I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that "is this an interrogation, Magistrate?" is maybe kind of a game they've played before and Logris was not taking it as seriously as some may have assumed.
Logris is still for a long moment. You are about to prompt her when she responds.
LOGRIS: "There was a mutual need."
INTEGRITY: She put a lot of thought into that phrase. She hadn't thought about why she did it before.
"What do you mean?"
LOGRIS: "I mentioned before that you were going through some kind of emotional crisis. The truth is, I was not doing so well either."
LOGRIS' FACE: Quite badly, actually.
You are briefly taken aback by the flash of expression on her face after it has been inscrutable for the last few minutes.
"I can't imagine you going through an emotional crisis."
She gives a small smile.
LOGRIS: "That would be my etiquette training at work. But I am not like you. I still feel everything."
LOGRIS' FACE: You feel nothing.
She stops, thoughtful, gazing into mid-distance.
INTEGRITY: She is wondering how much to tell you.
LOGRIS: "The truth is I was bereaved. My wife, last year. Most Dynastic marriages are unloving. Ours was an exception, while it lasted. I wake up every day now in a world that no longer makes sense. What is happening on this island is just the natural progression of that."
"I'm sorry."
She bows her head fractionally, accepting the platitude.
LOGRIS: "Your companionship- and I mean that without euphamism- was comforting. I am grateful."
LOGRIS' FACE: I think you were as well.
[ ] What happened to her?
[ ] So what happens to us now?
[ ] Maybe we can try this again later.
[ ] I should go.
LOGRIS: "I would appreciate that. In the meantime, perhaps it is best that we both have some rest."
LOGRIS' FACE: Seperately, I mean.
"We could-"
Over the lingering scent of agarwood incense, perfume and lantern oil you catch a rich, nutty aroma.
"I think Cinnamon is waiting outside with your coffee."
Logris purses her lips.
LOGRIS: "Lateya! Come in, please."
Cinnamon re-enters the tent, holding a silver tray laden with Logris' requested breakfast, including a green ceramic coffee pot. She is blushing.
CINNAMON: "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to eavesdrop, I just thought it would be awkward to walk in."
LOGRIS: "And why should it be awkward to walk in?"
LOGRIS' FACE: Think carefully now.
Cinnamon thinks careflly.
CINNAMON: "No reason! I didn't hear anything."
LOGRIS: "I am glad to hear it."
Cinnamon sets down the tray on the folding table next to Logris.
LOGRIS: "Now, if you please, go and find someone to help move the magistrate's chest."
CINNAMON: "Uh, yes captain, at once."
She bobs a curtsy and hurries out of the tent again.
LOGRIS: "Well, that is a little troublesome. Would you like to stay for a meal?" she gestures at the laden tray. "This is more than I normally eat."
EMBASSY: There's a stiffness to her tone. The offer is probably a formality; she doesn't expect you to accept, though she won't be able to turn you down if you do.
[ ] Sure, I like food.
[ ] No thanks, I'll give you some privacy.