Metroid Rebirth (Worm/Metroid)

Any chance Samus still has Ice/Diffusion Missiles?
Most likely, since they were in Dread. Having not had the chance to play it yet, is the Ice Beam available in-game, and if not, then why? She gets it back at the end of Fusion by absorbing the SA-X, so her Metroid DNA can't interfere with it.
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Most likely, since they were in Dread. Having not had the chance to play it yet, is the Ice Beam available in-game, and if not, then why? She gets it back at the end of Fusion by absorbing the SA-X, so her Metroid DNA can't interfere with it.

Ice Missiles were in dread, but the Ice Beam was not. Raven Beak beat her up so much that she lost all her upgrades at the beginning of Dread.
I don't suppose the Endbringer Truce is still in effect? Though if it was, Purity would still be the one to break it, and Lung would have even more reason to fighter her... Short of Taylor calling for a Truce, noting the damage to the local population would be detrimental to Lung's case (either with or without an Endbringer Truce), I am not seeing a path forward where Taylor has to fight either one of them or is Worm after all.

Though a case could be made for Taylor intimidating both of them. Blowing up planets, even if the others don't know about it, would probably raise their Charisma (to do not mess with me if you like where you keep your stuff) levels.
Restoration 3.5

Restoration 3.5

Adam's dossier on Lung stuck out in my mind. The man was head of the Azn Bad Boyz, better known as their abbreviation, ABB, having united all the varied Asian diaspora under his banner. He was a changer with brute capabilities, which basically meant that he changed his physical form and got tougher with the ability to regenerate. Lung also generated his own fire, and when in his fully changed state, he was nearly impossible to take down. Images were scarce of this state, but descriptions indicated it was a massive somewhat draconic, scaled form that had wings and an inhuman mouth. Honestly, with me a little twitchy about Ridley after hearing those cries in Canberra, I was certain that I did not want to have to deal with a full-on dragon. I didn't care if it was Ridley or Lung, I did not want to deal with a dragon.

The largest problem is that I wasn't sure I could take these two without my armor. Purity had the movement and blaster advantage, while Lung had a definite strength advantage, at least once he started to ramp up. Without my Gravity Suit, I was pretty sure that Lung's fire would hurt quite a bit, unless something seriously did change with how I was now. The lava-covered areas of ZDR were still… dangerous until I got my Varia Suit back, after all.

Dealing with the two of them without the armor meant talking. While that wasn't something I preferred to do, it was something I'd need to.

"Sorry, but this is downtown," I said, carefully keeping my Paralyzer trained up at Purity. I could aim back toward Lung at an instant, but I didn't want to start his transformation before things were ready. "If the two of you are going to fight, could you go somewhere that there isn't a lot of people?"

"Lung needs to get taken down!" Purity yelled. "It doesn't matter where it happens, but I'm going to be stopping him! Get out of my way!"

"I will give you another chance, girl," Lung said. "The fight is between me and the Nazi. You need not involve yourself. Interfere and I will not hesitate to kill you."

I recognized his accent. A few members of the Federation Police had similar ones, and their native language had been Japanese. While Lung's English was fairly good, he might have been more willing to negotiate if I spoke with him in that language instead.

So, I decided I'd at least make the attempt. Swapping into Japanese, I spoke. "Lung, while I understand your issue with her, there are people who you would hurt if you fought her where we are."

"Your mistake, girl," Lung said in the same language. "Is thinking that I care about that. Take the chance to leave in peace. This will be the last time you have this offer. While you are carrying a tinker weapon, you are not in a costume. I will allow you to leave without harming you."

"The fuck are you two talking about?" Purity yelled in English. "Speak a real language!"

Her hands started glowing again, and then she slammed her hands forward, sending out another pair of beams. The beams helixed around each other, but they weren't heading toward Lung. She'd sent them heading at me. Why? Because I'd stopped her from murdering some gang members?

I hopped back, and the beams struck the pavement below.

Lung walked up to me, grabbed my arm and shoved me behind him. "I told you, girl. The Nazi is mine."

Fire erupted behind his mask, and silvery scales started forming on his body. He let out an all-too-human roar as he leaped at the flying cape, fire forming around his fists.

