Mandalore the Administrator

Take care of yourself. I really enjoy your stories, and I'd love to see them continue when you are in a better place. I hope everything turns around and starts looking better for you!
Thank you, AgelessReaper. We wish you all the best.

You're an amazing writer and wonderfully creative, and I understand completely such a rough patch. Good luck and stay strong. And know you have good fans here that love your work. Take your time and fix what you can, focus on your reality and family.

I hope you find all the joy you can. Be safe!
Most importantly, hope your family is ok and you get whatever it is sorted out. Thanks for the update on what happened and good luck fixing what needs to be fixed.

Drop a line here when you repost on AO3? Your Gamer story is one of my absolute favorites
Its good to hear that it wasn't your health that was the reason why you are ending the story, also school is very important, but instead of abandoning your stories why not put them on hiatus until the school year is over. That way you don't have to worry about them until your ready to come back to it without all the stress.

As for the site will always have problem and people who are trolls on it. It has lost a great many authors because of them. Glad to read that your stories are being transferred to AO3.

I wish you luck in the years to come with school and good health to you and your family.
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Glad its not your health, every time I see a statement like yours I worry if something happened.
These are shaky ass times we're living in, my brother had corona, out and back in the hospital, my roofer had it, my sister got it two weeks ago.

And I almost took myself out by accident last week and knocked two teeth out. Take your time and get your grades back up, RL is the most important after all.🤗🤗👍
Its good to hear that it wasn't your health that was the reason why you are ending the story, also school is very important, but instead of abandoning your stories why not put them on hiatus until the school year is over. That way you don't have to worry about them until your ready to come back to it without all the stress.

As for the site will always have problem and people who are trolls on it. It has lost a great many authors because of them. Glad to read that your stories are being transferred to AO3.

I wish you luck in the years to come with school and good health ro you and your family.
What's wrong with
I have never lingered to read the reviews so it is new information to me that this website is toxic.
What's wrong with
I have never lingered to read the reviews so it is new information to me that this website is toxic.
I know there are toxic people there, but back when I wrote stories the reviews were always positive.

Edit: Just checked. I only got one negative review, and that was cause I had Philemon dead in Persona 3: Ultimate. Most reviews are people excited to read the story, or offering ideas. I just could never keep up my muse, though.
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Ok, I was originally going to keep my irl stuff to myself but people have expressed concern for my health, so here's the reason I'm dropping this.

I failed 3 college courses last semester, and really need to pull myself out of the hole I dug myself into. On top of that my family is going through a rough patch I'm not going to get into. I deleted my stories on FF because I was sick of the site, both the trolls and the general god awfulness of the site itself, and I was planning on reposting everything on AO3 after I get an account made.

I'm fine. Nothing catastrophic has happened to me, I just need some time to fix stuff. I might pick this back up again in the future, but it will be a while.

Thanks for your concern and well wishes. Hope you're all doing well.
I can relate. I hope things pick up for you.
Ouch. I really hope things go better for you in future. It's probably too late, and I don't know if it would help, but a lot of colleges are offering pass-fail grading. At least that way it's less clear if/how badly you're doing on courses. Take your time; your future is more important than other people's whining (this is an important fact that will be useful all throughout your life :D).

That said, I'm happy that you're not taking a hiatus from the Internet, merely abandoning FFN. I like AO3 (mostly because they have a download button :p and a better UI [which admittedly does not say much]), so I'll see you there. Fair warning: They have some kind of "apply for membership" invite thing, so it's not an instant sign-up. I think they basically accept everyone though, so just be aware it will take a while.

I hope that you can return to this story when things improve, but if you can't we'll have to find a way to continue on without it. It's a cruel, cruel world...
Ok, I was originally going to keep my irl stuff to myself but people have expressed concern for my health, so here's the reason I'm dropping this.

I failed 3 college courses last semester, and really need to pull myself out of the hole I dug myself into. On top of that my family is going through a rough patch I'm not going to get into. I deleted my stories on FF because I was sick of the site, both the trolls and the general god awfulness of the site itself, and I was planning on reposting everything on AO3 after I get an account made.

