Might be worth it to get a navy, as we do have pirates to deal with, and making Military Quality go up would be only be good
Behold my Boy

Name: Ghesh Ravoroth
Date of Birth / Age at Ascension: 1507 DR/ 1561 DR
Relationship with Previous Ruler: As the Firstborn Son to a queen as rightfully paranoid as his mother, Ravoroth cared deeply for her, but held deep concern with her capability to rule. Thankfully it was unwarranted worry, but it still left a mark on their relationship as he was far more close to his Father then his Mother, a fact that would somewhat strain their relationship in later years as they both were firm in their own way of doing things.


"Our ancestors spent their collective lives shaping Tymanchebar into the Kingdom it is now, I will not let it be torn down by weakness."

"My Mother saw enemies around every corner, She made sure to keep my Mind sharp against dullards like you."

" My lady, your beauty makes the Moon itself jealous, would you care to take my hand in this dance."

"Oh my, it seems you've come to the wrong conclusion about our duel, I'll be sure to fight only with one hand to be fair to you Master Knight"

"The Seas have called to me since the first time I laid eyes on them, mark my words, we will rule those waters in my lifetime."

"Our people have survived by our families, A trait that will not be ignored now that I wear this Crown."

"While there is much to learn from the past, the future requires my direct focus more then anything."

"Ah I see, well my good fellow you are mistaken, I am in no danger, for I am Ghesh Ravoroth, King of Tymanchebar, the Blood of greatness flows in my veins."

Bio: Ravoroth spent his childhood always in close proximity to his family, due to the Queen's own paranoia about threats, Ravoroth had little interaction with others around his age that were not family members of the court. A timid youth he much preferred the quiet of his books, reading about the history of their kingdom and his Clan, however something changed when he first visited the coast along with his Mother on a small diplomatic meeting with a local Clan leader.

The moment his eyes met the waves of the coast, looking out to the water, an energy seemed to change for the previously timid and bookish child. He would spend years reinventing himself into what he would call a "Proper Prince" learning more of the history of Ghesh and the previous rulers, trying to emulate their best qualities and craft a new persona as a "Roughish Prince" much like many stories he had read in the past.

While some of his...pursuits have landed him some repute as a flirt, he also displays the kind of Cunning that was becoming entwined with the Ghesh line, continuing his deeper love of reading even as he threw himself into a new lifestyle. Of course his true goal remained, to reach the Seas and become the first of his Line to conquer them.

Style of Governance: He much like his Grandfather and Mother sought to do almost everything himself, but unlike them he knew that the main power of the Kingdom was in it's people, so he delegated matters not of his expertise to suitable members of the court, primarily after a process of interviewing them and seeing if they are up to qualification. While he may spend much of his time in rulership, he always ensures to have time spending it with his Clan, speaking to them and helping them as both King and member of their family with whatever may troubled them.

Core Goal: The Seas have always been a factor of consideration for the Kingdom, but have never been fully exploited or utilized. Ravoroth Seeks to change this by creating a fleet worthy of his Kingdom to guard their waters and expand their control across the waves. And of course he will be at the helm, bringing glory to the Kingdom as they take to the waters.

Secondary Goals:

1) Ridding the local seas of the Pirates that infest it will be a daunting task, they know the waves better then his people. But the Dragonborn are strong and take to warfare well, they will learn with experience and proper equipment.

2) To make a connection with a power across the seas has been a dream of Ravoroth's, to see other lands and spread the stories of the clan of Ghesh and others of his Kingdom.

Minor Goals:

1) Coming from a line of ruling warriors, Ravoroth makes sure to make is own bladework nothing short of mastery, he will not be taken to the Halls of Ancestors before his time.

2) Familiy is everything to the clans of Tymanchebar, but more so then anything else, Ravoroth wishes to see his own Clan prosper, ensuring his siblings have good partners and lives before moving on to the rest of the Clan, all of them must be satisfied before his own life can be set up, in his own words "comfort for my Clan before myself"

3) The rumors of potentially other Dragonborn to the east is not something Ravoroth can allow to go unanswered, assembling a group of trusted warriors and a member of the Clan of Ghesh, they shall go to find and meet these eastern Dragonborn or whatever they truly are.
Okay, the fleet has already been created, I'll tell everyone what my plan was for it.
We cannot fight from a ship at sea, we do not have experience and competent people. This means that the conditions need to be changed.


