and too much for him handle. Hardly anything could break his focus once he got right into repairs...until now the smell of smoke had him jump right up thinking something was broken. To his surprise he saw that it, was just some random newcomer with a pipe.

"Ah you know what they say, "seen one farm you've seen them all". Its going to take a lot more than some crops to get my attention. Besides this guy needs constant maintenance after every battle, too stay up to my standar...why hello there now your a new face aren't you?" Gene said to the new girl with the pipe, after he jumped back to his feet from his earlier smoke scare, and got a better look at her.

"My names Gene, and as you can see i'm this monster here's pilot. Now who might you be, did you just join up or something, I don't think i've seen you around the ship before?" Gene said to the woman, with a grin before he tapped the side of his Zaku's cockpit trying to look cool.


"Name's Tan, Jie Tan" The pirate replied. "Can't say I joined up, more...I was hired." She grinned, showing Gene her gleaming fangs.

"Now Gene tell me, what could possibly make such a handsome pilot like youself leave your little cockpit and enjoy yourself?"
"Name's Tan, Jie Tan" The pirate replied. "Can't say I joined up, more...I was hired." She grinned, showing Gene her gleaming fangs.

"Now Gene tell me, what could possibly make such a handsome pilot like youself leave your little cockpit and enjoy yourself?"

"Oh a wild card eh? Than I'd guess your one of the freelancers hired, too beef up our fleet huh? You certainly lucked out Ms. Tan, getting to tag along with the flag ship." Gene said after placing his hand on his chin in an "intrigued" pose while nodding slowly with a slight grin.

"Now it would certainly take something or someone, quite "interesting" or "exciting" to tear me away from this big guy here. You wouldn't happen to know where I could find such a person now do you?" Gene sarcastically joked, before floating over to Tan from his Zaku's cockpit.
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"Oh a wild card eh? Than I'd guess your one of the freelancers hired, too beef up our fleet huh? You certainly lucked out Ms. Tan, getting to tag along with the flag ship." Gene said after placing his hand on his chin in an "intrigued" pose while nodding slowly with a slight grin.

"Now it would certainly take something or someone, quite "interesting" or "exciting" to tear me away from this big guy here. You wouldn't happen to know where I could find such a person now do you?" Gene sarcastically joked, before floating over to Tan from his Zaku's cockpit.
If Gray hadn't spoken up, the average man would have mistaken him for sleeping.
"Hold it kid." He pointed a finger at Tan from across the large room. "That's bait. And not the good kind. That's the bait that lures you in, tears you to pieces and then sells those pieces for scrap. You gotta be extra careful around types like her."
After a second he lifted his hat with his thumb and grinned at the pirate.
"What's wrong girlie? Think your act is original?"
If Gray hadn't spoken up, the average man would have mistaken him for sleeping.
"Hold it kid." He pointed a finger at Tan from across the large room. "That's bait. And not the good kind. That's the bait that lures you in, tears you to pieces and then sells those pieces for scrap. You gotta be extra careful around types like her."
After a second he lifted his hat with his thumb and grinned at the pirate.
"What's wrong girlie? Think your act is original?"

"Speaking from experience i'm assuming old timer, and how was todays nap?" Gene joked to his fellow pilot while looking over at him.

