Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by force200 on Oct 3, 2019 at 6:04 AM, finished with 11 posts and 6 votes.
Faces in the Walls: Act one Scene two (15th of August 1923)
[] Take a closer look at the faces
[] Rush back into the shop and start looking for information in your Uncle's collection

While everything around you decends into paniced chaos, you attempt a closer examination of the strange phenomenon.
The face in the wall looks heavilly deformed, one of it's eyes appears to be covered by some sort of grotesque growth, it's lips reseble two pieces of frayed rope made out of putrid flesh and all proportions are just wrong. The screams continue without interruption.
You can tell right away that it seems to be seamlessly growing out of the building. You are able to see and hear it, but it doesn't register as alive on your Qi senses, only that something is disrupring the normal flow of Qi where it appeared. After gathering some courage and trying to touch the face, you also realize that it is intangible, as if it's not really there.
While you're still examining the wall, more faces, some hands and other appendages start appearing, as if an entire crowd is tying to force itself through the bricks.
The limbs manage to stretch further into the street, taking on a ghostly apperance after a few inches of the wall. The screams keep fetting lowder, as more voices join the cacaphony. You beginn to feel as if some of the ovewhelming noise is comming from inside your skull, making you dizzy and notice a trickle of blood coming from your nose.
You decide to take this as a sign that it's time to head back to the shop and start looking though your uncle's scrolls, the screaams still painfully echoing in your head while you leave as fast as you can. You are now reasonably sure that these aren't just illusions.

Back at the shop you take a few minutes to recover before beginnig to rummage through everyting that looks helpful.
It takes an hour of looking, but you manage to locate an incomplete journal page warning about the dangers of the void that describes something resembling your experience with the screams and another loose piece of parcment shows a crude drawing of a deformed humanoid creature labled as a voidspawn. Is this what you're dealing with? An incusion of creatures from the void? But how would they cross over? Every question you answer creates two new riddles. Lastly you find a note in your uncle's handwring mentioning some of the local Tong elders doing something suspicious in the catacombs that involved alchemical tools.

Taking a closer look: Perception DC 10

4 DoS

The screams hurt!: Will vs Damage 5

2 DoF, Liu She is Dazed and has -1 Toughness Penalty

The screams still hurt!: Will vs Damage 5

2 DoF, Liu She is still Dazed and has -2 Toughness Penalty

Searching Uncle's Collection: Investigation DC 10, +2 Due to Library

4 DoS, only 2 imidiatly usable due to limited information in the library, found something usefull looking and a few leads for more

Adding your own Knowledge: Expertise:Chinese Mysticism DC ?? +5 due to Uncle's notes
? DoS, you draw your conculsions

What next?
[] You hate the idea, but Shin Fei might be the best source of information regarding the Tong's involvement with the supernatural. Time to pay him a visit and hope that the price for his aid is not too high.
[] Maybe you shoud take a look into the catacombs?
[] This void thing seems dangerous, better make a few preparations first (can be taken multiple times)
-[] What kind of prepatarions? (e.g. use arttficer to create somthing usefull)
[X] Maybe you shoud take a look into the catacombs?
[X] This void thing seems dangerous, better make a few preparations first (can be taken multiple times)
-[X] Something to block out the noise of the scream
[X] This void thing seems dangerous, better make a few preparations first (can be taken multiple times)
-[X] Something for mental protection, you won't be any good if your brain melts out your ears.
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You can try, but sice Liu She doesn't know much about the void it's going to be more difficult.
You always have the option of suggesting a course of action I didn't think of.
[X] This void thing seems dangerous, better make a few preparations first (can be taken multiple times)
-[X] Something for mental protection, you won't be any good if your brain melts out your ears.
-[X] Something to let you hit intangible beings
[X] This void thing seems dangerous, better make a few preparations first (can be taken multiple times)
-[X] Something for mental protection, you won't be any good if your brain melts out your ears.
-[X] Something to let you hit intangible beings
This I like, changing my vote
Guys... earplugs. For the scream?