Why fight with sailors on the water if you can arrange a landing at the port? Due to the size of the MEGABARGE, many more people can be accommodated there than on a standard ship + they would be extremely survivable.

Yes, it was planned as a one-way trip, but victory is so sweet.
Okay, the fleet has already been created, I'll tell everyone what my plan was for it.
We cannot fight from a ship at sea, we do not have experience and competent people. This means that the conditions need to be changed.


Why fight with sailors on the water if you can arrange a landing at the port? Due to the size of the MEGABARGE, many more people can be accommodated there than on a standard ship + they would be extremely survivable.

Yes, it was planned as a one-way trip, but victory is so sweet.

Sounds fun, would probably be stuck in our local seas as I don't think River travel is possible with that. But still a fun idea
Sounds fun, would probably be stuck in our local seas as I don't think River travel is possible with that. But still a fun idea
Just imagine.

Huge colossi, each as tall as a multi-story building and a hundred meters long, are slowly approaching the fleet base in a squadron.

The patrol ships notice them, sound an alarm, but cannot do anything.
Barges enter the port, multi-tiered gangways are lowered and an avalanche of steel-clad bodies begins to storm the ships one by one. From the upper decks they are covered by catapults and scorpions, firing artillery fire at all centers of resistance.

Landing in Normandy in a medieval setting.
Okay, the fleet has already been created, I'll tell everyone what my plan was for it.
We cannot fight from a ship at sea, we do not have experience and competent people. This means that the conditions need to be changed.


Why fight with sailors on the water if you can arrange a landing at the port? Due to the size of the MEGABARGE, many more people can be accommodated there than on a standard ship + they would be extremely survivable.

Yes, it was planned as a one-way trip, but victory is so sweet.
Alaor belongs to the magical super-power of Thay, we are not in the same league as them ; /
You missed the words feudal and continental. It is also located across the sea and can only reach us through our ally Imaskar.
we really should reinforce and further improve relations with them if we intend to possibly drag them into a war or conflict with Thay , they just reunified upper and deeper Imaskar which distinctly makes the alliance with us less useful since they are now a lot stronger and thus have less need of us
Oh, right, both Imaskar and Thay are magocracies, therefore they are closer culturally to each other than to us. We should sow discord between them, not attack naval base of the right now neutral nation.
plus Thay wouldn't need to pass through Imaskar to attack us , they can use mass teleportation to send in elite strike forces , send a single arch mage to fly/teleport over to our capital and cast meteor swarm a few times or build a few massive spell Jammers ships and fly over to land an army straight on top our capital , this is D&D after all and they have a lot of wizards so cheese enough to make a DM lactose intolerant is only to be expected
We are talking about the same Thay who could not subjugate the impoverished Aglarond (we are not taking the period from 1320 to 1425, it was objectively difficult there) and who could not destroy a single enemy of his?

p.s. Anyone have any thoughts on how "Ritual of the unmaking" is going?
We are talking about the same Thay who could not subjugate the impoverished Aglarond (we are not taking the period from 1320 to 1425, it was objectively difficult there) and who could not destroy a single enemy of his?

p.s. Anyone have any thoughts on how "Ritual of the unmaking" is going?
I don't know a lot about Thay beyond that its a nation with a lot of wizards with a council of archmages who are in charge and they use undead armies (oh and the wear red), a lot of what I am putting forth is what I would logically expect a group of pissed off high level wizards to do with the resources of a nation state behind the if provoked
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4.1 A Closer Look II
Tymanchebar - The Eastern Lands

Gral Naz never thought he would stay in dim, wet, cave hiding from giant talking lizards that could walk like people and take down multiple Sphinxes, and if the stories were not bullshit, fucking dragons of all things.

He never thought he wouldn't be serving his shitty boss, away from his rather sizable carnal services and coin, leading a halfhearted band of thieves and whoresons in an attempt to survive, again, giant talking lizards that could walk like people!

But reality, unfortunately, was not what Gral wanted, his shitty boss was dead alongside his King, and all the other bloody kings that arose before he was even born. Admittedly they should have all seen this coming, the Greenlands were fertile, very much so, and no kingdom was going to pass up the chance to have it under their hands. If it hadn't been the lizards it would have the heathens from the east, or the arrogant pricks to their northeast.