"Of course who could blame you with such a fine partner like that watching over you? But don't think I didn't hear your earlier comment too those guys before, i'll take quantity over quality any day of the week. Any time you want to see which is better my Zaku or your Zulu i'm game old man." Gene said to Gray with his arms crossed while he leaned against his purple zaku, as he waited for Tan to respond to Gray.
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"Speaking from experience i'm assuming old timer, and how was todays nap?" Gene joked to his fellow pilot while looking over at him.
"You know it kid. Ask any Zeon commander, they'll tell you I'm the best bait." Gray grunted as he moved himself into sitting position. He had long ago given up trying to tell people he was old since for a mobile suit pilot he was. The one year war had wiped out his fathers generation, and the following wars and skirmishes had all but wiped out his. It was a telling fact that practically every federation gundam in history had to be piloted by a child.
"The nap was the best I've had in a while kid. Got to go a whole ten minutes without having to pull someone's ass out of the fire."
"Of course who could blame you with such a fine partner like that watching over you? But don't think I didn't hear your earlier comment too those guys before, i'll take quantity over quality any day of the week. Any time you want to see which is better my Zaku or your Zulu i'm game old man." Gene said to Gray with his arms crossed while he leaned against his purple zaku, as he waited for Tan to respond to Gray.
Gray grinned and looked up at the kid.
"I don't know if we're looking at the same Mobile suits kid. Sure, the old ladies nothing special," he pointed a finger at the purple zaku. "But at least I haven't strapped boxes full of explosives all over her."
He stuck out his pointer finger and thumb, lazily imitating a gun and pointing at each pack of rockets in turn.
"Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Zaku's were never fast to begin with, how do you think that thing will handle with big heavy rockets all over it?"
"Now it would certainly take something or someone, quite "interesting" or "exciting" to tear me away from this big guy here. You wouldn't happen to know where I could find such a person now do you?" Gene sarcastically joked, before floating over to Tan from his Zaku's cockpit.

This one has spirit. Delicious.

You wound me Sir!" She replied in faint shock, before hearing another voice enter the conversation. A much older pilot next to a Geara. Mocking her. Not many had escaped unscathed in past for disrespecting her. Tan bit her tongue to cool her fury, and returned his banter with a coy smile.

"What's wrong girlie? Think your act is original?"

"Didn't say I was being original Grandpa. I saw something I wanted so I thought I would take it." Tan laughed to herself as she floated beside Gene.

"How about you two settle this in the simulators huh? I could even join and make this a threesome ha!"
This one has spirit. Delicious.

You wound me Sir!" She replied in faint shock, before hearing another voice enter the conversation. A much older pilot next to a Geara. Mocking her. Not many had escaped unscathed in past for disrespecting her. Tan bit her tongue to cool her fury, and returned his banter with a coy smile.

"Didn't say I was being original Grandpa. I saw something I wanted so I thought I would take it." Tan laughed to herself as she floated beside Gene.

"How about you two settle this in the simulators huh? I could even join and make this a threesome ha!"
Gray smiled right back. She was dangerous. Those delicately handled eyes shot daggers of ice at him. He'd have to tread carefully.
"My my. Three brave Zeon pilots fighting among themselves? Now what would our dear commander say to that, but-" he stood up, and for some reason his Geara behind him seemed to brighten slightly, as if guessing his intention and welcoming it. "-the commanders not here is he? Let's do it. Just promise not to cry afterwards." He winked at the pirate. He knew he was pushing it, but he couldn't let a chance to knock ms high-and-mighty down a peg slip by.
"I hate making girls cry."
Terra Colony Governors Mansion

"Mr. Enigma my friend talking with you has been an absolute treat, it good to see another spacenoid from humble beginnings being a leader of "our" people...ah pardon is something the matter?" The governor said, when Enigma Z seemed to space out from the conversation.

"...Apologies my friend I've just received some rather "interesting" news from the front, if you'd please excuse me for a moment while I step out...Alright I can talk freely now status report?" Enigma said to the governor before politely getting up bowing and walking back over to the balcony alone, before than touching the headset piece of his mask.

"It's as you thought sir, the federation has organized a unit designed solely to hunt you and the flagship down, and they have good intel that you are in Side 6 somewhere...Orders sir." Reported one of the Sons of Zeon's loyal fleet captains over Enigma's COM.

"A bit sooner than I thought they would, but nothing I haven't put counter balances in place for. If the federation wants to move a few pawns on the board, than we'll just have to answer in kind won't we? Send the order to attack the Island Blade colony in Side 1, and begin spreading false rumors that I am actually in side 4 that should slow their advance, or at the very least divid their forces. Either way we're abandoning side 6 soon. Until than its time to knock over a few pawns in this game of chess." Enigma said to the captain while gazing up at the stars through the colony panels imagining the battle.

Side 1 Island Blade (Federation Military Construction Zone)

"The delta fleet has moved into place under the radar Captain should we begin the operation as ordered now?" A bridge officer asked his Zeon Captain after the SoZ fleet moved into the perfect striking position cloaked from all detection.

