Name: Ruby Rose
Race: Human/Silver Eyes
Age: 9
Source: Primal 4
Level: 4
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Experience: 2700
Light: 5
Human/Silver Eyes: +1 to all attributes, +2 to one physical Attribute
Simple Soul: You see the world with eyes filled by hope, no matter how dark things get. +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma
Child of the Forest: Your soul belongs to the wild, and it to you. Gain access to Primal Source and use Wisdom as your Spellcasting Attribute
SkyCaller II: Flight speed increases to 10, +5 feet range extension to all weather spells, Thunder, Lightning, and Wind spells gain +2 to their saving throw difficulties
Landwarden: Beastspeech added to languages known, lifesight 20 feet
Lifeshaper Trait: All healing spells provide +2 Wounds upon casting
Cantrips: Frostbite, Guidance, Thunderclap
First Circle: Detect Magic, Goodberry, Entangle, Hunter's Mark, Ensnaring Strike, Thunderwave
Second Circle: Darkvision, enhance Ability, Moonbeam
- Acrobatics
- Sleight of Hand
- Stealth
- Arcana
- History
- Investigation
- Medicine
- Suvival
- Animal Handling
- Insight +2
- Nature +2
- Perception +2
- Religion
- Deception
- Intimidation
- Performance
- Persuasion +2
Boots of Elvenkind: While you wear these boots, your steps make no sound, regardless of the surface you are moving across. You also have advantage on Dexterity (
Stealth) checks that rely on moving silently.
+1 Armor of Elvenkind: While you wear this armor, all saving throws for spells you cast are made at a disadvantage, you have advantage on all Wisdom(Nature) and Wisdom(Perception)checks, and all defense rolls you make have a +2 Armor Bonus.
Cloak of Elvenkind: While you wear this cloak with its hood up, Wisdom (
Perception) checks made to see you have disadvantage, and you have advantage on Dexterity (
Stealth) checks made to hide, as the cloak's color shifts to camouflage you. Pulling the hood up or down requires an action. It will also conform to your shape and size no matter how they change.
Glaive: 1d10 Slashing weapon, requires STR 10 or aura to wield. Heavy, Reach, Two Handed.
3 Common Potion of Healing
1 Spell Scroll of Toll the Dead
1 Spell Scroll of Cause Fear
3 Low Quality Dust Crystals
4 Medium Quality Dust Crystals
2 High Quality Dust Crystals
Movement: Normal 25, Flight 10
Senses: Lifesight 20
Languages: Remnantian, Beastspeech
Money: 120 Lien
The Dance of Spheres: A book so old it looks like it will crumble to dust at any moment, this tome is written in a sprawling, archaic text barely recognizable as Remnantian. In it is described a series of stories about the creation of this world and all the others around it, and how they came to be ordered. +5 to knowledge checks about other planes.
The Annals of Heaven: A book bound in white cloth and glowing with the faintest hints of magic, this book tells the stories of various afterlifes and those who guard them. +5 to knowledge checks about celestials
The Songs of Balance: A series of short tales about elementals, and how to interact with them without giving offense.
Attributes: Excepting Light, The average and starting attribute is 10. Every point above this value gives a +1 to the Bonus Value(V) of that attribute.
Light: Light is a special stat. Every non-Grimm creature starts with 5 Light,, and cannot change that value unless they unlock their aura. They instantly gain 20 points of Light as well as reveal any hidden effects regarding Light for all Traits and Abilities, as well as gaining the Light Source. Every 5 points of Light above its Base gives one point to Light(V). Light is also the only Attribute that can be spent by abilities. As such the value for Light is considered a maximum value and Light(V) is not affected in any way by the spending of Light. Light recovers at a rate of 1 for every five points of maximum value every combat round, or five minutes otherwise.
Wounds: Every character gains one Wound for every point of Constitution as well as 1d4 wound per level except martial sources, who gain 2d4 per level.
