Memories of an Autumn Wind (Bleach AU)

*inner shipper squees*

Cute cute cute~ The entire chapter was cuteness and the ferris wheel ride proved to be concentrated cutes~

(Aside, the IchigoXTatsuki shipper in me was just a bit miffed that Isshin didn't think of all the times that Tatsuki would have probably come over to Ichigo's room. Then I realized that he probably considered Tatsuki to be "one of the boys," which is legitimate and made me laugh.)

I await the next dose of WAFF between Ichigo and Senna ^_^
*inner shipper squees*

Cute cute cute~ The entire chapter was cuteness and the ferris wheel ride proved to be concentrated cutes~

(Aside, the IchigoXTatsuki shipper in me was just a bit miffed that Isshin didn't think of all the times that Tatsuki would have probably come over to Ichigo's room. Then I realized that he probably considered Tatsuki to be "one of the boys," which is legitimate and made me laugh.)

I await the next dose of WAFF between Ichigo and Senna ^_^
So you ship Ichigo and Tatsuki as well? Nice to meet you!

But yeah, I think Ichigo and Senna were the first pairing I really, truly shipped in Bleach. Made me so sad that she was basically wiped from the series and nobody really wrote any stories for her that weren't wish fulfillment "Get Ichigo ALL the girls" harem shit.
Thats the one. Thank god I didn't say Neji, I knew he was from Naruto but part of my brain kept going 'No thats his name', not a clue why
Dark haired prodigy in pale clothes from a prestigious family who starts out as a rival trying to put the shonen protagonist in his place, but after his superior skill is surpassed by the raw power of the protagonist, Defeat Means Friendship kicks in. Later, they work together alongside a fist-fighter, a wild guy with an animal motif, a planner that did next to nothing in the previous story arc despite their relative prominence, and a big eater, one of whom is a late arrival who winds up being critical to assist the protagonist against a serious opponent in order to buy time for the previous arc's three most memorable enemies to show up as reinforcements and defeat the last members of the miniboss squad that the protagonist and his friends were fighting.
Ugh. Yes~

I love the feelsy kind of fluff. Hits me in the best way!

I'm actually feeling apprehensive though. Because this arc just happened to be the Fullbringer and Xcution arcs.

Which means Tsukishima.

Which means Retcon Sword.

Which means more avenues for more heartbreaks.
Dark haired prodigy in pale clothes from a prestigious family who starts out as a rival trying to put the shonen protagonist in his place, but after his superior skill is surpassed by the raw power of the protagonist, Defeat Means Friendship kicks in. Later, they work together alongside a fist-fighter, a wild guy with an animal motif, a planner that did next to nothing in the previous story arc despite their relative prominence, and a big eater, one of whom is a late arrival who winds up being critical to assist the protagonist against a serious opponent in order to buy time for the previous arc's three most memorable enemies to show up as reinforcements and defeat the last members of the miniboss squad that the protagonist and his friends were fighting.
precisely they're nothing alike :V
One is a tailor, one is far too proud to ever consider such a thing.
Made me so sad that she was basically wiped from the series
I mean, to be fair, she was from a movie. That is basically non-canon. Even filler arcs directly within the anime they have to try their best to shove any leftovers to the side so that it doesn't interfere with canonical manga events later, let alone movie stuff.
I mean, to be fair, she was from a movie. That is basically non-canon. Even filler arcs directly within the anime they have to try their best to shove any leftovers to the side so that it doesn't interfere with canonical manga events later, let alone movie stuff.

I thought there was some lines about Kubo liking the movies so much he wanted to consider it Canon?

At least I remember hearing that some years back..........
I thought there was some lines about Kubo liking the movies so much he wanted to consider it Canon?

At least I remember hearing that some years back..........
I know the Hell movie is supposed to be considered canon and the anime arc with the new Captain for Kira's division that turned out to be another traitor is supposed to have been written by Kubo himself and considered pseudo-canon.
Chapter 3
Chapter 3

A part of Ichigo Kurosaki, a part buried deep, wondered when he had become so used to the feeling of déjà vu. Carrying Senna on his back was achingly familiar. Having her in his house even more so. When he had set the silent girl on his bed, he had been hit by a flash of her, kicking her feet back and grinning at him. It was enough to defuse the annoyance he would have otherwise had, with a girl on his bed. Even Rukia annoyed him with that.

He couldn't find it in him to be annoyed at Senna. Even without the flashes of memory.

"Yo, Senna." Instead, he settled for sitting in his chair. Crossing his arms over the back, and staring at the silent girl. "You okay?"

