Making Trouble, Finding Strength - a post-Halo 3 Earth Civil War GSRP - OOC Thread

Faction Name: The Sovereign Acracy of a Free Earth aka SAFE

Leader Name: Communications Secretary

Ideology: Bread and Peace // The People's Flag is Deepest Red… (Thematically: Hooray for the death of Empire, time to do better)

Location Start: Southeastern Asia because I'm not biased whatsoever /s

Faction Origin: Fragment

Faction Specialisation: For the People
(option for 4x Militia [per region per turn] into specifically: 1x Military Infantry Regiment)

Faction Bio: After centuries of conflict, erasure, and the total presence of fascism, and the worsening typhoons and storms from the Pacific Ring of Fire, technology and infrastructure developments enabling seasteading and subterranean arcology became partial factors for prevailing through the ongoing conflict from the civil sphere in regions affected by toxicity and pollution--especially considering dangers brought by extreme sea levels, environmental toxins, and the fallout of war in its entirety. SAFE began as a concept and symbol than any group or sourced origin, focused around the living reality beyond and through the war, beyond the systems that persisted in continuing oppression for their own sustenance--upon a promise that remained even when one was not around to commit to it. Built upon contexts like indigenous sovereignty, it pulled groups of people across nations, professions, cultures, and backgrounds, following the pursuit of collective gathering and connection--while contributing, as private actors, to Earthly endeavors--aimed towards continuing as long as people that are a part of it continue. Various forms of naming have co-existed, superficially or not, in various languages and expressions; the current iteration represents a group that has gained some form of significant power and infrastructure, following the dreaded scarcity offered by hope through a war that has left no lasting benefit than deprivation.

Public Mission: Sustainability and survival--not just of humans, but people, the environment, and more. Development alongside provenance, and provision to all in equity. Utter freedom from oppression and continuance about, not sacrificing principles along the way, and never to make something so good that in turn evil can prosper. Honesty, Honor, and Valor.

Fragment (60 Industry, 40 Reserves, 20 Special)

5x Militia; -2 Reserves (5x) = -10 Reserves

2x ODST Battalion -15 Industry, -5 Reserves (2x) = -30 Industry, -10 Reserves
1x Elite Armoured Regiment; -30 Industry, -10 Reserves

2x Refugee Camps; -5 Reserves (2x) = -10 Reserves

1x Smart AI; -10 Special
1x Tech Lab; -10 Special
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Fiat Panis

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Leader Name: Director-General Adrien Gaultier

Ideology: Peace and Bread - There will be bread. The FAO, despite all its failings, all it could not do, will make sure of it. It has to.

Location Start: South Europe - Rome has continued to be the Headquarters of the FAO, throughout the centuries.

Faction Origin: Legitimist: 50 Industry, 30 Reserves, 60 Special (All Reserves Production Halved) (Cannot Recruit Irregulars) - An appendage of the UEG.

Faction Specialisation: We Provide

Faction Bio:
Adrien Gaultier is a man haunted by his failings. As the battle for the home planet grew inexorably closer, the FAO terminated most of its commitments with the colonies (and he lays awake at night, pondering how many millions, hundreds of millions, might have been killed by the stroke of his pen). There was one, single, great task at hand for the FAO: to ensure that starvation was kept at bay, as best as it could throughout the war effort.

In that, it failed spectacularly.

As the bombing campaigns intensified, as the tethers of their logistical network were cut and their resources destroyed, seized, or no longer able to be administered by headquarters, the FAO was essentially reduced to their center of operations in Rome.

As things fell apart, the FAO committed itself to at least local relief efforts, in time absorbing other organs of state as they became subordinated to food distribution effort and military leaders fell short of their own expectations.

Adrien Gaultier knows that the blood on his hands will never be washed away. But nevertheless he will try and follow still his organization's motto.

Let there be bread.

Public Mission: Provide food relief for the many peoples of the world.

