Mobile Frame Gundam: Red Rising (A Gundam-esque Hard Sci-Fi Narrative Wargame)

Amal Al Yatim - Earther Ace "Monarch" - Silver Gambit New
Name: Amal Al Yatim, "Monarch"

Age: 19

Desired Role: Ace

Background: They called it the Golden Age of Earth. Amal would always wonder why it was considered "Golden". When they were younger Amal would lie on the sun backed streets of Aleppo and stare up at the glimmering towers of glass and steel for hours wondering what it must feel like to stand at the top of those gargantuan monoliths of wealth. What it must feel like to reach one's hand up and scrape the very clouds.

Amal knew even then however that such an idea was only a dream. All it took was one look around them at the still ruined remains of the past and the painful sting of their parched lips to remind them of that. For all the wealth and glamor that the titan's of industry in their towers of greed would extol, Amal would never see a single ounce of that wealth.

Bereft of any other option Amal would walk into the office of a recruiter. They decided to join the military because they were starving, thirsty, too poor to afford an education, and too uneducated to get hired onto another job. The recruiter had promised fame and riches in amounts unimaginable to a young orphan like Amal, all it took was the promise of free meals to get them to sign the dotted line.

They had expected to be infantry, useful only as another body ready to be thrown into the grinder of some far off peacekeeping conflict. But Amal as it turned out was not fated to join the rest of the fodder on the ground, because Amal could fly and fly well.

Things had been looking so up for Amal that one of their superiors had once called them a "once in a lifetime genius, a modern monarch of the sky"; the moniker had stuck and spread quickly. This would all come crashing down however when the plane they had been piloting during a routine patrol suffered a malfunction and fell out of the sky.

Amal had come out of the burning wreckage alive but not whole.

Their friends abandoned them, their superiors gave up on their potential, Amal would find themself staring up at the sky longing for its embrace once more. It was at this lowest point in their life that they would meet Edward Gallagher, and it was he with his words of united ascension and a promised future that would teach Amal that the burning wreckage that had temporarily halted their career had not been a climatic finally but instead a burning cocoon purpose built for the larva that they had once been.

Finally after months of hard work, extensive medical augmentation, and just as Mars erupts into eagerly anticipated open conflict Amal Al Yatim, The Monarch of the Sky, has burst from their cocoon and returns to their court.

Political Affiliation: Virtual Ascensionists

Issue Opinions:

Raw Material Shortage- There is but one logical thing to do with our primary source of raw materials now-inaccessible, and that is to get what little use there remains of the Cradle we outgrew so long ago. It is a mere pittance compared to what we shall reap in the Asteroid Belt, but it shall see us through the dark months ahead, while at the same time ensuring that those beyond who have chosen to remain loyal are rewarded with neither increased taxes or quotas. It is by their expertise alone that Humanity at last will be able to ascend away from that which once-nurtured us, and now constrains us with petty sentimentality.

The Panic of 2174- The infantile fascination with watching an arbitrary set of digits increase in number has haunted the species for as long as history can recall, and it is honestly about time that we collectively decide to move on from such matters. There are real material concerns which need to be addressed, matters of scientific importance which must be investigated, and new technological wonders to unveil, and none of these issues will suffer from lack of an imagined value printed upon an archaic slip of paper or stored on a remote computer server, never to be used for anything but displays of dominance, like an animal showcasing its supposed achievements before a prospective mate. As among other matters, we, as a species, have outgrown the need for an economy.

General Sphere Unrest- This unrest is merely the herald of a new wave which will crash upon our shores again and again until we embrace it, as should have been done long ago. Space is the future of the species, and yet again and again we must await decisions from those who have consciously chosen death and decay over life and progress. The colonists should be lauded, not subjugated, for all they have done is force an impossible choice upon the powerbrokers of old. We must reach out a hand in the interest of mutual collaboration, for it is only together with our spaceborne siblings that the last gasps of the old way, personified in similar rebellious movements upon the Earth, can be snuffed out, and at last close a bloody chapter of history.

Military-Industrial Anemia- Corruption has eaten away at the foundations of our collective defense, and now these very same traitors still wish to place a price tag upon the safety of Earth. As has been demonstrated time and time again, we are never to negotiate with terrorists, be they fighters or economists. The industries, production lines and complexes required for the successful continuation of the war with Mars are to be seized by the state and operated at full capacity regardless of economic conditions, and those who orchestrated this financial scheme, former military men or no, must be punished.

Crisis in The Assembly- The Assembly is the domain of the greedy and corrupt, not one man or woman who has set foot within its vaunted halls has come out the same. Be they Oliviera or the representatives, Amal cares for their life like one might a fly's. For all Amal cares the place can burn, their court is the sky and The Monarch's law is the only one that matters up there.

The Scapegoat- The blame for the current crisis lies at the same feet that every crisis has for the last thousand years, the feet of those in charge. If a starving farmer fights back against those taking his food, it is not the farmers fault that the thief got shot. Be that as it may however, the Monarch of the Sky only sees this "crisis" as an opportunity, this is their chance to finally test the rule of their law against an opponent able to actually fight back on equal footing.
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Seto Kaiba - Earther Ace (Callsign Pending) - Todorius New
Name: Seto Kaiba

Age: 27

Date of Birth: 25th of October 2147; Domino City - Earth

Desired Role: Ace - CEO of Kaiba Corp/ Secondary - Commander

Preferred Vehicle: Blue Eyes White Dragon Jet

Background: "You're a 4th rate pilot, with a 5th rate mech."

Seto Kaiba was orphaned at a young age alongside his brother Mokuba when both his parents died in an unforseen car accident. Kaiba was so young he was barely old enough to remember their faces, although their loss would profoundly alter the course of his and his brother's life. Kaiba himself proved to be of towering intellect and ability during his stay at the orphanage, although his insistence that he not be parted with his more introverted and less overtly brilliant brother discouraged potential couples from adopting him. At least this was the case until the head of the internationally predominent weapons R&D development corporation, Gozaburo Kaiba, of Kaibacorp fame adopted the brothers upon recognising Kaiba's genius.

Gozaburo would grow to regret his decision to adopt the two brothers as Seto Kaiba would come to overshadow the Kaiba patriarch, and eventually displace him entirely, as CEO of KaibaCorp, by the time Seto was in his twenties. Which was when he decided upon his grand ambition to refocus and restructure the corporation towards childrens entertainment and toys. This didn't work out as planned. Apparently world governments and militaries didn't take kindly to existings military contracts and advanced weapons development teams being displaced or forced to pivot towards developing colourful baubles and trading card games.

Seto Kaiba was very swiftly indited for national and international security crimes. He was given an ultimatum he could maintain his position and stake in KaibaCorp, if he would personally be able to match the military value it could produce before his restructuring plan. To this measure, Seto took things in to his own hand to prove that the value of his old big five and R&D departments couldn't match his overwhelming skill even in the distasteful arts of war.

-Raw Material Shortages:
"Earth Sphere's mining old companies can't dig themselves out of a paper bag" New companies and avenues of resource extraction should naturally be sought out. The fact that existing companies haven't done this already is a testament to their incompetence.

