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In which Yuuno Scrya and a girl from the future go on an archaeology quest because she won't return his library books, and Chrono Harlaown struggles with the existence of vacations.
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Chapter 1: Chrono Hates Vacation

Crusader Jerome

Subsisting on Supplication
My home away from Rome
Several months ago, I discovered an experiment.
no. Reads Randomly Selected Fics and Dies Inside
One of the fics selected for the Nanoha run was, essentially, a Future Trunks story in the Nanoha setting, and it was rather interesting until it died halfway through. Disappointed, I resolved to write a fic myself with a similar premise, and @no. was kind enough to act as my sounding board and beta reader for the initial chapters.

This is the first fanfiction I've written for Nanoha, so whatever feedback you can offer is rather important. I'm also posting this on SB and FanFiction. With that introduction, sit back and enjoy.


Chapter 1: Chrono Hates Vacation

Chrono Harlaown was convinced that vacations were a lie. This was not an old opinion from the early days of his career, before he had seen any serious action. No, this was a belief that he had formed based on experience, and much against his will. It wasn't the seemingly endless paperwork; compared to field work, Chrono found paperwork relaxing and would regularly do it on his days off. It wasn't that vacations never really happened, either; Chrono had taken an entire week away from duty on multiple occasions. It was what happened on vacations that invalidated the premise of the thing. A quiet trip with no action in sight was, he had found, merely an excuse for the universe to throw something painful in the Bureau's face. Thus, Chrono stuck to paperwork as much as possible. It was best not to leave any openings, wasn't it?

Of course, the paperwork did run out at times, and when those times came, he could only hope that the oncoming incident would not involve A-class Lost Logia and little girls with issues. The last time he had taken a serious vacation, Nanoha had been severely injured while dogfighting with drones. The time before that was the Arthra's recreational "tour of duty" that had neatly coincided with the final Book of Darkness incident. Sometimes, Chrono wondered if the universe had it out for him and his friends in particular, but he usually concluded that dealing with unpleasant things fell to them because they could handle it. It was merely the price of competence.

The rationalization failed to make him any less paranoid.​


A teenager and a young adult ran through the alleys of Cranagan's industrial district at a semi-urgent pace. The work day had ended hours ago, so the area was deserted except for these Bureau mages and their quarry.

"I have a bad feeling about this," said Chrono.

Yuuno, running next to him, frowned. "Why is that?"

"It's vacation time."

Yuuno's face twisted in confusion. "I think I'm missing some context here."

"The context, Scrya, is every vacation I've ever had. Now, quiet. She's stopped moving."

[How far away?] Yuuno asked, switching to telepathy.

[Three blocks,] Chrono replied. [The security feed is giving me her location, but I can't see what she's doing. Barrier Jackets up, just in case.]

The two made their way carefully to a warehouse that looked exactly like every other warehouse in the vicinity--drab-colored walls and tiny, dust-crusted windows. The door had definitely been used, though. [Shall we?] Chrono asked.

[After you.]

Chrono threw open the door with more force than was strictly necessary. "Don't run away!" he called. "We just want to talk."

A girl, about ten years old, blinked in surprise from her set on the floor. Her hand froze in the action of scrolling through a holographic display from the bracelet Device on her other hand.

Yuuno stepped forward and raised his hands in a placating gesture. "Don't worry; this isn't an arrest. We're just...mildly curious as to how you managed to break into the Infinity Library's systems and gain administrator access to the databases. That's something of a major security breach."

The girl lowered her eyes. "Used your password. Not sorry." Her right hand went back to scrolling through the holographic feed.

Yuuno's eyebrow twitched. "Pardon? Do you, perhaps, mean the time-sensitive hexadecimal encryption/decryption algorithm that I invented myself, implemented two months ago, and have revealed to no one but myself?"

The girl nodded. "Yeah, that one. Is there anything else?" she asked, glancing at Chrono. "I want to get back to this. I can only read two files at a time while carrying on a conversation."