She simply flew higher.

"Adam, contact the Protectorate," I said quietly. It seemed like mitigating the damage from this fight was going to be difficult. The more that Lung ramped up, the closer he'd be able to get to Purity, and if she continued to focus on Lung, it was possible that her beams would continue to miss, causing even more property damage. They were both lucky that no civilians had been harmed so far, but the fight had barely begun.

Purity launched another beam at Lung as he leaped toward her, and the fire flared brighter.

"Contacting them now, Lady. Should I tell whoever answers that you will be engaging?" Adam asked, his voice seemingly devoid of emotion. However, I could almost hear the slight urging that he had.

Really, I almost had to. Yes, my bounty was for the ones who had attempted to harm Emma, but could I really sit back and let this fight play out? Let the two of them fight and potentially destroy a downtown area? It wasn't all that late, and the bar nearby hardly was the only one like it in this part of the city. There were civilians here that would get affected by the fight.

"Adam, when I get into my suit, I'm going to do a quick scan to look for civilians. The priority here is to avoid civilian casualties," I said as Lung fell back down onto the ground, and more fire erupted from him.

Pavement cracked at Lung's impact, and I saw some asphalt start bubbling under his feet. How hot could he go? What was powering this transformation?

"Lung! You bastard!" Purity yelled, and her hands lit up again. Her beams seemed to take longer to charge than my own, but they lasted longer. They weren't short bursts like mine would be.

I hated having to turn away from the fight, but I needed to get somewhere out of sight. Luckily the two of them seemed focused enough on each other that this wouldn't be too much trouble.

I stepped into the alleyway, slipped my Paralyzer into its holster, and summoned my armor. As my Gravity Suit formed around me, I stretched out, cocking my arm cannon, verifying that it was clear. Then, I activated my Phantom Cloak and walked closer to the fight. To best prepare for what I needed to do, I brought Purity's dossier up, looking for any known weaknesses.

Her strengths appeared to be her speed, flight, and the power she could output with her beams. I'd seen those first-hand, and I had no doubts as to the woman's lethality. In my suit, I was more confident that I could take some hits from her, but how many I could take was the operative question. However, she did seem to be a bit of a glass cannon. If I could get ahold of her, it was probable that I would be able to knock her out completely and have her disabled enough to bring in.

Lung was a different story. As he was starting to ramp up, I wasn't entirely sure how I could take him down without potentially leveling half the city. While he was focusing on Purity at the moment, he was ramping his ability and power up. I wasn't sure how effective my Stun Beam would be, even with the Wave Beam active. His changer ability appeared to be different from Hookwolf's, but I'd have to figure something out.

"Lady, I have reported your location to the Protectorate, and they have requested you on their console," Adam said. "While I understand that you would prefer to deal with these two in your own fashion, there may be a benefit in talking with the Protectorate."

"Fine. I'll get on," I said, and my HUD showed a connection to the Protectorate's dispatch console frequency. "Protectorate Console, this is Hunter. I was told you wanted me online?"

"Hunter, this is Kid Win on the Console," said a young-sounding somewhat masculine voice. "I'm relaying your location to Assault, Velocity, and Armsmaster. All three should converge on your location soon."

"Thank you," I said. I hadn't met Assault yet, but both Velocity and Armsmaster were competent heroes. If I wasn't able to deal with the situation on my own, having them as backup would certainly be helpful.

"Armsmaster requests that you avoid engaging, if possible," Kid Win said. With a name like Kid Win, it was obvious that he was young. I remembered the Wards program was a thing, but I didn't exactly expect one to be on the dispatch console. "A PRT van is also en route to aid in civilian evacuation."

"Lady will likely be unable to avoid engaging," Adam said. "She is within striking range."

"I'll do my best to keep them contained," I said, glancing over at the fighting capes.

Purity had fired a set of five beams, each targeting Lung, and he clawed some out of the air, reflecting the energy off his scaled hands. He sidestepped the remainder, and his face had started to change, eyes glowing orange. He had gained some height, now appearing to be taller than me, even in my suit.

