I've lost everything I've wrote twice now. Not going to lie, I'm pretty pissed at that. I'll try and get something out soon, but man, motivation got super sapped.
There's little time to react as the cloak covered thieves dash through the alley. You briefly contemplate calling for assistance, but at the speed these criminals are moving at and the woeful lack of city guards you don't know if you'd do anything but look foolish.
So instead you call attention to the most imposing thing in the would-be robber's way: Yourself.
With a bellow you step directly into their path and order the gang of foolish miscreants to halt. For this is your city and you'll not stand for this vile act against your citizens!
Suave Check:Halt Right There Criminal Scum! DC 35/60: 1d100+9: 25+9 =34 (Failure!)
When you reveal yourself there's a moment of hush, but they quickly rally from the momentary surprise and swiftly one upon the next's back draw their apparently jagged short swords from beneath their homespun cloaks and set upon you with glares as sharp as their blades.
"It's one man, and a useless noble at that. Take him down!" Cries the one in front.
Well. You supposed it was likely it would only end this way.
Who has initiative?
Hector: 1d100-5(Sneeki)-10(IALH)+10(Unexpected arrival) = 35-5 = 30 Thieves: 1d100+13(Sneeki)-10(Group Initiative) = 4+3 = 7
Still, as you were instructed so long ago: he who strikes first strikes best! You raise your ironwood stick to the sky and dash it down on the dishonorable drow dissident who dismally dismissed your dire deeds.
Armed: No penalties when fighting other armed foes
Stronk: +18
I AM LORD HUMONGOUS: +10 to attacking and defending in personal combat
Total: +28
20/20 HP
Drow Thieves x4:
Armed: No penalties when fighting other armed foes
Stronk: +8
Group Combat: +10
Total: +18
12 HP Each
It seems that the thieves weren't expecting much of a response, your leading blow was simple side swipe with your cane but an effective one nonetheless, landing and breaking the first thief's nose in a spray of blood. To your continued fortune the now-bleeding thief stumbles back in pain right into his companion who was nearly upon you with their sword when your target bumped into them allowing you the time needed to block and push the attacker back.
Your attempted follow-up sweeping blow was mighty indeed! Taking advantage of the confusion in the middle of the melee you neatly trip up the two thieves and from the way the first managed to bounce his head off a nearby stone wall you don't think you'll be seeing him up and about again soon.
However it seemed that with your attention taken by the two in front one of the remaining thieves was able to skirt your awareness until the last possible second, you throw out a hasty warding blow which turns what could have been a debilitating slash at your thigh into a light scratch. Nothing to be overly concerned about, but painful.
You swiftly make to retaliate against the offending thief who by the way their eyes widen as you swing widely towards them realizes they might have made a poor decision closing to such close range with you. The Lady seems to smile on them as their sudden tactic of 'actually fall over backwards' worked out in their favor as your strike went wide through the space where they used to occupy.
However, proving that old adage that the Lady gives and takes equally, your strike-gone-wide finds itself crashing into the drow you had previously tripped just as she was staggering to her feet. You aren't sure what their thoughts were in the pivotal second face but as they crumple like a discarded puppet you are reasonably sure they weren't charitable ones.
Fending off a blow from the last thief on currently on their legs you step back and regain your reach advantage, unfortunately unable to press your advantage the fallen thief manages to again get back to their feet and the two begin circling you again, now much more wary.
It's fortunate frankly. You think to yourself as you trade blows back an forth between the pair fending them off while keeping them from flanking yourself. If I hadn't taken down the initial two as quickly I'd have a much tougher time here.
Before you could truly get into a pattern or grasp much more of a feel for the fight one of the thieves, haven grown impatient or some such launched themselves towards you, their sword grasped in both hands and with the entire weight of their body behind it.
Apparently 'Tactics and Other Survival Strategies'(1) isn't taught in… wherever these thieves learned to fight. Is there perhaps such a thing as a guild of thieves? Where does one learn to pick a lock and such anyway? Certainly the stories of adventurers have no shortage of thieves with golden hearts willing to risk life and limb in far off dungeons…
Where were you again? Oh right, Tactics. See rushing bodily into the range of someone with much larger reach than yourself is a grand way of opening yourself to all sorts of opportunistic attacks. Such as the one you are making right now, which brings to mind the grand charge of the ignoble General Dallarsus(2) who once managed to get an entire company of heavy cavalry gutted in a single change into a pike formation. Only instead of a gruesome impaling of both good man and horse who were then stomped into muddy meat by their fellows behind them this charge resulted in you positioning your cane like a cue in a game of billiards and thrusting it forward.