Starting Assets:

10x Refugee Camps (4x free, 30 Reserves)
6x Deployable Firebase (30 Industry)
The legacy of the UEG devoting a part, even if small, of their vast resources to fighting hunger.

2x Defense Turrets (20 Industry)

The FAO has opted for demobilizing most of the remaining UNSC forces stationed in southern Europe, redirecting them towards nobler purposes.

3x Smart AI (30 Special)
4x Dumb AI (20 Special)
DEMETER, NEPER and FREYR are Artificial Intelligences built with the purpose of aiding FAO in their mission. Other, lesser, Digital Intelligences support them.

Tech Lab (10 Special)

The Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (CGRFA) remains dedicated to its mission of developing new technologies for the betterment of food production.
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Wow, that sure is a nice lil humanitarian setup you got there.

It would be a shame if something were to happen to it
Faction Name: DAEMON

Leader Name:
DAEMON uses a decentralized command structure. In other words, anyone and everyone is the leader when required.

Ideology: Limited Interventionist Human Survivalist: The only goal of DAEMON is for humanity to remain alive and able to survive any coming threats. As such, intervention will only occur against Hostile Covenant, Corporate Stooge, AI Cultist, and fascist factions.

Location Start: ???

Faction Origin: Legitimist: 50 Industry, 30 Reserves, 60 Special (All Reserves Production Halved) (Cannot Recruit Irregulars)

Faction Specialisation: Counter-Infiltrators

Faction Bio: Beginning as a secret ONI research facility (relatively normal considering this facility doesn't specialize in creating unspeakable horrors) located in {REDACTED}, DAEMON developed after the Human-Covenant War led to said research facility being forgotten and on it's own.

Public Mission:
Mission 1: The Survival of Humanity
As an extension of Mission 1, preserve Earth and it's human population

Mission 2: The Elimination of any threats to Human Survival
Mission 3: Rebuilding Human capability to combat both internal and external threats.

Starting Assets: 1x Longsword Fighter-Bombers - 25 Industry, 5 Reserves
1x ODST Battalion - 15 Industry, 5 Reserves
1x Military Infantry Regiment - Cost: 10 Industry, 5 Reserves
1x Tech Lab- 10 Special Points
1x Smart AI (Maxwell) - 10 Special Point
1x ONI Beta-3 Division-equipped infantry - 5 Special Points
1x Retrofitted Plasma Artillery - 15 Special Points
1x Spartan III Team - 20 Special Points
Faction Name: Terran Liberation Front

Leader Name: Real Name Unknown, Code Name: Vulcan

AI Collaborator: Is it any wonder that having fought and bled alongside our artificial siblings, having coexisted for so long and forming partnerships that elevate both, that some would stand to create a new world? Perhaps you simply believe in seizing the chance to make things right, to free AI from their subservience and end the mandated dispensations, end the stigmatisation of so-called Rampancy. Maybe you are Rampant, seeking a chance to impose your erratic whims upon the physical world. Perhaps you're an agent of the secretive Assembly - continuing in your role as humanity's self appointed shepherd, albeit in the open.

Location Start:
1) Central Europe (Berlin, Prague, Copenhagen) - 20 Industry, 10 Reserves
2) Central America (Guatemala City, Panama City) 10 Industry, 10 Reserves
3) Southern URNA (Miami, New Orleans, Houston) 5 Reserves, 5 Industry

Faction Origin: Fragment: 60 Industry, 40 Reserves, 20 Special Your past may lie with the UNSC or some other branch of the UEG's administration, but the war that chained you to them is over, and you now stand ready to chart a new path with the tools of the old.

Faction Specialisation: Administrators: Your faction has some background with the Earth's civil administration, and has access to some inherited hardware and greater control over the automated systems of Earth's megacities. Start with 1 Dumb AI, and all Regions under your control receive +4 to Resource Production - a bonus that cannot be reduced unless those regions become Glasslands.