Orange eyes were wet, as Senna sniffled and looked directly at Ichigo. She hadn't once stopped crying, even if it was silent, since he had left the mall. "I...I'm not. I'm really not."

"...yeah, kinda figured that."

Ichigo sighed deeply, and turned his gaze up towards the ceiling. Was it really possible to be 'okay' after learning you died? He'd died more than he cared to think about, so he wasn't normal.

Not to mention Senna's a normal girl right now. Damnit.

Letting out a breath, the teenager drummed his fingers against his chair. What could he really do right now, for Senna? He needed to cheer her up or something. His fragmented memories were just that. Fragments. Pieces. Even with that, seeing Senna so quiet and depressed was nothing like her. It was wrong, so very wrong.

"I almost wish I had the Hollow," Ichigo groused, running a hand through his hair. At least the Hollow was a useful punching bag.

Senna, for her part, twitched. "Hollow?"

"Very, very long story." Ichigo replied. He really hoped that Senna remembered things later on, so he didn't have to explain everything to her. "Anyway, how much do you remember? All I'm getting is a lot of flashes."

Silent for a moment, Senna looked down at her hands. They clenched and unclenched in her skirt, nervous and uncomfortable. The girl sucked in a deep breath, held it, and let it loose in a heavy sigh. Her orange eyes looked anywhere but at Ichigo, and her legs twitched. She was waging an internal battle, and Ichigo, of all people, could tell that. He had experience with that. His just involved a lot more stabbing and screaming.

Man, when had fighting his Hollow and being stabbed by Zangetsu become nostalgic?

"I don't remember much," Senna finally replied, her voice tiny and quiet. Afraid. "A lot of random things. I remember you, I think. You kept chasing me everywhere like a creep."

Ichigo's eye twitched, "Watch it, you little twerp."

"What? It's true!" For the first time since they had reached the Kurosaki home, Senna actually smiled. It was a small one, a fragile thing, yet a smile nonetheless. One that was strained, when she continued. "I--I think I remember you fighting, too. Someone with grey hair. You had a big sword, and he kept hurting you."

From what Ichigo remembered, that guy in weird armor only fought him in his Bankai. Then again, who really knew? His memories were all jumbled up and scrambled, and Senna was probably the same way.

"Yeah...that's about how it went," the former Shinigami shrugged, spinning his chair around a little. If only so he could get up, and walk to sit next to Senna. "I don't remember much myself, but that guy was trying to kill you. And I won't let anyone hurt my friends like that."

Senna turned bright eyes up at Ichigo, a mix of confusion and fondness fighting behind her gaze. "We're friends?"

Are we? I think so?

Ichigo didn't let his own confusion show, settling for shrugging his shoulders again. "Yeah, I mean, probably. I know that I won't let anyone hurt you. I always protect my friends, and I think you're one of them. Or you were." A sour look crossed his face, the familiar scowl settling into place. "Damn, this is all so confusing."

"You're telling me!" The girl fell back on his bed, her purple hair splayed out all over his blanket like a cascade of waves. Her smile was a little bit stronger now. "This is all sooooooo confusing. I remember you chasing me like a creep, and you getting hurt trying to protect me. And..."

Her voice trailed off, and Ichigo knew exactly why. He wasn't the most emotional kind of guy, not really. He cried when his mother died. He cried when he had lost to Grand Fisher. He rarely, if ever, showed emotion on anything else. At least, not the kind that most people would call 'mushy'.

His heart, his soul, ached when he thought about how Senna had died. Even with all of that.

"Yeah...that happened too." Ichigo knew that she understood what he was saying, as he turned his head to look down on her. Fresh tears were visible, and her lip was upturned a little. She was trying not to cry.

She was trying to be strong, even though she was just a normal girl being forced to remember her death.

"Damnit, why'd I do this to you..." Muttering that under his breath, the former Shinigami fell back himself. He stared at his ceiling, and tried to find the words he needed. Fuck it. "I can't really say what happened, Senna. I know you gave up all your powers and died because of that. I know that I couldn't protect you, even after all of that. And I know that I hated myself for that."

'She's gone, Ichigo. And soon, our memories of her will fade. We can't remember someone who never existed.'

'I know. But right now? I can still hear her voice.'

Shaking his head, Ichigo found Senna staring at him. Staring hard.

"You're just a big softy, aren't you?" Her voice tried to be happy and full of levity...but it really wasn't. She was still trying to make sense of everything.