What followed caused you to look around for witnesses, because when you tell this story again you'll need them to verify the truth: Namely that while you were perhaps a bit indulgent in the cane-as-a-cue attack you weren't expecting the rest of the world to indulge you as well. For the way the thief's head rocketed back and her body following into the tight canvas of the nearby stall caused her to bounce back with surprising force… right into the last remaining thief. The sound of their heads colliding brought to mind a pair of coconuts(3) and the way both went down in a groan brought to mind your victory!
Luck Roll: Was anyone watching? DC???: 1d100 = 11
Unfortunately the only onlooker was a single cat perched on a nearby barrel. Blast!
You don't let the lack of cheers stop you though, letting loose a grand laugh of triumph. You've certainly had quite the first impression from the city at least, perhaps some word of what you've done will travel to the people of the city. It's only after a minute or two, giving you time to begin applying rope to the rabble-rousing ruffians and recording their repertoire of rebellious raiment that you turn to see Remial atop a cage-upon-wheels(4) within which you stash the indisposed indolents.
With a nod to Remial you pass him the various sacks of goods to be returned to their owners before taking a second to wipe the blood particulate from your trusty cane off before continuing on your merry walk.
Stroke Roll: Capital and Gains? DC 50: 1d100+18-10(Easy Fight): 24+8 = 32 (Failure)
Hector has won handily against the Drow Thieves.
Realm Safety has remained pristine.
Garland Citizen Morale ++
Hector takes no penalties due to injuries.
A new option is available regarding the captured thieves.
(1) Considered the premier book for basic strategies and methods on how not to cause your men to horribly die because of your ruinously bad decisions. Contains such gems as 'If your enemy is studious avoiding somewhere, perhaps there is a good reason why.' and 'Attack where your enemy isn't is all well and good, but if there's no enemy there why are you attacking?'
(2)Noted for being the reason why Tactics was written.
(3)A migratory fruit known to grow in the far south, often on islands. Considered to be the favorite food of the Dire Sparrow.
(4)Often referred to as the Hurry-Up Wagon for it's slow response time in nearly every city but Garland.
Round 8: Thieves v Hector
Thieves: Stronk: 8, Else: 0, Group: 5
Thieves attack v. Hector defense: 17 v 78 (Hit!)
Round 9: Hector v Thieves
Hector: Stronk: 18, Else: 10, Group: 0
Hector attack v. Thieves defense: 40 v 53 (Hit!)
Round 10: Thieves v Hector
Thieves: Stronk: 8, Else: 0, Group: 5
Thieves attack v. Hector defense: 73 v 116 (Great Defense!)
Attack of opportunity!
Hector: Stronk: 18, Else: 10, Group: 0
Hector attack v. Thieves defense: 58 v 1 (Crit Opening!
(58-(1/2)) = 57/10 = 5*4+0 = 20 damage!)
1/12 HP! Remaining fighters: 1
Round 11: Thieves v Hector
Thieves: Stronk: 8, Else: 0, Group: 0
Thieves attack v. Hector defense: 92 v 125 (Great Defense!)
Attack of opportunity!
Hector: Stronk: 18, Else: 10, Group: 0
Hector attack v. Thieves defense: 116 v 32 (Great Hit!
(116-(32/2)) = 100/10 = 10*2+0 = 20 damage!)
Battle Ended: Thieves lose!
A/N: Ended up writing a program to do the combat for me, cause fuck that fight for the third time. Anyway hope the first combat of the quest makes sense and isn't too annoying to work with. Do people prefer me keeping the rolls inside with the rest of the prose or at the end like I did? I kinda thought there might have been too many back-and-forths and the numbers would get distracting. Would you rather I kept it how it is or incorporate it in the future?
Also @HousePet got the pun of the Diabolist's den becoming a shop for Satin-Worshipers.
It occurs to me I ought to have include this BEFORE the combat update.
Combat is based on a series of opposed rolls with attacker switching ever time, attacker v. defender. Higher scorer hits. The system is still based on the 1d100 much like normal skill checks are which means a Great Success (GS) is die roll+modifiers > 100 and a Critical Success(CS) is a Nat 100. A GS from the attacker deals doubles damage. A CS from the attacker deals quadruple. A GS on defense gives a free retaliatory attack against half the opponent's normal defense. A CS on defense deals damage against ¼ defense. Critical Failures and Great Failures function like the opponents got CS or GS. Opposing levels cancel each other out so if an attacker got a Great Success and so did a defender defender wins draws.