"See, that's the thing," said Yuuno. "Except for one, all the files you took are completely declassified and available to the general public. If you had asked, I or any of the staff would have given them to you without a fuss and without you tampering with a government database! That's a crime on Administered worlds."

"Can I have them, then?" the girl asked.

Yuuno was growing red in the face, so Chrono decided to step in. "A moment, if you please," he said. "Before we get into an argument of legality, what documents did you take?"

"History and geography of several Administered worlds, papers on the mechanics of the Dimensional Sea and Imaginary Space, and the complete documentation of the Arc-en-Ciel," said Yuuno.

"Archaeological records, too," said the girl. "Don't forget those."

Yuuno growled. "That's included in history and geography."

"Sure." The girl cocked her head, her expression blank.

"Okaaay..." said Chrono. "Why do you need the blueprints for the Arc-en-Ciel?"

The girl shrugged, her hand still moving on the display. "Can't sabotage one properly unless I know how it works, can I?"

"And this is important because..."

"Private business. Sorry." Her hand left the display to tap the bracelet Device on her other arm.

"All right, then: who put you up to this? I won't accept a non-answer." Chrono held up his Storage Device's card form. "Don't try me."

The girl paused, looking at both of them in turn. She sighed. "It's just me. My dad had the idea, him and some guy you don't know, but..." Abruptly, she stood and closed the hologram. "It's been a nice chat, but I have to go now." Her Device chimed, and a teleport circle flashed beneath her feet. She grinned at Yuuno, showing her teeth. "Teasing you really is fun!" The air shimmered around her.

[Chrono, grab on! I'll track her teleport.]

Chrono gripped Yuuno's wrist, and all three vanished.​


Chrono and Yuuno rematerialized to find the girl already casting a second teleport. She waved at them. "Good luck keeping up with me!"

Yuuno only grunted and pushed more effort into his spell.​


Several minutes later, Yuuno was beginning to get annoyed. The girl was leading them in what amounted to a game of tag around the warehouse district. Following a complex teleport chain by hand was a skill in which he had only recently achieved proficiency, while the girl was so fluid with her escape routes that he would have had trouble even without a passenger.

I need to change my tactics, he thought. Then, to Chrono, [I can't keep this up. She'll lose us soon.] They teleported. [Can you charge a bind between teleports and cast it as soon as we come out?]

Chrono's Device began to glow. They teleported.

Yuuno risked a glance and saw that Chrono's spell was stable. [Right. After this jump.] On impulse, he threw in more power than he needed, aiming to overshoot the target slightly. They teleported.

They appeared right behind the girl, who spun to face them with shock on hers.

Chrono tapped her on the head with his Device. "Struggle Bind." She cried out as the spectral chains wrapped around her, breaking her concentration and dispelling her teleport-in-progress. Chrono turned to Yuuno. "I believe that this constitutes resisting arrest after freely confessing to a crime. Do you have anything to add, since it was your facility that was broken into?"

"Hey!" whined the girl, vainly twisting in the bind. "You said you wouldn't arrest me."

"You lost the privilege of turning yourself in when you ran away."

"Oh," she said. "So that's how it works."

"Look here," said Yuuno, trying and failing to hide his annoyance. "I'm sure you can imagine how suspicious it is that a ten-year-old managed to hack one of the most complex password systems in existence in order to download a classified weapon design."

"I'm eleven."

He stepped forward to stand in front of her. "You seem to be treating this like a game with no stakes. What is your deal?"

She sighed heavily. "Do you remember how I said, earlier, that my dad came up with the plan? He was going to do it himself, but I did it first so he wouldn't have to."

"You're not talking about the files from the Library any more, are you?"

She shook her head. "Nope! I'm not giving you anything else. But I will tell you one thing." She forced her hands together, despite the chains, and flipped a tiny switch on her bracelet. "You're ten years too early to beat me in a game of teleport tag."

The chains shuddered and disintegrated, and Yuuno's Barrier Jacket began to fray from an invisible pressure.

"It's an AMF!" Chrono shouted. "Get back!"

