Middle Earth Shadows of War (LOTR-sorta) An Orcs Rise to Conquest

[X] Pole Arm: A heavy weapon that you will have to grow into making the most use of. (Size +1)
[X] Medium metal armor covered in spikes and paint to stand out (Supremacy +1)
[X] A commander who leads a well mixed group of orcs in normal front line combat. (+1 Supremacy, +1 Skill)
[x] Sword: The Standard weapon of most orcs that is a heavy brutal weapon. (Strength +1)
[x] Medium metal armor covered in spikes and paint to stand out (Supremacy +1)
[x] A commander who leads a well mixed group of orcs in normal front line combat. (+1 Supremacy,+1 Skill)

[x] Grapnic
[X] Javelins: A weapon that can both be thrown or used to stab in close combat. (Skill+1)
[X] Leather armor with a breast plate (Speed +1)
[X] A commander who leads a well mixed group of orcs in normal front line combat. (+1 Supremacy,+1 Skill)

[X] Ulgag
[x] Sword: The Standard weapon of most orcs that is a heavy brutal weapon. (Strength +1)
[x] Medium metal armor covered in spikes and paint to stand out (Supremacy +1)
[x] A commander who leads a well mixed group of orcs in normal front line combat. (+1 Supremacy,+1 Skill)

[x] Grapnic
[x] Axes: A pair of weapons focusing entirely on your ability to keeps swinging. (Skill +1)
[x] Medium metal armor covered in spikes and paint to stand out (Supremacy +1)
[x] A commander who leads a well mixed group of orcs in normal front line combat. (+1 Supremacy,+1 Skill)

[x] Grapnic

a pair of good axes cant go to waste, not to mention being able to use our small size (for now) to do deep cuts into some of the larger beasts and other nasty pesky rangers.
in time we could get our other stats up, but being able to be immune to combat executions would be great. stealth would be a issue and ranged as well...but at least if we get the three of those the ranger or other rivals will have to use subtlety in order to beat us.
[x] Sword: The Standard weapon of most orcs that is a heavy brutal weapon. (Strength +1)
[x] Medium metal armor covered in spikes and paint to stand out (Supremacy +1)
[x] A commander who leads a well mixed group of orcs in normal front line combat. (+1 Supremacy,+1 Skill)

[x] Grapnic
[X] Sword: The Standard weapon of most orcs that is a heavy brutal weapon. (Strength +1)
[X] Medium metal armor covered in spikes and paint to stand out (Supremacy +1)
[X] A commander who leads a well mixed group of orcs in normal front line combat. (+1 Supremacy,+1 Skill)

[X] Douche Dush
[X] Javelins: A weapon that can both be thrown or used to stab in close combat. (Skill+1)
[X] Medium metal armor covered in spikes and paint to stand out (Supremacy +1)
[X] A commander who leads a well mixed group of orcs in normal front line combat. (+1 Supremacy,+1 Skill)

[X] Ulgag
[X]Plan angry joe

[X] Crossbow: so you can fire upon your enemies from a distance (Speed+1)

[X] Leather armor with a breast plate (Speed +1)

[X] A hunter orc who leads his troops behind enemy lines to steal supplies or various other raids. (+1 skill, +1 Strength)

[X] olgoth
[x] Sword: The Standard weapon of most orcs that is a heavy brutal weapon. (Strength +1)
[x] Medium metal armor covered in spikes and paint to stand out (Supremacy +1)
[x] A commander who leads a well mixed group of orcs in normal front line combat. (+1 Supremacy,+1 Skill)

[x] Grapnic
[X] Javelins: A weapon that can both be thrown or used to stab in close combat. (Skill+1)
[X] Metal plates that don't cover your knees, elbows or shoulders for mobilities sake. (Skill +1)
[X] A hunter orc who leads his troops behind enemy lines to steal supplies or various other raids. (+1 skill, +1 Strength)

[X] Grapnic

Going unconventional here. No being a frontline red-shirt for this orc, no sir.
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