This is supposed to be a Godbound/WhF crossover. For those not familiar, Godbound is a TTRPG by Kevin Crawford (also Stars Without Number) that is freely available, while the paid deluxe version adds a few additional things which are definitely not necessary for play. Mechanics wise I will plan orienting myself on Godbounds system, which is rather simple anyway and I will adjust as needed.
Disclaimer: English is neither my native language nor am I a particularly good writer. This is also only my second Quest(or piece of fiction). We will see if this crashes and burns or becomes something decent.
Made God(s)
Heaven has fallen. The world is broken. The Throne is empty.
The Former Empires reigned in glory more than a thousand years ago. With wonders beyond imagining littering their nations banishing all mortal blights. Created with the might of theurgy, with which the sages of old were able to lay hand upon the very levers of creation.The deep powers of the Creator were at their disposal at last, ready to glorify their kindred and exalt their causes.
And they had many causes. Evil and corruption had to be purged from their misguided neighbors. And they must be led to their glorious truth. So they fought.
Desperate to bring the wars to end the old sages proposed to bring the matter before the One. He alone would decide how humanity was to live. And so the armies turned from one another to storm the gates of heaven.
At final, having driven the celestial host before them, they reached the great doors. Once opened, they revealed an empty Throne. God was not there.
There was much confusion, wrath, terror and regret, but above all if there was no god to sit on the throne, was there room for another?
So they made Gods. Crafting them from the shards of plundered celestial engines and stolen artifacts from the house of God. Pouring unimaginable power into these hollow-shells. To conquer, to destroy, to create or to preserve, it did not matter for they wrought unimaginable destruction in the process. With celestial engines failing and the world began to break beneath them. And Made God after God stormed the halls of heaven. And Made God after God died, to vengeful angels, traps or arrogance, but mostly other Gods.
Some got lost. Like you.
Reality shattered and the night beyond buckling before devouring itself only to shatter again. Casting you into beyond for an eternity.
How did you get cast into the beyond?
[] In the broken halls of Heaven seeking artifacts of power.
[] A last stand defending a splintered realm to protect.
[] Stumbling over a trap while on the search for knowledge.
[] Seeking vengeance or justice.
[] Gathering materials on a dead world to create or build.
[] (write-in)
Just a small vote to get started on your char. (Don't overthink it, it's not too important.) As usual please tell me if you find any errors. I am currently not enacting any moratorium. Just somewhat discuss any votes before casting them, please.
Divine Wrath (Smite) Action
Commit Effort to the end of the scene. You smite a chosen foe within
sight with the energies of the Word, inflicting a 1d8 damage die per
character level. You are always immune to the wrath of your own
bound Words, as are other entities that wield similar powers. As
a Smite power, Divine Wrath cannot be used two rounds in a row.
Corona of Fury (Smite) Action
Commit Effort to the end of the scene. You hurl a torrent of your
Word's energy at a group of foes, affecting all within a 30-foot radius
of a target point within sight of you. Each victim takes a 1d8 die
of damage for every two levels you have, rounded up. The fury can
selectively spare allies within the area, but the victims then get an
appropriate saving throw to resist the effect. You are always immune
to the furies of your own bound Words, as are other entities that wield
similar powers. Corona of Fury cannot be used two rounds in a row.
Effort of the Word Constant
Your maximum Effort increases by one point. This gift can be taken
once for each Word you've bonded, but each purchase after the first
costs two gift points instead of one.
Influence of the Word Constant
Your maximum Influence increases by two points. This gift can be
taken once for each Word you have bonded.
Excellence of the Word Constant
Choose one attribute score and raise it to 18. This excellence is usually
colored by the Word that grants it; Fire that grants Dexterity might
cause sparks to be left behind swift motion, while Earth that grants
Wisdom might lend a ponderous and steady tint to your thoughts.
This gift may only be taken once, regardless of how many Words
your hero has bound.
The Word of Passion commands the heart, filling it with the emotions desired by the Godbound or banishing those feelings that prove troublesome. While these emotions can be overwhelming, the Godbound cannot dictate what the subjects do with them. In this way, Passion
inspires personal action in its targets, but does not give the direct control granted by the Word of Command. Heroes with the Word of Passion are blessed with grace and an understanding of the heart. They may set either their Charisma or Wisdomattribute score to 16, or 18 if the score is already that high.
