Chapter 194 - Change of Command New
Overhaul abhorred blood.

As a matter of fact, he hated anything that had to do with human secretions and universal filth.

Under other circumstances, he would have simply called an ambulance or left Neito to his henchmen.

But since he'd just murdered a teenage girl and the city was in chaos, he had no choice but to take care of his nephew himself.

It was either dirty his cloak or leave Neito at the crime scene, and he definitely had better things to do than be the focus of a police investigation.

When he received Neito's distress text, Chisaki had just concluded a promising deal.

The crisis Tokyo was in had been extremely beneficial to them. His men were able to distribute their goods safely, and they also took the chance to rob a small bank to replenish their coffers.

It seemed that some idiots had robbed Tokyo's Central Bank ; Chisaki wondered what face they'd make when they would try to spend their money and the cash would be identified.

Chisaki had been to the address sent by Neito and found nothing ; resolving he had better things to do than foolishly search the streets, he had called Yuei's headmaster.

After a short explanation, the headmaster had given him Neito's live geographical coordinates, thanks to the tracking system in his heroic outfit.

Chisaki had followed him without hurrying, taking advantage of the fact that the streets were empty to breathe in the fresh night air.

He loved rain ; it had the merit of cleansing everything.

Thus Chisaki, after taking care of the few nuisances, left the now burning building and went his own little merry way.

He hadn't even left the residential area when he came to an abrupt stop.

Before him stood a hero, tall and sallow, eyes narrowed in suspicion.

Chisaki knew he had every reason to be : a lone man daring to venture out on a night like this, with a bleeding teenager on his shoulders, was anything but normal.

Chisaki saw the hero's thoughts flash through his eyes.

Maybe he'd taken advantage of the chaos to kidnap the kid. Maybe he was with the enemy, whoever that enemy might be.

Slowly, Chisaki slipped his hand into his jacket's inner pocket.

"I have a license that allows me to use my Quirk on public grounds" he said calmly, anticipating the tension in the hero's shoulders provoked by his sudden gesture

He examined the licende from afar. Clever.

"Who's the kid ?", the hero asked

"My nephew", Chisaki replied evenly. "There was one of the creatures nearby and he called me to help him"

The hero's eyes darted between Kai and the tee,.

It didn't take a genius to realize that they didn't look alike at all.

"Adopted", Kai said

The hero remained silent.

Chisaki waited quietly, tucking the license back in his pocket.

He was usually a patient man, but to stand in the rain when Neito obviously needed urgent care was not something he appreciated.

"What's his name ?"


The hero's eyes lit up in recognization.

He took a step forward.

"You must leave him here"

Chisaki cocked an eyebrow, not the least bit impressed.

"My orders are to bring him back-"

Suddenly, the hero's phone rang.

Without taking his eyes off Chisaki, he put the receiver to his ear.

Chisaki heard nothing of the conversation.

Rain poured down his face in waves, beading at the corners of his eyelashes.

He blinked and shook them off.

The hero handed Chisaki his cell phone.

"It's for you"

28 minutes.

28 minutes was the time it took for Tokyo to become a true war zone

He hadn't been notified - at least not immediately.

He'd been asleep, relishing one of the rare nights when he didn't have to linger late in his office.

He should have known something was wrong ; he rarely got a good night's sleep, and each time he had the opportunity he always was dragged out of bed for yet another crisis.

By now, he'd learned not to bother going home and slept in the Defense's headquarters assigned to him.

This night, he'd barely had time to lay his head on his pillow and close his eyes for what seemed like an instant before his phone rang loudly.

He'd answered, scowling, and put the receiver to his ear before he'd even opened his eyes.

"Head of Special Forces"

The voice that answered was one he knew well but rarely heard.

Gunhee stood up immediately, eyes wide open, feet flat on the cold floor.

"President Pantu", the other voice said. "We are dealing with a crisis"

The mere fact that the President of the Heroic Commission had reached out to him was already proof enough of a dire situation.

Within seconds she explained the whole situation ; he listened quietly, slipping his feet in his shoes.

It was a good thing he was used to going to bed fully dressed and shower in the morning.

All of a sudden, his bedroom door swung open.

It was his assistant, alert, her hair a mess and a pillow imprint on her cheek :

"Sir, I've just-"

He silenced her with a raised finger.

"The Nomus have now moved to the foot of Atago Jinja's shrine, following an unknown order"

Minato's district, a voice whispered to Gunhee. Not that far, but they'll need time to travel through the city.

"You have drones there, right ?" he asked, "How many creatures are there ?"

"At first glance, there were almost 40," she said. "But black portals keep popping up in the area, and Nomus are still arriving in bulk"

She didn't need to say who was responsible for it ; people with space-wrapping Quirks were so rare that Japan could count them on a single hand.

The Special Forces had been trying to kill this one in particular for years.

"How many ?", Gunhee stressed

Usually she wouldn't have liked his tone, and he wouldn't have dared to speak to her like that - she wasn't his subordinate, after all - but the circumstances were too grave, and neither of them wanted to waste time on pointless civilities.

"At the latest count, almost sixty"

It was silent.

Gunhee had received several reports about excavations in Tokyo's underground after the Gigantomachia incident : hundreds of Nomus had been found and exterminated by the Commission.

Entire underground networks had been discovered, connecting the city's hospitals and cemeteries to the "Nomus Garages," as they had dubbed them.

