Love Endures (A SV-Original Erotica Quest)

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Hey SV!

Some of you may know me as the author of Mantle, Sufficient Velocity's premiere erotic...
Premise Vote


Triple Jump Unlocked
Hey SV!

Some of you may know me as the author of Mantle, Sufficient Velocity's premiere erotic quest. I still love it, and I'm still working on it - but there's a natural issue with it, that being that it was already deep into its plot by the time it came over here.

After much consideration, I've decided to take the problem into my own hands by building an erotic quest from the ground up here on SV.

Consider this your official warning that this quest will contain explicit sexual content. Further content warnings will be posted in spoilers preceding chapters that warrant them.

Usually I'd just start something with my own premise, but I want to show off the actual breadth of theme and content possible within the limits of SV's Rule 6 - and perhaps inspire a few writers to follow in my footsteps.

So let's get voting!

This quest uses Approval voting: vote for as many options as you wish.

This is an open quest: anyone may vote. That said, please respect other posters, and remember that My Kink Is Not Your Kink, And That's OK.

Why is sex important?

[ ][Theme] Sex is Connection.

Sexuality is deep, reciprocal and binding. This quest will focus on the ways it brings people together, influences our relationships, and affects society - and how society affects how we treat sex.

[ ][Theme] Sex is Magic.

Sexuality is deep, primal and ineffable. This quest will focus on the ways it strikes us like a thunderbolt from the blue - how it shakes our identities, turns our worlds upside-down, and defies all reason.

[ ][Theme] Sex is Art.

Sexuality is fun, intimate and challenging. This quest will focus on the ways it strengthens, inspires and enthralls us - how it can communicate the incommunicable, even to those we ought not to share with.

[ ][Theme] Sex is Power.

Sexuality is dark, mysterious and alluring. This quest will focus on the ways it tempts, seduces and sways us; how it ties into our drives for submission and dominance, and can become a weapon in unscrupulous hands.

[ ][Theme] Sex is Science.

Sexuality is weird, intriguing and beautiful. This quest will focus on how we investigate and come to terms with our sexuality: how we find it a proper place in our lives, not expecting too much or too little of it.

What is sex to our heroine?

[ ][Motive] A passion.

Our heroine treats her sexuality as a core part of her identity: it's deeply meaningful to her, and affects everything she does to some extent.

[ ][Motive] A goal.

Our heroine has a persistent fantasy which she hasn't been able to experience. It occupies her idle thoughts and pushes her out of her comfort zone.

[ ][Motive] A job.

Our heroine is a sex worker of some form: sexuality is a means of support for her, used mainly as a way to put food on the table.

[ ][Motive] A hobby.

Our heroine spends a lot of time thinking about or having sex, but doesn't feel that it has much of an impact on her life or identity.

[ ][Motive] Boring.

Our heroine doesn't care about sex or see it as important to her.

How sexually experienced is our heroine?

[ ][Experience] Very.

She knows her own kinks, has tried most of them in real life, and knows advanced techniques for the ones she's most into. She's developed the confidence and skill to clearly say what she wants, even when it's deeply embarrassing to her. She's able to differentiate between abusive behavior and consensual kink based on single events. Overall, she doesn't carry the idiot ball regarding relationships.

[ ][Experience] Moderately.

She knows most of her kinks, and has tried some of them in real life. She has the confidence to approach strangers for sex, and the skill to usually enjoy it. She has a few kinks she's ashamed about and doesn't like to admit to. She's had at least one near-miss or bad relationship, and knows the warning signs to watch for. It's rare for her to make real mistakes in her relationships.

[ ][Experience] Somewhat.

She has a grip on why she likes the kinks she does, but hasn't explored the full implications. It's rare for her to work up the courage to proposition strangers. She's had sex at least once. She's heard stories of bad partners, and knows the general safety rules regarding kink and sexual health.

[ ][Experience] A little.

She's done research, and may know a few of her kinks. She may or may not have had sex. She's never propositioned a stranger, though she might consider it. She has the equivalent of a basic high-school sex education.

[ ][Experience] Not at all.

She's a virgin, and probably is from a prudish or repressed background. She doesn't know what kinks are, and would never have sex with a stranger. She probably believes at least one myth about sexuality, possibly in a way that makes her vulnerable.
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Focus and Refinement
Vote's closed. Let's review our results!

Sexuality is always both science and art.

[Majority Win: 9 and 8 votes of 16, respectively.]
This quest will primarily explore the ways that it challenges, intrigues and confounds us: how we discover it through intimacy and play, develop our skills and knowledge of it, and eventually communicate that understanding to others.

From time to time, sexuality is connection and power as well.

[Minority Inclusion: 6 and 4 votes of 16, respectively.]
When dramatically appropriate, we may explore the ways that sexuality interacts with humanity's hierarchies - whether societal or personal.

Sexuality is never magic.
We won't be exploring the wild, uncontrollable, and ineffable aspects of sexuality in this quest; we won't experience a lot of internal surprises, nor will fate, luck or magic play a major role. This isn't a Monsterhearts campaign: we might be tempted, but our heroine will be staying firmly in the driver's seat.

Our heroine is always passionate about her sexuality.

[Majority Win: 10 votes out of 16.]
She treats her sexuality as a core part of her identity: it has a major impact on her life, and colors all her interactions with others to some extent.

Our heroine sometimes treats sexuality as a hobby.

[Minority Inclusion: 5 votes out of 16.]
Though she's passionate about sexuality, and invested in it, that doesn't mean that every sexual encounter she engages in has to be deeply meaningful to her. Sometimes she just has sex for the fun of it!

Overall, our heroine is somewhat experienced.
[Majority Win: 9 votes out of 16.]
She has the knowledge needed to lay the foundations for good sex, and is starting to layer practical experience atop that. She knows that communication is important, has an idea of what red flags to watch for, and is brave enough to experiment without being pushed into it.

But sometimes she falters, or has no idea what to do.

[Minority Inclusion: 6 and 4 votes out of 16, respectively.]
While her information and experience are usually fairly decent, sometimes she's naïve - or just plain wrong. Maybe she has hangups about some of her kinks; maybe not all of the advice she's listened to was good. Maybe she still needs to develop some of her basic skills; maybe she has a lot of theoretical knowledge, but she's still a virgin! (And not a technical one!)

