You pop open the box.
Inside, a finger lies on a white cloth. Cinnamon shrieks and drops the box with a clatter.
"It's okay! It's just a prosthetic. See? It's made of wood."
CINNAMON: "Oh! Oh, I'm sorry, that was... I wasn't ready for that."
"Sorry, I should have warned you."
You pick up the finger. It does look stunningly realistic, except for being made of dark polished wood and possessing two articulated joints. You lay it down on top of the sea chest and hold up the fingers of your left hand next to it. It matches perfectly in length, and the width only varies where it has to widen to overlap with the remaining part of your missing finger. He even captured the unusually shallow bed of your fingernails.
CRAFT: This is amazing work.
The prosthetic finger is hollow up to the second knuckle joint where your own finger terminates.
SAGACITY: Your metacarporphalangeal.
Your what?
SAGACITY: Metacarporphalangeal. That's the bone where your finger ends.
Right, that. There is a system of straps to attach the base of the missing finger to the base of your middle finger.
"Hey Cinnamon, could you help me attach this?"
CINNAMON: "Oh, right, yes, I see."
She gingerly takes the finger and helps you afix it in place.
The interior is padded with soft felt. Quite comfortable.
FINGER 4: What is this betrayal, mother!? A simulacral outsider usurps our fallen brother?
FINGER 3: See how it affixes itself to me in ghoulish facsimile!
CRAFT: Try moving it. There's a surprise.
A surprise? You're not sure you want a finger surprise.
CRAFT: Go on, give it a go.
You clench your hand into a fist. The finger clenches as well. You straighten out your fingers, the prosthetic follows suit.
FINGER 1: Infamy! Calumny! Apocalypse!
FINGER 4: It is a cuckoo in our nest! An exanimate finger-homunculus!
THUMB 1: Oh, shut up.
Wait, Rooster said it wasn't going to be magic. How is this possible?
CRAFT: It has three spring-loaded points of articulation that adjust depending on the angle of your first finger joint. The beveled texture on the finger interior is designed to help you grip objects. It's not perfect, but once you get used to it you'll enjoy an approximation of full grip strength. Quite ingenious, Rooster is wasted hammering out breastplates for a living.
"Well, that works."
CINNAMON: "Oh, that's so nice of him! I, uh, I admit I had no idea what he was going to give you."
"One more thing, how long is it since dawn?"
CINNAMON: "Um, a little over two hours, I think."
You have an hour, at most.
Looks like we're all ready to go. Where to now?
[ ] Look for Fincher.
[ ] Look for Logris.
[ ] Look for Mei.
[ ] Head out of camp, towards the monster.
[ ] Head out of camp, away from the monster.