Middle Earth Shadows of War (LOTR-sorta) An Orcs Rise to Conquest

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Welcome to the world new Orc.
Will you be be a legend or a loser?

Your gestation was a time...


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Welcome to the world new Orc.
Will you be be a legend or a loser?

Your gestation was a time of rage and fear. You learned what it meant to be an orc without ever having a teacher or class room. Your learned from the dreams as your grew that you would never know beauty or love, and you hate yourself for it. You hate your creators for it. You hate the other orcs for being like you. You are left only with cruelty and a hunger for power so that you may inflict pain upon this world that made you so. As you are ripped from your pod of nightmares you are brought into the word and the first thing you see is another orc, he is hideous but then again you all are you see as you quickly look around. You roar, it has no reason just pain and rage made real for the first time. The orc who pulled you out yanks you forward by the shoulder cutting your roar short. He pushes you towards a group where all of you stand ragtag, a larger orc with weapons and armor faces all of you.

The next few hours are spent in basic exercises, he makes you run, throw rocks, do push ups and various other menial task, those found to be to slow or to weak get pulled out to go another way. "Slaves the lot of you! If you don't show some strength!" The others are given basic tools and pants without armor. They are to be workers, slaves the lowest caste and orc can be. Eventually the exercise routine of sorts ends, you apparently show enough strength and speed to be at least a grunt, nor are any obvious physical deformities present which got one orc killed on the spot for being unable to bend his elbow.

After the exercise you are made to run to another area, where you are shown some basic task you are expected to be able to do, every orc must be able to work in a war zone, siege weapons and fortifications must constantly be built.These are the easiest task, making rope, tying knots, basic wood working the bare minimum you must have to be useful outside of a fight. The pod taught you to do it, this is a test and a lesson all in one, those that show no skill get beaten, or thrown into the worker group to forever do menial labor, unless they fight their way out. Eventually they let you stop to go and eat.

How do you eat?
Vote: 1

[]Eat just enough and get back to work (Skill +1)
[]Eat Everything you can (Size+1)
[]Eat with the others in a group(Supremacy +1)
[]Take your food and share with a Caragor (Speed+1)
[]Fight for all of the best food (Strength+1)

After you finish eating you are taken to a small fighting pit, divided into two teams and given weapons made of heavy rough wood. You are made to fight, not once, not twice but dozens of times over the course of hours. Your lungs burn and your arms grow heavy even as with every fight you grow more bruised and damaged making you slower and weaker. However you keep fighting, round after round until they slow things down. They break it off into individual fights letting most of you rest at any time. After each individual fight an instructor beats both sides for various mistakes, a few solid blows making sure their shouts are understood to be important. You learn violence, violently.

How do you fight?
Vote: 2

[] Hang back and look for an opening to exploit (Speed +1)
[] Take a shield and try to hold the line (Strength +1)
[] Fight like the others picking one opponent at a time to until they are down. (Skill+1)
[] Find a partner and work to cover each others back (Supremacy +1)
[] Charge Recklessly at your opponents (Skill +1)

Eventually the fighting ends, and you are put to work until they are ready to arm and armor your group and take you to the front.

What do you do for labor:
[] Work on small technical work (Skill+1)
[] Work on moving materials (Size +1)
[] Work with your group where every they need (Supremacy +1)
[] Run messages (Speed+1)
[] Get into a few fist fights to avoid having to work (Strength +1)

The Stats:

Strength: How strong you are, your ability to kill your opponents, or over power them with force.
Speed: How quick you move both in running and swinging a weapon or dodging.
Skill: Your technical skill, covers ranged weapons as well as being a more skilled fighter and tactician
Supremacy: Your leadership and connection to other orcs, how likely random grunts are to follow your orders.
Size: Size works as a bonus to strength but a penalty to stealth as well as covering the number of serious injuries you can take and recover from. (Occurs when losing a serious fight or battle)
Special Traits: Your votes make progress to various traits, however this is not seen until after the vote, not all votes are made equal in this regard some options may provide progress towards a trait while others do not.