-Panic of 2174:
"Alright, that little detour was a complete waste of my time and effort. So let's move on and pretend that nonsense never happened.". The teeming masses are fools that are easily swayed by their base emotions, issues like this will happen so long as the masses of fools continue to exist.

-General Sphere Unrest:
-"Heart of the cards (people)! Ridiculous! This game's all about power, and one way or another that blue eyes white dragon (authority)...will be mine."

-Military-Industrial Anaemia:
"No. I will not -- cannot -- be defeated!" As an unparrallelled genius the failure of the other companies boils down to their own incompetence, much like the so called 'big five' that worked developing weapons under my adoptive father.

-Crisis in the Assembly:
Doesn't truly care as long it doesn't effect him.

"Life is a game if you can't win, don't play it" Whoever was making decision was to blame and finding out is merely a matter of using one's brain, however atrophied it may be from a lack of use.
Political Affiliation: The Trilateral Commission

Edit: added political views with (slightly modifed) quotes.
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Godal Gorton - Martian Ace "The Green Guardian" - EternalStruggle New
Name: Godal "the Green Guardian" Gorton


Age: 33

Date of Birth: 08/04/2141

Desired Role: Ace, Commander

Background: Desmond Parker had a certain way with words. When he founded the Free Mars Movement, it was no accident or coincidence that all but his entire work crew joined him in planting the seeds that would one day blossom into revolution. Unsurprisingly, many of the industrial workers that made up said crew would end up in powerful roles in the revolutionary government, at least those that survived, but this was by no means universal. Parker was no believer in nepotism, and by the time of the New Syrtis Bombing the movement had far outgrown his corpse in any case.

One of these lesser-known vanguards is Godal Gorton, at one time a naive young idealist content to hand out pamphlets and go on strike. Naive is not spineless, of course, and as the movement grew in size and intensity, he grew with it, fully coming into his own as a revolutionary just in time for the murder of Desmond Parker.

The martyring of the revolution's leader had different effects on everyone, but those who knew him best took it hardest. For Godal, it was a blow he didn't easily recover from, becoming disconnected from the FMM as it went underground, choosing instead to waste most of his days with drinking when he wasn't busy working a new job as a Worker-Frame pilot with forged credentials as a final parting gift from his old comrades.

He had a talent with them, it turned out, and a lot of time to think. About Parker, about Mars, about the Frame that was becomingly increasingly dominant as a multi-purpose industrial and logistics tool on Mars. In the aftermath of New Syrtis, Godal Gorton returned to the FMM as a changed man with ideas about modern warfare.

His green-painted Worker-Frame became something of a minor icon on the battlefields of revolution, skillfully wielded to great effect across the battlefields of Mars. When the UNN's 4th Fleet approached, he was one of the earliest and most vocal proponents of using the revolutionary in all senses weapon platform as Mars' ace in the hole against the invaders.

The usage of wide-area jammers to blind the enemy's sensors wasn't his idea. Nor did the plan of attack go ahead because of his influence. Green Team, his personal unit, did not participate in the attack run on the 4th Fleet's flagship that proved so vital in causing chaos and turning the battle in Mars' favour. Even so, he played his part to perfection, and the Green Guardian made yet more of a name for himself with his cunning and ruthless attacks, scything down many UNN ASFs and in so doing making ace in a day. Perhaps even more impressively, he kept his unit intact, with Green Team escaping the battle with no personnel losses.

In recognition of his service to the revolution, and in need of good leaders for the newly battle-tested Free Mars Armed Forces, the Council for a Free Mars formally offered him a promotion to Commander of a Liberation Corps. Unsure if he should take on the responsibility or leave it for other, hopefully more capable hands, Gorton pondered the decision heavily. In the end, he decided to [DATA CORRUPTED] the promotion, so as to [DATA CORRUPTED].


In the end, he decided to respectfully turn down the promotion, so as to continue acting on the front lines where he was most comfortable and felt he could do the most good for Mars.

He still drinks these days, but only in moderation, taking the occaisonal evening off so he can raise a toast to fallen friends.

Political Affiliation: Parkerite Republican Old Guard

Food Insecurity
Our number one priority has to be feeding our people. I'm afraid there's no easy way out of this, so the Council will just have to accept a whole lot of hard graft to get enough hydroponic up and running to feed everyone, rationing in the meantime if we have to. Alternatives might help take the edge off, but there's no easy solution to feeding this many people. (Parkerite Republican)

Restrictive Industries
A lack of fancy gizmos didn't stop us from kicking Earth's ass up and down the spacelanes, did it? We'll use what can build; like the War-Frame, infantry equipment, and escort ships, and anything we can innovate; and we'll make it work because that's what's on the menu. If we put any focus here, it should be on making sure we can maintain everything we're using already, like the terraformers. Everything past that's just gravy. (Martian Liberation League)

The Terraforming Project
What's the point of fighting if our children are never gonna walk freely under open skies? What's the point of making a breathable atmosphere if we're slaves for Earth corporations? We need to find a way to do both, although that might mean making some small cuts on one side or the other to make sure everything's making at least some progress. (Parkerite Republican)

A Martian Identity
I couldn't honestly tell you what Desmond would want if he was still here, not exactly. What I can tell you is he probably wouldn't want us all fighting over what's ultimately, pardon my language, petty bullshit. The most important part of a Martian identity is that we recognise that we, all of us, are Martians. Siblings in the struggle for freedom. We might disagree on a lot, but we need to never forget that fact. Most days, I think we do alright. Some days, I can't help but wonder how long a single unified Mars is gonna last. (Independent)

The Nature of The Independence War
We've already lost too many people, and we're going to lose a whole lot more before this war's over. But the fact is, we plain don't have the firepower to enforce our will on Earth, and until and unless they change things up over there they're going to keep on coming. The good news is that without change, I doubt they can last forever. We just need to keep up the fight until they're too exhausted to continue. It's not pretty, but it's the only way. (Edenist)

The Armed Forces Question
We've gotta exploit every edge we have, and we've got one big one: War-Frames. I'm sure the UNN's already either working on their own or on ways to counter them, but I've seen with my own two eyes just how powerful they can be in the right hands, and being first to use them should give us an advantage in making more and making better. The fact they keep casualties low without taking humans out of the loop due to small numbers for their impact helps too, if you ask me. (Spartanian Militarists)
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Runen Ruddle - Earther Ace "Siren" - Carol New
Name: Runen Ruddle (Callsign: Siren).


Age: 16.

Date of Birth: 01/02/2154.

Desired Role: Ace.

Background: The heir of the influential Ruddle family was once a dashing man. Despite coming from a household of ruthless tycoons in South Africa, he had the personal touch that so many of his relatives were missing. There was genuine warmth to him that made others believe he was the child of destiny. Perhaps it was this ambition that led him to join the United Nations Navy and to expose himself to glory as Napoleon might. Alas his brilliant career was cut short at Deimos.

Runen was nothing like her brother. She was awkward where he was congenial, placid where he was hungry. It made her dead last in the eyes of a family that treasured competition—a dull bronze to her brother's shining gold. He was kinder to Runen than expected but their relationship was still irreversibly damaged. At best, her brother only looked on with pity as the familial pressure broke her and made her a danger to herself.