Damage is calculated by how much higher the attack roll was over the defender.
Damage = Difference of Results/10 (Min. 1)
HP = Sum of Stats+Relevant Bonuses(Armor etc)/2.5. So higher stated characters are inherently harder to take down.
0 HP is unconscious
>= -1 is dying. Dead is when I say it is.
Groups give flat bonuses and share HP pools but the group bonus decreases as the group size does as well. Magic weapons and armor both add to rolls, spells, buffs and consumables may as well. Range works as always being the attackers turn until the defender can either close the ground between or the attacker runs out of ammo
Other rolls can be used in combat as appropriate but I wanted something relatively straight forward for the first combat. Not amazingly happy how it turned out, I reserve the right to author fiat the numbers in the future.
Actually Hector rolled quite well. He hardly took any damage, as compared to the previous fight scenes that I lost where he kept nearly being part of a murder-suicide on the thieves' part.
[X] Lord's Duty and Help -[X]You've your walking stick with you. It's a simple thing but what you consider a walking stick is still five feet of solid ironwood. (Stronk-based, combat, personal danger, personal glory)
-[X] Perhaps some time spent consolidating your Father's writing may prove useful DC Scaling
-[X] Focus your efforts. (Pick a choice from the 'Rule Others' above, you gain +5 to the choice)
--[X] Ok, what's actually this I hear about logging? DC Meh-5.
-[X] Ok, what's actually this I hear about logging? DC Meh-5.
--[X] Send Vivian
You are Hector Emperoza de Richards Osvaldio Inigo Cavilrestora VII and perhaps it's time you've come to terms with it: You are perhaps in a bit of monetary trouble.
You've done what you could to prepare yourself; you spent your grace period as best as you thought possible by propping up the industries you had direct access to, gathering the information you could to avoid flailing madly in the dark while in a position you had little right to occupy and doing your best to set things in motion towards progress. All of these would have caused a lesser sibling (instead of the Lesser sibling you are) a right bother. And did cause them a right bother to be frank.
It doesn't make the innocent-looking letter occupying the entirety of your desk any less painful to read. It was shortly after your return from your… energetic explorations that you finally gathered the guts to break the waxed emblem of the Temple of Glitz(1) and read the contents of the otherwise bland and boring manila envelope.
Suffice to say the letter included a number which contained many more zeroes than you saw in daily life. And all of those unfortunate zeros were written in red ink. Every last one. Current Interest Rate: 5+1d6%: 5+5 = 10%
Debt Interest: 141*1.10 = 155
As a small balm to that gaping wound in the pocket book you did also receive the usual monthly accounting showing you are at least locally and immediately in the black again.
It's not much. Not nearly enough to cover what is owed, but if the Gods and gods above are willing to let you try, you will put forth your utmost to prevail!
Especially since you have a tempting lead already lined up. And while Bestwin… might not have been the most successful at scouting out you don't have many other options than to send him out again.
You quickly jot down a note and send for Vivian, who, if you previous interactions with her will require a bit of rousting from whatever tome she's currently occupying. You'll have a bit of time before she'll show. Her record according to the timepiece in your office was nearly four marks.
Which is… You frown. A bit rude now that you think about it. Aren't you supposed to be her Lord? Grudger Himself knows you were always prompt when your father called for you. Mostly. Well, usually. When you weren't invested in Cavidash's newest acquiring's.
Perhaps you'll let this slide. You strive to be a fair and generous lord after all.
Though you could stand to use your newly acquired free time productively since you've sort-of constrained yourself to your office until Vivian arrives as it would be the height of rudeness to wander off after sending for someone.
Perhaps your Father's journals? They're still quite the mess from when you left off your studies of them last. Let's see what information you may glean from your departed father's journals.
Smarts Roll: A Ledger-ndary Endeavor DC Scaling
Usefulness: 1d100+14(Smarts)+5(A Small Collection of Journals) = 87+19 = 106 (Great Success!) Applicability: 1d100+14(Smarts) = 95+14 = 109 (Great Success!)
