[x] The Schnee Industries company town. It's a lot of words that elicit blank stares from you, so the man gets exasperated and settles on saying that it's probably important no matter what you get up to.
[X] His favourite haunt. He doesn't give you a straight answer when you ask what its use will be in your purpose, but you suspect he just wants to go there anyway.
I love Roman, why not.

Also, that's the good stuff. Body horror, summoning things we've eaten already, villain quests, I'm loving this.
[X] His favourite haunt. He doesn't give you a straight answer when you ask what its use will be in your purpose, but you suspect he just wants to go there anyway.
I love Roman, why not.

Also, that's the good stuff. Body horror, summoning things we've eaten already, villain quests, I'm loving this.
And the sense of innocence in all of it- it's so fucking perfect! Yes, Roman is amazing too. I only watched some of the first season but fuck it I name him best boy all hail Roman!
[X] The faunus district. The man says that it's 'colourful' there, excellent for business, and full of people willing to look the other way for the right price.
Twin, hollow crunching noises ring in your ears as the jaw dislocates. The pale flesh of the cheeks tears, spilling not blood but shadow. As thick as smoke, as black as night, billowing from the rents in your body and from the back of your darkening throat. Your makeshift maw splits open from ear to ear, the shadows solidifying into finger-long fangs. Darkness billows from the infinite black pit within, translucent wisps swishing and grasping, seeming to absorb the light itself.

You close your mouth again, and the prey's form becomes pristine once more.


You spread your arms wide, and the skin ripples. The air comes alive with the rustle of furiously flapping wings, feathers the colour of oil flying in all directions like black snow. A murder of crows sprout from you and take flight, cawing hoarsely, flitting back and forth until they finally settle on their various perches. Long talons flexing almost eagerly, little heads twitching and turning this way, the better to get a good angle as they stare at you with their beady, burning orange-scarlet eyes. One specimen in particular stands out to you, larger than the rest, and older enough to have almost fully formed a scarlet-etched mask of ivory bone over its face and beak.

You look at them all, and you see 'yourself' from a dozen different angles at once.

"I think I remember you," you say.

"Rawk," caws the eldest.

"Oh," you reply. Even it had a voice, the process of being digested into a familiar would have robbed it of that gift anyway. You half-turn and raise one arm, as if offering it as a perch. The crows take flight in another flurry of flapping wings, returning home with all due haste. They overlap each other, phase through each other, losing form and definition, until what seeps through the pores of Jaune's skin and back into your core is little more than black smoke.

You waste no time attempting a second call. You raise your hands once more, palms down, as if commanding the carpet itself to rise. For just a moment you possess a shadow, a simple ring of darkness around your bare feet. It divides into four, streaking off across the room like painted black arrows, seeking out shaded nooks and crannies of their own from which to emerge.

"So, as I pray, Unlimited Shit I Ate Works."

No, but seriously? This is really cool as an ability. Hey, we can use it as an in, to make ourselves look more impressive than we actually are! By killing things we've already killed and are in complete control of!

"Also put some pants on. Mean I know it's bad enough you ate the kid, but you don't have to show his dick to everyone in Vale. S'just adding insult to injury."

Roman, you're a dick. I want to keep you around.

Mmmm. All the options are fun or interesting.

[ ] The faunus district. The man says that it's 'colourful' there, excellent for business, and full of people willing to look the other way for the right price.

So, this is essentially the fantasy anime ghetto. As players, we know that Roman probably has some contact with the White Fang, so we might end up meeting someone from there here. Even if Zerban doesn't stick to canon worldbuilding stuff. As a Grimm monstrosity who is a mockery in the face of God, we might meet people who will eventually be useful to us (see transcripts) or could provide us sustenance (hey, free body disposal). Exposition on the Faunus

[ ] The docks. The man seems to give up halfway through trying to explain the greater concept of the place to you, and settles on saying it's Vale's mouth and fangs. You think you understand the gist of what he meant.

This might lead to more broad exposition on the state of the world? Also, Roman is surprisingly good at explaining this stuff - that's a pretty decent analogy.

[ ] The Schnee Industries company town. It's a lot of words that elicit blank stares from you, so the man gets exasperated and settles on saying that it's probably important no matter what you get up to.

Ah, the smell of exploitation of labour. Would be interesting to see Zerban's portrayal of it.

[ ] His favourite haunt. He doesn't give you a straight answer when you ask what its use will be in your purpose, but you suspect he just wants to go there anyway.

I'm guessing this is Junior's bar? We get to interact with more people, since they'll probably be curious about this random blonde teenager Roman's brought to the bar. Which might be amusing, given Jaune Dark's utter unfamiliarity with human social convention, even with Jaune Ark's brain. Actually, we may be even worse with Jaune Ark's brain, relative to just trying to tear people's throats out with the yawning void that is our jaw.

Also, possibility of encountering Yang. Which'd make for interesting reading.

[ ] The shopping promenade. He once again gets exasperated and gives up trying to explain the concept behind buying and selling, but he does mention something about food. Perhaps he means it's the easiest place to find more prey?