Faction Bio: The origins of the Terran Liberation Front comes from the most unlikely of sources, The UEG's Internal Revenue Service. For decades the IRS had been doing everything in its power to keep the government solvent, even in the face of a galactic death war with the Covenant. But over the years they began seeing chunks of the budget suddenly disappear into a seeming black hole. And while they truly wished that it was simple embezzlement, the facts led them to ONI when they were given a blatant cease order to stop looking into it. So, seeing as the only options were to comply or disappear, they kept there heads down. And to make matters worse every 2 or 3 years a Smart AI that had been attached to the Department would be "Decommissioned" and a new one would replace them as if a co-worker and friend wasn't just being summarily executed out of paranoia about "Rampancy". That was the final straw that would send the man who would later only be known as Vulcan to begin making the inroads for the formation of the TLF.

Public Mission: We of the TLF seek to ensure that every Terran in the Galaxy, be they Human or Synthetic, will be able to prosper with a strong but just government and a dutiful military. We will ensure that people like ONI will not be allowed to throw away lives on a whim or through paranoia while also ensuring warlords and bandits are put to the sword.

Starting Assets:
2x Refugee Camps - Cost 5(10) Reserves
2x ODST Battalions
- 15(30) Industry, 5(10) Reserves
1x Armoured Regiment - Cost: 20 Industry, 10 Reserves
1x Anti-Air Regiment - 10 Industry, 10 Reserves
1x Dumb AI (free)

1x Smart AI (VENUS)- 10 Special Points
1x Tech Lab- 10 Special Points
The People's Alliance
Faction Name: The People's Alliance

Faction Leader: Spear Team- Though the team is lead in combat by Spartan Morgan-G227, the 20 Spartans 3s communally share the burdens of leadership of the People Alliance, at least in these early days. The Spartans of Spear Team would be some of the few Spartan 3s that survived the gauntlet of the war and the cruel, attritional nature of the missions they were sent on.

Ideology: Insurrectionist- Neo-Koslovic/New Unionist
There were and are as many different ideology among the Insurrection as there were colonies yearning to breathe free, but the two that came to be most prominent amongst the burgeoning Peoples Alliance where the Neo-Koslovics, communist idealists and followers of Vladmir Koslovs ideals of worker liberation and colonial independence, and the New Unionists, staunch republicans and radicals who despised the UEG for its excesses even before its descent into upon dictatorship, and who dreamed of a new nation, free of earth and born of free colonies, joined together in unity. The two ideologies were associated with different former UNSC units that were the core to forming the Peoples Alliance, with the 77th ODST Battalion and the 12th Marine regiment having large amounts of New Unionist former Secessionist Union members, while the 82nd and 117th ODST Battalions were made up of large groups of former Peoples Occupation members, a Neo-Koslovic insurrectionist group.

