Mal's Thousand Words a Day Challenge

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My dad told me I needed to write at least 1000 words a day if I wanted to be serious about...
Yet Another Worm CYOA story (Worm SI)
Yet Another Worm CYOA story
I was online when a friend of mine sent me an email about a neato tolito Worm CYOA builder, cool thing. Chose God Mode of course, what loser wouldn't?

Neat little thing, I must have made like, two dozen different builds, all God Mode. That was fun. One of the character's was literally all Wildcards and he was a mish-mash of physiology powers and eldritch abomination. I mean, to be fair all of the builds had good old Man of Mystery and Special Snowflake.

So, why not do a Skitter Mode? Boy, I really shouldn't have done that.
"In the latest Endbringer Battle, a shocking turn of events resulted in Leviathan being torn to shreds and ultimately killed. Due to the arrival of multiple, unknown capes of phenomenal power."

I just had to take Skitter Mode didn't I? I could have been one of those guys. Instead I'm just a guy that can make reality go sit in the corner. I mean, sure, I can do a good imitation of a classical god, but those guys? They come down like the fist of god and turn beings that can wipe out cities in moments into mulch.

And I made every last one of them. From their costumes, to the names, to the powers themselves. One of them could literally shout at reality and make it do what he wants. Another was basically Zeus. And the third guy was my pure wildcard build. Apparently a "Caffeine" power at 10 effectively makes him The Flash.

I mean, fuck's sake, one of them is basically Satan. Yes, I made a Satan character. And he's a dick. He literally punts puppies and eats souls. Literal Incarnation of Evil. If I didn't give him the drawback of "Being someone's Servant", in this case, Taylor Hebert, the Main Character of the original story, the world would be pretty fucked.

On the bright side, everyone's focusing on the dudes with flashy powers rather than the Cleric of Christianity! Yeah, that was awkward getting power from God in a D&D format of all things. I don't even think undead have anything to do with God yet I can turn them. Well, I suppose technically I'm a cleric of Uriel, but it's the same difference really. We both work for the same dude.

What was I saying? Ah, yes. The guys who I made accidentally. Turns out, since Skitter Mode was the only one meant to be myself it was the one I became. Boy, those specialized builds really bit me in the end huh? Always wanting to go with a theme rather than picking what I would actually take. At least I thought to grab Plot Armor. But that cost me the Slaughterhouse Nine on my back.

Goodness gracious, I really screwed the pooch on this one didn't I? There's a bunch of god like beings running around of various alignments and motives. Satan is owned by a teenage girl that's been bullied to such an extent that suffered a mental break. There's a literal Moon Nazi setting up base on the Moon and building an army. A trio of super heroes just killed Leviathan. I have a silver cross, it's midnight, I'm wearing sunglasses, and it's five hundred miles to Brockton bay.

Hit it.
This is how you get Nightmares (MLP SI)
This is how you get Nightmares
You know how people wish they want to go to a setting, but then when they do get there nothing is like they expected? I was far more cynical about it. Turns out, I was off, in both directions really. They have taxes for one, sucks, but it's a certainty. The other problem is that I'm a thousand years too early and none of the locals care to much about the fact one of their god queens is not only unhappy, but being ignored.

Considering she raises the damn moon and makes sure people don't get eaten by grues I'd say she's pretty important. I stood up from where I was sitting, my hooves digging into the dirt and my ashen grey fur blowing in the night wind. Yup, you heard that right. Hooves and fur. Because I turned into a horse.

Well, a pony to be precise, but I digress. I look past my midnight black bangs to the horn on my forehead, signifying I was a unicorn. On the bright side, I'm a unicorn and as such have magic, downside, it's really hard sometimes to maneuver when you have a great big boner on your forehead. At least I don't have wings too, hard enough having a horn having two extra limbs to deal with would be hellish.

I sighed as my pondering drew on, it was late, I was in the middle of the Everfree forest, and there was a Timberwolf eying me from the brush. It probably would have attacked me by now if I didn't smell like death. No, not a wolf made of Timber, the magical creations haven't been invented yet.

