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Synopsis: "Several weeks after the events of The Dimensional War against his evil counterpart, Coop decided to give his friends Jamie and Kiva their mechs and go for a test run to Mars. Just like his old one, his new Megas had a dimensional portal which the trio ends up in another dimension where they see that Mars is colonized before finding themselves caught in the middle of conflict."
Megas of Mars Chapter 1
I have made "Megas of Mars", a Megas XLR x Mobile Suit Gundam Iron Blooded Oprhans crossover fic. I still hope for one day that Megas XLR will return with Season 3 after I checked that Warner Bros currently owns the rights to the show now according to George Krstic on February 8, 2019. At least it's in good hands rather than left in the limbo of being written off a tax loss by Cartoon Network (and I miss the good old days of my childhood).

Oneshot story just in case.

Synopsis: "Several weeks after the events of The Dimensional War against his evil counterpart, Coop decided to give his friends Jamie and Kiva their mechs and go for a test run to Mars. Just like his old one, his new Megas had a dimensional portal which the trio ends up in another dimension where they see that Mars is colonized before finding themselves caught in the middle of conflict."

Disclaimer: I do not own Mobile Suit Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans and Megas XLR and their characters. They belong to their respective owners, Sunrise and Jody Schaeffer and George Krstic.

Enjoy and don't forget to review. :)

Chapter 1​

At New Jersey Junkyard, Jersey City, Earth

"Coop, just because my alternate counterpart was able to pilot a mech, it doesn't mean I can do the same."

Jamie grumbled in the cockpit with basic controls as he tried his best to read the manual and understand the instructions of the new war mech with appearance of a UFO with jet fighters and tanks for arms and legs which was given to him. He recognized it as R.E.C.R. or the "Reverse Engineered Collective Robot" from Area 50 that Coop had woken it up, beaten it at Las Vegas and then buried it in the Grand Canyon. Except that his best friend had the bright idea to do his own brand of reverse engineering on the defective US Army mech after digging it out from its burial site and reprogram it to be a good guy when replacing its so-called "superior" 56 Kilobyte Processor.

It was way too easy for a piece of cake for Coop to the point of hilarity.

And to solve the energy draining issue is to install a Hyperthrust Fusion Engine and the Mark-VII Inversion Thrusters salvaged from one of the Glorft mech wreckages that were left piling on the junkyard. Of course, it still retains the ability to absorb energy and power itself up for maximum boost.

"No worries, comrade! No worries, comrade! I will assist you! I will assist you!", the blue ball-shaped droid enthusiastically repeated with a male patriotic tone and a flap of its ears as R.E.C.R.'s reprogrammed Artificial Intelligence is stationed on the round terminal of the cockpit.

"Thanks, Sgt. Haro.", Jamie muttered with an irritated eye twitch after giving it a more suitable nickname.

If only it sounded cute and adorable to match with its appearance, Jamie would have found it endearing. But this one sounds more like a stereotypical patriotic man which it feels very jarring. On the bright side at least, R.E.C.R. is no longer going on a rampage to "destroy the enemy" which is basically everything and everyone in its path.

"Yeah, no worries Jamie. I modified this robot and Sgt. Haro for you so you can pilot it without problems and you will get the hang of it in no time. After all, think of it like a video game with an assistant.", Coop reassured from the car head of his new and more powerful Megas from another dimension that he claimed it from his evil counterpart.

The remains of his old Megas was left behind in the alternate dimension that is free from Evil Coop's reign of terror and destruction that left nothing but complete and utter ruin. Considering the now empty state of his evil self's fortress, Coop can already tell that Alternate Jamie and his resistance people have moved in as their new base to make themselves at home and rebuild their world from scratch.

While Evil Coop and Evil Kiva are most likely suffering a fate worse than death when they're stuck in between dimensions after being forced to retreat right into a trap sprung by Alternate Jamie who was waiting for the signal to act.

They got what they deserve though and they will stay there that way for a long, long time.

The skinny young man with black hair raised an eyebrow but relented, "Thanks, Coop. To be honest, I didn't expect that I will be piloting a giant robot combiner with a patriotic computer by my side since that fiasco with the Ultra-Cadets. Where did you get this ball by the way?"

"It's from one of my Drones that was left relatively intact after Coop here broke them in our first meeting. The Haros are the brain cores that allow them to function and fight by themselves, and also follow my orders even though they like to repeat their sentences two times. That Haro containing R.E.C.R. inside is the only one left.", Kiva called out from her CMDR-KA mech's head whose unique cockpit that allows her to connect it with the back of her neck had been repaired by Coop.

When the old Megas rendered it out of commission with a German Suplex move, her old robot has been left abandoned in the Jersey junkyard and was deeply buried within its large piles of junk trash to conceal its size and presence from anyone especially Goat himself from noticing it. Due to lacking the compatible parts needed for the CMDR-KA, it was left unrepaired until now.

It also has two beam rifles acquired from the destroyed chassis of Evil Coop's army and they are currently strapped on the waists. Standing behind the CMDR-KA, there are two Drones from the Earth Coalition, three Glorft mechs and the other four are Grunts from Evil Coop's army that were rebuilt, repurposed and re-modified by Coop and Kiva with the parts of other destroyed Grunts and Glorft robots too as well from The Dimensional War.

Not only they are armed with the beam rifles, they are also under Kiva's command through her CMDR-KA's control system.

Wincing after being reminded how it went with a bad start, the large blonde man stated. "I'm really sorry about that, Kiva. At least you got the spare parts to fix it."

"Yes, thanks to the Grunts led by your evil self from another dimension that you and Gorrath teamed up to stop them. From what I found out in my analysis on their wrecked remains, they were created by your evil self reverse engineering on the two Drones. From what you told me, he went through the same route like yours before he fell into evil and lusted for only destruction after the Glorft were all destroyed as a divergence.", the redhead Earth Coalition Commander noted before shaking her head.

She said, "I cannot believe my counterpart had turned her back against humanity and became just like the Glorft. To see ourselves revel in's disturbing."

It horrified and disgusted Kiva after learning from Coop about what happened when he and Gorrath went missing in the middle of the battle to stop the Glorft from taking out the Earth's core with the Planet Core Destroyer.

Jamie commented, "And I cannot believe that evil you and Coop were so bad that it got alternate me of all people to lead a resistance to stop them. It even made Coop and Gorrath work together to fight off their invasion to our dimension here and almost became friends."

"Don't remind me.", the large blonde man grumbled as he remembered of his blunder that somewhat ruined chances of peace between him and Gorrath because of his inherent clumsiness. It would have been nice to be buddies with the Glorft Warmaster than having to fight him off every single time. And it's back to square one with Gorrath reaffirming his hate against him and promised they will meet and fight again to settle their scores.

"At least we can see why Coop wants you to try out piloting a mech on your own albeit with some assist, Jamie. Alternate you must have left a good impression on him when he and Gorrath were in another dimension of Earth.", Kiva noted with a look of disbelief at the idea of peace with the Glorft after enduring years of fighting a losing war against them.

Coop simply shrugged, "It's not a big deal really. Besides, chicks dig giant robots and you have one now. Remember that, Jamie?"

"Hmmm... You're right about that one, Coop! I can see it now.", Jamie seemed to agree with a smirk as he had one of his bold imaginations where he sees himself as a World War 2 military man in a dashing uniform with two skimpy showgirl women affectionately standing by his side with Coop and Kiva are driving the 1940 Packard One Eighty car and his UFO-like mech holding the USA Flag and doing the patriotic pose for a cheering crowd in the military parade.

Behind them are the captured Gorrath, his Glorft Commander and their brethren in body-encompassing chains as they are pelted with tomatoes and vegetable produce from the booing bystanders.

"The ladies love a heroic soldier! The ladies love a heroic soldier!", R.E.C.R. in a Haro unit cheered for his human comrade which boosted Jamie's inflated ego as if it read his mind and agreed with him, finding mood kindred.

Kiva had to rain on their parade and interjected, "But first, Jamie needs training and some combat experience if we are going to face the Glorft again when they show up for another round. We can't do it here on this city for obvious reasons. Remember how many times you got community service, Coop?"

That brought down a shiver on Coop's back after having to endure community service many times for constantly wrecking the city with Megas in and out of battle. Due to saving the Earth and stopped various threats much worse than him especially his evil counterpart of all people, he got off quite very lightly as an understatement. At least one of those community services Coop got served with was enjoyable which is teaching kids how to build their own cool robots in school as a temporary teacher.*

It was quite fun and educational for him and the school children.

Thinking of a solution that doesn't involve another city wrecking with another community service, Coop tapped into his car cockpit's holographic systems, which was one of his evil self's upgrades, and found a suitable location. "How about we go to Mars? That would be a good place to practice and spar with our giant robots, and we can do as much destruction as we like there.", he suggested.

"The Red Planet? Are you sure, Coop? There could be aliens. I mean we saw and met them in space.", Jamie nervously wondered at the idea of facing Green Martians that can shapeshift and read minds.

Checking on Mars' readings for any signs of life on her holographic computers of her mech, Kiva reassured. "Unfortunately, there were none in the present timeline so far. When the Earth Coalition colonized Mars, no evidence of alien life were found there despite several attempts around the planet. Sadly, Mars was destroyed by the Glorft during the war. Only space and human debris were all what's left."

The two young men found it uncomfortable after hearing that from her. The future where Earth is on its last legs against the Glorft was really a downer every time Kiva talks about it and compare it to this present timeline. At least Gorrath is more determined on trying to kill Coop whom he hated the most for being defeated every time than destroy planets.

It is better to have the Glorft be focused on Megas than on the whole Earth.

"Alright then, we're off to Mars! Last one there is a rotten egg! Yeehaaaaaw!", Coop declared before stepping on the pedal and activate the new Megas' rocket thrusters of the back, legs and feet to launch into the sky.

Kiva simply rolled her eyes and activated her CMDR-KA's rocket backpack thrusters to fly out with her controlled drone mechs following suit, leaving Jaime and the R.E.C.R. behind.

"Okay, here it goes.", the skinny young man gulped before shakily pressing the button of his cockpit and hoping he didn't screw it up.

"One small step for man! One giant leap for Mankind!", the patriotic sounding Haro cheered as the UFO-lite war mech assume an Iron Man-like flight pose of its jet fighter arms in the air before activating the high powered thrusters of its arms and feet to launch.

After their departure, Goat showed up from his grocery shopping just to see their mechs leaving the Earth's atmosphere and heading to space before shrugging. Seeing the spare parts of Grunt and Glorft robots lying around on his turf, the owner of the junkyard smiled. "Oh, Darlene. My second chance to build you for real has come at last! Hallelujah!", he joyfully declared as he prepped his goggles to get himself busy.

In outer space

After leaving the Earth's atmosphere and then the Moon en route to Mars, Megas casually smashed through another MTV satellite in its path much to the rejoice of everyone on New Jersey once again, and led the way for CMDR-KA, R.E.C.R. and their remote-controlled mechs following them. Prepping up the coordinates on his car cockpit, Coop contacted Kiva and Jamie and suggested with a big grin on his face, "Guys! I'm gonna make a shortcut to Mars. It will save up the time when we get there."

"I hope you know what you're doing Coop. The last thing we need is to end up in the middle of nowhere in space again and run into whatever new foe especially the Glorft out there somewhere.", the redhead woman said with look of unease that he is going to screw it up again somehow.

"Yeah, do we have to? I can practice maneuvering with this robot in space you know.", Jamie agreed with her as he held on the controls like his life depended on it just like he did with the temporary mech the Ultra-Cadets lent him to face Kurdock on their planet.

"Practice makes a perfect soldier! Practice makes a perfect soldier!", Sgt. Haro chirped in support.

Brushing off their worries, the spiky haired blonde fat man reassured. "It's cool, guys! I know what I'm doing! Here we go to Mars!"

Pressing the button of his driver's seat cockpit, Megas' car head light glowed brightly to fire two orange beams into space where it opened a portal which shows the desolate land that is Mars. Coop then accelerated his mech's speed and flew right into it. Kiva and Jamie shrugged before following his lead alongside the remote controlled robots to enter before the portal closed behind them with a single twinkling spark in space.

Somewhere in the Null Space

Within the command bridge of The Karajor, Gorrath broods at his throne-like chair as he watched the Glorft crew members being busy with their daily work routine on his ship and keeping everything to run smoothly and efficient. Especially when rebuilding their mechs and replenishing their ranks as a testament of their resourcefulness and determination to get back on their feet and bounce back from any defeat.

Especially from constant defeats at the hands of that blasted Earther Coop and his Megas.

"Why did I even think of shaking hands with that monkey?", the Glorft Warmaster bitterly lamented after the fat human destroyed most of his forces with his stupid clumsiness. Not to mention the debt that he owed to him after being saved from Evil Kiva having the upper hand against him.