Too late, Yuuno noticed the girl's left fist in his stomach, a gauntlet where the bracelet had been. He staggered back.

"S2U, Stinger Blade!"

Yuuno fell to one knee as Chrono summoned a cloud of spectral blades. The girl hopped backward, bracing her gauntlet with her right hand. "Sorry for hitting you, but I can't let you guys stop me," she called, sounding...genuinely apologetic? "Anyway, it's been fun. Maybe I'll see you guys later, have a rematch in ten years, you know?" She breathed in. "Calliope, Spell Release."

"Acknowledged. Coordinates set. Transferring."

The pressure of the AMF field cut off, and Chrono immediately hurled his blades at the girl, but he was too late. A teleport circle flashed beneath her feet, and she vanished, leaving the projectiles to embed themselves in the ground where she had stood.

The two stood and watched the spent mana dissipate into the air. Finally, Chrono said, "As I said, vacations. Vacations and young girls."

Yuuno didn't bother to answer.​
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Interesting. I look forward to seeing exactly what comes of this.
There's a sad lack of Nanoha fics for quite a while, so I'm glad to see one that looks promising. Watched.
You've got a pretty good hook there, for your story. I like Chrono's snarky commentary on the correlation of an "Incident" coinciding with his vacation time. Also nice to see Yuuno taking a prominent role, a number of fans frequenting SB/SV bemoan his lack of agency/relevancy in the canon materials.

You're referencing Trunks from Dragonball Z as inspiration, I'm also reminded of Chao from Negima! Magister Magi Negi.
Sooooo, am I imagining things (being too hopeful) or did Yuuno just get punked by his own daughter?
Yeah, that was my guess as well. I mean, how else would she acquire her "father's" secret codes?
Asking him before going back in time. That doesn't necessarily require being his daughter, just being connected to the main cast in some significant way.

I also suspect she's his daughter, but it's far from proven. The girl isn't well described, or I'd look for family resemblance.
Asking him before going back in time. That doesn't necessarily require being his daughter, just being connected to the main cast in some significant way.

I also suspect she's his daughter, but it's far from proven. The girl isn't well described, or I'd look for family resemblance.

I'm kind of hoping she turns out to be Yuuno and Nanoha's kid even if Yuuno was just a sperm donor to let Nanoha have a kid...though given Nanoha's work-a-holic tendencies if this one goes the direction of Nanoha and Fate being together and having a kid that Yuuno acted as the sperm donor for it's more likely that the mother would be Fate, not Nanoha.

...but personally I'm hoping it was Yuuno and Nanoha because of the way he was shoved onunder a bus by the fandom (and studio) in favor of Nanoha and Fate (to the point he was almost completely written out of the movie version of the original MGLN). Of course the most delicious (but admittedly least likely) reactions would occur if it was a Yuuno and Fate pairing. Caused by the two getting drunk while commiserating about Nanoha being married to her job.

Said scenario also offers some utterly hilarious potential for shenanigans. Such as the two conspiring with Hayate to get an official wedding license for Nanoha and "The TSAB Air Corps" or whatever the official name of her branch is and presenting it to her, framed, on her birthday.
...but personally I'm hoping it was Yuuno and Nanoha because of the way he was shoved onunder a bus by the fandom (and studio) in favor of Nanoha and Fate (to the point he was almost completely written out of the movie version of the original MGLN). Of course the most delicious (but admittedly least likely) reactions would occur if it was a Yuuno and Fate pairing. Caused by the two getting drunk while commiserating about Nanoha being married to her job.

Enh, Nanoha/Fate is pretty much explicitly canon at this point. They're living in the same house, raising kids together, sharing a bed, etc, etc, etc.

That's not to say that they might not have Yuuno join in now and again, or just have asked him to play sperm donor. But breaking them up isn't going to happen.
Enh, Nanoha/Fate is pretty much explicitly canon at this point. They're living in the same house, raising kids together, sharing a bed, etc, etc, etc.