By then, everyone had realized the extent of the catastrophe they had avoided ; they had scoured the capital from top to bottom, razing each and every hideout they found.

The underground exits had allowed them to understand where All for One was furnishing himself.

There'd been several discussions about a law requiring all corpses to be cremated in the presence of a public official, but nothing had yet ensued.

"And the area is full of civilians"

Gunhee clenched his teeth.

"How could this have happened ?"

The shrine was in the middle of a business district ; nobody - or almost nobody - should have been there in the middle of the night.

"Endeavor and his son, Shoto Todoroki, are here," she explained. "A few minutes ago, an entire section of Minato was wiped off the map. All that remains is dust. Almost simultaneously, nearly seven hundred civilians appeared out of nowhere at the foot of the shrine. We assume it is owed to Todoroki's abilities and that he was able to evacuate them all barely in time, although he might have left some behind"

Gunhee exhaled slowly.

Evacuating almost seven hundred civilians in a few minutes was nothing short of a miracle.

They owed the kid.

"And what exactly are they doing ? How are they holding up ?"

"They're still alive," she said. "But there are seven hundred people to protect, and the Nomus..."

Pantu hesitated.

She never hesitated - never.

"We have a visual on them, and it looks like they're tiring out"

Gunhee didn't even bother to ask if there were any other Heroes around.

With so many Nomus around, sending second-rate Heroes would turn into a pure butchery.

"You're putting me in charge", he said

There was no other reason why she would have called him.

"The situation is completely out of my jurisdiction," she said. "I've tried to limit the damage as best I can, but it's getting out of control"

Gunhee agreed easily.

"I just got off the phone with the Prime Minister", she said. "And he's declared martial law in Tokyo"


A/N : It's back to school for a lot of y'all so good luck with that everyone !

(And try not to spend too much of your free time reading FF. Go out and touch some grass)

If you want to read ahead of schedule, go check the story's P@treon, Nar_cisseENG

See you in the next update everyone !
Chapter 195 - Martial Law New
Endeavor, fist aflame, thrust his hand into the Nomu's chest and ripped out his heart.

He squashed it as it burnt, pieces of shredded flesh gliding through his now-closed fingers.

The Nomu fell to his knees, the shock pinning him down.

Endeavor grabbed his head with both hands and snapped his neck as he set fire to his corpse.

The air whistled behind him ; Endeavor, eyes narrowed, whirled around, elbow raised, to strike at the one who'd crept up behind him.

Simultaneously, the sound of wet flesh gliding and grinding was heard.

Endeavor came face to face with a Nomu whose skull had been pierced by an ice arrow. Blood flowed from his forehead, splitting at the bridge of his nose.

On Endeavor's right, Shoto's backhanded kick sent one Nomu crashing into another, effectively knocking them to the ground.

When his sole barely brushed the first Nomu's torso, blue fire burst from his foot and spread like wind onto the pushed Nomu, lighting him up like a torch, flames then spreading to the fallen Nomu behind him.

The skewered Nomu's hands shook as they slowly and inexorably rose towards the ice arrow to yank it away.

Endeavor grabbed his skull, his fingers on either side of the arrow, and roasted him in a split second. He sharply pushed his charred body away.

It reeked of burnt flesh, shit, corpses and death.

Hundreds of bodies littered the ground around them, half-eaten or yet to be touched.

Endeavor and Shoto stood in the center of the square, Endeavor burning hotter than the sun to draw the creatures' attention, Shoto fading in the shadows, leaving a wake of corpses behind.

Far behind them, civilians continued to stream through the tunnel of ice that spanned the stairs from the first Torii to the second, at the very top of the steps.

The ice was thick and solid, ensuring safe passage as long as no Nomu attacked. When they did, Shoto was forced to go all the way back, kill the Nomu, then return as fast as he left.

It had happened three times already.

The Nomus loved loud noise and the bright flashes of fire. Once Endeavor and Shoto had teamed up to fight, they had mostly left the civilians alone.

They were like flies, always drawn to light, whereas the real threat spread quietly in the darkness.

Three Nomus appeared in front of Endeavor, trapping him within a triangular configuration.

Simultaneously, a shadowy figure - more like a gust of wind than someone - flashed behind them.

The three Nomus collapsed to the ground, tendons severed, wriggling like worms.

Fire burst from Endeavor's body : he burnt all three to crisp.

Endeavor paused briefly to steady his ragged breathing.

He then unhooked a small cutlass from his tool belt and finished the job, walking round to each and striking precisely three times into each of their exposed brains.

Meanwhile, right in front of him, Shoto was caught between two Nomus.

There was a ripping sound.

With a swift gestyre, he could barely make out in the dim light, Shoto sent one of the Nomus tumbling towards his father.

Endeavor, anticipating the gesture, caught him by the skull.

The exposed brain melted the moment Endeavor's fingers touched it.

He smashed the brain as much as he burn it.

Shoto's figure leaned dangerously close to the Nomu's, their shadows merging.

Another ripping sound.

The wind picked up and a play of light lit up the figures of Shoto - drenched in sweat - and the Nomu.

Endeavor clearly saw the moment when Shoto, mask torn and red eyes flashing angrily, ripped out the Nomu's windpipe with a snap of his teeth.

He spat out : the piece of flesh flew up in the air. Blood dripped from his lips down his chin.