Plus with the destruction of the old Megas that was left to rust and ruin, the Time Drive was lost forever and the Glorft can never return back to the future for good. Gorrath suspected that the other Megas formerly possessed by Evil Coop probably didn't have one at all. Because if it had, the total destruction-lusting warlord would have just used it to time travel to anywhere in the timeline of the past, present and future and destroy them all over again; to destroy the rebel forces of the alternate counterpart of that primitive monkey's cowardly sidekick before they become a significant threat to his reign; and to reverse the defeat Evil Coop and his lackey of a cyborg redhead had suffered in the Dimensional War.

Instead, the Earther's evil self just resorted to opening dimensional portals where it became his own downfall. Not that he will ever admit it but the Earther's plan to force the two to retreat and end up being trapped in between dimensions was a really good one.

Hopefully, he will never see two Coops again or else there will be jorblocks to take.

"Warmaster Gorrath! We detected a dimensional portal that has been opened.", the Glorft navigator informed him.

"Show me!", the leader of the Karajor ordered which the screen reveals Megas opening a portal to another dimension with its car headlights.

It confirmed Gorrath's suspicion that Evil Coop really didn't have a Time Drive but a Dimensional Drive instead, and he can tell that that fat human buffon and his friends are going to another dimension. Probably either to that same dimension where Evil Coop formerly ruled or an entirely new one since the Earther expressed his interest of going to cooler dimensions back when they were under custody of Alternate Jamie's rebels.

"It's the Avatar prototype and the mechs from another dimension that we've easily destroyed, Warmaster. It looks like the Earther modified their mechs and ours as well as his own military force.", the Glorft Commander observed out loud.

"Thanks once again for stating the obvious, Commander!", Gorrath viciously snarked before narrowing his eyes at the feminine mech flying with Megas. "It seems Kiva Andru has brought back her mech in action. Come to think of it, I wonder why she never brought it out compared to her other self earlier."

The Glorft scientist noticed an unusual-looking robot in the group of their Warmaster's archnemesis, "I see there is another robot most likely built by the Earther. It looks like a flying disc attached with two fighters and two tanks for arms and legs. Their capabilities are unknown as of now."

Slamming his fist on the arm chair of his throne-like seat, Gorrath loudly ordered, "Track them and follow them! I will not let that monkey and his friends escape from my sight and retribution!"

The Glorft Commander grumbled that the opportunity to conquer Earth in their enemies' absence had been dashed once again but complied anyway, "Yes sir. All hands, to your stations! We're going into the dimensional portal!"

The gargantuan Glorft warship's engines roared to life with its crew's navigators beginning their work to calculate the coordinates and to locate whichever dimension that their enemies ended up in. After getting their coordinates, the Karajor used its Null-Space Generators to open a portal big enough for it to pass through and enter into the new dimension so that they will destroy Coop and his friends in the Warmaster's name.

Unknown to the Glorft behind them, a red energy sword cut through the Null-Space and begin to slowly slice its way through it.

At Mars, Chryse Guard Security Base

In the open outskirts of Mars where two Mobile Suits are facing each other for an honorable duel between warriors with the members of Chryse Guard Security Third Group and their client Kudelia Aina Bernstein as the witnesses. One is the EB-06 Graze with a red cloak piloted by Crank Zent of Gjallarhorn and the other is the ASW-G-08 Gundam Barbatos piloted by Mikazuki Augus.

"Gjallarhorn Mars Branch Front Line Troops! Crank Zent!", the First Lieutenant proudly announced as he is ready to battle.

"What? Well... CGS Third Group. Mikazuki Augus.", the young man also announced in a calm and collected manner.

Just as the two warriors were about to clash with each other in close range melee combat, a large orange portal opened in the sky which surprised everyone who saw it with their own eyes and didn't expect that. And emerging from the portal that closed afterward are a group of 12 mobile suits of different types and they are far taller than the ones used by Gjallarhorn and even Barbatos. The ground shook in an almost earthquake-like manner when they landed together.

Taking a good look at them, Kudelia wondered with awe, "What are they? And where did they come from?"

Orga Itsuka frowned as he gazed upon them with caution and apprehension that they could be the enemy and their TK-53 CGS Mobile Workers would be easy fodder to the newcomers, "I don't know but they look pretty strong. I am not sure if Barbatos would be able to stop them even with Mika's capabilities."

"I see, new Mobile Suits. Are they yours as reinforcements?", Mikazuki asked his opponent as he calmly assessed the sudden interference from newcomers out of nowhere and believed that they are backup from the enemy.

Crank shook his head as he looked at those who interrupted their duel before it even started and feeling unease at their intimidating frames and weapons before his eyes, "No, young lad. Gjallarhorn have never developed Mobile Suits that big in their line of production and deployment. But if they turned out to be hostile, we might not stand a chance even when we work together against them."

This gave some of the members of CGS Third Group and Kudelia looks of worry and fear upon overhearing Crank's words that were announced through his Mobile Suit's speaker.

Then the nervous sounding voice of a scared man from flying disc-looking mobile suit called out upon seeing them and their base, "Uh Coop, I don't think we are in Kansas anymore."

"Dammit Coop!", the exasperated female voice from the feminine-shaped mobile suit facepalmed as acting if she was aware that this was not the first time it happened before.

Rubbing the non-existent chin in the air, the older adult voice from the mobile suit with a cool-looking car head chuckled awkwardly. "Um, oops?"

"What the hell?!", is what everyone on CGS Base exclaimed.

Author's Notes: Okay, the first chapter of "Megas of Mars" is done and I hope you like it guys. Coop and his friends are now on Mars after arriving on another dimension with the Glorft following in pursuit, and things are gonna get out of hand for everyone in Iron-Blooded Orphans with canon gonna be smashed off the rails. The Calamity War would be compared to a schoolyard brawl if you know what I mean.

As for where Coop's enemies had ended up in space upon entering into Iron-Blooded Orphans, let's just that say whoever the poor schmucks that meet them will be having a very bad time of their lives. *evil laugh with a grin*

The Drones are the Earth Coalition mechs that followed Kiva to the past in Episode 1 of Season 1 with some bit of my other Gundam x Megas XLR crossover story, "Megas 00" where they're controlled by Haros since we know little about them. The only Haro unit salvaged from the Drones is used as a container for the reprogrammed R.E.C.R. that became Jamie's robot assistant buddy. On the other hand, the Grunts are the expies of Zakus that serve as the soldiers of Evil Coop whose war mech is an expy of Sazabi in Episodes 11-12 of Season 2.

Coop's Group roster:

1. One Megas (New) - piloted by Coop

2. One CMDR-KA (Modified) - piloted by Kiva

3. One R.E.C.R. (Modified) - piloted by Jamie with assist from its reprogrammed A.I. within Haro unit

4. Two Drones (Modified)

5. Four Grunts (Modified)

6. Three Glorft Mechs (Modified)

*In one of the Cartoon Network's "Action Pack" comics, a Megas XLR mini-comic title: "School of Wreak", Coop destroys Jersey City while battling an enemy space giant robot and was made to either pay a heavy compensation or do a day of community service, which Coop does the latter.

Enjoy and don't forget to review. :)
Chapter 2
Hey there guys, what's up? I'm back with Chapter 2 of "Megas of Mars". Thank you for your early reviews and support for the crossover story between Megas XLR and Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans. When Coop and his friends entered through the portal for a short cut to Mars, they have entered a dimension and encountered people living on the Red Planet.

Disclaimer: I do not own Mobile Suit Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans and Megas XLR and their characters. They belong to their respective owners, Sunrise and Jody Schaeffer and George Krstic.

Enjoy and don't forget to review. :)

Chapter 2​

"Uh Coop, I don't think we are in Kansas anymore."

Jamie nervously remarked after noticing several people and their base nearby upon landing on Mars that was supposed to be bereft of life. Not to mention that there are two unknown machines with dangerous-looking melee weaponry looking at them with apprehension and caution respectively, expecting a fight from their sudden appearance out of nowhere.

"Dammit Coop!", Kiva facepalmed at another of Coop's shenanigans happening once again and she really should have seen this coming. Of course she didn't expect that there are actually humans living on Mars or at least this version of Mars on this dimension they have landed on.

Widening his eyes that he screwed up again, Coop chuckled awkwardly. "Um, oops?"

"What the hell?!", is what the three heard from the several individuals on the ground.

Wincing from their collective shout, the large spiky blonde haired man rolled down the car window and shouted back at them loudly in response. "Hey, will you guys keep it down?! It's ringing on my ears!"

"Coop, get back in there! You might get suffocated!", the skinny black haired man with a beanie yelled with concern for his best friend.

"Use a gas mask! Use a gas mask!", Sgt. Haro chirped in agreement.

However, Kiva used her CMDR-KA's advanced system to scan and analyze the entirety of Mars' atmosphere and the surrounding area. "Actually, it looks like the Red Planet is breathable after it had been terraformed and colonized by humanity at some point in the past in this dimension. That means we won't have any problems getting out of our machines for repairs and maintenance.", she interjected in their communication channel.

Coop took a sniff from Mars' air in the open which it turns out to be safe and smirked with amusement. "Hah, eat your heart out Elon Musk!"

"Okay, but should we talk to those guys? They seem to be surprised of our arrival out of nowhere.", Jamie pointed out to the two unknown machines and the group of people that are apparently composed of teenagers, kids and some few adults.

"Oh right!", the large man acknowledged before he called out to them through Megas' loudspeakers. "Um, excuse me! I hope you don't mind us guys. We just came here to practice with our giant robots on Mars."

"Who are you and where are you from?", one of the two giant robots called out with a voice of an older man. The one with an axe and a shield along with a red cloak on the left arm to be exact.

The pilot of the new Megas answered in response, "I'm Coop and these are my friends, Jamie and Kiva. We're from Earth. We didn't know there are people actually living here."

Meanwhile at the Chryse Guard Security Base

"Wait, did they just say they're from Earth?", Dexter Culastor wondered as his eyes behind the glasses widened after hearing from the man named Coop.

Nadi Yukinojo Kassapa frowned with suspicion as he took a good look at the newcomers' machines, "Yes they did. But their mobile suits looked very different from the ones deployed by Gjallarhorn. Bigger, taller, completely armored from head to toe and more imposing. Not to mention they came out from some sort of portal in the sky before it disappeared into thin air."

On the other hand, the child members of the CGS Third Group look interested and impressed of the new taller and cooler-looking mobile suits appearing out of nowhere as some of them wished they could get to pilot them. The teenagers are wary and prepared the Mobile Workers just in case a fight breaks out despite the fact they'd be hopelessly outmatched even with Barbatos on their side.

"A portal huh? That sounded like from one of the science fiction novels I've read back at home.", Kudelia Aina Bernstein commented as she gazed upon the female-shaped mobile suit and the other machines that seemed to follow its command to give each other space and brandishing dangerous-looking weapons they carry.

"Oh man, we're gonna die!", Todo Mirconen panicked out loud as he didn't want to get caught in the middle of a firefight with the gigantic-sized machines.

Orga Itsuka interjected, "Still, we do not know of their intentions even if they're here to practice with their mobile suits as this Coop guy claimed."

Crank Zent seemed to agree with them which he questioned the newcomers as he raised his Graze's weapon to point at the giant mobile suit with a car head. "You're from Earth? Where do you hail from, Sir Coop? Arbrau? The Strategic Alliance Union? The Oceanian Federation? The African Union?"

That is an interesting tidbit of information for the older members of the CGS Third Group to learn about the factions from their neighboring planet. Even though they have honestly no idea what those factions are all about. Except for Kudelia and her assistant Fumitan Admoss who did their research on the power blocs of Earth in order to negotiate with one of them for a Mars independence movement.

More specifically, Arbrau.

"Uh, what? I'm from New Jersey!", Coop sounded confused and unsure of what the Gjallarhorn Lieutenant was talking about.

"Oh, so you and your friends are from the Strategic Alliance Union then. North America is a part of it after all.", Crank informed.

The woman Kiva spoke up in turn as her mobile suit raised an arm to placate the big blue one, "Yes, we are from North America but we were not exactly affiliated with it. We're actually a mercenary group. The Megas Force."

Back to the group

"Kiva, what do you mean that we're a mercenary group?!", Coop demanded with an incredulous look on his face in the private channel.

The redhead woman explained reasonably, "Because, we already look the part, Coop. We have Megas, my robot, Jamie's R.E.C.R., two Drones, four Grunts and three Glorft mechs that make up the group. We don't know what's going here in this dimension you brought us here and already we've been told that there are four factions from Earth we do not know of. It's better safe than sorry until we're sure what we are doing in this dimension."