Lesser Gifts:
Banner of Passion Action
Commit Effort. All NPCs who are lesser foes within earshot or sight are suffused with a powerful emotion of your choice, directed at the object of your choosing. Worthy foes get a Spirit saving throw eachround to throw it off. This emotion will make them act to the limits of their character and will last at least a day after the effort is reclaimed.
Fashioning a Friend Action
Commit Effort for the scene to beguile a visible creature, inspiring it to feelings of friendship and cooperativeness towards you. It will not question these feelings, however irrational, and they will persist until you obviously betray it or do it blatant harm. Lesser foes have no resistance against this power, while worthy foes can save versus Spirit to avoid the enchantment.
Follow the Threads Action
You may study a target for one action to identify the half-dozen people most emotionally significant to them, learning their appearance, the name the target knows them as, and a few words of description of the bond between them. Lesser foes cannot resist this, while worthy foes can save versus Spirit to maintain their secrets.
Heart of the Lion Constant
You have an invincible defense against fear and all unwanted emotion-affecting effects. You may Commit Effort for the scene as an Instant action to share this immunity with all allies within 100 yards.
Snuff the Heart's Candle Action
Instantly quell an emotion in a visible target. You can extinguish a particular emotion entirely, such as fear, loyalty or love, or you can selectively snuff it towards particular people or activities. The target is unable to feel that emotion toward the selected subjects until you release them from the effect. Lesser foes are automatically affected, while worthy foes can save versus Spirit to resist the stilling.
Terrifying Mien Action
Commit Effort to the end of the scene. All NPC foes who can see or hear you, must instantly make a Morale check. Lesser foes roll this at a -2 penalty. Foes that fail this check will usually flee in terror, albeit those without a means of escape might surrender on the spot. This gift can be used against a foe only once per scene, and PCs are immune.
Greater Gifts:
A Heart like Clay Action
Commit Effort for the scene to completely control a subject's emotions, dictating all they feel and their emotional attitudes toward any persons or subjects of your choice. Lesser foes are utterly helpless against this shaping and can be driven to wholly uncharacteristic extremes by it. Worthy foes can only be molded within the limits of their own usual emotional range and can save versus Spirit to resist the shaping. The emotions persist despite all adversities until the Godbound releases the subject
Infectious Passion Action
Commit Effort for the scene to plant a seed of a particular emotional attitude toward a chosen person or topic in a visible target. If that target is affected, they become infectious, spreading that same attitude toward their friends and associates over the course of a single contact. The infection can spread five or six degrees before it loses its magical potency, usually enough to completely overwhelm a village, court, or neighborhood. Lesser foes get no saving throw, but worthy enemies can save versus Spirit to resist. It lasts until the Godbound releases the victims or the emotion becomes blatantly inappropriate.
A Song Buried Deep Action
Commit Effort for the day and choose a phrase, passage of music, image, or person in your presence. At a time or context of your choosing, the sight or experience of that subject unleashes the effects of a Banner of Passion on all present. You can define the context as precisely as you wish and choose the Banner's effects and focus beforehand. The maximum range of this effect is one mile per level of the Godbound. Note that the effects apply to any matching phrase, music, or image; if the Godbound uses this power on a nation's battle flag and bids it trigger for friendly soldiers when facing combat, every allied military unit within miles will be affected provided they've got a matching battle flag. If the Godbound imbues a traditional greeting with the passion, then every person who hears the greeting will be affected.
Luck is a subtle Word in the main, without many of the blatantly
obvious effects of the other domains. Instead, luck simply graces those
blessed by its power, ensuring that things somehow work out well for
them and very poorly for those who displease them. Luck miracles
can be used to rework fate, ensuring that seemingly-random events
turn out well or poorly for those targeted by the hero's attentions.
Heroes gifted in the Luck Word may roll 1d20 once a day. At any time
during that day, they may replace their own or someone else's 1d20
roll with the one in reserve. They can only replace a roll once per day.