Did I forget to mention? I'm a Necromancer. Wonderful occupation really. Well, ok, I'm a sanctioned Necromancer, only because Necromancy isn't actually illegal and it's only illegal to practice if you don't have explicit permission from the crown. Considering I showed up in a flash of light over the royal pond while Princess Luna was walking beside it, they probably would have never made me their Royal Crypt keeper.

Seriously, sometimes I wonder what's up with these coincidences. Probably the work of a literal Miracle. Not that I'm complaining. As my thoughts wandered I trotted my way back towards the castle, it was only a mile or two away and I've traveled this path often.

"Out for a stroll again I see?" Said a voice I know intimately from behind and to my left. The younger of the two god queens. Well, Princesses, but that's neither here nor there.

If she didn't do this so often, I probably would have squealed. Sneakier than a rat that one is, I should lay out traps.

"Princess, what can I do for you this fine evening?" I replied cordially, giving a sideways glance to my new traveling companion.

"Just curious Crypt Keeper. Most ponies merely sleep in at night, except for my personal guard." Ah, yes, the vampires. Her personal guard of vampires. Good lord if I didn't know that their equivalent of "Vampires" involves draining fruits of their juices I'd be more scared of them. PG alright, very PG.

"What can I say, I'm nocturnal. Never did enjoy sunlight, hurts my eyes." I comment humorously. Some things never change really. Haven't liked sunlight before I came here, heck, I like it more now than I did before, primarily because I more or less had to.

"A very curious thing to say. Don't you have any friends?" Ah, her sister probably asked for me to say so.

"There's Gorge." Ah, Gorge, my best friend.

"The talking skull. That you made." Oh that fun hater.

"Oh put the fun in camps why don't you, you fun Nazi." I say humorously, making a reference she would never understand, but it amused me none the less.

"You have such curious sayings." she replied, a curious look on her face "But, none the less, you need to socialize more. Make friends." She insisted.

"I have you don't I Luna? I'm more of an introvert anyways, better to have one or two solid friends than a bunch of 'friends' who's names I can't even remember." I was actually kind of infamous for how bad with names I am. Although, technically, it was a play on my part. I was the royal Crypt keeper, I was a necromancer, I had a talking skull for a familiar and I'm rude to most of the nobility. They leave me alone and I'm fine.

"Yes, I remember how Prince Blueblood acted when you stage whispered 'Who's that guy again?' to a random passerby." She replied, humor in her voice. Ah, good laughs with friends. Isn't that all that's ever needed in life.

"Ahahaha! That was the night I shoved the punch bowl into your sister's face too!" Oh lordy, if I didn't know that Celestia was a prankster and had a great sense of humor I would have never have modified the punch bowl to react with her magic. It bloody exploded in her face! She doesn't wear dresses to balls anymore, not that she liked wearing dresses anyways. Most of the ones she wore were 'Hard to Breath In' so she said.

"Oh goodness! The nobles were furious! And Tia! She played it up for weeks!" She laughed out in reply.

Ah, this was the life. Walking under the stars joking with a goddess. I knew it would come to an end some day when her jealousy go the best of her. But that doesn't mean I can't try my damnedest to stop it.

I failed. Oh God how I failed. If only, if only I could have stopped her. Don't worry my dearest friend, I'll wait a thousand years if I have to.
AN: So, I think that's enough for today! Or at least for now. Should probably go to bed soon.​
I find the idea of every single worm CYOA character existing in the same universe funny.
It's pure chaos and madness, OP Vs. OP.

The idea of challenging yourself is also a good idea to improve. It's also a great solution to remove plot-bunnies that are stuck in your head.
Good luck maintaining that 1k-per-day story rate! I generally prefer to plan them out, myself, and aim for a two week schedule. This can also backfire into two-month if I don't stick to it :p
Natural Radiation Resistance (Fallout SI)
Natural Radiation Resistance
My shoulder impacted the rusted heap of a car, revolver clenched in my hand as bullets flew overhead. They were using pipe pistols, just some raiders. Waiting for an opening, I lean out of cover and fire a couple shots at them, my left hand gripping the car for support.

"Just die already!" I heard one of them shout, pissed off man with rusted metal for armor and firing a pipe machine pistol at me. The series of tings from is shots hitting the car ring out as I duck back behind cover.