"Well, Megas Force has a nice ring to roll off the tongue with it.", Jamie admitted.

"Indeed! Indeed! Megas Force! Megas Force!", Sgt. Haro chirped with support.

Coop sighed but begrudgingly accepted, "Alright fine. At least it's a cool name. So what now?"

Scanning the two mechs being identified as EB-06 Graze and ASW-G-08 Gundam Barbatos including their Ahab Reactors too as well from her holographic screens with her CMDR-KA's analytical system in front of her, Kiva recommended. "I think we should ask them what they were doing before we showed up."

"Good idea.", the large man agreed with a smile before calling out to the two. "Hey, what are you two guys doing? Are you having a robot fight or something? Can I join in?"

The former Commander of the Earth Coalition facepalmed again at Coop's tendency to pick a fight or getting involved in one.

Back at the base

Apprehensive but willing to answer the leader of the revealed Megas Force who apparently hailed from North America of the Strategic Alliance Union on Earth, Crank Zent promptly replied, "Yes, Sir Coop. I have formally requested a one-on-one duel with the young lad Mikazuki Augus over the fate of Kudelia Aina Bernstein and no, you cannot."

Coop sounded quite disappointed as his mobile suit drooped down its arms as if feeling disappointed. "Aww, what a shame. It would be awesome to join in the fight. I can take you two on at once like a three-way duel. Even though your robots are taller than Megas' knees. That kinda reminds me of School Girl back then.", he commented with amusement.

That utterly confused the Lieutenant of Gjallarhorn's Mars Front Line Troops about what the large man with spiky blonde hair meant. "What?", he wondered.

"It's called Mêlée à Trois, Coop.", Kiva corrected.

"Yeah, what she said.", Coop said in a nonchalant manner.

"Hehehehe! You mean Skalgar. Ah man, that takes me back. His robot really was small like those two in front of us and now I got de ja vu.", chuckled a young man assumed to be Jamie piloting a strange mobile suit that looks like a flying disc with fighter jets and tanks from ancient past for arms and legs.

"Size matters not! Size matters not!", a male patriotic voice called out from that said same mobile suit.

Mikazuki Augus made a fighting stance with Barbatos' mace at the giant mobile suit with a car for a head taller than the Gundam Frame as he coldly threatened, "So you're going to fight? If you get in my way, I will kill you."

"See, this one here gets it! I'm more than happy to fight you, little guy! In the meantime, you can stand back if you want, old dude. Here we go!", Coop stated as he prepared his giant-sized mobile suit for battle and a pair of two red-colored rocket projectiles appeared on both sides of the car head before they are launched towards Crank and Mikazuki.

Orga shouted with a look of alarm and concern, "MIKA, DODGE!"

However, when the two missiles are about to land a hit on Barbatos and Graze who are going to dodge or parry the projectiles from them away respectively, they malfunctioned due to the Ahab Waves emitted from the two opposing mobile suits' own Ahab Reactors and erratically flew out of the way to launch themselves out into space, missing them instead.

This confused everyone when they saw that and overheard Coop complaining with a tone of annoyance, "Dammit, I thought I fixed those guided missiles!"

At the Gjallarhorn space station in Mars' orbit

Within the office of the Gjallarhorn Mars Branch space station, Major Coral Conrad is sitting on his chair of his main desk with worry and anticipation as he waited for the results from Lieutenant Crank Zent. He expected that honorable buffoon to follow his orders of wiping out the CGS and any traces of Gjallarhorn's shameful defeat along with killing Kudelia Aina Bernstein, the main target, as well.

Coral doesn't even give a space rat's ass if the enemies are children at all so long the target is dead.

Once Kudelia is gone, the people of Mars' hatred towards Earth will further grow and intensify with her martyrdom which will soon escalate into a full-blown bloody revolution against Gjallarhorn and he would be able to curry financial favor from Nobliss Gordon, the wealthiest Mars businessman.

The last thing he needed are problems for the upcoming inspection from Specialist Majors McGillis Fareed and Gaelio Baudin from the Inspection Bureau who would be arriving to Mars during their long trip from Earth soon.

"This waiting is killing me! I feel like I'm going to explode if I don't hear from Lieutenant Crank soon!", Coral complained.

Suddenly, the entire space station of Gjallarhorn Mars Branch was struck by two rockets launching from the Red Planet and exploded in a blaze of fury and fire.

Major Coral was engulfed in the explosion along with several members caught in it, suffering a fiery death.

Back on Mars

"No...", Crank widened his eyes with shock and horror as he followed the two rockets' trajectory through his Graze's systems and saw them struck the Gjallarhorn Mars Branch's space station in orbit. No doubt that Major Coral Conrad is gone after such huge explosion and as of now, he is now leader as the last high ranking officer on Mars.

But at the same time, he felt relief and a burden lifted from his shoulders now that his subordinates especially Ein Dalton won't be punished for failure if he had returned empty handed. The now deceased major did gave him such unbearable ultimatum in the first place.

"Oh um sorry about that. I really should have fixed those missiles before we got here on Mars.", Coop apologized with an uncomfortable look on his face that he messed up and made the wrong impression on the shocked people of this dimension.

"Oh Coop.", Kiva sighed with frustration as her scans reveal to her that there are few lifeforms left alive on board of the now damaged and burning space station.

Jaime chuckled weakly in response as he tried to wave it off casually, "I'm pretty sure that it's a satellite on Mars. NASA always send satellites to Mars to study the Red Planet back in the 60s."

Sgt. Haro retorted as the reprogrammed R.E.C.R. scanned the struck station in Mars' orbit, "There are casualties on board! There are casualties on board! Soldiers down! Soldiers down!"

While ignoring the Megas Force arguing among themselves and turning to Mikazuki and everyone from the CGS Base, Crank Zent called out to them with a formal bow through his Graze. "I am afraid that I will have to cancel our duel and I apologize for it."

"So you are calling it off then?", the pilot of Barbatos asked albeit with a slight tone of disappointment that he didn't get to fight him at all.

"Indeed, I admit that I disobeyed Major Coral's orders. If I go back with negative results, my actions would reflect poorly on my troops...", Crank explained before leaving out a sigh that has a mix of relief and sadness. "... But it seems it has been rendered moot after Sir Coop destroyed the space station where my superior officer is."

Orga called out to ensure the sincerity of the older man, "So you're leaving us alone then?"

The Lieutenant nodded, "As the now highest ranking officer of Gjallarhorn Mars Branch, I will leave the CGS Third Group and Kudelia alone. You have my word."

"Thank God.", Kudelia said with a sigh of relief as there was no need for anyone to die here. Except the poor unfortunate members of the Gjallarhorn Mars Branch's space station that perished from Coop's two malfunctioning missiles launched into space. She felt bad for them especially after knowing that they were just following orders from a superior officer Crank formerly answered to.

"Tekkadan,", the spiky white haired young man corrected.

"What?", Kudelia voiced her confusion along with others overhearing Orga's words including Mikazuki.

Orga gave out his explanation, "Our new name. To call ourselves a rotten name like CGS just irritates me and that we've just taken over the company recently. I figured we deserve a fresh start."

"Very well then, Tekkadan. I acknowledge your name. The iron flower that never wilts.", Crank declared with a nod of approval which he can see the leader of Tekkadan smirked in response.

The name of Tekkadan seemed to resonate well with the rest of the members and they agree with it.

Well, not all as Todo rolled his eyes and find the name tacky.

Then the older man warned everyone for all to hear with a grave serious tone, "But be warned. The Mars Branch is part of the Regulatory Bureau in Gjallarhorn and I might be outranked by my superiors of higher rank if they order me to go after you the next time we meet again. Make sure that you are strong enough to weather the storm that is approaching, Tekkadan."

With that, the Lieutenant have left the premises of the base with his Graze to make his return to the Gjallarhorn Mars Branch Third Base where Ein Dalton and the Front Line Troops are waiting for him. He would have to tell them what happened at the space station above Mars' orbit and he is in charge of the Gjallarhorn branch now.

After watching Crank disappear from his sight, Mikazuki called out to Orga as he turned to the three members of the Megas Force still arguing with each other after the double missile mishap while noting the other nine giant mobile suits remain impassive and unmoving for some reason. "What shall I do with them? Can I kill them?", he said.

Weighing his pros and cons especially after heeding Crank's words of warning for future Gjallarhorn encounters to come, the leader of Tekkadan made a decision as he ordered his best friend. "No, Mika. Stand down."

"Alright.", the pilot of Barbatos nodded and lowered his weapon with the large thud on the ground, getting the attention of the Megas Force.

Knowing that the three can hear them from above their gigantic machines, Orga said as loud as he can. "Hey, you! You're Coop, the leader of Megas Force right?"

"Uh yes, that's me. And you are?", the pilot of the giant blue mobile suit with a car head confirmed.

Orga answered with a serious look on his face, "My name's Orga Itsuka, the leader of Tekkadan. We need to talk."

The three giant mobile suits looked at each other as if there is a silent debate between pilots before turning to Tekkadan and nodding in agreement together.

Author's Note: Alrighty then, the second chapter of "Megas of Mars" is done and I hope you like it. Coop accidentally saved Lieutenant Crank Zent's life by killing Major Coral Conrad with faulty missiles and now the latter is the new leader of Gjallarhorn Mars Branch, while he and his friends are gonna have a meeting with Tekkadan themselves.

Since Crank Zent assumed Coop and his friends to be from the Strategic Alliance Union (North America, Central America and South America are members of it in the IBO lore), one of the four major power blocs on Earth even though they claim to be a mercenary force themselves (Kiva's idea, not Coop) and that he was spared from his canon death, he would definitely inform his superiors or more specifically McGillis and Gaelio about it.

I checked that the Ahab Waves made by the Ahab Particles are able to affect guided weapons like missiles and guided weapons systems, contributing to melee combat by the mobile suits being the main battling method in IBO. Of course, melee is Coop's specialty when it comes with the Megas formerly owned by Evil Coop after all.

The name Megas Force for Coop's Group is a shout out to the "MEGAS Force" story by CaptDante23 and I needed a name to give it a more pizzazz ring to it. I recommend that you guys check out his stories and they are good read.

Enjoy and don't forget to review. :)
Chapter 3
Hello there everyone and what's up? I am back again with Chapter 3 of "Megas of Mars". After Coop accidentally killed Major Coral Conrad and saved Lieutenant Crank Zent's life, the latter returns to Gjallarhorn Mars Branch base to clean up house before the certain inspectors from Earth show up.

For now, this will focus on the perspective from the antagonists that Tekkadan and Megas Force will soon face in the future in this chapter.

Disclaimer: I do not own Mobile Suit Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans and Megas XLR and their characters. They belong to their respective owners, Sunrise and Jody Schaeffer and George Krstic.

Enjoy and don't forget to review. :)

Chapter 3​

At the Gjallarhorn Mars Branch Third Base, three days later

"Thank you for coming this way, Specialist-Majors McGillis Fareed and Gaelio Bauduin, and Specialist-Captain Christina Falk. I apologize for the inconvenience after you have to come all the way down here to Mars after what happened to the Ares Orbital Base."

Crank Zent, the new Chief of the Gjallarhorn Mars Branch and the newly promoted Major after the demise of Coral Conrad, courteously greeted the two young men and one young woman from the Inspection Bureau with his subordinate Ein Dalton after they have landed their escort ship at the central space port of the Chryse Autonomous Region upon arrival and drove their car all the way to the surface base of operations.

The inspection team had arrived three days after sudden appearance of the Megas Force mercenary group supposedly hailing from the Strategic Alliance Union and led by the man named Coop on Mars.

And the three were in one of the spare offices in the Gjallarhorn Third Base provided for them.

"It's alright, Major Zent. I will ensure that the funds, workers and construction materials will be sent over to Mars for the repair and restoration of the Ares Orbital Base back to full operational within a few weeks. You have my word.", Gaelio Bauduin politely reassured.

Making a formal salute with his right palm placed over the left chest, the older man said with gratefulness. "Thank you, Specialist-Major Bauduin. I appreciate your kindness and generosity."

The purple haired young man with blue eyes nodded after sipping a cup of tea and putting down on the table, "You're welcome. That being said, what is the cause behind the attack on the space station? And what happened to the late Major Coral Conrad?"

"Former Major Coral perished in the explosion by two missiles launched and struck at the Ares Orbital Station, Specialist-Major. By the time I sent retrieval teams to rescue any survivors and recover the bodies, they found him among the wreckage and would not have recognized the major if it weren't for his uniform and insignia.", Crank honestly explained as he had Ein give the inspector the data pad to show him and his comrades the footage of several body bags of the deceased Gjallarhorn Mars Branch members with names, ranking and serial numbers.