Lesser Gifts:
Blighted Luck Action
A single non-Mob target is cursed with misfortune. They'll always
lose games of chance, bad things of varying non-fatal character will
always happen to them, and they always roll twice on hit rolls and
saves and take the worse result. Worthy foes can make a Spirit save to
resist and require Effort to be committed for the scene. This effect lasts
until you choose to lift it, it's dispelled, or a particular event happens.
Nine Lives Constant
Automatically reroll saves or enemy hit rolls that would result in the
hero's death or mortal injury. The second roll is taken, even if it's worse.
Salting Away the Luck Instant
Commit Effort after the hero rolls a die while doing something consequential. The die is rerolled, but the initial result is saved. When the
Effort is reclaimed the result can be given to anyone else in the hero's
presence, provided a die with the same number of sides is being rolled.
Unwilling worthy foes can make a Spirit save to resist the donation.
This gift can preserve only one roll at a time.
Spun Fortune Instant
Commit Effort for the scene. Another person rerolls a roll you are
aware that they just made.
Unmarred Beneficence Constant
The hero has a natural AC of 3, luckily avoiding perils. If a misfortune
lands randomly on a member of their group, they're never the victim
of it. This base AC isn't improved by armor or shields.
The World Against You On Turn
Commit Effort. The hero becomes able to use luck as a weapon with a
range of 100 feet, inflicting sudden and wildly-improbable calamities
on a foe with normal attack rolls. When used to attack, damage is
1d10 and treated as a magic weapon. The source of this incredible bad
luck is not perceptible to mortal onlookers or non-supernatural beings.
Death is known to all that is mortal, and this Word gives command
over this inevitable fate. Its miracles avert or bring about death, reveal
details about a death, rule the unquiet dead, or create restless undead.
Heroes with the Death Word may command undead in their presence
as an action, ordering up to one Mob of any size. Greater undead get
a Spirit saving throw to resist, and cannot be commanded to self-destruct. As an On Turn action, they also know the details of what,
where, and how anything died or is dying within 100 feet of them.
Lesser Gifts:
Keeper of the Graves On Turn
You learn exactly where every corpse, undead or fragment of remains
are within 200 feet and their identity in life. You can tell exactly how
they died as if you had observed their death personally. If you Commit
Effort you have an invincible defense against lesser undead
Mantle of Quietus Instant
Commit Effort for the scene. To assail you brings death. Any lesser
foe that tries to physically harm you suffers 1 point of damage before
their attack is resolved, with Mobs taking a 1d20 normal die. Foes
with multiple attacks per round suffer the damage only once per round.
A Pale Crown Beckons Action
Commit Effort for the scene. You can call up undead, summoning
parts instantly from the nearest source if necessary. A single greater
undead of hit dice no more than twice your level is called, or one
Small Mob of 1 HD lesser undead is created for each three levels you
have, rounded up. A corpse made into a greater undead must not have
received funeral rites or been dead more than a month. The undead
are loyal, but dissolve when you use this gift again. Summoned entities
or Mobs can be preserved indefinitely for 1 Dominion point each.
Scythe Hand On Turn
Commit Effort. There is death in your gaze or your blade, which you
may use as a magic weapon. It has a 1d10 damage die and a 200 foot
range. This attack always does at least 1 point of damage against living
creatures or undead, even if the hit roll misses.
White Bone Harvest (Smite) Action
Commit Effort for the scene. As an action, you may instantly destroy
any hostile lesser undead in sight provided they are lesser foes. Other
undead in sight suffer your level in points of damage, tripled for Mobs.
Withholding the Mercy Constant
Those reduced to zero hit dice or hit points within 200 feet of you automatically stabilize or die as your wish. If you desire it, willing living
creatures at zero HD or hit points around you may continue to act for
as many rounds as you have levels before they unavoidably fall dead.
Dreams, sleep, darkness, and calm are found beneath the banner of
night. Night passes over many places at once, and enters into even the
most well-guarded chambers. The Word of Night can work miracles
involving sleep, blindness, swift passage into darkness, and physical
intangibility. These gifts often require a dimly-lit area for best effect.
Heroes with the Word of Night can see perfectly in darkness. They
need not sleep, and their actions will never involuntarily cause the
awakening of any sleepers around them.