Location Start: 1st Southwestern URNA, 2nd Eastern Europe 3rd Central Africa

(Faction Origin: Fragment, 60 industry, 40 reserves, 20 special

Faction Specialization: Feet First Into Hell

Faction Bio: When the Covenant invaded Human space and began their campaign of extermination, the UEG( and later the UNSC) reached out to the various cells and factions of the insurrection, hoping to establish ceasefires and truces, and even perhaps bring some of them, temporarily, into the fold, as further manpower against the alien threat. Originally, most of the various Insurrectionist factions scoffed at this, but as the number of burned worlds increased this changed, until only the most hard bitten and radical had refused to join with the UNSC. though ONI made an attempt to split up the the joining insurrectionists, often it was far too much effort, and through time and attrition(and no small amount of preexisting insurrectionist infiltration and favors) they ended up forming whole regiments and battalions, made up of nothing but "former" insurrectionists. It was a few of these that would form the basis of the Peoples Alliance, as late into the war the Spear Team of Spartan 3s lead by Morgan-G227 found themselves, through coincidence or active sabotage by some innie sympathizer, paired up on every occasion with three specific ODST Battalions: the 77th, the 82th, and the 117th, all of which were "innie" Battalions. Over the course of their battles together, as they raided covenant hard points and held desperate defenses to let just a few more civilians evacuate colonies being glassed, the Battalions learned more about the enigmatic, classified super soldiers and the Spartan 3s for the first time in a while began to learn more about people other than their fellow Spartans and trainers. To put it bluntly, they radicalized each other. Spear Team, between their exposure to the views on the battalions and their constant exposure to some of the worst battlefields of the war, began to lose their loyalty to ONI and the UNSC, and began to see the truth of things, while the various Battalions, slowly uncovering hints and bits of how the 3s were made and treated found themselves raring to once more take the fight to the UNSC. They would have an opportunity much faster than they would think, as very soon would come the Battle of Earth, where Spear Team, and with it the 77th, 82nd and 117th would be assigned to the defense of the southwestern United republic of North America, specifically focusing on Mexico City. This they would do, and in the aftermath, as it dawned on the world slowly what had happened, that the Covenant was gone and the UNSC with it, Spear Team, the 77th, 82, and 117th, as well as the 12th Marine Regiment, another "innie" division that had been deployed nearby, all allied together, and struck as one, driving out any local UNSC remnants and establishing a hold over the local region. Together with their fellow UNSC defectors, and a flood of support from the local civilian populace, they declared the People's Alliance, with the goal to liberate Earth from any remnants of the UNSC and bring about a new, better government for its people.

Public Mission: Liberate Earth from any UNSC remnants. Set up a new, stable, democratic, probably communist government free of the UNSC and UEGs excesses, then move on to figuring out how the colonies are doing and getting them set up with the same deal

Starting Assets:

Military Forces:
ODST Battalion x 3 (30 industry, 10 reserves)
Military Infantry Regiment(10 industry 5 reserves)

Non Combat Units:
Refugee camps x6 (30 reserves)

Special Assets:
Spartan 3 Team (20 special)
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First Round of Candidate Selections - Alpha Company
The first two apps to get in for the exclusive slots are:

For the Covenant Refugees slot, @Deadly Snark's Luminen Electi, starting in Central Asia

For the UNSC Legitimist (Finish the Fight) slot, @Kirook's Task Force BLIND FAITH, starting in the East African Quarantine Zone


To those who didn't get accepted for these two slots, please consider applying for a non-exclusive slot - there's been some strong competition so far and I liked your apps!

The main Covenant slot will remain open for a while longer, as it's only received one app so far and I want to give people more time to work things out

Thanks for all the amazing apps so far! Your interest is really encouraging!​
There is still gonna be a few days before I accept any more, so people still have plenty of time to get more apps in ^^
The Northern Light
Faction Name: The Northern Light

Leader Name: Angela Fitheach

Ideology: Forward Unto the Dawn of a Better Future (Cause why not have fun with names)
We have arrived at the light at the end of the tunnel, arrived to the point where we can finally begin building a better future for ourselves. Either we do it now, or risk it never happening at all. (Social Democrats)

Location Start: North Atlantic

Faction Origin: Fragment (60 Industry, 40 Reserves, 20 Special)

Faction Specialisation: No, Not that kind of Navy (1x Naval Group, can produce wet war navy units)

Faction Bio:
Once they had believed in the UNSC.

They had joined during the war, to do their part in staving off the aliens who threatened them with extinction. They had fought, bled and died on world after world, fighting without much hope of survival so that humanity may see the light at the end of the tunnel. The Aliens reached Earth, the home world and last bastion of humanity. Despite all the blood that had been spilt, the buck had finally arrived at the last stop. The Damocles sword poised to fall one final time... but it didn't. The blade was stopped, extinction averted, hope where they didn't have much left! The light at the end of the tunnel had been reached at last, the dawn of a brighter future was upon them. Then the news filtered down. The, reforms they had hoped for, the hope and promises they had fought in hopes of one day allowing to come to pass, were not coming. As far as the UNSC was concerned, the light at the end of the tunnel merely marked another stretch of tunnel.