The bodies of the Earth-born members will sent back home to their home planet for a proper burial while those born on Mars will be buried here with military honors and respect they deserve.

Among them was Major Coral and his dead face is half-burned like a two-faced man he was in life.

Of course there was no love lost between him and Crank at all.

Especially the late major's contempt for Martian-born soldiers since he was from Earth including the half-Martian Ein who was privately glad that the bastard is dead and that his mentor and surrogate father figure is now leader of the Gjallarhorn Mars Branch.

The blonde young man with green eyes raised an eyebrow after hearing that tidbit of information, "Missiles? I find it impossible that such weaponry is capable of leaving Mars' atmosphere and then striking the space station in orbit. Especially when there were Ahab Waves produced by the Ahab Reactors capable of disrupting guided weapons to the point of uselessness."

"Either way, this is considered as a terrorist attack on Gjallarhorn, McGillis. We need to find out who did it and have them arrested to be brought to justice.", stated a well-built young woman with red eyes and pink colored hair that has the 20s bob haircut and she wore a blue and white uniform with a cape over the left side and a small sword on the left as well albeit instead of pants, she wears a long slit skirt that reached on her knees.

McGillis nodded with the heiress of the House Falk as he browsed through the data on the pad on his hand and said, "I agree, Christina. This warrants an investigation to find out the culprits behind the attack on the Ares Orbital Station and apprehend them."

Gaelio agreed with his best friend/future brother-in-law as this affront on Gjallarhorn should not go unavenged and the ones behind the deaths of the Ares Orbital Station shall be brought to justice. If the matter was not dealt with, it would bring shame to the organization's prestige name and reputation across the four economic blocs and the colonies in the Solar System.

Changing the subject, the blonde Specialist-Major inquired. "By the way, something in the data caught our attention, Major Zent. It looks like one company was sent out but hasn't come back. Would you like to tell us what happened?"

The new Chief of the Mars Branch took the opportunity to tell the truth regarding Coral's dishonorable actions to the three esteemed members of the Inspection Bureau.

That also includes the dirty laundry hidden by the deceased major which Crank managed to get his hands on them upon becoming his successor and he is more than happy to expose them.

In the outskirts of Mars, a couple of hours later

"It really is a barren land. But why are we here?"

Gaelio Bauduin commented at the landscape of Mars before his eyes as he, McGillis and Christina were currently dressed in their professional business suits that serve as disguises in order to not be identified as members of Gjallarhorn by the locals who would notice them.

To everyone else on Mars, they are just businessmen on an important trip from Earth to assess if there can be profit and business found here or not. Next to them was a jeep borrowed from Gjallarhorn Mars Branch's Third Base.

Using his binoculars to survey the area in front of him, the heir of House Fareed, "Kudelia Aina Bernstein is hiding herself."

"Kudelia? The one responsible for the Noachis July Assembly?", Gaelio asked after hearing the Maiden of the Revolution's name.

Christina looked around the place with her sharp eyes to see if she had picked up on something that her fellow Seven Stars heir might have missed out as she said, "No kidding. If I were in her place, I'd be hiding too as well. Crank told us that his predecessor Coral sent out a company to go after her which is a tad bit excessive and overkill. Which of course they were fought off by the private military company hired by Kudelia."

"Crank called them Tekkadan. "The iron flower that never wilts."...", she commented with interest.

"Well that was a pretty nice name albeit a bit tacky.", Gaelio remarked with a raised eyebrow.

"Indeed, as we were leaving Earth, I heard that Kudelia was negotiating with the Arbrau government on her own. Prior to the attack upon her by the company sent by the deceased Coral.", McGillis stated.

"What? No way, someone from the Outer Sphere can't directly negotiate with an economic bloc of Earth.", the heir of House Bauduin found it ridiculous and absurd regarding the actions of the young female leader of the Mars independence movement.

Because as far as history taught to the three inspectors as part of the Seven Stars upbringing, any negotiations between one of the Outer Sphere Colonies and an Earth's economic bloc government were strictly controlled and heavily regulated by Gjallarhorn after the advent of the Calamity War 300 years ago.

It was the natural consequence of placing the organization founded by the legendary Agnika Kaieru that ended the terrible war with the dreaded Mobile Armors in charge of the peacekeeping efforts and acting on behalf of the four major economic blocs: Arbrau, the Strategic Alliance Union, the Oceanian Federation and the African Union.

As McGillis gave his binoculars to Gaelio so that he can check the surroundings himself, he continued. "According to our new Mars Branch chief, he had participated a battle here few days ago under Coral's orders. And the day before that, from what he found on what's left of Coral's records recovered from the orbital station, his predecessor was visited by Kudelia's father Norman Bernstein."

"Coral's targeting her because her father sold his own daughter out to him? Disgusting!", the purple haired Specialist-Major frowned with realization that a parent would do that against his own child. Even if Bauduin somewhat disagreed with Kudelia's actions, loyalty to members of one's own family is a serious business.

He can imagine the face of the girl being heartbroken upon finding out her father placed a hit on her head.

The blonde man remarked, "Not only that, if the company sent out was able to get a hold on Kudelia, Coral would be in good graces with the Regulatory Bureau. Then they wouldn't have to worry about our inspection."

"It is a shame that Coral bit the dust before we could have him arrested. When Crank Zent took over the Mars Branch, he was able to produce concrete evidence of the major's corruption and unsavory deeds and handed it over to us when we arrived. Now Coral Conrad will be disgraced in death for bringing shame to Gjallarhorn with his actions once we return to Earth and report back to the Bureau Director Samuel Fury.", the pink haired Specialist-Captain said with a smile.

She liked the older man and his honorable character and it would be a shame if he had died while the bastard Coral lived.

Deciding to change the subject, Gaelio said. "Speaking of Coral, Crank stated that after the failure of the company to capture Kudelia, the former major ordered him to finish the job and erase evidence of the one company's defeat before we arrived. He admitted that he was about to commit suicide by challenging an honorable one-on-one duel from the pre-Calamity War days with a member of this Tekkadan named Mikazuki Augus."

Although he didn't believe that a private armed organization had possessed mobile suits so far and assumed it was the Graze they obtained from the defeated company and modified.

"Crank did say that he originally intended to sacrifice himself so that his men and Lieutenant Ein won't suffer from the major's punishment for failure. Thankfully, that never happened. I can see the look on the boy's eyes back at the base. Who knows what will happen if he had lost Crank on that day?", Christina interjected.

"And then he claims that a group of 12 gigantic mobile suits appear out of nowhere and interrupted the duel. Calling themselves the "Megas Force" mercenaries and apparently they hail from the Strategic Alliance Union's North America.", the purple haired young man commented with a suspicious frown.

McGillis asked as he narrowed his eyes at his fellow inspector, "Are you insinuating that the SAU is developing mobile suits of their own underneath Gjallarhorn's nose?"

The idea of any of Earth's four major economic blocs creating their own machines is unthinkable as it is agreed that only Gjallarhorn is allowed to have mobile suits that serve as the sword and shield to protect humanity from threats, and that only the peacekeeping organization has the monopoly over the technology required to produce Ahab Reactors.

"Possibly, Crank stated that he asked the Megas Force's leader named Coop of his national origins after learning they are from Earth. I will inform Specialist-Lieutenant Colonel Janni Baklazan to investigate the SAU if they really did produce mobile suits illegally and sanction that economic bloc for it.", the heir of Bauduin family replied before adding.

"Still I find it hard to believe that Carta Issue would miss 12 gigantic mobile suits leaving Earth's orbit for Mars under the watch of her fleet even if it was a ceremonial one in Gjallarhorn. She may be many things but slacking off is not one of them."

That is something McGillis can agree on with Gaelio regarding Carta Issue despite her one-sided feelings for him and he would like to stay away from her as much as possible.

Christina chimed in, "He did mention about a portal they come out on. There is evidence of it from his Graze's recording system about that. Maybe it's their means of transportation from one planet to another."

Scoffing, Gaelio said. "Really? Portals? That sounds like science fiction nonsense if you ask me! I doubt that even before the Calamity War, humanity never had the means to teleport to planets. Otherwise, the Mobile Armors would have the means of doing that to evade Agnika Kaeiru and the founders of the Seven Stars who put an end to their rampage!"

"Besides, Crank told us that it was this Megas that fired those two missiles and struck the Ares Orbital Station unprovoked, killing the bastard Coral and the innocent members up there.", he finished with intent to find and arrest the leader of the so-called Megas Force.

If that man intended to resist arrest and escape justice, then he will face the wrath and might of Gjallarhorn!

Suddenly, a loud voice was heard followed by a vrooming sound of a muscle car and it was almost deafening.


The three members of the Inspection Bureau covered their ears from such noise before they witnessed an 80 foot tall blue mobile suit with a muscle car for a head and the number 12 insignia appear in the sky with a strange-looking mech of similar height that has a flying disc for a body along with jet fighters and tanks for arms and legs.

Then the former powerbombed the latter into the ground hard with massive explosion of shockwave and debris!

The aftershock nearly blew away McGillis, Gaelio and Christina while their jeep almost flipped over as a result.

"What the hell was that?!", the purple haired Specialist-Major wondered as he tried to get back on his feet.

"I think those were mobile suits, Gaelio. But they look gigantic!", the heiress of Falk family commented as she helped her fellow Seven Stars heir and was shocked at their size and power too as well.

Gaelio took a closer look and felt intimidated, "Oh my God you are right! I have never expected those mobile suits mentioned in Crank's report to be that big as skyscrapers back on Earth! What do you think, McGillis?"

However, McGillis silently recovered on his feet and witnessed the battle between colossal mobile suits that further tore the landscape of Mars apart. It was a good thing that there were no civilians or infrastructure around as they cause massive amount of collateral damage and destruction around them. The giant green UFO-looking machine got back up from the crater before double kicking the giant blue one in the chest, sending it crashing with a huge trench line.

He was amazed of their sheer strength thrown at each other, and yet they tanked the attacks all the same.

The blonde man wondered how much Nanolaminate Armor was used to coat those two giant machines upon seeing that they suffer no real damage from their devastating melee blows in a fight.

Said fight looking like one of those entertaining wrestling matches from Earth. But with giant mobile suits.

Then McGillis and his fellow Inspection Bureau comrades overheard the banter between the pilots of Megas Force who were apparently unaware of their presence as their giant mechs traded melee blows with each other that caused series of explosive shockwaves.

"Come on, Jamie! Is that all you got?!"

"Just you wait, Coop! I'm gonna hit you so hard it will make your ancestors dizzy!"

Then there's the third voice that sounded patriotic like that of a 50s North American from the giant green machine. "Pulverize the Enemy! Pulverize the Enemy!"

Remembering his childhood about the tale of the legendary Bael once piloted by Agnika Kaieru that was the strongest and most powerful above the 71 Gundam Frames from the Calamity War, the heir of the Fareed family stated with wide eyes of awe and wonder at these gargantuan powerhouses, "Truly fascinating. Crank was really telling the truth about this machine."

"The Megas of Mars.", he finished.

Meanwhile at the outskirts of space nearby Earth's orbit

In the vast darkness of space that separates all planets of the Solar System between each other, an ominous schwing sound occurred as the dangerous-looking red sword pierced through the fabric of space before slicing through it easily like a hot knife through butter. It formed a huge portal hole and out comes two certain giant mechs that successfully escaped from it.

And then the portal closed itself behind them.

However, the two malevolent individuals' robots looked like they have been through a scrapyard thoroughly and mercilessly with missing parts and broken sparks around them.

"Kiva, status report!", demanded the muscular man with a spiky blonde hair as he had his 100 feet tall red and black robot with number 13 insignia, the Destro, put away the red sword and stabilize his systems that are blaring out alarms.

Scanning the surrounding area despite suffering damage on her Dark CMDR-KA and herself due to being connected to it, the heavily cybernetically-enhanced redhead woman explained as her mech's cockpit visual reveal to her about the Blue Planet itself. "It appears that we are in another dimension where Earth is full of life and civilization, and we are nearby its orbit."

"In conclusion: we have successfully escaped from the... Lurp Dimension, Lord Harold.", she finished albeit tone of apprehension that a race of Smurf-wannabes almost killed them if it weren't for her esteemed leader managing to find a way to cut through dimensions and escape with their lives from a fate worse than death.

Normally, Harold the Lord of Destruction would have taken this grand opportunity to begin destroying Earth all over again and wreak havoc on this dimension until nothing remained but a barren and dead world. However, he refrained after he had suffered a humiliating defeat at the hands of his fat counterpart who claimed his abandoned Megas after destroying that obsolete old pile of scrap and worked together with Gorrath and his Glorft forces.

To add insult to injury, his army of Grunts was utterly destroyed which he was forced to retreat back to his dimension where he ruled.