The latest episode left her speaking through an electrolarynx. Her mother's donation to the local hospital reclassified her illness as an unfortunate cancer on the larynx. Her father's call opened a space in the Navy's cadet program for her. In no uncertain terms was she allowed to embarrass the Ruddle legacy. Her fellows snickered when they nominated the nickname "Siren" on account of her new voice. It didn't last long with her schooling them in dogfights. Next she beat her instructors and then the visiting veterans. She had an uncanny ability to read her enemies although she needed to be constantly medicated after each outing to deal with the blowback.

When news of her brother's demise came, Runen had mixed feelings. She was sad to hear about it regardless of his silent betrayal. A part of her could recall the glimmers of happier memories when it seemed their history bled away. But she was glad too when the uglier ones came by. Through his murder, she had a target to let her rage out on: Mars. It happened that around the same time she came under the influence of [redacted] who spoke beautiful words in one ear and venom the next.

Political Affiliation: Trilateral Commission.

Issue Opinions:​
  • Raw Material Shortages: As a pilot for the Navy, everything needed to keep me in the air is justified.
  • The Panic of 2174: We know who our enemies are—Mars must be brought to justice. The last thing we need is shooting ourselves in the foot by making enemies on Earth.
  • General Sphere Unrest: Let's try to be soft-handed with the Earth and inner colonies first. And if that doesn't work, we can always throw down the baton.
  • Military-Industrial Anemia: As the heiress of the Ruddle estate, we can help out with the war effort. The industries of the Earth Sphere have a place to play in the recovery from the panic. Either we hang together or we hang separately.
  • Crisis in The Assembly: Try to make the protesting representatives see sense. I'm sure most of their principles can be bought with something that won't risk our war with Mars. It's that or we find people who can.
  • The Scapegoat: Don't know, don't care. All I know is that Mars hurt us. It's time for payback.
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Aizere Oreshkina - Martian Ace "Ladybug" - FantasticMsFox New

Name: Aizere Oreshkina
"We are the bloody scars of Mars that stand brightly against the black, reminding Earth that all we have to give is blood. Theirs, ours, it does not matter. The only thing that does matter is that our freedom demands that blood."

Date of Birth: 17/03/2147 (27)

Desired Role: Ace -> Commander -> Administrator

Background: Born on Earth in former Khazakstan, Aizere's most clear memory of Earth is leaving it. As Earth faded into the distance after enduring the great roar and rumble of rocket flight, Deimos and Mars took its place.

Her parents having found jobs as managers in the dock works, and her life was comfortable. Her younger brother Timur was born in 2157 as the pressures on Mars started to build truly. Hearing her parents speak of worker "turnover" and "churn" was her exposure to the ideas of politics. And as she grew older, her ideas began to diverge with her parents.

She had only ever truly known Deimos, she was a red looney, a Martian, not an Earther. Why did they keep insisting she was of Earth, and why were they worried about the demonstrations by the dock workers? The thought that things were getting worse and why couldn't they see it eventually morphed into the realization that her parents perpetuated those issues. They were the ones cutting hours and standards on orders from Earth. They were the ones looking down their noses as people fought for what was right

Moving out at 17 after one too many shouting matches with her parents she fell in with an increasingly radical group. Earning rent and food by joining the Deimos Dockworkers Association instead of taking her parent's money, She was 18 when Desmond Parker died. Already increasingly radical it was Parker's death that pushed her over the edge into association with the Sons and Daughters of Ares.

And as she moved from losing certain shipments or parts to organizing her own cell, it was a knock on her door in February of 2169 that shocked her awake. Palming a pistol she should most certainly not have had, instead of a UN goon squad on the other side was her brother Timur. Her parents had decided to return to Earth, and he had run away instead of joining them.

So while Mars hurtled toward its future, Aizere recorded a tearfully resolute message to her parents. Timur was safe, she was safe. They were staying. No matter what. She still loves them even today, behind a layer of bitter anger.

The events leading up to and after New Syrtis drove and fed that anger. Narrowly avoiding arrest at multiple times, having to separate and rejoin Timur a dozen times. The color of blood and red rust creeps at her vision so often when thinking of those days. Of comrades lost before their ultimate triumph and struggling to keep Timur from it all. She managed, barely. Loose clothing hid weapons, scars, and the pangs of hunger that kept all the same from her little brother.

Her cell's network was instrumental in supplying a number of the worker frames that would tear down the steel monoliths of oppression the UN sent to crush their insurrection. She remembers it so clearly, the need to keep them from Deimos. From Timur. What is less clear is the battle itself. A blur in her mind, of calling targets desperately while whirling through clouds of steel. Blinking away bright spots after each detonation, of watching fuel and oxygen tick down moment by moment. It all runs together connected by moments of red rage as she tore through the enemy.

But that is over now, the next phase of the revolution has begun. The rust-red blood is not yet done spilling down on mars or into her vision. And that is okay. As long as that crimson streams around her, she is alive. Timur is alive. Mars is alive.

Political Affiliation: Daughter of Ares (Anarchist)

Issue Opinions:
Food Insecurity: Any means necessary. [Is already intermittently fasting and 5'9 weighing 115lbs]
Restrictive Industries: Tear out the remains of Earther control. Martian ingenuity killed our oppressors, it will give life to our industry.
The Terraforming Project: Let Mars transcend Earth.
A Martian Identity: To be Martian is to be stained with the blood of those you love.
The Nature of The War: Earth will pay.
The Armed Forces Question: The structures we have proved themselves. We should not recast ourselves as Earth's monolithic UN but should retain a high level of autonomy.
Name: Johan von Stahldrache


Age: 32

Date of Birth: 25/08/2138

Desired Role:
1) Administrator (Preference: Free Martian Regions of Elysium and Cimmeria but will take any spot if offered)
2) Research Director
3) Commander

Background: WIP

Political Affiliation: Independent

Issue Opinions:
We, as all people, have an indelible need to feed ourselves. Not only must the state develop the means to feed it's people but the people must also take it upon themselves to to both help the state develop those means but their communities should also create their own personal means of food procurement, be it aqua/aero-ponics, greenhouses, or Ranching. This way all our people shall have a supply of food no matter what should the government fail to provide it through either disaster or malicious intent.

As with any exploited colony, we have most likely been intentionally handicapped in our ability to produce and maintain higher technologies so as to keep us subservient or at least allow Earth to easily put down any attempt at sovereignty. While we cannot fix this disparity immediately, we can begin the construction of these critical industries while also developing our own Martian brand of tech so that we may stand apart from Earth on our own 2 feet.

This most momentous landmark project is a sign of the Martian spirit of industry and a wish for a better future for their children and their children's children. With the coming war the terraformation efforts must be scaled back a bit to ensure that we have the resources to win but they will not be stopped. We must also look inward and decide if we truly wish to make our home a reflection of Earth or if we wish to make our world our own, guiding it into a different metamorphosis then what was planned by the Earth.

I believe that the Martian people need a strong guiding force to lead them into the future. I believe that the best way forward is a Constitutional Monarchy with a Democratic Senate will lead us best into the future while having the foundation of our economy be a Welfare Capitalism model will best let our people prosper.