Which naturally leads in to our next vote: a refining pass. We've got a sense of the quest's theme: now it's time to start narrowing down on genre and situation.

Thematic Focus:
Why is Science important?
[ ][SCIENCE] Science is Weird.

Science seeks the truth - however strange and unexpected it might be. Through experiment, we boldly venture into the unknown!

A quest emphasizing that Science is Weird is more likely to involve unusual sexual partners, esoteric kinks, and technology that stretches or outright ignores the bounds of plausibility.

This option is likely to push the quest towards the "science fantasy" or "space opera" genre, where if worst comes to worst we can always bounce a graviton particle beam off the main deflector dish.

[ ][SCIENCE] Science is Intriguing.

Science both harnesses and relies on curiosity: as we learn, we become more interested in learning.

A quest emphasizing that Science is Intriguing is likely to start in a world much like our own - but after that, all bets are off. The implications of our scientific discoveries will be investigated in detail, and our heroine will have a very real chance to change the world!

This option is likely to lead to a hard-SF or epic fantasy quest; it'll have speculative elements, but also enough realism to make the stakes clear.

[ ][SCIENCE] Science is Beautiful.

Science systematizes and synthesizes, making whole disparate facts. Through diligent research and collation, we can open our minds to ideas we'd never have considered before.

A quest emphasizing that Science is Beautiful is more likely to involve relationships with peers and mentors in the scientific community, gradual exploration and pushing of boundaries, and an overall more realistic and grounded mood.

You can expect this option to push the quest in a romantic, slice-of-life direction, with smaller, more personal stakes.

Why is Art important?
[ ][Art] Art is Fun.

Art is creative and entertaining! It's how humans bring joy into the world. How could that ever be insignificant?

You can expect petplay and other silly-but-cute kinks to be more common down this pathway: there will be more casual encounters and less real risk. Play and affection are likely to take significant roles in the plot!

This option suggests a more comedic and fluffy direction for the quest.

[ ][Art] Art is Intimate.

Art lets us share our hearts with others. It speaks the unspeakable, knows the unknowable. It gives us a chance to say what mere words never could.

This route will strongly emphasize closeness and trust. Communication issues will be examined in detail - but so will the power of honest love. You can expect harder BDSM play to be more prominent down this path, as it emphasizes scenes where trust is deeply important.

In terms of genre, this option is likely to push the quest towards being a romantic drama.

[ ][Art] Art is Challenging.

Art takes practice. As we seek to improve as artists, we train in the hope of one day claiming mastery. With each step down that road, we grow, change, and become more comfortable and confident in our own skill.

This route will strongly emphasize personal growth. We'll be taking real risks and suffering real consequences.

You can expect this option to make the quest more of a pure drama.

Where does our heroine falter?

Our Experience vote says that while our heroine is generally pretty savvy, she has a weakness in her understanding of sexuality. What is it?

[ ][Issue] She's a virgin.

While she's done a lot of research and has had multiple sexting partners, she's had no opportunity to try anything in real life. As such, she has zero understanding of how her body responds with a partner.

[ ][Issue] She's ashamed of one of her kinks.

She just can't admit that it turns her on. Maybe she has moral qualms about it: maybe she's just really embarrassed by it.

[ ][Issue] She's still figuring out her own sexual preferences.

Maybe she's attracted to more genders than she thinks. Maybe she's still collecting up her kinks. In any case, the underlying themes to her own attractions are still a mystery to her.

[ ][Issue] She believes something false about sex.

There's a long, long list of myths and misconceptions to be had, all of which can cause some serious problems if not caught and corrected.

What form does her passion take?

[ ][Passion] An Organization

She's in charge of something! Queen, research head, activist ringleader, munch organizer, CEO of a sex toy company… Really, there are a lot of options here.

This means this quest will be at least half as much about the organization she heads as about her, and might even take on a CKII feel.

[ ][Passion] A Love

She has a deeply committed relationship with someone. They're intimate, both emotionally and physically.

This means this quest will be at least half as much about her love as about her.

[ ][Passion] A Cause

She wants to achieve something for sexuality! This could be wildly implausible, or eminently sensible: consider "make sex in public legal" versus "help LGBT people find dates more easily."

This means this quest will be at least half as much about her cause as about her.

[ ][Passion] A Kink

She's really, really into a specific sexual interest. Maybe she's slowly collecting a harem of cute guys. Maybe she owns three dozen riding crops and floggers. Maybe she knows how to do suspension bondage relatively safely!

This means this quest will be at least half as much about that specific kink as about her.
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Getting Concrete: Kinks & Synergies
And here are our results!

Thematic Focus
Sex is Intimate and Beautiful.
[Majority Win: 17 and 16 votes.]

The votes have spoken: this quest will first and foremost be a romantic drama. It'll be about falling in love and sharing your heart - and all the missteps along the way.

Sex is also Fun...
[Majority Win: 15 votes.]

You've also said quite strongly that you want a healthy dose of fluff and comedy in this quest. When combined with the above two votes, this basically says we're going to be having a slice-of-life story...

... and Intriguing.
[Majority Win: 14 votes]

... about a girl who happens to be able to change the world. The slower pace dictated by the slice-of-life genre means that we'll be able to treat her work realistically, with a minimum of hand-waving: we'll follow her ideas through every step of their development, watching her refine and polish them until they're ready to be shared with humanity.

Still, from time to time, Sex is Weird and Challenging.
[Minority Inclusion: 11 and 9 votes.]

While the earlier votes tell me that you all want this quest to be a realistic, intimate and uplifting experience, you've still given me leeway to use some genuinely strange and stressful elements if need be. Thanks! <3

Our heroine is a virgin.
[Majority Win: 17 votes.]

She's had many online encounters, but she's yet to have any non-solo experiences in the physical world.

She's also ashamed of one of her kinks...
[Majority Win: 15 votes.]

She's also into something that she doesn't want to be. Perhaps this is why she hasn't had any face-to-face encounters?

