Deep within the depths of Deathknell Hold lies the heart of the Scarlet hand...their grand schemes having seemingly going on without any opposition, any flaw, any failure. And now their greatest design stands before this collection as one member stalks forward in front of a strange arcane contraption surrounded by glowing green light.
"So we've done it, in the coming days finally will out plans see fruition...or rather the end of fruition itself. The Ritual is nearly complete, for we've gathered enough souls from around the world to finally bring a true end to life, and usher in a new world...ruled by our idealism and our iron grasp. Of course above us a war rages...fools will break themselves upon our hordes and rise to defend that which they seek to destroy." *The figure cackles* "Of course as the True hand of our I've noticed something however. you all think you could get in here unnoticed? Oh no I truly did see you, but I'm bored you know."
The group grows uneasy as the Figure lifts a hand and a fog descends upon the group and thus none can recognize each other. A classic tactic used by the Leaders of the Scarlet Hand.
"As a god of death I'm intrigued of you can interrupt my ritual long enough to engage in battle with me...can you do it whelps? You have until the ritual completes after all. Scarlet Hand I beseech you my loyal subjects...find the threats to our final triumph...and eliminate them utterly. Don't dare show mercy now...and after all, don't fret about death. In the Scarlet Hand...death is simply a promotion. "
The crowd looks around...nervous...some calm and collected...but everyone getting to understand the stakes here.