Lesser Gifts:
Damn Their Eyes Action
Choose a target in sight. Lesser foes are blinded, while worthy foes
can save versus Hardiness to resist and require the hero to Commit
Effort for the scene to affect them . Optionally, you can blind the target
only to particular people or things. Those selectively blinded will not
realize their blindness until it's pointed out or physically encountered.
The blindness lasts as long as you desire in lesser foes, or ends after
the scene for worthy foes. Blinded enemies usually suffer a -4 to all
melee hit rolls and have no meaningful chance to hit with ranged
attacks, barring superhuman senses in other ways
The Darkling Stairs Constant
You can fly or move along vertical surfaces at your normal movement
rate, provided you are surrounded by darkness too deep to tell a white
thread from a black one. The power lingers one round after bright light.
Knives of Night On Turn
Commit Effort. You are now able to harden darkness into a weapon
with a range of 200 feet. When used to attack, it does 1d10 damage
and is treated as a magical weapon. Foes reduced to zero hit points can
either be killed, put to sleep, or permanently blinded at your discretion.
A Road of Shadows Action
Commit Effort for the scene. Step into one shadow and emerge from
the one nearest to the desired destination, provided it's within a mile.
The gift can move you no more than ten miles total in any one hour
The Still Silence of Sleep Action
Commit Effort for the scene and choose a point in sight. All lesser foes
within 50 feet of that point must make a Spirit save or fall asleep. You
may dictate a sleeping person's dreams or nightmares if you can see
them, though worthy foes can save to resist. You can send and receive
messages with your fellow pantheon members and close associates
through dreams, if they permit it
Welcoming the Dusk Action
Commit Effort. Create darkness around you in any configuration,
up to a 30 foot radius. You can see through it, and it can follow you
Sorcery is an unusual Word, one representing a bond with the fundamental laws of creation and the deep, subtle secrets of its operation.
Sorcery has no native miracles and cannot be used by itself to create
effects or mimic its gifts. Instead, mastery of its gifts allows a Godbound to wield the flexible and potent powers of theurgy.
Godbound affiliated with the Sorcery Word brush aside the incantations of lesser mages. As an Instant ability, the PC can Commit
Effort for the scene to instantly negate any low magic spell being
cast in their presence or banish or destroy any low magic construct
or summoned entity. This counter does not function against theurgy
or arcane powers that are merely similar to low magic spells
Lesser Gifts:
Adept of the Gate Constant
You have been initiated into the Gate, the humblest level of theurgy,
albeit still one beyond all but the mightiest mortal wizards. You may
choose four invocations of the Gate to master as part of this learning
and may learn more as you find them
The Excellent Pause Instant
When you cast a theurgy invocation or low magic spell, you may
Commit Effort just before it is triggered. The spell is then suspended and may be released as an action at any time thereafter, with the
Committed Effort returning at the end of that scene. You may suspend
more than one spell if you're willing to Commit the Effort to each,
but releasing a spell requires your action for the turn
Greater Pavis of Rule Action
Commit Effort for the scene. For the duration, you are immune to
all low magic spells and gain a +4 bonus on all saving throws versus
theurgy. If a theurgy invocation would not normally allow a save, you
can make one without the bonus to resist its effects
Perfection of Understanding Constant
You are a remarkably swift student of magic. You can learn any low
magic path within a month, taking one week per level of initiation
of your teacher, without requiring a Fact committed to it. You can
learn theurgy spells at a vastly accelerated rate as well; one day for an
invocation of any degree. You automatically understand any low magic
or theurgy used against you or in your presence, knowing its function,
limits, and degree of power. You can also recognize the author of a
magical working if you've seen other examples of their work.
The Subtle Eye of Knowing On Turn
With a moment's concentration, you can discern any low magic or
theurgy active in the area, identifying its general function. Other
forms of magic present are noted, but only a vague sense of danger
or weal is imparted. This gaze immediately identifies any theurges or
low magic practitioners in sight.
The Will that Burns Instant
When struck while maintaining concentration, such as while casting a
theurgy invocation, you may Commit Effort for the scene to maintain
your concentration, prevent the loss of the spell, and inflict a 1d8
straight damage die on the foe that struck you as a mystic backlash
Wizard's Wrath Instant
Commit Effort. Your Fray die can harm even worthy foes, those enemies of greater hit dice than you have levels. This power also affects
those gifts that allow you to apply your Fray die as part of their effects,
increasing the potency of such powers.
