Magical Babysitter Quest

An O'Hannah never runs. Even when she probably should.
You take a moment to gather your wits before you say anything. The priceless, centuries-old sword you're certain is a family heirloom is sitting in your hand. Your hand that consumed a non-inconsiderable amount of Cheetos earlier in the evening. You washed your hands of course, but still… that sword's probably worth more than you'd make in several years.

"Uh," you look around. None of the girls seem to have noticed anything's amiss. Sakura's added a few touches to her castle—a castle that looks just like the one you were just fighting in, although more classically Japnese instead of kinda-sorta-western. Mayumi's fast asleep by your side, and Azami's focusing intently on her watercolors. If any of them even noticed you nodded off for a moment, they weren't showing it.

Part of you wants to just walk up to the mantelpiece as quietly as an unnecessarily large Gaijin girl could, put the sword back just the way you found it, and pretend like none of this ever happened. But another part of you knew that would be wrong. If Mr. Miyagawa noticed something was wrong—which he probably would. You didn't think you could get the ceremonial display just right—he might blame his daughters. You couldn't let them take the heat like that, it was against everything you stood for.

Also, you couldn't even if you tried. Mayumi had decided your breast was her pillow now. And as thankful as you were that at least someone was getting some pleasure out of the overly-stuffed fatbags you had to haul around everywhere… she was on there pretty tight. Like some kind of adorable barnacle.

"Azami?" you looked over to the eldest girl. Hopefully you'd get something useful out of her.

"Morga-chan?" The little painter squinted at her watercolors, but didn't look over to you just yet. "Is it bedtime?" she said, furiously trying to finish her painting in time.

"Uh… no," a quick glance at your watch confirmed you still had a half-hour or so before you had to tuck them in. "Did… this is gonna sound really weird… do you know how this sword got in my hand?"

"Sword, I—" Azami gasped and stared at you. "You'renotsupposedtotouchthat!"

You winced. You thought as much… you were going to be in trouble. Huge huge trouble.

"Morga-chan, what did—" Sakura turned to you. And then she just started crying. A moment later, Mayumi woke from her nap and promptly started doing the same.

"Hey," you put on your best soothing-mom voice. The one you heard from your mother whenever your little sisters were up to no good. Which was most of the time, actually. You were always the good child. Until a few moments ago, of course. "Hey, girls… why are you crying?"

"You touched the sword!" bawled Azami. "Now we're never going to see you again!"

"Ye-yeah," Mayumi swalled her tears enoguh to speak. "W-we like you, Morga-chan!"

"It's okay." you put the sword down and herded the girls together so you can hug them. "Girls, it's okay."

You're not sure how effective your words are being, but a nice, warm, soft Gaijin to cuddle seems to sooth the girls' temperaments enough to stop their crying. And the time it takes to stop their sobs give you enough time to formulate a reasonably-coherent sentence. "Don't… don't tell your dad, okay? He needs to hear this from me."

"O-okay," said Azami.

"Now… can you help me put it back?"

The eldest Miyagawa sister nodded.

"Okay," you let go of the little huddle and grab the sword in your off-hand. As terrified as you are of the blade, it feels… right in your hand. Like it was made for you. "How does it go?"

"Put—" Azami sniffled, "Put the blade facing that way," she said.

You did as she told, and then stepped back and offered the sword a deep bow. It felt like the right thing to do. You may have ruined everything, but you could at least be respectful.

"Um…" you itched at your coppery braid. "Do… any of you member how that got into my hand?"

All three girls shook their tear-streaked faces.

"Okay." You sighed and tried not to show how rattled you were. "Why don't you get ready for bed."

"Will you read us a story?" asked Sakura.

"Yeah," you shoved your hands into your jeans and tried to smile kindly. "Of course, Sakura."

The little girl smiled, then shuffled over to hug your legs. "Arigato, Morga-chan."

You ruffled her hair, and waited until all the girls had filed up to their room to do something that seemed even more insane then that daydream of yours. You turned around, and gave the sword another bow. "Um… sword…" you felt like an idiot just trying this, "do you know how you got into my hand?"

The sword said nothing.

Because it was a sword.

You don't know what you expected.

That part of you thought this would in any way help is clearly a sign of your degrading psyche.

Anyway, you've got a bedtime story to read to three adorable little girls. At least that you can manage without screwing up. You even brought a few of your favorite books with you for them to choose. Unfortunately, though they had their own story they wanted you to read.