That is before he and Evil Kiva were tricked to fall back through the portal only to be trapped between dimensions when that insolent rebel Alternate Jamie destroyed the portal infrastructure with his human-modified Glorft mech before their eyes.

"What are your orders, my lord?", Evil Kiva asked.

The pilot of the Destro frowned as he answered to his second-in-command. "In our current state, we will need to find a place to stay, fix our giant robots, and rebuild our forces until the time is right to begin destroy everything here until all is dust."

"Then we will go back to kill my counterpart and destroy his dimension along with that bastard Jamie and Gorrath!", he angrily declared with the clenching of his fist and bulging vein of his muscular arm.

Suddenly, the two received an alarm from their respective mechs' systems and they receive a visual of a four large space battleships approaching them with batteries aiming towards the targets. Evil Coop noticed that they were accompanied by squadron of teal colored mechs armed with 120mm rifles and intricate swords but they looked shorter than Destro's knees.

The muscular warlord cackled with an evil smirk of amusement, "Bwahahahahahahaha! Oh man, this takes me back when I fought School Girl and his pathetic robot! It's a shame that he killed himself with his inverted deflector shields back then."

"You mean Skalgar, Lord Harold. Hmmm, it appears that we have been hailed.", Evil Kiva informed as she and her leader received communication ringing from their cockpits with joystick controls.

Answering the call with her, Evil Coop received a visual of a young woman with white groomed hair that has a fox-themed style and red eye liners, and she is dressed in a white-and-green commander's uniform.

Behind her are a group of several blonde haired men in green uniform standing in disciplined formation.

"Attention, two unknown mobile suit pilots with gigantic types! I am Colonel Carta Issue, commander of the Outer Earth Orbit Regulatory Joint Fleet! Identify yourself and surrender or face our might and fury in the name of Gjallarhorn!", she dramatically announced herself.

"We are perseverance and fortuitous!", followed by the chorus of the men together with a salute by their right palms placed over their left chests.

A brief awkward silence occurred between both sides in space.

Giving an unimpressed stare at the hammy woman and her group of male cheerleaders in her visual, the former hero of the Earth Coalition asked as she was preparing her Dark CMDR-KA's weaponry to attack them, "Permission to destroy them, my lord? Even in our current state, we are more than enough to wipe out that pathetic fleet from existence."

Contemplating, Lord Harold almost considered his right hand woman's suggestion. But then he found an opportunity before him and decided to take it. "Stand down, Kiva. It looks like fate is smiling upon me.", he smiled with evil gleam on his eyes.

"Understood.", Evil Kiva simply obeyed her overlord's orders and powered down her mech's weapon systems, trusting in his decision.

"I repeat! Identify yourself and surrender or face the power of the Outer Earth Orbit Regulatory Joint Fleet!", Carta loudly declared with a haughty noblewoman manner.

Opening communication channel with the fleet's leader with his face shown on screen in front of her, the pilot of Destro replied with a polite tone that hides his malevolent nature. "I am Harold Cooplowski. Pleased to meet you, Colonel Carta Issue."

To the muscular blonde man's utter confusion, the white haired young woman blushed upon seeing his ruggedly handsome face and muscular body after she received a reply from him. He even noticed the slight exasperated reaction from her group of blonde male officers and overheard some of their muttering during the communication frequency.

"Oh no, not again!"

"Great, another blonde man within commander's sight!"

"Colonel Issue is like this when it happens."

"To be honest, she really needs to go to therapy."

"Oh please, there isn't a shrink qualified enough to deal with our commander's hot mess!"

"But I am!"

"She will not take you seriously because of your blonde hair."

And it seemed that Carta Issue did not overhear her subordinates' peanut gallery commentary behind her back as she was simply in a trance and stared at him like she had seen the most beautiful thing in her life.

While Evil Kiva muttered, "This reminds me too much of that insolent Captain Warlock and his obsession with redheads. And I am glad I killed him myself."

Evil Coop quickly realized the woman's weakness for blonde men and decided to make good use it for his plans of a comeback and revenge on his fat counterpart. "Ahem, are you alright Commander Carta? You seemed quiet.", he said.

Carta seemed to snapped out of it and shook her head to clear her mind before seeing his face again. "Oh, my apologies Sir Harold Cooplowski. It's unbecoming of me as the commander of the Outer Earth Orbit Regulatory Joint Fleet! It won't happen again!", she said with an exaggerated pose of a lady sighing herself

Rolling her eyes both organic and cybernetic, Evil Kiva dryly snarked. "What a mouthful title. Shouldn't that idiot woman pick a shorter better name for her insignificant excuse for a fleet?"

"It's alright. I am glad that you have found me and my comrade Kiva Andru. We were under attack and badly damaged.", the muscular blonde man explained with a half-truth.

While technically it is true that he and Evil Kiva were really attacked and their mechs suffered damage, there is no way in hell is he going to tell these people of Gjallarhorn that the blasted Lurps were the cause of it.

"Attacked by an evil band of space pirates? Such unforgivable acts by those vile fiends!", Carta said with a look of shock and sympathy for Lord Harold before quickly turning to her subordinates. "Men, send the mobile suit maintenance crews to mobilize! Sir Harold and his comrade Lady Kiva are in dire need of help immediately! Graze Ritters, bring their mobile suits to us!"

The group of blonde officers saluted in response, "At once, Commander Carta! Perseverance and fortuitous!"

Evil Coop and Evil Kiva simply rolled with the fleet leader's assumption as she turns off her communication with them and the duo watched several of these teal-colored mechs identified as EB-06r Graze Ritters grabbed hold on the Destro and the Dark CMDR-KA to carry them despite their gigantic size to their large battlecruisers where several groups of maintenance workers in space suits with repair tools emerge from the opening hatches.

"What do we do, Lord Harold?", the cyborg redhead asked in the private channel.

Smirking evilly, the muscular blonde man stated to his right hand woman. "For now, let's play along and ingratiate with our foolish host and her fantasies, Kiva. If we are going to make our comeback and obtain my revenge, this Gjallarhorn may prove useful to us. They will plant the seeds of destruction upon this dimension once they bloom and grow."

"And I am its gardener who will reap the fruits...", he finished with an evil laugh.

Author's Note: Okay, the third chapter of "Megas of Mars" is done and I hope you like it. Three inspectors of Gjallarhorn/heirs of the Seven Stars McGillis, Gaelio and Christina saw the sparring match between Coop and Jamie piloting the Megas and the reprogrammed R.E.C.R. respectively in the open wasteland of Mars during their investigation while Evil Coop and Evil Kiva managed to escape from their prison between dimensions before running into Carta Issue, the commander of the Outer Earth Orbit Regulatory Joint Fleet.

Considering that Carta Issue has a thing for blonde men due to her unrequited affection for McGillis as shown with her own small group of junior officers always by her side, it's inevitable when she sees Evil Coop and becomes infatuated with him. This allows the Char Clone himself a way inside Gjallarhorn.

That does not bode well for everyone in the IBO dimension. Especially the resident Char Clone, McGillis himself.

Regarding Evil Coop's name, I called him "Lord Harold" in this story because I don't think that he would retain any reminders of his past after he had abandoned his own Megas and became a destruction-obsessed warlord with his Not-Sazabi giant robot. Only Alternate Jamie called him Coop out of bitter spite during his guerilla war against his forces.

I also gave the name of Evil Coop's warlike mech to be "Destro" because he destroys everything with it, simple as.

Of course, I will focus on the next chapter about the meeting between Tekkadan and the Megas Forces three days before the arrival of McGillis Fareed, Gaelio Baudin and Christina Falk.

By the way, Falk is one of the Seven Stars families in Gjallarhorn alongside Fareed, Bauduin and Issue in the IBO lore. And I find the lack of young heirs from House Falk and House Baklazan disturbing in canon as we see only the middled aged fat man of Falk and elderly man of Baklazan so far.

Enjoy and don't forget to review. :)
Chapter 4
I'm back once again and Chapter 4 of "Megas of Mars" is here, which will focus on the meeting between Tekkadan and the recently dubbed Megas Force three days ago before the arrival of McGillis Fareed, Gaelio Bauduin and Christina Falk to Mars for an inspection on Mars Branch currently under Crank Zent's control.

Disclaimer: I do not own Mobile Suit Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans and Megas XLR and their characters. They belong to their respective owners, Sunrise and Jody Schaeffer and George Krstic.

Enjoy and don't forget to review. :)

Chapter 4​

At the main office of Tekkadan Base (Former Chryse Guard Security Base), Mars, 3 days ago

"Alright, let's get down to business."

Sitting on the chair of his office desk, Orga Itsuka declared as he watched the three members of the so-called Megas Force sitting on the wide sofa for visitors in the office for an official meeting with him and some of his comrades Biscuit Griffon, Eugene Sevenstark, and Mikazuki Augus; their accountant Dexter Culastor; and their client Kudelia Aina Bernstein and her aide Fumitan Admoss.

And yes even Todo Micronen too as well even though he can be an annoying pain in the ass.

Before them is the blonde man with the large gut and he had a look of someone being a casual gearhead had occupied most of the sofa but fortunately there was enough space for his two comrades to fit in without much of an issue.

After the three adults left their mobile suits to have a meeting, the Megas Force's 12 gigantic machines were left standing on the open grounds of the former Chryse Guard Security Base where the younger members of Tekkadan admire the machines before their eyes and remark how enormous they are compared to the mobile suits they're more familiar of, while Nadi Yukinojo Kassapa is busy tuning up the Barbatos and fixing the captured Graze.

Of course those said gigantic machines were currently locked which only the owners can access them.

On the other hand, the ball robot that was with Megas Force called itself "Sgt. Haro" had endeared itself to the amazed Tekkadan youngsters who find it adorable despite its older man voice and they play around with it for fun.

"To defeat the Huns?", the skinny looking black haired man with a beanie and hoodie snickered as if the Tekkadan leader's statement was funny to him.

Everyone in the room is confused of what he was talking about and awkward silence ensued. Except Kudelia who is a major on not just economics but also history as well in her academics and understood what the man meant.

What the hell are the Huns anyway?, the tanned white haired young man thought as he gave an unimpressed stare.

The annoyed redhead woman in a sleek looking bodysuit elbowed him with a stern scolding, "Enough with the quips, Jamie! We're here to talk to them, not piss them off after Coop here almost attacked their comrade if it weren't for his missile malfunction that luckily missed and hit a military space station above Mars instead."

Coop defensively retorted with his arms folded, "I said I will fix that after we get this over with!"

"Okay, okay. Chill out, Kiva.", Jamie said with a grumble as he rubbed his arm.

Orga made a short cough to get their attention back on topic, "As I was saying, I'm Orga Itsuka. Leader of Tekkadan. I would greet you, "Welcome to Mars" although you made an entrance, Megas Force."

Everyone nodded in agreement with him after the newcomers had suddenly appeared out of nowhere, claimed to be from Earth and interrupted the duel between Mikazuki Augus and Crank Zent along with the accidental attack on Ares Orbital Base of Gjallarhorn by Coop's malfunctioning missiles.

And it's all because of the Abab Waves from Mika and Crank's mobile suits that made those missiles miss and hit the space station instead. Although the Megas Force's machines weren't affected at all, especially when their nine mobile suits turned out to be remote controlled. I can guess that they were protected from the Ahab Waves., Orga thought upon recalling that scene.

Kiva Andru stated with an appreciative nod, "Thank you for the welcome statement, Mr. Itsuka. My name's Kiva Andru. My friends here are Coop and Jamie."

"Rock On!", the two adults did the fist bump and gangster sign together over the red haired woman's head.

Mikazuki blankly stared at the two older men, wondering if it is some sort of sign language between them. "Hmmm... It looks fun.", he commented upon flexing his hand's fingers to imitate them.

Eugene raised an eyebrow at the two other members of Megas Force as he appears to be unimpressed, "You two don't have last names?"

"Harold Cooplowski but you can call me Coop. That's my nickname and you know it.", Coop interjected as he proudly pointed his thumb at himself.

Jamie looked reluctant but relented, "... Vashti. Jamie Vashti."

Kiva looked surprised at Jamie when she learned of it while Coop simply shrugged as he knew it all this time but never pressed on it which was noticed by Orga and his fellow Tekkadan comrades. "I didn't know you had a last name, Jamie. Why didn't you tell me?", the redhead noted.

The beanie wearing man shrugged with his fingers doing the air quotes, "You never asked, Kiva. Besides, I'm just "a monkey" to you."