I will be trying to push out smaller votes for character creation in fast succession.
Made God II
An Eternity of decay and malfunction as without maintenance or worship your body fails. Smallest Piece by smallest piece. Drifting through nothingness. The end was creeping closer,while you huddle around the core of your being. The Words, stolen pieces of divinity filled into your form made of..
[] ..the once human vessel upon which you were built.
[] ..Beasts likenesses taking their strengths.
[] ..moving wood and waving vines.
[] ..smooth stone and metal worked into a work of art.
[] ..gleaming brass and sparking artifact.
[] ..polished bone and stitched skin, animating what was dead.
[] ..(write-in)
These Words of Creation from the divine fragments ripped from celestial engines and divine works. The act of it, breaking realms and dreams. They allow you miracles and refined gifts. They are what makes you a God. They are your domain. But which are they? Fieldset:
Choose up to six Words. A word taken once is a lesser Word allowing lesser gifts. A word taken twice is a Greater Word allowing lesser and greater gifts and miracles. These are your primary domains, without taking a word twice you wont have access to its greater gifts. Words are areas of rule, they can be used for good or for evil, however you define it.
[] Alacrity
Swiftness and impossible grace.
[] Artifice
Craft and build, devisers of wondrous creation
[] Beasts
Realm of animals of shifting form and calling voice. Adoption and impartion of traits.
[] Bow
Reach from far away and destroy, if with weapons or energies.
[] Command
Leadership, submission and enforcement of obedience, but not touching the hearts of those commanded.
[] Death
To avert, learn or bring about death. To rule or create undead.
[] Deception
Stealth, illusion and reveal and cast deceit.
[] Earth
Command of stone and soil. Impart qualities of stone, earth, strength, hardness, and durability.
[] Endurance
Hardiness, determination and unflagging exertion. Near physical immunity.
[] Fertility
Plants and growth both unnatural and normal. Bless or blight.
[] Fire
Burn, melt and destroy. Shield or undo damage from fire. Invoke passion of fury and lust like a growing flame.
[] Health
Heal injuries and banish plagues or cause and command them.
[] Journeying
Long unhindered travel, sundering of barriers baring the path to other realms and places.
[] Knowledge
Reveal almost anything of the present world. Knowledge both mundane and supernatural
[] Luck
Rework Fate and make it dance to your tune.
[] Might
Raw strength and its use in tremendous deeds
[] Night
Miracles involving sleep, blindness, swift passage into darkness, and physical intangibility.
[] Passion
Command and fill or empty the Heart of emotion, devotion, grudges, and yearnings.
[] Sea
Command water and its creatures. Control liquids, smash with crushing pressure Water or purify.
[] Sky
Rule weather, flight, lightning and wind. Navigate air as easily as the earth.
[] Sorcery
Working of divine magics brushing aside all lesser casting.
[] Sun
Light, hope, vision and purity. Banish spells, lies and sear the impure.
[] Sword
Close direct struggle, unerring strikes, marvelous escape from harm no matter if with weapon or unarmed.
[] Time
Ruling of events of the past and future. Prophecy, postcognition, and time-weaving
[] Wealth
Prosperity of all kinds. Blessing or cursing whole cities or nations.
You may still vote on the last vote.
Vote as Plan on the current vote.
As usual please tell me if you find any errors. I am currently not enacting any moratorium. Just somewhat discuss any votes before casting them, please.
Edit: Clarified something about word choice.
This runs on a slightly adjusted Godbound ruleset.
You can get Godbound for free here.
In the pdf you can find an overview over the words, if you want to know what exactly you are voting for.
Be aware that you are not playing a Godbound but a Made God so effort and dominion or attributes work differently.
[X] Seeking vengeance or justice.
[X] Plan Dark Divinity of Passion and Misfortune
-[X] ..polished bone and stitched skin, animating what was dead.
-[X] Luck
-[X] Death
-[X] Night
-[X] Passionx2
-[X] Sorcery
Made God III
You float keeping close, the long since cooled chakra engine of the slain mortal's godwalker that damned your realm. How he screamed when ripped him out of his cockpit and rend his souls and body apart before casting it down into hell. Not that it was nearly enough for what he had done.