Your Current Stats:

Special Traits:

Basic Classes
A class will become your base class after make 5 votes that move towards that class. You can continue to work towards other classes, and get other bonuses instead for being a well rounded fighter when getting a fifth vote for another class.

Possible Traits
  • Fire-Proof (Immune to fire attacks)
  • Frost-Proof (Immune to frost attacks)
  • Poison-Proof (Immune to poison attacks)
  • Arrow-Proof (Immune to ranged attacks)
  • Beast-Proof (Immune to Beast attacks)
  • Immune to Curse
  • Immune to (Combat) Execution (Does not work vs Orcs; Does not protect against ground executions)
  • Vigilant against Stealth (Immune to stealth attacks)
  • Bestial Frenzy (Becomes enraged after killing a beast)
  • Blood Brother (Will ambush and become enraged when his Blood Brother is attacked or killed)
  • Bloodlust (Becomes enraged when other Orcs nearby become enraged)
  • Brutal Frenzy (Becomes enraged at the sight of brutal attacks or shaming)
  • Devoted Master (Becomes enraged when target's pet or gang is killed)
  • Enraged by Acrobatics (Becomes enraged when vaulted over.)
  • Enraged by Betrayal (Becomes enraged when allies fight each other)
  • Enraged by Boss Defeat (Becomes enraged when his boss is killed)
  • Enraged by Burning
  • Enraged by Caragors
  • Enraged by Cowards (Becomes enraged when high-ranking orcs flee or become dazed)
  • Enraged by Curse
  • Enraged by Drakes
  • Enraged by Everything (Can become enraged at any moment)
  • Enraged by Frost
  • Enraged by Graugs
  • Enraged by Ghuls
  • Enraged by Injury (Becomes enraged when taking damage)
  • Enraged by Morgai Flies
  • Enraged by Mortal Wounds (Becomes enraged when at low health)
  • Enraged by Pinning
  • Enraged by Poison
  • Enraged by Rival (Enraged by the sight of a specific rival Orc)
  • Enraged by Spiders
  • Enraged by Stealth
  • Enraged by Undead
  • Enraged by Weakness (Becomes enraged when higher-ranking targets become dazed)
  • Haunted (Enraged by Shadow Strike)
  • Killing Frenzy (Becomes enraged after killing a Captain)
  • Last Stand (Becomes enraged when facing the Bright Lord alone)
  • Possessive Master (Becomes enraged if his Bodyguards are attacked.)
  • Power Crazed (Becomes enraged upon encountering a more powerful target)
  • Vengeful (Becomes enraged when witnessing the death of an allied captain)
  • Vengeful Master (Becomes enraged when a Bodyguard is killed)
  • Agile - Dodges, rolls, and vaults over opponents to avoid taking damage.
  • No Chance - Does not allow a Last Chance QTE.
  • Master of the Hunt - will track you relentlessly and call reinforcements to join his hunt.
  • Throwing Knives - Can hurl throwing knives from a distance.
  • Epic Throwing Knives (Epic Trait) - Throws an arc of multiple knives at all foes in front of him.
Beast Master
  • Bestial Roar - Calls Caragors to battle, heals allied beasts and send them at his target.
  • Caragor Pack - Arrives to fights with a pack of Caragors.
  • Drake Lure - Can call a Drake into battle.
  • Den Mother - Calls and heals Ghuls into battle.
  • Spider Summoner - Is able to summon Spiders on command to poison targets.
  • Dire Mount (Epic Trait) - Starts the battle mounted on a Dire Caragor, and can ride others.
  • Epic Graug Call (Epic Trait) - Summons a graug to fight alongside him.
  • Lifesteal - What the game means by "thrives when damaging others" is that Berserkers will heal for a part of all the damage they deal.
  • Enraged By Mortal Wounds - Berserkers will enrage when damaged to the point of breaking, making it impossible to dominate or grab them for the duration. Either dominate them before they can activate their enrage (they will not enrage while stunned or staggered), or run away until their enrage wears off.
  • Random Bonus Enrage - Besides Mortal Wounds, Berserkers gain multiple bonus enrage triggers based on their level.
