Warriors of Chaos
The Warriors of Chaos, also known as the Hordes of Chaos, the Followers of Chaos, Chaos Undivided, the Northern Barbarians or simply just the Northmen, are the names given to a race of savage, warlike tribes of Human Barbarians that occupy the harsh and unforgiving lands of the uppermost North, known in the lands of the Old World as the dreaded Northern Waste.
Casted by the one God Mutilator to Reykjavik, Iceland, "leaded" by Archaeon the Everchosen, they have been robbed their chance to bring the End Times to the Southerners. But this new world open many new opportunities: none in this planet knew of the blessings of Chaos, and none seems to know how to counter it. And it seems that they can open portals to the realm of Chaos itself to create a great wave against the forces of order, so long as they prove worthy.
This might not be the planet of Mallus, but the End Times will come none the less. On this Archaeon promises.
-Lords of the New Chaos Domain
Archaon: Archaon is the Everchosen, the Three-Eyed King, the Lord of the End Times and the self-proclaimed supreme champion of the four Gods of Chaos who was sent to command the last, and greatest Chaos Invasion during the apocalyptic age known simply as the End Times. Out of all the Everchosen of Chaos who have assailed the world over the ages, Archaon is by far the most ruthless and perhaps the most powerful. He is an individual that shall decide the fate of entire nations, whose sword can lay waste to heroes and armies and whose unbreakable will can break and dominate those of Gods. Archaon is truly the Herald of the Apocalypse, blessed with dreadful artifacts of ancient evil, each one bestowed as a reward for accomplishing impossible trials.
Kholek Suneater: A giant Dragon Ogre who is believed to be the second eldest of his kind. He is considered a god by some and was once frozen in an ice glacier by Teclis until he was freed. It is known that during the Great War of Chaos, he was in Kul's army and was the one who destroyed Kislev's wall at the battle of Kislev's Gates.
Prince Sigvald: A Chaos Lord of Slaanesh who was the son of a powerful warlord and his sister. He was born beautiful at birth, save for a horned birthmark on the back of his neck, and was spoiled by his father. He was eventually disowned by his father and expelled from his tribe after his father discovered his fondness for human flesh. Sigvald then killed his father in his sleep and departed for the Chaos Wastes where Slaanesh became his patron. Now, Sigvald marches at the head of an army devoted to himself and Slaanesh. He eradicates anyone he deems to be ugly, crude or irritating and burns down cities on a whim. One story suggests that he destroyed the town of Chamburg because the wine there was not to his taste. He is spoiled by Slaanesh and is described as being extremely self-centred. In fact, he and his elite bodyguard bear mirrored shields so that each may look at himself in the midst of battle. His gifts from Slaanesh have left him beautiful on the outside, but rotten inside. The ground literally reshapes itself for him and his feet float an inch above the world's surface. He wears an armour of ensorcelled gold that never rusts or gets dirty and fights with Silverslash, a rapier of silver forged from the sword of Slaanesh.
Sarthorael: Sarthorael the Ever-Watcher is a Greater Daemon of Chaos. Spoken of for many ages, this Lord of Change is favoured by Tzeentch himself, and fulfils his dark, malicious purpose.
Sayl the Faithless: Sayl the Faithless, Twisted Seer of the Wastes, infamous arch-sorcerer of the Dolgan tribe, is an utterly self-serving egotist and practiced murderer. His road to power lies in his total mastery of betrayal, guile and treachery which has seen him rise supreme over other rivals whose arcane powers were greater than he is and powerful champions who have enjoyed the favour of the Dark Gods. Such is Sayl's paranoia and hubris that he has never himself sworn allegiance to any single Ruinous Power, but rather paid lip service to many, and pursued pacts and bargains with many petty Chaos godlings and daemons, betraying each in turn when expedient, earning him the epithet of 'the Faithless'.
Be'lakor: Be'lakor the Dark Master is the first Daemon Prince of Chaos and Father-in-Shadow to the current Everchosen, Archaon. He is known by many names: the First Damned, the Harbinger, the Lord of Torment, the Messenger of the Great Undivided, the One Who Heralds the Conquerors, the Foretoken and the Bearer are a just a number of examples.
Galrauch: Galrauch, the Great Drake, is an ancient Dragon possessed by the will of the Lord of Change Fateclaw, becoming the first of the Chaos Dragons.
Scyla Anfingrimm: A Chaos Spawn that was once a Chaos Lord of Khorne. Scyla is still favoured by Khorne, so is greater than a normal Spawn. Many warriors wish to challenge him so, in battle, characters may challenge Scyla to a duel. He carries the brass collar of Khorne.