That's not to say that they might not have Yuuno join in now and again, or just have asked him to play sperm donor. But breaking them up isn't going to happen.
Blame it on the fact that the studio hasn't had the guts to make it official and is intentionally leaving it vague. And sharing a bed doesn't necessarily mean a sexual or romantic relationship especially with teenagers - which is what Nanoha and Fate were during StrikerS.
I didn't make the timing of this piece clear, although it will become evident in later chapters, so I'll just say that this takes place before StrikerS.
Blame it on the fact that the studio hasn't had the guts to make it official and is intentionally leaving it vague. And sharing a bed doesn't necessarily mean a sexual or romantic relationship especially with teenagers - which is what Nanoha and Fate were during StrikerS.
They were at least nineteen during StrikerS, owned their own living space (and Fate had that sweet-ass sports car), were working jobs as a police officer and a combat instructor, were adopting kids...

By any measure other than chronological, Fate and Nanoha were adults during StrikerS. Calling them "teenagers" is technically correct, but implies a whole bunch of sociocultural things that I really don't think apply.
They were at least nineteen during StrikerS, owned their own living space (and Fate had that sweet-ass sports car), were working jobs as a police officer and a combat instructor, were adopting kids...

By any measure other than chronological, Fate and Nanoha were adults during StrikerS. Calling them "teenagers" is technically correct, but implies a whole bunch of sociocultural things that I really don't think apply.
If we're going to bring socio-cultural stuff into it then none of us has anything but speculation as Mid-Childa is very obviously not a culture/society that subscribes to the same social mores as we are familiar with and Fate grew up Mid-Childan while Nanoha is, by all appearances, fully assimilated into the culture. We have just enough knowledge about it to know that they have some very different ideas about child soldiery than we do and that children can and are given more authority and responsibility than we would ever dare dream of...yet this is not a universal standard where children of "x" age are considered to be adults/ready to live and work in the military.

In other words we have some very poignant examples of how their cultural and social norms diverge from ours, but no real details on how or why they do. We don't know if Fate, Chrono, Nanoha, and Hayate's military careers at their young ages are only due to special circumstances (possible) or if they're only unusual for electing to have a military career that young but anybody can elect to do so if they wish. This is further muddied by Yuuno who is apparently conducting his own digs into the ruins of an ancient civilization that was known to leave dangerous - potentially world destroying artifacts lying around unsecured and easily set off by the unwary/unprepared - and yet couldn't actually take up a position working in the Infinite Library without what was essentially parental approval at that same age because he was "too young."

So any arguments made - by anyone - on the basis of Mid Childan socio-cultural norms is an argument built on sand because it's all drawing on opinions and unverifiable theories no matter how logically those opinions and theories were extrapolated from available evidence.
Given some of the stuff we see Vivio get up to in her side of the stories? Mid-Childan culture is very much built around combat and military doctrine. The vast majority of entertainment venues on Mid-Childa seem to be fight clubs/magical shooting galleries. Not to mention the BS that is the Ground Forces Training Simulators. Given the sheer prevalence of young teen soldiers in the various parts of the series you can bet that Mid-Childa cares not for age, only ability.

I wouldn't be surprised if Teana (Whom I think is the late-est starter of the series somewhat main cast, maybe.) was only sixteen when she began training under Nanoha (Who at the time was eighteen-nineteen, all but married and a CAPTAIN, O-3 or better, in the ground forces.). Also, given some of the stuff that goes down in the Vivio-centric parts of the story, the TSAB has a heavy preference for taking delinquent teens and putting them through boot camp to kick-start their military careers.
Given some of the stuff we see Vivio get up to in her side of the stories? Mid-Childan culture is very much built around combat and military doctrine. The vast majority of entertainment venues on Mid-Childa seem to be fight clubs/magical shooting galleries. Not to mention the BS that is the Ground Forces Training Simulators. Given the sheer prevalence of young teen soldiers in the various parts of the series you can bet that Mid-Childa cares not for age, only ability.

