Mason Aves: The Wizard(Kinda Complete.. again)

Will he figure out that he is in MCU before Captain America becomes a thing? He certainly could if he paid attention to the war and heard about Hydra. I'm asking because it would be pretty cool if he picked the mind of the scientists that made the super serum before he died. And Starks mind for all the technological bullshit decades ahead of his time
New reader; just found this. Felt you should know, isekai doesn't mean reincarnation. It means 'other world'; death is not mandatory, and reincarnation does not specify location the way isekai does.
Will he figure out that he is in MCU before Captain America becomes a thing? He certainly could if he paid attention to the war and heard about Hydra. I'm asking because it would be pretty cool if he picked the mind of the scientists that made the super serum before he died. And Starks mind for all the technological bullshit decades ahead of his time
9. First Year
A/N: Pat-reon: HelloDarkness07.

Update: My mother is currently under meds, and is alright. The only symptoms she had, was a loss of taste, and the test showing positive results.

She wasn't actually sick, but we all decided to let her isolate at the Covid centre so she can recover away from the stress of home. She isn't getting worse, but since she wasn't actually visibly sick, we don't know if she's improving either.

Well, her oxygen levels are increasing, so there's that. She'll hopefully be home by the next week.

Thank you all for your well wishes! I'll keep you all up to date. Thank you.


The next morning at 6:30, I was standing in the Ravenclaw common room, staring right at a shelf in the in-house Library. Sly had turned invisible when I came down, and left through an exit available for the pets for who knows where. He refused to stay inside my robes or stay with me during the lessons.

The Library itself was not exactly inside the common room, but a little above it. A small flight of stairs led to a second floor balcony, barely 7 foot above the floor of the Common Room, which contained the Book Shelves.

There were 9 shelves, separated by a space big enough for a study table of 20 people each. Surprisingly, the size of the Library was bigger than the size of the common room, but it perfectly fit within it.

Shaking my head at this confusing feat of magic, I turn back to the shelves. Seven of them were clearly labelled for each year of Hogwarts, along with the two shelves for miscellaneous stuff.

On those yearly shelves, the compartments were further divided according to the subject matter. The First Year shelf only had our school study material, and so did the Second Years, along with a few novels. Surprisingly, I could see a big Sherlock collection, along with all the Jules Verne books.

The Third Year onwards, however, there were additional compartments for subjects that weren't offered in classes, but were safe to learn independently by those ages.

I was staring at the last two shelves, and just reading what subjects were available to study, even if it is probably just a basic understanding of it.

"Ah, you're already up?" the voice of an older person, than me, makes me look back towards the stairs leading to the Library. It was the male Prefect from last night, the one who led us here.

"Verne, right?" I ask, holding my hand out to the Prefect.

The 15 year old shakes my hand, and says, "You got that right. Julius Verne. Pleased to meet you."

My eyebrows twitch involuntarily, and I ask, "Your name.. is Julius Verne? Really?"

The prefect smiles widely, and says, "Ah, yes. You know Jules Verne. Our surname's the same as the author, and my father is a fan. So, naturally, he named me Julius to mess with people."

"Huh." I say, because what else can I say to that? I still say, "I hope you are his descendant or something. My name's Mason Aves, by the way."

"I know, and I'm not, a descendant, I mean. I checked." He says, and then turns towards the shelf I was observing.

So, it is possible to check for ancestors then? "How did you check for that? Is there a spell?" I ask, showing my curiosity on my face.

He says, "Well, you can go to Gringott's or the Inheritance Department in the Ministry and have a Genealogical Record made. They use your blood to find out any ancestors up to 1000 years ago."

I widen my eyes, and whisper, "Holy fuck."

"Yeah, drop those dreams, mate. There are no Vaults in Gringott's left by our ancestors or anything. Hell, Jules Verne was a muggle, who just had an amazing imagination. I'd thought his books were a sign of his Magical heritage, but no. Completely muggle." He interrupts, and shakes his head.

Before I can ask anything, he says, "You had the same face I did when I found out about it. I too, went in hopes, that at least one of my ancestor must have left a vault full of books behind. Most of the Vaults were claimed by the closest relatives of the time immediately, or sold in an auction if they manage to open it. But, who knows, you might just get lucky. And I suggest you go to the Goblins. It's 10 times more expensive, but they keep the records to themselves, so you don't get hounded by reporters or something."

That must be second hand instructions. I'm going to definitely take the Genealogy test, or whatever it is.

I then ask, "Fine, now what can you tell me about this Library?"

Julius smiles knowingly at the topic change, but still explains how the Library is set up. He says, "Well, as is obvious, books are sorted by year, and then subject. Ravenclaw House is the only house in Hogwarts with its own, private Library, so be careful who you give these books to. Whenever you take one book out of the shelf, your name is noted down magically on the Records book over in that corner."

I glance at the corner, and sure enough, there was an halfway open book with a quill placed in the middle of it.

"For the first two years at least, you won't be allowed to take anything, but the Magazines, from these two shelves." Julius says, pointing the Miscellaneous Shelves out. He then points the compartments in the shelves one by one, and says, "Alchemy, Beginners Warding, Healing, Enchanting, Rune Crafting, Curses, Rituals, all these have study materials beginning from the extreme basics, to just over 7th year level. The rest of the stuff is in the Restricted Section of the Hogwarts Library. And don't even bother trying to sneak a book out, your names will be registered as soon as you take a book out."

It was when he said that, that I realize that I'm no longer the only person listening. Tom McAvoy, Charis Black, Anastasia Greengrass, and a few more of the First Year Ravenclaw students were standing behind me, listening patiently.

I listen carefully, as he explains some more stuff, like how Alchemy needs us to pass our OWLs in Potions, Runes, Arithmancy, and Transfiguration, all with at least an Exceeds Expectations (EE) to gain access to even the introductory book. There were similar restrictions for the other subjects, other than Healing. That just needs the School Healer's permission.

Soon, once every first year was gathered, and it was time for breakfast, Julius and Marie, guided us back towards the Great Hall, with our book bags. They showed us recognisable portraits, or statues, or doors, so that we can make our way reliably to and from the Great Hall at least.

Marie says, "For the first week, we will be guiding you to every class, and back, so that you have enough time to memorize the way. After that, you're on your own, so better pay attention."

I was walking side by side with Tom, who whispers to me, "You think we'll have classes today?"

I shrug, not knowing it, and ask out loud, "Ms Goldfinch? Will we have classes today? And if so, what subjects?"

Marie doesn't even bother looking back, and says, "We all will have classes starting today, of course. It's Tuesday! As for the subjects, you'll know it when you get your timetable, which you will during the Breakfast."

"There you go." I say, having found the answer to his question.

During breakfast, we have our first meeting with Professor Merrythought, our Head of House. Since the first years were seated at the end of the table, nearest to the Teacher's Table, Merrythought was walking one by one, talking to everyone individually at least for a few seconds.

It wasn't much, just a small conversation about our summers.

When she comes to me, she hands me the copy of the Timetable, and asks, "Everything settled okay, Mr Aves?"

I nod, smile at her, and say, "Yes, Professor. I slept almost immediately after getting on the bed."

"Good, good. What subjects are you most looking forward to?" She then asks, skipping the summer question, probably knowing that I'm an orphanage resident.

I say, "Not one in particular, Professor. I've already read all my books, so any practical lesson is something I'm looking forward to." As she narrows her eyes at me, I say, "That doesn't mean I won't pay attention in theory! It's likely that I've missed something, and the lessons will help me correct it!"

Professor Merrythought nods, and says, "Good. I don't want to find you slacking in any of the classes, Mr Aves."

And then she leaves towards the next students, leaving me to return to my breakfast. Eggs and toast, along with a glass of warm milk.

Turning to my left, I see a conversation taking place over the recently given Time table, so I pick up my own copy to look at it. Boy, this is a light time table.

There wasn't a fixed time limit for each subject, but the entire Academic day, so to speak, amounted to just 4 hours, not counting the breaks. Potions was twice a weak, Monday and Thursday, each of these classes two hours long.

Charms, Transfiguration, DADA, and History of Magic were each three times a week, with two of the classes being 45 minutes long, and one being an hour long. Don't know what for, though.

Astronomy was once again, only two days a week, Wednesday and Friday. The Wednesday class was a theory class, 45 minutes long in the afternoon, while the Friday class was 2 hours long practical, at 10 PM. Since weekends were off, it was manageable.

Herbology had a two hour practical class on Wednesday, while the theory class was on Monday. And finally, on every other Monday evening, there was the flying lesson for an hour. It won't be the next Monday, but the one after that, and so on.

"Damn, this is.. light." I mumble, looking at how low the School hours actually were. 4 hours per day? That's it? The biggest day was Wednesday at 4 hours and 15 minutes.

"I think this is great." Anastasia Greengrass says from beside me. As I turn towards her, she says, "Remember, this is just classes. They'll expect us to do our homework, study additional information, and practice the spells."

"Good point." I accept, since I had completely forgotten that I'll be expected to do homework. Joy.

Sighing, I ask, "Which one are you most looking forward to?"

Greengrass smiles widely, which throws the Fanon coloured image of the Ice Queen Greengrass family out the window, and says, "I love Charms. My father is an enchanter, and I've seen him work it. How about you?"

"Same. Along with Transfiguration, and Potions. Those two subjects sure sound exciting." I say, feeling it good in having a normal conversation.

From in front of us, Charis Black sniffs, and says, "What does a.. muggleborn even know about Magical subjects?"

I don't take offense to it, because she's literally 11, and answer, "Magic might be new to me as a fact, but as a myth, I've known it my entire life. Seeing the stuff from the books I used to read, in the real world, is an excitement of its own. Plus, as I told the professor, I've already read all my books, so I have at least some idea of what I'm going to learn this year."

Charis opens her mouth, probably to try and insult me again, but Julius, who was sitting on my other side, says, "That's enough now. We're Ravens. The only thing that concerns us is Knowledge, and definitely not people's ancestry, or lack thereof. So, I better not find you deliberately insulting your fellow students, Ms Black."