... which means she's missing something about her own sexual preferences.
[Minority Inclusion: 10 votes]

Between her lack of physical experience and her embarrassment about what she's into, our heroine has managed to miss something important about her own sexuality. While her overall image of her tastes is correct as far as it goes, she's missing out on a major category of experiences she'd really enjoy.

However, our heroine isn't misinformed.
She's got good research skills and an incisive mind: if she ever had any major misconceptions about sexuality, they've long since been corrected.

Our heroine is the head of an organization.
[Majority Win: 14 Votes]

She expresses her passion for sexuality through her work! We'll solidify what this means in our next vote.

She's also seriously into a particular kink!
[Majority Win: 14 Votes]

She spends an amazing amount of her time on a single major kink she holds. We'll be defining this more in our next vote as well.

... and she might develop a serious relationship.
[Minority Inclusion: 13 Votes]

Our heroine is also on the edge of a major romantic step for her! It has the potential to become true love - but will it?

Vote 3.1: Making It Concrete
Up until now, we've been speaking in fairly general, abstract terms - but now we've got enough detail to start defining our heroine's life.

First things first: let's see how our earlier votes overlap.

Is the kink she's ashamed of the same kink that she's passionate about?

[ ][Guilty Pleasure] Yes.
[ ][Guilty Pleasure] No.

Is the kink she's passionate about significant to the organization she heads?
[ ][Kink Community] Yes.
[ ][Kink Community] No.

Does the organization she heads "Do Science"? (Research, Invention, etc.)
[ ][Think Tank] Yes.
[ ][Think Tank] No.

Does the organization she heads "Do Art"? (Performances, exhibits, etc.)
[ ][Bohemian] Yes.
[ ][Bohemian] No.

Is her potential serious relationship with a colleague?

[ ][Fraternization] Yes.
[ ][Fraternization] No.

Is her potential serious relationship founded on a shared interest in her favoured kink?
[ ][Play Partner] Yes.
[ ][Play Partner] No.

Now that that's done, let's interrogate her kinks a bit more...

Why is she ashamed of one of her kinks?
[ ][Shame] It feels immoral or Problematic. It's something with uncomfortable implications; sadism, intelligence loss, consensual nonconsent, a particular race or nationality...
[ ][Shame] It feels ridiculous or silly. It's something that most people would ask "that can be a kink"? about, or else impossible in real life; microphilia, vore, wings, being dressed, flaccid play...
[ ][Shame] It feels embarrassing or humiliating; that's the whole point. It's something like cuckqueaning, foot worship, degradation, watersports...
[ ][Shame] It doesn't fall into one of the above categories: it's shameful for personal reasons.

Why is one of her kinks such a large part of her life?
[ ][Kink] It takes a lot of resources. It's something like sex machines or cosplay.
[ ][Kink] It takes a lot of knowledge to do safely and well. It's something like bondage or hypnosis.
[ ][Kink] It takes long-term planning and organization. It's something like chastity or group sex.
[ ][Kink] She just likes it, okay?? She doesn't need to have a practical reason!

... And I think that's enough for one vote: we'll get to the details of her organization and potential relationship in the next poll.
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Kink & Synergy Results
Let's catch up on the voting so far...

18 Voters (jjtdipee, veekie, byzaboo, WolfNight, Darth, Hadrian98, Terrabrand, Timewinders, Sonata, Tulip, Derpmind, DeepWaters, zero_breaker, PurposefulZephyr, Uncle, DreamerGhost, Antix_Shadows, Khona Moshr)

Guilty Pleasure: Tied, at 8 votes either way.
Kink Community: "No" is just edging out "Yes", 10 votes to 8.
Think Tank: "Yes" by a landslide, 15 votes to 2.
Bohemian: "Yes" by a decent lead: 11 votes to 7.
Fraternization: "Yes" by a decent lead: 10 votes to 5.
Play Partner: "No" by a slight lead, 11 votes to 7.

It feels immoral. (9/18 Votes, Minority Inclusion)
It feels ridiculous. (8/18 Votes, Minority Inclusion)
Personal Reasons. (6/18 Votes, Minority Inclusion)
It feels humiliating. (5/18 Votes, Minority Inclusion)

She just likes it! (13/18 votes, Majority Win)
It takes a lot of knowledge. (10/18 votes, Majority Win)
It takes planning. (7/18 votes, Minority Inclusion)
It takes resources. (6/18 votes, Minority Inclusion)

I think that's enough votes to get the general picture; I'm closing the polls.


- The kink she's ashamed of is a close relative or outgrowth of her major kink, possibly "the deep end of the pool", so to speak.
- Her organization isn't about her kink, but it might involve it incidentally.
- Her organization does science.
- It also does art, but in a weird or limited way.
- Her potential relationship somehow involves her work, but it's not with a coworker.
- Her potential relationship isn't built on her major kink, but it's involved somehow.

No option is satisfactory.
Though all the options have some support, none of them have a majority. As the exact nature of our heroine's kinks could make or break the quest for multiple people, it seems clear that a more in-depth vote is needed.
As such, these results will not be used until more context is gathered.


Our heroine is just really enthusiastic about her kink!
In pursuing that passion, she's gathered a lot of information, a few connections, and one or two pieces of equipment.

She does not have:
- Anything custom. (Latex suits, restraint hardpoints, Bad Dragon dildoes, anal plugs with tails, etc.)
- Anything difficult to conceal. (Sex machines, sex furniture, sex dolls, big coils of rope, etc.)
- Anything she'd need a partner to get real use out of. (Strap-ons, whips, spreader bars, chastity devices for genitalia she doesn't have, etc.)
- A regular set of kink events she goes to.
- Any established friendships with people "in the scene."

She might have:
- Common kink gear you could get at any sex shop. (Collar and leash, bondage tape, costume lingerie, unusually large dildoes, PVC or mesh lingerie pieces, etc.)
- High-quality versions of common sex toys. (Glass or stainless steel dildoes or plugs, an electric massage wand such as a Lelo or Hitachi, high-quality lingerie.)
- The equivalent of a Fetlife profile.

She does have:
- At least one vibrator.
- At least one dildo.
- At least one set of lingerie.
- At least one established account on a cybersex or ERP site.