"Kill you!" Lung said, according to the autotranslation program I had running in my suit. It sounded much less like that. Lung launched a jet of flame at Purity that she met with another beam, dispersing the fire. She flew up further, and Lung started getting even larger.

"Yes, no choice in engaging," I said. "Hunter out." I disconnected the Protectorate Console line for now, and I gave a quick glance to my Cloak's energy. I still had maybe twenty seconds, but judging by Lung's size, he needed to be stopped quickly. Purity, at least, I should have been able to just take down with a well-placed Stun Beam shot.

I charged my Stun Beam, activating the Wave Beam alongside it, and I shot it at Lung from behind. The shots struck true, passing through his scales. However, they didn't seem to do much to the cape, other than grab his attention.

He twisted his head around, snarling. "Who dares?"

Once again, my suit's translation function worked well.

"Stand down, Lung!"

"Hunter!" Lung gleefully laughed. He launched another jet of flame, this time at me.

I crossed my arms in front of me, meeting the fire head-on. I trusted my Gravity Suit versus the fire, and as it spread over me, I braced myself. The kinetic force behind the flames pushed me back a few feet, but otherwise, my suit weathered the brunt of it. I shook my arms down, dispelling the flames.

Lung grew another couple inches, scales spreading further over his body as a beam from Purity slammed into him from behind. I hadn't forgotten about her. A pair of Flash Shifts allowed me to go around Lung.

I fired my grapple beam at the glowing woman. She dodged, and immediately, I followed it with a Wide Beam/Stun Beam combination. The blasts struck true, but her light just seemed to glow brighter at that.

Oh. The Stun Beam basically was just another form of light blast, mixed with a bit of electricity. If her power allowed her to absorb the light encapsulation, the electricity wouldn't be contained enough and would dissipate before ever striking flesh. I couldn't use the Stun Beam on either of them, but I was sure that Purity would likely die to any of my other weaponry, save for something physical. A Screw Attack set to stunning levels would probably knock her out, or just a punch if I could get my hands on her.

Immediately, I sidestepped a claw from Lung, and I swapped to Ice missiles. Point-blank, I fired. Three shots into his extending chin, three shots into the flaming areas on his arms. He snarled in pain as they started to ice over, and I didn't even wait for him to speak again.

Jumping onto him, I pushed off him like a springboard toward Purity, still firing missiles down at Lung.

She fired a beam at me, but I utilized my Flash Shift to get below her, still mid-air. I fired my grapple beam right at her, grabbing her by the foot.

"Hunter! What are you doing? We're both heroes! We need to focus on Lung!" Purity said.

I pulled her to me, jerking my grapple so it wrapped around her waist. "You're Empire."

"Not anymore!" Purity said. "I'm a hero! Fighting the dregs of this city! Like him!"

The sad part? She probably believed that. I couldn't have her firing more beams at me though. I punched her in the face with my left hand, and then I threw her into a dumpster, making sure my grapple beam held her until just the last second. Then I landed in a perch on one of those concrete roof extensions, facing Lung.

"Hunter! You interfered with justice!" Lung snarled. "I'll kill you!"

I stared down at the cape. Somehow, he'd gotten even larger, and the next jet of flame he launched looked even hotter. Quickly, I fired an ice missile at just above where the fire had started, and with a quick follow-up shot from my beam, I forced it to explode. It wasn't perfect, but anything to extinguish flames.

Flames completely engulfed Lung, clearly superheated, but that didn't worry me as much. What did worry me was the fact that the flames melted the ice, and his body clearly started to stitch back together. He could regenerate, and he wasn't weak to ice. Something had to be giving his body the energy to transform this way.

I jumped toward Lung, firing another barrage of ice missiles. He met three of the seven with gouts of flame, bursting them in the air.

"Kill you!" Oh. Apparently, he'd swapped to his native Japanese now, not that it was coming in clearly. "How dare you?"

He charged at me, his body shifting even more. I shot out my grapple beam, wrapped it around his neck, and jumped onto his back as it extended. My Gravity Suit's capabilities won out over the fire, but the warnings on my HUD told me that the Varia Suit wouldn't.