Vilitch the Curseling: A Chaos Sorcerer of Tzeentch who was born a twin. He was born wretched and tiny while his twin brother was strong and so Thomin, his brother, was more favoured by his family while Vilitch did the chores around the home and worked as an apprentice to the village shaman. After praying to Tzeentch one night, Vilitch was fused to his brother, who became mindless. Vilitch then destroyed the village, killed everyone, and is now the leader of a mighty army of Tzeentch. In battle, his brother counts as a magical item that can store magical power for his army and steals the other army's power.
Arbaal the Undefeated: Arbaal the Undefeated, also known as the Destroyer of Khorne, was an ancient and powerful Champion of Khorne who wrought many woes upon the world during the time of the Great War, and it is said that he still lives to this very day, a Champion who has remained undefeated for countless centuries. Thousands have felt his axe blade at their necks and now their white skulls lie at the feet of Khorne.
Vardek Crom, Herald of Archaon: Also known as Crom the Conqueror. A powerful warlord of the Kul tribe, Crom is allied with Archeon. During the Storm of Chaos, Crom led his army to attack the Empire from the east while Archeon attacked from the north. Crom also defeated Waaagh! Grimgor in the beginning of the campaign, thus earning the honour of being the first mortal to fight Grimgor to a draw in single combat.
Styrkaar of the Sortsvinaer: Styrkaar of the Sortsvinaer was a young champion of Slaanesh, leader of his tribe of the Norse, killer of his own father and one of Archaon's Lieutenants.
Festus the Leechlord: A Chaos Sorcerer of Nurgle. Festus was a once-famous doctor of Nordland who sold his soul to Nurgle in exchange for knowing how to cure all disease. The knowledge made him mad, and now he spreads pestilence. He now travels the roads with his army of Nurgle. He has been known to take captives to test his experiments - that also is an effect in battle. His potions are magical items that give him and the unit he is in a regeneration save.
Valkia the Bloody: A Daemon Princess of Khorne who is said to be the consort of Khorne. Valkia was once the queen of a great tribe. She gained the attention of Khorne when she slew anyone in her tribe to question her right to rule. She then moved on to killing other Chaos lords and mighty followers of the other gods. One such was Locephax, a daemon prince of Slaanesh who was attracted to her and asked her to be a slave girl for him. This angered her and she killed him in a duel then placed his head on her shield. Khorne was from then on her patron God and she made a pact to fight her way north to the Realm of Chaos and place her shield on the throne of Khorne. But on her journey north she was killed in battle. Khorne raged over her passing, brought her from the dead and turned her into a Daemon Princess. She has the legs of a Bloodletter of Khorne and the wings of a bat. Valkia carries the Spear of Slaupir, the Scarlet Armour, and her Daemonshield.
Chaos Lord: A Chaos Lord's indomitable will is forged in the fires of war, his skills are tempered and honed in the crucible of battle, and his blade is eternally quenched in blood.
>Cost: 1000
>Health: 3480
>Leadership: 70
>Speed: 33
>Melee attack: 65
>Melee defence: 55
>Weapon Damage: 320
>Armour-Piercing Damage: 170
>Armour: 75%
Chaos Sorcerer Lord: Chaos Sorcerer Lords are the very pinnacle of magical might. These mighty sorcerers have learned all the many secrets that Chaos has to offer, and in exchange for his own soul and humanity, he has become a living conduit of dark magic.
>Cost: 1000
>Health: 2856
>Leadership: 65
>Speed: 33
>Melee attack: 48
>Melee defence: 44
>Weapon Damage: 240
>Armour-Piercing Damage: 120
>Armour: 75%
Exalted Heroes: An Exalted hero striding to war in full battle armour is a sight to strike fear into the hearts of even the most embittered veteran, for they are living engines of destruction, a warrior that is but a few steps away from becoming a truly destructive instrument of the dark gods.
>Cost: 1000
>Health: 3051
>Leadership: 70
>Speed: 33
>Melee attack: 65
>Melee defence: 40
>Weapon Damage: 275
>Armour-Piercing Damage: 145
>Armour: 75%
Chaos Sorcerers: Chaos Sorcerers wield the wild energies of entropy itself, reshaping reality to better serve their whims and those of their dark masters. A word and a gesture from a Chaos Sorcerer can strip a man's flesh from his bones, force a lover to murder his beloved, or cause a regiment of soldiers to burst into flame.
>Cost: 1000
>Health: 2640
>Leadership: 60
>Speed: 33
>Melee attack: 42
>Melee defence: 40
>Weapon Damage: 220
>Armour-Piercing Damage: 95
>Armour: 75%
Daemon Princes: Should a Champion of Chaos survive the endless battles and the ravaging mutations granted by their fickle masters whilst still finding favour in their eyes, he may attain the ultimate reward. The patron of the champion will elevate him to his side as a Daemon Prince, a being of godlike power, forever bound to darkness and destruction.