This war to protect our sovereignty and people is one we must fight with all our might but it must only be fought in ways which retain our honor and only to defend ourselves. We must not just become pale reflection of Earth, and as such we should only send troops to Earth to destroy their capabilities of constructing war materials and no more.

The revolution has shown us many things about this new era of warfare. It has shown us that the old method of a completely centralized hierarchy is outdated and that new weapons of war have come into use which has changed up the mathematics of battle. Knowing all this I suggest that the central HQ be used more for Grand Strategy and coordination but that every army group (which follows a combined arms set up) should have its own command staff, logistics corp, and be able to operate completely independently should the need arise. I also believe that our troops must be well trained in the same manner as Earths forces as we have not the people to waste on poorly trained militia fighters but that we should also invest into creating robotic Infantry to take the brunt of the casualties.
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Ryne Rowan - Council Representative for the Orbital Habitats - Ranger New

Name: Ryne Rowan

Age: 51

Date of Birth: 1/3/2123

Desired Role: Council Representative for the Orbital Habitats, Ace (Mars) (Equal preference), 3rd: Commander

Background: Ryne has lived a long life on both Mars and it's nearby space colonies, initially travelling as part of the terraforming work and other efforts with the Eden Church. Born on Mars' surface to a Edenist Church family, he grew up surrounded in the religious ideals of the church and adopted them. His early life he was a technician, a job he was very proficient at. The young Ryne worked EVA and operations to maintain the Magnetoshield and other satellites and stations throughout Mars' orbit. For several years he lived on Eris station, adopting it as his second home, and even marrying another technician there named Camelia. He and his wife went on to have several now adult children as they both continued their work. Eventually though Ryne and his wife's time doing EVAs was up, too much time out in space on the far side of the Magnetoshield, too much radiation. So they had to retire from their external technician work.

The Eden Church offered them new work, Ryne and his family moving back groundside to help service equipment for the Church's own militia forces. The water guards had plenty of equipment, and most of it in various states of functionality, so it provided endless work for the pair of technicians. Though quickly they developed a bit of a side hobby, repairing a broken down worker-frame that the water guards had more or less given to them for scrap. 'Repairing' was somewhat of a loose term, as the two had the thing back in action within a few months, instead it quickly turned into upgrading, weekdays and weekends spent with the family altering the hull drastically with parts ripped off other wrecks, new guns added and an entirely custom engine created.

Unfortunately before the machine could be completed, the solar radiation caught up with Ryne's wife, and she went from healthy to passed in a matter of weeks due to a catastrophic cancer after almost 20 years together. After that Ryne used whatever funds he and his wife had to make sure his children could go to the best schools on the planet, even if that meant he had to shift from doing general technician work to getting some danger pay. He took the frame he and his wife worked on, now called the Camellia (Named both in honour of his wife and a red flower his wife had been quite entranced with from the Eris station garden) and joined the water guards directly. The frame looked nothing like it had originally, and operated nothing like it either. Designed to be operated with a crew of two, Ryne modified it further, allowing him to crew the entire vehicle alone like normal frames, but supported by a highly advanced co-pilot system. Painted bright red the Camellia quickly earned a reputation among the Church's enemies for blazing into battle, eviscerating it's targets with an array of cannons and other weapons and weaving through weapons fire or striking down the projectiles with customized hard kill systems.

Quickly Ryne rose through the ranks of the Church's military wing, but by that time he was already getting on in years, and he had only joined the guard to pay for his children's education. Once his sons and daughters had become full fledged adults, moving to make their own lives, Ryne retired and settled back into a technician life. Alternating between Eris station and Mars' surface where he became a political force for a Free Mars. Afterall, he had seen Mars from nearly every angle there was to see, he had even met Desmond Parker himself once, but the only Mars he hadn't seen was one free of the shackles of Earth.

Though he never did hand back Camellia and rumours are he's still been tinkering with the 'worker frame' to an almost unhealthy degree, adding new equipment as he can get his hands on it, or make it himself.

Political Affiliation: Edenist

Issue Opinions:

Fungus is all well and good and worth pursuing, but we don't have enough time to just wait for it to be modified. Lichen also provides a reasonable source of nutrition, and is just as tolerable to poor conditions. Maybe we could use that and some artificial products to create nutrient bars or something. Like the 'food' they gave us for long EVAs. Stuff tasted like sawdust and suffering, but it sure kept you full.
We are the heirs of the most brilliant minds of Earth. Whether the blueys wish to admit it or not. We have the Magnetoshield, and I'm sure we can come up with something new. Maybe we can make the plants do the computing for us. Or look into AI to help optimize what we have.
I worked on maintaining the Magnetoshield for half my life. My wife died from the radiation we got doing it. Like hell you're pulling the plug on the dream of Mars. Without the project the people will be without hope, and without hope what will we have? Nothing that's what.
What do we need the blueys for. We got all the spirit and brains on Mars to make a better world and a culture to come with it. We'll show them when the green of Mars can be seen in their sky, and they'll know they can never beat Mars' united spirit.
We can't afford to go to Earth, and what even is there worthwhile anyways on the old hulk. But we need to keep the war distant enough to avoid damage to the Magnetoshield. If we are going to war then bringing it to the Asteroid Belt might be our best bet.
We can't beat 'em in numbers, but we can beat them in guts, skill, and capability. While some of the other big wigs in the church like the idea of tinkering with genetics, I've always been more of a fan of looking to up our tech tech. But whatever gets us the victory I suppose.
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Sark Ogilvy - Martian Ace "The Silver Bandit" - tankdrop24 New
Name: Sark Ogilvy

Age: 19

Birthday: April 17th, 2155

Nickname: The Silver Bandit

Desired Role: Ace

Born and raised on Mars, Sark first tasted tragedy at age ten. When his family was moving from Tharsis to Elysium, the transport they were on crashed. Sark survived nearly unharmed, while his younger brother Rile suffered the loss of his left arm and both legs. They were the lucky ones, as all others on board perished in the crash. Despite the craft in question being incredibly past it's typical retirement age, and being dangerously under maintained, the official investigation concluded the crash was the result of pilot error. As such, the Ogilvy brothers received minimal compensation for their suffering.

Struggling to support his now disabled younger sibling, at fifteen Sark would lie about his age and join a mining company as a worker frame operator. Barely six months later, an accident would cause a cave in at the mine Sark worked in, and he would spend eighteen tireless hours digging survivors out of the rubble with his worker frame. Again, the company involved would attempt to limit the amount it had to pay in compensation with the claim that the collapse had been the result of a terrorist plot amongst the miners.

Sark testified in court that it had been an the result of corporate negligence, but the fact that he had lied about his age during the hiring process was used to dismiss his credibility. Worse, the incident led to him being blacklisted in the field of resource extraction. This would prove to be a decisive turning point in Sark's life.

A year afterwards, Sark took part in the robbery of a major bank, piloting a stolen worker's frame to literally smash through the walls of a building to carry off a vault and serve as a ride for the rest of his team. The gang Sark was a part of would become infamous over the next several months for their brazen actions, stealing countless funds for the Mars liberation movement.

Eventually, Sark would take part in the battle of Deimos, shooting down several UN craft and establishing a reputation as one of the rebellion's first aces. Circumstances forced Sark to sortie in a frame so freshly built it lacked any kind of finish. Martian media mistook what was an accident for a distinctive paint job, and combined with Sark's previous actions, dubbed him the 'Silver Bandit'.