The next vote is potentially the most important in the quest, because it's going to be about Limits and Reader Consent - directly addressing the concerns that @Derpmind, @Antix_Shadows and others have raised.

In brief: This quest can itself be considered a kink scene led by me, with you the readers as active participants. As such, it's super important to establish what is or is not cool with everyone up front.

This is usually a fairly complex negotiation, and it's only made more so by the number of people involved here. As such, I'm going to take my time writing this next piece up, and really make sure that I get it right. Thanks for your understanding regarding the delay!
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Kink Negotiation: Opening
So, kink negotiation.

We've got 20-something people following this quest right now, so whatever we come up with here is of necessity going to be a compromise to some extent.

However, some things are definitely not going to happen. Before we even discuss what to include, let's set some ground rules.

Informed consent matters.
All potential partners in this quest will pass the Harkness Test. (Consenting adults of a species as least as intelligent as humans.)

While there are strong and even necessary stories to be told outside these lines, I do not have the skill to write Lolita, Bear, or The Kite Runner. Nor do I wish to: this quest is intended as a lighthearted and good-natured escape, not an unflinching look at the strange dark corners of the human heart.

"What about edge cases?"

Well, let me address them one by one:

"They look like a minor, but they have an adult mind."

Yes, yes, child vampires and similar have been around since before Carmilla. Yes, there are settings like Eclipse Phase where bodies mean little more than a set of clothes. Yes, it's a popular trope. That does not make Negima's Evangeline A. K. McDowell or Gate's Rory Mercury good portrayals.

To be frank, I'm sympathetic to the argument that the category of "adults that look like children" ought to be allowed. When I was still figuring out I was trans, I wrote stories featuring a child vampire; her disgust with anyone who found her childlike body attractive was a direct parallel for my own situation with my masculine body. Clearly, these themes can be valuable.

Furthermore, I'm deeply disturbed by the unreasoning hatred that the word "pedophile" evokes. It's been used to pass sex-negative laws in Australia and the United States, to force all erotic content off of Tumblr, and to justify bigotry against LGBT people the world over. Again and again, we're told that the people who want sexual freedoms are secretly child molesters.

As a trans person, I strongly believe that bodies shouldn't matter, that the mind is what's important. As an artist, I believe that people should be free to create, even when they transgress society's boundaries. As a contrarian, I'm super tempted to allow it just to stick it to the man.

But I can't ignore the fact that to do so would bring deep and serious risks.

Ignoring for the moment the risks to myself, publishing content that sexualizes childlike bodies - even if the minds inhabiting them are adult - means that SV could get slapped with a lawsuit for publishing obscene material. That in turn means that they have a serious incentive to crack down hard on any such portrayal, which means that any such quest is likely to get deleted, which means nobody will get to enjoy anything. That in turn would have a chilling effect and quite possibly kill any hope of further erotic quests on SV.

As for those personal risks:
- I could reasonably expect to eat a long-term suspension, if not a ban from SV altogether.
- I would probably be considered a pedophile by a certain set of people, which is not a mark you want on your reputation.
- I would be personally responsible for the association of trans people and pedophiles in the minds of even more ignoramuses.
- And it wouldn't even be hot, because I'm not attracted to kids.

So no. No childlike bodies allowed.

"They look like an adult, but - "

No. Do not pass go, do not collect $500. Fucking minors is pedophilia even if they look like adults.

"They're from a species that matures faster than humans."

If they don't look like children, and they don't act like children, and their species doesn't consider them children, they're probably fine.

"They're a created being that's only technically thirty minutes old but looks and acts like an adult."

Do they have the necessary knowledge about the world to provide informed consent? If so, probably fine. The House Elf Problem might be relevant.

"They're a robot."
If they don't have a mind, then they might be a sex toy, subject to health and safety warnings. If they do have a mind, see above. Again, nothing that looks like a child.

"They're an aged-up version of a canon character who's underage."

This is an original quest. Next question.

"What about smart animals?"

I'm gonna say this is fine so long as they're not domesticated. Mantle had a giant magic wolf and a shapeshifter who could turn into a fox, and I remain uninfracted.

"So then what about dragons and werewolves and tentacle monsters and driders and lamia and mermaids and..."

So long as they're either A: mindless sex toys or B: intelligent, consenting adults, they're fair game for inclusion.

"Okay, what's your standard for consent?"

Dubcon in real life is rape. This quest is realistic and will not contain rape. Any more questions?

"What about consensual nonconsent?"

So long as we onscreen all the necessary precautions and make it clear it's just a scene, it ought to be fine.

Respect my hard limits.
I don't even want to see discussion of the following kinks. They are all things I'm entirely unwilling to write, and that will not change if you complain.

- Misogyny, racism, transphobia, etc.
- Scat, puke, filth, STDs.
- Death, gore, permanent injury, bad endings.
- Breathplay of any kind whatsoever.
- Rape. (Consensual nonconsent is not rape.)
- Needles.
- Ludicrous proportions. (Macro, hyper, etc.)

The ground rules established, I'm now going to open up the question to all of you.

What do you want to see? What's hot to you?

This is going to be an actual discussion and negotiation. If you're not up for that kind of engagement, then please don't complain when something you hate gets included in the quest.

Ahem. I'll start:

Hi, I'm Evenstar!
I tend to like (and write) smut that revolves around a theme of "value" or "treasuredness." I like scenes that show power visibly moving between their participants, dominants that don't have to lay a finger on their submissive in order to enforce their control, and sex that's either languorous and cuddly or playfully vicious. Teasing is one of my central kinks: as a bratty switch myself, I enjoy writing both them and their mistresses.

To elaborate a bit on "value" - I like scenes where the amount one partner wants the other becomes very apparent. Sometimes that means passionate lust; sometimes that means being willing to endure something stressful or painful; sometimes that means super fluffy romance!

Naturally, this means I tend to kink on ownership, along with all the ways someone can be "claimed" - the more permanently, the better. Impregnation, defloration, chastity, hypnosis, branding, collars, leashes, hickeys, body-writing, bruises, tattoos, shared secrets, marriage, lipstick marks, uniforms...