>Cost: 1500
>Health: 3590
>Leadership: 80
>Speed: 43
>Melee attack: 75
>Melee defence: 65
>Weapon Damage: 430
>Armour-Piercing Damage: 280
>Armour: 85%
Exalted Daemons: Exalted Daemons are mortals, most often Chaos Warriors, who have given their soul to a Lesser Daemon of Chaos. Whilst not as powerful as the mighty Daemon Princes, they display similarities in abilities and appearance, often acting as terrifying warleaders and lieutenants.
>Cost: 1500
>Health: 3051
>Leadership: 80
>Speed: 43
>Melee attack: 75
>Melee defence: 50
>Weapon Damage: 378
>Armour-Piercing Damage: 245
>Armour: 65%
Infantry: Chaos Infantry is based on Nordmen warriors, fast and fearsome warriors who charges with no fear at the enemy.
Chaos Marauder: Chaos Marauders are tribal warriors hailing from the harsh lands of the North, fighting on behalf of the Gods and their Tribe. They fight alongside the Chaos Warriors, eager to earn the attention of the Dark Gods and join their esteemed ranks. These warriors are barbaric to the extreme, wearing almost nothing but fur garments, crude war-axes and wrought metal shields. Nevertheless, these Marauders are feared rightfully so for their unnatural savagery and brutality in combat.
>Cost: 375
>Health: 78
>Leadership: 60
>Speed: 35
>Melee attack: 34
>Melee defence: 28
>Weapon Damage: 21
>Armour-Piercing Damage: 7
>Armour: 11,25 %
Aspiring Champion: Aspiring Champions are often the best any Chaos Warrior can hope to achieve, since most rarely progress further than this high position.
>Cost: 550
>Health: 198
>Leadership: 80
>Speed: 32
>Melee attack: 46
>Melee defence: 62
>Weapon Damage: 32
>Armour-Piercing Damage: 12
>Armour: 86,67 %
Forsaken: The Forsaken are warriors that have since lost the favour of the Gods and yet still possess the horrific mutations or "gifts" they received from them. Driven to insanity by the pain and torment of these gifts, these warriors were considered too powerful to devolve into mere Chaos Spawn, and yet too weak to bear the brunt of their mutations and find their minds breaking under the weight. Lacking their former personality, they are now driven only by an unnatural hunger and madness.
>Cost: 750
>Health: 92
>Leadership: 70
>Speed: 46
>Melee attack: 32
>Melee defence: 20
>Weapon Damage: 44
>Armour-Piercing Damage: 14
>Armour: 56,25 %
Chaos Warrior: Chaos Warriors are considered by many to be the true Warriors of Chaos. Clad in thick Chaos Plate Armour, these Warriors have done a great many deeds to be blessed with wearing such a sacred armour in battle. Standing taller and broader than any southern warrior, these hulking behemoths form the core elite of all Chaos armies.
>Cost: 800
>Health: 90
>Leadership: 75
>Speed: 28
>Melee attack: 36
>Melee defence: 44
>Weapon Damage: 26
>Armour-Piercing Damage: 10
>Armour: 75 %
Chaos Chosen: The Chosen are those amongst the ranks of the Chaos Warriors who bear the favour of the Dark Gods more so than their fellows. Known amongst their kind as Chosen, they possess supernatural abilities to aid them in their constant war against those that would dare to stand in their way.
>Cost: 1300
>Health: 131
>Leadership: 85
>Speed: 28
>Melee attack: 46
>Melee defence: 60
>Weapon Damage: 32
>Armour-Piercing Damage: 12
>Armour: 86,67 %
-Cavalry, Monsters, Beasts and War Machines: The hordes of Chaos rely on monstruous, hard hitting units as far as either cavalry or monsters to terrorize the enemy and create a gap in the formation.
Chaos Trolls: Chaos Trolls are those few trolls that have been mutated by the influence of Chaos far more greatly than their other brethren. They sport all manner of mutations, making them even more hideous than their common cousins, and the power of the Winds of Magic stokes their natural aggression and strength, turning them from mere monsters into some of the most terrible beasts within the armies of the Dark Gods.
>Cost: 800
>Health: 494
>Leadership: 40
>Speed: 54
>Melee attack: 34
>Melee defence: 32
>Weapon Damage: 30
>Armour-Piercing Damage: 70
>Armour: 30 %
Chaos Spawn: Chaos Spawn are creatures which have become so mutated through their servitude to Chaos they have devolved into twisted and insane abominations. Those seeking immortality and power through Daemonhood face the constant possibility of being reduced to Chaos Spawn, either by accumulating too many mutations or being cast aside by their Chaos patrons as unworthy.
>Cost: 1000
>Health: 548
>Leadership: 100
>Speed: 42
>Melee attack: 36
>Melee defence: 28
>Weapon damage: 90
>Armour-Piercing Damage: 42
>Armour: 7,5%
Dragon Ogres: Dragon Ogres are amongst the most ancient of the world's living creatures. Their incredible longevity, as with almost all things supernatural, is the work of the Chaos Gods.