As Charis nods, looking down at her plate again, Julius turns to me, and says, "And while it's impressive that you've managed to read all your books, don't get complacent. Ravenclaw as a House cares more about if you're actually learning, than your grades. Memorization is not tolerated here, you should truly understand your stuff before moving on. Got it?"

I nod, getting the point. I'll be expected to pay attention, and prove to my teachers that I am actually learning the subjects before I could get to the harder stuff. Well, I'll at least get that much practice in.

Our first class of the day was Charms, and we did not share it with any other House. That sure is a relief, as I did not intend to embarrass myself in my first class by being too excited. At least, not in front of other Houses.

Professor Thrud Rowle is the Charms Professor, and she was new at this school. At most 25 years old, Professor Rowle was a newly awarded Charms Master, and was a pretty good teacher, if I say so myself.

The first class wasn't anything special, obviously. After attendance was over with, Professor Rowle explained us about the basics of Magic, from the Magical Theory book. Side by side, she was also explaining what Charms actually are.

"You might have wondered, what Magic actually is, I'm sure. I know I did. Magic, is the supernatural force that allows us to change aspects of our world, at the most fundamental of the levels. Some arts use unnatural ways, that go against the Nature of Magic, to do it, which we call the Dark Arts. But most of the Magic is natural, that goes hand in hand with Nature. We do this by way of Magic spells."

Smiling, as we were listening intently, she continues, "Charms are Magic spells that add properties to an object, or have an effect on the world without having much in the way of visual effects. Charms change what the objects do, rather than what the objects are. For the first week, you won't be allowed to use your wand in the Class, until you understand exactly what Magic spells are, and how Charms work. Now, let's begin."

After 45 minutes of Charms, we were given 15 minutes to find the next classroom, and thankfully, the two 5th year Prefects came to pick us up. The next class was Defense Against Dark Arts.

Professor Merrythought was as strict as I expected, and was a no nonsense teacher. She too, started us off with teaching us some Magical Theory for the first class. Then, came the introduction to DADA, what it includes, and all that.

DADA is not a single subject, but using everything else we learn in our Defence. Charms, Herbology, Potions, Transfiguration, everything can be used in DADA. But, since this was just our first year, we won't have much. From what I read in the book, the first year focuses mostly on distraction and getting away. If any spells come under this category, then we'll probably learn it.

The same went on for Transfiguration, which we had with Hufflepuff, and Dumbledore looked even more excited than us students. The class took place after lunch, beginning at 1 PM. He started off with first changing the table behind him into a tiger, and had it roar loudly.

He then said, "Transfiguration is a precise art. A single mistake can have the harshest consequences, so anyone messing around in this class will be barred entry to the classes until I'm sure they've learned their lesson."

Like Professors Rowle and Merrythought, Dumbledore also explained some Magical Theory, along with the basics of his subject. Like, he explained what the bare basics of Transfiguration, what it is, how the spells are cast, and limits.

The final class of the day, was History of Magic, and damn, it was the most boring class ever. And I've learned addition of single digit numbers, while already having studied Masters Level Physics.

Professor Binns is a ghost, even this far into the past, and was far too focused on Goblins for it to not be a vendetta. First class itself, he began with the Goblin Rebellion of 1689, that was the final nail in the coffin that is the International Statute of Magical Secrecy.

He made the most exciting parts of history seem boring! So, I just read my history books during the 45 minutes class.

I actually read over the Statute of Secrecy part, and Binns was only partially correct. While the Goblin Rebellion did hold a hand in it, the main cause was the countless Wizards and Witches getting burnt at the stake by the Church.

The establishment of the Statute, and the formation of the International Confederation of Wizards, was meant to protect the Magical beings, Wizards and others alike, from prosecution by the muggles.

It was interesting, if I'd managed to not sleep at all. And so ended our first day at Hogwarts.

The next day, came Herbology which was held at sharp 9 in the morning. The class was held in a classroom near the Greenhouses. Again, the Prefects guided us there, as they did for every class yesterday. Surprisingly enough, we shared the classes with Gryffindor.

I was happy to meet with Darla again. Sure, we shared a few waves, hellos and byes in the hallways, and in the Great Hall, but talking wasn't possible as we didn't have much time yet.

So, until the Professor came, we spoke a bit, about the classes. She was happy in school, and had already made a couple friends amongst her dorm mates. But, we had to stop when the Professor came to start the class.

Herbert Beery is a cheery sort of guy, and enjoyed his subject. He began his lesson by saying, "Good morning, lads, lasses. Sit down. Usually, Wednesdays are reserved for Practical lessons, but since this us your first class of Herbology, ever, we'll start with a long, long, lesson."

Chuckling at our faces, he says, "Don't be upset, I'm sure that you'll come to enjoy the subject just as much as I do! Now, who here has read the first chapter of 1000 Magical Herbs and Fungi?"

After 1 hour 45 minutes of a completely theoretical Herbology lesson, came Astronomy, DADA, and then History of Magic, with the Lunch break between DADA and Charms.

Thursday brought our first Potions lesson, again, a lecture about different ingredients and the steps we'll have to go through to brew a successful Potion.

The class was held in the dungeons, with the Hufflepuff House once again, and was taught by the well known Professor Horace Slughorn.

And damn, he's an amazing teacher. At the end of the class, he took a small oral quiz, and almost everyone knew the answers to all the question, even if not all were perfect.

Our week ended with an Astronomy lesson, a practical this time, on Friday night, at 9 for two hours.

~~What's got you so happy?~~ Sly asks, the lazy snake having skipped classes in favour of either sleeping, or roaming around.

Turning towards him, I say, ~~I'm finally learning Magic, Sly. This.. is exactly what I'd hoped it'd be and it's perfect!~~

~~Tell me if there's anything interesting you've learned.~~ Sly says, and goes back down to sleep.

Poking him in his.. body, I ask, ~~What about you? Did you find anything interesting while roaming around?~~

Annoyed, Sly looks up at me, and says, ~~Other than many small pets, which I did not eat, you're welcome, there are many holes that I can go through. The forest is good enough, but there are more dangerous beings there than me.~~

~~You did remember to stay invisible, right?~~ I ask, worries of being found out.

While he can't stay invisible forever, and he refuses to anyway, I can't allow him to be seen by any teacher. Snakes are venomous, and Sly is a cobra. He won't bite anyone.. without reason.. but his presence here is a threat to the students still.

So, he goes to the forest to be free, be visible again.

Sly hisses angrily, and says, ~~You're lucky that I understand the need, human! Staying invisible is tiring. You better find a solution for us soon, or I'll have to reconsider staying with you!~~

Damn, Maybe it's time to find Helena once again.

As I go to sleep, I think over what else I did this week. I didn't do much, but kept to the regular nightly practice of using my magic spells on my list, which were still just 12. Only this time, I also did them using my Wand.

The feel of my magic is different, when used through my wand. Easier, in some ways, but harder in others. Easier in the way that I don't have to focus as hard as I have to wandless, but hard in the way that I need to be really precise to use magic through a wand.

Wand Motions, Incantations, and Intent are the necessity when using my wand. While I can just use my focus and imagination to cast spells, with a wand I need to use the other steps too.

Just the intent is not enough, at least for now. I expect that It'll get easier once I get used to a wand. But, even if I do, I won't stop using Wandless Magic.

I don't want to get so used to my Wand, that I forget using Wandless magic. That's entirely possible, I know.

So, I still kept two hours for my Wandless practice, including my Metamorphmagic, behind closed curtains.

I have just been getting used to the Castle for this entire week, so that I don't get lost or something, and just enjoying my classes. I won't even try to find the two best hidden secret rooms until at least next year. For now, I'll just study what I'm given, and some more.

I just hope my stay here won't be as exciting as Harry Potter's was.. was going to? Damn, time travel is confusing. Huh, better put that on the list of topics to study.


A/N: I'll skip to the summer probably, but I still don't know what the pace of the Hogwarts years will be. While I want to write more, there isn't much to write other than studying the spells he already knows, except with a wand.

One thing I want to say, the 12 spells he knew wandlessly aren't the SAME as the Wanded spells. You must have read something like Will magic, or Intent magic or something, its something like that.

His Magic is doing its best to fulfil his expectations of what the spells should do, and does it. That's why he'll still have to try hard to do the spells with a wand. He'll slowly get better, but it won't be enough to have him master 6th year spells in first year or something like that.

Also, Sly won't be a big part of the story. He's just.. there. He's a lazy snake, who just wants to roam and sleep around. That's it.

Anyway, tata!
I actually read over the Statute of Secrecy part, and Binns was only partially correct. While the Goblin Rebellion did hold a hand in it, the main cause was the countless Wizards and Witches getting burnt at the stake by the Church.
About that, flying brooms were first made around 962 in the Potterverse, The Ollivanders were making wands from 382 and invisibility cloaks were invented in the 13th century. Setting aside means and rarity wizards and witches would have at least been able to distract and escape even if apparition wasn't a thing. So realistically, the pool of persons vulnerable to witch burnings would be the crazies, the squibs and the very young. Probably, the majority of people who died weren't actually Wizards or Witches. Then again there's history and history.
About that, flying brooms were first made around 962 in the Potterverse, The Ollivanders were making wands from 382 and invisibility cloaks were invented in the 13th century. Setting aside means and rarity wizards and witches would have at least been able to distract and escape even if apparition wasn't a thing. So realistically, the pool of persons vulnerable to witch burnings would be the crazies, the squibs and the very young. Probably, the majority of people who died weren't actually Wizards or Witches. Then again there's history and history.
If I recall what JK said though, it was all the muggleborn kids who got burned during the witch trials and stuff, which is what eventually got them to become secret.
Poor wizards maybe, ones who didnt learn much as simply have to drive to learn more than the bare minimium.
So the majority of wizards got culled during the witch hunts, which is probably one of the reasons their poulation is so shit, because they're slow to breed and probably many of their main settlements were culled to the last so it bounced their society into turbo-survival mode which caused a whole lot of knowledge hoarding and lost-behind-some-rando's-defences between communities that locked themselves away from muggles. This is assuming that magicals are the same as mundanes in psychology, they go where prosperity is, and there's more prosperity to be found in larger settlements where people will pay for your services. I for one definitely see how a mages simple reparo service or a magical Doula\Midwife to increase a noble child's chances of surviving childbirth would be highly sought after.. Thus, major magical settlements attached themselves to major mundane settlements, the ones that were integrated rather than attached were the ones that got burned in the witch hunts.

edit, by attached I mean places like Leaky cauldron or station 9 3/4 which exist separately from the mundane world. I'd assume many people didn't bother at the time to separate themselves like some elitist snobs so they lived alongside mundanes, which got them targetted by the church for whatever asinine reason the church wanted.. Saw them gaining clout and disliked that nobles went to the magicals instead of the church? Loss of revenue and soft political power right there.
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Poor wizards maybe, ones who didnt learn much as simply have to drive to learn more than the bare minimium.