I don't know what Monkeys are... But they sound like an Earth equivalent of Space Rats and it looked like it's being used as a derogatory word., Orga thought in speculation upon hearing such word from Jamie and saw that Kiva had the decency to look ashamed after receiving a verbal jab from her comrade

Kudelia made herself and her aide known to the members of Megas Force, "I'm Kudelia Aina Bernstein and this is Fumitan Admoss. It's nice to meet you, Megas Force. It was certainly unexpected to meet people coming from the Strategic Alliance Union on Earth to be visiting Mars."

"Hey, I live in New Jersey but I am not part of this group you mentioned, Miss Bernstein.", Coop corrected firmly.

Dexter Culastor adjusted his glasses, noting. "Yes, you already told us that you and your friends are a mercenary unit with 12 massive machines at your disposal, Mr. Cooplowski. To be honest, your mobile suits are like walking bankruptcies considering how much money and materials were needed to build, repair and maintain them. They obviously do not come cheap in the Solar System."

Biscuit agreed with the accountant, "Indeed, how were you able to pull that off?"

Kiva shrugged in response, "Coop is resourceful I'd tell you that. He frequents around at the junkyards of New Jersey where many discarded machines are thrown in there and he made good use of them by reverse engineering and recycling. That's how he made our robots. He may not look like it but he's a crazy mechanical genius. Even I am surprised what he can do when he's motivated."

As none of them knew what Earth is like aside from the four economic power blocs in charge which their client Kudelia had intended to negotiate with this Abrau upon getting to the Blue Planet itself, Orga and his friends took her word at face value while Kudelia seemed impressed of the large blonde spiky haired man's capabilities as a mobile suit engineer and Fumitan raised an eyebrow, keeping that tidbit of info to herself later when the meeting is over.

Although Todo narrowed his eyes with suspicion as he wondered how did Megas Force manage to do that without somehow tipping off Gjallarhorn especially with such huge sizes of their mobile suits that can be easily spotted at anytime. Not only that, Coop would have been already scouted or even coerced to be part of Gjallarhorn's huge mobile suit development and production department if the redhead woman's statement about him was true.

"As there's an Earth saying by an author Mira Grant: one man's trash is another man's treasure is a third man's raw materials for their planet-buster earthquake machine.", Coop proudly made his statement.

"That's... quite an interesting quote, Mr. Coop.", Kudelia remarked as she recalled that among the books in the Bernstein mansion, there was no mention of a book authored by Mira Grant and assumed it's from Earth.

Make sure that you are strong enough to weather the storm that is approaching, Tekkadan., Crank's words rang on Orga's head. He remembered that while the Lieutenant-now-Mars Branch leader is honorable and willing to leave Tekkadan alone, it won't stop Gjallarhorn to go after them for Kudelia and that also includes Megas Force after Coop accidentally attacked their orbital base.

Such attack, even if it was technically accidental, is a huge affront to Gjallarhorn and they would retaliate with force soon in the future.

Either way, Orga knew that Crank would have to obligatorily report to his superiors who outranked him about these guys supposedly hailing from the SAU's North America and they will take action. Besides, I'd rather have these guys on our side than make them enemies. Each of their giant machines must be a one-man army of its own with whatever kind of firepower they possessed., he thought.

"I see. Since you did almost attacked Mika if it weren't for your missile misfire, I demand recompense, Megas Force.", Orga declared.

"And what would that be?", Kiva inquired with her eyes narrowed.

The spiky white haired teen answered by pointing at the adults, "By hiring you three to be part of Tekkadan."

"Sure why not? It doesn't seem as bad as taking constant community services.", Coop accepted which Orga find it surprising that he was agreeable and suspicious that the large man had no problems with it.

"Yeah, you don't want to go through that again.", Jamie Vashti snickered.

That took his friends, Dexter and Todo by surprise when Orga had said that bluntly to these mercenaries from Earth's SAU by offering to hire them which the latter have accepted. While Mikazuki raised an eyebrow and wondered what Orga is exactly planning but trusts his lead anyway.

"Orga, you can't be serious! Like Dexter said, their mobile suits are walking bankruptcies! Even if we had sold off all of our Mobile Workers, we will not be able to afford buying and maintaining a new working mobile suit of own own aside from Barbatos and the captured Graze. Let alone 12 gigantic machines!", Eugene Sevenstark strongly protested.

Todo Micronen added his two cents in as he agreed with the blonde teenager for once, "Not to mention, you gave the remainder of the CGS First Group and the brats, who chose to leave, their severance pay after taking over. It will cost Tekkadan a huge chunk of its finances once you hired these SAU guys and gain access to their giant mobile suits."

Coop looked like he was about to protest again about not exactly being part of SAU as if he didn't want to be associated with one of the economic power blocs of Earth despite being born and hailing from it, but Kiva and Jamie stopped him, imploring him to let that go.

Kudelia Aina Bernstein raised her hand to Orga Itsuka who acknowledged her and allowed to speak out and offer a solution for this predicament, "Actually, I can contact Nobliss Gordon for wiring of funds to Tekkadan through me if you needed the money. He is my sponsor and he's willing to help me and my cause for Martian independence."

Fumitan Admoss agreed with the Bernstein heiress albeit reluctant as if Nobliss Gordon was someone others should rather stay away from.

"Thank you. That'd be most appreciated.", Orga nodded to Kudelia.

The small mustached man commented out loud, "Nobliss Gordon? Apparently he is a super rich man on Mars and he sponsored you? What a surprise."

Dexter remarked as he made his calculations of the costs and benefits on his holographic pad, "Assuming that his funds would be more than enough to handle everything Tekkadan needed in order to continue operating and proceeding with the mission to escort Miss Kudelia to Earth. Especially if you hire Megas Force to be part of this organization to supplement our fighting strength with their mobile suits."

"If it's about the money, don't worry. We won't ask too much and we can handle ourselves to maintain our own machines.", the redhead woman reassured.

"So long there's food, clothing and a roof over our heads while we're on Mars to practice with our robots when we first got here, we're fine with it.", Jamie said.

Biscuit Griffon took off his beret and said, "Well that's a relief. If you know what you're doing, then we trust that you can manage it."

"Then it's settled. You're officially hired by Tekkadan. We will be working more on the details of the contract later.", Orga declared which the three members of Megas Force agreed on about it.

"At least you three are not as bad as the adults of CGS First Group. Especially Todo.", Mika remarked as he can tell Coop, Kiva and even Jamie don't have a bad bone to them upon observing them and their body language.

Todo looked shocked after hearing that, "Hey, hey that's just mean! We're comrades and we should get along!"

Eugene still held doubts about it and made his argument, "Still I may not like it... but it's your call, boss. However, we want to see if this big guy can actually live up to his hype. Miss Andru did say that he's a, and I quote, "crazy mechanical genius". So can you fix up Barbatos then?... Better than Old Man Nadi did?"

Coop apparently liked the suggestion and said, "That's a cool idea. Of course I can help fix up your Barbie-tos and make it cooler and more stronger with new weapons. Free of charge. Besides, fixing up giant robots is my passion and Chicks Dig Giant Robots."

Mikazuki frowned at Coop's unintentional misnaming of his Gundam Frame but he was then interested to see what the large blonde man can do with it by modifying Barbatos after remembering that the leader of Megas Force is a mechanical genius who had created 12 gigantic mobile suits in the first place.

Whatever it is, he hoped it might be worth it.

Meanwhile, Kudelia found herself somewhat agreeing with Coop's choice of words regarding women and mobile suits. Earlier before the interrupted duel between Mikazuki and Crank, she was about to express to Orga about her intention to fight in a mobile suit to help her friends but never got the chance to say it.

The Maiden of the Revolution intends to later ask Kiva, a female mobile suit pilot, if she can try it out.

"Barbatos.", Kiva corrected him.

"Toe-Mato, Tom-Ato.", the blonde spiky haired man casually said with a wave of his hand.

"That's quite generous of you. Although how will you do it?", the leader of Tekkadan questioned as he wanted to see whether Coop would live up to expectations as this extraordinaire mobile suit engineer Kiva described him to be or fail and end up being revealed as a fraud.

In response, Coop gave a huge smile on his face with his hands rubbing together while Kiva simply facepalm with a groan and Jamie smirked as he knew what his best friend is thinking.

And it's gonna be awesome and hilarious.

Somewhere on the wasteland of Mars, few hours later

As Megas flew around the skies of Mars in the dark of the night with starry skies with its muscle car's headlights on, Coop was searching for any signs of discarded machinery and anything that could be useful to take and use it as means to display his mechanical genius and working hands on Barbatos.

"Alright, Megas. Show me what you've found.", he said as he checked with his eyes and the advanced scanning systems of his giant robot formerly owned by his bad alternate dimension counterpart, Evil Coop.

So far, nothing found on Coop's radar and everything he saw looked like a barren desert wasteland.

The large blonde man didn't like the sand.

It's coarse, rough and gets everywhere.

Especially on Megas and it would be a pain in the ass to clean them out if there is a sandstorm happening on Mars at anytime.

Deciding to land, Coop descended on the ground with his mech doing the Super Hero Landing pose before traversing around as Megas passed through the canyons. "Man, searching for mechanical junk is hard. It's like looking for a needle in a haystack or something.", he commented while steadying his foot's pedal that controlled Megas' speed.

Eventually, the scanning systems of Megas had detected three unknown energy signatures and it directed the large spiky haired blonde man to their locations. Upon arriving, it led him to the spot where they are. "Oooh so they're buried under there. Time to start digging!", Coop said with a smile.

Kneeling down, Megas dug its massive metal hands into the ground and easily removed a huge chunk of the Martian ground to lift it and smash it down. The said chunk of Martian earth broke into pieces and it is revealed to be some sort of robot that looked like a Bird of Prey with the color scheme of orange and white.

That looks really cool! I can't wait to get my hands on it!, Coop thought with excitement.

Suddenly, the bird-like robot came alive after sensing Megas' fusion reactors which for some reason they are different to the Ahab Reactors but deemed it as a threat to be eliminated regardless. It stood up from the ground and was about to screech out loud for all of Mars and its people to hear of its return.

And then begin its genocidal rampage by wiping out humanity from the face of the Red Planet.


Suddenly, Megas grabbed the awakened Hashmal by the face with its massive hand before swiftly crushing the control unit which is located in the underside of its head. The bird robot immediately died right after it had been awakened from its slumber for hundreds of years.

Such an embarrassing way to go out.

"Nope, none of that. Shame on you.", Coop quipped before moving on to the next location nearby while he thought. Wow, that's a close one! I'd rather not deal with another evil robot reawakening after digging it out like I did with R.E.C.R. in first meeting. Still, that birdie machine has a terrible weak spot.

Digging out another huge chunk of Martian ground, Megas dropped it to crack it and reveal another robot before him. This time, it looked somewhat similar with Barbatos albeit it had two shoulder cannons and it has a white and blue color scheme. And it has two energy reactors on it, which Coop realized why his Megas' scanning systems had detected three signatures from the two machines.

Unlike that bird robot, the mobile suit thankfully did not activate on its own and about to start a rampage.

"Sweet, I've won the jackpot! Two giant robots and they're all mine to do whatever I want with them!", Coop cheered.

Megas grabbed both the incapacitated Mobile Armor Hashmal and ASW-G-64 Gundam Flauros with its massive metal hands which they can fit on its palms. Coop then immediately activated his mech's rocket jetpacks to fly back to Tekkadan Base so that he can begin his work on them.

He said with a smile, "Wait til the guys see this! It's gonna blow their minds!"

Author's Note: Okay, the fourth chapter of "Megas of Mars" is done and I hope you like it. The Megas Force had joined forces with Tekkadan while Coop discovers and unceremoniously dispatched Hashmal with Megas to use it as spare parts and new materials to be reverse engineered, lol.

Let's face it, that Mobile Armor may have been a dangerous threat to the IBO protagonists and antagonists in Season 2 when it awakened, but to Megas, it's a metal chicken that got its neck snapped and ready to be plucked inside out. Along with the fact that Coop had faced worse threats than the Hashmal back in his home dimension.

For all we know, Hashmal might be The Raditz of the Mobile Armors during the Calamity War, lol.

As a bonus, Gundam Flauros had been recovered way much earlier than canon which Coop will make his custom work on it alongside Barbatos. That makes two Gundam Frames for Tekkadan until Gusion is eventually acquired in the future.

Since Jamie had no last name so far in Megas XLR show before it was cancelled at the end of Season 2, I gave him the family name of Vashti. Yes, the same Vashti family (Ian, Linda and their daughter Mileina) from Gundam 00 and I was planning to have Jamie being revealed to be their ancestor in my "Megas 00", a Gundam 00 x Megas XLR story anyway.

Of course, I know Ian would be disappointed in Jamie being a cowardly slacker if they ever meet and set him straight.

However, if Alternate Jamie can change from being a coward to a brave rebel leader, then Jamie is capable of change too as well.