>Cost: 1650
>Health: 616
>Leadership: 72
>Speed: 64
>Melee attack: 32
>Melee defence: 40
>Weapon damage: 33
>Armour-Piercing Damage: 77
>Armour: 7,5%
Chaos Knights: Chaos Knights are towering brutes clad in the thickest plate armour, and whose reputation is known throughout as the world's most feared horsemen. Riding atop daemonic steeds that were gifted by the Gods, even the frightful reputation of the Chaos Knights is a weapon in its own right, crippling those who would stand against them with a single thunderous charge.
>Cost: 1450
>Health: 130
>Leadership: 74
>Speed: 66
>Melee attack: 44
>Melee defence: 50
>Weapon damage: 28
>Armour-Piercing Damage: 10
>Armour: 86,67%
Marauder Horsemen: Marauder Horsemen are those tribal warriors that have a strong affiliation with horseback, such as the tribal warriors of the Kurgan and Hung. Riding on fast steeds, these warriors range ahead of the main columns, galloping around the enemy battle line and cutting off any chance of escape. Expert hunters and trackers, Marauder Horsemen are as swift as the wind and merciless as an ice storm.
>Cost: 500
>Health: 91
>Leadership: 48
>Speed: 90
>Melee attack: 22
>Melee defence: 20
>Weapon damage: 19
>Armour-Piercing Damage: 5
>Missile Damage: 15
>Armour-Piercing Missile Damage: 7
>Range: 80
>Armour: 11,25 %
Marauder Horsemasters: Marauder Horsemasters are the veteran elite of the Marauder Horsemen.
>Cost: 750
>Health: 98
>Leadership: 54
>Speed: 90
>Melee attack: 26
>Melee defence: 26
>Weapon damage: 20
>Armour-Piercing Damage: 6
>Missile Damage: 18
>Armour-Piercing Missile Damage: 8
>Range: 90
>Armour: 37,5%
Chaos Chariots: Chaos Chariots are more than just machines of war; they are symbols of status and power. They are drawn by a pair of huge destriers swollen to unnatural size by the corrupting energies of Chaos. They are bound by chains and iron rigging to a broad timber frame chariot, which sits atop massive metal wheels. From it seat lies a favoured Chaos Warrior equipped with flails or powerful polearm weaponry.
>Cost: 950
>Health: 1434
>Leadership: 70
>Speed: 78
>Melee attack: 22
>Melee defence: 28
>Weapon damage: 29
>Armour-Piercing Damage: 11
>Armour: 67,5%
Gorebeast Chariot: Gorebeast Chariots are an even heavier and sturdier version of the common Chaos Chariots. No normal beast would have the strength to pull such a massive instrument of war, and they are therefore pulled into battle by a Gorebeast – a muscular creature renowned for its violent temperament.
>Cost: 1300
>Health: 1640
>Leadership: 70
>Speed: 66
>Melee attack: 30
>Melee defence: 32
>Weapon damage: 16
>Armour-Piercing Damage: 34
>Armour: 86, 67%
Hellcannon: A Hellcannon is a massive smoking construct of metal that growls and shakes with daemonic sentience. In battle, these arcane engines heave crackling blasts of raw energy that soar through the air into their targets, liquefying anything they touch and sending the survivors insane with fear. Hellcannons are guided by a team of corrupt and sadistic Chaos Dwarfs.
>Cost: 1200
>Health: 1475
>Leadership: 70
>Speed: 20
>Melee attack: 18
>Melee defence: 14
>Weapon damage: 21
>Armour: 22,5%
>Missile Damage: 72
>Armour-Piercing Missile Damage: 262
>Range: 420
Chaos Warhound: Brutish and bloodthirsty beasts, the Warhounds of Chaos are tireless hunters built of little more than muscle and fang. On the field of battle, the Beastmen release these feral beasts to intercept the forward elements of the enemy army. Packs of Chaos Warhounds will hunt down and pounce upon enemy skirmishers and scouts, bearing them to the ground and ripping them to pieces in their desperate desire to kill.
>Cost: 400
>Health: 76
>Leadership: 38
>Speed: 95
>Melee attack: 26
>Melee defence: 17
>Weapon damage: 19
>Armour Piercing Damage: 3
>Armour: 11,25%
Manticore: Manticores are huge, leonine beasts that soar on leathery wings. They are amongst the most powerful of all the predators that live in the north's mountain ranges. The mutating power of Chaos ensures that no two Manticores are truly alike. Some have manes of writhing serpents, others pelts of iron scales, and many sprout spiked tales with a poison strong enough to boil a man's blood in his veins. However, all Manticores are berserk killers saturated with primal fury. They are so fierce that they are held by the Dark Elves to be incarnations of Khaine, God of Murder.