Going by the canon bits about witch hunts in the series, you don't get that impression (they talked about the flame freezing charm and how a witch found the ticklish sensation so... pleasant she'd let herself be 'caught' and burnt on the stake multiple times). This is just my headcanon but I think the actual breakdown was:

Mundanes (likely the mentally ill and undesirables of a community) > Mundanes (people wanted their stuff and made the accusation to kill them off) > Muggleborn adults with little to no magical education > Obscurials > Muggleborn children who had their accidental magic at the worst possible time > Magical children caught unprotected > Ill or infirm Magical adults.

The last two would have been the smallest groups but the biggest motivator for championing isolation.
Going by the canon bits about witch hunts in the series, you don't get that impression (they talked about the flame freezing charm and how a witch found the ticklish sensation so... pleasant she'd let herself be 'caught' and burnt on the stake multiple times). This is just my headcanon but I think the actual breakdown was:

Mundanes (likely the mentally ill and undesirables of a community) > Mundanes (people wanted their stuff and made the accusation to kill them off) > Muggleborn adults with little to no magical education > Obscurials > Muggleborn children who had their accidental magic at the worst possible time > Magical children caught unprotected > Ill or infirm Magical adults.

The last two would have been the smallest groups but the biggest motivator for championing isolation.
Flame freezing charm is something most wizards would need their wands to use. Pretty sure that if the church manages to do a live catch on a wizard\witch through overwhelming force then they won't leave them with the obvious magic stick that lets them punt people into the sky or cut them into ribbons. That witch is well known for doing that partly because she was one of the few doing that. As in, the rest are dead because it only takes one misstep and a zealous idiot runs you through with a sword instead of burning you. Or maybe just deciding to hang you and poke you with spears to make sure you're dead. Cuz they did that too.

In universe the Church probably sent large hordes of "paladins" to "subdue" the "devil worshippers" so they can be "brought into the light". AKA they conscripted from the surrounding lands and bumrushed their opposition until they killed everyone that didn't surrender only to kill them later in a much more horrifyingly painful way.
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Yes, yes, as I said, that bit about the witch was from canon the rest was just our rationalizations, I guess it depends on how the author decides.
Well, at this point it's more of a decision of whether you make the wizarding society to be "quirky because reasons" or "quirky because of deep seated paranoia". The end result is the same, but the first gives a fun story for children while the latter one gives a better story to tell for adults.
10. Black
A/N: Pat-reon: HelloDarkness07


It was almost Christmas now, with the holidays starting in a few days. I was sitting in the Library, wanting to spend some time with Darla White, my first friend in Hogwarts before she leaves for Christmas.

My first term at Hogwarts had gone on well enough, I suppose. Nothing eventful happened, not even on Halloween, to which I was eternally thankful. I just went to classes, aced the practical portions after 2-3 tries at most, and spoke with my small list of friends.

Well, three acquaintances and a single friend, Darla.

As for my classes, I am enjoying them all. Even History of Magic, if you can believe that!

Charms was my favourite, and it's not at all because of Professor Thrud Rowle. She played a small part in my enjoyment, but not much. It's not like I can even do anything about it, I'm 11!

Anyway, Charms was easy for me. Every spell I learned, I would read and try to understand the theory as much as possible before trying it. Not just for Charms, but for every Wanded subject. Charms was just the one subject where I shined the brightest.

Every spell I tried, was successful in a maximum of 5 tries, and sometimes even the first try. Out of all the spells taught, I found the Fire Making charm(Incendio) the hardest, and that took me 5 tries to successfully cast at the given candle.

But I didn't stop there. After finishing my homework, and daily practice, I would try and try, until I could get all the spells to come out wandlessly too. I was mastering spells as I go.

I hadn't begun with silent casting yet, but I could keep my voice limited to a whisper, no matter the spell. This is the first year though, and later years might force me to raise my voice.

The same thing for Transfiguration, which I found a tad bit harder than Charms. Where casting Charms had us twirling our wands in smooth, delicate motions, Transfiguration required rigid, and decisive Wand movements. I am good at Twirling my wand smoothly, but not as good at making rigid movements.

I think that my last few years of casting only Charms has had an effect on my magic too. Charms are easier for me, while Transfiguration spells are harder.

That was even more surprising, considering that I'm a bloody Metamorphmagus, and should have been a master at this subject!

Transfiguration isn't just waving my wand around an object and turning it into something else. You have to have sufficient magical power to force the object to change, focus on the transformation, including the final image, and also say the incantation right.

And boy, are the incantations confusing. There are different incantations for different types of transfigurations. Even under inanimate to inanimate transformation, which is what we were going to learn for this year, there were a dozen categories.

A few for when the original is of the same volume as the end result, a few for when the original is of higher mass, and a few for when the original is of lower mass. Among them, spells are further divided according to the actual mass the initial object has, and then according to the actual mass of the final result.

The spells also depend on the actual mass of the object, the expected mass of the end result, and the difference between them. For now, we were just going through objects with same, or similar mass.

For example, the Matchstick to Needle transformation, the first spell we learned, at the beginning of October. This might tell you how much theory Dumbledore first had us learn, before even beginning the practical.

Before every new spell, Dumbledore would first take at least one full class to explain it, with us taking notes. Then, 2-3 lessons would be spent trying the spell, until everyone gets it right. Yeah, it was extremely boring for the smart ones.

Anyway, I still managed the Transfiguration spells at least partially during each class. But I was still amongst the first to complete the spells. I'd tried using Transfiguration spells wandlessly, but it didn't work, at all.

And by now, in the three and a half months that we've been here, we were only taught 5 transfiguration spells. Five.

The spells were to transfiguration Matchstick to Needle, needle to matchstick, pincushion to matchbox, and back, and finally wooden plank to pillow. We hadn't begun reversing the last one yet.

As for DADA, it was going superb. It was the only class where we had a form of physical exercise, other than the flying lessons, but they were just once a week. Other than learning simple spells like Lumos, Lumos Solem, Incendio, Aguamenti, and Petrificus Totalus, we were also put into a practice of dodging.

Can't die of the Killing Curse if it never hits you.

Potions was exciting, because it allowed me to see what kind of man Slughorn is. He was a pure Slytherin at heart, and was already beginning to cultivate the smarter students, which included me, Ana, and Darla.

Our first practical lesson was the Boil Cure Solution, 3 weeks after September 1st. All the previous lessons had us practice cutting, dicing, crushing, and every other action required during Potions, and that was after a total three hours of lectures.

Other lessons were not that interesting. Astronomy was astronomy, interesting, but not as exciting on the magical spectrum. Herbology was just magical gardening, with more chances of harm than the usual. But since we're first years, the harm was limited to scratches and cuts.

The flying lessons were exciting in the beginning, but now, it felt limiting. There is no limit to magic other than the ones we give ourselves, is what I truly believed in. And so, the possibility that wizards could fly on their own was zero, is something I highly doubt.

Plus, the school brooms would shudder mid-flight. Scary as fuck.

Thankfully, I had gotten used to the Castle now, so at least I didn't get lost anymore. That.. was an embarrassing experience, knowing that my Pseudo Eidetic Memory was useless in front of the magical maze that is Hogwarts. It keeps on changing every once in a while.

The most annoying part of my school life though, was definitely parchment and quills. I practiced a lot during the summer, okay, that doesn't mean it's not annoying as hell. Which is what brings us to now.

"Hey kids, what've we got here?" Tom Dodderidge says, sitting on our table and taking my piece of parchment from under my hand.

Darla and I were working on our Potions homework, a 12 inch essay on the properties of Asphodel.

Sighing, I say, "Potions homework, Tom. Could you please give it back, I still have to finish the Transfiguration homework too."

Shrugging, Tom hands it back, and asks, "Why are you two not out playing? It's the first snowfall!"

Darla looks up, finally, and freezes. Believing that it's because Tom is a Slytherin, I hold her hand under the table in reassurance, and tell Tom, "Believe it or not, we're getting our Homework over with, so we can actually enjoy our Christmas holidays."

I then look behind him, and finally see that he wasn't alone. Behind him, was a beautiful girl, about 15 years old. Damn, I'm too old and too young for her, at the same time!

"Hello there. I didn't catch your name." I say, finally realizing that Darla had frozen after looking at this girl. And is that a blush I see, creeping up her neck?

Oh, oooh!! Damn!

The older girl rolls her eyes, and says, "Because I didn't give it to you, Aves. That is your name, right?"

I nod, wondering what she wants.

Tom points his thumb at the girl standing behind him, and says, "That's Cassiopeia Black, our fifth year Prefect. She heard your name from me once and wanted to meet with you, don't know what for."

Now suspicious, I use my Telepathy and try to listen to her thoughts. She does have an Occlumency shield, however, and I only hear a few snippets. She can hide her memories all she wants, I don't want them, but she cannot silence her thoughts completely.

'Aves.. too similar… definitely a descendant.. squib… hidden… marriage?'

At that point, I stop using my Telepathy, she knows I'm an Aves.. well, from the Aves family. At least I know what hearing the thoughts of a weak/mediocre Occlumency user feels like.

Smiling up at her, I ask, "What can I do for you, Ms Black?"

Cassiopeia is beautiful, no doubt, but I now know that she's going to try to manipulate me. So, I wasn't surprised, when she says, "Come with me." And starts walking out of the Library.

I look at Tom, to which he just shrugs, frowning in worry, while Darla finally comes out of her shock and returns to her homework, red faced.

I gather my stuff, and say, "I'll be back, but if I don't, I'll meet you here tomorrow at 9?"

