So I went a ahead and made and list of our team so far, I'm not going to keep this current, that's QM work right dere. (Unless it's worth Omake boosts for you bro)
Retired Combat Engineer
Technology: 6
Experimental Test Pilot
Magic: 2 Technology: 2 Business: 1 Politics: 1
Corporate Spy
Technology: 1, Business: 3, Politics: 2
Failed Magician Bunny
Magic:3 Business:1 Politics:2
Back Ground: Famous magic researcher
Magic: 6
Newly-graduated publicist
Magic:0 Technology:1 Business:2 Politics:3
Sage of Swords
Magic: 6
Magi-tech Researcher
Magic: 4 Technology: 2
Professional Bureaucrat
Business 4, Politics 2
former secret agent
Politics 6
I think we have a good mix of specialists and pepole who can throw dice at actions that need it. We could probably handle getting some sort of "ACCOUNTANT...IN...SPACE" Business 6 dude though. That 3 word background is my gift to you oh glorious Lurker, feel free to use.
Because I'm neurotic, I added up our skill totals in each area and listed them below. The number in parenthesis is the sum when taking just the people who have that as their highest skill, I'm thinking thats a useful value since I'm thinking people will tend to want to do things they're good at and improve their highest skills. As a note, the +2 on Tech and Mag are to note that one guy is tied with 2 as his highest in each.
Technology 12 (6+2)
Magic 21(19+2)
Business 11 (7)
Politics 14(9)
From what I'm looking at here were going to be running a Magic heavy Suite/Training plan, which suits me fine since we picked the ArcanoPunk Wizard.
We could use help on Business and Tech though, especially a Business specialist to take those actions every turn.
Riot Quests (especially
@Zedalb 's) live and die on Logistics. We need Logistics.
I can't take one for the team and do Logistsics tho, too busy playing a Badass(tm) Swordmaster who totally met his Sifu in a mountain and not at the mall.