>Health: 3827
>Leadership: 56
>Speed: 85
>Melee attack: 40
>Melee defence: 34
>Weapon damage: 290
>Armour Piercing Damage: 155
>Armour: 43,25%
Chaos Giants - Bellowing primitive warcries from maws crammed with rotten, jagged fangs, the Chaos Giant tribes lumber to war. Corrupted by the hideous powers they worship, these beings are twisted perversions of their former selves, monsters dedicated to killing for Chaos.
>Health: 9465
>Leadership: 100
>Speed: 39
>Melee attack: 65
>Melee defence: 30
>Weapon damage: 150
>Armour Piercing Damage: 450
>Armour: 22,5%
Dragon Ogre Shaggoths: Dragon Ogre Shaggoths are living legends of carnage and devastation. As a Dragon Ogre ages, it becomes ever larger, growing stronger and more powerful. As long as it can find lightning to refresh its body and revitalise its mind, there is no limit to the size one can reach.
>Health: 6441
>Leadership: 75
>Speed: 76
>Melee attack: 52
>Melee defence: 50
>Weapon damage: 140
>Armour Piercing Damage: 320
>Armour: 22,5%
Chaos Ogres: Chaos Ogres are those insane Ogres that have willingly given themselves up to the Forces of Chaos and was rewarded with the horrific gifts of mutation. Used extensively as powerful shock troops, these heavily-armed Chaos Ogres would cleave a hefty toll of those warriors foolish enough to stand in their way.
>Health: 641
>Leadership: 75
>Speed: 46
>Melee attack: 52
>Melee defence: 50
>Weapon damage: 40
>Armour Piercing Damage: 20
>Armour: 22,5%
Chimera: The three-headed Chimera is one of the most fearsome of all the children of Chaos, a beast whose progenitors were so warped that it is now impossible to say what manner of creatures they once might have been. Regardless of their exact form, all Chimerae share a savage and unpredictable nature that makes them easily the worst of all chance encounters.
>Health: 827
>Leadership: 56
>Speed: 85
>Melee attack: 20
>Melee defence: 24
>Weapon damage: 90
>Armour Piercing Damage: 55
>Armour: 34,25%
Chaos Warshrine: Chaos Warshrines can vary wildly in design. Some are mere wagons, piled high with skulls, weapons and other offerings pleasing to their god. Others are vast altars mounted atop iron platforms and borne aloft by mutant beasts that roam the Chaos Wastes, creatures whose misshapen, over-muscled bodies are evidence of the Dark Gods' favour.
>Cost: 1200
>Health: 1475
>Leadership: 70
>Speed: 20
>Melee attack: 72
>Melee defence: 41
>Weapon damage: 262
>Armour: 22,5%
>Armour-Piercing Damage: 420
Hellstriders: Hellstriders are devotees of torment who hunt from the back of impossibly swift daemonic steeds. They fight to inflict pain and despair, landing mortal blows upon their victims where they are most likely to prolong the agonising moment of death.
>Cost: 1550
>Health: 130
>Leadership: 74
>Speed: 87
>Melee attack: 44
>Melee defence: 50
>Weapon damage: 38
>Armour-Piercing Damage: 20
>Armour: 68,67%
Skullcrushers: Skullcrushers are blood-mad berserkers that have earned the greatest favour within the Blood God's service, and whose deeds have since earned them the honour of riding Khorne's Juggernauts into battle. On top of such a monstrous metal-clad daemon-beast, Skullcrushers are an unstoppable force to behold.
>Cost: 1300
>Health: 1640
>Leadership: 70
>Speed: 86
>Melee attack: 30
>Melee defence: 32
>Weapon damage: 16
>Armour-Piercing Damage: 34
>Armour: 68, 67%
Slaughterbrute: The Slaughterbrute is the epitome of violence and bloodshed kept tamed through means of ritual daggers and powerful magic. It possesses four front arms of differing sizes, a muscular body, a triplex tongue, and a massive head that contains a cluster of eyes and multiple rows of teeth. It possesses skin that is chitinous, creased and spiked, and the creature stands on hoofed feet.
>Cost: 1600
>Health: 1750
>Leadership: 70
>Speed: 56
>Melee attack: 60
>Melee defence: 62
>Weapon damage: 46
>Armour-Piercing Damage: 54
>Armour: 86, 67%
Mutalith Vortex Beast: A Mutalith Vortex Beast is an utter abomination of nature. It is a terrifying fusion of monster and magic, a creature mutated beyond all reason by the power of Tzeentch. The Mutalith Vortex Beast differs in a striking manner: a vortex of raw Chaos echoing the shape of the 8-pointed star looms up from its back. Nine huge tentacles extend out of its mouth, each of which is dripping with ichor. Finally, it possesses two tails that end in mouths, tongues and claws. The creature has no head, but instead has a gaping maw that can consume almost anything.