I pulled to the right, adjusting his charge toward a fire hydrant, grabbing onto a ridged scale with my left hand. A tingle went through my body, and as I looked down toward my hand, I saw a now familiar purple ethereal aura surrounding it. Energy. Something was powering this transformation, and… I could absorb it.

I thrust my left hand onto Lung's scaled back, and I grabbed on, holding on as he tried to buck me off. I pulled. Energy flowed into me, the fires on his body swirling around and flowing into the purple aura around my left arm. I needed to stop him. I couldn't let him kill anyone with his flames. Nobody's parents needed to die today. The scales shifted from silver to purple in my vision. No.

Lung Ridley roared, and he reached back with his right arm to try and pull me off his back. His claws dug into my suit as he grabbed my side, and I actually felt it. But I refused to be dislodged, even as he tugged, I just shifted my grip.

More energy. I needed to stop him from transforming further. It didn't matter how much he hurt me. I just needed to hold on. A little more. I wasn't going to let Ridley win.

He reached up and grabbed me with both hands, digging claws further in. Then he lifted me over his head, and I just shifted my hand's position to his arm.

Then I saw it. The flames got less hot, and he stumbled forward. The energy expansion halted some, and his energy started draining, going into me faster than it could go into him. I forced his arms off of me, shooting him with more ice missiles as I continued holding on.

Then, as he collapsed forward completely onto the ground, I still held on. The scales started to retreat, I held on more.

"Lady, let go of him!" Adam ordered.

I held on. He deserved all of this.

"Lady, you need to let go!" Adam repeated.

I grabbed tighter. His flames winked out, and I still held on. He started to shrink on himself.

Something slammed into me, sending me sprawling away from Lung's downed body. When I looked up, there was a man dressed in red body armor with a red visor covering the top half of his face. His brown hair was spiked up. He grinned at me. "I think he's down, Hunter. You don't need to kill the guy."

I looked down at the man. Lung. A scan showed that he was still breathing, but his energy levels were low. I carefully looked myself over. Thankfully, I was still in my Gravity Suit, but my shoulder pauldrons had shrunk some, and I saw some orbs in them. Carefully, I reached up with my left hand and touched one.

"You really did a number on him," said the cape in red. "Never seen anyone get his transformation to reverse before."

In a blur, Velocity showed up next to the man in red. "Everything okay here?"

"Peachy," said the man in red. "Hunter just kicked Lung's ass. Pu—err, Battery would probably be very impressed. Halbeard probably will be too."

"Where's Purity?" Velocity asked, and I pointed down the alleyway toward the dumpster. He nodded and sped off toward there.

The man in red came over to stand next to me. "Sorry about body-checking you, but it looked like you wouldn't let go otherwise."

I frowned under my helmet, but I nodded.

"Are you okay?" asked the man. Presumably he was Assault, given that I knew what Velocity and Armsmaster looked like.

I shrugged. Truthfully, after absorbing what I did, that much energy, I felt a little on edge, like there was a chance that I could swap into a suit that would be so much worse for everyone. But I hadn't yet. However, the energy was doing something. My suit was processing it somehow. I was processing it somehow.

"I will ensure that you get credit for the capture of Lung and Purity," said Adam. "Any objections, Lady?"

"None," I said.

"What was that?" Assault asked, grinning. "I think that's the first I've heard you speak."

"Responding to Adam," I said. "He's saying that he'll make sure I am credited for this capture of both of them."

"About that," Velocity said, appearing by us again as a motorcycle rolled into the area, holding Armsmaster. "Purity's gone."

Armsmaster dismounted from his bike, grabbed his halberd, and he walked over to Lung. He looked over the man's unconscious form, and then he prodded him with the end of his halberd. I heard an injector work.

"Good work, Hunter," Armsmaster said. "If you don't mind, I would like the combat footage."

"I'll have Adam send it," I said. I just needed him to sanitize the parts where… I saw Ridley. Lung wasn't Ridley. Ridley was dead, twice over, and so was Greed. Their entire race was, honestly.

Nobody had heard him in Canberra but me, and the Simurgh could make you hallucinate. Maybe I had hallucinated that.

There was no Ridley on Earth Bet. I knew that.