I also kink on more ephemeral ways of expressing how much you care about someone. Usually this means affection - kisses, headpets, poetry, snuggles - but sometimes it's much more direct, as in prostitution, begging, worship, and practicing safe sex.

Regrettably, my love of play that's based on showing how much you care also extends to play that's about how much you don't care. Degradation, humiliation, cuckolding, and extremely casual sex all fall under this general umbrella, which I will not continue to talk about right at this moment because it's honestly pretty embarrassing to me. If people express an interest then I'll elaborate.

I'd usually put a description of my limits in here, but it'd be pretty redundant given the section I gave y'all above: I'll just re-emphasize that I am literally terrified of breathplay and therefore it will be A Kink Not Appearing In This Quest. Hopefully the same accommodation will be practical for everyone else's hard limits.

You don't have to write something as detailed as what I've just done: a bullet point list is fine! The major two things I want to see are:
- What do you want?
- What do you seriously not want?

That'll give me a basic understanding, and I'll direct discussion from there.

PS: Please no kink-shaming. I shouldn't have to say this, but I will nonetheless. Play nice.
Kink Negotiation: First Checkpoint
Thoughts on likes:
- Yes, aftercare is super important. It's definitely going to be featured prominently.
- Teasing someone who's sitting in your lap is an A+ kink.
- Actual seduction? Yes please.
- Partners switching dom/sub is a thing I love to write as well.
- Food play ranges from "hot" to "gross" depending on how much of a mess is created thereby.
- Cuddly, voluptuous partners are excellent, as are flat girls, tomboys and feminine boys. Variation in body type and presentation is on the whole a good kink.
- I'm more meh on fit/athletic partners - obvious bulk is a turn-off for me - but I can get behind partners with some physical power. Considering we have three or four people who are into some variation on "amazon", I'm definitely willing to try.
- "When a partner watches their partner dom someone because it's hot": That's compersive cuckolding/cuckqueaning. Yes, it is a good kink.
- Overstimulation/orgasm torture is the inverse of denial, and both of them are hot.
- Under-clothes play is hot.
- I find blindfolds difficult to write well, but often very worth doing when I can get into the "eek what touched me?" mindspace.
- Exhibitionism is hot so long as everyone's consenting. Group sex is also hot.
- I'm leery of "madly in love" as a trope - it tends to be done badly - but I think there's room here for non-ideal relationships, and clingy jealous girls are cute.
- Love potions are very not my kink, on the whole. Consent issues, plus my "drugs" soft-limit.
- However, hypnosis is very up there for me, and can be used to do some of the same "altered states" play more safely.
- I'm very not into figging, sorry.
- Tickle torture unfortunately comes under the heading of breathplay for me.

Thoughts on dislikes:
- Sex while using drugs is a soft limit for me as well, for obvious reasons. (Consent & health and safety issues.)
- Don't have a billion poorly-developed partners: yep, not the plan. Emotional depth beats lots of sex any day.
- Denigrating a partner to another partner: I agree that this is scummy, not hot. If one of the partners has a humiliation kink then it can be fun to do it to their face with their approval, but never in a covert behind-the-back kind of way.
- Trust is indeed super important. I don't intend to portray cheating or betrayal as anything other than shitty in this quest, and if y'all want I'm willing to extend a no-backstabbing guarantee. Just keep in mind that such a guarantee would inevitably reduce the actual degree to which trust matters.
- Incest is "meh" overall to me, so I'm happy to accommodate others' limits here.
- Racial stereotypes are covered by my own racism hard limit.
- Regarding humiliation/degradation: I'm talking specifically about consensual kink here, do keep in mind. Anything as personal as body-shaming would be subject to one heck of a negotiation with the partner beforehand, and hardly anybody finds it actually hot.
- Having had a relationship with at least one asshole myself: Yeah, they can be seductive, but they're also, y'know, assholes. They might exist, but I'm sure as hell not going to excuse their shitty behavior.
- Mind break/personality loss is absolutely covered by my permanent-damage hard limit. Yes, trauma counts.
- This is going to be a quest about learning sexuality, so I can't promise that it won't include any bad or harmful sex: fuckups do happen. That said, I definitely won't be trying to cause them.
- @Sonata: I can't promise to not hit your nope button by accident regarding roleplay scenarios etc, but I'll do my best to not do it deliberately.
- Yeah, creepy-crawlies fall under "filth/unhygenic" for me. Not fun.

General comments:

@Dream Logic: I believe the term you're looking for is "gynosexual" - attracted to femininity.
@Uncle: Can you talk a bit more about what makes you nervous regarding degradation/humiliation?
@Timewinders: Re: Unhygienic: What about scratching/biting/general occurrences of blood during sex?

Question 1:
What genders do you prefer? What are your opinions on trans partners? What pairings do you like? (I personally prefer women - cis or trans - having sex with other women.)
Question 2: Would you prefer our heroine to be more submissive, more dominant, or a switch? (I'm a switch, so I tend to write switches.)
Question 3: What physical characteristics would you like our heroine to have? (Height, build, age, presence or absence of cat ears, etc.)
Question 4: What sexual characteristics would you like our heroine to have? (Are her cat ears sensitive? Does she have a penis, a vagina, or both? Does her cup size matter? Etc. )
Question 5: If you were running this, what would be your top three candidates for our heroine's major kink? Keep in mind the limits the previous vote set. (No major equipment/connections needed.)
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Kink Negotiation: Checkpoint 2
Second checkpoint:
It looks like the frontrunners for our heroine's major kink are exhibitionism and impregnation/pregnancy play. Both, however, have multiple people who actively dislike them. We'll come back to this.

It seems fairly clear that our heroine is a Switch - most people want variety.

There seems to be a fairly general consensus that our heroine is both tall and physically fit. Though a few people are into elf ears etc, it seems pretty likely she's human. She's probably also "twentysomething" in terms of age.

As for sexual characteristics, it seems that there are two major camps - "vagina only" and "why not both". So we can be pretty sure our heroine has a vagina. The presence or absence of a penis is still undetermined.

As for pairings, it seems that most people are okay with trans partners, but there's a mix of people who want straight pairings, people who want gay pairings, and people who don't care. The easy answer here is that she's pansexual.

