Luv and Hate [Quest] (Muv-Luv Alternative, Supreme Commander)

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Bag of Bones said:
That was the list; I couldn't find anything on the wiki or google so I bought supreme commander and played until UEF mission 4 till I found them.

Supreme commander has so far proven to be worth it. :D
Could you put up some screecaps, please? So people know how they look.
Bag of Bones said:
Yep Putting them up now:
UEF Agricultural: ERsn1cJ.png (1680×1050)
UEF Admin: KsJkTPF.png (1680×1050)
UEF Residential: 86LVk5l.png (1680×1050)
UEF Science: IZu550E.png (1680×1050)
UEF Manufactory: LuorKlZ.png (1680×1050)

Not pictured are the standard UEF T2 power plant, base defenses and rader. This is everything an UEF colony needs and we can solve mass and power needs by placing down a couple mass fabricators and a T3 power plant to create a self sustaining colony without an ACU.
Might want to leave an engineering station there as well for building maintenance.
> Mass fabricator convert energy into material
> Power generator result in energy
> Hydrocarbon is the best kind of power generator
I... my brain just broke
Hydrocarbon? Best power generator?

Hah, as if. 100 Energy beats out a T1 plant by 80, but a T2 plant is 500, and T3 further scales to 2500.

Is it the cheapest plant for it's energy return? Yes. Is it the best generator you have? Hell no.
As I understood the entire process basically turning crude oil/ gas into useful solid material

There's hax and there's LOLWAT

I guess SupCom operate by rule of Alchemy :confused:
ZeroXSEED said:
As I understood the entire process basically turning crude oil/ gas into useful solid material

There's hax and there's LOLWAT

I guess SupCom operate by rule of Alchemy :confused:

Mass Fabricators create mass from pure energy, hydrocarbons only come in as providers of that energy. Mass Fabricators are also notoriously power hungry, you'd need a metric fuckton of hydrocarbon stations to feed them.
SirLagginton said:

Mass Fabricators create mass from pure energy, hydrocarbons only come in as providers of that energy. Mass Fabricators are also notoriously power hungry, you'd need a metric fuckton of hydrocarbon stations to feed them.
I never said it's not a chain of process, because my earlier post CLEARLY talking about power generator.

I said in the end it's basically turning matter into another matter

And my brain hurt when I tried to calc the energy, so it's easier to calc mass -> mass

So I guess to create 50 ton tank you need 50 ton crude oil
Wolfius said:
*googlewikis* *maths* You would need to burn about... 29'000 barrels of oil, to get the energy needed to make 1 gram of mass via matter-energy conversion (ie, mass fabrication).
EDIT: As I understood power generator in SupCom is basically 'turn oil/hydrogen/lol' into pure energy, with near, if not 100% efficiency
ZeroXSEED said:
So I guess to create 50 ton tank you need 50 ton crude oil
Hardly, you must've missed the part of my post where I stated that a single Hydrocarbon Power Plant isn't even remotely near enough to power a Mass Fabricator.
SirLagginton said:
Hardly, you must've missed the part of my post where I stated that a single Hydrocarbon Power Plant isn't even remotely near enough to power a Mass Fabricator.
Unless you count T1, you can power two of them:rolleyes:

Unfortunately, this is misunderstanding because I wasn't talking about game mechanics, and hydrocarbon plant in SupCom is not diesel or turbine. Let's just stop here.
ZeroXSEED said:
Unless you count T1, you can power two of them:rolleyes:

Unfortunately, this is misunderstanding because I wasn't talking about game mechanics, and hydrocarbon plant in SupCom is not diesel or turbine. Let's just stop here.
Whoops, apparently I totally forgot the existence of the T1 and T2 versions. Might because I never used them, my apologies.
Sorry it's taking so long; I don't have as good a handle on the Valkyries' voice as I do, say, Yuuko's. I've had to go through at least three revisions of the dinner scene because it didn't feel right.
Wolfius said:
That would make even less sense as you could just as easily use sea water. Or air.
Hence my brain froze

Unless the non-Hydrocarbon reactor DID use air, which explain their monstrous size and building cost.
The only explanation for hydrocarbon plants that I can come up with boils down to space magic somehow getting entropy-breaking amounts of energy out of burning fossil fuels.

Space magic.
I could definitely see mass as being relatively rare elements (as in not C/H/O/N/etc.) After all, if any material counted as mass, there would be no need to do anything except reclaim the ground. Since that isn't the case, it makes me think that the "mass" resource isn't just pure mass.

Life is generally more abundant in rare materials than its surroundings, though not by enough of a degree to make it plausible.

That makes the space magic a little bit less crazy. Slightly. Not by much though. I don't think we have an exact definition of what a mass deposit is in fluff terms anyway, either in canon or in this quest.

Still, Operation: Reclaim the Ground is probably a no-go anyway.
I always thought of Mass Deposits as spots you can put the mass extractors without collapsing the ground under you as they feed you mass for hours.
I can only assume that, as in Total Annihilation, that mass extractors are actually deep-core mining devices. Mass deposits would be spots where for whatever reason (a thin section of the crust or whatever?) such things are easier to buuild than is otherwise the case.

"Reclaiming the ground" for mass resources would make waging warfare rather difficult. Dirt isn't very dense, so you'd need a lot of it to make solid constructs. You'd need to harvest it outside your base, and all in all it'd just be pretty inconvenient. Reclaiming the ground would work better as a method of terraofrming, really - digging canals or ravines to block movement or for irrigation purposes or whatever.
arsdraconis said:
BETA's armor would be delicious mass material unless those 15 in moh scale comes from bullshitonium that causes it to lack density
I thought those are nanotube/graphene (which is catch-all term for magic carbon compound)?
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