  • Furious Charge - Charges after opponents, knocking them to the ground and beating them.
  • Rabid - Utters terrifying battle cries that disorient and intimidate enemies.
  • Rampage - Recklessly charges into battle, attacking friend and foe alike.
  • Shield Slam (Defender Only) - Can strike his shield into the ground, stunning nearby enemies.
  • Flying Axes (Savage Only) - Throws his weapons which will return back to him, dealing high damage to everyone in their path.
  • Epic Rage (Epic Trait) - Stays enraged for long periods of time.
  • War Banners - Orders followers to plant war banners that strengthen and frenzy allies, but can be destroyed.
  • Call Reinforcements - Uses a horn to continually call more reinforcements to the area.
  • Dying Command - Upon death, his followers will be sent into an enraged state.
  • Fanatical Gang (Epic Trait) - Leads a gang that becomes enraged if he is attacked.
  • Final Blast - Upon death, triggers an explosion that stuns enemies.
  • Elemental Blast - Upon death, triggers an explosion that can deal either Fire, Frost, Poison, or Curse damage.
  • Sappers - Has a gang of explosive enemies who detonate in a suicidal blast.
  • Mines and Bombs - Can deploy mines or throw bombs that stuns enemies.
  • Elemental Mines and Bombs - Can deploy mines or throw bombs that can deal Fire, Frost, Poison, or Curse damage.
  • Epic Bombs (Epic Trait) - Throws multiple bombs rapidly.
  • Epic Elemental Bombs (Epic Trait) - Throws multiple bombs rapidly that can be either Fire, Frost, Poison, or Curse infused.
  • Power Shot - Fires a powerful shot that stuns his target.
  • Explosive Shot - Fires ranged projectiles that explode on impact.
  • Quick Shot - Can shoot successive bolts very quickly.
  • Epic Quick Shot (Epic Trait) - Can shoot multiple targets at once.
  • Death Defy - When taking lethal damage, will play a taunt and heal himself once per combat (Does not work vs other Orcs). Dominate him before triggering his heal to bypass this perk.
  • Determination - Heals himself during battle through sheer willpower alone, but can be interrupted.
  • Wave of Might - Unleashes a wave of strength so powerful that it pushes back and disorients nearby enemies.
  • Epic Determination (Epic Trait) - Heals himself completely during a battle through exceptional willpower, but can be interrupted.
  • Master of the Hunt - Will track you relentlessly, and sound a horn for nearby Orcs to join his hunt.
  • Trapper - Can set traps to pin an enemy place, making them vulnerable to ranged attacks until set free.
  • Harpoon (Olog Only) - Mid-range weapon that locks onto enemies, and will pull you in if struck.
  • Epic Trapper (Epic Trait) - Throws multiple traps to ensnare enemies, making them vulnerable to ranged weapons until breaking free.
  • Smoke Bomb - Deploys Smoke Bombs to elude enemies
  • Decoys - Can appear with an entoruage who look exactly like him, and it will make tracking the real target harder.
  • Epic Smoke Bomb (Epic Trait) - Deploys more powerful smoke bombs that also stun nearby enemies while he eludes them.
  • Elite Decoys (Epic Trait) - Can appear with a group of elite Grunts that look exactly like him, and will make tracking the real target harder.
  • Triple Strike - Attacks with a deadly three-hit combination. Use caution when fighting up close.
  • Quick Learner - Adapts to your tactics quickly to render them useless.
  • Slayer Counter (Epic Trait) - Responds to Executions from the front with an unblockable counterattack. Execute from behind instead.
  • Mystic Tribe Bonus: Mystic Blade - Produces a dark blade and teleports to the target with an unblockable slash.
  • Warmonger Tribe Bonus: Warmonger Clash - Locks your weapon in place with his gauntlets - break free or suffer extra damage.
  • Terror Tribe Bonus: Terror Chains - Whips out dual spiked chains and lashes them in an arc around to damage nearby targets.