I wouldn't be surprised if Teana (Whom I think is the late-est starter of the series somewhat main cast, maybe.) was only sixteen when she began training under Nanoha (Who at the time was eighteen-nineteen, all but married and a CAPTAIN, O-3 or better, in the ground forces.). Also, given some of the stuff that goes down in the Vivio-centric parts of the story, the TSAB has a heavy preference for taking delinquent teens and putting them through boot camp to kick-start their military careers.
And yet none of this is actually stated or explained anywhere in series. It's only conclusions that can be drawn from observable evidence. Just like Fate and Nanoha's relationship which despite a lot of heavy hinting has to my knowledge never been explained on screen in any explicit manner. Not even one of the two kissing the other on the cheek.

My point was that we have no explicit explanations, only suppositions based on what we've observed. Those observations, being mostly of the protagonists and those in their orbit may or may not be examples of how it normally goes. I'm not actually arguing that the suppositions being presented don't make sense, I agree with a lot of them, but the fact remains that they are still suppositions and should the studio ever desire to state something that violates those suppositions such as an official statement that Fate and Nanoha are heterosexual life partners and Nanoha and Yuuno are actually married while Fate's a semi-frequent third in her adopted brother and his wife's bed...there's absolutely nothing that I'm aware of in canon that such a statement would actually contradict because nothing has been confirmed one way or the other.
Chapter 2: Enter the Future GIrl
I'm glad that I was able to get a response from all you readers with the first chapter. It's honestly more than I expected to get, so thank you.

This chapter was beta-read by @no.

Chapter 2: Enter the Future Girl
Two days earlier:

Jail Scaglietti was normally a patient and reserved man. However, his composure was not unbreakable; he was susceptible to bouts of undignified rapture upon making a new discovery or unlocking some new challenge. The present occasion did not qualify, but it came close.

Uno's face appeared on his holoscreen. "Doctor, we are still unable to identify the cause of the dimensional quake. The effects are confined to one room for now, but it's getting stronger. If it goes much farther, the Bureau might investigate."

"Ah, thank you, Uno," said Jail. "Continue to observe, please. I'll attempt to investigate at a closer range."

Uno nodded. "Understood. Please be cautious, Doctor."


It caused his spine to tingle with jealousy that one of the secrets of the universe had been unlocked without him. And yet, the novelty of the event itself almost made up for it.


It was breathtaking.

A nascent dimensional rift, appearing spontaneously inside his main base. A rather inconvenient spot, but not unwelcome. At any other area, it might have attracted TSAB investigators. The strange iridescent not-color seeped through the warping space, yet it hung back, as if reluctant to be released. It was beautiful.

Jail formed two more barriers between it and himself.

"Those won't be much help if the rift expands faster than you expect, Doctor."

Jail smirked. "While that is correct, Uno, I find it much more satisfying to witness the phenomenon firsthand, despite the danger. Surely you understand."

Uno didn't reply.

"Ah, well," he sighed. "Keep the girls away from this room, would you? Their presence would only complicate things."

Jail returned his gaze to the shimmering glow hanging in the air before him. The affected area seemed to pulse every few seconds, and he could feel the vibrations as they tugged on his Linker Core. He breathed slowly in and out. Ah, the thrill of the unknown...

"I give it two minutes before it pops," said Quattro, decloaking next to him.

Jail frowned at the girl. "Now is not the proper time for such antics, Quattro."

"Aww, but isn't it all right if I just stand next to you? You won't even know I'm here!"

"I suppose," murmured Jail, already resuming his analysis. Now, how best to examine it? There had been no noticeable change in the status of the disturbance since the first minute after its appearance. Could it be prodded with a release of mana, perhaps? But that would rob whatever was creating the rift of the chance to perform its task by itself. Ah, the familiar dilemma of observation and experimental agency.

The glow flared, sending a ripple through the stacked barriers. Jail gripped the side of his head at the sudden pain and grit his teeth until it subsided. The glow was fading now, leaving only a faint overlay on the space like the afterimage of a blinding light.

"Get back, Doctor!" shouted Uno over the comlink.