Now, back to the kink discussion.
My main takeaways here so far are that:
- Most people are pretty okay with my own personal likes and dislikes.
- Of things I might actually write accidentally, I want to avoid bondage and humiliation play.
- Most people are also more into dynamic dynamics than static ones.
- The number of potential romantic partners should be a number I can count on my fingers. Ideally one-handed.
- People want BOTH story AND smut. Which is good, because when I try to write porn without plot it turns into Mantle.

Regarding the central kink, I have decided to unilaterally make it Exhibitionism.

This is for a number of reasons.
1: There's a lot of wiggle room in it: it's a motivation (the desire to be seen) far more than a specific act.
2: It's one of the few kinks that has broad appeal to many readers.
3: It's a kink I've got nothing against, but haven't personally explored deeply. That means it'll be easier for me to get into our heroine's nervous headspace.
4: Pregnancy, the other frontrunner, has a number of issues:
  • If done realistically, it takes forever, and has unsexy consequences such as morning sickness. If not done realistically, it'll disturb the whole tone of the quest.
  • If our heroine isn't intersex, it'll inherently bias the quest in favour of partners with dicks.
  • Mantle already exists, and I'd like to differentiate this quest from it.
Similarly, I've unilaterally decided that our heroine has only a vagina.
This is mostly for reasons of consistent tone. We've already decided that:
1: Our heroine is human.
2: The tone is realistic but light.
3: The full consequences of weird shit will be explored.

Since I don't actually know much about real intersex conditions, and I'm unwilling to resort to magic this early, that means our heroine only has a vagina. (Sorry, @Terrabrand.)

Please complain about my flagrant abuses of power now, so that I know how to make things more comfortable for those of you who are on the losing sides of these two decisions.

I also accept compliments, concerns, and/or general comments.

In the meantime, have a side vote:

Where does our heroine's physical fitness come from?
[ ] She's a swimmer.
[ ] She's a mountain climber.
[ ] She's a dancer or other performing artist.
[ ] She's specifically into pole dance.
[ ] She's a blacksmith.
[ ] She's a mechanic.
[ ] She's a sailor.
[ ] She works in the middle of nowhere, so she has to walk everywhere.
[ ] She hasn't got her driver's liscence, so she gets everywhere by bike.
[ ] She practices a martial art, like Judo.
[ ] She does a combat sport, like Kendo.
[ ] Write-in. (Subject to approval.)
Kink Negotiation: Checkpoint 3
Side vote says she LARPs. I'm gonna also cherry-pick "performer", "bikes everywhere" and "blacksmith" out of the higher-voted options; she's a total dork who got so much into LARP that she went and forged her own fucking sword.

As for realism, there's actually a major issue there that needs to be ironed out:

Do nonhuman intelligences meaningfully exist in this quest?
[ ][Nonhumans] Yes.
[ ][Nonhumans] No.

Regardless of how you vote here, please at least consider the rest of the questions.

If nonhuman intelligences exist:
At the story's beginning, is the existence of nonhumans publicly known?

[ ][Alt-History] Yes.
[ ][Alt-History] No.

Were any of the nonhuman species made by humans?

[ ][Designer Species] Yes.
[ ][Designer Species] No.

Are all of them from Earth?
[ ][Gaian Only] Yes.
[ ][Gaian Only] No.

How common are nonhumans?
We'll use "elves" as a stand-in for all nonhumans in the votes here.

[ ][Rarity] Elves are as rare as people of Arthur Wadlow's height: there are or were only one or two of them on Earth.

If cryptids exist, this is how rare they are. Elves' existence in the public eye would be unprecedented. Expect hoax accusations.

(Six standard deviations from the mean.)

[ ][Rarity] Elves are as rare as people as tall as Shaquille O'Neal. There are less than fifty of them in the United States.

At this level, elves are known but noteworthy. Being an elf can be enough to make you a celebrity. People will tell you about that time they met an actual elf, in the same astonished tone they'd use to describe having been struck by lightning.

(Five standard deviations from the mean.)

[ ][Rarity] There's about one elf for every hundred thousand people on earth. Assuming they aren't clumped, that means there's somewhere around fifty in a major city like Los Angeles.

At this level, elves exist enough that it stops being celebrity-worthy: you can find one if you go looking for one. However, you've never seen one in real life - nor has anyone you know, or anybody they know.

(Four standard deviations from the mean.)

[ ][Rarity] There's about one elf for every 25 thousand people on earth. That means there's a couple hundred in LA, and probably one in any large town.

This is about the incidence of dwarfism or albinism in the real world. You may have seen an elf in real life: if you did, you had difficulty not staring. You have definitely seen an elf on TV. There's probably an underfunded and poorly-exposed Elvish Rights group.

(Three standard deviations from the mean.)

[ ][Rarity] There's about one elf for every five thousand people on earth: that means there's almost a thousand in LA.

To put this in perspective, this is about your odds of being drafted by the NBA. You've got about a fifty-fifty chance of knowing the name of that one elf from your neck of the woods. It's possible-but-unlikely that someone you know has met them.

(Two standard deviations from the mean.)

[ ][Rarity] There's about one elf for every 625 people on earth: there'd be an entire town's worth in LA, a few dozen in any notable town, and probably one or two even in a tiny rural backwater.

This is about the incidence of deaths from cancer. Most people know someone who knows someone who's an elf. There would have been one in your high school, and you would remember them as "the elf kid at my high school." There's probably a respected charity for the advancement of elves, which you've never heard of.

(One standard deviation from the mean.)

[ ][Rarity] There's about one elf for every 250 people on earth. You'll have met one, even if you live in a small town. There were likely a couple of them at your high school.

Elvish rights could be a wedge issue in the next election, but because they're part of a larger coalition. You can find a group of elves fairly easily, but they're still Weird. Multiple support organizations exist, and probably have decent funding.

This is about the real-world incidence of trans people.

[ ][Rarity] There's about one elf for every ten or twenty humans on earth.

There was an elf clique at your high school -possibly more than one. It's possible for being elvish to not be the most interesting characteristic of someone new you've met. You might know an elf personally. You've definitely worked with one at some point. Elvish issues are probably major in election years.