The Nomu couldn't even scream.

Shoto's hands closed ominously over his skull as the wind swung the other way, darkness engulfing them once more.

Endeavor caught a flying Nomu which, propelled by his speed, had tried to take him by surprise.

He slammed him to the ground so hard it shook.

Endeavor's hand, hot as iron, left red scar on his throat.

Endeavor was a pragmatic man ; he knew that the brain - or the heart and then the brain - was the best way to go about killing Nomus.

But the longer the battle dragged on, the more exhausted he grew, the more Nomus appeared, the more civilians screamed, the more bodies littered the ground, the less pragmatic and logical he felt.

Endeavor tore the Nomu's throat in half with a vicious, sick satisfaction.

Then he crushed his skull with his bare fist ; his head popped off like an overripe fruit.

Blood splattered over his mud-stained shoes.

Slowly, Endeavor raised his head.

A few Nomus were hunched over human corpses, feeding hungrily on organs and innards, their small, sneaky eyes warily locked on Endeavor.

Endeavor's face hardened as he watched them.

He had no idea why they ate humans - necessity or cruelty, it didn't matter - but he hated the sight of his fellow used like food.

Endeavor checked for a second that no one - except Shoto - was in near vicinity before he blew up, a ring of fire shooting out of his body and devouring everything in its path.

Every bodies - Nomus and humans alike - went up in flames, the supernatural fire catching quicker and fiercer than what ordinary fire would've done in such pouring rain.

The eating Nomus were hit by the tidal wave of fire head on.

Shoto didn't even let them hit the ground ; he went from one to the next in a blur, shattering their skulls and shredding their flesh with horrifying savagery.

Shoto suddenly appeared at Enji's side, panting, soaked in blood from head to toe, as though he'd been swimming in it.

His clothes were torn to shreds, bloody scratches streaking his forearms and neck.

His face was uncovered, his torn mask hanging limply from either side of his ears.

The synchronicity between Enji and Shoto was perfect.

Had he known that he had the slightest inclination to becoming a Hero, Enji would've instantly offered his son to become his partner.

"I have to take care of him", Shoto grumbled quietly, still slightly out of breath.

His bright, fierce eyes were trained on Black Mist who, on top of the overlooking building, kept spawning portal after portal, Nomus pouring forth by tens.

Enji tore off a piece of his shirt and wordlessly handed it to his son.

Without taking his eyes off Black Mist, Shoto tied the black cloth around his face.

"I'll make the opening you need" Enji murmured, alert to their surroundings, "And you get rid of him"

Such a large quantity of civilians had initially prevented Endeavor from going all out, for he had to protect them ; despite all the trouble he and his son had gone to to protect them, the Nomus had killed them by hundreds.

Now it was the sheer number of Nomus that hindered him : he wanted to use God Mode, but the civilians were still too close for them not to die.

Fighting at high intensity without being able to go all out and end the fight quickly tired him out more than anything else.

In truth, fighting at high intensity against foes whose ranks kept growing was strenuous for both Enji and Shoto.

Adrenaline made them alert but even so, they started slowing down, reacted less quickly, took longer to catch their breath.

"We need to-"

An alarm wailed loudly through the city.

The Nomus raised their heads simultaneously, their attentions drawn momentarily by the sound.

Shoto took the opportunity to spear two of them mid-air, causing them to fall like shot birds.

"What's that ?", he asked.

Endeavor, eyebrows furrowed, tried to listen closely to what was said.

"It sounds like..."

Shoto, whose hearing was sharper, repeated the words echoing endlessly around them.

"Martial law has been declared : proceed to go home and wait for further instructions"

Shoto was silent.

The alarm was on full blast.

Wrinkles creased Enji's forehead.

Suddenly the Nomus turned around and moved farther away.

Enji squinted to see what was go-

A Nomu exploded in a shower of blood, as if a confetti cannon full of human flesh had been fired.

Enji didn't even have time to blink that Shoto was in front of him, ice sword in his right hand, posture both threatening and defensive.

He looked at him, surprised.

He didn't need to see his face to know that he was incredibly tense.

The Nomus kept bursting like over-inflated balloons, fireworks of guts and organs flying everywhere.

The crowd of Nomus broke up and parted, obviously allowing something - or someone - to walk through them.

Any Nomu that got in the way blew up on the spot, organs flying high up before falling back down with the reddened rain.

"Ah, I've dirtied my cloak"

A tall, black haired, golden eyed man stepped out of the crowd.

He wore a fur coat whose back was blood stained.

Shoto lowered further, a second sword forming in his left hand, looking even more threatening than he did before.

The newcomer eyed him curiously ; he stayed at a safe distance, his back cheekily given to the Nomus.

"Who are you ?", Endeavor asked authoritatively.

He knew his son ; he would not waste time with pointless questions and would rather choose to strike swiftly and deadly.

Given the worrying Quirk of the newcomer, Endeavor preferred not to.

"I've been sent to help you"

Something stirred beneath Endeavor's foot.

He looked down at his shoes, which were bathed in darkness.

Like a puddle into which a pebble has been thrown, the shadows stirred.

Enji didn't have time to process what he'd seen that a shadowy figure, fully shrouded in darkness, sprang up from the ground.

"I come in peace," the figure said, a smile in his voice

Shoto's sword was already at his throat.