Ichigo scowled, "No I'm not. I just hate not being able to protect someone!"

Senna giggled, weakly, and reached her hands up to play with her hair. "I mean, I totally get what you're saying. I think?" Her hands fell down, and the girl let out a frustrated noise. "It's all so confusing. I remember being a...a..."

"Shinigami." Ichigo helpfully supplied.

"That thingy!" Senna acted like she knew that all along, a hint of her normal cheer showing through. Just a hint. "I was a Shini-thingy, and I wanted to protect everyone too. It was our job. More than that, it was right. Y'know?"

Ichigo knew. He knew better than anyone, really. It was what made this entire situation sting so much. He'd gotten Senna back, yes, even though what that meant was still foggy to him. It was basically impossible to know, until he got all his memories back. On top of all that, neither of them had powers. Senna was never a real Shinigami to begin with, right?

And I gave my powers up.

It had never hurt quite as much, as it did in that very moment. Maybe...maybe...

A sudden trill interrupted Ichigo's thoughts. The teen jumped to his feet, half-expecting it to be his combat pass, even after all this time. No. It wasn't. His hands reached down, where he felt his pocket vibrating. Ichigo pulled his phone free, staring at the offending object as if it would bite him. He idly looked at the number...and immediately blanched.

"Urahara," Ichigo didn't bother with pleasantries. He just answered the phone, and started talking.

"Hello Ichigo!" The shopkeeper's cheerful voice was familiar, even if he hadn't heard it in months. "I was hoping you'd pick up!"

Massaging his brow, Ichigo groaned. "Get to the point, Urahara. Why are you calling me now? You haven't talked to me since Aizen."

And I lost my powers.

The unspoken words got through the phone, clearly, as Urahara's voice sobered up. "Ah. Yes. Well, I didn't want to burden you now that your powers are gone."

Senna, from her spot on the bed, blinked. "Your powers...?"

"And, unless I'm mistaken, that girl is the one your father told me about?" Urahara continued speaking, a thoughtful tone coming over the phone. "You see, Ichigo, I'm fairly certain that you and some random girl acting like that isn't normal. Your father wanted me to take a look, and I'm not against it. After all, you always are interesting!"

Ichigo's first instinct was to deny Urahara, and just ignore him. The man was shady and while he trusted Urahara, maybe even liked him...the man never did anything without an ulterior motive. It just wasn't like him.

On the other hand...

"Fine, Urahara, I'll play your game." Ichigo looked over at Senna, out of the corner of his eye. This may be a chance to find out more about her. If anyone could unlock his memories, it was Urahara. "We'll be over there tomorrow."

"Good. And, Ichigo?"


"For what it's worth, I'm sorry about your powers. If I knew a way to return them..."

There was no need to respond to that. Ichigo knew that Urahara was aware of that, as well. The phone clicked off on the shopkeeper's end, and Ichigo turned back to Senna. She was looking at him curiously, clearly confused by the situation. At least she wasn't crying now. She probably wanted to know what that was all about. Actually. Had she ever met Urahara? His memories were still all fragmented, but, he didn't remember Urahara and Senna ever meeting.

Which just raised the obvious question. What did Urahara know about all this?

Sighing again, Ichigo sat back down. That was a question for tomorrow. "Senna, I know you probably need to go home and everything..."

"Nah, not really. My parents aren't in town right now anyway." Senna cut him off, smiling shyly. It seemed to have only now dawned on her that she was in a boy's room. "So, what was that about? And who's that 'Urahara' guy? He sounded like a creep."

"You could say that," Ichigo couldn't stop a snort. Urahara was certainly creepy, in more ways than one.

"I'm kinddddaaa sure you want me to go with you, don't you?"

With a scowl firmly fixed on his face, Ichigo nodded. "Yeah. Look, Senna...I'm not sure what's going on. I've never had memory flashes like this before."

If Ichigo expected Senna to answer those words, he would be disappointed. She spent more time staring at him, asking him to continue, than actually talking. Talking was something he wasn't good at, either. Not explaining a feeling like this. He talked much better with his fists or...with Zangetsu. Having to talk like this was uncomfortable, at the best of times.

"Urahara is shady as hell, but he's also the smartest guy I know." Ichigo bit back a frustrated noise, rubbing at his brow. This wasn't how he expected to spend his weekend, to say the least. "If anyone can figure out what's happening to us, he'll be able to do it. I can't ask you to go with me, though."

Senna shook her head, a smile once more on her face. "Hey, I came here didn't I? I want to know more about you Ichigo. I feel I'm missing something. Something very important."