Darla just nods, not looking up, while Tom gets up and leaves before me. Giving one last concerned and pitied glance at Darla, I go out to find Cassiopeia Black.

Finding her standing right outside the Library, her hands held in front of herself in a prim-proper way, I approach her. Before I can even open my mouth, Cassiopeia tilts her head towards the corridor, and says, "Walk with me, Aves."

I join her, and after we're alone, I ask, "Again, what can I do for you, Ms Black?"

Cassiopeia scoffs, and says, "Are you always this polite?"

"Are you always this rude?" I ask, ignoring the politeness comment. Dumbledore knows how polite I am, ask him, lady.

Cassiopeia smiles, stopping in an empty corridor, and says, "Well, at least you have some cheek. Good. And it's not about what you can do for me, but what I can do for you."

Sighing, I ask, "Very well, what can you do for me?"

Cassiopeia brings her hand to my cheek, and runs her nail over it. Shivering, I step back, as she whispers, "A lot of things, Aves. A lot.."

"Okay, get to the point, lady." I say, gritting my teeth at my hormones, and bringing my bag in front of me.

Why in the Hell, did I have to start puberty this early?!

Smiling amusedly, Cassiopeia says, "I have an advice for you, in return you'll owe me a favour."

"Yeah, I don't want it." I say, and start walking back towards the library. Owing a favour to a member of the House of Black, is not something I'll ever do, let alone someone as crafty as Cassiopeia.

I remember her, from the fanfics. If she's even half the manipulative bitch the fanon version is, then I'll be screwed five times over before I even pass out of Hogwarts.

Suddenly, my hands snap to my side, and I freeze into place. The Petrificus Totalus! This Bitch! I can't even open my mouth to yell!

"I did not say you could leave, Aves." Cassiopeia says, and now she sounds annoyed.

With the twitch of her wand, I float up into the air, and towards her. It is only now, that I noticed something. There aren't any portraits here, so even the Headmaster is blind. Damn it, she's crafty.

Pointing her wand at my head, Cassiopeia whispers, "Confundo! Legilimens!"

At first, it calms my mind, and I wonder what I was doing. It was very.. confusing, everything. Who even am I? Next, I feel something slowly invading my mind.. what is a mind?

It was a light, that was slowly entering through the useless rabble that was outside what looked like a dome.

But then, my mind clears, and returns to its ever present state of Zen, as my telepathy fights of the external forces acting upon my mind. I allow the Legilimency probe to reach deep inside my clutter of useless memories, and keep it there. Meanwhile, I follow it to its source, and enter the mind of my attacker, Cassiopeia Black.

Only this time, I don't just hear her thoughts. I'm right inside her minds, through the Shield. It was as if I was physically there, but my experience in my Mind Palace building told me, that I was currently inside her own Mind Palace, no, just a Mind World.

She didn't actually build anything. There was just a white picket fence, expanding over infinite distance as far as I could see, on both sides of what looked like an open gate. I was standing inside the door, and on the other side of it, was my own Mind.

This was just a small representation of ME.

As for her Mind World, Cassiopeia's memories were spread all around, with no noticeable pattern to them. For fucks sake, she hadn't even sorted her memories?! What kind of Occlumency is this?!

If this is the official Wizarding Mind Protection, then I'll be terribly disappointed.

Having no idea how long she'll stay ignorant of my presence here, I start my work and focus on my telepathy. Within a single moment, my telepathy finds out where everything is in the cluster fuck that is her mind, and TAKE it within me. One by one, pages appear from everywhere around the messy Mind World, and enter my head.

As they do that, I see them getting thrown all around my Mind Palace, and just shrug. I'll sort them later.

You see, I take my privacy very seriously. Someone trying to manipulate me with words? I can handle that, this is just how the world works. Everyone manipulates everyone.

But using Legilimency on a first year? Along with a Confundus Charm to disorient him first? Yeah, I take offense to that. Not much, since I use Telepathy on an almost daily basis too, but I do take it, when the first year is me.

Well, I'll copy all of her memories as compensation. She's a Black, she's bound to have knowledge of some secrets.

In the middle of my job, I hear Cassiopeia's voice inside my head say, "You'll walk back to the Library, and study with the mudblood. When you leave Hogwarts for the summer, you will go to Gringott's and ask for a complete Genealogical Record, and then bring it to me. You also owe me a big favour, that you'll feel you're magically bound to fulfill, which I'll call in when I wish."

Okay, this is just messed up. Barely a moment after Cassiopeia finishes her hypnotic command to me, I feel myself slipping, and let go. Thankfully, I'd taken all of her Magical knowledge, and almost half of her personal memories before I somehow lost my hold.

Mind works faster when you're actually there, plus I'm literally a telepath. My mind is just… different.

Now knowing what the hidden command is, when I wake up and find myself alone in the corridor, I start walking towards the Library. All the while, a camouflaged Cassiopeia kept on thinking how this was going to be so profitable to her, oblivious of her loud thoughts, and foiled plans.

As I enter the Library, I sit back down beside Darla, and silently continue with my homework. Meanwhile, in my mind, a small representation of me starts sorting the newly acquired memories and knowledge.

I don't hate Cassiopeia now, since I did have some satisfaction by stealing her secrets, but I won't ever trust this girl. Not a chance. At least, not entirely. But for now, I'll focus on sorting through the clusterfuck that is Cassiopeia's mind.


"Hello, Mason." The soft voice of Helena Ravenclaw says, as she appears through the wall.

Today was the 2nd day of the Christmas holidays, and I was the only person in the First Year Ravenclaw boys Dorms. In the entirety of Ravenclaw House, only 17 students had stayed in the castle, while the others had left for their homes.

If those 17, 7 were the 7th and 5th Year students, preparing for their eventual NEWTs and OWLs, while the remaining 10 were just there to have some fun.

Looking up from my Book of Spells, I stop scratching Sly on the head, and nod at Helena. Sly immediately becomes invisible, and speeds towards my Robe to hide in his pocket. "Hello, Helena. You sure took your time to visit me."

Helena chuckles at Sly's fear of her, and says, "It took time to find what you had asked of me, Child. Mind Arts is not something Wizards usually write books about. It is mostly taught Wizard to Wizard."

Helena had a hidden stack of books somewhere, I guarantee it. She would visit me at least twice a week, to help me understand anything I didn't. And there was a lot I didn't understand, even after all my fanon/canon knowledge. But that wasn't the point.

When I'd first realized that Helena could still touch things in the physical world, unlike the other ghosts, I'd asked her for her help on enchanting something for Sly, to help him stay invisible, indefinitely, without causing him discomfort.

Helena had disappeared for a week, after which she had returned with a book, an actual physical book, with her, with the title "Enchanting Leather Without Runes, by R. L. Solem."

The book was written in bloody 1432! 15th Century book, in mint condition, and Helena said, "I found it hidden within the Library books."

I call bullshit, not to her face, but I do. Don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth. Which is a really weird phrase, now that I think about it. You should always look a gift horse in the mouth. The Trojans learned that the hard way.

After a few days of memorising the book, and a week of practicing the spells required, I enchanted a very thin strip of leather, that I found lying around in an empty classroom. The leather belt was then tied around a struggling Sly, who then immediately became Camouflaged.

It wasn't true invisibility, like Sly's own gift was, but it was like the Disillusionment Charm, which I was still practicing. But, it was enough to give him breaks in between.

A more days of re-enchanting, and Sly could become camouflaged whenever he wanted, and become invisible if he so wished. He could also stay in that camouflaged state however long he wanted to, which could get really annoying sometimes.

Anyway, after the debacle with Cassiopeia, where she used Confundus charm and the Legilimency spell on me, quite unsuccessfully, I might add, I'd asked Helena for help in finding a book on Occlumency and Legilimency.

No matter how much I'd tried, I couldn't replicate the wonderful phenomena that is entering someone else's Mind World. Listening to thoughts and entering the Mind World are completely different.

And I couldn't do it now. Which I suspect, is because I don't have a Legilimency spell to follow like last time. Which is why, I was going to learn the Magical Mind Arts, Occlumency and Legilimency, properly, in the Wizarding way.

And now, 4 days after I had asked her for help, Helena returned, seemingly empty handed. From experience, however, I know that her gown can still hide stuff, including books, and daggers.

Ghostly daggers.

Brrrr. Anyway, I say, "So.. did you find anything?"

Helena rolls her eyes, annoyance clear on her face, as she says, "Yes, I found a book. Be lucky that I want your mind to be more secure, for my sake if not for yours."

I poke my tongue out at her, and counter, "I know you like me, Helena. You can't hide that."

Helena chuckles, and she did actually like me. But she was keeping her distance, probably because I'm mortal, while she's a ghost.

Helena then puts her hand in a fold on the side of her gown, into a hidden pocket, and takes out a book. Well, a tome is more accurate, judging by the absolute unit that is the book.

The book was thick, almost 5 inches thick! It had a hardcover, with black leather finish on it, and there were at least 2000 pages on the book. On its front, the title was written in gold embroidery, saying, "The Complete Mind Arts Compilation."

I have no idea what this means, but judging by the title, this book is definitely detailed.

Helena throws me the book, which I catch with my hands and chest, and drop back into the bed. It was that heavy.

She says, "Before you start, you should know, that you cannot show this book to anyone, under any condition. You also have until the end of holidays to finish reading all of it."

So, she'll take this book away too then. To be fair, she wouldn't have a secret stash if everyone knew if it, and could read it.

"Thank you, really." I say, completely sincerely. This book was precious, and I know it.

Helena nods, and says, "I know that your Mind allows you to memorize the entire book, but I'd appreciate it if you take it slow. Don't try the stuff from the later chapters until you've mastered the first ones."

I roll my eyes, and say, "That much is obvious, Helena. But I appreciate the Christmas present."

Helena chuckles, and turns her back to me. As she turns into a silver glowing ball of light, which is unique to her I've noticed, she says, "Enjoy your Yule, Mason. And enjoy the tome."

I wave Helena goodbye, and immediately discard the Book of Spells. I have just 10 days to read this entire book, while not seeming suspicious to the teachers. Joy.