>Cost: 1800
>Health: 2050
>Leadership: 70
>Speed: 56
>Melee attack: 80
>Melee defence: 82
>Weapon damage: 76
>Armour-Piercing Damage: 64
>Armour: 86, 67%
-Daemons of Chaos: The gods of Chaos are mostly uncaring of the suffering of the mortals, but they can be…persuaded to assist their worshippers with their own personal warriors. By offering sacrifices and destroying for one of the four gods of Chaos, a Chaos Chosen can receive the support from them.
The four gods of Chaos are:
- Khorne: Khorne, also known as Kharneth, the Blood God, the Lord of Murder and the Hunter of Souls, is the Chaos God of War, Honour, Courage, Rage, Strength and Hate. His domain of power encompasses the most basic and brutal of sentient emotion and every act of killing is said to empower Him, the more vicious and bloodthirsty the better. He is said to smile upon feats of valour, strength and blood-drenched warrior skill, and is the patron of proud warriors who set themselves against the odds and emerge triumphant through strength and skill. Khorne is said to exalt the brave of both sides of the battle, while at the same time laying his terrible vengeance upon the cowardly and craven.
- Tzeentch, also known as Tchar, The Wind-lord, The Raven God, the Changer of Ways and the Great Conspirator is the Chaos God of Magic, Change, Evolution, Destiny, Lies and Trickery. He is flux embodied, a daemon-god who alone truly embodies the terrible energies and momentum of Chaos. He bears a strong claim to all who profess to worship the Northern Gods, for without transformation, a warrior cannot ascend to greatness, the gods cannot grant their blessings, and the living cannot die.
- Nurgle, also known as the Plague Lord, the Lord of Pestilence, the Fly Lord, and the Urfather is the Chaos God of Disease, Decay, Destruction, and Death by Rebirth. He is the eldest of the four Chaos Gods and is the most directly involved with the plight of mortals, particularly Humans who suffer so acutely from a fear of death. Indeed, Nurgle is undoubtedly the oldest of the Chaos Gods, for the process of death and decay is as old as Life itself. When the first forms of life had lived upon the universe, they've lived and then would inevitably die, and from this death came the primordial Nurgle.
- Slaanesh, also known as the Dark Prince, the Prince of Pleasure, the Lord of Excess, the Perfect Prince and even the Prince of Chaos, is the Chaos God of Pleasure, Passion, Excess and Decadence.
-Khorne Daemons:
Bloodletters: Bloodletters, known also as Khorne's Chosen, the Teeth of Death, Naked Slayers, Takers of Skulls, or Horned Ones are the foot soldiers in Khorne's legions, deadly warriors believed to have been foremost amongst the Blood God's followers in mortal life and whose will is as implacable and blood-hungry as Khorne himself.
>Health: 98
>Leadership: 60
>Speed: 45
>Melee attack: 54
>Melee defence: 48
>Weapon Damage: 51
>Armour-Piercing Damage: 37
>Armour: 21,25 %
Bloodcrushers of Khorne: The Bloodcrushers of Khorne, known also as Soulcrushers, the Feet of Khorne, or even Juggers, are the most favoured of all Bloodletters. Bloodcrushers are Khorne's shock cavalry, a deadly combination of battle-frenzied Bloodletter and the unstoppable crushing mass of a Juggernaut of Khorne.
>Health: 1740
>Leadership: 70
>Speed: 86
>Melee attack: 50
>Melee defence: 52
>Weapon damage: 36
>Armour-Piercing Damage: 54
>Armour: 68, 67%
Blood Thrones of Khorne: The Blood Thrones of Khorne, known also as the Clanking Boneshredders, the Blood-soaked Spires or the Dreadskull Totems is a mighty Daemon Engine, armoured in brass and driven into battle by iron-shod wheels that crush and mangle all who stand in its path.
>Health: 1434
>Leadership: 70
>Speed: 88
>Melee attack: 42
>Melee defence: 48
>Weapon damage: 49
>Armour-Piercing Damage: 31
>Armour: 67,5%
Skull Cannons of Khorne: The Skull Cannons of Khorne, known also Hellforged Bellowers, the Bonegrinders or the Clinkerfiends, are massive Daemon Engines of Khorne. Legend tells that the Skull Cannons of Khorne were forged in the furnaces at the foot of the Blood God's throne and beaten into shape upon his mighty anvil.
>Health: 5801
>Leadership: 100
>Speed: 68
>Melee attack: 32
>Melee defence: 10
>Weapon damage: 60
>Armour Piercing Damage: 80
>Armour: 87.5%
>Missile Damage: 88
>Armour-Piercing Missile Damage: 352
>Range: 380
Flesh Hounds: Flesh Hounds, known also as Blood Trackers, the Inevitable Ones or the Hounds of Wrath are rapacious wolf-like Daemons, both reptilian and savagely canine in aspect. They are Khorne's blood-hunters, lithe yet powerful, able to dart aside from a swordsman's strike and pull a knight from the saddle as part of the same fluid motion.
