WIP for my character sheet.

Also, @LazyHedonist I wanted to know if there were limits to skill allotment. Mainly to know the scale. Basically, how much is 1 in magic, how much is 5, 10, 5 etc. You saying that it was like 5e of DnD, I thought that the limit was 20 on a single skill.

Name: Alexander Cyphre
Gender: Male
Age: 17

Backstory: Born in the city, Alexander was - and still is - a sickly child. Due to a premature birth, he got ill easily, forcing him to spend most of his time inside the house. His family (mother, father and two older brothers) had always kept him under, if not strict control, at least an attentive eye.

He learned to read from early age and spent the time inside - forced - reading books of various genres, mostly fantasy and escapism literature, to stop thinking about his situation in life.

Once he reached the age of schooling, he caught a rather virulent illness, that forced him to bed for several weeks, making him start school around two months later. This hindered his social attempts, always being the last one, the one on the fringes. That, obviously, drove him to read more to avoid the whole problem, creating a vicious circle of self-reinforcing behavior.

Now that he is in high school, he has gotten better at socialization and can count a couple of 'friendly acquaintances' on his side, letting him branch on other interests beyond reading and, sometimes, trying to write.

Diplomacy: 10

Martial: 4

Stewardship: 7

Intrigue: 10

Learning: 15

Magic: 26

Is my destiny: 4 more to magic
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there is no limit since I want to give you guys all the freedom I can possibly give, this system is inspired by D&D and while it's hard to get stats to be over 20 its possible normally to 30 but why limit ourselves, but I need to make this clear you will have difficulties if you put stats to low, a 0 in stewardship is being uber poor, with no job what so ever and very bad chances at getting one, a 0 in diplomacy is not having the self-control to moderate what you say, a 0 in martial is basically the strength of a weak 10 year old, a 0 in intrigue is full on honesty, and the inability to be discreet, a 0 in learning is being incomprehensibly dumb in all academic matters, you need at least a 4 to be decent in street smarts at the very least, and a 0 in magic is that you shouldn't be able to do magic, you can for some inexplicable reason but it's an uphill battle

Guide to stats:
to calculate the bonus you get do: the stat minus ten divided by two. for example and 8 in diplomacy is 8-10=-2, -2/2= -1

0-3 Incredibly bad, its kind of unbelievable

4-7 Very bad, its kind of sad

8-9 Bad, but not by much

10-11 Decent, not good but at least not bad

12-15 You are good at this

16-19 You are very good at this

20-25 You are a genius at this

26-31 You are the chosen one (in this at least, you must suck in the rest if you got this)

32-39 Dude are you sure of this

40-59 I shoud have put a limit to the stats

60-71 You are the worst at everything but in this you are the next messiah

72- Godhood plain and simple you sacrificed all else to be the literal best at this and it shows

hope this helps, for any more doubts feel free to pm or post here
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yes there is pvp, I will ask you guys to not outright go into a murder spree simply because it would be sad/boring for the other players and the police will probably catch you, you can also steal from each other in opposed intrigue checks (logic still applies so if nobody knows you have x they can't try to steal it from you), form alliances, go into hiding and a lot more, but remember in the beginning you don't know of anybody else who can do magic.
if you don't want to participate in the pvp we can discus via pm what does your character do to avoid conflict, there are some easy solutions to escape the pvp
yes there is pvp, I will ask you guys to not outright go into a murder spree simply because it would be sad/boring for the other players and the police will probably catch you, you can also steal from each other in opposed intrigue checks (logic still applies so if nobody knows you have x they can't try to steal it from you), form alliances, go into hiding and a lot more, but remember in the beginning you don't know of anybody else who can do magic.
if you don't want to participate in the pvp we can discus via pm what does your character do to avoid conflict, there are some easy solutions to escape the pvp

Ah ok, sounds good to me. I'll have my sheet up either later today or tomorrow. I'd like to avoid PvP if possible.
Realized that I hadn't voted for this, and I'd prefer not having random rituals.

[X] Described Ritual

Either this, or that we leave it up to choice whether to go for a selected or random ritual.
I'm interested. Don't know exactly how I'll be playing it, but I'm interested.

[X] Described Ritual
[X] Not so secret Players
[X] Lying in Diplomacy
[X] Described Ritual
[X] Not so secret Players
[X] Lying in Diplomacy
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okey I'm gonna ask all the interested player to pm me or post in the thread at least a wip of your character sheet so I can officially close the spots for players. thanks everyone for participating in this
Hey, since some positive traits only give +2 bonuses I think it would be better if some negative traits also give only -2 maluses. For example :
Shy -2 Dip
Cowardly -2 Mar
Frivolous -2 Ste
Straightforward -2 Int
Bibliophobe -2 Lrn
Low potential -2 Mag

Or something like those.
Hey, since some positive traits only give +2 bonuses I think it would be better if some negative traits also give only -2 maluses. For example :
Shy -2 Dip
Cowardly -2 Mar
Frivolous -2 Ste
Straightforward -2 Int
Bibliophobe -2 Lrn
Low potential -2 Mag

Or something like those.
Keep in mind that the trait that give only +2 also give additional benefit on top of the number itself.

Name: Faridah Liang
Gender: Female
Age: 18
  • Diplomacy: 8 (10+2-4)
  • Martial: 22 (18+4)
  • Stewardship: 8
  • Intrigue: 6
  • Learning: 12
  • Magic: 18
  • Expert Fighter: +4 Martial
  • Very Beautiful: +2 Diplomacy, +2 to Initial Impression rolls provided the 'target' is into Women.
  • Excessively Shy/Passive: -4 Diplomacy
Backstory: WIP
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"Very Beautiful: +2 Diplomacy" this should have an extra bonus, for example a +2 when trying to seduce somebody or something that gives a +2 for something related to diplomacy or something else that I give the okey to
Name : Briar Lambert
Gender : Female
Age : 20
Appearance : Blonde, Short Hair, Stands at 165 cm and weight about 53 kg.
Stats :
  • Diplomacy 8
  • Martial 6
  • Stewardship 12
  • Intrigue 13
  • Learning 13
  • Magic 20+2=22
  • Is in my blood : +2 Magic, add 1 minor artifact.
Personality : Broody and naturally gloomy. She also hates confrontation and would rather run away than standing her ground.

Backstory : A young woman who is currently studying Biology in college and comes from a normal middle class family. She has no knowledge of magic at all until one day she stumbled on an old manuscript in her college's library
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"Very Beautiful: +2 Diplomacy" this should have an extra bonus, for example a +2 when trying to seduce somebody or something that gives a +2 for something related to diplomacy or something else that I give the okey to

Perhaps +2 to initial diplomacy rolls in making a first impression? Provided the person is attracted to women?
I'll post most of my sheet for now as well.
Name: Rosemary Foret
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Appearance: 5'0 tall and of average weight. Fair skinned, with straight, shoulder length blonde hair and blue eyes.

Bio: Hidden for now, but posted in PM


  • [X] It's in my blood: 2 more to magic and one minor magical artifact
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All right everybody I'm going to be sending your rituals thru discord since I can't just post them on a public site for anybody to find, so there is that, in the discord I'm LazyHedonist and I would like if anybody that joins to post their name of sv, so I can tell who is who.

In the end the votes decided that you can chose between getting a random ritual, designing one with me or getting one based on your character. Please tell me thru pm on discord, pm in sv or public post in the thread what you want

Here is the discord server: Join the Magical Discovery Discord Server!

As for actions you all have 3 actions per in game week use them for whatever you feel like.

Clarification, trying new rituals or modifying existing ones takes 1/3 of an action so in total you can cast 9 rituals per week