Shadows dripped like ink from his body as the shifting darkness reverted to human shape.

Endeavor recognized the individual at once.

Standing to his right was Sung Jin Woo.


A/N : If you like the story and want to read ahead of schedule, go check the story's P@treon, Nar_cisseENG

See you in the next update everyone !
Chapter 196 - Martial Law 2/2 New
The alarm rang through the city, deafening and terrifying, shaking walls and rattling bodies.

Nearly fifteen helicopters flew overhead, blinding white spotlights sweeping through streets awash in blood and littered with torn human limbs.

Whole streets were destroyed, shops were burning, wounded civilians were dragging their bodies, stunned, through the remains of Tokyo.

Grim soldiers high in the sky watched the slaughter quietly.

Megaphones hanging from helicopters simultaneously broadcast the announcement.

"Martial law has been declared : proceed home and wait further instructions. Martial law has been declared : proceed..."

The heroes lifted their heads, stunned, rain streaming down their swollen faces.

Exhausted, groggy, wounded, they were in the midst of an evacuation.

They blinked, minds foggy, then kept working slowly.

Armed soldiers flooded the capital.

One group reached Tokyo's Central Bank.

They came face to face with villains, who, bags full of banknotes, were about to leave.

They stopped as soon as they saw the soldiers standing in a semicircle, guns drawn, waiting for them behind the glass doors.

"Get down !" shouted one of them, hooded, showing the ground with his. "I said get down !"

There were five villains ; one of them, a mixture of human and tiger, laughed gleefully, shaking his paws.

"Hey, buddy" he laughed. "No need to shake your-"

They had made the error of talking to them as they would Heroes.

The soldiers shot them down without mercy.

Doors burst in a glittering shower of shattered glass.

Throughout the city, the same commands were barked : any villains who'd tried to take advantage of the chaos were told to surrender immediately or they would be unceremoniously shot.

Within minutes, the troops had spread all over the city, evacuating civilians and clearing the worst-affected districts with brutal efficiency.

They took control of hospitals, schools, and every public building they could, setting up emergency rescue centers and sorting areas for those whose homes had been obliterated.

Recovery Girl ran from one patient to the next, her little syringe-shaped cane clicking rapidly on the floor.

"Over here !" called one of the military doctor.

She stopped and kissed a patient's forehead, a light sheen of sweat on her skin.

"This one is stabilized"

Chiyo, Quirk induced healing process barely started up, straightened and ran to the other end of the room, spreading kisses all around until spots grew in her vision field.

"You've done enough, thank you," another soldier told here, hand on her shoulder. "Now please sit down, ma'am"

Ma'am, not Recovery Girl.

Chiyo sat down on a chair, her old knees creaking.

Martial law had decreed that all heroes were relieved of their duties ; Heroes' licenses were worthless.

Heroes and civilians were all demoted to the same rank - she could tell by the fact that there were almost more civilians than Heroes in this emergency ward.

Under normal circumstances, Heroes would be given priority care in order to be sent back into battle immediately ; but not today.

Today's Heroes were nothing more than big kids in colorful costumes who had failed to protect civilians.

There was another round of gunfire.

Chiyo jerked.

None of the medics reacted.

They brought her a glass of water with some sugar and left her in a corner.

Farther into the city, one of the last standing Heroes carried a civilian to a quickly erected emergency area.

Swollen purple bags darkened his gaze.

His eyes were dull, his shoulders slumped under the weight of the body he was carrying, his eyebrows perpetually raised in a permanent state of shock.

A hand rested gently on his shoulder.

He paused.

"You are now relieved of your duties," a soldier told him quietly. "All Heroes are"

The Hero blinked slowly, as if waking from a long dream.

Dried blood covered his hair and temples. There were hard, dark lumps in his beard.

"Relieved" he muttered

His voice was quieter than a breath. The soldier leaned forward to hear. In a slow, pasty gesture, the Hero pointed to the wounded civilian on his back.

"Who'll take care of him ? He needs urgent care"

The soldier's eyes slid over to the civilian. His eyes stopped on the civilian's stomach, which was half hidden behind the Hero's shoulders.

He looked back up in his eyes.

"Give him to me ; I'll personally see that he gets all the care he needs"

The Hero smiled, but it was a smile that failed to reach his eyes.

He gently put the sleeping civilian in the soldier's arms.

"Thank you", he said, "Thank you very much"

With the same sensitivity a nurse would have for a senile patient, a second soldier took his arm.

The soldier supporting the wounded civilian waited until the Hero had turned the corner of the street.

Then he reverently laid the body against a wall, trying not to look at the corpse's ripped stomach, from which its intestines hung like tinsels over nothing.



And now there was fucking Overhaul.

The second the first Nomu had exploded, the hairs on the back of Shoto's neck had stood up, his blood had boiled, lightning had crackled in his palm.

He'd stepped between him and his father with the certainty that the Nomus had become the least of their worries and that civilian lives were worth nothing to him ; he'd kill Overhaul and then, with the last crumbs of energy he hadd left, he'd take his father with him, willing or not, and run far, far away from Tokyo.

Then Jin Woo appeared and Shoto reacted instinctively, his instinct - a strange mixture of protective and murderous - taking over.

To tell the truth, he didn't stop his sword in time.

It was Jin Woo's shadows that had stepped in, discreet but nevertheless dangerous.