And it was about, guess what, the sword.


"Um…" you looked at the little book in your hands. It was written in Japanese if you held it one way, and English if you held it the other. Must be some kind of learning-aid Mr. Miyagawa cooked up for his daughters. But the image on the cover is most certainly the sword you'd just touched. "Are you sure?"

The three girls nodded.

You sighed. This might be your last night with the girls, but at least you could make it pleasant for them. "okay," you said, settling onto the floor with your legs crossed.

"Long ago, the master of Darkness Me— Makami— did I get that right"

The girls nodded.

"Makami wanted to rule the world. He sent out armies of… Azumi, what's that word?"

"Oni." she said.

You blinked at her.

"It's… um… demon."

"Right," you coughed. "Armies of demons."


"Are you reading the story, or am I?"

"Sorry, Morga-chan."

You smiled at Mayumi. "Armies of demons to bend the daimyos to his will. One by one they fell, until only the lord of the winds, Kazedono stood free. But he had no sons to bear his name, so Makami hatched a plan. He tricked the Shogun into promising him all Kazedono's lands if he could marry the daimyo's daughter. Promise in hand, he sent his ninja to seize the good daimyo's daughters."

Damn, this story's dark. But the girls seemed to like it so you kept going.

"But then…" the girls were all bubbling with anticipation, "a nameless samuri with a magical sword appeared, and kept the princesses safe."

Mmm… nice ending.

"Good night, girls." You made sure to tuck them all in nice and tight, and were careful to turn Sakura's night-light to juuuust the right setting before you left.

You checked your watch. Still a half-hour before Mr. Miyagawa got back. You could practice your apology until then. You kept running it over and over in your head as you paced the kitchen. You could smell all the delicious food Mrs. Miyagawa had, but your tummy was too tied into knots to think about eating. Or at least think much about eating.

Then, after what felt like a few seconds, you heard noises at the door. You darted over, ready to explain yourself and apologize. An O'Hannah never runs from the truth. Not ever.

The door swung open, and you forced a smile at the two adults. "Welcome home. Um…"

Mr. Miyagawa took one look at you and gasped. It took you a moment to realize why. Your left hand was resting at your hip. But not on your hip. No, it was resting on the hilt of the precious sword you'd touched earlier.

His wife stare at you with eyes the size of platters, and a moment later the two started speaking to each other back and forth far too fast for your meager understanding of Japanese to follow. But whatever it was, they were very energetic about it.

> wat do?
Adhoc vote count started by theJMPer on May 23, 2017 at 12:20 AM, finished with 37 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] For God's sakes this thing will not stay where I put it! It jumps off the wall, it ties itself to my belt...
    -[X] This would be a good time to mention my home island isn't your home island... Right?
    --[X] By the way, I had a reeeeally weird dream...
    [X] For God's sakes this thing will not stay where I put it! It jumps off the wall, it ties itself to my belt...
    -[X] This would be a good time to mention my home island isn't your home island... Right?
    [X] Apologize, apologize with all your heart with hopes that they may forgive you for what you've done (as unlikely as it seems)
    [X] Take off the sword.
    [X] For God's sakes this thing will not stay where I put it! It jumps off the wall, it ties itself to my belt...
    - [X] By extension, any cheese-like substance on it is its fault, not mine.
    [X] Don't make any sudden movements.
[X] For God's sakes this thing will not stay where I put it! It jumps off the wall, it ties itself to my belt...
-[X] This would be a good time to mention my home island isn't your home island... Right?
[X] Apologize, apologize with all your heart with hopes that they may forgive you for what you've done (as unlikely as it seems)
[X] Take off the sword.
Well shit. At this rate we're gonna need to take a trip to the Far Eastern branch of the family, conduct a survey of the clans, make sure we're not stepping on any toes here. This could be serious.

Hell, we might need to see where we can start scratching up a tercio or a group of hussars.
[X] For God's sakes this thing will not stay where I put it! It jumps off the wall, it ties itself to my belt...
- [X] By extension, any cheese-like substance on it is its fault, not mine.
[X] For God's sakes this thing will not stay where I put it! It jumps off the wall, it ties itself to my belt...
-[X] This would be a good time to mention my home island isn't your home island... Right?
--[X] By the way, I had a reeeeally weird dream...
[JK] Don't make any sudden movements.