At first you are unsure what lured you out of your dreamless sleep. Something changed. You cast your awareness around until you find the irregularity. Space here it's marred as if repeatedly punctured and healed over long ago. A scar throughout realities. Which meant something beyond, a way beyond. So you claw and tear at it with limbs of bone, ripping the scar open. Crossing through it is like walking through a desert burning and jumping into water all at once. Step by step and drop by drop of essence from your failing body you fight forward until you break through. Still it holds together your vessel crafted of polished bone and dead skin.
(How does your God look?)
[] Many limbed is the beast cast from the loyals sacrifice.
[] Towering three times a mortal's height the bringer of Dawn stands. Light reflecting off the polished bone beneath the robe.
[] Unassuming mortal is the reborn Queen's form. Pallid skin with the lightest hint of silvery thread.
[] (write-in)
Into the uncreated night the stygian void of primordial chaos out of which all things have come. Except it isn't, a void. Strands of energies dance through space. And Islands lay within its center distorting all around them. No, not islands. Uncreated. And you are falling towards them, trailing drops of divine energies pouring out of cracks and leaks in your once so mighty vessel. Like a falling comet you cross through space.
You guide your fall towards…
[]... a crimson desert with rivers of blood, broken by canyons and craters. The sound of clashing weapons and voices reaching high.
[]... a realm made of pulsing and dilating flesh enticing the beholder. A sweet smell pouring far.
[].. an iridescent, crystalline plateau whose brilliance shines far. While whispers haunt the air.
[].. a jungle of festering plants and other things. Cheery red, blue yellow and purple puncturing its gloom.
Not a plan vote. Expect the next update in about 12h, so thats as long as you have to vote.
As usual please tell me if you find any errors. I am currently not enacting any moratorium. Just somewhat discuss any votes before casting them, please.
More busy than expected today. [X] Many limbed is the beast cast from the loyals sacrifice. [X].. an iridescent, crystalline plateau whose brilliance shines far. While whispers haunt the air.
Made God IV
The grounds crystal shatters as you impact uncreated's surface. Only to make itself whole again as your droplets of divine energie splatter upon it. The hint of shudder goes through the fractal filament all around you as seeming questing tendrils of despair, madness and terror scratch at your mind's surface. You rise from your crouch in the middle of the corridor, shaking your antlered head. All around the air is heavy with the remnants of shattered husks of souls. Light reflecting off them into the corridors walls. The rainbow hued crystal reflecting back a symphony of hope, despair, dreams, madness and terror. Past all this something seems to be stirring in the heart of this place. Screaming with madness, the attack upon you seems to rise in magnitudes of scale. With a tired huff and minor exertion against the uncreated's breath you slap it aside. Not bening. Maybe Time to move. You shift your old price to your third set of hands.
[] Explore and seek a way out.
[] Wait, something is stirring. Answers will come eventually.
Expend some effort and:
[] Death; Gather some of the shattered souls. Maybe they could provide some answers.
[] Night; You won't find any shadow to travel around but veiling yourself into it might hide your features and nature.
[] Luck; Explore with chance and fate weighted in your favor.
[] Sorcery; the energies dancing in the air seem almost divine in nature, but they are not. Try to manipulate them.
[] (write in)
(No idea how you could apply Passion here besides using it's innate defenses. Also I am aware that Mad Gods have unlimited effort, but you are leaking like a sieve while your engine could really use a tuneup.)
Not a plan vote. Gonna try to push another update out today if enough ppl vote.
As usual please tell me if you find any errors. I am currently not enacting any moratorium. Just somewhat discuss any votes before casting them, please.
[X] Explore and seek a way out.
[X] Night; You won't find any shadow to travel around but veiling yourself into it might hide your features and nature.
Made God V
Whatever was out there, it best not be able to identify you. Darkness pours out after a short battle cloaking you and your surroundings. A lonely patch of night in the light all around.