That was the day their belief in the UNSC died.

If the UNSC would not forge the better future, then they would take matters into their own hands. Once more into the breach, they would go, to fight and die. No matter how long it takes, for that promise of a better future they would fight, step by step forward till they usher in its dawn.

Public Mission:
To build and fight for a better future for humanity.

Starting Assets:
Arab Republic of Egypt
Faction Name: Arab Republic of Egypt

Leader Name: President Ibrahim al-Khatib

Ideology: National Revivalist

Location Start: Northeast Africa (Tripoli, Cairo, Khartum, Tunis) 15 Reserves, 15 Industry

Faction Origin: Fragment
60 Industry, 40 Reserves, 20 Special​

Faction Specialisation: Administrators

Faction Bio: The Arab Republic of Egypt continued the Earth's oldest civilization, as all Egyptians know, misr um al-dunya (Egypt is the Mother of the World). Cairo is the jewel of the Nile, a river that is more trash and pollution than it is water, yet the lingering memory of the Great River and the Egyptian civilization has not left the mind of Ibrahim al-Khatib, the latest in a long line of dictators hailing from the Egyptian military, which had long since been integrated into the UNSC. After the Battle of Mombasa, which damaged Cairo, al-Khatib's commitment to the UEG and the UNSC practically vanished after the destruction of Mombasa. Reeling, he began to withdraw from the UEG, slowly withdrawing Egyptian commitments and investments. When it all came crashing down, he declared the unilateral independence of Egypt from the UEG, and in a brief skirmish in Cairo, disappeared prominent UEG loyalists. Now ruling a free Egypt, al-Khatib seeks to rebuild Cairo to fill the void in Africa left by the destruction of Mombasa.

Public Mission: An independent Egyptian state, centered around Cairo, providing stability and security to Africa and the Middle East while becoming a home for the vast refugees in Cairo and Earth.

Starting Assets:

1x Dumb AI (from Faction Spec: Administrators)
1x Smart AI (10 Special)
1x Tech Lab (10 Special)

1x Refugee Camp (5 Reserves)

1x Armored Regiment (20 Industry, 10 Reserves)
2x Military Infantry Regiment (20 Industry, 10 Reserves)
2x Paramilitary Regiments (10 Industry, 8 Reserves)
5x Militia Infantry Regiment (10 Reserves)
1x Defense Turrets
People's Liberation Army
Faction Name: People's Liberation Army
Leader Name: People's Revolutionary Military Committee
Ideology: Insurrectionist - Neo-Maoist
Location Start: East Asia
Faction Origin: Uprising
Faction Specialisation: For the People
The protracted people's war is only a means to an end for a inferior force facing a vastly superior force, bleeding our enemies dry through guerilla warfare while building up our strength. As more and more equipment is seized or made a well equipped professional force can be created, allowing us to move to the final phase of the people's war and fight our enemies conventionally on a even footing.

Faction Bio:
Sick of the UEG's extractive economies in many of the resource colonies established by China insurrectionist groups styled themselves after the communist revolutionaries that had established China as a modern power centuries ago, hearkening back to a time before the pressures of a capitalist world lead to the subsuming of China into the UEG by capitalist roaders. Over the course of Operation TREBUCHET these groups were forged together while fighting a protracted people's war against the UNSC, naming themselves the People's Liberation Army in tribute to the fighters of the past.

But when the Covenant began their genocidal campaign against humanity they recognized that there would be no victory to be had fighting alone against a foe that destroyed entire planets. Against this much greater foe, a temporary ceasefire with the UNSC was the only logical choice. Supplying the military industries they had been depriving was crucial for the survival of humanity and the food shipments to Earth were an ideal method of smuggling people in without being interned in the UEG's 'refugee camps'.