>Health: 96
>Leadership: 68
>Speed: 95
>Melee attack: 46
>Melee defence: 37
>Weapon damage: 39
>Armour Piercing Damage: 13
>Armour: 22,25%
Pink Horrors: Pink Horrors, known also as Whirling Destroyers, Squealers or Spinning Sourguts are the footsoldiers of Tzeentch, identified by their luminescent pink skin and their squeals of high-pitched laughter. Spellcasting fills Pink Horrors with joy, and they emit especial merriment as eldritch energy screeches from their upraised hands.
>Health: 88
>Leadership: 70
>Speed: 45
>Melee attack: 44
>Melee defence: 41
>Weapon Damage: 51
>Armour-Piercing Damage: 37
>Armour: 11,25 %
Flamers: Flamers, known also as Burning Horrors, Flame Spouters, Flaming Whirlwinds or simply Fire Daemons are powerful daemonic entities of Tzeentch best known for their ability to conjure daemonic fire. Capable of a fair turn of speed, expelling gaseous ichor through the fungoid 'skirt' at their base to bound and leap across the ground with considerable mischievous gusto.
>Health: 78
>Leadership: 70
>Speed: 25
>Melee attack: 34
>Melee defence: 41
>Weapon Damage: 51
>Armour-Piercing Damage: 37
>Armour: 11,25 %
>Missile Damage: 82
>Armour-Piercing Missile Damage: 92
>Range: 94
Burning Chariot of Tzeentch: Burning Chariots of Tzeentch are large Deamon Engines of Tzeentch which hurtle across the Realm of Chaos like incandescent meteors, bringing the Great Sorcerer's chosen emissaries to every corner of existence. As they blaze through the heavens of the mortal world, Chariots of Tzeentch are commonly mistaken for comets, which are in turn interpreted as omens of great events and terrible wars.
>Health: 1434
>Leadership: 70
>Speed: 88
>Melee attack: 42
>Melee defence: 48
>Weapon damage: 49
>Armour-Piercing Damage: 31
>Armour: 67,5%
Screamers: Screamers, known also as Sky-Sharks, Swoopers or Shrieking Skyrays are glimmering daemonic entities that ride upon the Winds of Magic as a bird glides upon the breeze. They roam the tides of magic, preying upon the shadow-souls of mortal creatures, lone Chaos Furies and other unfortunate magical ephemera.
>Health: 500
>Leadership: 75
>Speed: 90
>Melee attack: 44
>Melee defence: 48
>Weapon damage: 42
>Armour-Piercing Damage: 98
>Armour: 67,5%
Nurglings: Nurglings are the very image of Father Nurgle himself, having friendly, mischievous faces and bloated, green bodies fitted with disproportionate limbs. The only difference is their size. A Nurgling is no taller than a foot high. These foul things inhabit the bodies of larger Daemons, preferably the Great Unclean Ones who spawn them.
>Health: 43
>Leadership: 36
>Speed: 58
>Melee attack: 26
>Melee defence: 18
>Weapon Damage: 8
>Armour-Piercing Damage: 23
>Armour: 11,25 %
Plaguebearers: Plaguebearers, known also as the Tainted Ones, the One-Eyed Rotters, Horned Rotbags, Maggotkin, Rotbearers and the Tallymen of Plagues, are the rank and file of Nurgle's legions, crafted from the soul-stuff of mortals who have been slain by Nurgle's Rot.
>Health: 88
>Leadership: 70
>Speed: 35
>Melee attack: 44
>Melee defence: 61
>Weapon Damage: 51
>Armour-Piercing Damage: 37
>Armour: 31,25 %
Plague Drones of Nurgle: The Plague Drones of Nurgle, known also as Blighted Swarmers, Festerwings and Bubonic Buzzers are the high-ranking Plaguebearers of Nurgle. These stewards of Nurgle's Garden ride into the mortal realm mounted upon Rot Flies — colossal Daemon-insects whose appearance is so repugnant it leaves festering scars upon the mind.
>Health: 1495
>Leadership: 65
>Speed: 90
>Melee attack: 44
>Melee defence: 61
>Weapon Damage: 51
>Armour-Piercing Damage: 98
>Armour: 33,75 %
Beasts of Nurgle: Beasts of Nurgle, known also as Slime Hounds, Putrid Bouncers or even Tentacled Plaguehounds are massive lumbering fiends that are as stupid as they are ugly—and they are hideously ugly.
