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I don't know what kind of madness inspired me to do this, but I decided "Balls to it, might as...
Bury me not on the Lone Prairie


Conductor of the Choir of Death
I don't know what kind of madness inspired me to do this, but I decided "Balls to it, might as well" and recorded myself singing.

Alright folks come along and have a gander at my rendition of "Bury me not on the lone prairie"
If this proves semi-successful I'll be taking requests for what I should do next. If you catch me on discord in a good mood I might do some live stuff too.

As with everything feedback is appreciated.

13 OCT 2017 UPDATE: Rerecorded and now on soundcloud. It went pretty well that it's probably not the exact same as the first version.
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Blood On the Risers
The Battle Hymn of the Republic?
Well, you've inspired me.

It's not quite what you asked for but I remember this and had to go for it.
I get some credit for keeping the same tune right?

13 OCT 2017 UPDATE: Now rerecorded and on Soundcloud, this was some experimentation with the pause button during the recording so it may be a bit strange.
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Right. Well Sabaton is the victor 2-0 so here we go.
Vocaroo | Voice message

I don't feel it's my best work but part of that is the nature of Sabaton songs. They're bloody hard to get sounding any good without the kickass guitar's & drums playing.

13 OCT 2017 UPDATE: Nope, not gonna redo this one. Sabaton songs just aren't made to be vocal only unless you're a hell of a lot more talented than I am.
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Grainne Mhaol, Queen Of Pirates

I'm really not happy with the way this one turned out. But over a couple hours and a lot of takes I never managed to get it any better.

As always I'll take any feedback I can get.

13 OCT 2017 UPDATE: My throat was fucking killing me near the end there, and I think it shows.
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Guns and Ships
Alright, you guys challenged me so it's time to put my money where my mouth is.
That's all you're getting you bastards. I spent 3 hours trying to get this right and I cannot get it to sound right to my ears so fuck all of you this is what you get.

17 OCT 2017 EDIT: You lucky sons of guns, I'm doing this on my birthday. Mostly because I'm bored so it's not like it's work.

In any case I think version is slightly better than the last version though the mic is probably worse.
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Going out Fighting
This one was a bit weird to do. The original song is really heavy on the guitars but at the same time it doesn't entirely rely on them to carry the song.

17 OCT 2017 EDIT: First try using my phone instead of my headset mic to record myself singing, I think it's an improvement although it's much more sensitive so I my breathing is noticeable again.
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Hoist the Colours
Welp. A bit sad to see no feedback on that one but not everything can be popular. I admit it probably isn't my best work either.

Anyway watched Curse of the Black Pearl again and got inspired.

Interesting note: I recorded this lying in bed at quarter after midnight.

17 OCT 2017 EDIT: Well, I wasn't laying in bed at 1am when I recorded it this time. I like to think that'll show in some improved quality.
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So yeah, this was a thing that kinda got dropped. I don't actually remember why but it did, and apparently the old ones no longer work properly (thanks to @XenaC for telling me).

In any case, fuck it let's try this again. I will be updating all of the current threadmarks with re-recorded versions that shouldn't have any longevity problems and may or may not be doing something new sometime in the coming week.
And that's all the current songs updated to a more modern standard! Huzzah, to celebrate I'm gonna release something.

So, a couple of years ago my uncle was in a band called The Turncoats. I dunno how many cd's they put out but I've got one and it's very much the style of music I enjoy, which I've seen called "western rockabilly" and "alt-country". This particular song isn't too far in either of those genres and instead is one of the quieter songs on the cd.

If you wanna hear it done with instrumentals and by a much more talented singer than me find yourself a copy of Teeth like a Chainsaw by The Turncoats because I love just about every song on it to pieces. Apple and Spotify both have it as well as a couple of other places you can find with a quick google search.
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The bad ideas don't stop.
It's back baby!

I don't know why, but it is. Depending on whether or not I get this weekend off we'be got a couple possibilities.

Throw your votes in now and see what happens.