  • Marauder Tribe Bonus: Hail of Bolts - Produces dual crossbows to unload in a frontal area with rapid arrows.
  • Feral Tribe Bonus: Feral Claws - Engages in a furious unblockable charge to knock down their opponent and strike at them on the ground.
  • Dark Tribe Bonus: Dark Strikes - Uses deadly blades to deal a series of strikes that must be countered fast.
  • Beast Slayer - Can execute enemy beasts
  • Caragor Rider - Able to mount and ride nearby Caragor, and can start a battle already mounted.
  • Cursed Weapon - Wields a blighted weapon that can curse enemies.
  • Flame Weapon - Wields a fiery weapon that can set others on fire.
  • Flame Thrower (Olog Only) - Wields a large cannon that acts like a flamethrower, spreading fire in a wide area in front of him.
  • Giant Slayer - Deals increased damage to Ologs and Graugs.
  • Gang of Archers - Leads a group of archers.
  • Gang of Defenders - Leads a group of defenders.
  • Gang of Hunters - Leads a group of hunters.
  • Gang of Ologs - Leads a gang of Ologs.
  • Gang of Savages - Leads a gang of Savages.
  • Gang of Warriors - Leads a group of warriors.
  • Iron Will - Cannot be dominated (this perk can be lost if shamed).
  • Loyal Bodyguard - Always found at his Master's side.
  • Necromancer (Mystic Only) - Can resurrect followers from the dead.
  • Poison Weapon - Wields a noxious weapon capable of Poisoning his enemies.
  • Unbreakable - Can never be reduced to a broken state, and therefore cannot be dominated.
  • Craven - Flees in terror when faced with higher level enemies
  • Deserter - Flees in terror when witnessing the death of an allied Captain.
  • Extremely Soft Headed - can be killed instantly with a headshot.
  • Hysterical Master - Flees in terror when one of his Bodyguards is killed.
  • Intimidated - Flees in terror upon seeing his rival.
  • Mortal Beast Fodder - Can be killed instantly by beast attacks.
  • Mortally Flammable - Can be killed instantly using fire.
  • Mortally Sickly - Can be killed instantly by poison attacks.
  • Mortally Vulnerable to Executions - Can be killed instantly killed by execution attacks.
  • Mortally Vulnerable to Stealth - can be killed instantly using Stealth Attacks
  • Soft Skull - Takes extreme damage from headshots.
  • Terrified of Balefire
  • Terrified of Betrayal - Flees in terror when Allies betray him.
  • Terrified of Boss Breaking - Flees in terror when his leader is broken.
  • Terrified of Brutality - Flees in terror when another orc is brutalized or shamed.
  • Terrified of Burning
  • Terrified of Caragors
  • Terrified of Curse
  • Terrified of Drakes
  • Terrified of Executions
  • Terrified of Frost
  • Terrified of Ghuls
  • Terrified of Graugs
  • Terrified of Morgai Flies
  • Terrified of Poison
  • Terrified of Pinning
  • Terrified of Stealth
  • Terrified of Spiders
  • Vulnerable to Execution
  • Vulnerable to Stealth
  • Flammable - Heavily damaged by fire
  • Sickly - Heavily damaged by poison
  • Beast Fodder - Heavily damaged by beasts
  • Soft Target - Heavily damaged by Ranged Attacks
  • Clumsy - Can be grabbed or mounted without first being weakened.
  • Battle Weary - Becomes dazed after killing another Captain.
  • Dazed by Stealth
  • Exhaustion - Becomes dazed when his rage wears off.
  • Fear of Burning
  • Fear of Brutality
  • Fear of Caragors
  • Fear of Execution
  • Fear of Graugs
  • Fear of Ghuls
  • Fear of Morgai Flies
  • Fear of Pinning
  • Fear of Poison
  • Fear of Spiders
  • Shaken Master - Dazed when Bodyguards are killed.
  • Soft-Headed - Becomes Dazed when shot in the head.
  • Weak Master - Dazed when his pet or gang is killed.
[x] Strenght in numbers
-[x] Eat with the others in a group(Supremacy +1)
-[x] Find a partner and work to cover each others back (Supremacy +1)
-[x] Work with your group where every they need (Supremacy +1)