Shoto had seen how easily they'd stopped his icy sword ; he'd etched it in his mind.

Jin Woo, amused, had smiled as he met Shoto's gaze.

Shoto was exhausted, wounded, covered in blood, edgy, and bloodthirsty. He didn't smile back.

Slowly, he lowered his sword.

His eyes had immediately gone back to the dancing shadows on Jin Woo's skin, slowly merging with his flesh until they fully disappeared inside.

Shoto should have been happy - or at least relieved to see him.

The only thing on his mind was that Jin Woo was indeed extremely dangerous.

"Sung?", Endeavor asked. "What are you doing here ?"

"Martial law has just been declared," he said calmly. "Gunhee has taken control of the city"

His eyes fell on Overhaul.

"You must be the contractor, right ?"

Overhaul had stopped staring curiously at Shoto and turned his attention back to Jin Woo.

A gleam of amusement passed through his sullen gaze before it faded, stifled by the dullness of his eyes.

"Contractor ? I guess you can say that, yes"

Shoto shot him a sideways glare.

Enji - who had been watching him intently for some time - put his hand on his shoulder to calm him down.

"Do you have a license ?"

Overhaul, as if he'd expected to be asked, held out his card.

Shoto looked at his outstretched hand as if he was going to tear it yet he didn't move, his father's hand grounding him in reality.

Yellow eyes moved back to Shoto.

"I've heard a lot about you. My nephew is in your class"

The sentence obviously surprised Shoto.

"Nephew ?"


Shoto looked astonished.

Enji handed the card back to the newcomer.

"Thank you for coming, Mr. Chisaki," Endeavor replied diplomatically.

He did his best to compensate for his son's wildness, although neither Chisaki nor Jin Woo seemed to hold it against Shoto.

"Good", Jin Woo said while clapping. "Now that the introductions are done, let's get to work"

The four men exchanged looks.

Shoto was still watching Chisaki suspiciously.

Chisaki, for his part, cast a bored glance at the Nomus gathered around them, who stood at a safe distance and watched him warily.

"We just have to get rid of them, don't we ?"

Endeavor's feet were as hot as burning irons, turning the muddy ground to dry earth under his shoes.

"The civilians are in the shrine," he declared. "Let's finish and get them out"

"No need," Jin Woo said. "My men are getting throught it from the back. They'll take care of it"

He pointed with his chin at a helicopter circling above the shrine.

A wry smile lit up his face.

"Let's get to it, shall we ?"

Shoto looked at his father as a screaming, flying Nomu crashed into them at full speed, hoping to catch them off guard from above.

Flames flashed across Endeavor's skin, shadows darted across Jin Woo's skin, and Shoto bent his legs, sharingan whirling.

It was Chisaki who killed him, his ungloved fingers brushing the tip of the translucent wing as it passed over his head.

The Nomu exploded like a bomb of blood and organs, splattering the three of them.

Jin Woo blinked and disdainfully removed a piece of crushed flesh from his cheek.

"Charming," Jin Woo said evenly

"Ah, what a mess", said Chisaki, who hadn't been hit.

Shoto's arsenal was limited to mass destruction, yet even he wasn't able to commit such brutality.

The Nomus attacked in a single, compact, powerful wave.

No one spoke, and all threw themselves into the frenzy of battle.

Endeavor sent bolts of fire into the sky, charring the last flying Nomus.

Chisaki, almost bored, waited for the Nomus to pounce on him without moving ; blood bombs exploded like fireworks all around him.

Jin Woo stretched out his hands, and shadowy tentacles sprang from the ground, wrapping around the Nomus, brutally crushing them or dragging them to the ground, drowning them in pools of darkness - never to surface again.

Shoto flashed through the Nomus' ranks like lightning, a tantô in each hand, slicing ankle after ankle.

With a kick, he hurled them toward his father, who, predicting his movements, caught them and brutally charred them.

Soon, burnt corpses piled up around Endeavor like a pyre.

Shoto's eyes, between two slain Nomus, kept returning to Kurogiri, who stood on the roof of the tallest building, still releasing Nomus in waves.

Jin Woo, who had followed his gaze, came closer.

"Need express transport ?", he said.

And he pointed to the ground below them, where shadows swirled like a vortex.

"I'll kill him," Shoto warned, not willing to be reproached afterwards.

Jin Woo smiled.

"We'd be very grateful"

Shoto studied him quietly.

His eyes flicked back to his father ; he was too close to Chisaki.

A Nomu appeared discreetly behind him : the ice arrow hadn't finished materializing in Shoto's palm that shadow tentacles grabbed him by the throat and shoved him in the ground, drowning him in a puddle of darkness.

"Go or I'll go myself", said Jin Woo

Jin Woo had the luxury of being cool and refreshed as he had recently arrived ; he hadn't faced All for One, hadn't had to evacuate half a thousand civilians within a few minutes, hadn't seen all his efforts reduced to nothing as he watched, powerless, hundreds of those he'd bothered to save die.

Jin Woo didn't have to stand in the middle of a field littered with human corpses - corpses of innocents - and tell himself it was his fault.

But he had come to help.

Shoto should have been grateful.

Again, he couldn't help but feel that he was too dangerous to be left to his own devices.

Shoto took a resolute step forward and fell through the shadow portal.

The feeling was strange, as if he was being squeezed from all sides by cold, wet hands.

It lasted only a second.

