Mando Verda (Mandalorian Wars RP) (Closed)

Edited sheet and thats why how you have an aggresive battle healer at your back, cause what the golden rule with healers?
hehe, I can see this being a Fun RP, considering the crazy shit invented in the Mandalorian wars.

things like this↓
Name: Jacen Fett

Clan: Fett, a clan known for farming and excellent warriors, they are a new clan and have little power compared to the older ones.

Species: Chiss


Shortly before the Battle of Onderon, Jacen was found as a newborn baby by Clan Fett on a world in the very edge of the Outer Rim, nearly in the Unknown Regions. He was found in a small settlement whose entire population had defied the Brotherhood of the Sith, so they had been exterminated. Due to the Mandalorian protectiveness of children, he was rescued and taken in by the clan. When the Mandalorians scattered following the death of Mandalore the Indomitable, a few of the clan members returned to the settlement and lived there for a while. They took up farming, while also acting as a mercenary force in minor conflicts on the border between the Outer Rim and the Unknown Regions. Growing up, he fell behind his peers in combat ability, but he excelled at tactics and strategy. In duels, he overcame his peers by predicting their attacks and hitting them when they're vulnerable. When it became clear he was Force-Sensitive the older clansmen gathered up as much knowledge on Jedi techniques as possible. He joined the Neo-Crusaders when he was 21, and served in several battles, including the Battle of Cathar. He personally was against the planetary genocide, but understood that it was useless to try to convince Cassus Fett to not kill someone he believed had disgraced the Mandalorians. He served in the Raids on Azure and Corsin, earning some prestige. It was during these battles that he started using his favored fighting style, a vibrosword and a heavy blaster pistol.

-Adequate hand-to-hand and vibrosword combat by Mandalorian standards
-Good tactician and strategist
-Prediction, increased the better he knows the opponent
-Good diplomat
-Above average skill with a blaster pistol by Mandalorian standards

Force Abilities:
-Battle meditation
-Force push and pull
-Force choke
-Moderate farsight
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Vante Remeran (Afterthought)
Name: Vante Remeran

Clan: Clan Remeran has long been known for having a history of unusually deadly warriors, harnessing something refer to as a sixth sense. They have never made an attempt to hide this and have acted as mercenaries to make a living, always seeking the next battle. Usually they have been a deciding factor in who wins what war. They participated in the Great Sith Hyperspace War while working with the Republic. They made an enemy of the Jedi when their philosophy of how to live their lives. The accidentally converted some Jedi to the Dark Side in their fervent discussion on the glories of battle.
Due to their connections to the the old ways and their views regarding battle, the Remeran are often viewed to have the strongest Crusader-Era influences among the Clans that gave their support to Mandalore the Ultimate and Cassus Fett. They are often viewed as religious by the other clans.

Species: Half-Echani/Half-Human

Appearance: Vante's Beskar'Gam is slimmer and more personalized than most examples of a Neo-Crusader due to his fighting style and stronger links to the Crusader Era have come in the form of a more intricate mask and shoulder and shin guards. It is blue with a hidden blaster, flamethrower, and jet pack as is standard, though it has a slightly smaller battery life. Vante is able to move much more fluidly than a Mandalorian normally is in their Beskar'Gam

Sparda Remeran was a famous and skilled warrior of his clan. And when his father grew old, like tradition dictated he challenged him and took his place as clan head. Eventually he met an Echani woman who challenged him to a duel that he won.

Soon, much to Sparda's regret he had twin sons. He named them Vante and Dirge. Unfortunately his wife died in childbirth, leaving him with his two half-Echani sons that he found that he did not want. Dirge in particular, grew into a gregarious flirtatious boy that saw just as much value in politics as in battle was something he despised. He regularly beat the child much to Vante's continuing hatred.

Vante took care of his brother as best he could, training him and his brother up until they were competent and deadly. They slew the current holders of the House Remeran blades that Sparda did not possess, Kad'la Kan and Akaan Kovid. They replaced the handels as was custom and used them to make names for themselves.