Enjoy and don't forget to review. :)
Chapter 5
Hello there again everyone and I have returned with Chapter 5 of "Megas of Mars". After Coop discovered Gundam Flauros and the Mobile Armor Hashmal that he immediately neutralized to be brought back to base, Tekkadan are in for a massive upgrade in mobile suit strength and quality.

Disclaimer: I do not own Mobile Suit Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans and Megas XLR and their characters. They belong to their respective owners, Sunrise and Jody Schaeffer and George Krstic.

Enjoy and don't forget to review. :)

Chapter 5​

Inside the hangar of Tekkadan Base

"Is the Nano-Lemonade Armor really necessary?"

Coop with a welder mask casually asked as he was currently working on the several upgrades on ASW-G-08 Gundam Barbatos by using several parts of a dead metallic body of Mobile Armor Hashmal to be reverse engineered and applied into the Gundam Frame, making it fearsome and cool-looking than its previous appearance. In his honest opinion, Barbatos almost looked like it came out from a junkyard from his perspective, which it gave him de ja vu back when he first found Megas and bought it for two bucks from Goat.

The original Megas to be exact before Evil Coop destroyed it easily and Coop had to claim his evil counterpart's own Megas as a replacement.

Recently, the large blonde spiky haired man had taken out the Superhard Wired Tail Blade from the bird robot's metal corpse and had it attached on the back of Barbatos which would allow Mikazuki to retract or extend the weapon as it was a limb in combat.

That one would come in handy for upcoming battles Tekkadan will face.

"Nano-LAMINATE Armor.", Nadi Yukinojo Kassapa corrected with an annoyed eye twitch at him after coating the upgraded Barbatos' thick armored legs with the cheap white paint. "Yes, it is necessary, Mr. Cooplowski. The Nanolaminate Armor is a special metal paint that forms a multilayer molecular arrangement on a mobile suit and a ship, capable of handling any impact from the outside. Protecting them from physical attacks and projectiles and also the beam weapons back in the Calamity War hundreds of years ago."

He finished, "It is mandatory that all armor of mobile suits and ships are to be coated with it by vapor-depositing them on every part of their surface. Otherwise, they wouldn't be allowed to leave the factory lines for field use if they weren't coated with Nanolaminate Armor at all."

"But there's a catch, isn't it Mr. Nadi? It sounds too good to be true. Like every paint, they can be worn off.", the blonde spiky haired man noted as he adjusted the tailed blade on Barbatos' back with his torching welder.

The dark-skinned older man confirmed to the leader of Megas Force, "Yes, the Nanolaminate Armor can break or peel off, requiring re-painting after every battle, Mr. Cooplowski. Ranged firearms are unable to score decisive hits against them and may only shave off small pieces of it unless at close range. Because of its strength and widespread usage, melee weapons are best at dealing real damage to the Nanolaminate Armor."

Lifting up his welder mask, Coop smirked in response after hearing that, "Sounds like right up in my alley. I am good at smashing things with Megas."

Then he put his welder mask back on and resumed his work on the Gundam Frame.

Nadi shook his head at the blonde man's cheeky response before resuming coating Barbatos as he thought, Are all gigantic machines of Megas Force not coated with Nanolaminate Armor? It doesn't make any sense why they don't have it. Even if it's a monetary reason. Either they're confident or suicidal, or even both for all I know! Because it will be Hell to fix them if they get actually damaged in combat even with Mr. Cooplowski's... bizarre mobile suit engineering skills.

Ever since Coop had brought back two machines from his search around Mars last night, it surprised the members of Tekkadan that there is another Gundam Frame just like Barbatos while the other one looks like a huge fearsome bird-like robot whose head control unit is apparently crushed like crumpled paper.

Which it turned out to be Megas' doing to neutralize it when Coop explained to Kiva Andru what happened.

And from Tekkadan's point of view, he is living up to the hype that Kiva told Orga Itsuka and the others during the official meeting with Megas Force which he officially hired them into the recently-renamed company.

Once Coop is finished upgrading Barbatos, the ASW-G-64 Gundam Flauros will be next afterward as the mobile artillery-type machine is currently laying next to the dead Hashmal on the other side of Tekkadan Base.

After all, he has great plans to add the dead Mobile Armor's weaponry such as the rocket-powered spears and the optical beam cannon into Flauros.

"By the way, why are your robots' ribs exposed out in the open like that? It seemed like a terrible weakness to aim for it even with the Nano-Lemonade Armor protecting it if you ask me.", the blonde spiky haired large man wondered out loud as he had Barbatos' lower torso covered and protected with the body parts of Hashmal during the upgrade.

It's not like I'm one to talk about Megas' arms and legs but the exposed torso of Barbie-tos really bothered the heck out of me., Coop thought with a frown behind his welder mask.

Rolling his eyes that Coop will never get the name right at all or assume that he said that on purpose, Nadi stated. "True, Barbatos was like that when it was first dug up and used a power source for the base due to the two Ahab Reactors it possessed... That's before I had to improvise by renovating the Gundam Frame's cockpit for Mikazuki to use it to fight off Gjallarhorn's major attack."

"I see. You mean the old man with a lanky robot with a blocky cyborg eye who had an axe and a red flag on his shield was part of that group?", Coop questioned as he took a brief look at the captured EB-06 Graze laying around outside of the hangar.

"Oh yeah, you didn't know after you and your friends suddenly showed up with that portal and interrupted the pre-Calamity War duel. That man was Lieutenant Crank Zent from Gjallarhorn, a peacekeeping military organization from Earth. Although since you're from SAU, I suppose you already knew about them.", the Mobile Worker specialist explained.

Coop's eye twitched as he was about to say that he's really not from the SAU but held back his tongue. "Yeah, sure... Let's go with that.", he shrugged before continuing his work.

Meanwhile on the other side of Tekkadan Base

Standing next to the completely stripped down remains of Hashmal is laying around in the open area, Kiva Andru is studying the damaged control unit of the dead Mobile Armor by attaching a plug to it with her cybernetic implant from the back of her neck and analyze it with holographic screen from her wrist.

"Interesting. Its name is Hashmal from the Calamity War in this dimension. A Mobile Armor with a psychopathic A.I. whose only purpose is to kill many humans and cause massive destruction in its path.", she noted to herself.

The redhead woman commented with a relieved sigh, "Reminds me of the R.E.G.I.S. Mark V. a bit too much before it was defeated. It's a good thing Coop killed Hashmal on spot before it went on a rampage. Who knows what will happen if the Mobile Armor wasn't stopped?..."

"Um, hello Miss Andru?", Kudelia Aina Bernstein called out to her as she was accompanied by Fumitan Admoss.

Turning around to notice the two women approaching her, the former Earth Coalition commander inquired while casually unplugging her connection to the dead Hashmal's control unit, "Yes, what can I do for you, Miss Bernstein?"

The blonde young woman in the white and brown army fatigues said, "I can't help but notice you had the Alaya-Vijnana System too."

Oh yeah, that one. It's somewhat similar with the Earth Coalition's Bio-Mechanical Neural Interface System. Although this Alaya-Vijnana System looks cruder and incomplete... Did the technology of this dimension regress that badly?, Kiva thought after noticing the grotesques protrusions from the young boys' spines whenever they go around shirtless to access with the Mobile Workers especially Mikazuki Augus whose back had three of them.

When they saw Kiva's cybernetic plug-in at the back of her head, they assumed that she is one of them as the oldest user for the first time they've met, which the redhead just rolled with it.

She remembered that during the long bitter war against the Glorft, the Earth Coalition had created the organic device, the Bio-Mechanical Neural Interface, for its mobile suit pilots to control their special mechs such as the CMDR-types and to coordinate with the legions of Drones' Haro A.I.s. in the battlefield.

Kiva was one of the hundreds of volunteers, young men and women who lost their homes and loved ones to the Glorft, to be implanted with the B.M.N.I. on their bodies.

Although, not all had survived the surgery that transformed the remainder including herself into cybernetic pilots.

However, Kiva was one of the very few B.M.N.I. users left after the Earth Coalition had been ultimately defeated at the Battle of the Last Stand in 3035. And, in 3037, the remainder died off after they helped her steal Megas from the Glorft in a bold raid, and later defend the Lunar Base during the enemy siege at the cost of their lives.

Leaving Kiva as the last of her kind.

"Oh right, that one. Although, mine is a bit different.", Kiva casually stated as she sadly sympathized about the child soldiers of Tekkadan. Too different. The children had it rough if Mr. Itsuka told me about the atrocious surgical procedure on them is true. At least the Earth Coalition had anesthetics and allowed those who are willing to take it.

Kiva remembered how the kids viewed her as their older sister figure after finding out she has similar implants just like them. Human Debris, they were called and it upsets her to know they've been mistreated by the adult members of the CGS First Group in this dimension after learning about it from the child members of Tekkadan.

"So it seems. That must be a lot more advanced than the ones in the Outer Sphere. Especially if it came from the SAU, Miss Andru.", Fumitan professionally remarked to the female member of Megas Force as she adjusted her glasses while in her thoughts, I wonder if she has connections with Gjallarhorn as an escaped Alaya-Vijnana test subject who went into hiding or an agent going undercover. They may have used propaganda to decry any form of cybernetics as evil to the public, but the system's performance is too great for them to discard like that. Gjallarhorn might have researched it in secret and their implants must be far more advanced and stable if it's given to an adult like Miss Andru.

The redhead shrugged as she inquired, "Pretty much. Do you have an interest of getting one yourself?"

Shaking her head in denial, Kudelia explained to the older woman from Megas Force, "No. I am asking if it's possible to pilot a mobile suit without the Alaya-Vijnana System."

"I see. You want to learn how to fight in a mech even though you're technically a client of Tekkadan, Miss Bernstein. I mean it's their job to escort you to Earth and protect you from enemies coming after you like Gjallarhorn.", Kiva commented with a raised eyebrow at the young woman's intentions.

The former Earth Coalition commander learned from Orga as part of smoothing out the contract between Tekkadan and Megas Force that Kudelia was targeted by this dimension's military organization for advocating Mars' independence as its leader and symbol which they deemed her as a threat for it, and Tekkadan was hired to escort her to Earth for negotiations with one of the four major blocs which is Arbrau.

Now Megas Force was hired by Orga to take part of it, which in fairness, Coop had almost attacked his friend Mikazuki in the first place just to join in a robot fight out of a whim.

At least Mr. Itsuka was reasonable despite being rough around the edges with the adults apparently. I can't blame him for that. He almost reminds me of myself back at the Earth Coalition..., she noted.

Fumitan nodded, "I agree with her. It would put you in unnecessary danger. Why would you want to go through it, Lady Kudelia?"

"I know that! But... I wanted to be some help to everyone in Tekkadan.", the Maiden of the Revolution stated as she remembered how Orga informed her of the danger of the Alaya-Vijnana System surgery prior to the duel between Mikazuki and Crank before it was interrupted by the sudden appearance of Megas Force hailing from Earth and ending up hired by Orga.

While Kudelia always look for the best solution with the least bloodshed, she is willing to stain her hands with blood to reach her goals, hence her desire to help Tekkadan by fighting in a mobile suit.

I'm such a weak person..., she thought in self-loathing after remembering her online contact with Nobliss Gordon who had wired the large amount of funds, which would be a mere trickle to the richest man on Mars, to her as her way of helping Tekkadan and Megas Force of their financial issue.

In faux complimentary manner, he then called her a brave and noble person while waxing some morbid poetry about her being a war goddess walking into the jaws of death with the young braves dying for her.

Kiva briefly glanced at the immobile Gundam Flauros laying around nearby the Hashmal, as if it was waiting its turn to be repaired and modified by Coop after he's done with Barbatos. Kudelia really wants to help but she doesn't have the training and the surgery is too risky without killing or paralyzing her. Compared to Jamie who at least have Sgt. Haro as his partner and guide to control the R.E.C.R. until he learned to do it by himself... Wait that's it!, she thought before having a Eureka moment.

Tapping into her holographic screen on her cybernetic wrist, Kiva called in her CMDR-KA as her giant robot slowly walked towards the three women and knelt down before opening the entrance of its head cockpit. She jumped in to enter inside and looked around to find something there. Shortly, Kiva got what she was looking for and exited the CMDR-KA's head with a graceful landing on the ground.

"Miss Andru, what is that?", Kudelia asked in curiosity as she noticed the red ball carried by Kiva.

Fumitan narrowed her bespectacled eyes in suspicion, wondering what's Kiva up to.

"It's a Haro unit, Miss Bernstein. Just like the one Jamie have. But the one I had is dead. So I'm going to reboot it back to full operational.", the redhead woman stated as she plugged the red Haro with the control unit of Hashmal before working on her computer skills to transfer the remains of the A.I. into the ball.