He reappeared, crouched, behind Kurogiri, sharingan spinning wickedly in his eyes, pouring rain drowning any other sound around him.

Cold wrath seized him.

It was because of him that his efforts to save the civilians had been worthless.

It was because of him that even though he'd tried to help and save, he'd still ended up with more blood on his hands than his foes themselves had shed.

Far below, he saw Jin Woo open his hands wide, and suddenly all the Nomus covering the square fell into his shadows, as if sliding through quicksand.

A new portal swirled in the air, growing larger by the minute.

Shoto's chidori slammed from back to front across Kurogiri's metal chest.

The sound of a thousand birds chirping filled the air.

Kurogiri gasped, his smoky mouth opening as if he were actually able to spit blood or saliva.

Shoto leaned forward so that Kurogiri could hear him whispering into his ear, his red eyelids glittering maliciously.

"And that is because I couldn't get All for One"

At once, half a dozen bolts of lightning streaked across the sky before crashing down on Shoto and Kurogiri in a pillar of blinding yellow light.

The portal closed.


A/N :

Can't believe it's been one year (well, one year and twenty days) since I started posting this fic.

I believed I would've finished in around ten months and at chapter 200 : and here I am wondering if I'll be able to finish before chapter 300...

Shit, I need a break (from life).

If you like the story and want to read ahead of schedule, go check the story's P@treon, Nar_cisseENG

See you in the next update everyone !
Chapter 197 - Speech Concerning Tonight's Terrorist Attack On Tokyo New
"Ladies and Gentlemen. This is a difficult time for Japan. Today we have suffered a national tragedy. Individuals have attacked our capital with the aim of bringing our country . The victims were at home, with their families and friends : fathers and mothers, friends and neighbors. Thousands of lives ended because of cowardly and heinous acts. The visions of horror we have all witnessed, fires spreading across the capital, buildings collapsing, fill us with a sense of disbelief and profound sadness, but above all with a silent but unshakeable anger. These acts of mass murder were done to frighten our nation and force us to retreat into chaos and fear. But they failed : our country is strong. A great people has been called to defend a great nation. Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our tallest buildings, but they cannot shake the foundations of our country"

The whole country was silent, in shock, hanging on the General's every word.

"I've spoken to the Prime Minister, the Mayor of Tokyo, the Director of the Heroic Commission, and ordered that all the resources of our government shall go to help the victims and their families. To ensure the safety and peace of our fellow citizens, a series of measures will be put in place. An international investigation is now underway to track down those behind the attack. To this end, Tokyo is and will remain under martial law until further notice"

Armed soldiers were stationed at key points around the conference hall in an intimidating show of power. They were broadcast live all around the country.

"No one, Hero or civilian, is allowed to enter or leave the capital. All government offices, schools and non essential businesses are closed until further notice. Hospitals, grocery stores and other essential facilities, a detailed list of which will be provided shortly, will remain open, but under the exclusive and temporary management of the army"

The general - an old man with a hard, sharp, cool face - paused to emphasize the gravity of his words.

He had the face of a man who had known war, a man who had had to make tough decisions and who'd stuck to them.

Bright military decorations shone on the chest of his fatigues, light flashing on them when he moved.

"All Heroes are hereby relieved of their duties : Quirks licenses are now null and void during this special regime. A curfew will be in effect from 8 p.m. today until 6 a.m. tomorrow until further notice. Anyone violating the above rules will be tried by court martial at our discretion"

The Commander in Chief's eyes were cold, pale, yet intense.

"In order to avoid unnecessary and misleading propagation of news concerning last night events, we will temporarily revoke the rights of all media in the country as of tonight. A single, army-owned broadcast channel will keep all our citizens updated on the latest developments in the capital every night at 8 pm"

The journalists' faces were tense, their eyes nervous.

"The aim of this exceptional regime is not to jepoardize the population, but rather to maintain control and prevent the spread of disorder and insecurity. As part of this effort to restore peace and security within our capital, an investigation will be opened regarding the events leading up to last night. A closed-door Martial Court will be set up to try the various parties involved in last night's events. The ins and outs that led to the invasion and destruction of Tokyo will be assessed. Judicial reports will be made public at our discretion"

The word "closed-door" echoed bitterly in the minds of journalists.

In a single night, Tokyo had been transformed into a dictatorship.

"As for the creatures that roamed the capital last night, rest assured : they've all been incapacitated"

Relief swept through the room.

The General paused to give everyone time to process the news.

"Our research teams are actively at work on the origin as well as biological aspects of these creatures. Though the answers are scant at the moment, we now know why they were so intent on feeding on us ; their metabolism is highly energy-intensive, thus they need to feed regularly - but they need to feed on individuals with ample resources"

The General looked up from his paper.

"In other words, these abominations must feed on other Quirk individuals to draw energy from their singularities, otherwise they are to decompose and die"

Disgusted faces.

"I'd like to emphasize that there are none of these creatures roaming our capital. Our army has secured our streets and all strategic points in the capital : rest assured that the events of last night will not be repeated. I insist that you should remain calm and refrain from panicking. Follow the instructions that will be sent to you shortly : do your shopping in authorized places, respect the law, do not create unnecessary disturbances that could interfere with the work of our armed forces"

He briefly looked down at his speech.

