My guess: It has something to do with alcoholism, and was either a bad relationship, or our character gave orders of some sort that lead to the deaths of people that Mei cared about.
I honestly can't tell if people are choosing to ignore the advice of our traits, or if they can't tell it's advice because the Disco Elysium style only occasionally has traits outright tell you what you should do.
Now That You Are Pure 33
[X] Should I start guessing about what I did to you?

"Should I start guessing about what I did to you?"

MEI: "No, you know what? I'll tell you something for free. You're a compulsive liar. Which means I don't believe you don't remember what you did. How about that?"

"Well, uh, thanks for telling me that."

MEI: "Go fuck yourself again! I'm done. Stay out of the legion's way or I will burn you alive."

She turns and storms out of the pavillion. The raindrops sizzle and curl into wisps of steam where they strike her skin.

Then there is silence, aside from the steady hiss of rain.

LOGRIS: "Well, that was certainly intense."

USAMIR: "What a dreadful woman. And that grubby little thing is a surgeon? Where do the legion find these people?"

[ ] Peasants, am I right?
[ ] Everyone in the legion seems pretty messed up.
[ ] You Dynasts don't seem all that well adjusted either.
[ ] Hey, leave Fincher out of this.
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Now That You Are Pure 34
[x] Hey, leave Fincher out of this.

"Hey, leave Fincher out of this."

Usamir gives you an indulgent smile. His high cheeks flush an ugly violet.

USAMIR: "I mean to say, magistrate, that a real officer would never consider appearing before her superiors in such a state."

"She was helping move one of the wagons that got stuck in the road."

USAMIR: "That's just what I mean. There is a hierarchy of being, after all. Some things are for the peasants, and some things are for the Exalted. A peasant being Exalted just sends all sorts of confusing signals what with the poor breeding and upbringing, and we end up with Exalts doing peasant work. It is very sad, really."

"What, because she turned up with some mud on her?"

USAMIR: "That's exactly it. Manual work betrays a lack of interest in the serious work of leadership."

You take a moment to stare at him incredulously.

LOGRIS: "Perhaps you had better go and draw her a bath then, Usamir."

Usamir chuckles good-naturedly.

The rain continues to fall.

LOGRIS: "That was an order."

USAMIR: "What? I don't- how do you expect me to-"

LOGRIS: "You are a water aspect, I am certain you can figure something out."

Usamir rises from his seat, very slowly.

USAMIR: "I'll remember this, cousin."

LOGRIS: "Please do, cousin."

The captain walks out without another word.

Logris, the final member of the leadership council, remains seated, expression serene.

LOGRIS: "Now. What should we discuss?"

[ ] Thanks for the help.
[ ] That guy is your cousin?
[ ] So what's your deal?
[ ] Do you know anything about me?
[ ] I don't know, what do you want to discuss?
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Question does this thing have a schedule of some kind or something?

No, it has the furthest thing possible from a schedule. It updates as many times a day as I can manage, and because I sleep so irregularly it can update at literally any time of the day or night.

It rarely goes more than a day without updating, and averages just over three updates and just over a thousand words per day.
Logris seems like an ok guy, for Dynast standards. That doesn't necessarily mean much given how both in Disco and in Exalted people can be nice but also pretty terrible... but it's good to know.
I'm beginning to get the impression that Thazaniel may not actually be habitable. They did say these were ruined fortress-manses. That probably means some wacky geomancy.
Now That You Are Pure 35
[X] I don't know, what do you want to discuss?

"I don't know, what do you want to discuss?"

Logris' eyes crinkle a little around the edges before she speaks.

LOGRIS: "Well, perhaps we should fill in the blanks, as it were, on our current relationship."

EMBASSY: Her face is incredible. Its expressiveness, I mean. It's like she's holding an entire second conversation by hinting at emotional responses, but without committing to actually changing her face.

What did she mean there, then?

EMBASSY: Look, I'll translate.

LOGRIS' FACE: I don't know why you would not ask me this obvious question.

Oh, okay, I got it.

"And what is our current relationship, exactly?"

LOGRIS: "Well, I have known you for some months, and you apparently know me not at all."

LOGRIS' FACE: I could tell you anything and you would probably believe me.

LOGRIS: "More particularly, I am a navy captain without a ship, and you are a magistrate without the required support of local institutions. I hope we can help one another."

LOGRIS' FACE: I really do not want to spend any more time here than I have to.

LOGRIS: "But you are the one missing your memories, so perhaps it would be best if you were to guide our conversation by asking questions. I will answer what I can."

LOGRIS' FACE: I am not looking forward to this.

[ ] How did we meet?
[ ] What was I like?
[ ] What did I call myself when we knew each other?
[ ] When was the last time you saw me?
[ ] What is the nature of the five-part world?
[ ] Actually, I'd rather ask about you.
[X] What is the nature of the five-part world?

Tenebrous Silken Vesper, Bearer of the Word "Hot Mess," Exalt of the Five-Part World.
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Now That You Are Pure 36
[X] What is the nature of the five-part world?