So if you cross-reference Appendix D5: "On Negotiation with Philosophically and Literally Entrenched Enemy Forces'' with all the civilian-based entries included in the Index written on the margins of 5.8-F: "When To Cut a Deal and When to Cut and Run" you end up with a list of both negotiation tactics for groups who are independent-minded but who nominally work for you and a recipe for something known as Anarchy Stew... Which you're certain that you saw a reference to earlier when you were puzzling over 1.2A-C: "Would Work(?)". Perhaps you should return there?
You were right. There was a reference you saw before, but it was within 1.2A-B ("Wood-Nut Work") instead. Which means that by cross referencing the repeated entries…
(Sir? Can you hear me?)
Swiftly you tear through the journals writing your findings as you go on a scrap of parchment. You were certain you were on to something here!
(Is this perhaps a punishment for keeping you waiting past brunch last Sunsday?)
"AHA!" You have it! By cross reference between the entries made on dealing with like-minded work groups such as miners with a list of standard and special diplomacy tactics you've managed to piece together perhaps the most comprehensive doctrine on Lumberjack And Woodworker Modus OPerandi you have seen in all your years of reading and exploring!
Aha again! Vivian is already present to accept both the letter of introduction you wrote, a few necessary tokens and the LAW MOP. You hand both of them to her with a smile and instruct her to read both before heading out to meet with the men cutting your trees!
For some reason Vivian seems less enthused about the idea than you… until you promise her a week's access to your personal travel journals. Upon which time you notice that you are once again alone in your office.
Well. That was a thing. Perhaps you'll go take a break and see what's for lunch.
Item Gained: LAW MOP: Gain a LARGE bonus on Suave or Savvy rolls regarding Woodcutters and Lumberjacks. And Only Woodcutters or Lumberjacks.
Smarts Roll: See the Trees for the Forest. DC 10/25/40: 1d100+7 = 2+7 = 9 (Failure!)
You are Vivian Aza'Sult'vhall. Famulus to the Duchy of Cavilrestora, newly-minted head researcher (Not...that there was any much competition).
You are also lost as H'Urk.(2)
At least. You were until you actually opened the note His Grace gave you and looked at the piecemeal map he had included.
Re-Roll: 1d100+7 = 30+9 = 37 (Success!)
Resolving not to ever, ever mention the two and half hours you spent wandering the exactsame copse of trees as the Majordomo did last month you followed the in-retrospect fairly obvious route. It was several days walking but the summer nights were pleasant and the path was well maintained so your only complaint was that you read the first three of the five books you brought with you on the way there, meaning you'd likely have to re-read something on the return trip or ughlook around at the nature.
It was easy to tell you were on the right track at least. The sounds of metal on wood, saws and the swearing of manly-man and robust woman-types filled the air, growing louder as you approached a series of log cabins set up in a clearing just off the path you were following.
You approached, as the booklet His Grace thrust upon you before you left, The one who looks like he knows the most of what's going on, He's the foreman and whether or not this is actually true he should at least be allowed to indulge in his delusions for purposes of negotiation.
In this case it was a well-muscled demi-giant wearing an oddly checkered black and red shirt and sporting a beard that would be the envy of any dwarf. Your approach was noted, and he called to you before you could do much else.
"Oh-ho? What's a pretty thing like you doin' out here? It's a ways from the city for a book-lover eh?"
Well. He's not wrong. You inform him as much and tell him you are here to speak to the one in charge on behalf of Duke Cavilrestora, flashing the sigil included in the bundle His Grace gave you. You then hastily add that you don't want to get in his or his worker's way since you're certain they're quite busy as the… THE LAW MOP suggested.
Suave Roll: Speaking Their Language DC 20/40/80: 1d100+2(Vivian's Suave)+38(THE LAW MOP) = 1+40 (Critical Failure!) (._.)
This "foreman" frowns as he sees the sigil. You attempt to convey an appreciation for his work by making admiring sounds as you look around, again as instructed. Then he scratches his chin. You pretend to be invested in the quality of his axe. There is a long moment of silence that soon reaches levels of awkwardness you've only ever read about. Then as you are about to make a blind attempt at what the LAW MOP describes as 'A Reverse Catcall' (Whatever that is) the man snaps his fingers before turning to you once again.
"The boss isn't in right the now, but tell you what? If you want to go ahead to that central cabin and wait I'll send the boss in as soon as he gets here. Though I gotta warn ya, he might be a fair bit he was… uhh... Scouting out some new trees for us to cut."