Hardest Captains are the bastards who buff his cannonfodder and call more of them all the damn time
[X]Eat just enough and get back to work (Skill +1)
[X] Find a partner and work to cover each others back (Supremacy +1)​
[x] Work with your group where every they need (Supremacy +1)

Friends aplenty but some skill to back us up.

Edit: things seem to have messed up my post quite a bit for some reason hopefully the vote still works
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[X]Eat with the others in a group(Supremacy +1)
[X] Find a partner and work to cover each others back (Supremacy +1)
[X] Work on small technical work (Skill+1)
[X]Eat just enough and get back to work (Skill +1)
[X] Fight like the others picking one opponent at a time to until they are down. (Skill+1)
[X] Charge Recklessly at your opponents (Skill +1)
[X] Work on small technical work (Skill+1)

[X]Eat Everything you can (Size+1)
[X] Find a partner and work to cover each others back (Supremacy +1)
[X] Work on moving materials (Size +1)
[x] Strenght in numbers
-[x] Eat with the others in a group(Supremacy +1)
-[x] Find a partner and work to cover each others back (Supremacy +1)
-[x] Work with your group where every they need (Supremacy +1)
[x] Strenght in numbers
yeah we need to get to the point where we can kill the bright lord multiple times...heck if we kill him enough we could be one of those level 20 bastards that are almost impossible to kill without an army behind the bright lord (during a war-chief vs war-chief event).

that or this is shadow of war, thus we need to be careful.

if anything we should make sure our boys are loyal, and in time be the biggets, baddest, and most dangerous uruk on this side of mordor.

heck maybe in time we could develop a way to kill the damn tark multiple times! without even getting a damn scratch, that or break the whole branding if we can manage that.

edit: hope we can get life-steal and regenerate as a berserker, and then get bleeding on our weapons along with those whip chains from the terror tribe...those things alone would ruin talos day.

in one of the videos ive watched, one uruk became so damn deadly he was nick-named the BANE (from batman) of the series, (he really didn't talk until the end...which terrified the fuck out of everyone watching it and the player). but his name? Prak Jaws...
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[x] Strenght in numbers
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[x] Strenght in numbers
Some of the hardest to kill enemies are the ones who drag dozens of Orcs wereever they go... cheeky bastards
Prologue part 2
[x] Strenght in numbers
-[x] Eat with the others in a group(Supremacy +1)
-[x] Find a partner and work to cover each others back (Supremacy +1)
-[x] Work with your group where every they need (Supremacy +1)

Your Current Stats:
Special Traits:
[1/5] Blood Brother Unnamed orc#3 (Will ambush and become enraged when his Blood Brother is attacked or killed) (Works like class, unlocked and permanent once you have 5/5)

Basic Classes
A class will become your base class after make 5 votes that move towards that class. You can continue to work towards other classes, and get other bonuses instead for being a well rounded fighter when getting a fifth vote for another class.

-[x] Eat with the others in a group(Supremacy +1)

The food was fruits and vegetables that were already going bad, uncooked and thrown in with only lightly cooked various meat. It was a rancid slop that held no beauty but that is the nature of your kind. You rushed to the middle like the others being part of the pack. It's a struggle the get the most desirable bits of meat but you do okay between the smacks and pushing you manage to get enough. Seeing one of the slower orcs at the end of the table you take a bit of pity on their plate of vegetables and toss them a chunk of meat.(Unnamed orc#3)

-[x] Find a partner and work to cover each others back (Supremacy +1)

You look around at the team you were put on they are already spreading out and rushing in before the orc you threw that chunk of meat walking up to you, a mutual nod and the two of you rush in together. They are a bit larger than you, so with their heavy large club you dart around them making use of their size and large swings to distract as you take down one opponent at a time, the two of you helping one teammate at a time and using cooperation and coordination to beat down one orc then another. Fight after fight you repeat the process.