...Wait a minute, I forgot which Quest this was.

[X] Don't make any sudden movements.
[X] For God's sakes this thing will not stay where I put it! It jumps off the wall, it ties itself to my belt...
-[X] This would be a good time to mention my home island isn't your home island... Right?
--[X] By the way, I had a reeeeally weird dream...
[X] For God's sakes this thing will not stay where I put it! It jumps off the wall, it ties itself to my belt...
-[X] This would be a good time to mention my home island isn't your home island... Right?
--[X] By the way, I had a reeeeally weird dream...
[X] For God's sakes this thing will not stay where I put it! It jumps off the wall, it ties itself to mybelt...
-[X] This would be a good time to mention my home island isn't your home island... Right?
--[X] By the way, I had a reeeeally weird dream...
Well shit. At this rate we're gonna need to take a trip to the Far Eastern branch of the family, conduct a survey of the clans, make sure we're not stepping on any toes here. This could be serious.

Hell, we might need to see where we can start scratching up a tercio or a group of hussars.
Or alternatively you could just commit sudoku. :V
Or alternatively you could just commit sudoku. :V

Worse things are in our future, my poor young pinoy friend. We're going to have to go and conduct Sláinte, a dangerous practice that involves much genuflecting at the Porcelain Altar when we're done the next morning.
Just a dream?
Your name is Morgan O'Hannah, and you're no stranger to facing the authorities. Technically, every time you eat dinner you're facing the authorities because your dad's the county sheriff, but that's beside the point. You've lost track of the number of times you've been dragged before the principal and made to explain the latest brawl you got involved in. You don't like bullies, and when you see one picking on someone smaller…you just have to stop it. You wear your scuffed knuckles and permanently-disfigured nose with pride. A badge of honor, if not reason.

But that was different. Wading into a scuffle to help the little guy is… maybe not smart but at least right. Getting caught touching something you're really not supposed to touch is wrong in every kind of way. You're in trouble, and you're certain it's your fault.

"Um…" you carefully slide the ancient sword from your belt, careful not to mar the precious sheath any more than you already have. "I… This… this thing just will not stay where I put it," you said. No, that sounds horrible! "I mean… um… it jumps off the wall, it ties itself to my belt…"

The two adults start talking faster. You know you've just made a massive fool of yourself. So stupid! 'ties itself to my belt?' that just sounds like you're trying to shirk responsibility, something an O'Hannah never does!

"I am so sorry," you bowed from the waist as best you could and presented the sword with both hands. "I really am. I… my home island isn't the same as yours."

What? WHAT? how does that even make sense? You're just rambling now…

"I had this really weird dream—"

"Enough." Mr. Miyagawa took the sword from your hands and slid it free of its sheath just far enough to inspect the blade. His eyes narrowed to beady slits, and you saw his mutter something in Japanese under his breath. But it was too quiet to make out even if you spoke the language at all.

"I am so sorry if—"

He held up a hand. "Morgan."

"Y-yes?" you gulped, ready to take your licks.

For a long while, Mr. Miyagawa looked like he was at the edge of saying something. His mouth hung half-open, but his gaze looked more past you than at you. Then he closed his mouth again and handed you a wad of cash. "Good night."

He and his wife retreated into their home in a storm of furious Japanese. It all happened so fast you didn't have time to tell them he'd given you almost triple the already-generous sum you'd agreed on. You hung around for a few minutes trying to decide if you should try the doorbell. Eventually, you settled on scribbling a note on a scrap of paper and shoving the surplus into his mailbox.

It just wouldn't be right to profit off his mistake, especially after you made such a huge mistake of your own.

You tried not to think about the sword as you hopped on your bike and road home. It was just past sunset, and the sky was a pleasant shade of bronze on the horizon as you zipped through the suburban streets. Riding your bike always calmed you down, focusing on moving the peddles was enough to distract you from anything that's got your mind in a tizzy. Besides, it was good exercise. And given how Mrs. Miyagawa fed you, you'd have to work out if you wanted to keep the plush on your tummy at bay.

You really hope you didn't blow it all. You liked their girls, and you think the girls liked you back. Playing godzilla was Mayumi was the most fun you'd had in a long time.