The high end of this range (one in ten) is about the proportion of Americans who are black. The low end of this range (one in twenty) is about the proportion of Americans who are gay.

[ ][Rarity] Elves are as common as people who wear glasses. Nobody cares.

[ ][Rarity] Humans are a one-in-ten minority.
[ ][Rarity] Humans are a one-in-250 minority.
[ ][Rarity] Humans are a one-in-625 minority.
[ ][Rarity] Humans are a one-in-5000 minority.
[ ][Rarity] Humans are a one-in-25,000 minority.
[ ][Rarity] Humans are a one-in-100,000 minority.
[ ][Rarity] Humans are as rare as Shaq. Our heroine might be part of a lost expedition.
[ ][Rarity] This is literally an Isekai.

How far into nonhuman cognition are you willing to venture?
[ ][Alien Minds] Please stick with minds that would be neurotypical for humans.
[ ][Alien Minds] I'm fine with minds that are neurodivergent within real-world variation.
[ ][Alien Minds] I'm fine with any mind you could plausibly reach through a series of experiences had by a human. This is the domain of questions such as "What would someone 400 years old be like?"
[ ][Alien Minds] I'm fine with minds outside of normal human variation, so long as they are "human with an exception" - EG, robots that can't feel emotions, bee aliens that can see into the ultraviolet, elves with telepathy...
[ ][Alien Minds] Let's explore experiences that are fundamentally outside human mindspace. What if we had no autonomic nervous system? What if we were each composed of a council of subminds that voted on each individual issue? What if we were incapable of lying? I want to examine genuinely challenging questions about what minds and intelligence even are.

How far into nonhuman forms are you willing to venture?
[ ][Alien Bodies] Natural human variation gives us a tremendous amount to work with already.
[ ][Alien Bodies] Let's stick to humans with cosmetic tweaks. Elves, Orcs, Vulcans, catgirls, Twilight vampires and subtle cyborgs all fall in this category.
The most radically nonhumanoid this should get is somewhere around The Hulk.
[ ][Alien Bodies] Let's stick to humanoid species, but we can play around within that region. Draenei, androids, obvious cyborgs, pixies, giants, feathered-wing angels, succubi, and so on all fall in this category.
Yabalchoath from Kill Six Billion Demons is near our upper limit.
[ ][Alien Bodies] I'm alright with significant modifications, so long as there's a major human component: this includes all "tauric" species, such as centaurs, lamia and driders, as well as heavy cyborgs and most gijinkas or "monstergirls". (Such as harpies, cyclopses, dullahans, etc.)
Miia from Monster Musume is about as nonhumanoid as we should get.
[ ][Alien Bodies] So long as it's broadly humanoid, I'm fine. Gungans, Dragonborn, Kobolds, Minotaurs, Kzin, Thri-Keen, and most anthros. I dig The Shape of Water's Amphibian Man.
[ ][Alien Bodies] I'm fine with outright nonhumanoids so long as they have access to a humanoid form. This includes most shapeshifters, such as werewolves, kitsune and D&D dragons; it also applies to free-roaming AI, such as Halo's Cortana.
[ ][Alien Bodies] I'm fine with nonhumanoids even if they don't have access to a humanoid form. Non-shapeshifting dragons, uplifted or magical animals, Shoggoths, Daleks, burning-wheel angels, etc. The sky's the limit.
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Kinks, Checkpoint 4
So, our winners here:
Nonhumans: Yes, by a landslide.
Alt-History: Yes, by a smaller landslide.
Designer Species: No, by a wide margin.
Gaian Only: Tie. I'm going to go with "Yes" as the more restrictive option.

The Rarity vote is more interesting. We have:
"It's like glasses", with 6 votes.
"1 human in 10", with 6 votes.
"1 Elf in 5000", with 6 votes.
"1 Elf in 250", with 5 votes.
"Literally an isekai", with 5 votes.

From this I can infer the following:
- Pretty much everybody wants elves to be people you might have met in everyday life.
- The other side of this coin: nobody wants elves to be so rare that it's actually difficult to find one.
- Almost nobody wants humanity to be a serious minority. It's fine if our heroine is the only human, but that's because being the only human is then a characteristic of the heroine.

We'll come back to this section once we look at what "elves" could actually be like.

For the alien minds and bodies portion, we have:

We're fine with any mind that's human-with-exceptions. (12 votes, a landslide.)
We're fine with any mind extrapolatable from a source human. (10 votes, again a landslide.)
We're considerably cooler on genuinely nonhuman minds. (7 votes.)

I'm fine with this: true speculative-fiction treatments of alien minds - such as Crystal Society and Blindsight - tend to have to dedicate a very large portion of the narrative to the implementation of that. I could do that, and it'd be fun, but this vote says it's not what this quest is about. The easier treatments of "sort of human" minds are more than we need here, honestly.

As for alien bodies:
The majority is fine with "monstergirl" level stuff. (10 votes.)
Shapeshifters have significant support. (7 votes.)
True nonhumanoids also have some interest. (7 votes.)
The uncanny valley of anthros and "monstrous humanoids" has very little interest. (4 votes.)

The upshot of this is that people who could never be mistaken for human are rare.
Since we already know that beings from other worlds don't exist, I'm going to steal the word "alien" to describe this category.

Eyeballing proportions here, I'm gonna say that aliens are 1-in-5000 rare. Available if the voters choose to go looking, and usable in the background for flavour, but the default state is that they don't exist in real life.

The first upshot of this is that in order for non-alien elves to be significantly more common than aliens, they have to be significantly more common. Which means that we can't have "elven presence overall" be 1 in 5000.

Our second rarest high-voted option is 1 elf in 250, which would mean that 1 in 20 elves is an alien. This is probably too high a proportion: it makes us near-certain to socially encounter an alien if we become involved in the elven community.

The next step up in the high-ranked votes is "Elves are as common as people with glasses", so now we know that elves are not a minority.

That implies that the history of this world must be very different from ours.
You can't replace half the population of Earth with people who have different physical and mental capacities and expect it to stay the same. (Doubling the population will only cause more issues.)