Political Affiliation: Apolitical but drifting towards Martian Liberation League

Political Positions:

Food Insecurity: Not sure if I'm smart enough to handle the food issue, but my gut says this is going to be the kind of thing that's going to take Mars coming together to fix. I don't think looking to Earth is going to be a solution either, whether it's through coerciven or through buying it. The way I see it that would either give Earth back some power over us, or turn us into the oppressors just the same as the MCA was.

The Terraforming Project: Making Mars green is the dream, and it always sucks to see dreams put off, but I don't really see how we can fight a war with all of Earth and move forward at the same time. Keep it intact, certainly, but if we win Mars will still be there. I hope

Restrictive Industries: I'm no mechanic, but I think it's better for us to stick with what works that we already have, though that is partially because I don't like the thought of having to spend extra time retraining on something more complicated.

A Martian Identity: I haven't really had time yet in my life to really think about the exact details of what I want the world to be like. I just want my brother to live safe and comfortably and for my parents and co-workers to have justice. I do strongly suspect that kind of a world won't mix with any sort of major corporation, however.

The Nature of The Independence War: Keeping Mars free is the important thing, of course. But even if we generally had things worse, there must be people in the Earth sphere that have it bad too. If they can't fight for themselves, and we won't fight for them, then who will?

The Armed Forces Question: Obviously, War Frames are the future of combat and we should go all in on them. Organizationally… I know we need to change to fight Earth, but I'm afraid of fixing what ain't broken. The army of Earth is the enemy, it's the Earth's tool of oppression. Should we really be turning our own forces into any kind of mirror of them?
Delthea Ayala - Commander of the 4th Liberation Corps - ArvisPresley New
Name: Delthea Ayala


Age: 23

Date of Birth: 29/9/2150

Desired Role: Commander of the 4th Liberation Corps, Commander of Either the 2nd or 3rd Liberation Corps

The Young Lady Ayala, or as her friends call her, Del, was born to a prominent family of the Martian Colonial Authority. The Ayala's had long served as go-betweens of the various Earthian Corporations operating in the Red Planet and the Colonial Administration itself; 'Corporate Nobility' Delthea herself would later joke.

The Ayala's, beyond being involved in the economic machine of Martian exploitation, were deeply enmeshed militarily as well through a long history of service going back to the UN SEA Police Action during the early 21st Century. As such, it was little surprise that the young Delthea would be shipped off to the finest Earthian Military Academies money and connections could offer, far away from her native Mars.

The tiny blip of teenage rebellion following the death of Desmond Parker would be a brief cause of concern, but the young scion would eventually remember her station and refocus back on her studies and her responsibility to make contacts and friends on Earth for the family.

It is unknown exactly when Delthea would further radicalize in favor of the FMM, but by the time she had graduated and was shipped back to Mars as an Officer of the UN Peacekeepers, it wasn't long till she had made contact with the brewing rebellion. Initially providing valuable intel, when Mars descended into open revolt, she and a cadre of sympathetic friends, associates and fellow idealists would defect to the Martian cause.

Providing a much welcome professional arm to the eclectic and divided Martian Armed Forces, Delthea's military training combined with her personal charisma and sincere devotion to the revolutionary cause would quickly see rise through the ranks, eventually becoming a Commandeer of a Full Liberation Corps. She would serve with distinction in the many battles to secure Mars and even in the historic clash at Deimos.

Romantic, sometimes idealistic, a bit overbearing; Delthea is ready to give everything she has for the cause of Parker and the Red Planet.

Political Affiliation:
Parkerite Republican with MLL and Spartanian Sympathies

Issue Opinions:
While not a popular choice by any stretch of the imagination, we must remind ourselves to be realistic, and not immediately descend into flights of fancy or dream projects. By instituting a system of rationing we can extend our existing stockpiles of foodstuffs until such a time that additional greenhouses and other forms of farming complexes can be completed.
Earth may enjoy technical advantages at the moment, but so long as Mars alone possesses the newly-discovered military edge of War Frames, a combination of clever tactics and an unbroken will shall ensure both our continued overall success in the war, while at the same time providing our scientists with plenty of salvageable examples of Earther technology to reverse-engineer for our own purposes.
The Terraforming Project should continue, there is no doubt about that, but it is also undoubtedly clear that the war for Martian independence will be a costly affair. A balance must be struck, where we avoid sacrificing the overall progress of one side for the benefit of the other, be that the terraforming, or our war efforts.
Mars and its people are to be the vanguard lighting the torch and leading the way for others. We must come together as one and showcase what a truly egalitarian and equal society can create and accomplish, a place where no gods or kings may ever reign. By building this shining city upon the hill, we will serve as inspiration for others across the Solar System to cast off their chains, and join us in turn as brothers and comrades.
Mars is but the first step, a vanguard for the revolution which shall sweep aside the old order and liberate the masses of the Solar System. Every effort shall be made to go on the offensive, to seize the orbital infrastructure which the elites of Earth are ever-so-reliant on, and from there establish an insurmountable staging point to launch a liberation campaign of Earth itself, and free its peoples from the very same oppressors which exploited them as much as they exploited us.
The advent of War Frames has drastically changed the future of warfare, and Mars must embrace this change if it is to hope to see victory in this coming clash of civilizations. Thus, Mars should put every effort into making War Frames and their pilots the foremost branch of our military. With such exceptional warriors leading the charge, under a competent high command, defeat will remain an impossibility.
Hippolyta Areia - Commander of the 2nd Liberation Corps - Fancy Face New
Name: Hippolyta Areia


Age: 22

Desired Role: Commander -> Ace

Background: Mars is full of colonists who came seeking opportunity, only to unwittingly doom themselves and their children to dead end jobs barely making ends meet. In that regard, neither her parents, nor their parents, were anything special. Hippolyta was just another hunched over miner fated to end up as some unfortunate statistic that might merit a mention on news broadcasts, if she was particularly unlucky, before the day of her brush with destiny.

Of course, Mars being what it was, that brush with destiny was being caught in the middle of a riot turned massacre. Panicking corporate leadership and rumors of FMM activity among the workforce led to increasing crackdowns, making the feared uprising a bloody inevitability. Corporate Security wasted little time in turning their guns on the miners, who retaliated with cobbled together weaponry and explosives. She would have died that day, if not for Gloria Santangel and her defectors making quick work of the thugs who had lorded their position over her for most of her adult life, thugs who were swiftly reduced to mincemeat by actual warriors. It was thanks to Gloria, her legend already starting to spread, that any miners survived.

Is it any wonder, then, that Hippolyta abandoned her old life to join the cause? That she buried it all, even gave up her old name, to follow in the footsteps of an actual hero? She has undeniably earned her place, becoming a dedicated partisan and soldier...though in the process, her and her idol have somewhat diverged.

Political Affiliation: Spartanian Militarist, of a sort.