Bastards, I was just doing some basic courier work. Nothing much, just taking some Aqua Pura to the smaller communities. The Brotherhood of Steel were nice chaps around these parts. I mean, they will probably lose their leader that makes them that way in a decade or two, but that's just how it is.

I popped a frag grenade off my belt, pulled the pin, held on for a second and threw it.

"Oh shit!" Was the last thing that raider ever said as it exploded at his feet, a detached leg landing by my position. There were more raiders though, so I kept under cover.

The sound of glass shattering and the feeling of intense heat showed that someone just threw a Molotov cocktail at me, the fire crawled along my clothing as I ran out from. Bullets whizzing past as I charged at them. The image of a flaming man charging at them must have spooked them, since they ran out from cover.

The fire didn't hurt. It was more annoying than anything really.

One was too slow escaping from cover, as I blitzed the distance and beat his face in with the blunt of my pistol. The feeling and sound of his jaw breaking rang out as he fell to the ground. I quickly raised my gun and fired.

I felt a stabbing sensation in my neck, and turn around. The flames had mostly gone out as I stared at the raider that attempted to kill me with a knife to the throat.

"Kid, this is really not your day." I say as I remove the knife and let it drop to the ground, totally clean of blood.

He attempted to raise his gun, but I was faster. His grey matter splattered the dirt a moment later.

Now that the annoyance was taken care of, I take stock of myself. Some holes were burned in my clothing, showing the bare bones underneath. Should probably change, most people would be frightened of me if I didn't hide as much of my body as I could.

At least the radiation isn't a bother.

AN: Where the self insert is a mystically animated skeleton in the Capitol Wasteland.
I'll be honest. I'd pay(can't really, seeing as I'm broke for now) to see the Necromancer MLP SI more than the other two so far, if you were ever to develop them further. The Fallout one is pretty close though.
Mlp SI # 1st
Fallout SI # 2nd
Worm SI # 3rd

you just need a motorcykel and a steady supplies of molotov cocktails and a flame safe leather jacket to become Ghostrider in that fallout Story :lol
Necromancy is Magic (MLP SI): 1
Necromancy is Magic
There was pain, pain and a searing light. My bones were molten, my flesh on fire, my mind melting. And then, nothing. Gone in an instant. The sensation of nothingness is rather curious, rather than being a lack of sensation it is a notable sensation of nothing. Paradoxical I know, but that's just how it is.

And as I continued to do, be, and feel nothing, I slowly got bored. "Do something nothing!" I yelled silently.

After several eternal moments of nothingness, I got frustrated and decided to leave the nothingness.

I kicked and I crawled, the sensations both foreign and notably variations of nothingness. Despite the fact I was getting nowhere through the nothingness I kept crawling anyways.

After yet another eternity in the nothingness, nothing continued to happen. I was getting rather tired of this nothingness- And then, just as suddenly as it had began, the nothingness ended. Searing light, a hot flash of pain- no, sensation. A hot flash of sensation, and then ice cold water.

Bollocks, was I going to drown as soon as I resurrected myself like a bad ass? I don't want to die again! Get off of me water! How do I swim? Swing your limbs rapidly!

I panicked of course, various appendages flapping rapidly attempting to undo my water logged state. However, I failed to notice a lack of fingers with which to cup water with.

Air evacuated my lungs as nothingness started to crawl into my thoughts. I was scared. I didn't want to go back to the nothingness. It's boring in there!

And as Nothingness finally dominated my mind, I felt a tingling sensation along my form, and I tasted moonlight.

This doesn't feel like nothingness. I move an appendage attached to my shoulder, certainly feels different from an arm. I felt soft cloth over and under my form. A fluffy pillow supporting my head and neck.

Goodness, I feel like I have a full body beard or something. I open my eyes- I immediately close my eyes at the unbearably bright light. I raise my arm(?) in front of my face before trying to open them up slowly.

Am I black now? No, wait, that's grey, and furry. Am I a furry now? I don't have fingers, just a hard, keratin hoof in place of a hand.

So I'm a horse? Did I end up in that TV show I used to watch? Goodness this is going to be embarrassing. I'm going to be an utter fool in front of everybody.