"The rebuilding task that lies before us is arduous and difficult, but it is a collective task that, I am sure, we will accomplish without the slightest worry thanks to our collective efforts. More than ever, we must all rely on our tight knitted community and help the community. To this end, I ask all the wounded who are currently sheltering at home or elsewhere to go to the emergency relief zones set up in the capital, which you can see on the map below. Do not go to hospitals, which are overcrowded. For those whose homes were damaged or completely destroyed in last night's attack, I encourage you to call the toll-free number you see at the bottom of your screens. You will be fed, housed and clothed at our government's expense ; you will not have to pay for your homes to be rebuilt or for your lost and damaged property. A compensation fund for the victims and their families has just been set up"

The general paused, moistened his thumb, and then flipped his page.

"The emergency number you now see at the bottom of your screens is available 24 hours a day for any difficulties you may encounter. If you have lost a loved one or are yet to receive any news, we ask you to stay calm and refrain from panic ; several areas of the city have suffered power outages and network disruptions. Our teams are actively working to fix the problem. We ask that you wait for the official fatality list and search notices before beginning your mourning and burial procedures"

The General looked up from his speech and stared directly into the camera in front of him, as if he could see each and every citizen behind their screens.

"I would now like to address the perpetrators of this attack. Whatever your motives were, Japan is not the kind of nation you can attack with impunity and suffer no consequences. You attacked us on our soil, used our civilians as shields, targeted our law enforcement officials. You thought you could hit us and get away with it, but you were wrong"

The general's eyes, hard as steel, shone with ferocity.

"We have been attacked with fire, and rest assured, we will respond with fire"

His powerful words echoed in everyone's minds, etching themselves into memories like a scalding iron, engraving themselves into hearts like a bearer of hope and a promise of vengeance.

The General took two steps back away from the microphone.

He greeted the crowd of journalists with a short, curt movement of his chin, then turned on his heels and left.
Chapter 198 - Aftermath New

Of the 722 civilians I'd fought so hard to save, only 64 had survived the confrontation with the Nomus.

Among them, 42 were wounded, 19 of them critically.

To say that I was angry was a serious understatement.

Killing Kurogiri hadn't been enough to soothe my frustration.

I'd gone out of my way to save them - hell, I'd almost been caught in the explosion myself while saving the last of the civilians, and what for ?

I'd led them straight to slaughter.

They'd been eaten alive, screamed in terror as their children and parents were killed in front of them, whereas the only two fucking Heroes present hadn't been able to save a single child.

I was lucid : I knew it wasn't my fault.

I hadn't been the one to bring the Nomus, I hadn't even considered the possibility that All for One might have as many operational ones available ; but it was I who had gathered all the civilians in one place, I who had herded them like dogs in a crowded space, I who had led them all to their deaths because I had a fucking chance to hit All for One and hadn't wanted to waste it.

Why everything always went wrong even when I tried my best ?

Why, for fucking once, things couldn't go my way ?

Every time I didn't care about the consequences, things went to shit. Every time I tried to help, things went to shit.

I was tired of trying, tired of always fighting against all odds, tired of doing everything I could to be a better fucking person and nothing ever-

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to calm myself, my head resting against the cool wall.

I counted to ten three times in a row to quell my nerves, trying to think of everything but the kid I'd knowingly left to die because if I killed All for One, then I'd save more civilians in the long run - it was mathematical, and-

I breathed in.

Breathed out.

Keigo would have told me to stay positive.

I didn't even know where they'd taken him.

"Still not asleep ?"

I looked up at my father who, was standing in the doorway, had his arms full of sandwiches, salads, sodas, and just about anything else a machine could sell.

"Too hungry", I said.

And the shrieks and pained moans from the patients I could clearly hear were grating on my nerves.

Rain was still pouring outside, yet a dim light bathed the city in a gray glow.

"You really need to get some sleep," he insisted. "I know how tired you are"

My eyes were so heavy that my eyelids were burning hot yet my eyebags were dark and icy.

My thoughts were light, foggy, unwilling to focus on a specific idea.

I felt like I was going to faint.

"I'm hungry", I said, reaching for the plastic boxes he was handing me

Which was true, but not really why I was forcefully staying awake like this.

The shadow of a smile crossed dad's lips. He sat down in the chair next to mine, the only other one in the office. We were both uncomfortable sitting, hunched, shoulders sloped - they were too small.

A nurse had quickly assessed our condition earlier : since there was nothing "troublesome" about us, they'd given us the keys a doctor's office on vacation, so we could rest there while waiting for someone to attend to us.

In truth dad had had nothing but a few scratches, which I'd already fixed with microdoses of iryo-ninjutsu.

As for me, I had nothing but a concussion, a shoulder bite, scores of scratches all over my torso and neck, and knees that felt like crushed ice.

More than being on the verge of chakra exhaustion and blacking out, it was the possibility of someone seeing me injured and then noticing I'd miraculously healed that kept me from doing anything.

All for One might have understood that I could make clones, that didn't mean the rest of the world had to know that I could heal myself.

I bit into a sandwich, my thoughts drifting back to the shrine.

Kurogiri must have been the one who decided to bring the Nomus to us because the last time I'd seen All for One, he was half delirious, hysterical and most importantly, dismembered.

He must have panicked and tried to get me to stay in Atago-Jinja while he decided what to do with All for One.

Kurogiri, once dead, had morphed back into human before my eyes, his smoky body reverting back to that of a black-haired teenager.