Before long, you're coasting into your driveway back home. Dad's working—his cruiser's missing from the driveway—so at least you won't have to explain yourself to him just yet. You leave your bike in the garage and duck into the kitchen.

"I'm home!" you called to nobody in particular. Your brothers are playing with their lego ships—you can hear the high-piched screeches of "My shields stop your guns!" from here—and your sisters are probably watching Sailor Moon before turning in.

"Morgan," your mother smiled at you from behind the counter. She's a tiny woman—she got all the little-asian-person genes from your grandma—but she's figured out just how to hug you without smothering herself. "How was babysitting."

"Uh…" you blushed and glanced at your toes. "Pretty well, I guess. There's… I wanna talk to dad about something."

"Oh?" your mother gave you a kind smile. "Is it the kind of something that keeps you from doing dishes?"

"No, mama." You sighed and shuffled over to the dishwasher. "Mama?"


"We're… I mean, Gran's Japanese, isn't she?"

"Okinawan," said your mother with a sideways look. "Why?"

"No reason," you said hastily. It couldn't be… right? You just had a weird dream or something. You finished the rest of your chores as quick as you could, and got ready for bed. A nice long bath was in order, partly to get rid of whatever sweat you'd accumulated playing with the girls and biking home, but mostly to wash away how stressed you were over that little incident with the sword.

You let the water cool for a few moments, just long enough to take your clothes off and do up your braid, and slipped into the water. You'd always liked baths, especially really warm ones. If there's a sure-fire way to get you to attend a party, mention the presence of a swimming pool.

You can't really spread out in your bathtub though, not with your abnormally large figure. So you just kinda curl-up and close your eyes, and let the water ripple against your skin. Ah…. yes, that's nice. So nice…

Why is something poking your chin.

You're certain you locked the door, and your brothers know you don't like them seeing you naked.

"I swear," you're already half-way to a rage as you open your eyes. But your rage instantly turns to shock. You're not in your bathtub anymore. You're in a rocky pool full with warm, salt-smelling water. A hot-spring, you think.

And you're not alone. Sitting across from you in the pool is a man. A quite fit man with a body as devoid of fat as it is covered in scars. His thick, well-muscled arms are thrown back against the rocky spring-side, and broad-brimmed brown hat covers his face down to his chin.

"Konichiwa, pardner," he said with a gritty twang.

"Uh…" you have nothing to say to that besides a quiet "H-hi."

"Mmm," he rolled a toothpick in his teeth. "You're what I've got to work with, hmm? Didn't know they made girls your size."

It's about then that you realize that while you're no longer alone… you are very naked.

>What do? What say?
You know, when I say "update time" in the Discord General, that normally means I'm the one next updating.


[jk] I've seen enough John Woo flicks, I know exactly where this is going.

[X] *cricket noises in background*

It would be rude to interrupt our exposition!
[X] "Uh... I was in the bath at my family home a minute ago, and I was definitely alone. Where am I and who the heck are you?"
-[X] Stay calm and seated. This is either a dream, or magic bullshit, and either way running around naked and screaming is definitely not Plan A.
--[X] (might be Plan B or C, though)
[X] "Uh... I was in the bath at my family home a minute ago, and I was definitely alone. Where am I and who the heck are you?"
-[X] Stay calm and seated. This is either a dream, or magic bullshit, and either way running around naked and screaming is definitely not Plan A.
--[X] (might be Plan B or C, though)

I'm just imagining the first line delivered in an incredible deadpan but then that probably wouldn't really be in character.
[X] "Uh... I was in the bath at my family home a minute ago, and I was definitely alone. Where am I and who the heck are you?"
-[X] Stay calm and seated. This is either a dream, or magic bullshit, and either way running around naked and screaming is definitely not Plan A.
--[X] (might be Plan B or C, though)
[X] "Uh... I was in the bath at my family home a minute ago, and I was definitely alone. Where am I and who the heck are you?"
-[X] Stay calm and seated. This is either a dream, or magic bullshit, and either way running around naked and screaming is definitely not Plan A.
--[X] (might be Plan B or C, though)
[X] Attempt to stay calm.
- [X] Fail to stay calm.
- - [X] "Who? How?! Why?! I have so many questions!!"
[X] Oh. I fell asleep in the bath. Silly me.
-[X] Excuse me figment of my imagination and/or dream figure, where is the nearest exit back to being awake in my bath?

I mean, it's the logical (in denial) response.