"What is the nature of the five-part world?"

Logris' normally implacable delivery falters as she pauses to try to process your question.

LOGRIS: "Why would you ask me that?"


"It's just a phrase I've had rattling around in my head since I woke up. I was wondering if you knew what it meant."

LOGRIS: "Well, not many people would recognize it. 'That is the nature of the five-part world.' is a line that concludes each of the five so-called Sulidanian mantras. A relatively obscure piece of Immaculate theology. I would probably never have encountered it if I hadn't read histories at the Cloister."

LOGRIS' FACE: I don't think you read histories at the Cloister.

SAGACITY: The Cloister of Wisdom is one of the Realm's great academies, specializing in religious instruction. Students study under Immaculate monks in a wide range of subjects including history, mathematics, literature and philosophy. Also, devestating martial arts.

"Do you know what it means?"

LOGRIS: "I am afraid I do not, I only came across the mantras in passing, and made no particular study of them. I suggest consulting a poet, or a theologian."

LOGRIS' FACE: Probably a theologian, they might be able to help you with other things.

LOGRIS: "Was there anything else?"

LOGRIS' FACE: Anything relevant?

[ ] How did we meet?
[ ] What was I like?
[ ] What did I call myself when we knew each other?
[ ] When was the last time you saw me?
[ ] Actually, I'd rather ask about you.
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Ah, binge complete. This is my new favorite Quest. Exceptionally disco and the choice of first-come-first-serve voting to represent a deranged mind is genius.
Now That You Are Pure 37
[X] When was the last time you saw me?

"When was the last time you saw me?"

LOGRIS: "Before you presented youself here? Four days ago. We were due to weigh anchor in the bay north of here within about twelve hours when the fleet was overtaken by a storm of magical origin. We appear to be the only ones to survive the destruction of the fleet flagship, Kazudaris."

LOGRIS' FACE: And I was sure you were dead.

"You're certain the storm was magical?"

LOGRIS: "I know my business. Mundane storms are of no concern to my ships, and I am quite well able to avoid them in any case. This was something altogether different, like the sea and sky had come alive to kill us. Even the curses of the storm mothers do not have such fury."

LOGRIS' FACE: I have never seen anything like it.

"Tell me more about what happened, please. It could be important."

LOGRIS: "I think you may be right. Well, we were due to come to anchor at some time in the mid morning. It was almost midnight, I was asleep in my cabin when we came upon the storm. It was chaos. The ship was already yawing badly when I was ready and out on deck."

LOGRIS' FACE: I saw people dying, I cannot forget it.

"Where was I while this was happening?"

LOGRIS: "You were being roused from your quarters."

LOGRIS' FACE: I ordered you unlocked from the brig.

"And then?"

LOGRIS: "You were not, forgive me, acting very rationally. You kept ranting about a voice under the water. As soon as you had your daiklave in hand, you leapt over the side."

LOGRIS' FACE: You were acting even more irrationally than normal.

"Wait, I have a daiklave?"

LOGRIS: "Oh yes. I never saw it drawn, so I can tell you nothing about it, but you were rarely without it by your side. A shame that you seem to have lost it."

LOGRIS' FACE: We need all the advantages we can get.

THOUGHT GAINED: The Dweller In Chaos

"So that was the last time you saw me?"

LOGRIS: "No. When the Kazudaris capsized and the survivors went into the water, you came to me. You helped me to a piece of the broken keel, drifting in the water, before you dove under the waves again. Your anima was burning, and I could see something under the water, by the light."

LOGRIS' FACE: Do not ask me what I saw.

"What did you see?"

LOGRIS: "I think they were corpses. Drowned bodies, thousands of them. Maybe tens of thousands, all together, moving like giant limbs through the water. I think you were fighting them, down there. I blacked out after that."

LOGRIS' FACE: I am sorry.

"How is that possible?"

LOGRIS: "As far as I know it is not. I had rationalized it as a brief hallucination brought on by my near-drowning."

LOGRIS' FACE: But it was not, was it?

"And you made it to shore?"

LOGRIS: "No, a raft from the Sulco's Spite picked me up. It was the furthest west of the group, so it was blown onto the rocks by the storm rather than just being crushed, and remained largely intact. They didn't manage to pick up many other survivors. I probably would have drowned had they not spotted my anima. From Talonlord Fincher's account, the Amheris was blown some way north before disintegrating, so a few of them survived to get to the northern beaches. Near where you woke up, apparently."

LOGRIS' FACE: So many dead.

LOGRIS: "So there it is, my full account. I have told nobody else the details, but I thought you deserved to know. I would likely have died without your help."

LOGRIS' FACE: Thank you.

LOGRIS: "Was there anything else you wanted to know about my experience with you?"

LOGRIS' FACE: Something less painful.

[ ] I want to know more about my daiklave.
[ ] I want to know more about the corpse-thing you mentioned.
[ ] What was I like?
[ ] What did I call myself when we knew each other?
[ ] When was the last time you saw me?
[ ] Actually, I'd rather ask about you.