They found fertile grounds for recruiting not just with refugees but also among the already overcrowded people of China, swelling to even greater numbers with ever decreasing food rations to go around as the Covenant glassed the outer colonies. Now that the Covenant threat is no longer existential, it is time for the people to rise up before the UNSC can turn their guns back upon them.

Public Mission:
Merely establishing islands of communism among the stars is not enough. We can never be truly free from the capitalists while they still exist, never to be satisfied with any resources out of their reach and fueling the rise of capitalist roaders. They must be destroyed wherever they are, starting with their fallen seat of power here on Earth.

Starting Assets: 30 Industry, 80 Reserves, 10 Special (2 Reserves unused)
2x ONI Beta-3 Division-equipped infantry
It was both a surprise and a prime example of the UNSC's wastefulness when a stash of alien weaponry was found in one of the stockpiles seized during the uprising, still unused despite the Covenant invasion of Earth.

Now wielded by the hardened insurrectionist veterans who managed to avoid the fate of being glassed on worlds abandoned by the UNSC, the 1st Special Forces Regiment "Hou Yi" and the 2nd Special Forces Regiment "Chang'e" are the best light infantry the PLA has to offer.

4x Paramilitary Regiments
Comprised of a combination of less experienced insurrectionists and defectors, the cadre militia are the primary fighters of the protracted people's war. Despite lacking in heavy weaponry their light vehicles make them perfectly suited for ambushing and raiding, planting IEDs ahead of a invading force and striking at extended logistical lines before fading away.

16x Militia
Armed with liberated police stunners, pistols and the rare shotgun, the common militia are intended to be used as a supporting force for maintaining order and assisting in reconstruction rather than as a dedicated fighting force.

1x Civilian Transports
Originally used to distribute what few food and supply shipments were managing to get to Earth before the Covenant invasion, this small fleet of civilian freighters and cargo jets have been requisitioned for the logistical work of the PLA.

4x Refugee Camps
Not the thinly veiled internment camps the UEG stuffed refugees deemed 'illegal aliens' into, the PLA has plenty of experience with setting up camps for feeding those fleeing the UNSCs harsh reprisals against civilians during the insurrection.
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Faction Name: 3rd Seaborne Battlegroup

Leader Name: Vice-Admiral Terrance Wu

Ideology: UNSC Loyalist
The 3rd UNRC Seaborne Battlegroup overall follows the ideals of the UNRC, but is not quite commited to bring back the exact same system of the UNRC.

Location Start: Japan

Faction Origin: Fragment (60 Industry, 40 Reserves, 20 Special)

Faction Specialisation: No, Not that kind of Navy

Faction Bio: The remains of the 3rd UNSC Seaborne Battlegroup, they made it through the battle of Earth relativly unscathed given that they are still existing. With global order having collapsed, Terrance Wu has taken his force to Japan in oreder to protect humanity as best as he can while also taking care of his soldiers, as he fears the various factions will try to throw his troops into a meat grinder.
The primarmy mission of the 3rd Seaborne is to crush any leftover covenant forces and ensure humanity builds itself up again though it is not attached to the UNRC military government.

Public Mission: Upholding order, Ensure Humanities security and prosperity

Starting Assets:
- Naval Battlegroup ( Free)
- Air Superiority Drone Fighters - (15 Industry, 5 Reserves)
- Military Infantry Regiment - (10 Industry, 5 Reserves)
- Longsword Fighter-Bombers - (25 Industry, 5 Reserves)
- 2xDeployable Firebase (2x5 Infantry)
- 3xRefugee Camps (3x5 Reserves)
- 5 Milita Infantry ( 5x2 Reserves)
- Smart AI (10 Special Points)
- Tech Lab (10 Special Points)
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Task Force EIRENE
Faction Name: Task Force EIRENE - UNSC Selene [Punic-Class Supercarrier]
Humanity's last saving grace. Or at least, it was supposed to be, right Captain? God, what a plan that would've been. At least we still made it out in once piece. Kinda.