I'd thought about telling Aizawa to stir the pot, but then I remembered that his eyes had been gouged out and he now was helpless and powerless in a world of monsters.

It was a pretty harsh revenge for what he'd done to me at the summer camp, altough I had no hand in it.

He was in this very hospital, barely a few rooms away from where I was.

"Let's just say it has its pros and cons. The pros include immediate hunting of All for One and his henchmen : no need to wait for permits or comply with laws... Give me the chicken salad"

I handed him the box, devouring a pasta salad myself.

"The downside is that the army, in short the government, will take this opportunity to clean up Tokyo. There's going to be a lot of quick executions following mock trials.
A lot of vilains are going to be killed in the next few days"

"I don't see why that's a problem"

I believed those who took benefit of last night's chaos to secretly carry out their plans deserved nothing less than prison, so death penalty...

He swallowed before answering.

"I mentioned the villains, but that includes each and every civilians and Heroes suspected of having a connection to All for One. It's as though we've restored death penalty"

My thoughts went back to Keigo, who had vanished.

They wouldn't execute him for assaulting a civilian, would they ?

No, of course they wouldn't do anything to him.

Hawks was far too useful.

"The most worrying thing is that there is only one man in charge. He can do whatever he wants, and even after the state of emergency is lifted, he won't be held accountable for anything"

His outlook on things surprised me for he had been a soldier.

"Don't you agree with martial law's establishment ?"

He qualified his remarks.

"I understand the necessity, but no one should ever have the right of life and death over their fellow human beings. It's that kind of thing that leads to abusive situations and overzealousness"

I could see what he meant, but on the other hand, in light of that night's disaster, I also understood the need to hunt down culprits and make examples of them.

We kept eating quietly, each of us shoveling sandwich after sandwich without stopping.

I drank a can, watching him out of the corner of my eye, waiting for him to finish his egg salad before I asked.

"Hey, I was wondering"

"Hmm ?"

He opened a can of cold tomato soup and drank right out of the lid.

"We didn't have time to talk about what happened at the shrine"

He shrugged.

"It happened what happened"

The can I set on the table rang louder than I'd expected.

"Don't your feel guilty ?" I asked. "All those people... they died because of us"

Without looking me in the eye, he kept eating.

"Not because of us" he said. "In spite of us"

It sounded worse.

"Still, I feel..."

It took me a few seconds to find the right words.

"I feel we could've done more"

Suddenly, he snapped.

His angry eyes glared at me.

"And what did you want us to do, huh ? Neither you nor I are gods. We can't bring the dead back to life, no matter how hard we try. We fought at the risk of our lives to save them, but every time we thought one would make it out alive, another one of those fucking Nomus fell from the sky and beheaded them"

His mouth was a hard line, his wrinkles more accentuated by fatigue, his eyes red from burst blood vessels, his dirty skin covered in dried blood.

His tone was rough, yet there was something fragile in his gaze, a gleam that told me his anger wasn't aimed at me.

"Don't make the mistake of thinking this night our fault," he said. "And don't make the mistake of blaming yourself. We did the best we could've and it wasn't enough. There's nothing more to say"

I held his gaze for a second before looking away.

Hadn't that always been my problem ? Wasn't this the root of all the ills that had plagued me since childhood ?

I was afraid of not being good enough, so I trained harder and harder to be invincible, but it had never been enough.

Worst of all, I could only see two solutions to the problem : feel sorry for myself or train harder.

I was like a horse with blinders on, unable to see anything but the path laid out for him, driven by the whips it was given.

Dad's soothing hand rested on my shoulder.

His voice had softened.

"It's hard for me too", he murmured. "I was there with you, just as helpless : you weren't alone as they died around us. Remember one thing, Shoto : you could be the most powerful man on earth, you still wouldn't be able to save everyone"

I refused to believe it.

There had to be a day when I'd be enough, there had to be.

Otherwise, what was the point of everything I'd went through ?

There had to be a reason, there had to be a point, there had to be something at the end of the tunnel.

Or else I don't know how I can go on with my life.

There was a knock at the door.

I stretched my senses around us.

Only one person and no one I recognized.

"Someone needed to see you ?", I asked dad

Surely he had Hero business to attend to - even though Heroes were all temporarily relieved of their duties.

"Not that I know of", he said, eyebrows furrowed.

Before he could make the smallest gesture I was already on my feet, right hand on the handle, left arm at my side.

From my left hand, slightly hidden behind my thigh, sprang an ice knife.

Dad did not comment.

I opened the door, barely ajar enough for the one behind to only see me

"Endeavor-san, Todoroki-san," a loud, clear voice greeted

A soldier in fatigues stood in the doorway.

"General Shirai wants to speak with you"


A/N :

End of the week chapters were previously published Friday and Saturday ; from now on it will be Saturday and Sunday.

Thanks a lot for your comments everyone, especially when you're just thanking me for the chapter : it's nice to know that the story is appreciated.

And by the way I read chapter 197 after publishing it and I was astonished by the amount of errors and nonsense I translated. Sorry about that, seems like my brain turned off at some point... I've started using grammarly on recent chapters and am now writing directly in English so hopefully there will be less mistakes.

Anyway, if you like to story and want to support it/ want to read ahead of schedule, go check the story's P@treon, Nar_cisseENG

And see you in the next update everyone !