>Health: 648
>Leadership: 100
>Speed: 32
>Melee attack: 46
>Melee defence: 48
>Weapon damage: 100
>Armour-Piercing Damage: 42
>Armour: 77,5%
Daemonettes: Daemonettes, known also as the Children of Slaanesh, the Debauched Ones, the Bringers of Joyous Degradation and the Decadent Seekers are the most numerous of all Slaanesh's servants. They are shrouded in a hypnotic glamour, seditious magics that bestow their repulsive features with perverse beauty.
>Health: 88
>Leadership: 70
>Speed: 65
>Melee attack: 44
>Melee defence: 31
>Weapon Damage: 51
>Armour-Piercing Damage: 37
>Armour: 11,25 %
Seekers of Slaanesh: The Seekers of Slaanesh known also as the Riders of Slaanesh, Disciples of Decadence or Darkling Delighters are the Prince of Chaos' outriders, darkling Daemonettes mounted on swift daemonic Steeds. Malign of intent and with the predatory swiftness of a striking cobra, Seekers dart across the endless battlefields of the Realm of Chaos, springing ambushes on vulnerable prey.
>Health: 230
>Leadership: 74
>Speed: 97
>Melee attack: 54
>Melee defence: 60
>Weapon damage: 48
>Armour-Piercing Damage: 30
>Armour: 68,67%
Seeker Chariots of Slaanesh: Seeker Chariots, known also as Shrieking Shandredhans, Glorious Doomriders or Pallid Vanguards are fast moving Daemonic Engines of Slaanesh. As the straining steeds urge the chariot to full speed, swirling shapes sear the air with unholy hues and the metal axles screech in a disharmony akin to the wailing of tormented souls.
>Health: 1434
>Leadership: 70
>Speed: 98
>Melee attack: 32
>Melee defence: 38
>Weapon damage: 49
>Armour-Piercing Damage: 31
>Armour: 57,5%
Hellflayers of Slaanesh: The Hellflayers of Slaanesh, known also as Scented Harvesters, the Decadent Reavers or the Shred-Chain Sisters, are swift-moving Daemon Engines that ride hither and yon across the alabaster plains, their reaping blades cutting and slicing the distaff flesh into small pieces that Slaanesh's otherworldly flora can easily devour.
>Health: 1434
>Leadership: 70
>Speed: 100
>Melee attack: 52
>Melee defence: 38
>Weapon damage: 50
>Armour-Piercing Damage: 41
>Armour: 57,5%
Steeds of Slaanesh: Steeds of Slaanesh go by many names; Flesh Lickers, Tongue Flayers, Degraded Ones, Whips of Slaanesh. They are strange, disturbing creatures that roam in herds along the borders of the Realm of Chaos.
>Health: 202
>Leadership: 55
>Speed: 90
>Melee attack: 30
>Melee defence: 22
>Weapon Damage: 30
>Armour Piercing: 40
>Armour: 67.5%
Fiends of Slaanesh: The Hunting Beasts of Slaanesh are a foul race of Daemonic creatures. Spawned from the mad mind of the Serpent, these creatures combine several traits of scorpion, human and reptile to become some unholy abomination.
>Health: 6732
>Leadership: 55
>Speed: 50
>Melee attack: 40
>Melee defence: 35
>Weapon Damage: 110
>Armour Piercing: 270
>Armour: 75%
-Warriors of Chaos attributes:
- The enemy of civilization: Since the dawn of time, Chaos has been the enemy of all civilization. Worshipping Chaos is essentially asking to be the enemy of the entire world except some individuals. (-100 out of -100 relations with all non-Chaos races)
- Rival tribes: While Archaeon technically controls all tribes that worship Chaos, his control is highly theoretical. Many seek ways to escape his grip by trying to gain warriors and the favours of the gods (-50 out of -100 centralized government)
- Chaos Corruption: Whenever the followers of Chaos go, they corrupt the land in hideous ways. This allow them to weaken opponents and to attack more easily. (causes -70 out of -100 stability in all territories Chaos infiltrates unless region is owned by Chaos faction)
- The favours of the Gods: In order to continue their expansion, the Warriors of Chaos can conquer and occupy many regions in this world, gaining an income. But if they chose to destroy a settlement, they can offer the destruction and the people living there as sacrifices to their gods. In turn, the gods of Chaos reward the Warriors of Chaos with their legions. These demonic beasts need no payment, but can only be recruited from destroyed settlements. On top of that, they cannot live in this pure world for long. But as the warriors of Chaos expand, so does Chaos corruption, rending this world ideal for the daemons of the Dark Gods realm. (Can occupy settlement. If settlement is razed it is possible to recruit Demons. Demons can stay an extended period of time depending on Chaos corruption. If Chaos corruption reaches 100%, Chaos demons can stay in that region indefinitely. Depending on percentage of Corruption, Chaos demons can stay for 1 or more turns. Es: 2% Chaos corruption: Chaos demons can stay for 2 turns. 37% Chaos corruption: Chaos demons can stay for 37 turns.)
If there are any things that I should modify/add, let me know.
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