Issue Opinions:
Food Insecurity:
The masses of Mars will starve without the harvests of Earth, but we won't allow that to happen. Move fast enough, tear open the hoarded supplies of the enemy, and free the fields of Earth to feed her celestial sister.
Restrictive Industries: There are certain things we cannot do, but we have the tools we need to win this struggle as long as we do not falter. Time to turn Mars into a thriving world relies on us winning the war in the first place.
Terraforming Project: Could Mars be made less hostile, and more amenable? Perhaps. But now might not be the time-there is little we have to spare.
Martian Identity: Mars is the shield of humanity, a land of bravery, struggle, and victory. We cannot forget the challenges of our past, as they have forged us into the heroes of a new era.
The Nature of the Independence War: Why should Mars be the only planet freed? The shining steel champions of liberation shall plant their banners on every world, and shelter humanity beneath their aegis!
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Age: 34

Desired Role:
Chief Scientist of the Martian Research & Development Bureau
Type: Research Director


A gifted engineer, Kunio Okawara was valued by the Corporation he slaved away at for his technical expertise, and designing ability. He would become radicalised by the treatment of his family, while he rose through the ranks of the scientific bureau of the corporation he and his family worked for. His father and then his mother were lost to the harshness of Corporate demands upon the workers of Mars.

At the funeral of his mother he would receive his first contact with Radicals as friends of his mother began to guide him towards the secret truth and hope of a new world, free of Corporations and Earth's demands. For this cause he would provide everything he could and he would be instrumental in the cause of arming the first militarised frames and to the general agreement of all the Martian scientific staff he would rise to be the Chief Scientist.

Political Affiliation: Full Member of the Sons of Ares

Issue Opinions: Fully aligned with the Sons of Ares in most things but influenced by his past youth as a Trans humanist in ideology.
-Character Sheet-

Name: Zekethaniel Fokker


Age: 33

Date of Birth: 13/4/2142

Desired Role: Martian Commander


Political apathy in times of strife is common among those least affected. Even among Martians living and dying under the corporate yoke, times were leaner for some than others. So it went for Zekethaniel Fokker, the scion of an upstart manufacturing concern nestled in Sabaea and a standout example of how to fail upward into military high command.

Lacking sufficient financial acumen to take the reigns of his family business when he came of age, what began as a short stint of government work as an enforcer of the Colonial Authority stretched out into a lengthy career built on Zekethaniel's sheer indifference to the rising tensions of his homeworld. Years spent tirelessly honing his knowledge of Martian political levers in hopes of returning to Traxus Incorporated with the connections necessary to make up for what he lacked in basic mathematics. Years rising above his peers in the UN-backed security force to do little in the way of managing his surbodinates.

In this regard, Zekethaniel's life had taken what he might have called an unfortunate turn if he hadn't brought it on himself. Though local security forces formed the backbone of corporate oppression on Mars, the spread of discontent would inevitably bring about anti-government sympathizers among the jackboots. Sympathizers that, if Zekethaniel had paid more attention during his tenure as a sector commander of Sabaea, he would have noticed acting in an increasingly bold manner through official channels.

But by bit, Zekethaniel had inadvertently rubberstamped a full-blown conspiracy into existence within the Martian Colonial Authority. Patrol routes changed. Loyalists rotated to dangerous areas. Weapon shipments transported by skeleton crews. All performed by a growing number of budding rebels convinced that their superior officer was a true comrade in arms. Nay; a visionary.

As the ashes of the old order and the only Traxus factory on Mars began to settle, emerging leaders on Mars took stock of those who were most instrumental in making the revolution possible. Naturally, throngs of turncoat security officers would go on to hail their gallant and cunning Commander Fokker as an indispensable factor in turning the Colonial Authority's strength against itself. That Zekethaniel's immediate subordinates drifted toward the MLL for reasons of their own was only proper.

The rest, as one might say, is a specific person's version of history.

Political Affiliation: Apolitical. Publicly a diehard supporter of the Martian Liberation League.

Issue Opinions:

Food Insecurity:

"Just grow more food. I dunno."

Restrictive Industries:
"Ah, shit. I'm not replacing my old tablet, am I?"

The Terraforming Project:
"We have a terraforming project? I thought that was done."

A Martian Identity:
"I took a Spanish class in high school. Not sure if that counts, because I forgot it all."

The Nature of The Independence War:
"I think my dad's still on Earth. Can we try not to kill him?"

The Armed Forces Question:
"Someone, please tell me what to do."
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Quentin Brand - Director-General of the United Nations Mandates in The Americas - grimely New

Quentin Brand​

The Princeling

"A century of bondage would drive even the calmest of souls to the most desperate of ends."

Age: 34
Date of Birth: 04/11/2135

Desired Role: United Nations Chief Commissioner to the Earth Sphere Space Colonies, Director-General of the United Nations Mandates in The Americas, Director of the United Nations Intelligence Agency

Background: The Brands are a well-to-do but never particularly prominent North American family, the members of which have served the United Nations in various capacities since its founding. Firmly ensconced within the bureaucratic class, they have made themselves the next best thing to indispensable: forgettable. Decade in and out they have done their modest part for the Earth Sphere, all manner of political headwinds passing far, far above their heads.

Generations of quiet toil within the UN's various organs, and those of its most prominent member governments in the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, have not gone unrewarded, the relatively meager salary of a functionary more than supplemented by the far more generous compensation of corporate boards after retirement. A particularly bold, or corrupt, investment permanently established them when Walker MDC was first announced, raising the family's status to the ranks of the truly influential - even if only the bottom most rungs. Seemingly content to be second bit (at best) players, they continued as they ever had, unremarked.

It was with the weight of that legacy and its expectations laid upon him that Quentin Brand entered the world, at the very tail end of the so-called Good Years following the peaceful conclusion of the Colony Crisis. Wariness had seemed to have been bred into the family's bones, and they held themselves aloof from Martian resource-extraction, instead preferring to reap the benefits without dirtying their hands with a potentially volatile situation, even if it put a limit upon their own wealth and influence - that was a tradeoff considered more than fair. He was supposed to be raised to become another cautious bureaucrat, never at fault but always at hand.

As a boy in the Lean Forties he was exposed to aunts clucking their tongues about the unsustainable Martian work quotas, while dutifully updating economic indicators and import forecasts, and as a young man in the next decade he was surrounded by liberals who strongly disapproved of the ICJ rolling back worker protection rights, but who continued to invest in the companies profiting from them. These experiences had the opposite effect upon him, and during his university education on both sides of the Atlantic (with a summer abroad at the Sea of Tranquility, where unknown to either at the time he briefly met Tian Yun) Quentin was drawn increasingly towards what passed for leftist politics among the elite of the Earth Sphere. He eventually found himself a home at the far-left branch of the Federalist Party advocating for systemic reform - ironic considering his upbringing, but far from unheard of.

Shrugged off as an affectation of youth at worst, or a canny political decision in light of growing crises at best, the family patronage network did what it did best and began moving him up the ladder of bureaucratic appointments by his mid-20s. Noted for a committed work ethic, and a seemingly sincere desire to do his duties to the best of his abilities, he was considered a rising star within the insular ranks of United Nations apparatchiks until 2165 and the death of Desmond Parker.

