So, we're taking the "some legends have a grain of truth in them, but they are mostly just a different take on what happened" route, heh... Alright, I can see that.
More like "I didn't like what they did with the Brothers so I'm waving my AU flag and doing what I want", but your way sounds more diplomatic, so let's go with that.
Also, when you say Goddess, do you mean a Goddess or "Goddess" (as in, they saw her as one, because that was all their puny minds could comprehend)?
Sorry, typo. It was meant to be "God". She's Ahriman's kid.
As to your question: in my canon, there's really little difference between the two.

Gods/Great Ones in my canon don't truly have the big three (Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent), but their powers are so considerable that, to most of the people at ground level, the difference is negligible.

And if you're a being with PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWER, and are the subject of worship, reverence, or even devotion out of abject fear, "God" or "Goddess" is as good a title as any.