~~Is she gone yet?~~ Sly asks, for the 10th time in the last 5 minutes.

I turn towards the robe, and say, ~~Yes, Sly. She's gone. You couldn't even stay silent when she was here, could you?~~

~~What's the issue? She cannot hear me.~~ Sly says, as he curls up in the corner of my bed.

I say, ~~I can, you idiotic snake! It was annoying the first time, and it was annoying the last!~~

~~Who're you calling idiotic, you two legged dumbass?!~~ Sly hisses, angrily rising up with his hood spreading around his head.

Before the argument can get even more heated, a flash of light is created right in front of me, which makes me hide my eyes.

As the light starts receding, I hear the hiss of my second favourite snake say, ~~So this is the Wizard School. Not that impressive.~~

~~ASH!~~ I and Sly yell at the same time, both of us excited to see him after so long.

Sly and Ash hug a little, after which Ash climbs my leg and sits on my knee. He says, ~~Hello, Wizard. Are you enjoying yourself?~~

Nodding, I say, ~~Yes, I am. And so is Sly, even if he won't say it. But he also misses the other snakes. There aren't that many snakes in the forest outside.~~

~~I can speak for myself, human!~~ Sly hisses, an annoyed tint to his voice. I know he isn't angry, that was just one of the occasional arguments of ours. Sly flicks his tongue out a few times, and says, ~~Unlike you, Ash, I cannot vanish from here to there in a moment. So, I could not visit the Bush before.~~

As the two snakes continue to talk, I pick up the heavy tome and let them have their reunion. In snake years, Sly has known Ash for years more than me, even if the actual difference is just about a month or something. I'll give them their space.

But now, Mind Arts. Not just Mind Arts, the Complete Mind Arts Compilation. I really hope it isn't too hard.


A/N: Cassiopeia won't be the enemy, nor will she be his friend, like last book. She'll be someone he's vary of, but not afraid. He'll work with her if the time comes, but he won't ever trust her completely.

How will that affect his eventual pairing, I haven't decided yet. It's still too far away.

Wish me luck! Tata!
11. Summer of '31
A/N: Pat-reon: HelloDarkness07

Sorry for late upload. I was depressed for two days, and I took my first dose of Covishield yesterday. So, I'm going through a fever right now.

My mum's back, by the way. She's in home quarantine right now, and has a few tablets that she's taking daily. Otherwise, she's fine, but we're still taking care not to get too close. She's the one who's suggesting it, so don't worry.

Well, wish us luck, and thanks for all of your support! Thank you, really!

Read on!


Soon, the First year ended, without anything else happening. I progressed a bit in my powers, but not exceedingly so.

On the Telepathy and Mind Magic side of things, I'd completely memorised the 7259 paged book, Complete Mind Arts Compilation in the 10 days of Christmas Holidays. But I hadn't actually understood it immediately.

My Telepathy and the jury rigged Occlumency allowed me the ability to recall anything to the most minute detail. However, it doesn't happen instantly. I have to focus to bring that particular memory to the front. So despite having memorized the book, I hadn't understood it completely then, but I was slowly gaining an understanding of the book.

That needed me to go inside my Mindscape, and read the memorized book there. Again, only this time at the usual pace. I was just about three quarters of the way through the book, having taken to practice the instructions as I read them.

Occlumency is the subject I had studied the most, since Legilimency will only come after I've mastered my own Mind first. Granted I've already mastered my mind, I think, but I'll have to do this the Wizarding way. The last quarter, which I've just begun learning, contains the detailed instructions on Legilimency.

I tried using Legilimency on a few of the older students, and boy did I have some revelations.

Occlumency shields are strong enough that my Telepathy has some trouble going through, undetected. It means they're really strong, but the point is, they're only that strong right behind of the eyes. Honestly it was so shocking, having that revelation that I had to stop and just stare at the wall for 10 minutes.

The shields around the mind aren't weak, don't misunderstand, but when you compare it to the Telepathy shield that I put up when I was literally a child, that is a disappointment. Compared to my bulletproof glass shield, the Occlumency shields are Corning Gorilla Glass 3, not even 5, let alone Victus.

And then I remembered that Cassiopeia's mind literally had a door at the front, but the rest of her mind was surrounded by a wooden picket fence.

Granted, one had to first go through the useless distracting thoughts that the defender must have put up. But still. This made it possible for me to just go into the minds of any student in this school, and get their memories and knowledge, as soon as I learn how to use Legilimency properly.

I don't, however think that the teachers' minds would be this easy. If I cannot listen to the thoughts of the Goblins of Gringott's, while keeping my telepathy active, then I definitely can't do it to actual competent Adult Wizards. At least, not while I'm a kid. Cassiopeia was just new at Occlumency, and so were the other students I tried it with.

Speaking of Cassiopeia, it was a disappointment as well. Her knowledge was precious, no doubt, but it wasn't extensive. It was her memories, only the last 5 years of which I have, that was impressive.

Her cousin Arcturus, is the current heir of the Black Family, and she was literally his favourite. So, he shared a lot of the 'main' family's knowledge with her. Good for me, but it's not that extensive.

She knew a few Dark Curses, which I'm definitely not using this soon, and more than a few Protection spells, which were appreciated.

At least I was now able to stop anyone else from reading the books Helena would sometimes bring me, which were of a level suitable for a first to second year student. And I can now cast a privacy ward if I so wished!

Surprisingly, Privacy Wards give a form of invisibility. The spell I learned from Cassiopeia's mind created an illusion around you, that made everything you want invisible, silent, and odourless. But it was also easy to detect, and remove. Even a Finite Incantatum works, for fucks sake.

As for my magic, my progress was just as fast paced as when I was in the Orphanage. Along with the spells I learned in the classes, I also tried to learn a few additional spells. Like the Stunning Charm (Stupefy), the Snake Conjuring spell (Serpensortia), and the Disillusionment Charm (Celo), these were the most impressive of the spells I've learned that were beyond the first year syllabus.

I got all three of these spells from Cassiopeia's mind. Well, I already knew stupefy, but I had to learn it the proper wizarding way some day, right?

Other than that, I've learned about 5 Charms and Transfiguration spells from out of syllabus, but within the capabilities of a normal first year student, and 5 more from the second year syllabus.

Those I learned from the Ravenclaw House Library, so the teachers probably know that I know those spells. It was a calculated reveal, since a Ravenclaw studying ahead wasn't unexpected, and they must have already noticed I'm bored in classes, but since my magic control wasn't that impressive yet, I kept to the first two years.

Don't want to become blind or something because I tried the Patronus Charm in the first year or something like that. Hey! It's magic, anything can happen!

Speaking of magic control, I still kept with my exercises, but now, only kept to the more useful spells. Disillusionment Charm(Celo), Alohomora, Stupefy, Petrificus Totalis, Incendio, Aguamenti, and Diffindo. I was hoping to completely master them until I can cast them on instinct.

What about the Levitation Charm, Accio, and Depulso, you might ask? Well, this is my best accomplishment of my entire life. I have managed to make my body, and my magic, so used to the three spells, that I can now cast them all without a wand, without speaking, and sometimes, without even pointing my hand. The spells were completely mastered according to Wizarding standards, but not by mine.

My end goal, in regards to the three spells, was to completely combine them and every other such spell to mimic Telekinesis. It was still a work in progress, and I still had a long way to go. I'll consider it mastered when I can fly on my own.

The reason my progress was relatively small, other than my Mind Arts, and Telekinetic spells, is that I was actually taking it slow. First of all, I have homework too, as annoying as it is. Plus, I have to complete the exercises for 3 wanded subjects, and read up on two non wanded subjects, Herbology and Potions. Secondly, I literally have 6 more years inside the castle, I have no reason to speed things up too much.

So now, after my exams were done, and the End of the Year Feast was over with, I was sitting in a train compartment, with Darla in front of me, waiting for the train to start. Beside Darla, was Anastasia Greengrass, who had somehow become better friends with Darla, than with me, her House Mate. (They had met through me in the first place, when we had gotten together to study in the library.) And beside me was an empty seat. Sly was once again sleeping inside my robe, preferring to sleep through the journey.

"Hey, Mason." Tom says, walking into our compartment and sitting down beside me.

Nodding at him, I ask, "What happened to James and Lucas?"

Tom scowls, and says, "They brought their Gryffindor friends in and began arguing about Quidditch. Again. As if we don't tolerate it enough in our Dorms."

Darla snorts, and says, "You say that, but imagine sharing a common room with 100 Quidditch fanatics. It gets really annoying, the way they get so excited, and shout over a sport."

I dryly point out, "You're one of the Quidditch fanatics, Darla. You were literally yelling at your teams captain for losing the match last month. In the Great Hall, that too."

"Doesn't mean it's not annoying when someone else does it." Darla says, not bothering with denying the accusations.

"Hey, even I love Quidditch and flying, but I don't, and can't, speak about it every time I'm free! I also don't know why they're all so bloody obsessed with the professional flyers!" Tom says, defending Quidditch a little. Good thing he mellowed out a little. At the beginning of the year, he barely spoke one sentence per day to us. Now look at him, seeking us out so he can talk freely.

I snort, and just shake my head. Sure, flying is wonderful. Even if a broom is the one to support us, there's a sort of freedom in flying, which we don't get to experience outside of our flying classes. Thank God, Flying lessons will continue on for the next year too.

Only the first and second years have flying lessons. The others are expected to just use their breaks to fly around Hogwarts grounds, if they need to.

Back to the point, despite somewhat liking flying a broom, I did not like Quidditch much. I was a dude who played basketball, and seeing Quidditch, where the players literally carry the ball, quaffle, close to their stomachs, right to the goals, was blasphemy for me.

I watched the games, but would internally scream in outrage the entire time.

Soon, the topic turns to our exams, and Darla shakes her head and asks, "How the bloody hell did you manage to get O's in every paper, without studying a single Page?"

I look back at her, confused, and say, "But I did actually study."

"Not for the exams, you didn't. You were practicing some other spells, playing Chess with Goldfinch and her group, or reading that Charms Magazine the entire time." Tom points out helpfully.

The Charms Magazine was what I would pick up whenever I wanted to read the Occlumency book in my mind. Chess was just a hobby that I crossed over with.