Radicalization of the Free Mars Movement was met in tandem by a far less visible but no less important realignment within the power structure of the United Nations, and in the decade leading up to the Battle of Deimos saw an explosion in the internal political knife fighting that the Brands had spent generations mastering. With the Earth Sphere in crisis, the political leadership of the United Nations in disgrace, and Mars in open revolt, Quentin Brand made his move and, seizing upon what power he could to do something, anything, to divert the impending crisis.

He would be far too late.

Political Affiliation: Federalist Party

Issue Opinions: Broadly, Quentin follows the party line, and is sensitive enough to the politics of the moment to keep his cards close to his chest where he differs.
  • Raw Materials Shortages: Increasing resource quotas upon the remaining colonies is perhaps the single fastest way to make the Martian Crisis even worse than it already is. While the Asteroid Belt has plentiful resources, colonization of it would both take far too long to make any meaningful difference at the present moment, and simply sow the seeds for a third colonial crisis in the twenty-third century. The very notion of turning to Earth for resources is a thought that is not only politically sensitive, but also idiotic due to the general deindustrialization of humanity's home - again ignoring the immediate nature of the present crisis. Instead, the United Nations must take three difficult steps. Consumer goods must be rationed, a wartime budget adopted, and the workers in the colonies must be fairly compensated for any increased production they undertake.
  • The Panic of 2174: Not only must the Federalist platform be adopted unaltered, we must seriously consider the nationalization and dissolution of both financial speculators and those prove most intransigent to those needed reforms.
  • General Sphere Unrest: The Federalist stance is too focused upon stemming the bleeding, when an alternative presents itself to cauterize the wound outright. A universal, blanket, pardon for all actions taken during the tenure of Oliviera.
  • Military-Industrial Anemia: The various corporations that make up the military-industrial complex will be given one chance to provide 'patriotic discounts for the duration of the present crisis' in order to maintain their positions, as not every fight that can be fought necessarily should be, but only one. Noncompliance must be met with nationalization, and what the Blue Dots or Peacekeepers want to do with them afterwards is none of my concern.
  • Crisis in the Assembly: The abstentionist Representatives can be recalled to their duty trivially - ask them what they want and then schedule a vote for it. Entrenched political and corporate interests may protest that the crisis is no time for radical reform, but only because they know it's the only time.
  • The Scapegoat: Oliviera is the easy one, and may be the best we can manage. A general purge of 'Olivierists' may be in the offing however, but such actions have a tendency to snowball well beyond intentions. The corporate interests which profited off of the exploitative policies of Oliviera and the MCA are likely beyond punishment... for the moment.
Tala Ano Dyne - Commander of the 3rd Liberation Corps - Tiruin New
Name: Tala Ano Dyne (she/they/it)

Appearance: Light brown complexion, dark black hair, South East Asian origin aesthetics, commonly seen in red/black (or darkened hues) when it comes to work occasions.
(I'm writing this at 1AM, it'll probably be better once I words expression clearer)

Image found by a buddy on discord :3
Thank you!

Age: 30

Desired Role: Commander (Commander [Commander]) {I literally only can think of Commander but anything else is secondary on Mars}

Background: Epistemological violence was the cornerstone of who Mx. Dyne is today. On Earth, perhaps several centuries back, she'd be known as who she is--where the centuries would follow such truths by mounds layering beneath of cultures of oppression. What would've been segregated into how many labels and ideas concretized into oppression was now a symbol, seen as a shining star in the black void of space, several thousands of miles away. On Mars, their homeworld, she could fully be herself, especially thanks to the cultural mastery of hatred that would express its love in denial and resistance against oppression--to be known as oneself and the value upon one's life regardless of ability, capacity, ableness, and origin.

It is an overwhelming act to speak oneself into being when language is not available. There was no cultural gender binary that made people 'easy' (or reductive) to categorize into--but there were concepts borne from loving the world, and where she was at created that language for herself and the communities about, away from disparate origins to be 'understood' and rather, to be remembered and loved in the same. This love became of the self, the community, the environment around it, the sky and stars above, and then the living world about amidst the flow of an oppressor invisible to the eyes other than who looked the same but different in reach. Thirty years, all through both the freedom of education, and the many challenges that education had lacked in preparing one to be--a worker foremost, than a person. Mastery of EVA, logistics, hauling, research, languages, and other tasks delegated to menial and 'skilled' labor was part of a past that anchors Tala until now. That love was expressed as hatred in turn--with having been in as healthy an environment she could be, and people to both depend upon and learn from, when the Movement came to be, she was one of its earliest supporters, as this particular hatred was sown amidst the infrastructure that tried to blind her from its ongoing, decades-long reality, despite being in plain sight. Basically: She was radicalized because she worked, and radicalized even further because of those who couldn't. A civil servant inasmuch as one who first met freedom by understanding its principles, as the Movement grew and exponentially scaled farther than the horizons could muster--Tala found herself amidst capable fellows, even at overwhelming points many a time, until the planet was bereft of the yolk of oppressors, only to be reminded once more by that one shining star in the distance.

They had a dream once to touch the stars. They didn't know how visceral that would become.

Political Affiliation: Martian Liberation League // Free Mars Armed Forces

(Honestly the MLL has great points. The future of Earth is our future too.
Similar to MLL but with added stuff.)

Food Insecurity: Everyone should have the beneficial and supported experience of tending to their own food--it's a good experience embedded in our education; because it matters! And then to realize how exponentially unbound these basic needs are to currency than sustenance? Crucial building blocks for understanding sustainability! Much like life and environments are intertwined, what we know should be put to best use to work with what is--in making where we're at, not just liveable but thriveable. These infrastructures are exponential in design than arbitrarily reductive in their processes. These skills also would help understand logistics networks by the scale of oneself and one's community; integral to understanding issues of scarcity and artificial scarcity. We do not need to share the restrictive ideology of our enemies, and their oppressive traditions.

Restrictive Industries: The 'industrial ceiling' was coined to describe issues like these--of artificial scarcity by enforced infrastructure. Much like Earth's ancient colonial beliefs, technology is not progress as development--it is a tool shaped to its creators; we are at a material disadvantage considering this alone--the war is not solely fought with these. We will use what is accessible as well as what is around; mastery of the environment and its physics will play easily into the ego of oppressors. What tools they have are valuable, understandable, and can be made for better when we get to them through means we have readily at hand. Durability and attrition paces further than marketing and propaganda.

The Terraforming Project: This is extensively vital--however the first terraforming should've been used within the home it was made in. Thus these tools were made without that consideration; they can be readjusted and remade, and shall continue along those they shall remain with. There is no artificial scarcity in this plan, and we can afford to think of these within the war in the same--perhaps even derive ideas in synthesis where the obvious would not have borne fruition.

A Martian Identity: We have mastered hatred through fighting for peace--especially considering the horrors of facing the assimilation and silencing of diverse peoples under the name of unity. We live upon life, having attained our healthiness and safety upon lessons forged following a vision, borne upon principles tested in rigor and hope. It's so, so much harder to create life than to end it. The point isn't and never has been to beat empire by doing empire at it. We've seen the profits of waging war. To make something different, we have to wage peace--an unending effort day by day. This is a mirror of our struggles and our choices: Did we fall to temptation, surrender to division, or yield to cynicism, that we forget what grace and mercy we believed in comes with willingness? We've had nothing to lose but our chains--and these chains included the ideology designed by oppression itself; as if we can do no better than exact vengeance alone. "Given power over physics and the trust of absolute freedom, people will choose to build and protect a gentle kingdom ringed in spears. And not fall to temptation. And not surrender to division. And never yield to the cynicism that says, everyone else is so good that I can afford to be a little evil."