"Begin the attack, and launch mobile suit units...ZEIG ZEON" The captain said as he gazed out at the colony, when his order was sent across the fleet and streams of lights blasted at the defense force guarding the colony.

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This one has spirit. Delicious.

You wound me Sir!" She replied in faint shock, before hearing another voice enter the conversation. A much older pilot next to a Geara. Mocking her. Not many had escaped unscathed in past for disrespecting her. Tan bit her tongue to cool her fury, and returned his banter with a coy smile.

"Didn't say I was being original Grandpa. I saw something I wanted so I thought I would take it." Tan laughed to herself as she floated beside Gene.

"How about you two settle this in the simulators huh? I could even join and make this a threesome ha!"

Gray smiled right back. She was dangerous. Those delicately handled eyes shot daggers of ice at him. He'd have to tread carefully.
"My my. Three brave Zeon pilots fighting among themselves? Now what would our dear commander say to that, but-" he stood up, and for some reason his Geara behind him seemed to brighten slightly, as if guessing his intention and welcoming it. "-the commanders not here is he? Let's do it. Just promise not to cry afterwards." He winked at the pirate. He knew he was pushing it, but he couldn't let a chance to knock ms high-and-mighty down a peg slip by.
"I hate making girls cry."

"Hey don't leave me out of all the fun, what the commander doesn't know won't hurt him after all? Also i'd be careful their pal don't forget the red comet's zaku could go toe toe with the first gundam, besides the extra hardware just adds style to this big guy. When I'm at the helm he's almost lightning fast, alright I'll meet you guys by the simulators. Especially you lovely Ms. Tan." Gene said to the two pilots before heading deeper into the ship, towards the simulator room.

"...Ok i'm not sure, I think that went well my "cool" guy act is going pretty well, i'm going to show old timer that my Zaku's amazing. I'll also look very good while doing it, man I really needed this, its been awhile since I really let loose." Gene thought to himself the moment he passed out of their eye sight into the hall way to the simulator room.

"Hey their my pretties did you miss me? Aren't we lucky we just happen to have three of these simulators, i'll just punch in my zaku's specs and...their we go i'm so ready now." Gene said out loud after arriving in the simulator room, sitting down in one, and plugging in a memory card into the machine.

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"Hey don't leave me out of all the fun, what the commander doesn't know won't hurt him after all? Also i'd be careful their pal don't forget the red comet's zaku could go toe toe with the first gundam, besides the extra hardware just adds style to this big guy. When I'm at the helm he's almost lightning fast, alright I'll meet you guys by the simulators. Especially you lovely Ms. Tan." Gene said to the two pilots before heading deeper into the ship, towards the simulator room.

"...Ok i'm not sure, I think that went well my "cool" guy act is going pretty well, i'm going to show old timer that my Zaku's amazing. I'll also look very good while doing it, man I really needed this, its been awhile since I really let loose." Gene thought to himself the moment he passed out of their eye sight into the hall way to the simulator room.

"Hey their my pretties did you miss me? Aren't we lucky we just happen to have three of these simulators, i'll just punch in my zaku's specs and...their we go i'm so ready now." Gene said out loud after arriving in the simulator room, sitting down in one, and plugging in a memory card into the machine.

Gray smiled and rolled his eyes, before pushing off the bulkhead and following the boy, matching his speed with the womans as the kid sped ahead.
"Go easy on the kid okay Ms Pirate? Poor guys putting on his best 'cool guy' act for you. Might as well humor him a bit." He looked at her sideways, grinning wryly. "You feel like getting serious, come at me instead."
With that he kicked off the wall and perfectly angled himself into one of the simulators, imputing his settings with practiced hands. The open space did not offer the familiarity of his Old Lady, but she was there in spirit, and that comforted him as he gripped the flight controls.
He ruminated on these thoughts as he opened the door to the rec room. It was filled with comfy couches, video game consoles, a bookcase or two, some 10k television sets (somewhat outdated but still competent), some virtual reality headsets, a mini-bar (likely with synthetic alcohol), vending machines, and of course the obligatory pool table or four. Quite spacious, too.

It was completely deserted due to most of the crew still at their stations from launch, but that only left more for him. He grabbed the TV remote and put on a boxing movie from UC 0032: Space Champion. It was a cheesy movie whose plot revolved around an interstellar boxing tournament held across several colonies, with the final round on Earth. Cheesy though it was, it would keep his mind off the mission.