Nodding, I say, "You're right. But did you know that every day, I would practice my spells? Without breaking the pattern, I would practice every spell, go over every Potion, and even read through all of the notes before going to sleep. So, I didn't even need to study, because I already knew everything."

Plus, my Pseudo Eidetic Memory helped with recalling the theory perfectly. I only lost a few points in Herbology practical, and Potions practical, where I made some personal errors. Otherwise, I had almost perfect scores all over.

Theory wise, I felt as if I was writing an open book test, but I did refrain from copying everything down from my memories.

Darla whistles, impressed, and asks, "And you didn't think to tell us this?"

"Hey, if I'd have told you to study 3 hours after dinner, everyday, you'd have stopped talking with me." I say, leaning back.

For 5 seconds, no one speaks, after which Tom says, "Yeah, probably."

Darla nods, and says, "Fair enough."

While Anastasia says, "Definitely what would have happened, yes."

Shaking my head, I smile, thinking what these next years might bring. The Harry Potter Universe, the Wizarding World.

Who would have thought, this would be my next great adventure, to quote the young-old coot.


Once back at the Orphanage, I was suddenly bored and back to my pre-Hogwarts schedule.

Waking up, helping out in chores, taking care of the new baby that was found abandoned, etc. Only now, I didn't have school to take up 6 hours of my time. Plus, the food had gotten worse, somehow.

I will definitely make use of my fortune here at least. My mother was raised here, died here, and gave birth to me here. I owe them this much. But, I can't give them money, or the children will see only a fraction of it.

Hmm.. I'll give an anonymous donation of food and clothes. That'll be alright, I think.

With that decision made up, and kept on the TDL, I return to my desk, to draw a sketch on the slate, while my mind is busy reading the Legilimency part of the Complete Mind Arts Compilation.

I'm not good at sketching, never was, but it helps relax my mind.

It takes me about 10 days of reading 10 hours a day, for me to finish the book, and about 20 more days of mental conditioning later, I decide to try the Legilimency attack. Well, not exactly. I'll use my Telepathy to try and replicate the Legilimency spell.

What is Legilimency? It is the use of Magic to go through someone else's memories, and visual thoughts by use of eye contact.

What is Telepathy? It is hearing the loudest thoughts of other people around you, without using eye contact. At least, it is the definition of my current Telepathy.

So, my thought was, can Telepathy be used offensively, like Legilimency, by using the practices of Legilimency. And can Legilimency be used by using a Telepathy probe as medium?

My mind is my own, and I can control my magic inside my body pretty well. So, can I do what I want to? Only one way to find out.

It was dark outside, the clock having crosses the 12 AM mark some while ago, and I am sitting on my bed. I've found that while I can use my Telepathy in any position, it works best, and has the longest range, when I'm calm, meditating, and sitting down.

Once I'm calm enough, and in the Zen, I expand my mind and search for a.. victim. If I fail, then there's a chance that the mind will become.. a vegetable. So, I don't want to try this on good, honest, respectable, people.

Which still leaves me about 80% of London, to be honest, but I'm not going to experiment on them either. I'm looking for the worst of the worst criminals, who wouldn't be missed much.

It doesn't take me long before I hear the trigger words that immediately bring my focus to him. His mind was pretty loud, when it says, 'Hah! That bitch cried a lot, but it was worth it! The screams even set the mood!'

While he didn't think the word 'rape', the intentions were what triggered my telepathy into finding him. And now, I have him in my grasp. All his thoughts were mine, and boy were they so many.

He's a criminal, from what he's thinking, and a crook in one of the many gangs that plague London in these harsh times. In the 2 minutes that I've listened to his thoughts, he's killed 17 people, robbed houses, raped women multiple times, and took part in kidnappings.

I scowl, and think, 'Yeah, I think I'll have to fail this one. It will be quite painful for him, in fact. So unfortunate.'

Thinking back to my experience in Cassiopeia's mind, and all the mental training I did in this last month I've been here, I mentally call out 'Legilimens!' just for the sake of Intent,

As my telepathy already had a hold on his thoughts, my magic goes through it, in stead of the Eye contact necessary, and I tear through his meagre mind shields and land in his Mindscape, which makes me confused enough to call up his memories of the any mental training.

Oh he wasn't a wizard or anything like that. He was just trained to resist torture, for some reason, which resulted in a paper thin shield around his mind. If a normal human practices enough, they can even stop normal telepaths from looking at some particular memory they want to hide.

But this one's just a beginner, and not even that when compared to me.

Just like what happened in Cassiopeia's mind, pages start coming from all over his goon's mind, forming into books. Only this time, I don't send them to my own mind, but keep them in front of me.

One by one, books start stacking up in front of me, while disappearing from their initial places. When the books stop coming, I look at the 35 stacks of 12 books, and one stack of 4 books in front of me, and frown. His mind was useless, if all he has is these books fulk of memories.

This dude was just a crook, but I have no need for the memories of a criminal.

Pointing my palm at the stack, I focus on the rage I felt after hearing his thoughts, really focus on it, and shoot flames out of them. The flames catch one book on fire, and it starts spreading from there. Soon, the entire Mindcape is burning, with the flames taking the shape of animals to burn anything and everything they might find.

The only place unburnt, is the one I'm standing on. Satisfied with the result of my first experiment, I retreat to my body, and open my eyes.


Meanwhile, the crook, who had just been walking towards his house from the house of his rape victim, suddenly stops, and drops down on the ground.

"AAARRGHHGH! AAARGH! ARGHH!!" He keeps on yelling in pain, while holding his head and pulling at his hair, waking the people up. Fearful people wake up to see a man screaming in the middle of the road, rolling around on the ground, without any visible reason.

Some good soul takes him to the hospital, where they sedate him to stop his screaming. Finally, when the doctors conduct whatever tests they can, they conclude that the patient suddenly suffered a brain aneurysm, and went into a coma.

When he wakes up, months from that night, they will realize that he has forgotten everything. He doesn't even remember who he is, what he is, and he can't even talk. He essentially becomes a baby in the body of a 36 year old man.

And it is just because he raped a girl minutes before a Telepath was looking for someone like him.

Bad luck, even if it happened to the right person.


A few days after the incident with the crook whom I played Judge, Jury, and Executioner with, I had concluded that my Offensive Telepathy, or let's just call it Legilimency, wasn't harmful, unless I actually meant it to be. That was a relief.

If I do want them to hurt, I can use what I'm terming as Mental Energy to do anything. Erase their memories, change the memories, kill them. Anything. The first crook, I burned his memories, but burning isn't the only way to erase memories.

It's just the most satisfying, and the most painful for the victim. So far.

Anyway, I'd used Legilimency on many more people, because practice makes perfect, and I've noticed something.

My mind is different.

I knew that, but I just didn't know how different it was. Hmm, how to explain?

Imagine the mind as an object which gives off radiation, and all of the radiation, no matter which mind emits it, are contained within the light spectrum. It's not like that, but just suppose it does. Human minds are fixed to one band, animals to another, and insects to another, etc. But I haven't tried animal minds yet. It's bound to be disorienting, and I'd rather have a lot of experience with human minds first.

So, let's say Muggles have their Minds at the top in terms of wavelength, between 600 and 700 nanometers, making their Minds the easiest to be sensed, or heard amongst humans. Then, the Wizards come right below them, between 500 and 650 nm, and yes, there is bound to be a considerable overlap. This is just my assumption, however, so take it with a grain of salt.

If we assume all that, then I've found that my mind is based in the 300 to 500 nm range, and this is spectacular! My mind is literally out of the limit allowed for Minds! In the billions of human Minds that are contained in the Visible spectrum, my mind borders, and sometimes even goes to the Ultraviolet region, and I have a range of almost twice that of others!

I'm definitely not the only one like that, but I do like to feel special sometimes.

Keeping to that scale though, I've noticed a few minds that are in the 400-550 nm range, and they are easily noticeable. It's as if my mind just automatically finds them if I want to.

In the city of London itself, there were hundreds of people like that, with their Minds running on higher frequency than muggles and wizards, but far lower than mine. I haven't tried hearing their thoughts yet, nor have I tried Legilimency with them.

If their minds are better than Wizards, then there's a high possibility that they could feel me in there. I was just, observing them for now, by using the other minds near them.

Invading Privacy? Yup, definitely. But I need to know this. If I didn't need this information, I wouldn't be spying on one of these different minded people right now.

I was currently riding the mind of an old woman, looking through her eyes. She was still in control, and I'm not going to change that for now, but I was also there, sitting right behind her, figuratively. This woman is completely normal, with nothing different about her mind. The old man in front of her, however was different.

In front of us, was a man of about 50, the woman's husband. He was reading the newspaper, like he did everyday since I've begun observing him. I didn't have to look through her memories to know that he followed a fixed routine.

I have no idea why his Mind is different, but since I refuse to enter his mind before knowing why, I'll just have to keep observing.

Thankfully, my mind has been able to multitask for years now, so looking through the woman's eyes, and carrying on with my own daily routine wasn't a chore.

This man also wasn't the first person I'm spying on like this. He's the third, actually. The first two were siblings, so I just possessed the mother to observe them. Nothing exciting happened though, for the 10 days I was there, so I switched the target to this man.

The man was called Fergus McAllen, who lived with his wife, Anna. They had no children, and weren't rich either. They belong to the category of man goes to work, while the wife handles the house, and they've been doing it for 30 years, ever since they married. And now, for the last 3 days I've been observing them. Spying, to be honest.

It was all going just like normal, for hours and hours. I kept following the man, Fergus, using different normal humans as my personal TV sets, and nothing was different than the last 2 days I've been observing him. He walked into town everyday, to work at the office of Daily Mail, and then went home after a drink or two.

While returning home from the bar, however, something changed. Fergus was just walking towards his home, a little bit tipsy from the drinks he'd had today, while I was looking at him through the eyes of a man, sitting in his veranda. I just had to prompt the man to keep looking at Fergus.

Suddenly though, Fergus finds himself at the wrong end of a knife, 4 young people surrounding him. I couldn't hear what they were saying, so I switch minds and go into the Mind of one of the knife wielders.