The spot flared again and burst. A wave of pain swept over Jail as his barriers disintegrated, one by one. Quattro screamed behind him. Turning around, he snatched her and rushed to the periphery of the room, where he collapsed against the wall. He looked back at the now fully-formed dimensional rift and grimaced. He had been careless. A dimensional rift was too much of a possibility in his work with Lost Logia for him to ignore the risks. Yet, this one occurrence was special.

Now that the rift had opened, the tension in spacetime seemed to have resolved itself, and Jail stared into the void of Imaginary Space as if it were the gateway to the secrets of the universe. Imaginary Space--the anti-dimension that devoured magic, from which nothing ever returned.
And something was coming out.

A grin broke over Jail's face. "Quattro," he whispered, "this is a marvelous time to be alive."

She groaned. "If you say so, Doctor."

The dark shape in the rift grew larger, and Quattro scooted away from him and cloaked her presence again. Jail pushed himself to his feet and eyed the rift warily. The thing inside shifted as it drew closer, rotating and swapping bits of itself to and from a fourth dimension that he couldn't see. Odd flares of what looked like particle drive exhaust popped in and out of existence, cycling through the same fourth-dimensional space. Jail's breath caught. A mass-based transport system through Imaginary Space...of course! It's the only viable option. But traditional spatiotemporal coordinate systems don't apply there, or someone would have succeeded already. Could it be that Imaginary Space is a hyberbolic geometry? That would explain why it can't be mapped to any mathematical formula. But the computational power required to develop even a basic approximation, and without magic, no less...

"This," he whispered, "may be the greatest scientific moment in the recorded history of Dimensional Space."

Disappointingly, no one reacted to his statement except the machine (for he could supply no specific designation beyond that), which gave a final push with its thrusters and passed over the boundary of the rift, having just enough momentum to immediately crash to the floor as gravity took hold of it. It slid a few centimeters and stopped. The room went quiet but for the faint scrape and hum of components moving below the blackish film covering the machine.

The noise stopped. For a moment, it was really silent. Then, the machine began to contract and disassemble itself into folded space like a Device.

Revealed from the central compartment was the figure of a girl. The machine retracted into a thick bracelet on her left wrist. She exhaled heavily and looked up at Jail with green eyes. They narrowed.

"Doctor Scaglietti. I was directed to seek your assistance on a...personal matter," she said.

Ten or eleven years old, by her voice. Close to Dieci and Cinque's apparent age.

"What might that be, Miss..."

"Vert. Brigitte Vert. You haven't heard of me, but I've heard of you."

"Miss Vert, then. Indulge my curiosity, but I've never encountered such an intriguing manner of dimensional transport as what you just used. Am I to understand that you navigated to my secret base through Imaginary Space without causing a dangerous dimensional quake?"

She nodded, looking pleased with herself. "First try, too." She glanced over her shoulder. "Don't worry about the hole. It'll scab over in a few hours. It should be fine if you don't cast anything nearby."

"I...see," said Jail. "Pardon me for asking, but how did you obtain the coordinates of this base? It is a relevant security concern."

Brigitte waved it off. "Don't worry about that, either. I got them from somebody who knows you really well. He won't tell anyone." She paused. "Except me. He already told me, though, so that's a moot point."

"Who was it?"

"Bend over, and I'll tell you." He lowered his head, and she whispered in his ear, "His name is Jail Scaglietti, and he went to prison after blowing up the Saint's Cradle over Cranagan."

Jail stiffened. He forced a smile over his face. "Well, that certainly makes things...interesting. I'm not sure what to make of it."

Brigitte bounced on her heels. "Oh, I think these files will help. Here." She tapped her bracelet Device.

Uno's voice came over the link. "Doctor, I'm receiving an encrypted transmission. It's...our encryption. Five data files, each containing the full profile of a Rare Skill."

Which ones?
he sent back.

"Nothing I've seen before. Curious. The notes are in your style...and dated 0088, Mid calendar."

Jail stared at the girl in front of him. "You're claiming to come from the future."