As the freelancer settled in for his movie, the door on the opposite wall of the rec room opened, admitting a young, rangy woman with hair the colour of a summer sunset. She had a pilot suit on that matched her fiery hair, and she moved in the microgravity with a confident grace that spoke of Spacenoid origin.

She grabbed a juice bulb from the mini-bar and drifted over. "So, you're the 'independent contractor', huh? I hear tell you're pretty sierra hotel. I'm Richfield, callsign Syndrome."
Federation Task Force Ship (En route to Side 6)
"I don't like this we're about half way to Side 6, we're almost right on top of them and yet the SoZ have been quiet. I was given full briefs on the Zeon commander, he's supposed to be a tactician no doubt he's expected some kind of response to his attack on earth...I want to be wrong, but I'm not that naive to believe something isn't right here, especially when rumors just "surfaced" Enigma might be in Side 4." The captain thought to himself as they continued their journey to side 6, with his nerves standing on end over how smooth it was going.

"Captain emergency report from Londo Bell high command, i'm patching it through now sir's." A bridge officer reported to the captain as an alert beamed across to all ships in radius.

"It's what lieutenant? What does command want with us, we're just about to enter side 3 space, it must be important?" The captain addressed the young officer, as he watched the look of shock on his face.

"It's the military construction yard Island Blade colony...SoZ forces launched a sneak attack, and are currently engaging the defense force stationed there. They're ships have ours pinned down, their mobile units have mostly been contained, but fights have erupted within the colony. Reinforcements are on the way. I'm bringing up a live feed of the battle right now sir..." The officer said with a tired expression.

Side 1 Island Blade Colony (Mid Battle Live Feed)

"So this is your response to the task force is it Enigma Z? Island Blade is just one of a dozen factory colonies in side 1, its a "Safe" first assignment area we send many "green" cadets to. It's not a high value target to warrant this kind of action. This is a message that your not afraid of us, hitting us on earth, and now in side 1 the seat of the federations power in the colonies." The captain thought to himself, with a growing rage as the Zeon forces continued to shoot down federation pilots.

"Sir should we respond and join the reinforcements, or should we head to side 4 like the new intel suggests?" Another bridge officer asked the captain who seemed lost in thought.

"...Neither ensign we're heading straight towards side 6 on our current course. We're too far to get back in time to be any help. Besides that intel hasn't had a confirmed source yet, I don't like the timing of it either." The captain said to the bridge crew, while taking notice of the clear anger on one officers face.

"But sir can't we reconsider, we could be the deciding factor in that fight. We have ace pilots on this ship, if we just got them there in time than, just did something." The young ensign pleaded with the captain, who walked right up to him and towered over him.

"Your from Island blade colony aren't you, maybe have family there perhaps, that is regrettable but my orders haven't changed. Reinforcements are already on the way there, we'd only be wasting valuable time in trying to help them. This has the classic signs of a bait and switch, they picked a target close to home, one they know is poorly defensed, and than when the raw emotions are blinding us they degrade the intel by flooding it with false locations. I'm not buying this theater performance, I won't give the enemy what they want. I refuse to waste the lives of those soldiers engaging the enemy, its bitter yes but thats what war is. I don't doubt that we are all going to be tested during this conflict, but we must push forward so that they don't get way with this." The captain said after giving the order to stay on course, and alert the ship to the current events.

"DAMN DAMN DAMN!" The captain yelled as he punched the wall, after walking off the bridge to collect himself.
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As the freelancer settled in for his movie, the door on the opposite wall of the rec room opened, admitting a young, rangy woman with hair the colour of a summer sunset. She had a pilot suit on that matched her fiery hair, and she moved in the microgravity with a confident grace that spoke of Spacenoid origin.

She grabbed a juice bulb from the mini-bar and drifted over. "So, you're the 'independent contractor', huh? I hear tell you're pretty sierra hotel. I'm Richfield, callsign Syndrome."