Sneeki Roll: Do you be-leaf him? DC 25: 1d100+2(Vivian's Sneeki) = 75+2 = 77 (Success!)
You narrow your eyes. None of the negotiation tactics mentioned phased the man. He didn't so much as blink despite you following the written instructions to the letter. So either the book is wrong (heresy!) or…
This man isn't a woodcutter at all! He's a poacher! A trespasser! They're all trespassers stealing wood from His Grace's very forests!
And unfortunately there's not much you can do about it. While you have some skill at magic, you are no great warrior like His Grace or Sir Aarsmann to fight off an unknown number of opponents miles away from the nearest. And in fact the good Captain is still quite busy this month taking care of the prisoners on top of his normal duties in the city AND the castille so there's little chance of him showing in the nick of time as he's done in the past.
Based on their behavior your best guess is the 'Lumberjacks' would rather leave with their tools and wooden loot than do something drastic such as fighting or taking yourself hostage.
You could always just… let them go. By which you mean playing along with the lie or 'suddenly' remembering business back in the city and asking the 'foreman' to send a messenger whenever is most convenient for them.
Which you predict would be sometime after the last of the glaciers melt.
What do you do?
[] 'Remember' an appointment and report back as swiftly as possible.
[] 'Play along' and just let them leave. You might learn something or you might just be hanging out in a cabin for a while.
[] 'Play along' and try to gather information. If so, what do you try to do?
-[] Write in
[] Call him on it. The Lady does favor the bold and you aren't completely defenseless since he's not a human and you have some of the SHAZAM.
Current Wealth: 16
Current Debt: 155
Current Rumors: You've not heard much. Other than about yourself and the thieves but you already knew that. Oh and that there's apparently some bandits sniffing around your lands. Wonder where though? (37) (73) (19)
Please vote by plan. Remember Hector has 2 actions and each retainer can perform 1 action. Vivian will be taking a -10 'Overworked' penalty to all rolls unless unused. Choices with 2 sets of '[]' take both actions.
Hector Only:
[] Debt Consolidation (Begin to make it easier to pay the debt owed) DC Tough.
[] Free Funds to pay the debt (Work to free some liquid capital so you can pay at least some of the debt back.) DC Challenging.
[] Read your mother's journal DC Medium
[] Investigate the box. DC ???
[] Just open the box, by any means. DC Meh
[] Perhaps some time spent consolidating your Father's writing may prove useful DC Scaling
[] Expedite the arrival of the mining upgrades. Throwing money at the problem seems to be working so far.
[][] Expedite the arrival of the mining upgrades. Perhaps you can send someone with the Six to ensure everything is according to plan? (Begin Adventure)
[][] Expedite the arrival of the mining upgrades. Hiring some of those random adventurers that always seem to be about. (Begin Adventure)
[] Go after those rascally tree-poachers! Or rather, send the Six to do it. (Begin Adventure)
[] Go after those rascally tree-poachers! Or rather, hire some adventurers to do it. (Begin Adventure)
[] Tour the Estate
-[] The Estate Itself At this point you've seen most of it
-[] The Libraries
-[] The Commons
-[] The Vaults
-[] The Woods
-[] The Laborium's Former Location
[] Tour the City -[] The Markets
-[] The Industrial Area
-[] The Slums
-[] The Living Quarters
-[] The Temple District
-[] Wander
[] Focus your efforts. (Pick a choice from the 'Rule Others' above, you gain a re-roll to the choice unless the result is a Critical Failure )
-[] Pick What?
[] Meet With Someone (Meeting With a specific persona such as Retainers or other notables has a variety effect, it could affect stats, loyalty, possessions, reveal traits or do nothing but let the GM worldbuild.)
-[] Who With and about what?
Rule Others:
[] Personal Studies (Costs nothing but time at current levels)
-[] The gains call to you. Time to answer them. DC Hardish.
-[] Stepping lightly never really helped you before, but maybe it will now? DC Hardish.
-[] So. Many. New. Books. DC Meh.
-[] Between your father's notes on how to do it and your Greater brother's notes on how not to do it you might learn to savvy. DC Hardish.
-[] Press the flesh, schmooze with some movers and/or shakers here in Garland. DC Hardish.
-[] For some reason you have a desire to read the dry journal of your mother again. DC Meh-ish.
