Congratulations, you are now an action B-movie protagonist, complete with a franchise! You will now be sent on a series of high-stakes missions to various places with no overarching plot connecting these missions in any way. Still, before we can send you on your first mission, we need to know at least a little about you. Write-ins not permitted.
[] MacGearhead
[] John Knot
[] Jane Doom
[] Alicia Star
[] Male
[] Female
[] Killer cyborg from the future
Stats (7 points may be distributed)(9 points are available if 'killer cyborg' is chosen)
Stealth [][][][]
Combat [][][][]
Tech [][][][]
Plot Armor [][][][]
Equipment (10 Requisition Points available)
Stealth Gear
[] Really Quiet Shoes (+1 Stealth, uses no battery)(1 RP)
[] Camouflaged clothing (+1 Stealth, uses no battery)(1 RP)
[] Optiflex Suit (+4 Stealth, uses 3 battery per round)(3 RP)
[] Night Vision Goggles (Allows clear vision in dark areas, uses 1 battery per round)(2 RP)
[] Grappling Hook Pistol (+1 Combat, Allows walls to be easily ascended, uses 5 Battery per use)(2 RP)
[] Scout Drone (Scouts ahead, informing you of enemies and traps, can be destroyed, can trigger alert, uses 2 battery per use)(3 RP)
[] Aqualung (allows trips underwater longer than 1 round)(3 RP)
[] Batteries (10 units)(1 RP)
[] Smoke Bombs (3 units)(Allows a re-roll of a stealth check, even when being observed)(2 RP)
Combat Gear
[] Knife (+1 Combat, +1 Tech, uses no ammo)(1 RP)
[] Silenced Pistol (+2 Combat, uses 1 ammo per use)(1 RP)
[] Shotgun/Rifle (+3 Combat, breaks stealth when used, uses 1 ammo per use)(2 RP)
[] Machine Gun/Assault Rifle (+5 Combat, breaks stealth when used, uses 5 ammo per use)(3 RP)
[] Ammunition (20 units)(1 RP)
[] Explosives (3 units)(Adds +6 to a Combat roll, or a terrain-related Tech roll. Each unit is one-time use. They stack.)(2 RP)
[] Body Armor (protects from the effects of a failed Combat roll. Has a 30% chance of breaking that goes up by 10% each time it is used.)(3 RP)
Tech Gear
[] Multitool (+2 Tech, uses no battery)(1 RP)
[] Toolbox (+3 Tech, uses no battery)(2 RP)
[] Pocket Plasma Welder/Cutter (+4 Tech, +2 Combat, uses 4 battery per use)(3 RP)
[] Laptop (+6 for computer-related Tech, uses 1 battery per use)(2 RP)
[] Password Cracker (allows opening of electronic locks and computers without the code, uses 1 battery per use)(2 RP)
[] EMP grenades (1 unit)(Automatically destroys all computers and security cameras in the same room as it's used)(1 RP)
[] First Aid Kit (can change a character's status from Wounded to Healthy. A character can only benefit from First Aid once per mission)(2 RP)
[] Good Luck Item (Purely cosmetic, it does nothing of importance)(1 RP)
Well, agent, what's your loadout?