Do you want to see Jaune Dark interact with human food? That isn't actually made of human? I kind of do.

[X] His favourite haunt. He doesn't give you a straight answer when you ask what its use will be in your purpose, but you suspect he just wants to go there anyway.

Protip: if someone starts trying to stare you out, replace your eyes with gaping voids that seek to devour all life. Works everytime.
Which might be amusing, given Jaune Dark's

Fuck that's a good one.

[X] His favourite haunt. He doesn't give you a straight answer when you ask what its use will be in your purpose, but you suspect he just wants to go there anyway.



we'll be prepared as fuck the first time all the students want to go pick a place and eat out.
[X] The shopping promenade. He once again gets exasperated and gives up trying to explain the concept behind buying and selling, but he does mention something about food. Perhaps he means it's the easiest place to find more prey?
Please tell me we can eat the Deathstalker. That'd be some real fuckin' leadership material. "Oh, him? Yeah, that's Jaune Arc, he's our leader. He literally eats Grimm for breakfast."
[X] The Schnee Industries company town. It's a lot of words that elicit blank stares from you, so the man gets exasperated and settles on saying that it's probably important no matter what you get up to.
[X] His favourite haunt. He doesn't give you a straight answer when you ask what its use will be in your purpose, but you suspect he just wants to go there anyway.

I've been convinced
[X] The docks. The man seems to give up halfway through trying to explain the greater concept of the place to you, and settles on saying it's Vale's mouth and fangs. You think you understand the gist of what he meant.

At least I think it is exposition time.
Forgot to vote woopsie

[X] The shopping promenade. He once again gets exasperated and gives up trying to explain the concept behind buying and selling, but he does mention something about food. Perhaps he means it's the easiest place to find more prey?

Let's learn about the concept of frivolous spending and filling the void where our heart would be with the trashiest things this side of Atlas.
[X] His favourite haunt. He doesn't give you a straight answer when you ask what its use will be in your purpose, but you suspect he just wants to go there anyway.
Forgot to vote woopsie

[X] The shopping promenade. He once again gets exasperated and gives up trying to explain the concept behind buying and selling, but he does mention something about food. Perhaps he means it's the easiest place to find more prey?

Let's learn about the concept of frivolous spending and filling the void where our heart would be with the trashiest things this side of Atlas.
We've eaten corvids, and thus should understand the concept of liking shiny things. Maybe. Take the pretty, Jaune. Just take the pretty. See the way it glimmers? You should take the pretty.
[X] The faunus district. The man says that it's 'colourful' there, excellent for business, and full of people willing to look the other way for the right price.
[X] The shopping promenade. He once again gets exasperated and gives up trying to explain the concept behind buying and selling, but he does mention something about food. Perhaps he means it's the easiest place to find more prey?

It's time for Jaune to learn how social interaction and society work.

Oh, wait, no, he's been replaced by a soul-eating monstrosity with no context for human psychology. Hm. Well, that should speed the process considerably!
[X] His favourite haunt. He doesn't give you a straight answer when you ask what its use will be in your purpose, but you suspect he just wants to go there anyway.

Twin, hollow crunching noises ring in your ears as the jaw dislocates. The pale flesh of the cheeks tears, spilling not blood but shadow. As thick as smoke, as black as night, billowing from the rents in your body and from the back of your darkening throat. Your makeshift maw splits open from ear to ear, the shadows solidifying into finger-long fangs. Darkness billows from the infinite black pit within, translucent wisps swishing and grasping, seeming to absorb the light itself.
It's a good thing our body's named Jaune, because I'm a few centimeters away from quoting Gilles de Rais. Greatest cool indeed.

"There's a chain!"

You shut the door. Oh. So there is. You delicately pinch the knob of the brassy thing and slide it along the groove housing it until you find a slightly larger, rounded section. The knob slips out, and the chain falls free. Ohhhh.
Seriously, this is adorable. Zerban, why do you have so adorable man-eating monsters? I know I ask this every time to make a new quest, but that's because you give me reason to do so every time!

[X] The shopping promenade. He once again gets exasperated and gives up trying to explain the concept behind buying and selling, but he does mention something about food. Perhaps he means it's the easiest place to find more prey?
I'm pretty sure you're legally obligated to go on a clothing shopping spree whenever you get a new body.
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[x] The Schnee Industries company town. It's a lot of words that elicit blank stares from you, so the man gets exasperated and settles onsaying that it's probably important no matter what you get up to.

I just wanna see if this gives us the chance of meeting Weiss.

Watch as body-hopping Grimm is better at romance than humans :V.
[x] The faunus district. The man says that it's 'colourful' there, excellent for business, and full of people willing to look the other way for the right price.
Oddly the words 'dandy' and 'asshole' are seemingly equivalent.
You can learn a lot about a person by visiting their favorite place, although Jaune Dark might already know evertyhing he needs to know about Roman.

[x] His favourite haunt. He doesn't give you a straight answer when you ask what its use will be in your purpose, but you suspect he just wants to go there anyway.