".. any money! Please, I just want to go ho-me!" Fergus pleads, choking at the end, terrified for his life.

One of the young men, their leader from the looks of it, takes a step forward and puts the knife on Fergus's neck. Suddenly, however, the leader clutches his stomach, and goes to the side to start vomiting, the knife dropping to the ground.

Fergus looks at the remaining three men, who look concerned and grossed out at the same time, and as I was observing him through the eyes of one of them, I clearly see his eyes glow a sickly yellow.

Suddenly, I feel the need to vomit, and get up, instinctively coming out of the crook's mind and running towards the toilet.


After having vomited for a full minute or so, thankfully reaching the toilet before doing it, I lean on the tap, looking at the mirror. My eyes are red now, and wet, thanks to all the vomiting. Even after washing my face, I still felt the effects of whatever happened.

"What the fuck was that?!" I mumble, still feeling a bit sick.

Whatever Fergus did, made me feel sick, and the effects still haven't gone away completely.

"Mason? Are you alright?" the concerned voice of Sister Laura asks from outside the door.

Rinsing my mouth once again, I say, "I just felt sick, Sister Laura. Last night's food mustn't have agreed with my stomach."

Am I alright though? That is the question.

I don't remember anything like this in the books, nor the thousands of fanfics I've read. At least, not the ones pertaining to Harry Potter Universe. If there was something like this, I'd have known.

Oh, other media definitely had something or the other like this, but by just one example I cannot make a solid decision.

Sister Laura says, "Very well. Come down to Sister Agnes's room once you feel up to it. She'll look you over."

Opening the door, I smile at Sister Laura, and say, "I will. I just.. I need to lay down for a bit."

And that's nothing on the vomiting. I need to know, what kind of world did I get myself into?


A/N: Well, I'm adding X-Men, but only the movies. He won't be meeting anyone until the Age of Apocalypse happens, though. All other movies before that one(chronologically) are focused on just US of A.

Last book, my revelation about mutants was hella fast. Like one paragraph he was a telepath, and then he immediately knew he was a mutant of marvel.

That's not realistic. No one will make that jump even after having the exact talent known from some other fandom. The first instinct will be, "I have this power in this other Universe?! SWEET!"

So, yeah. He's now realising, slowly, about where he is.

Thank you for your support! Tata!
12. Evolution
A/N: Pat-reon: HelloDarkness07.

I haven't set the pace of this story yet, and am currently writing 4th year. Hopefully, chapter 20-25 will begin with World War 2, but I'll tell you again when I've actually written that much.

Thank you.

Read on!


Three weeks after the vomiting incident, I had come to a conclusion. Fergus has a power, that much was apparent, sort of like me. He isn't a telepath, and neither is he a Wizard. He just had a power.

This power allowed him to make anyone feel sick. He basically causes anyone he glows his eyes at to vomit uncontrollably, for at least 5 minutes. I know from personal experience that it can last full 5 minutes, once it gets hold. Doesn't matter if you weren't physically there. I didn't observe him much, but I did finally decide to try and look into his memories.

Turns out, Fergus could do this since he was 15, but he was afraid of being branded a Witch, or a demon. So, he kept it hidden, and didn't train in it, at all. He only caused the accident that day, because he panicked and used it on instinct. Counting this time, he had barely used his power for a grand total of 50 times. In his entire life.

After that, I went back to the mother of the siblings I first I observed, to see if the mother could remember them doing anything weird. Nothing had happened weird with them, though, while either of the parents were around the two.

So, then I went to the next target, and the next, and the next. Only this time, I was more desperate for answers, and went through many of their memories. For most of them, even adults, they hadn't ever used any power that might classify them as weird.

But some were like Fergus, and me, I suppose. One lady could bring life back to dead plants, or help them grow, which is damn useful in the current years. Another lady has complete control over any water that she touches. But she has to touch the water to control it, which is a bummer, to be honest.

A man, who was 90 years old, could smell and hear things from very far away, and he had used it to rob people back in his day. And one man could lift more than 10 times his own weight.

There were many more, that I found in the 6 days that I was scrolling through Stan Lee's Superhumans in real life. They ranged from as useful as super strength, super speed, to as useless as always know when some food is going to go bad, or the power to detach your limbs.

It ranged from useful as fuck, to useless as fuck, and there was no fixed pattern to it, as far as I could see.

Right now, I was in the mind of someone I've spent the last 10 days observing. Why so long, you might ask? Because this is the one power amongst all the 47 people I've observed, that I could actually benefit from.

The 27 year old man named James Snow, could learn to read, write, speak, and understand, any language within a few minutes at most. I discovered him purely by accident, but once I found his amazing brain, I did not leave.

I know, okay, I know, this is wrong, and so much immoral. But this was too good an opportunity to pass up. I had copied his memories within the first day itself, like I did to Cassiopeia. And, his mind was way better organized than hers, making it a lot easier for me.

13 languages, including Sanskrit, and I had the memories necessary to learn to understand it.

But I wanted more. I wanted to know how he does it. How does a human brain learn to completely understand a new language within minutes of just staring at it? I NEED to know this, so I can understand what is happening here, in this world.

So, I stayed with him, doing my damned best to make sure I don't give myself away, somehow. For 9 days, I've been studying the way his brain makes the connections with the language, and I can say with full guarantee, that I have no idea.

It is on the 11th day, that something happens, different from the daily routine he'd gone through. James was walking through the town of London, shopping for some groceries, when be encountered an unusual scene.

Five men, about in their twenties, were surrounding an old Japanese woman, who was terrified out of her mind. They were yelling at her, throwing slurs again and again, and just bullying her.

People did see all of that, but most of them ignored the scene, content with minding their own business, while the few that did try to get in between were discouraged by the knives the men were wielding. So no one was there to save her when she was pushed to the ground by one of the men, when he tried to take her purse.

James however, was the son of a police officer, and knew a thing or two about fighting. Within half a minute, he had the 5 men running with their tails between their legs, and helped the lady stand up.

She repeatedly said, "Arigato gozaimasu!" For more than a few times, and then spoke some sentences in Japanese that neither he, nor I understood. At first.

Suddenly though, it was like a button was pressed in my mind, and I understood everything she was saying. She says, "You have been very helpful, young man, please come with me. I'll give you some sweets as thanks."

Obviously, she said all that in Japanese, but I fucking understood it all! I didn't know Japanese beyond the few phrases I learned from subbed Anime. Fuck the dubs.

Chuckling, James answers her, in Japanese, accepting her offer for snacks, while I smile widely. I think I have what I came from.

Slowly, I retreat to my own mind and open my eyes in my own body. Just to try, I call up an episode of Naruto Shippuden from my mind, to see if I actually understood it.

Heh, Pain vs Naruto is one good fight, one of the best, I think. And sure enough, I can completely understand every sentence in the episode, even without looking at the subtitles.

Just as an experiment, I take a notebook out from the drawer, and pick a pencil. Slowly, I try to draw the character for chi, and my mind draws blank. So, I can only understand Japanese speaking now?

"Well, this is a bummer, but at least better than nothing." I mumble, and then pause. Can I speak it though? With a shrug, I open my mouth, and start, "私の名前はメイソンで、私は魔法使いです."

What. The fuck. Hell yeah! I can speak Japanese! Wait a minute.. did I just.. copy a gift? Or did I just learn this one language because of being in James's brain at the time?

Only one way to find out. The Sanskrit book on Ancient Indian History is still waiting for me in the library.


Soon, the months passed by, and the Hogwarts letter came to me via a small brown owl. It was cute, but I don't see the appeal in having an owl as a pet. And Sly didn't appreciate me not allowing him to it it either.

~~Why do you even care? It's not your bird!~~ Sly asks, as I slap his head when he tries to jump the poor bird.

Taking the letter, I just throw the owl out of my window, and say, ~~The school will know that the bird went missing near my house, and I don't want them snooping around any more than they usually do.~~ and it's already annoying, having to hide my talents whenever a wizard is close by.

I'd occasionally seen a wizard or two in the region, who stood too rigid and vigilant to be anything but Aurors. It was their vigilance that gave them away, ironically enough. Plus, they stood right around the corner every Wednesday since the holidays had begun.

I think they were here to make sure I'm alright, and that I don't break the Statute of Secrecy by some accidental magic. They were probably also there to detain me in case I break the Decree for The Decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery, but there's no way I'm using my wand while no one's watching.

I know from experience that Wandless magic isn't counted in the Decree, as I would have been arrested hundreds of times before if it was.

But I didn't mind them much. They were here to protect me, and if they even think about harming me, I'll hear it anyway. They weren't that good at Mind Arts, and their puny Occlumency might hide their memories from me, but not their thoughts.

Telepathy rules!

As I look at the book list, I think over the new development that had shown itself after that day in James's mind. A second gift had awakened in my mind, or I guess, James's own gift had been copied in my mind.

But the effectiveness of my own version of his Gift was a little lesser than that of James. He could read, write, speak, and understand the language within a minute of either reading, or hearing anything spoken in that language. Whereas, I can only read and write the language if I had begun learning it by reading, and I can only speak it if I learned by speech.

It also takes me about 5 minutes to do that, and I can't just stare at the same word of a language for 5 minutes, hoping to understand it. I need to really try reading, looking over all the characters I have access to. My mind makes the rest of the connections on its own, and it also provides me with the missing characters straight to my mind.

Anyway, I hadn't gone back to James's mind, since I had more than what I had thought I would gain. I wanted to learn languages from his mind, and he literally gave me his entire gift of Languages. He deserves his privacy now.

~~It looked tasty.~~ Sly says, bringing me out of my thoughts, showing that his thoughts were still on the blasted owl.

Rolling my eyes, I say, ~~I can still see the bird you ate yesterday, in your gut. You have no need to feed yet.~~

Sly flicks his tongue, and lays back down. He really is lazy, isn't he? Gods, what kind of pet did I get?

Poking him softly, I say, ~~I'm going outside to the Magical district. You want to come, or would you rather sleep?~~

Sly just waves me goodbye with his tail, making me lightly chuckle. Yup, lazy.