[X] Maybe you shoud take a look into the catacombs?
[X] This void thing seems dangerous, better make a few preparations first (can be taken multiple times)
-[X] Something to block out the noise of the scream
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There may be other mental attacks other than screams plus not being able to hear properly is a major disadvantage.
And something vaguer and more globally protective will be correspondingly harder.
Also in Mutants and Masterminds people are limited by their descriptors, if you can't give an idea of what you want to make then its possible that force will just say "You stare at your workbench for an hour but can't figure out a way to punch ghosts."
And something vaguer and more globally protective will be correspondingly harder.
Also in Mutants and Masterminds people are limited by their descriptors, if you can't give an idea of what you want to make then its possible that force will just say "You stare at your workbench for an hour but can't figure out a way to punch ghosts."
Well they disrupt QI right, so we can build on that to develop something that can interact with them I would assume. Plus the mental protection stuff will useful in more situation if successful.
Corruption elaborated
Different kinds of Corruption represent the lasting effects of some of the nasty things that happened to your character. In the quest it comes in four forms: Madness, Mutation, Toxicity and Wickedness.
Madness is pretty self explanatory. You can gain it by particularly bad rolls to resist Fear (1 point for every DoF after the first) , by messing around with eldritch lore man was not supposed to know or other things that are bad for your mental health. It is resisted by Will.
Each point gives you a new complication related to it's source and shoud you ever accumulate more Madness than double your Awareness, your character goes permanently insane, resulting in a game over. Madness points can be removed by recieving treatment or picking a complication representing an unhelathy coping mechanism, such as excesive drinking.
Mutation represents anything that has the capability to permanently alter your body. It's resisted by fortitude and gained from sources such as prolonged void exposure, vampire bites, mutagenic chemicals, radiation etc. Each source is tracked speratly and has it's own effects (usually a complication or reduced stats while also allowing you to spec into previously unavailable powers) and cap. Once said cap is reached, the character fully tansforms into something other than human. Mutation is next to impossible to get rid of, other waiting it out in a few cases.
Toxicity represents the lasting health effects of poison, disease and certain power descriptors. It's also resisted by fortitude and always weakens your stamina Stat in addition to other potential effects. This results in a cap of STA+5 for Toxicity, since as soon as a character's STA sinks below -5, they die. Toxcicty is removed via getting medical attention.
Wickedness represents the taint that particulary heinous actions (e.g. murder of innocents) or messing around with the powers of Evil can cause to one's soul. It not resistable and has no cap. Having Wickedness points makes it harder to resist one's negative impulses to act like a prick and reduces the maximum level of any good aligned powers while also serving as a cap for evil alinged powers. You can get rid of it by seeking redemption.
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And something vaguer and more globally protective will be correspondingly harder.
Also in Mutants and Masterminds people are limited by their descriptors, if you can't give an idea of what you want to make then its possible that force will just say "You stare at your workbench for an hour but can't figure out a way to punch ghosts."
It does depend quite a bit on your knowledge of your descriptors to pull it off.

Chinese mythos wise IIRC the solutions were fresh blood, eggs or blessed wood
When you're talking about 'Tong', who are they? Is that the same kind of group as those described there: Tong (organization) - Wikipedia

A tong is a type of organization found among Chinese immigrants living in the United States, Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom. In Chinese, the word tong means "hall" or "gathering place". These organizations are described as secret societies or sworn brotherhoods and are often tied to criminal activity. In the 1990s, in most American Chinatowns, clearly marked tong halls could easily be found, many of which have had affiliations with Chinese crime gangs.

[X] You hate the idea, but Shin Fei might be the best source of information regarding the Tong's involvement with the supernatural. Time to pay him a visit and hope that the price for his aid is not too high.
[X] Maybe you shoud take a look into the catacombs?
[X] This void thing seems dangerous, better make a few preparations first (can be taken multiple times)
-[X] Something to block out the noise of the scream
[X] This void thing seems dangerous, better make a few preparations first (can be taken multiple times)
-[X] Something for mental protection, you won't be any good if your brain melts out your ears.

Another M&M quest, I like these and I'm annoyed that I didn't discover this one until now.
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-[X] Something to let you hit intangible beings
BTW, you might want to check the character sheet before voting for this one.
Qi Channeling: Enhanced Strength 3, Enhanced Agility 3, Speed 3, Movement 2 (Safe Fall, Water Walking), Feature (Qi Aura, + 2 Circumstance bonus to Interactions), Tiring, Strength Damage Affects Insubstantial, Activation (Standard Action), Awareness Check Required (DC 15)