Making biotech plants and animals for a post-apocalyptic world

super goat
(your mundane utility, low hanging fruit super farm animal, combines best traits of many different breeds of goat)
-produces milk,
-cashmere woll,
-meat, grows fast, males are very muscular, adult males do not have musk tainted meat unlike IRL goats
-skins make good parchment , or fur products
-can eat virtually everything and is resistant to getting sick,

healing fruit
peach or pear like healing potion (since it had to be mentioned in a magic setting)

maternally inheritable superhuman geneseed organ
Nanotech injector hives:
*Think of Eclipse phase Basic Biomods, Medichines, Nanophages, Respirocytes, that kind of thing.
same idea of eclipse phase enhancement medical nanite hive type thing
but is bio-engineered organ that makes any children a woman has also have one
doesn't upgrade but if your mother had one than you have one too

depending on model might or might also work like space marine geneseed
-generic model makes slight improvements (eclipse phase splicer) generates 2 of itself, regenerates the other if one is surgically extracted, acts like space marine geneseed
-adjusted model makes much greater improvements (top of the line eclipse phase biomorph) but is incompatible with being implanted in another host

edit: minor grammer and spelling, added details about level of augmentation (splicer and high end)
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Lucifer fish

The species originally known as glofish (derived from genetically modified zebrafish) , has become one of the most abundant fish species on the planet, despite the seemingly crippling handicap of glowing in the dark which would make it obvious to predators . Instead the species has turned this into an advantage by using the collective light of their large groups to give the illusion of them being one large super organism . They are found in freshwater sources throughout the world and have long since diversified into hundreds of different subspecies.


As gene engineering advanced technology advanced it became a trend to modify certain exotic animals into miniature versions of themselves to serve as pets. One of those were the crocrats, crocodilians who through the combined use of selective breeding and genetic modification have been reduced to the size of rodents and were adapted to a more land based lifestyle. Now they have spread worldwide as dangerous fast breeding pests known for bitting off the fingers of many unsuspecting humans
A question. It's something I made for a space ship with damaged life support. Is it viable?

So there's something I want to know.

Tech has great power. The amount of power we put into our engines, into our cars, given off by our power stations.... immense. Tens of thousands of times more than our organisms can ever produce in a lifetime. But we have finesse problem. Our stuff is... not fine. A bit crude, on the molecular level, requiring vast industry to create fine chemicals and other things like that.

Biology is slow, but its pretty darned precise. Chemicals and enzymes, creating expensive products and somesuch without much hassle. The problem with this, is several: Organisms are fragile, and organisms don't have much power. They have limits, brought on by the limits of their metabolism. Not enough energy? That microorganism isn't going to produce penicillin or oxygenate your air or do whatever shit you need.

I've been thinking of using micro-organisms and fungi in colony ships, serving as recycling and purification systems. Just that, the ship also has a fusion reactor...

I've been studying chemistry and biology for awhile now. ATP, the living currency of energy, is created partially or directly by the movement of electrons, either moving ATP-synthase or creating concentration gradients that drive ATP-synthase. Movement of electrons. That means a current.

Is it possible to create some kind of vine, that has a wire or equivalent electron channel running through it, that you can just pass a current through and boost its metabolism to insane heights, letting it do things like create food and oxygen at far higher speeds?

What about a biofilm with bacteria with molecules that act like electron channels, and the moment a current arrives they align, dragging them along and using the flow of electrons to power the production of things like Penicillin or anesthesia, or the millions of other things a ship needs.

You don't have much space for a chemical factory on board a colony ship travelling across the void, so if you can have bacteria that not only can be altered to produce whatever complex chemistry you need, but can also be attached to your ship's power systems and energized, that means a whole load of complex shit is taken off your mind.