Climbing down the stairs with my Gringotts Pouch in my pocket, my expanded backpack on my back, and my wand in my sleeve, I seek out Sister Agnes, and ask, "Can I go out to London? I was hoping to go buy my supplies."

Sister Agnes happily nods, and pats my head. She says, "Sure, go on, but be back before 6."

It was 10 AM now, so the curfew is way more than I expected. But, she is happy right now. You see, in the beginning of July, the Orphanage received an 'anonymous' donation in the form of sacks of grain, boxes full of bread, a dozen chicken, fruits, vegetables, some spices, and a few boxes full of new clothes, including innerwear, and some toys.

God bless the Wizarding world. Despite the official exchange rate being 3.97 Pounds per Galleon, the actual value of the Galleon is much, much more. And they aren't even going through a financial crisis!

There are farms within the Wizarding world, for almost all types of grains, fruits, and vegetables. And if they don't have anything, they just trade with other Magical countries! And it didn't even cost a fortune for me to buy all that!

One sack of wheat, weighing 25 kgs, cost me a little shy of 15 Galleons. So, for buying all of that, taxes, and paying the Goblins of Miscellaneous Services to do everything, including muggle delivery, I had paid only 3000 Galleons!

I won't be able to donate every year, obviously, but I should be able to do it if the times get too tough.

But, the look of happiness on Sister Agnes's face was totally worth it, not counting the various other smiles flashing all around, and the excitement the children had at getting new stuff.

Heck, some kids even volunteered to take care of the chicken, because that was something new for them.

As I walk towards the Leaky Cauldron, my thoughts once again go to James, Fergus, the completely normal kids, and me. The ones who had Gifts, powers, had gotten them after experiencing extreme emotions. Heh, alliteration.

Some of the Gifted had gone back to live normally, some tried to use them openly and were chased out of their homes, while some turned to the life of criminals. What the man with detachable limbs could do in the Mafia, I have no idea.

For so long, I wondered, where my telepathy came from. Because I know it's not a product of my Magic granting me wishes. My magic, and my telepathy are completely different, I know that.

And then, I spent 11 days in James's head, witnessed him use his power, quite closely, and awakened my own tiny gift in languages. While a good side effect, it wasn't the most important detail.

The people awakened the powers while either angry, afraid, or really destressed. And I know of a Universe, that is not my own, where stuff like this happens. Sure, Accidental Magic also happens during emotional destress, but they weren't wizards. They're muggles, completely.

And so, I'd come to the conclusion. Marvel mutants.

The most likely answer to my question was that the Universe I'm in right now is the Marvel Universe, which also has Hogwarts. Don't know which Marvel Universe though.

And really God? A crossover Universe? Couldn't you have just dropped me in just one of them? Now I have to worry about surviving from thousands of threats instead of just the two Dark Lords. Hmm.. Voldemort is a kid, right? Can I just get a rope and..

Nah, too dark thoughts, Mason. This ain't DC.. I hope. I barely know anything about DC.

So, yeah, Mutants. I'm a Mutant Wizard, and so were Rowena and Helena Ravenclaw. But what Marvel Universe? Aren't there like.. thousands? I only know the most about the Movie one, 199999. The rest are just glances of wikipedia pages, or fandom articles.

Well, at least I won't be caught off guard by anything. I've read a lot of useless trivia about Marvel on the fandom, and hundreds of fanfictions. I'll survive, no matter what. I think.

Soon, I reach the Leaky Cauldron, and after a nod to Mr Dodderidge, Tom's father, I go towards the back. Tapping the necessary bricks, I smile at seeing the amazing phenomenon that is the Entrance.

Really, I have magic, and telepathy. What am I even afraid of? It's not like the threats are going to drop down on Earth tomorrow. There's literally decades for that. Heck, I might even be dead before that!

Hope not, but still.

Shaking my head, I banish the thoughts for now, and go towards Gringott's Bank. Once inside the bank, I walk towards the Money Withdrawal Goblin, and wait for my turn. When he looks down at me, I pull the key to my trust vault out, and say, "I need to take money out of my vault."

The Goblin takes the key in his hands, and boy are they pointy, and then examines it properly. He then says, "Master Grungir has informed me that you're expected in his office, Mr Aves. Grabnail will take you there, and then to your vault."

With that, the Goblin runner called Grabnail runs towards me, and with a single "Come." Starts leading me towards Grungir's office. Wonder what he wants.

As soon as I'm seated in front of Grungir, he slides me a piece of parchment, and says, "Sign it."

No way I'm doing that before reading it. What do you think I am? A moron?

So, I read, and immediately facepalm. I'm a moron. I should have realized that either Hogwarts, or Dumbledore himself will know that I have money now, and am no longer a broke orphan. Well, I am an orphan, just no longer broke. Fucking idiot!

Here I was, confident in my ability to see through any plans anyone can come up with, and Hogwarts bowled a googly.

The parchment basically was a form for the return of the funds I'd gotten from the school last year, and an acknowledgement that I am able to fund my schooling myself. Stingy wizards, couldn't let go of G125?

Re-reading it, and once again for good measure, I sign the form with the quill Grungir provided me with, and mumble, "Stupid Wizards." Which also counts me right now.

Grungir just grins, and says, "Us Goblins have been saying that for centuries now. Good to see a Wizard finally come to senses."

I scowl at him, and ask, "Anything else? Or can I go on to my business?"

Grungir just points me towards the door, which opens to show Grabnail waiting for me. I follow Grabnail towards the caverns, and wonder, 'Does this mean everyone knows? Or is it just the higher ups of Hogwarts, and possibly the Ministry.'

Damn, the probability of this news getting to my family's killers(if they actually died by murder, and not just killed themselves in a feindfyre accident) just increased exponentially. Fuck!


Soon, I begin buying the items in my school list. I had put a budget of 100 galleons on myself, knowing that this second year won't have as many purchases as the first year. I already had a telescope, Cauldron, gloves, trunk, bag, and my hat. I just needed to buy new robes, thanks to my growing body, stationary, and my books for this year.

It is as I was buying my second year books, and seeing if I find anything interesting, that I hear her coming.

'Oh my, what a coincidence? I wonder if he's been to Gringott's yet.' Cassiopeia Black, the manipulative, Mind Magic using bitch, thinks to herself, her thoughts loud as ever to me.

I keep moving, reading the titles of the books I was browsing, when she interrupts me, this time, not by her thoughts.

She says, "Hello Aves. Already done with your shopping?"

I still, and then look up at her, looking annoyed at being interrupted, and judging by her twitching eyes, she caught the annoyance. I put the book I'd taken out back in its place, and say, "Yes. And I'm leaving now too."

I had already paid for my books, and was just shopping for some extra stuff, so I could just walk out and there would be no issue.

"Oh, but what's the rush? Have somewhere to go to? An appointment at Gringott's, perhaps?" Cassiopeia asks, leaning down as she stops me from going.

Looking in her eyes, I feel the Legilimency probe, and allow it to show her the sight of me walking out of Gringott's. I turn away from her and finally notice that there was another person standing there, trying quite awkwardly to seem unbothered.

Looking at the girl behind Cassiopeia, I say, "No, I was just going home now."

Cassiopeia sees me looking at the girl, who was most definitely another member of the Black Family, and says, "That's my sister, Dorea. She'll be starting Hogwarts this year."

Dorea smiles nervously, and says, "Nice to meet you, Mr Aves. Cassiopeia mentioned you a few times, you know. Mostly about some vault or-"

"Dorea!" Cassiopeia says, sternly, as I just snort.

Dorea's a cute kid, and looked fairly similar to Cassiopeia. Curly black hair and grey/blue eyes seemed to be the theme here. Most of all she's not at all manipulative like her sister, from the looks of it, and even her thoughts confirm that.

She's just nervous about meeting new people, which is understandable.

"Nice to meet you too. And what's this about a Vault, Cassiopeia?" I greet Dorea, and turn to Cassiopeia.

Cassiopeia has a glint in her eye at that, and says, "I don't know, Aves. You tell me."

I put my finger on my chin, and say, "Nope. Nothing comes to mind. Anyway, nice to meet you, Dorea. I have to go back home for lunch."

"Goodbye!" Dorea says, as her sister just watches me leave.

I'm not going to be completely antagonistic with Cassiopeia, despite the anger I feel at her. Sure, I use Mind Arts liberally, and probably won't stop. But I don't use them to take advantage of people I think are naive. And definitely not children.

For my advantage, yes. If it also causes them misfortune, no. Of course, general assholes don't count here, they're fair game.


Soon, we're back at the 2nd year of Hogwarts to study some more. Dorea gets sorted to Slytherin, as expected, and that somehow caused Charis Black to call her a lucky bitch. Don't know what she's complaining about, Ravenclaw house has a Library! The only thing better would be for the Kitchen to be closer, like Hufflepuff.

Not like I can do anything about it either. For now, time for another year of boring studies mixed with hopefully exciting experiments.

I wave at Cassiopeia during our first dinner back, smiling cheekily. By now, she must have realized that I had either broken the spell she cast on me, or I was never under any spell anyway. Ah, the image of her scowling while trying to remain a stuffy bitch will remain forever in my mind.


A/N: Okay, I tried to write each year, but its not working out. I'll move on to the summaries of each year from next chapter. Or I'll just summarize the next two years in the next chapter. Depending on my mood while writing.

But I wanted more. I wanted to know how he does it. How does a human brain learn to completely understand a new language within minutes of just staring at it? I NEED to know this, so I can understand what is happening here, in this world.
It occurs to me that if the SI ever needs an alias, Gabriel Grey is a fine choice.

Hmm.. Voldemort is a kid, right? Can I just get a rope and..

Nah, too dark thoughts, Mason. This ain't DC.. I hope.
Isn't Mason a telepath? Can't he implant some hidden trigger in Riddle's mind to completely mind-wipe him the moment he goes down the Voldie route (say, by unleashing the basilisk)?
Hmm the language power would help any research into ancient magic very easy
Wasn't there a canon Marvel mutant that could understand any language, code or computer coding just by looking at it? I think there were versions that evolved the power to read body language and the environment into a sort of combat precognition/pericognition. Is this guy his ancestor?

Is copying mental mutations part of Mason's power? Or just something any telepat can pick up if they try?