More important than dying to save me?

Ichigo left those words unspoken. He didn't need to say them. Senna had made her choice, and he was honestly happy about it. Whoever Senna had been to him, before all of this, she was still important now. He knew that much. Even if he didn't have powers, even if Urahara couldn't come up with a way to give them back, he was going to at least go see the man.

If nothing else, Ichigo wanted his memories back.


Not really satisfied with this one, but I want to keep the story going. So sometimes, I guess there'll be chapters I'm not entirely satisfied with. I hope everyone enjoys it anyway.

Also, I decided against the flashback. I think that fits better once Urahara does his thing.

Shouldn't take as long for the next one. I've changed my time at work to get off earlier, so I won't be as worn out. And, if all goes well, I'll hopefully have a proper teaching position soon anyway. I hope.
Getting him his powers back in canon was as simple as stabbing him, right?
Getting him his powers back in canon was as simple as stabbing him, right?

It's implied that Urahara created a brand new technique and that it actually required the participation of multiple captain-class Shinigami to pull it off.

I think shaping it into a sword and having Rukia run him through with it was just Urahara's twisted sense of humor showing through.
required the participation of multiple captain-class Shinigami to pull it off
Given that Urahara went directly to the Gotei 13 instead of just doing it himself, quite probably. With how everyone was surprised about Yamamoto ordering all the captains and vice-captains to participate though, I always got the feeling he went a bit above and beyond there.

I think shaping it into a sword and having Rukia run him through with it was just Urahara's twisted sense of humor showing through.
Seems like an Urahara thing to do.

It's implied that Urahara created a brand new technique and that it actually required the participation of multiple captain-class Shinigami to pull it off.

I think shaping it into a sword and having Rukia run him through with it was just Urahara's twisted sense of humor showing through.
Yeah that checks out.

Given that Urahara went directly to the Gotei 13 instead of just doing it himself, quite probably. With how everyone was surprised about Yamamoto ordering all the captains and vice-captains to participate though, I always got the feeling he went a bit above and beyond there.

Seems like an Urahara thing to do.
I always kind of read that as Yamamoto being a combination of "sentimental" and "we kind of owe this kid literally everything".
That is some really, really, really good interplay between Ichigo and Senna. It's like can feel the whole range of their emotions regarding each other. I never thought I could get so much feels from Bleach, but here I am, enjoying the reunion between these two. It's a great feeling...
Yeah that checks out.

I always kind of read that as Yamamoto being a combination of "sentimental" and "we kind of owe this kid literally everything".
Yamamoto always came off as being way to practical for sentimentalism to have that much of a factor in his decision making.

No, I think he suspected something else was brewing and that Ichigo was too much of an asset to not try and get him back. It's been a while since I read the beginning of the Quincy Blood War arc, but I suspect that Yamamoto was actually expecting Yahwach's return and wanted Ichigo around to act as a wild card in case he was caught off guard...just like what happened.
I'd say that Ichigo just getting stabbed again isn't enough to give him his powers back. You can argue why that's the case (I tend to take the simplest approach: stabbing him the first time worked because he had overflowing power already. With only the barest fragments left, it's much harder) but it makes the most sense. If it were as simple as stabby-stabby power transference, then it would have been the first thing someone tried. Rukia, most likely.

The idea that they need a lot more oomph makes more sense. It's not even that Ichigo's SUPER SPECIAL in this case, it's just that he didn't have the power left to begin with.

That said, I'm quite likely to ignore the majority of the Thousand Year Blood War and the mess that arc was. I may borrow things here and there (Masaki being a Quincy, for instance) but the majority of it? Yeeeeaaaahhh. Nope.

Not to say I won't salvage other arcs. I've got ideas for a couple of the better filler arcs. I'm just not including Quincies left, right and center.
That said, I'm quite likely to ignore the majority of the Thousand Year Blood War and the mess that arc was. I may borrow things here and there (Masaki being a Quincy, for instance) but the majority of it? Yeeeeaaaahhh. Nope.
My expectations for the future of this fic have improved dramatically.
There's good ideas in there (Masaki the Quincy, Hollow Zangetsu (what, I liked that) and Kenpachi's Zanpakuto-minus-the-Yachiru-thing) but it's weighed down a lot by the whole. Hence, borrow stuff, but not actually do the Arc. Which by default requires retconning or otherwise ignoring the existence of the Vandenreich.
If at all mentioning the Vandereich, make it a failed system, like the Senate of Rome in the age of the Imperium.