If Coop can reprogram R.E.C.R.'s Artificial Intelligence, then this one will be a piece of cake., she thought with a smile.

At the open dining hall of Tekkadan Base

"Hey, Shino. Which mobile suit would you like to take from Megas Force? Just curious.", Yamagi Gilmerton asked his crush as they are sitting on the dining table where they can see several gigantic machines of Megas Force standing around in the base.

Norba Shino rubbed his chin before smirking as he pointed to one of the four white machines by their legs, "I would like to take the mobile suit with the gasmask, Yamagi. The Grunt Big Sis Kiva called it. I don't know why it needed a mask but it's still cool and badass looking. Imagine the look on Gjallarhorn when they see its face in battle! It'd be priceless!"

"Although, it might be a challenge to paint it from head to toe with my favorite color.", he frowned a bit as he was sizing up the Grunt.

Knowing that he likes pink, the blonde teen commented, "I thought you'd go for the Gundam Frame Mr. Coop found along with the giant metal chicken, Shino. The Flauros it's called."

"Eh, I'm more of power oriented combatant than a ranged support, Yamagi. The latter doesn't fit my style to be honest. Besides, I like to get up close and personal. Let someone else have the Gundam Frame.", the brown haired teen man shrugged.

"If you say so...", Yamagi conceded before noting. "At least Miss Kiva was willing to help install some of the Mobile Worker cockpits with the Alaya-Vijnana System interface and modify it for us to use them. She is like the oldest user of the organic device compared to the rest of us."

Ride Mass chimed in, "Yeah, her implants looked different though. She had it at the back of her skull than the spines like ours."

The other Tekkadan members with the implants shuddered with chills down on their backs after hearing that from Ride as they imagined that the implication of such surgery must be painful for the older redhead woman's head.

Just like they had when they got their surgery against their will by the CGS First Group assholes who punched them in the face even if they cry out in pain or not.

Takaki Uno noted out loud, "I guess the Earth's version of Alaya-Vijnana System must be built differently than the ones we had here."

That's what the members of Tekkadan in the dining hall agreed on about that, seeing Kiva as their older sister figure and someone they can relate with as a fellow Human Debris. With her special modifications to their interface cockpits, they can get to pilot some of Megas Force's gigantic mobile suits whichever they choose for themselves.

Even though Old Man Nadi was understandably concerned and worried that they may not be able to control such giant machines with the Alaya-Vijnana System due to their sheer size and the data feedback which might overwhelm their cerebral nerves.


The Tekkadan members overheard a familiar voice and they turned to see Jamie Vashti running for his life as he was being chased around by two Mobile Workers piloted by Elgar and Embi. The skinny older man was in his white sleeveless undershirt and loose pants and boots given to him by Tekkadan as he would be undergoing some physical training outside of the strange looking mobile suit with jet planes and tanks for arms and legs.

Although, he kept his signature beanie hat on the top of his head.

As Coop and Kiva were busy modifying the mobile suits for Tekkadan, Jamie was at the kids' mercy and Sgt. Haro is on their side. They are to ensure he won't stray from the open area and flee inside the building until the 30 minutes-long running exercise is over.

"Come on, Mr. Vashti! Work on those legs!", Elgar cheered from the Mobile Worker cockpit.

"If you succeed, you will get a nice meal from Atra when it's over!", Embi cheekily added as he's clearly enjoying it.

Sgt. Haro supported the two boys as he's on top of Embi's Mobile Worker with his ears flapping eagerly, "Never Skip Leg Day! Never Skip Leg Day!"

"HELP ME!", Jamie screamed while running as fast as he can to outrun the vehicle.

Everyone in the dining room looked at each other and laughed together, enjoying the side show they have witnessed. Even Atra Mixta, who was there to cook the meals for the group and hang out with them, giggled at the skinny black haired man's misfortune.

At the main office of Tekkadan Base

"Everyone, I've got bad news after I tried to contact Orcus as I promised.", Todo Mirconen informed as he sat down on his chair despondent and thought in inner frustration. Dammit! There goes my plan to backstab these brats!

Eugene Sevenstark demanded, "Out with it! What did he say?!"

The former CGS First Group member explained to them with a sigh, "He said he'll guide us to Earth. But unfortunately he was under heavy scrutiny and investigation by the Gjallarhorn Mars Branch and he had to play nice until it's over. Apparently after taking over as its new leader, Lieutenant Crank Zent discovered where the late Major Coral Conrad hid his dirty laundry and Orcus is among them. Now, there's no way to get a guide to Earth."

I wonder how things would change if those Megas Force fools didn't suddenly show up and Mikazuki had killed Crank in that blasted "honorable" duel!, Todo wondered in annoyance as he lowered down his face.

Orga Itsuka smiled after hearing that from Todo, "I see the Lieutenant was cleaning up house on the Mars Branch. Guess he turned out to be a really honorable and good man after all."

Eugene frowned, "That's great and all. But what do we do now since we have no guide?"

Biscuit Griffon then suggested, "Well, we could ask Megas Force if we can use their portal to get to Earth. I mean that's how they got here to Mars when they first showed up, right?..."

The leader of Tekkadan quickly protested in response, "No, we have to do this ourselves, Biscuit. They may have helped us in upgrading Barbatos and allowed us to have access to their mobile suits... But we can't rely too much on them to get things done. In addition, Gjallarhorn will not take things lying down if they find out we have means to go about anywhere in the Solar System within moment's notice and won't hesitate to act on it."

And if Gjallarhorn gets their hands on Megas Force's portal technology, they would have uncontested control of the Outer Sphere with instant deployment of their forces wherever they please. I'd rather not let them have it!, Orga added in his thought as he did not like the image of them using it one bit.

Megas Force is full of mysteries to him as they possessed bizarre gigantic mobile suits that stood them out the most, and Kiva Andru was apparently a Human Debris like the rest of Tekkadan as her implants looked more advanced compared to their own. And yet they had such stuff underneath Gjallarhorn's nose while living in the SAU on Earth., he thought.

The fat teen conceded with a nod, "I suppose you're right, Orga. We might have to convince Megas Force that we will need to take things slow and steady than take the quick shortcut. Hmmm... Perhaps testing out the performance of the upgraded Barbatos and also the Flauros as well in space would be a good excuse while traveling all the way to Earth."

Todo glumly chimed, "We'll be wandering blind in space unless the SAU guys knew their way to Earth without that fancy schmancy portal they have."

The blonde commented, "Now that you say it, I'm really surprised Mr. Cooplowski really did fixed up Barbatos and gave it a major upgrade by using that giant metal chicken machine he found alongside Flauros. I thought he was all hot air."

Orga remarked as he was impressed the older blonde adult really is a crazy mechanical genius as Kiva claimed him to be, "At least he lived up to the hype, Eugene. Mika is going to have a field day with it once it's done."

Of course, the three Tekkadan members and even Todo knew that the 12 gigantic machines of Megas Force would not be able to fit inside the Armored Assault Ship's mobile suit hangar bays at all. Which means Coop and his friends will have to fly alongside the Isaribi, the name Orga gave for Tekkadan's main flagship instead of Will-O'-the-Wisp, during the whole journey in space.

Speaking of that ship, the spiky haired teen remembered he sent Dexter Culastor, Akihiro Altland, Chad Chadan and Dante Mogro to officially change the Armored Assault Ship as part of Tekkadan's property, not Maruba Arkay who had fled and abandoned the CGS that now no longer existed. Orga knew they had already left the Chryse Central Spaceport Lobby to space for Hakobune, the shared civilian space port where the soon-to-be former Chryse Guard Security ship is docked there.

"On the other hand, we have to choose who will go to Earth too.", Biscuit reminded his fellow Tekkadan comrades about who will go with them on the journey.

"What will those remaining do?", Eugene asked with a raised eyebrow.

Biscuit explained to his friend, "I talked with Orga. We can sell the spoils of the battle including the remains of that bird-like machine Mr. Coop stripped down, and we can do the usual farming..."

"How stingy. This is so dumb.", the blonde scoffed with a frown on his face.

"A big job always come with danger. We need all the firepower we can get to complete it and that means bringing along the entirety of Megas Force with us. The Gjallarhorn Mars Branch under Crank may leave us alone... But the Regulatory Bureau won't as the Lieutenant warned us once we exit Mars and head on our way to Earth. It's going to be an uphill battle.", the leader of Tekkadan declared as he folded his arms and closed his eyes, remembering the honorable man's warning.

I've never been the type to think of the bigger picture myself yet here I am doing it., Orga mused to himself at such irony when he realized it.

The fat teen stated to his friends, "For better or worse, Kudelia is a celebrity. If we can safely escort her to Earth, the Tekkadan name will spread."

Orga agreed with Biscuit as he opened his eyes and clenched his left fist, "Then we might have more jobs coming in, and we might be able to lead a decent life."

"There's a risk but it'll be worth it.", Biscuit agreed with him.

"The job is not just about the money. Our future depends on it.", the spiky white haired teen declared to everyone in the room.

"The future huh?", Eugene muttered after that from Orga.

Thanks to the major setback he suffered, Todo panicked in his thoughts while trying to maintaining a chill look on his face. As if it's going to go your way. There's no way we'll be safe picking a fight with Gjallarhorn even if we have the SAU guys on our side! They've controlled this world for hundreds of years for a reason! This is so stupid! This is going to be the end!

At the hangar of Tekkadan Base, a few hours later

"Tada! What do you think, kid? Pretty cool huh?"

An enthusiastic Coop waved his hand to the new and improved Gundam Frame Barbatos he had finished when Mikazuki Augus was paying a visit to check on his mobile suit that was undergoing complete overhaul and upgrading from the leader of Megas Force.

Looking at the ferocious-looking form of Barbatos that is more armored from head to toe, has claws on its hands and feet, and a tail blade on its back, the pilot remarked, "Not bad. What did you do with it?"

"As I made some custom work into it, I wanted to give your Barbie-tos something awesome and scary that will strike fear into the hearts of men. And that Mr. Nadi told me you like getting up close and personal to the enemy. So I stripped down that birdie giant robot I took out when I found it, and made use of its parts to add into your robot as an upgrade as promised.", the blonde spiky haired man eagerly explained as he put away the welder mask from his face.

"In addition, Kiva made her own modifications of your Alaya-Bajeena System cockpit. Something about improving your interface's efficiency or something.", he added.

Mikazuki just blankly stared at Coop for mispronouncing his Gundam Frame, again, and the Alaya-Vijnana System too as well, wondering if the older blonde man was really that bad in his own education despite his crazy mechanical genius skills or that he said it on purpose as his weird eccentricity.

Although the black haired teen was curious of what Kiva did to Barbatos' cockpit as he had learned the redhead woman possess her own implants similarly like the rest of Tekkadan.

Compared to the younger kids who saw her like an older sister figure to them, the pilot of Barbatos didn't seem to mind at all. She must be pretty lucky to endure the surgery on the back of her skull and survive., he thought about it, remembering his own surgery on his back 3 times that should have killed him yet he survived.

"I see. What else can Barbatos do?", Mikazuki asked as he wanted to test his new and improved Gundam Frame out and see for himself if the upgrades from the older blonde man is really good or not.

"How about we give it a little test flight?", Coop smirked in response as he pulled up his car keys of the Megas from his pant's pockets.

Author's Note: Alright, the fifth chapter of "Megas of Mars" is done and I hope you like it. Coop upgrading Barbatos into essentially its Lupus Rex form with Hashmal's metal body parts and his own new surprises added in before suggesting Mikazuki to take his Gundam Frame for a little sparring with Megas. On the other hand, Kiva decided to take a page from Coop's book to reprogram Hashmal's A.I. and install it into a Haro unit just like R.E.C.R.'s A.I. who was remade into Sgt. Haro.

Poor Jamie, being a butt monkey as usual. Besides, he needed to work on his stamina and you should never skip Leg Day, lol. It's for his own good after all and it will come in handy for him one day.

I checked about Kiva's cybernetic implant on the back on her skull that allowed her to biomechanically link and control her CMDR-KA back in Episode 1
of the Megas XLR show. It gave me an idea for it to have a similar connection with the Alaya-Vijnana System and to expand the Earth Coalition as a world building too as well.

Although Evil Kiva was more heavily cybernetically altered with a mass of cables attached to the back of her head while half of her left face is more machine, which shows her loss of humanity as a colder crueler woman she was. Which might probably enforce Gjallarhorn's propaganda of cybernetics being a bad thing.

Good thing that Evil Coop would use his blonde charm on Carta to convince her to order her men to treat Evil Kiva nicely. Out of pragmatism and playing along during infiltration of Gjallarhorn.

Enjoy and don't forget to review. :)