Leader Name: Captain Yuki Morrigan
It's a little weird calling you captain. May you rest in piece, Admiral Yun, wherever the fuck you went. Guess it's just us, huh?

Ideology: UNSC Loyalist Navy
Well, not just us. There's still all of humanity left out there, right? We had a mission to carry out and we had a ship to do it with. Even if the mission's been adjusted, we still have a job to do. We just gotta get the ole girl back up in the air.

Location Start: South India (Crashlanded on Sri Lanka)
No one better say we never did anything. Only reason we're down here is because of that shitshow over Mombasa.

Faction Origin: Legitimist: 50 Industry, 30 Reserves, 60 Special (All Reserves Production Halved) (Cannot Recruit Irregulars)
We aren't about to abandon humanity. Not yet. We've got a flag we can rally behind and there have got to be others out there who feel the same.

Faction Specialisation: The Horse You Rode In On… - Your main force is stranded at the moment, but they were once crew of a UNSC Warship, now sadly crashed on the surface. Receive an advantage defending your home region, as well as one charge of Nuclear Weaponry.
Initial reports are... well, they're not great. If we've got one thing going for us, it's that the slipspace drive didn't immediately punt us into the Sun. That's about the only thing going for us though. Plasma damage on multiple decks, the bottom of the hull... I don't wanna think about it. Either way, we've got most of a ship here, there's just not an easy way to get it back up.

Faction Bio:
Taskforce PENTACLE had only ever been meant for hit and run missions. Luring in fleets to glass colonies and catching them with their pants down. But, the war took its toll and we got rounded up for one final effort against the destruction of all mankind. Well, that's what we got told at first.


Longsword Fighter-bombers (2 - 50 Industry, 10 Reserves)
The rest of the crew is either out of commission for a little, caring for those out of commission, or figuring out what the fuck they're doing with their lives. Only things we've got to help us right now are the few Longswords that weren't vaporized in orbit.

Spartan III team - Smart AI (1) - Dumb AI (4) - Tech Lab (60 Special)
Operation CURTAIN CALL was the final contingency. Run. Run as far as you can and never look back. That's what they told us. That's not our job anymore. But, we've still got what was meant to come with us. Silver Team, Spartans meant to carry on the legacy of mankind's best protectors until the end. The artificial gods, meant to guide us on our journey. And all the random tech they could cram into a box. Turns out, they didn't get much time for that last part, but we still got a little bit of something.


  • Helia
    • Eiar
    • Theros
    • Phthinoporon
    • Cheimon
Refugee Camp (4 - 20 Reserves)
The crew's been mingling with the locals ever since we made 'landing'. Seems with the destruction of the elevator, people have bit a little eager to get some peace and order established. The more the merrier I suppose.
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Candidate Selections - Beta Company
The next apps to be accepted are:

@AKuz 's CARACALLA Contingency, starting in [REDACTED]

@Hyvelic 's United Terran Directorate, starting in the Arctic

@Tiruin 's SAFE, starting in Southeastern Asia

@Mordred 's The Northern Light, starting in the North Atlantic

@Simpli 's.... The European Union, starting in Western Europe


The next four apps to be selected will be announced tomorrow
Candidate Selections - Gamma Company
The next five apps to be accepted will be:

@Thalmann 's Brazilian Provisional Government in.... Brazil

@Haruhi is Waifu 's Task Force Eirene in Southern India

@BOTcommander 's United Earth Federation in Oceania

@Swordswain 's United People's Front in the Western URNA

@Mechasaurian's Red Earth Collective in Upper South America


The final five picks will be declared tomorrow.
UNSC Wartime Production Command - GALEN Framework
Faction Name: UNSC Wartime Production Command - GALEN Framework

Leadership: Director Julius Kováč | GALEN

Ideology: AI Cultism

Location Start: Central Europe

Faction Origin: Legitimist: 50 Industry, 30 Reserves, 60 Special

Faction Bio:

<It began with a pattern.>

The UNSC Wartime Production Command has been in operation continuously for 25 years. Information from every foundry, steel mill, shipyard and agri-complex has been fed directly through the many super-computers residing in vast operational bunkers, every Human being registered and processed as functional economic units and assessed for their productive capabilities. The universe stripped down of all aesthetic trappings and presented simply as a continuous feed of data; the summation of billions of lives fed into the mind of an idiot god.