Melee attacks: melee attacks consist of rolling a d20+Strength(V)+Dexterity(V) versus an opposing roll of D20+Dexterity(V)+Constitution(V). Melee damage consists of rolling 1 wound die--succeeding on a four or more-for every point of Strength(V), against 1 wound save die for every point of Constitution(V). melee Spell attacks use SPL(V) in place of Strength(V)
Ranged Attacks: Ranged attacks consist of rolling a d20+Dexterity(V)+Wisdom(V) versus an opposing roll of d20+Dexterity(V)+Constitution(V). Ranged damage consists of rolling 1 wound die--succeeding on a four or more--for every point of Dexterity(V) against 1 wound save die for every point of Constitution(V). Ranged Spell attacks use SPL(V) in place of Dexterity(V)
Mental Attacks: Mental attacks consist of rolling a d20+Intelligence(V)+Charisma(V) versus an opposing roll of d20+Wisdom(V)+Light(V) Magic Damage consists of rolling 1 wound die--succeeding on a four or more--for every point of Intelligence(V) against 1 wound save die for every point of Wisdom(V). Mental attacks use SPL(V) in place of Intelligence(V)
Elemental Damage, Resistance, and Vulnerability: Some attacks may have an elemental subtype to some or all of their wound dice. These dice work as normal unless the defendant possesses either a resistance or vulnerability that matches said subtype. If they possess a vulnerability, then you double the would dice, while resistance halves them.
Criticals: A critical on any attack die, or natural 20 unless otherwise stated, provides an additional number of wounds equal to half the original excepting elemental dice, and inflicts one permanent negative trait at the GM's discretion.
Wound Dice and Wound Saves: A Wound Dice is defined as a d6, as is a Wound Save. A creature with aura may spend 1Light(V) to produce a wound save at any time.
Social Combat: Social combat conducted by a player character, whether it be a bluff, intimidation, or diplomatic effort, consists of rolling a d20+Charisma(V) against certain Dice Checks at the DM's discretion. When conducted by an NPC against a PC, however, it consists of rolling a d20+Charisma(V)+Wisdom(V) versus an opposing roll of d20+Charisma(V)+Wisdom(V). Intelligence(V) Can also be added to either roll under specific circumstances at the DM's discretion. The same is true for PC versus PC.
Stealth: Stealth Checks consist of rolling a d20+Agility(V) versus an opposing roll of d20+Wisdom(V)
Leveling Up: Every time your character levels up, they gain a standard bonus of 1 Attribute point to be spent however they wish, as well as 1 Trait from a selection of three, a +2 to any skill proficiency, and 3 abilities, including one simple, one complex, and one grand. arcane focuses instead gain twice the normal number of abilities, and martial focuses gain no abilities but 2 traits. Every fifth level, however, provides 2 Attribute points instead, and at levels 10 and 20, Source Specializations will be available for selection.
Abilities: spells, supernatural powers, or other unusual abilities, are always drawn from one of several types of sources, including Arcane, Primal, Divine, and Light. Excepting the latter two, each of these can then be categorized in two ways, either through circles numbering One to Nine or the descriptions Simple, Complex, and Grand. The first describes its general power scale, and the second describes how often it can be used without undue risk to the mind, body, and soul of the caster. Simple spells may be used at will and as many times as desired or needed without concern, while Complex abilities require at least a few minutes break between each casting, and should only be used lightly. Grand spells, however, are extraordinarily taxing, and thus should only be used again after a full night's rest to recuperate mind and body. In-game terms, these translate to at-will, encounter, and daily abilities. Likewise, each circle of spells is accessible only after having achieved twice the level in a source capable of using it.
Saving throws: Saving throw DC's against spells are decided by the SPL of their caster. Other saving throw DC's are decided at GM's discretion. They consist of rolling a D20+Defined Attribute(V)
Advantage/Disadvantage: Having advantage provides a +4 modifier to any d20 roll, and disadvantage provides a -4 modifier to any d20 roll
Dust: Dust comes in three forms; ammunition, crystals, and powder. For each of these, there are several levels of purity, with each level being progressively more powerful.
Ammunition: when used in place of any normal ammunition, has the following effect.
Low quality: +1 elemental damage to any ranged attack
Medium quality: +2 elemental damage to any ranged attack
High quality: +4 elemental damage to any ranged attack
Pure: +8 elemental damage to any ranged attack
Crystals: may be used as a reagent to raise any elemental spell of a matching type by a number of circles, or modify any non-elemental spell with an element, at the GM's discretion..
Low quality: +1 circle
Medium quality: +2 circle
High quality: +3 circles
Pure quality: +4 circles.
Powder: may be used to imbue any melee weapon for one successful attack with the following effects
Low Quality: +1 elemental damage
Medium quality: +2 elemental damage
High quality: +4 elemental damage
Pure quality: +8 elemental damage.