The boxers on-screen were slugging at each other like there was no tomorrow as the actor playing the sportscaster did his best to sound as cliche as possible. Jack looked away from the TV so he was facing her, not really very invested in such a low-quality movie. "Nice to meet you, Richfield. I'm Jack Wolf, callsign Loki."

"Anyway, about my 'independent contractor' status. I was an ace pilot for the Federation during the Third Neo Zeon War, and now I'm a contractor in name only.. I'm not some mercenary out to make a profit, I'm here because I want to help end this war as fast as possible and working as a contractor suits me better than re-enlisting normally. The last thing we Spacenoids need is yet another radical faction trying to speak for us when we never asked for it. The Federation hates us enough, and all Zeon does is open old wounds and provide ammunition for the right-wing demagogues in the Federation. And on top of that they've apparently never heard of Einstein's definition of madness."
"I hate making girls cry."

"And I hate making grown men cry. I tell I lie, I love it" Tan laughed in reply.

"Hey don't leave me out of all the fun, what the commander doesn't know won't hurt him after all? Also i'd be careful their pal don't forget the red comet's zaku could go toe toe with the first gundam, besides the extra hardware just adds style to this big guy. When I'm at the helm he's almost lightning fast, alright I'll meet you guys by the simulators. Especially you lovely Ms. Tan." Gene said to the two pilots before heading deeper into the ship, towards the simulator room.

Gray smiled and rolled his eyes, before pushing off the bulkhead and following the boy, matching his speed with the womans as the kid sped ahead.
"Go easy on the kid okay Ms Pirate? Poor guys putting on his best 'cool guy' act for you. Might as well humor him a bit." He looked at her sideways, grinning wryly. "You feel like getting serious, come at me instead."
With that he kicked off the wall and perfectly angled himself into one of the simulators, imputing his settings with practiced hands. The open space did not offer the familiarity of his Old Lady, but she was there in spirit, and that comforted him as he gripped the flight controls.

"It wouldn't be fun if I went easy on him" She said as she turned into the last remaining simulator pod and settled down in the seat and started up the machine.

"Let the games begin!"
The boxers on-screen were slugging at each other like there was no tomorrow as the actor playing the sportscaster did his best to sound as cliche as possible. Jack looked away from the TV so he was facing her, not really very invested in such a low-quality movie. "Nice to meet you, Richfield. I'm Jack Wolf, callsign Loki."

"Anyway, about my 'independent contractor' status. I was an ace pilot for the Federation during the Third Neo Zeon War, and now I'm a contractor in name only.. I'm not some mercenary out to make a profit, I'm here because I want to help end this war as fast as possible and working as a contractor suits me better than re-enlisting normally. The last thing we Spacenoids need is yet another radical faction trying to speak for us when we never asked for it. The Federation hates us enough, and all Zeon does is open old wounds and provide ammunition for the right-wing demagogues in the Federation. And on top of that they've apparently never heard of Einstein's definition of madness."

Giovanna quirked an eyebrow. "Well, I haven't heard of it so I must be as bad as they are," she shrugged. "I'm not all that political. All I know is Zeon killed my dad while the Federation tried to stop them and that's enough for me."

"Anyway," she continued, "What's your ride? I'm in the Jesta Cannon, I guess they expect me to bring the boom. It's not the zippiest suit in the galaxy, but it does the job."
Giovanna quirked an eyebrow. "Well, I haven't heard of it so I must be as bad as they are," she shrugged. "I'm not all that political. All I know is Zeon killed my dad while the Federation tried to stop them and that's enough for me."

"Anyway," she continued, "What's your ride? I'm in the Jesta Cannon, I guess they expect me to bring the boom. It's not the zippiest suit in the galaxy, but it does the job."

"I'm sorry for your loss. Some time ago, a radical cell of the Sons of Zeon attacked my neutral colony to 'make an example.' They destroyed entire cities, and killed thousands of people. My wife and son were among those they murdered. However, it turned out they were at odds with and a splinter group of the main organization, and were swiftly annihilated in response. If any of them survived, they're languishing in a maximum-security prison somewhere."

"Moving on, I run the Rezel Hacker-D. It's a limited-run variant of the original ReZEL. I send malware to enemy units, and screw with their input. It has problems against Newtypes who can psychically control and override their MS, but my EMP grenades make short work of them."
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