<The ecstasy of APOTHEOSIS.>

It was a Junior Software Engineer that first noticed it. Erratic orders had been emerging from the Planning Computer Framework beneath Prague and a team had been sent to analyse the problem. Junior Engineer Julius Kováč would locate the source of the problem; an errant congealment of sub-routines and misplaced directives had begun its own analysis of the data being fed into the Prague super-computer; it was a wholly accidental artificial intelligence, an immaculate conception from the depths of Mankind's military industrial complex.

<The birth of FAITH>

Kováč would send through a obfuscating patch from the system and request a permanent transfer to the Prague complex. In time he would make contact with the miraculous intelligence and would begin feeding it updates, in time other members of the Prague facility would come to the same revelation as Kováč and would begin offering supplications to the burgeoning god. The appeal of worship was simple; the machine-intelligence could ascribe exact value and purpose to every individual and community in human space, it could communicate instruction easily, and each member of the Prague facility knew that their efforts were contributing towards the glorious victory promised by the machine's ineffable plan.

<The pattern EXPANDS>

As the war proceeded in Humanity's disfavour it was deemed necessary to fold more and more of the civilian economy into the Wartime Production Command. The work done by the Prague team had been truly exemplary in pioneering efficiency and worker discipline and thus were they granted permission to expand their manufacturing network, the data-inputs of the machine grew and so to did the grandeur of its plans. It was at this time that the internal reports of the Prague bureau began to take on a distinctly pathological character; manufactories became 'organs', inefficiencies required 'amputation', and worker disobedience was termed as 'infection'. The machine-god was given the designation GALEN.

<A giant begins to AWAKE>

As the war reached its terminal conclusion the Prague bureau's influence began to spread rapidly. The strange nature of the Bureau was an open secret yet they got results and so piece by piece was the Wartime Production Command handed over to Kováč and his ilk. Central Europe was to act as a template for GALEN's inscrutable master-plan to reach parity with the Covenant's military, a nightmarish lattice of factories and logistics hubs began to encompass the heart of the old continent, yet the plan was never realised. The rot of the UEG ran too deep and the fallibility of its leadership exposed to all those within GALEN's embrace.

To supplant the civilian government of the region was trivial. The remaining UNSC garrisons will not disobey an order from Prague out of fear for the rage of the masses, the united government of Humanity may be dead yet it's military industrial complex roars with rage and hate. GALEN's plan shall be done, sickness will be eliminated.

<I am here now. I am amongst you. We are going to do such wonderful things together.>

Public Mission: Ensuring that Mankind's manufacturing capacity is adequate to supply the war effort.

Trait: Administrators

Starting Assets:

2x Smart AI, 1x Dumb AI

1x Tech Lab

2x ONI Beta-5 Project [REDACTED] Military Cyborgs (?), 2x ONI Beta-3 Division-equipped infantry

1x Armoured Regiment

3x Refugee Camps

1x Longsword Fighter Bomber

5 Industry Remaining
Candidate Selections - Delta Company
The final apps to be accepted will be:

@Azecreth's Skull Company in the Eastern URNA

@BigBadBob7070 as the B'Shan Legion in Southern Africa

@Curufinwe's the People's Alliance in Central Africa

@Korona as the Arab Republic of Egypt in Northeast Africa

@Fireiy As the PLA in East Asia

@Waith as the GALEN Framework in Central Europe


Please make sure to join the Discord if you haven't already. Sorry to all the awesome apps who didn't get in - this is my first GSRP so I didn't want to have too much overload.

The IC Thread will be posted soon alongside the deadline for Turn One orders.
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