As my eyes adjust to the light, I start to lower my hoof. Black bangs are in the edge of my vision, and I can see the ceiling tiles. I can see the ceiling tiles well. I don't need glasses anymore? That's worth dying for all on it's own! I mean, I don't have hands anymore, but at least I can see things now-

"Gah!" I did not scream like a little girl and fall off the bed like an idiot, I performed a manly battlecry and made a tactical retreat. Yes, that is my story and I'm sticking too it.

Somehow, I missed the literal goddess sitting beside my bed. And as I sat up from my side of the bed, I could see her better. She had a rather amused expression on her equine face, her mane looking more like a window into space than actual hair. Her midnight blue coat contrasting with the bright lights in her mane. Her regalia was as regalia is, relatively moderate all things considered. A thing that horses sometimes wear around their neck, except built for fashion rather than work, and a crown atop her head sitting behind a long Unicorn like horn.

"You're awake." She said, a bit of humor in her voice at my reaction to seeing her.

"Somehow, I doubt that." I say skeptically as I start to get up properly. She grinned at that, her horn glowed, and then the walls fell down.

We were on the moon.

"Right you are!" She exclaims as I fall over from the sudden change in location and gravity.

What is this, an Old Spice commercial?

AN: Curse you Princess of The Night. Stop messing with people's dreams!​
Good to know you guys are having fun. Feel free to suggest things and maybe *Yawns* maybe I'll... Do a thing.
Good to know you guys are having fun. Feel free to suggest things and maybe *Yawns* maybe I'll... Do a thing.

If you're tired, go to sleep. We need you rested for the 1000 words tomorrow. Though for ideas... Maybe you could do a SAO/SAO: Abridged SI or Hellsing/Hellsing: Abridged SI? Fullmetal Alchemist/Fullmetal Alchemist:Brotherhood SI? Skyrim SI? Star Wars/Star Trek SI? Stuff like that...
The snippets you already wrote each contain interesting - and, dare I say it, unique - premises. Whatever you write, I'm looking forward to it. If you're looking for ideas, though...
May I suggest a Discworld SI? Perhaps inserted into one of the Ankh-Morpokian gangs...
Loved the Worm snip and the Fallout one, haven't really read/seen enough of MLP to know anything of the fandom beyond the most basic stuff, so can't really say to much on those posts.

A cavalcade of OP characters is a good twist. Love the devil-on-a-leash.

And the skeleton, probably not the weirdest thing the Lone Wanderer has seen in the wastes, but interacting with them could be good for a laugh. Wouldn't mind seeing the skeleton meet some of the bit characters like Uncle Leo, I think you could have fun with that.

As for other snips... Discworld gets my vote, continuing either the Worm or Fallout one as well. You could write a Pact snip, maybe something from the Sabriel/Old Kingdom series if you're familiar with Nix, Animorphs is nice. Whatever you write I'll be sure to read! :D Eventually!

I idly clicked on your name to see how long you'd been on/how much stuff you'd posted and noticed it was a gif. And that the music synced up with it perfectly. So way to give me another band to listen to you absolute monster! :lol:rofl::lol

I'll admit I laughed and danced along a little in my chair. I hope to see more of your writings going forward, and will add your past works to the massive pile of things I want to read at some point.

Seriously, so many people create content. It's annoyingly wonderful how much there is to read, but so little time in the day.
I loved every word of it son, and I'm proud of you buddy. I can't wait to read the next thousand words.
If you're tired, go to sleep.
I posted that just before going to sleep mate.
We need you rested for the 1000 words tomorrow. Though for ideas... Maybe you could do a SAO/SAO: Abridged SI or Hellsing/Hellsing: Abridged SI? Fullmetal Alchemist/Fullmetal Alchemist:Brotherhood SI? Skyrim SI? Star Wars/Star Trek SI? Stuff like that...
Guess I could try, out of all of them I only really know Hellsing: Abridged. I watched a bit of Fullmental Alchemist and played a bit of Skrim. But it's been bloody ages since I watched Star Wars or any form of Star Trek.
The snippets you already wrote each contain interesting - and, dare I say it, unique - premises. Whatever you write, I'm looking forward to it. If you're looking for ideas, though...
May I suggest a Discworld SI? Perhaps inserted into one of the Ankh-Morpokian gangs...
I really wish I read Discworld, the concept behind it is phenomenal but I know nothing about it.
Loved the Worm snip and the Fallout one, haven't really read/seen enough of MLP to know anything of the fandom beyond the most basic stuff, so can't really say to much on those posts.