-[x] Work with your group where every they need (Supremacy +1)

You get sent to do every task at one point or another, not showing any particular talents. This works out fine you get to know your pod group fairly well, at least for orcs. The lack of any type of focus doesn't really improve you physically and you are starting to be noticeably smaller than some of the other orcs.

With your pod groups basic training mostly done the masters push you onto the next task, choosing your weapons and armor. Which may change in the future, but for now you can not be sent to the front line.

What weapon do you choose?

Vote 1

[] Crossbow: so you can fire upon your enemies from a distance (Speed+1)
[] Pole Arm: A heavy weapon that you will have to grow into making the most use of. (Size +1)
[] Sword: The Standard weapon of most orcs that is a heavy brutal weapon. (Strength +1)
[] Javelins: A weapon that can both be thrown or used to stab in close combat. (Skill+1)
[] Axes: A pair of weapons focusing entirely on your ability to keeps swinging. (Skill +1)

With your weapon chosen you are moved on to pick your type of armor which can be changed later but for now you must choose from the scraps that get sent to the rear.

What type of armor set do you put together.

Vote 2

[] Light metal plates (Skill +1)
[] The heaviest set you can manage (Strength+1)
[] Medium metal armor covered in spikes and paint to stand out (Supremacy +1)
[] Leather armor with a breast plate (Speed +1)
[] Metal plates that don't cover your knees, elbows or shoulders for mobilities sake. (Skill +1)

With your gear put on you are sent to the front where you can go and choose which captain you wish to follow into combat.

Vote 3

[] A Marksman orc who leads a group of skirmishers mostly of crossbow men (+1 Skill, +1 Speed)
[] A large Olog who is responsible for being the first to attack the walls/be in heavy combat and trains his followers to be big and strong (+1 Strength, +1 Size)
[] A commander who leads a well mixed group of orcs in normal front line combat. (+1 Supremacy,+1 Skill)
[] A hunter orc who leads his troops behind enemy lines to steal supplies or various other raids. (+1 skill, +1 Strength)
[] A berserker who leads his forces rapidly into combat responding to what the other side is doing (+1 speed, +1 Strength)

Finally having joined the warrior caste you are given a name by your commander.

Vote 4
[] Write in
Vote 1
[X] Pole Arm: A heavy weapon that you will have to grow into making the most use of. (Size +1)

Vote 2
[X] Medium metal armor covered in spikes and paint to stand out (Supremacy +1)

Vote 3
[X] A commander who leads a well mixed group of orcs in normal front line combat. (+1 Supremacy,+1 Skill)

Vote 4
[X] Write in Sripsh
[x] Sword: The Standard weapon of most orcs that is a heavy brutal weapon. (Strength +1)
[x] Medium metal armor covered in spikes and paint to stand out (Supremacy +1)
[x] A commander who leads a well mixed group of orcs in normal front line combat. (+1 Supremacy,+1 Skill)

[x] Grapnic
[x] Sword: The Standard weapon of most orcs that is a heavy brutal weapon. (Strength +1)
[x] Medium metal armor covered in spikes and paint to stand out (Supremacy +1)
[x] A commander who leads a well mixed group of orcs in normal front line combat. (+1 Supremacy,+1 Skill)

[x] Grapnic
Seems like you figured out the pattern (which is fairly obvious) and didn't tell anyone.
[x] Sword: The Standard weapon of most orcs that is a heavy brutal weapon. (Strength +1)
[x] Medium metal armor covered in spikes and paint to stand out (Supremacy +1)
[x] A commander who leads a well mixed group of orcs in normal front line combat. (+1 Supremacy,+1 Skill)

[x] Grapnic

well no berserker class for us then....shame...
[x] Sword: The Standard weapon of most orcs that is a heavy brutal weapon. (Strength +1)
[x] Medium metal armor covered in spikes and paint to stand out (Supremacy +1)
[x] A commander who leads a well mixed group of orcs in normal front line combat. (+1 Supremacy,+1 Skill)

[x] Grapnic

well no berserker class for us then....shame...

You could try to rally votes for it, and you will still get some bonus if you ever get beserker 5 of 5