Machine Men with Machine Minds: Technocracy Inc Plan Quest

Worst possible case still only puts us at 20 congressional support and that's highly unlikely, we're probably going to end up somewhere in the 30-ish ballpark which is low but not game ending, especially if we just do some bribery next turn.
Hmm, I see, I forgot to vote but I really didn't want to start bribing people outside of an emergency, especially not on turn 2, but that's what was voted for.

I hope we get lucky because a lot of the actions in the winning plan seem to be synergistic, which I like. Also, there's no way our allies will criticize us in the future when we inevitably have to go against Technocracy principles for something, with our turn 1 choices.

Also, although the plan was justified through IC reasoning, there's nothing that immediately jumps out as a bad thing and I like a bit of Role Playing in the my plan quest, which is along with CKII my favorite quest formats.
I didn't expect the vote to close that quickly. Figured I could go to bed and pick a good plan the next day, then zammo!

Edit: Also as a note for the winning plan, remember FB said that dice bonuses apply per individual d50, so our success chances are a bit higher than listed.
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Okay, it's time to roll some dice. It's been a little while since I've done so on SV, so please be patient.
Fission Battery threw 48 50-faced dice. Reason: Technocracy Incarnate Total: 1135
23 23 21 21 33 33 22 22 13 13 6 6 2 2 25 25 47 47 27 27 13 13 37 37 25 25 9 9 30 30 48 48 36 36 38 38 22 22 48 48 25 25 5 5 1 1 25 25 7 7 47 47 37 37 17 17 20 20 38 38 3 3 49 49 14 14 19 19 5 5 28 28 4 4 1 1 26 26 22 22 2 2 10 10 45 45 49 49 15 15 38 38 40 40 18 18
Fission Battery threw 28 50-faced dice. Reason: Technocracy Incarnate Total: 848
13 13 34 34 41 41 27 27 38 38 10 10 48 48 37 37 37 37 38 38 45 45 20 20 34 34 37 37 16 16 15 15 21 21 48 48 10 10 47 47 35 35 3 3 30 30 37 37 27 27 23 23 28 28 49 49
Looking at the overall numbers, the dice range overall average considering that with D50s they'd average out to 25-26 per roll.
Okay, does anyone have the time to catalogue where the rolls went?
Did a basic catalogue of them, although miscounts may exist. I'll see about writing up something similar to notgreat's program in Soviet Quest, at least for counting up dice. Also this doesn't account for bonuses.

MRS 23 21 33 22 13 6 = 118
ARS 2 25 47 27 13 37 = 151
SUC 25 9 30 48 = 112
SCM 36 38 22 48 25 5 1 25 = 200
PVC 7 47 37 17 = 108
Rubber 20 38 3 49 = 110
Rural Resettlement 14 19 = 33
Buy farms 5 28 4 1 = 38
Grain corp 26 22 2 10 = 60
ABS 45 49 15 38 40 18 = 205
Tech digest 13 34 41 27 = 115
White 38 10 = 48
pentagon 48 37 37 38 = 160
CCS 45 20 = 65
CWA 34 37 = 71
Constab 16 15 = 31
Deputize 21 48 = 69
Railway Nat 10 47 35 3 = 95
IPB 30 37 27 23 = 117
Tech Club 28 49 = 77
Well, I sorted out the math for the turn results. The good news is all the technocrat bureaucracy stuff passed without a problem. The bad news is congress is furious at the USCPA. It's entered the danger zone turn 1. :drevil:
We shouldn't do bribery this early and instead do porkbarell or the highways
But it's an easy way of turning our endless stream of money and bureaucratic capabilities into political support. Any true technocrat could do the numbers and see the obvious benefits of paying our political opponents $2000 to fuck off.
I know there's downsides to corruption, but I do support doing it

MRS: 23+21+33+22+13+6+(6*5) = 148/150
ARS: 2+25+47+27+13+37+(6*5) = 181/150
SUC: 25+9+30+48+(4*5) = 132/100
SCM: 36+38+22+48+25+5+1+25+(8*5) = 240/150
PVC: 7+47+37+17+(4*20) = 188/100

Rubber: 20+3+3+49+(4*20) = 190/200
Rural Resettlement: 14+19+(2*5) = 43/300
Buy Farms: 5+28+4+1+(4*5) = 58/400

Grain Corp: 26+22+2+10+(4*5) = 80 vs. DC 60
ABC: 45+49+15+38+40+18+(6*5) = 235/200
Tech Digest: 13+34+41+27+(4*5) = 135/100

Plan White: 38+10+(2*5) = 58
Pentagon: 48+37+37+38+(4*5) = 180/450
CCS: 45+20+(2*5) = 75 vs. DC 20
CWA: 34+37+(2*5) = 81 vs. DC 20

Constab: 16+15+(2*5) = 41
Deputize: 21+48+(2*5) = 79 vs. DC 40
Railway Nat: 10+47+35+3+(4*5) = 115 vs. DC 60
IPB: 30+37+27+23+(4*5) = 137 vs. DC 40

Tech Clubs: 28+49+(2*5) = 87

Party Support: 70 + 5 (Hubbert) + 5 (Techno. Clubs) = 80
Coalition Support: 55 + 5 (Deputize) + 5 (Industrial Planning Board) = 65
Congressional Support: 55 + 5 (ARS) - 10 (Grain Corp.) - 5 (ABC) - 5 (Techno. Digest) - 10 (Railway Nat.) - 5 (Techno. Clubs) = 25

Danger zone no kidding. Even if MRS autocompletes we're down to 30. We'll just have to focus on clicking out more infrastructure and heavy industry, now that the regressives have their dander up.

Edit: Checked with Fission on Discord. He's not inclined to have nat 1 crit fails or autocompletes.
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Oh I totally forgot that it's 2d50 instead of 1d100 and the modifiers apply to each d50, that totally changes the probability curves I was doing the chances off of. Modifier applying twice per assigned die is incredibly OP, particularly with the +20 to petrochem essentially meaning a +40 per die assigned in planning, are we sure that's not going to break the balance?
@Fission Battery just making sure, is the modifier per d50 rolled, or is it per die assigned to a category? So Rubber: 20+3+3+49+(4*20) = 190/200 or Rubber: 20+3+3+49+(2*20) = 150/200