Mass Foundations: All the World's a Stage thread 3 (Doctor Who/Fallout multicross?)

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SYNOPSIS: Something had brought the Doctor and the TARDIS to an alternate Earth ravaged by...
Prologue: Into the Great Unknown
Something brought the Doctor and the TARDIS to an alternate Earth ravaged by nuclear war. There, he encountered a lone wanderer and together, they contended with strange creatures and powerful beings. To find the source of these troubles, they would have to work together and travel throughout the multiverse, willingly or not. All in a day's work for the Doctor.

Mass Foundations: All the World's a Stage

Prologue: Into the Great Unknown

"Anything that can go wrong will go wrong."

—Murphy's Law

A blue, rectangular box, seemingly disguised as a police box, tumbled through the spacetime vortex. As it skittered across a street in an unknown city at an unknown time, a strange wheeze echoed from the box in the night.

Inside was a large control room sprawling beyond the deceptively normal doors and into the darkness. Then, one by one, the lights turned on, and the room's many surfaces and devices were washed in a warm glow. Those who passed through these doors for the first time commented on the most remarkable thing about the box: not the many dials or the central component of moving glass, but how much bigger it was on the inside.

A pale man, slim and tall with a thin face and a mop of wild silver hair, laid by the many-sided console on the floor. He opened his piercing blue eyes, looked around, and rubbed his thick eyebrows and his hooked nose together with a trembling hand. He then stood up with a pained groan leaving his lips. He straightened the creases of his dark blue coat, briefly showing a white T-shirt underneath, also covering his gray plaid trousers.

This old man was a time traveler, a Time Lord from the lost planet Gallifrey, known as the Doctor.

He was alone in the TARDIS, having sent Clara Oswald, his trusted companion and close friend, back to her life for now. He thought she needed a break after another harrowing but exciting adventure. Moments later, alarms blared out as the whole TARDIS shook, then the lights flickered and went out, leaving everything dark.

What, he thought, was the last thing he said before everything went wrong? "I always find trouble?" In hindsight, he shouldn't have said those words.

The pain in his head that throbbed briefly when he regained consciousness began receding as he moved one of the monitors toward him. He pressed some buttons and flicked a switch. A screen lit up, revealing a fuzzier-than-usual image of the planet Earth. But it looked wrong. It looked sick. The entire atmosphere had a brownish, greenish glow to it. He looked at the letters appearing at the upper-right corner of the screen. The year was 2286.

"That doesn't look right," the Doctor muttered to himself. "In the 23rd century, Earth was still recovering from the Dalek invasions. Then, global warming happened. So, the obvious conclusion is…" He let out a long, anxious breath. "I've somehow traveled to another universe. Again. It sounds impossible but…" He scoffed. "I've done impossible things on a daily basis."

Yet, he couldn't shake off the feeling that this universe he found himself in was familiar. Had he been there before? He went to the other side of the console to another monitor and, with a command on the keyboard, accessed the TARDIS' vast database.


He sighed and shook his head in disappointment. It might have been lifetimes ago for him and he must have gotten it erased and forgotten about it.

"Still… normally, traveling between universes would drain the TARDIS of all her energy," the Doctor said, circling the console as if lecturing to an invisible audience. "Without the Time Vortex, she would be out of commission. Question: with that in mind, why was the TARDIS' power preserved? Next question: what preserved, or restored, it?" He pointed up in the air with his finger on his right hand. "The answer? It's possible that there's a rift that connects this universe to mine." He grinned as he snapped his fingers together and spun around. "Right you are, Doctor!"

"Next question," he continued. "Where is it? Scratch that, better question: what is out there, beyond the doors of the TARDIS?"

The Time Lord walked to the exit, stopping for a moment as his hands firmly grasped on the doorknobs in excitement. His grin became wider, showing off his teeth. "Answer: let's find out."

He opened the doors and stepped into the great unknown.
Chapter One: Along Came a Lone Wanderer - The Doctor and some raiders
Chapter One: Along Came a Lone Wanderer

A city of ruins was what greeted the Doctor when he stepped out of the blue police box, closing the door behind him. Crumbling skyscrapers stretched out for miles around him while rusted cars and debris littered the streets, highlighted by the scant flickering of the streetlights. What made him raise an eyebrow was the fact that the cars shared many similarities to the ones from 1950s America, down to the most minute detail. He wondered whether the nuclear apocalypse happened so long ago or if these cars were someone from that era's interpretation of the future.

If there was a silver lining to the tragedy of humanity's nuclear destruction, at least he could count the number of stars in the night sky.

Howling winds filled the otherwise unsettling silence, which was soon joined by a sharp wolf whistle. The Doctor looked around, whipping out a pair of sunglasses and putting them on. It wasn't any ordinary pair of sunglasses. It was much like his sonic screwdriver but in the form of wearable technology. He was so over his screwdriver anyway.

Emerging from the shadows were several people, six by his count, but they don't seem to be the friendly sort. Wearing scraps for armor and worn-out, ripped clothes, these fellows were either covered in dirt or had scars that were etched on wherever their outfits didn't cover their bodies. If he didn't know any better, the Doctor would assume he had stumbled onto a set for one of those post-apocalyptic movies.

"Well, well, well. Lookie what we got here, boys and girls." A woman wearing torn-up long johns with pigtails for dirty blond hair laughed. She carried a baseball bat with nails driven through it over her shoulder as she pranced towards the TARDIS and caressed it with a light touch.

She stopped and stepped aside when her male friend, who sported a mohawk and wore what appeared to be an umpire's pads over a baseball player's uniform, charged in with a loud bellow and slammed on the doors of the TARDIS with a sledgehammer. He stepped away in shock when his mighty impact hadn't left a dent in it.

The Doctor frowned as he lowered his sunglasses and glared at the hooligan with the sledgehammer. "The assembled hordes of Genghis Khan couldn't get through these doors. Trust me, they tried."

"Gang-gus who?" another male hooligan asked, struggling to put the words together.

"Famous historical figure and conqueror, if you have read your history books," the Doctor answered. "If there are any still around, that is."