Even then, it still wasn't fair!

Gral grumbled under his breath, cursing the lizards to the pits of the Abyss, as he made his way to the center of the large cave complex that they had discovered a few years back before this madness. It held no entry point to the Underdark (thank the gods for that, small mercies at least), but the system of caverns offered the perfect hiding spots for he and his men, alongside other survivors. Who unfortunately managed to find it as well and were not weak enough to be purged out of them.

Meeting with those bastards was never good, and always left him frustrated. It was a rather good thing that these meetings never lasted long, and he would destress by raising the lizards and taking back some repayment from all they did.

A small thing but it counted.

Now if only they could stop sniffing around their hiding places that would be good, for all of them really. No one wanted to suffer what the old leadership suffered from resisting. The ones who died quickly were the lucky ones. And the ones who didn't, well… they sure wished they did die because they were then in true hell, to be made of examples against banditry and resistance against the lizards.

Unknown Location

Bane was in a surprisingly good mood, Myrkul noted, the Black Lord had not been well in these past decades since their return, though then again neither had Myrkul. The amount of power and prestige he had lost thanks to Gamble, were immense, and getting it all back was proving frustratingly difficult not only for him but his three compatriots as well.

Myrkul had to spread intense fear and respect of the inevitability of death amongst the mortals in order to regain power, Bane needed to conquer and defile in the name of tyranny, Bhaal was the most simple mindless killing that gave him quite a bit of power especially if it was brutal enough. But all of them, especially Bhaal, find it difficult to spread their teachings and methods of gaining divinity back. Thanks to all the, ugh, good and noble Gods and their little pawns.

"Why are you in such a good mood, Black Hand?" Bhaal asked in a chirpy tone entirely disturbing for arguably the greatest prolific murderer in all of the realms.

Normally such a method of speaking to the Black Lord would have sent the speaker to a fate worse than death. But both Myrkul and Bhaal had exclusive rights to certain rights in Bane's eyes, within reason of course, much like Bane had with them. Their journey through Mortality, godhood, and death had forged quite the unique between the three of them.

"It is Tiamat, she has finally shown her hand, later than expected, which means that somehow she is starting to learn what patience is, life truly has surprises it seems" Bane spoke with a mocking tone, which would have undoubtedly sent the Dragon Goddess into a fury, not that she would have been able to do anything against the Black Lord thanks to the chains he held over her.

"I presume she is less difficult to handle now?" Myrkul asked, in a voice that could have death and decay by simply hearing it. Such was the power of the agent of entropy upon the mortal plane.

"Yes, while undoubtedly she will try again and again, she still has her uses, it is through her that I have information on Asmodeus" Bane revealed casually, like it was something unimportant and not being plotted against by the Archfiend, but then again both of them had a rather complicated relationship as both liked to spread oppression across the realms.

"Speaking of her, that new nation sure is something huh, only 163 years old and already making so many waves across the world" Bhaal said, unusually interested in the Outsiders who settled in their world.

"They are strong," Bane admits out loud. "Their Kings and Queen don't rule like I want them too but I know that is mostly pretense on their part, especially their last ruler"

"Oh yes, she really was something wasn't she, it is a shame I couldn't introduce her to my teachings" Bhaal spoke in a sad tone that he couldn't create what he would undoubtedly consider to be one of his greatest and a true scourge upon the world.

"They have respect for death" Myrkul added, he would have most preferred if they feared it as well, but in these times of weakness he takes what he can get from the mortals. "It is truly a shame that they already taken by another"

His compatriots nodded, the newcomers truly had potential, but all that potential was taken by another divinity, younger than all three of them but already having quite the power that put the gaze of the other Gods away from his eastern domain. Which was expected truly, no God would willingly accept that their worshippers go to another God or Goddess. If Myrkul was in his position, he would have done the same through with more direct intervention on his part than the young God was doing.

Privately he can't help but wonder how both the God and people will react to Tiamat's rival's latest development, undoubtedly it will prove to be quite interesting.


QM - Sorry for the long wait, after all the bullshit with my computer alongside studies put my mood down, but I am back, however this was entirely written in my phone not my computer.

(Which I will hopefully resolve this month or the next one)

The next, actual, update will also be written on my phone so they will take some time though not much, hopefully.

Again sorry for the long wait, updates will now begin again.