Exploration takes you deeper and deeper. Wandering past and through countless traps of mirror, spellwork and otherwise meant to drive any mortal to madness or worse. Here and there their remains are still lingering. You stare down at the half cristallin skull in your hand. Human. Uncreated cultist. From some place called Marienburg. A ritual, a rift, a trap, the mind can't keep up, the end. Was that sacrifice or test? Everything else has worn away. Fool. Crushing it you continue on. A realm beyond this Uncreated Night somehow still existing in spite of this infestation. You knew where to go. Now how to get there.
Ignoring the incessant cawing of the ravens that have started following you around you inspect the cracked and healed crystal. Your landing site. You cast another look around. Twisting possibilities, rewoven fate, how droll, it's an infinite maze. Now how to break out. Manipulate the weave? Uncreated work, difficult. Every contest will be draining something you don't want. Cast a reverse of the ritual that brought the fool? You twist some of the strands of energy between your claws and hum. They flutter and eight strands fall into orbit to each other before breaking apart again. Possible but unsure and time consuming you would have to figure out a lot. The Maze is also likely to inhibit you. Continue your exploration hoping to find something else around. Or wait and conserve your strength for the undoubtedly coming response. Last there is the option to, as that one soldier so long ago put it, "When in doubt, neutralize the obstacle with a more than adequate amount of bang." The chakra engine should suffice to at least majorly disrupt this construct.
You are currently slightly drained and being observed. (choose 1)
[] Continue your Exploration. Preserve your strength.
[] Luck; Pitt your manipulation of fate against the infinite Crystal Maze. Heavily draining.
[] Sorcery; Cast the reverse of the Fools ritual. Time intensive, unsure.
[] Sorcery; Sacrifice the chakra engine and blow your way free. Will be noticeable.
[] Wait, something is stirring. Answers will come eventually. Recover your strength.
[] (write-in)
As usual please tell me if you find any errors. I am currently not enacting any moratorium. Just discuss any votes or the options before casting them, please.
So much for daily updates sorry, uni is shit and eats all time and motivation. [X] Sorcery; Cast the reverse of the Fools ritual. Time intensive, unsure.
Made God VI
Best not to attract the eye of this realm's ruler. Setting aside the more destructive options for now, you turn towards reopening the gap the cultist opened to break through into this uncreated night. A temporary night road? Something which should only be achieved by the highest of mortal scholars. Not by these wretches. So how? Not theurgy. Lower magic? Unlikely, however strong the energies are. Resonance and circumstance. Time to act.
Hands draw and erase sigils all around you. Some are wrong, others purpose indecipherable. But trial and observation bring you forward. And a healthy dose of power. Many armed shadows and unhinged laughter start to haunt the little clearing in this crystal maze by the time you are done. You feel like a giant presence is slowly waking to your intrusion. Time to leave. A last round of sigils are painted into the air by a multitude of hands. And strands are woven into a spinning vortex pulling more and more. Still you are not sure how this could reach other realms.
Something slips through your grasp. That should not happen. Unless.. ahh the missing ingredient a patron being called upon. The ritual is fated to go horribly wrong.
At least it is until fate is rewritten. With the help of yet another Domain you manage to bring the ritual back under control and prevent it from fulfilling its function and invoking the entity it was directed to. You should be able to substitute your own power for the patrons, but that will require some significant effort and more time for refinement. Standing up from your crouch you turn to your visitor. Something noticed your meddling.
The uncreated lands with a flap of its multicolored wings right before you. It rights its frail and shuddering frame and stares at you over its vulture-like beak. "You are not supposed to be here. And neither are you supposed to tangle with the weave." It speaks at you in a surprisingly mortal sounding voice. Although one underlaid with probing and invading magics. It leans upon a staff crowned with the symbol of an eye on a halfmoon or tear, a string of bones around its neck ,clattering. You feel something trying to tuck at your veil. "Interesting, who are you hiding under that cloak of night? Some petty god trying to steal from its betters?" It points his gnarled and clawed hand towards you. "Show yourself."
You are currently slightly drained.
(choose 1)
[] Comply and show yourself.
[] Stay cloaked.
(and choose 1)
[] Unmake the uncreated.
[] Try to bargain with it to let you leave.
[] Mislead it and pretend to be a lost mortal.
[] Bide your time and gather information.
[] Run
[] (write-in)
No one commands you. And you are not about to take orders from some jumped up abomination. You shift in preparation. "And who are you to demand this?"