Brigitte grinned. "Yup! Took you long enough. I have the DNA samples to go with those, too. Right here." She patted her bracelet.

"In that case," said Jail, "I'm sure we can come to some arrangement. But I have one more question. What need does such a well-equipped young lady have of us?"

Her face became serious. "Logistics. You have it, I don't."

"What sort? Supplies? Information? Transportation shouldn't be an issue, given the display just now."

Brigitte bit her lip. "'s not quite that simple. I have to conserve fuel, so there's no point in using Calliope for regular travel through D-space. What I really need is a fake ID so I can get into Midchilda without getting stopped by the Bureau. After that, it's just a way to get to Avenata. I'm sure you can help me arrange something, can't you, Doctor?" She fixed him with a pleading look.

Jail laughed. "I believe I can. Trying to decipher your technology, even with only the hint that it exists, would be enough to keep me busy for a decade, I'm sure."

Her pleading gave way to a mild glare. "I'm not letting you look at Calliope. You told me not to trust you."

Jail's smile faltered, but he held it up as best he could. "Of course. But, I hope we can consider this a friendly partnership, rather than a business contract. A business mentality is hardly conducive to proper collaboration, in my experience."

"No promises," said Brigitte, but even so, she visibly relaxed.

"Well, then, let's get you accommodated, shall we? We have plenty of spare rooms for you, if you don't mind. Also, as for the DNA samples, would you take those over to Uno, my secretary? Quattro will take you to her. Won't you, Quattro?"

Brigitte flinched as Quattro decloaked right next to her. "Sure, Doctor. Come on, you!" She grabbed the older girl by the hand and dragged her out of the room.

"Is this wise, Doctor?" asked Uno.

"I don't believe that Miss Vert is a threat. She has a loose handle on her emotions, as I'm sure you could discern. Did you notice how pleased she was at dominating her conversation with me?"

"Indeed. However, we have no idea of her true capabilities. It would be best to proceed with caution."

"Quite, quite. Humor her, then. After you've run the preliminary analysis on the DNA samples, forge her official identification and compile a list of our contacts near Avenata."

"All of them, or just the smugglers?"

"All of them, if you will. I'm sure that Miss Vert will request non-interference from us, given her line about not trusting us. However, I do intend to keep a hand in her project, whatever it is. As long as we do not act directly, she need never know." He rubbed his hands together. "I haven't met a girl this interesting in in a long time."
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And now that's playing with fire, murderous fire that might put you in formaldehyde and then play with your remains for its own curiosity. Personaly I would be less wary of a serial killer than of Jail, it says a lot that for a guy with less than twenty guys and girls under him it took a ground army, a fleet and and entire special forces unit to bring down, and they almost didn't make it, and the fact that he had the goverment's high command on his pocket makes (before murdering them) it more worring and not less.
And now that's playing with fire, murderous fire that might put you in formaldehyde and then play with your remains for its own curiosity. Personaly I would be less wary of a serial killer than of Jail, it says a lot that for a guy with less than twenty guys and girls under him it took a ground army, a fleet and and entire special forces unit to bring down, and they almost didn't make it, and the fact that he had the goverment's high command on his pocket makes (before murdering them) it more worring and not less.
I never said that Brigitte was prudent.
I never said that Brigitte was prudent.
Now that's as comforting as a six year old having access to a nuclear weapon and knowing just how button not to operate. If I had a Time Machine I would put as a basic requirement for getting the keys prudence and cause and effect awareness. So far I have seen none of the former, so I hope the later she got to the same level than David Xanatos.
I would honestly expect an eleven-year-old to know to avoid Jail, and I'm not sure if that's a characterization that's flat as something squished under an anvil, or I'm going SB competence mode on this.
I would honestly expect an eleven-year-old to know to avoid Jail, and I'm not sure if that's a characterization that's flat as something squished under an anvil, or I'm going SB competence mode on this.
That would be true if she had firsthand experience with him before he went to prison. She doesn't, and she thinks she can outmaneuver him to get what she wants.

That's all I can give you without spoiling my plans.