They fought their fathers wars and endured his abuse while they became renowned among the Clan for their skill, Vante in particular was know for the unusual manner in which he fought and how effective he was. He couldn't stop the scars on his brother's back from multiplying.

A year after they had won their blades, Vante found something in the ruins of an old Jedi Enclave. A blue cube that quickly told him of the Force and of power. Taking a while to share it with his brother, the Holocron (for that is what it was) encouraged him to meditate on the Force and find his own meaning in it. So that was what he did. Vante increasingly relied on his Mandalorian background in the Holocron's lessons and realized that whatever it told him about the Light and the Dark was a falsehood. The real truth of the Force was Conflict. The battle of Light and Dark, Jedi and Sith was just a way of testing the galaxy and relishing in the representation of the sum total of life that was battle. Hope and Despair, Desperation and Confidence, Love and Hate, much like his ancestors had, Vante realized that all parts of sapient nature existed in War. Moreover, Vante had the idea that the more he immersed himself in the Force during Battle the closer he was getting to finding the Manda within the Force.

Eventually he meant to teach great things to Dirge, but he found that in his final retreat and attainment of Shatterpoint Sparda had beaten his little brother to near death. Enraged, Vante challenged his father to a duel for ownership of the Clan. Vante carved his father's heart out that day and all were made known of his Mastery of the Force.

His joining of the Mandalorian Knights was made known soon after. Vante left his Holocron in Dirge's hands to learn from with a warning: "The Jedi are wise, but they blind themselves. Let your beliefs draw you closer to the Force and the Manda."

  • Echani/Mandalorian Swordstyle: A master of a personalized form of swordsmanship based on what his parents taught him, Vante leans towards the Echani side of things in his swordsmanship while taking from Mandalorian bladework in his ability to multitask and use other weapons while fighting with his blade. Vante relies on quick, precise strikes to utterly devastate the opponent and their guard while making more grand sweeping movements and blaster fire to keep them on their toes. Vante also has a large degree of skill with a medley of Echani and Mandalorian styles in hand to hand but it is nothing compared to his mastery of the sword.
  • Piloting: Vante is an adequate pilot both on and off the battlefield. He is capable of flying both a ship and a War Droid, though this is no specialization of his and he often relies on the Force.
  • Philosophy: Vante is something of a thinker when it comes to the Force, often pontificating about his own views regarding it at length. His fellow Knights like to complain that he sounds like a Jedi.
  • Leadership: While Vante is a terrible negotiator and diplomat, he is an excellent and practiced leader and strategist. He has seen his clan, his squad, and his brother through many a foul battle and crises.
  • Blaster and Armor use: Vante has a high enough degree of skill to to know exactly where to let a shot or blade fall on his armor and when to just dodge.
Force Abilities:
  • Telekinesis: Vante posses control over this most basic of the Force's mysteries. He can manipulate objects from a distance with ease and can lift quite a lot of weight while doing so. He often uses this ability to trip up opponents or annihilate those unworthy of him.
  • Physical Enhancement: An obvious skill that Vante has always taken too like a duck to water. Vante is skilled with the highest level of physical enhancement available to a force sensitive, being able to match blows with even a Jedi Master if it were purely a show of physical force and speed.
  • Precognition: Vante does not profess to have any great insight into the future, but his command of the Force gives him insight into battle like it would any trained Jedi or Sith.
  • Tutaminis: The ability to absorb and redirect energy upon contact. Vante is a skilled user of Tutaminis. He is not able to deflect a lightsaber but he often uses this skill to deflect sniper fire and large lasers with his armor while recharging his gear. It has saved his life more than once when his Baskar'Gam was broken as well.
  • Force Healing: Something of an anathema to Vante's conception of the Force, Vante is nonetheless able to close small wounds in the midst of battle and achieve more spectacular healing with great focus.
  • Pyrokinises: Vante's only energy projection power, this is one of the two abilities he developed on his own without help from the Holocron. He is able to make it a wide blaze or a blue line of deadly flame. Vante is infamous for his ability to burn the battlefield and lay out scorching rays with this Force Power.
  • Shatterpoint: Vante's most treasured power. He is able to use it perfectly within anything he sees as battle. He can observe physical weaknesses but also perceive turning points, places where the flow of a battle might shatter and turn in his favor. It saw him through his battle with his father, and Vante believes this power will save him later in life as well.