[] Make Arrangements (If failed most of the wealth is retained)
-[] Arrange for repairs to the Castile. -1d6 Wealth for +1d20 to Castile State. DC Meh. (New Stone has arrived)
-[] Arrange for repairs to the Castile. Used the stone reclaimed from the Laborium for +1d20+3 to Castile State. DC Meh.
-[] Arrange for rebuilding the Laborium -3d6 2d6 wealth if reserved stone is used. DC Meh.
-[] Hire additional servants. -1d6 wealth for +1d20 to Staff State. DC Meh.
-[] Arrange for Staff Amenities. -1d6 wealth for +1d10 to Staff Loyalty and Morale. DC Meh. -[] Hire. Some. Godsdamn. Guards. -1d6 wealth for +1d20 to Guard State. DC ??? (Resolve The current issues with hiring first.) --[] Castile Guards
--[] City Guards
-[] Guard Training Maneuvers -1d6 Wealth for +10 to Guard Quality. DC ???
-[] Find retainers. -1d6+2 wealth to find worthy people to hire on with random stat focus, -1d8+2 if a specific stat is desired. DC ???
--[] Somebody Stronk
--[] Somebody Sneeki
--[] Somebody Smart
--[] Somebody Savvy
--[] Somebody with some SHAZAM
[] Investigate the large Circle in the remains of the Laborium. DC Hardish.
[] Examine the unknown staff... and for the God's Sake get it cleaned.
[] Look into the possibility of a shadow enemy (or perhaps even enemies!) Savvy/Sneeki DC Hard
[] Make plans for new windmills. (Spent Wealth to Build Grain Mills) [] Make plans for flax mill un-conversion (Nope. No back-ups)
[]Go Shopping in the Market District (Garland is a large enough city that barring a few exceptions nearly everything (legal) you might want is available.
-[]For what? (Write In) (Specific equipment might allow Hector or his retainers to perform actions they otherwise couldn't or situationally enhance their stats or unlock other actions)
[] You.. should probably do something about those thieves. Exile? Forced Labor? Public Humiliation? Cut off a hand? You're not sure, you've never pronounced Judgement before. There are four of the,
-[] What do you do? (You've got a fairly wide range of options and a pretty much no one who can actually legally stop you but going too far might lower morale or loyalty.)
[] Do Nothing. DC Impossible.
Lore Mentions:
1: A major God of both Speculation and of Compound Interest, which is as stated by the wisest of scholars: One of the most powerful forces in existence, Often considered equal in power with the God-Killing powers of Friendship and Love.
2: Like H'Ark but morso.
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A/N: You thought it was industry, but it was ME, Complications HAHA!
*numerous swearwords suggesting setting fire to the woods*
*further numerous swearwords about the state of marriage of the dice's parents*
For Vivian, I'm thinking we try some SHAZAM. 'Wait' in the cabin and try a few scrying spells. Then drop a few hexes and leave. (Take any books from the cabin if there are any.)
For next plan I'm thinking:
[] Go after those rascally tree-poachers! Or rather, send the Six to do it. (Begin Adventure)
And do something about the Box and the Staff.
Maybe look into how much new grain mills will cost. But I suspect we don't have the dough to make dough right now.
[X] Plan: Thule
[X] Call him on it. The Lady does favor the bold and you aren't completely defenseless since he's not a human and you have some of the SHAZAM.
[X] Go after those rascally tree-poachers! Or rather, send the Six to do it. (Begin Adventure)
[X] Tour the City
-[X] The Industrial Area
[X] You.. should probably do something about those thieves. Exile? Forced Labor? Public Humiliation? Cut off a hand? You're not sure, you've never pronounced Judgement before. There are four of the,
-[X] What do you do(Forced Labor in the miners)
[X] Make plans for new windmills. (Spent Wealth to Build Grain Mills)
[X] Vivian takes a day of
So I checked my notes and it turns out that Vivian doesn't have a magic specialization. Rather than just picking one I'll leave it to you dear viewers. Your options are:
[] Wizard: One who prepares and is prepared for in turn. (Predictable but Knowledgeable, classic DnD style)
[] Magnus: Those striving for underlying connectivity. (Broad-spectrum Specialists)
[] Invoker: Small but Mighty (Rapid-fire, lesser power)
[] Idiot Chance Dancer: Who choose between being big and going home. (High Risk, Higher Reward, Highest variance)
All are viable in the current situation so don't worry about screwing yourselves over. That being said some might be more compatible with Vivian and her current hidden traits than others.