The Nature of The Independence War: We are encouraged to participate in combat (e.g. sports, honourable duels, and so on), the same goes for war--just not in a dumb way. We've seen this war already in being under dominion, how it courses through narratives much like bullets through solids and lead through aerosols, to poison all that it can affect. This war must be decisive--they will act to deny all they can, and we must outsmart them by communication and forthright planning. Only in their surrender can the right way be taught and shared in, and we require to be on the offensive for it. The good world is made, together; our victory is required for that.

The Armed Forces Question: Not everyone can contribute to the war effort--this is crucial to understand the failure of hierarchical appeal; the disabled and the narratives afflicting us, the ideas of war consuming from all; our efforts must include the independence and initiative of local commanders and coordinated soldiers, and before battles, through communities in facing internal strife and perceived disorder. Even the most decentralized groups commit great effort in winning a war, often without the glory and detail derived from the academe and by education as a whole--something often ridden in history books by hegemons and empire as a whole. We can drill discipline and tactics while being bound by a common purpose--especially considering punitive treatment otherwise, which only serves to aid defectors in search of material promise.
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Joshua Taylor - Commander of the 1st Combined Elements Group - Skrevski New
Name: Joshua Taylor

Appearance: Will do soon.

Age: 54

Date of Birth: 28/03/2120

Desired Role: Commander 1st Combined Elements Group

Background: While growing up under the UN Mandate, Joshua Taylor was raised on the stories of the nations that came before. The greatness of the militaries of old, the legends formed in the 19th and 20th centuries. Fueled with these stories of old, Joshua knew his path at a young age, and applied to join the UN Academy to join the gilded ranks of the Armed Forces.

He worked diligently through the ranks, proving his mantel in several skirmishes, operations against pirates, and mercenary actions. As Joshua climbed the ranks, he could see that while the UN forces had their own spirit, he couldn't help but feel that had the nations of old continued to control their militaries and policies, so much more could have been achieved. While Joshua would continue to work within the system, he would form a core of others that followed his beliefs, believing in a high level of training and skill, again a throwback to the militaries of old and not being completely reliant on technology.

With the destruction of the 4th Fleet, Joshua has recently been placed in command of the 1st Combined Elements Group. His mandate is to prepare them for the coming war, a tall order given how infested the Group had become with political appointments, even with the best equipment. Joshua knew he would be opposed in his views, but he would always do his duty, especially for his country.

Political Affiliation: Old Earth Nationalists

Issue Opinions: Fully is being the Old Earth Nationalist and their beliefs. Countries should be in charge, people live there, they should have the choice of what happens to them.
Name: Admiral Theodore Jordan Hamilton
Appearance: An older Canadian man, clean-shaven and with short white hair to match his blue eyes. He often wears a friendly smile on his face, or one of distant contemplation. He is often seen wearing the standard-issue blue overcoat atop his uniform or his ship-board vac-suit, citing his greater vulnerability to "feeling a bit of a chill in my old bones". However, despite the airs of being old and almost frail, he is in incredible shape for someone above 30, let alone above 60, with a fair bit of well-concealed wiry muscle. He also bears a cluster of scars on the left side of his torso, what he refers to as his "trophy" from fighting planet-side years ago.

Age: 62
Date of Birth: 15/03/2112
Desired Role: Commander 4th Combined Elements Group [UN, first pick]; Commander 1st Combined Elements Group [UN, second pick]; Commander 2nd Combined Elements Group [UN, third pick]
Background: Theo Hamilton was born to a quiet, happy middle-class family in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, and grew up with a brother and a sister. He joined the United Nations Marines Corps as soon as he could, and fought in several skirmishes for "peace keeping actions" before transferring to officer school and training in space-side naval command. From there, he gradually rose up through the ranks, a quiet but firm pillar of any command he was part of, until he found himself as a Commodore. And then the Martians started using bombs and worse, and suddenly the Navy was in an uproar and Admirals were dead, and here Theo found himself thrust into one of the four highest places of command, by dint of being older, wiser, and more experienced than any of the other choices. Shoved into the least-prestigious, smallest command of the 4th CEG, without even a single Battleship and a bare handful of Cruisers. But he's got Marines, he's got Sailors, and he's got a grim determination to do what it takes to keep his "kids" alive while trying to help keep the peace. Time will tell if it's enough, though....
Political Affiliation: While officially not political in his role as a military Commander, Theo has migrated into being a firm member of the Federalist Party. He tends to find himself on the more hawkish side of arguments therein, but has found that their overall goals and plans seem to align best with the oaths he swore to protect, defend, and assist the people of Earth and her colonies. He did not take this uniform to lord over others, but to be their shield in the dark, after all.
Issue Opinions:
-Raw Material Shortage: Theo agrees with the Federalist Party on the matter, with no real change or deviation. Folks just need to stop, take a breath, and work together, and we can get through this.
-The Panic of 2174: Theo's firmly with the Federalist Party here as well. He knows more than a few of the shipwrights and other workers across the Solar System, and as far as he's concerned, things like better unions and other protections will help the entire UN, and protect the people serving as its backbone!
-General Sphere Unrest: While Theo's life of service in the military means he's sympathetic to many of the arguments the Blue Helmet faction makes, ultimately he sides more with the Federalist Party. Full-bore martial law will just lead to death. It did nobody any good in Texas 35 years ago, and it won't do anyone any good now. With that said, he does think there needs to be more proactive efforts from the UN to at least protect vital infrastructure, and perhaps investigate if there are people intentionally instigating outright violence (as opposed to largely-peaceful protests).
-Military-Industrial Anemia: In this matter, at least to Theo, the Peacekeeper Clique and Federalist Party seem largely to be in agreement, with the former having a good, strong opinion on what to do in the immediate term, while the Federalists have good sense about what to do long-term. Direct control of production and R&D in this moment is likely the best bet, but long-term a more balanced approach is necessary. Either way, fat-cats skiving half the money off the top before any bullets get stamped or fighters launched is a no-go.
-Crisis in the Assembly: The government of the United Nations, like her military, serves the people, not the other way around. The members of the Assembly might not be one and all directly elected, but they are nonetheless in place to serve as spokespeople for the common citizens. If they were finding the actions of the Secretary-General so egregious, perhaps they did all they could with what they had. Theo once had to fight off five enemy combatants with nothing but a pistol with two bullets and a dented entrenching tool. You use what you have. In this matter, the Federalist Party seem to be the only ones with a sane reaction to the entire affair.
-The Scapegoat: As the Federalist Party has pointed out, the Colonial Authority's meddling screwed the pooch, but it was Oliviera who put them there. It's clear that entire edifice is crumbling and rotten, and a thorough cleaning and rebuild is needed. Ignoring the problem won't do us any good, better to face it head on, like the time Theo had to cauterize his shrapnel wounds in the jungles of Brazil with nothing but a pile of regulation road flares and the back side of his survival knife.