  • Kad'la Kal: A narrow single sided blade, Kad'la Kal is shrouded in mystery alongside it's sister swords Akaan Kovid and Kaden Bikadinir. It is incredibly lightweight, and by focusing the Force in it Vante is able to make Kad'la Kal surpass any normal blade. It is seen as a match for any Lightsaber. Kad'la Kal in particular is the sharpest of the three swords of Clan Remeran. It is known to be able to cut Durasteel in twain even without the Force being channeled through it. However, if Kad'la Kal is unable to cut through something it is utterly unable to wear away it and alternate methods must be found to break through. Though Vante has remedied much of this problem with his Shatterpoint, it is still a pressing issue.
  • Basilisk War Droid: Hundreds of thousands of pounds of Mandalorian Iron, Vante's War Droid like many of its kin is considered nearly unstoppable on the battlefield. Vante has equipped it with personal shields that drain it's power supply when used but often give it even more durabilty. He has equipped a second seat for a partner to ride on behind him and asked that the tracking systems be upgraded.
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Name: Kailan

Clan: the Striili, a nomadic clan that is best known for their hunter and tracker abilities, and their unmatched skill in marksmanship (which is so precise, that legends speak of their greater members being able to take down a cruiser with just one shot)

The hunter and tracker abilities include, the ability to find or track someone to even to the outer reaches, to blend with the surroundings to make oneself hidden, to survive on the land one is in, and to talk with the beasts and use them to their advantage, these abilities make most members good bounty hunters.

Their marksmanship is unmatched, with most members being able to strike someone from a great distance, and to make a perfect shot in even the most distressing situations.

At their core, they are a group of honorable hunters who live for the hunt and fight.

Species : Mandalorian Human

Appearance (Include a description of your Beskar'gam):

(There is no hood)
Backstory: Kailan loved the hunt, he embodied the core of his clan, more than any of his other clansmen did, he would always improve and improve on his skills, find harder and harder targets to kill, and more challenges to prove his skill.

It grew too much that eventually one day he was gone, no one knew where he went, but what he did was this, he traveled the stars as a bounty hunter, doing what he does best, he continues to seek challenges more harder and satisfying than the last, and so here he is, simply here for the next challenge and pray to come.


  • Marksmanship
  • Proficiency in most ranged weapons
  • Tracking
  • Survivalism (living off the wild)
  • Small blades proficiency
  • Stealth

Force Abilities:
  • Force Reflexes
  • Force Beast communication & control
  • Force Life sensing
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I take offense to my guy being implied as a Mary Sue. He has good leadership skills, but he's only a slightly above average Mandalorian warrior.
I take offense to my guy being implied as a Mary Sue. He has good leadership skills, but he's only a slightly above average Mandalorian warrior.
I was also more referring to Nicknames for the Players. For example, Kensei was called "Adam from Heroes," a character who's known as Takezo Kensei at one point. Thus, since you have Revan....

Only three nicknames were based on the characters: Lord's, Cat's, & Atma's
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I was also more referring to Nicknames for the Players. For example, Kensei was called "Adam from Heroes," a character who's known as Takezo Kensei at one point. Thus, since you have Revan....

Only three nicknames were based on the characters: Lord's, Cat's, & Atma's
Mine is after the king of fuck ups and afterthought Epimetheus.
I know it was a joke, I too was joking. I keep forgetting that my jokes don't make sense without tone, which is pretty hard to convey with just words.
Wait I've been away for a little bit, I've got a nickname?
EDIT: Didn't realize we needed an armor pic and I think I found a pretty good one.
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So, anyway, from here we have two options:
A) Cut to the chase, send everyone into combat, pretend that we did tactical planning
B) Continue with the planning, and have a better idea of what you'll do, at the cost of interest.

Which do you think is best?