A cavalcade of OP characters is a good twist. Love the devil-on-a-leash.

And the skeleton, probably not the weirdest thing the Lone Wanderer has seen in the wastes, but interacting with them could be good for a laugh. Wouldn't mind seeing the skeleton meet some of the bit characters like Uncle Leo, I think you could have fun with that.

As for other snips... Discworld gets my vote, continuing either the Worm or Fallout one as well. You could write a Pact snip, maybe something from the Sabriel/Old Kingdom series if you're familiar with Nix, Animorphs is nice. Whatever you write I'll be sure to read! :D Eventually!
Yeah, I like those too. And the swarm of OP characters comes from the fact that people tend to just have one thing in their CYOA stories. When, you know, they do a heck of a lot more than one build ever. So I thought to myself "What would happen if they all came to life?" and it went from there.

And unfortunately I know none of the settings you suggested, sorry! Well, I know a little of Animorphs, but not enough to write a story. And unfortunately all I know about from Worm comes from fanfiction and cultural osmosis, and it's kind of bad to write something you've never even read you know?
I idly clicked on your name to see how long you'd been on/how much stuff you'd posted and noticed it was a gif. And that the music synced up with it perfectly. So way to give me another band to listen to you absolute monster! :lol:rofl::lol
I try! ;)
I'll admit I laughed and danced along a little in my chair. I hope to see more of your writings going forward, and will add your past works to the massive pile of things I want to read at some point.

Seriously, so many people create content. It's annoyingly wonderful how much there is to read, but so little time in the day.
I don't really have all that much previous content. This is the first time I've really sat down and focused on writing.

I loved every word of it son, and I'm proud of you buddy. I can't wait to read the next thousand words.
Love you too dad. Your words are by far the most important to hear!
You just gotta be a Dragon (D&D/Multiverse SI)
You just gotta be a Dragon
Where the hell was I? I was walking downstairs while looking through my phone and when I looked up I was in a wasteland. Seriously, how can anyone get this lost? Did I accidentally step through a portal while I was looking at my phone or something?

I look around in confusion. There's nothing around, the horizon is weird and I can't quite place why. It looks, off somehow. I look into the sky- where's the sun?

The sky was bright, yet empty. A gaping void of greyish red. Not overcast, no, the sky is as clear as glass.

There was a rumbling in the distance, I felt it as a pressure on my heart before I felt the slight breeze coming from my back.

I turned around, and where there was once nothing, I saw a speck. Growing in size with each beat.

I turned and ran, heart racing, legs pumping, feet impacting hard cracked ground. I think I might have dropped my phone, but I didn't care, I was focused more on escaping from whatever that thing was.

The pressure on my heart increased as I started to hear the tearing of winds in the distance, only vaguely describable as a wing beat.

After a while, my legs gave out from exaustion, and I tried to crawl. It was circling above me now, the force of the winds having forced me to close my eyes. If I weren't laid on the grown, I would have been picked up and thrown by the hurricane like winds.

And then, the storm stopped. After a moment, I almost had hope.

Then the ground kicked me off the ground, and when I landed I think my ribcage shattered.

There was a voice, but really, do you honestly think that I'd be able to pay attention at this point? Stuck on the ground in utter agony. I think a rib or two is sticking out my chest, and I'm certain that one of my lungs gave out. Pain shrouded my mind, and I fell into blissful unconsciousness.

A child of the First World arrived within my realm. It was strange, as I had believed that the world was magically dead. Utterly impossible. And yet, here he is. It reminded me of ancient times, before I was the way I am now. It reminded of what I used to be, and the children that I had lost. I was the only surviving member of my pantheon, and a god without a pantheon is hardly a god at all.

So I moved on, the bitterness of loss making me despise the gods that never lost the First World. I lost what defined me, I lost my oceans and my lover. So I had new children, and gave birth to a race of Dragons. Of course, someone else had to come in and try to steal the title. Some impudent being tricked his way into a duality. Becoming my opposite. Oh how I despise that being, forcing his way into such a partnership.

