Out in the holes where the Heechee hid
Out in the caves of the stars
Sliding the tunnels they slashed and they slid
Healing the Heechee hacked scars
We're coming through
Little lost Heechee we're looking for you
We sniff for your scent in the gas of Orion,
We dig for your den with the dogs of Procyon,
From Baltimore, Buffalo, Bonn, and Benares
We seek you round Algol, Arcturus, Antares.
We'll find you some day.
Little lost Heechee, we're on our way!
We sometimes get squashed, and we sometimes
get burned,
And we sometimes get shredded to bits,
And we sometimes get fat on the Royalties
Earned, And we're always scared out of our wits.
We don't care which —
Little lost Heechee, start making us rich!