I'm fine. Nothing catastrophic has happened to me, I just need some time to fix stuff. I might pick this back up again in the future, but it will be a while.

Thanks for your concern and well wishes. Hope you're all doing well.
Hey totally get it. I almost failed out of college myself. A few things that you can choose to listen to or not. The first is look at what options you have available from your school to help get yourself in a better place. The second is take a moment to acknowledge what caused you to fail those courses. It is important to understand why to fix it. I know for me that I had fallen out of interest in what I was studying and needed to pivot. Anyway good luck and I hope that you continue writing in some form when you can.
Understandable, you do what you need to. I'm gonna keep this thread on watch, just in case you come back to this story after you get things sorted out.

But seriously thanks for what you have written. It is a great read and you stopped at a good point so while I want more, I won't be going "but what happened to X?!" Well except for just how big of a migraine Dragon can get ;-)
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Most importantly, hope your family is ok and you get whatever it is sorted out. Thanks for the update on what happened and good luck fixing what needs to be fixed.

Drop a line here when you repost on AO3? Your Gamer story is one of my absolute favorites

An Electric Game - Chapter 1 - AgelessReaper - Elder Scrolls [Archive of Our Own]

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

EG is up. The formatting isn't amazing, but I'll try to find time to fix it in the future. I decided not to move cold eyes or mandalore because they're both already here, and SV is much easier to wrap my head around than AO3.
Sorry to post this so soon after the hiatus announcement, but I did some thinking. Story's dead.

Thanks for reading, stay safe, and have a good one!

Well, I can't really see what brought it on, but I can't really fault you either. You don't really owe anything to anyone here, but you might provide a summary conclusion (not a story post, just an outline of where you intended to go with it). Or maybe you had completed the arc with Danny dead and Taylor and Amy stopped being such useless lesbians and had nowhere to go wtih it. Either way, i enjoyed your story. Don't force yourself to write. While I (and probably many other here) would love to see more chapters here remember we are not your patrons. I only have two pieces of general advice to give you: First, you are the most important member of your audience. Its kind of ego centric, but thats what it takes sometimes especially when everyone has an opinion (You would not believe the amount of crap I received for writing a quest once where someone didn't like the fact that I changed something in a fan-flipping-fiction). Second, remember to write what you like. If that's original fiction, write that. If its fafnic, write that. If its something else, write that. Don't force it and it will come naturally to you. Good luck and god bless.
College was pretty difficult for me to get through as well, ended up going down a completely different career path after graduating anyway. Hope you end up moving Too Early over to AO3 it was a fun read.
Thank you so much. As I said, EG is one of my favorite Gamer stories, and even better its on AO3 so I can download it.
Ok, I was originally going to keep my irl stuff to myself but people have expressed concern for my health, so here's the reason I'm dropping this.

I failed 3 college courses last semester, and really need to pull myself out of the hole I dug myself into. On top of that my family is going through a rough patch I'm not going to get into. I deleted my stories on FF because I was sick of the site, both the trolls and the general god awfulness of the site itself, and I was planning on reposting everything on AO3 after I get an account made.

I'm fine. Nothing catastrophic has happened to me, I just need some time to fix stuff. I might pick this back up again in the future, but it will be a while.

Thanks for your concern and well wishes. Hope you're all doing well.

Well, wish your grades would be as great as your fanfic then =)
Hope you would pick this back when you fix your IRL stuff and best wishes to you (^_^)/
Well, wish your grades would be as great as your fanfic then =)
Hope you would pick this back when you fix your IRL stuff and best wishes to you (^_^)/
Yes, this. This is the response I wish I could have made, but I'm not good with words. @AgelessReaper, all our well-wishes for your schooling, hope you get the grades you want or even better, and if your essays are anywhere near the quality of your fic I can't imagine anything less than great marks once you have the time to dedicate to them. I hope school is kind to you, and once you're done with it, if you ever think of picking up fic again, either this one or something else, know that I and I imagine many of us would love to read what you have to share.