"Some call me Tchzen. And I am going to enjoy ripping all your secrets from your soul." Strands of power seem to dance around the parasite's free hand. Feet and claws of polished bone propel you forward, right at a tremendous wave of eldritch fire. Holding onto your veil you dive right through. The flames nipping and scratching at you but ultimately achieving nothing of note besides sapping a bit more of your unfortunately finite strength. The giggling flood of pink fleshed horrors trying to sneak up behind you is less resistant. Leaving the flame and burning, while unraveling, remains behind you close in with the sorcerer. Who buries his staff into you. "Mistake!" It laughs at you. But now it is in the darkness of your veil. Close enough for it to see through. "Wha.." It begins, before a thousand blades of darkness raise out of your shadow and rend it apart. A wave of feathers, limbs and the broken parts of its staff clatter on the crystallin ground all around you.
The laughing all around you ceases for a moment as the remains of the bird headed uncreated in front of you start to disperse. Surprisingly it's not dead. Its body might be broken but it seems as if the magic of this place allows it to keep its essence and with that itself from falling apart.Interesting. If given enough time it might even be able to reconstituted its body. Something to keep in mind should your body ever be damaged beyond repair. Now what to do with it. You probably won't have much time. Alternatively you could try to gather up the pieces it ripped out of your body and attempt to repair yourself.
You ponder your options while some of the minor uncreated or whatever they are, accidentally immolate each other as they try to approach you. Attempting to gain some energy out of the magic around here might also help you to keep your reserves full. Their hideously slow recovery of their own being rather disconcerting.
You are currently drained and lightly damaged.
(choose as many as you want, all options will take time and effort)
[] Trap the essence before it can escape.
[] Destroy the essence, better not to leave an enemy behind.
[] Attempt to repair the damage done to your body.
[] Try to filter some divine energies out of the magic of this place.
[] Leave now before something else arrives here.
[] write-in: As usual please tell me if you find any errors. I am currently not enacting any moratorium. Just discuss any votes before casting them, please.
Last vote was kind of a mess. I should probably have worded it better. Anyway these two options have the most votes.
[X] Destroy the essence, better not to leave an enemy behind.
[X] Attempt to repair the damage done to your body.
Made God VIII
Best not to let an enemy recover. With a weary wave of a hand you summon up a net of darkness and gather up the raising drops of essence. A lucky gust of ethereal winds herding even the least of them towards you. Ignoring the emptiness and cold rising inside your body. You inspect the shimmering and flickering mass. Tainted magic, shards of divinity and emotions? Ambition, deviousness, whimsy as well as the callousness and fascination of a child while ripping the legs of an amphibian. and more. It's like glue, holding it all together. Wonderful. You raise six hands and wake your strongest word. For a moment creation seems to shudder to a halt. You enact Serenity upon the morass before you. It resists for the smallest moments. Then accompanied by an angered shriek at the edge of your perception it unravels violently.
With a heavy thumb you land on the bleached and cracked crystal outside the crater. This one won't bother you ever again. A look around the flattened surroundings does not reveal the pieces you lost earlier. Unfortunate, but you don't have time to dwell much longer. At least the blast took care of all your observers. As the crystals all around you start to shudder and carrion cries rise in the distance you hurry away, disappearing into the maze. You killed something that was part of something bigger today. Something like that was felt. So you made an enemy. More pressing unless you want to cannibalize yourself you have to find a source of energy. Preferably one outside of the uncreated night.
You are currently Heavily drained and being hunted. (choose 1)
[] Continue your Exploration. Preserve your strength.
[] Luck; Pitt your manipulation of fate against the infinite Crystal Maze. Heavily draining.
-[] Head deeper into the maze. If you want to find something important it is probably here.
-[] Head out of the maze. The surroundings can't be worse than this palace can they.
[] Sorcery; Modify and cast the reverse of the Fools ritual. Time intensive. Draining.
[] Sorcery; Sacrifice the chakra engine and blow your way free. Will be noticeable.
[] (write-in)
Earned: [Emnity Tzeentch]
Slain: [Tchzen of the Sliver Claw] As usual please tell me if you find any errors. I am currently not enacting any moratorium. Just discuss any votes before casting them, please.