And I was the only Metroid.
Tick tock goes the clock...
Simurgh watches like a hawk...
Ridley is coming...
There is always a Taylor vs Lung battle, it just wasn't the first one on the rail line this time. Nor was it Taylor but Taymus!
Truthfully, after absorbing what I did, that much energy, I felt a little on edge, like there was a chance that I could swap into a suit that would be so much worse for everyone. But I hadn't yet. However, the energy was doing something. My suit was processing it somehow. I was processing it somehow.
Ah dear. I really hope everything is ok and she continues to remain mostly human. You never think of the issues with hybridism before you're starting to turn into a tentacled monstrosity.
There was no Ridley on Earth Bet. I knew that.
Ahhh... about that Taymus? There's something you need to know. Apparently they have god awful quarantine procedures and don't check all the capes after a Simurgh battle... especially one where she was explicitly warping in creatures from other worlds and Taymus warned about biological risks. At least I hope she or Adam did.

Look I'm saying you have a baby Ridley infestation.
And I was the only Metroid.
For now... and let's keep it that way! Lets avoid going and mutating into a queen metroid Taymus!
Oh no. Simmy got to her.

Welp, hope she can shake whatever simmy did to her off otherwise we might ACTUALLY lose the planet.
I wouldn't say she's been Smirugh-bombed. I think it's more along the lines of her fears and PTSD getting to her. She's already had many traumas from large dragon shaped creatures and now her fears of fully becoming a metroid.

Well let's just say they've been aggravated.
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I wonder if it's possible to transfer that energy into other things?

Fuel the ship?
Give the bays residence a discount to their energy bills?
I wouldn't say she's been Smirugh-bombed. I think it's more along the lines of her fears and PTSD getting to her. She's already had many traumas from large dragon shaped creatures and now her fears of fully becoming a metroid.

Well let's just say they've been aggravated.
That's how Simurgh bombing works. Remember, she's not ACTUALLY telepathic, WOG confirms that telepathy doesn't exist.

Instead she pushes all the right buttons with sensory stimulus to engineer stuff like this.

It's very possible that she WAS bombed.
That's how Simurgh bombing works. Remember, she's not ACTUALLY telepathic, WOG confirms that telepathy doesn't exist.

Instead she pushes all the right buttons with sensory stimulus to engineer stuff like this.

It's very possible that she WAS bombed.

Semi-bombed. Poor Samus is dealing with a lot and having been primed.
So this was probably PTSD causing Samus to see Lung as Ridley, But the Simurgh could've pushed her slightly, due to the fact that we know that the Endbringers are sandbagging.
Where is the panic reaction? This seems like a time to panic.
Because right now is not the worst time possible for Taymus to panic. Remember, Dauntless got exposed to Phazon and wants more. Little Ridley disguised himself as Australian Wildlife, so a cape took him home.

Taymus is currently convinced that she heard Ridley, but is gradually being convinced that she was hearing things. Imagine what's going to happen when it gets revealed there was a Ridley present? Imagine what she's going to do when she finds out about Dauntless' Phazon obsession?

Simurgh bombs don't activate right away. Many sit idle for years before they get triggered, and these bombs are subtle.
Because right now is not the worst time possible for Taymus to panic. Remember, Dauntless got exposed to Phazon and wants more. Little Ridley disguised himself as Australian Wildlife, so a cape took him home.

Taymus is currently convinced that she heard Ridley, but is gradually being convinced that she was hearing things. Imagine what's going to happen when it gets revealed there was a Ridley present? Imagine what she's going to do when she finds out about Dauntless' Phazon obsession?

Simurgh bombs don't activate right away. Many sit idle for years before they get triggered, and these bombs are subtle.

Another interesting thing to think about? Ziz survived. Which means that she foresaw what happened at least in part.

I have been playing FAR too much Warframe.

Well, I've not played any Warframe, so I don't really know the reference here.
have Adam send it," I said. I just needed him to sanitize the parts where… I saw Ridley. Lung wasn't Ridley. Ridley was dead, twice over, and so was Greed. Their entire race was, honestly.
-Why? She didn't say anything and it's not like the recording has her hallucinations in it.-