But this child could prove useful in my campaign against my eternal foe. Those of the First World, they are... Special so to say.

"Young Mortal, you should count yourself lucky for this blessing I bestow upon you. To become a chosen of Tiamat is a great honor." I spoke with my five mouths to the mortal, even though it could not hear me.

First World souls are strong, unerringly strong. I had forgotten what holding one was like, even the greatest of my creations are as candles compared to their bonfire.

I'll be sure to grant them a special form. Nothing but the best for one I have such high hopes for.

Warmth. Cradled from all sides. I feel safe, as if I was an infant in my mothers arms. The previous fears I held were gone now. I rested. Slept and grew.

For a while, all I did was sleep and grow, until the world around me started to feel small. And the barrier holding me started to feel hard. I pressed against it with all my might, I struggled for a time, biting, clawing, slamming what little I had against the barrier.


The barrier opened, and I felt air as if it was the first time. I had an opening now. I bit at the opening, trying to leverage it and pry it open further. I was soon rewarded with my prison being damaged further, and allowing me to take my first breath of freedom. My body was covered in a wet goop that started to chill me in the cold air.

I sprawled out in the grass, a feeling I couldn't quite pinpoint coming over me to get it off. I rolled around, scraping my body and my limbs against each other and the ground. Soon my eyes were uncovered, and I opened them for the first time.

I noticed two things immediately. First, the world was unnaturally sharp, I could see the veins leaves on the trees. Secondly, I was alone.

The sun was out of sight, either setting or rising from the amount of light.

And then, I looked at myself. A crimson scaled claw on the ground before me, attached to my body. I then noticed the muzzle in my vision matching the shade of red. I turned my neck and looked at my back to see wings, raising them experimentally, I could easily feel the air flowing past them as I gave a slight flap. I had a tail too, but really, is that as interesting as the wings? I mean, monkeys have tails, and monkeys are cousins to apes, which I sued to be. So really, a tail shouldn't be that surprising. But really, I suppose the tail just confirms that I'm a dragon-

Why am I sucking on it? I spit out my tail and wonder what came over me- I was then interrupted by my stomach growling.

I need to eat, I didn't notice until now but my stomach was empty and I have yet to have my first meal in this... New life I suppose.

I stand and open my wings wide. Could I fly? I wasn't falling over and it didn't feel to weird, so I guess I could let my new found instincts guide me to eating some form of game.

Giving some experimental flaps, I lift off the ground slightly.

Ok, so far so good- I start to tip forward. Jerking backwards in surprise I over correct and crash on my back.

I think I'll just walk for now.

AN: I always wanted to write a Dragon SI. What do you guys think? Decided to do some homebrewing when it came to Tiamat's history. In case someone here isn't good with D&D, Tiamat is the Goddess of Chromatic Dragons. Also known as Evil Dragons. I'm making Bahamut a god foreign to Earth because the only mythological reference to the name is a giant (massive understatement) fish and that doesn't really fit with Dragon. While Tiamat at least is a being of Chaos and was occasionally depicted as a Dragon.

To be honest I didn't expect to actually write out a thousand words. I was expecting to stop around eight hundred or so.
Huh. Not all that familiar with DnD, but it's still pretty interesting.
A bit surprised at how, well, unsurprised the SI was - unless that was intentional?
Huh. Not all that familiar with DnD, but it's still pretty interesting.
A bit surprised at how, well, unsurprised the SI was - unless that was intentional?
Dragons have a weird mentality. Which is going to cause some philosophical thoughts in the future.

Such as the fact that Dragons, Red Dragons especially, have no instinctive revulsion against murder, rape, or otherwise horrifically evil things.

Yeah, Red Dragon's are "Always Chaotic Evil" for a reason. And unlike Orcs, it's not because they're almost universally a barbarian culture.

And lastly, well, I'll put it behind another spoiler because it might be very spoilery.
It also doesn't help that the SI is a physical incarnation of Tiamat (Yes that means they became a she), and is literally operating on a brain nearly identical to her own when she takes on a Physical form. Which means said mentality is enhanced where with other Dragons they can get around it with learned behavior, such as, for example, being raised in a Lawful Good Monastery. Not so with the SI, she's fucked in the head and she's going to have to deal with this revelation.