Now we're getting down to brass tacks. The next few votes will determine the shape of the society our heroine is venturing into.

On that note, let's take a moment to review what we know already.

What We Know:
  • About 1 in 5000 people are aliens.
  • More than half the population is nonhuman.
  • Extraterrestrials and constructs don't exist.
  • Our heroine is the leader of an organization which does both science and art.
  • Our heroine was able to gather a fairly detailed knowledge of sex without ever meeting anyone in person.
  • Our heroine is a twentysomething virgin.
  • Our heroine bikes everywhere.
  • Our heroine LARPs. (What a dork.)
  • Our heroine is a blacksmith.
  • Our heroine is some form of performer.
  • Our heroine has a serious chance to change the world.
  • The genre is "Romantic Drama".
  • The tone is light, but realistic.
  • It's possible for a twentysomething to be in charge of a significant organization in this world.
  • The culture is not so sexualized that a twentysomething virgin is remarkable.
  • Something similar to the internet exists. This implies mass manufacturing and distribution networks. In turn, this implies settled answers to questions about who can do what where - so some large-scale form of government exists.
  • If robots exist, they're not intelligent like humans are.
  • The scientific method exists in this world, which implies the existence of a scientific community.
  • It's possible to learn how to blacksmith in this world: the art still exists.
  • A major segment of the population has nonhuman enough bodyplans that some human stuff is difficult or impossible to use.
  • That last has a ton of knock-on effects:
    • Buildings are on the whole built larger and more accessibly, which also means they're more expensive compared to our world.
    • The same is also true of cars and other heavy machinery, which means they're less common.
    • That in turn implies:
      • Cities are more walkable and have better public transport.
      • Cities have more parks and public spaces. Boardwalks and open-air markets are still everyday.
      • You probably know your neighbours better.
      • People have to get more places under their own power, so they get more exercise, and are therefore healthier. Hiking is also more popular.
      • Automation is probably more developed, because skilled machine operators are even more expensive.
    • Adjustable or transformable furniture is very common. Sofa beds and beanbag chairs aren't declassé.
    • Species with similar bodyplans tend to share spaces. There's probably a "tauric district."
    • That means there are places where it's hard for humans to use the locals' stuff!
    • Discrimination works differently than in our world. I'm going to go the lighter and softer route:
      • An increased awareness of diversity decreases intolerance, rather than promoting the narcissism of petty differences.
      • Different bodyplans reduce ableism and make everywhere more accessible, rather than ghettoizing those with nonstandard shapes.
In summary:
  • Tech or magitech is comparable to the real world, but with less cars and more robots.
  • Cities are nicer than in our world.
  • There's a tauric district in every city. "Taur culture" exists.
  • It's socially acceptable to be cozy!
  • Discrimination is rarer and about different things.
  • Unlucky people's morning commutes suck even more than in our world.
  • Long-distance travel is harder overall.
Given all this, I have a few more questions...

There's a lot of ways that having sex with an alien could differ from having sex with a human. Let's go through them.

1: Overall bodyplan.

Recycling our earlier categories. Mark all that you're interested in:
[ ][Bodyplan] Humans.
[ ][Bodyplan] Vulcans, elves, androids, catgirls, and other Star Trek aliens.
[ ][Bodyplan] Draenei, angels, pixies, giants, and other fantasy races.
[ ][Bodyplan] Driders, lamia, harpies, dullahans, and other monstergirls or taurs.
[ ][Bodyplan] Gungans, minotaurs, Kzin, Thri-Keen, and other monstrous humanoids.
[ ][Bodyplan] Werewolves, slimegirls, free-roaming AI, and other shapeshifters.
[ ][Bodyplan] Dragons, tentacle monsters, Daleks, and other nonhumanoids.

2: Sexual anatomy.
Obviously the actual sex organs are going to be important. Mark all that you're interested in:
[ ][Genitalia] Bioluminescence, alien skin tones, and other visual edits.
[ ][Genitalia] Temperature, texture, and other tactile edits.
[ ][Genitalia] Exotic penises. (Knots, ridges, barbs, tentacles, etc.)
[ ][Genitalia] Exotic vaginas. (More than one clitoris, internal cilia, etc.)
[ ][Genitalia] Partners with multiple penises.
[ ][Genitalia] Partners with multiple vaginas.
[ ][Genitalia] Partners with both a penis and a vagina.
[ ][Genitalia] Unusual placement of genitalia.
[ ][Genitalia] Unusual sexual fluids.

3: Sexual response.

Genitalia are cool and all, but they're hardly the be-all end-all. Mark all that you're interested in.
[ ][Response] Unusual erogenous zones. Ears, tails, wings, hair, etc.
[ ][Response] Atypical refractory periods.
[ ][Response] Hypersensitivity, lack of sensitivity.
[ ][Response] Atypical libido - heats, hypersexuality, species-wide arousal triggers, etc.
[ ][Response] Unusually visible or hidden arousal.

... I could continue, but this is probably already too much detail. MOVING RIGHT ALONG

Sexual Mores:
How is sex treated by our heroine's culture? Not to put too fine a point on it, how lewd is it?

[ ][Mores] Sex is treated as immoral save in very specific circumstances.

[ ][Mores] It's basically like real life back in the 90's. "Gay" is an insult. Trans people don't exist.

[ ][Mores] It's basically like real life circa 2010. Gays can marry. Trans people sorta exist.

[ ][Mores] It's basically like real life circa right now.

[ ][Mores] Today's issues have been resolved in favor of more open sexuality.

LGBT people have rights pretty much everywhere. There's also decent sex education pretty much everywhere. Prostitution has been legalized, but is under tight regulation and still carries major stigma: other forms of sex work are less discriminated against than today, though still disreputable.

[ ][Mores] We're a few decades further down that same road.

LGBT issues have been basically resolved; transphobic jokes only get told by your embarrasing granddad. Sex education is now pretty good; it stresses reciprocity, communication, and mutual enjoyment. It's no longer embarrassing to admit you met your partner via a hookup app. Sex work is beginning to gain traction as a major activist cause, though it still faces stiff opposition.

[ ][Mores] It's been another few decades, and the world continues to become more open.

Sex work is starting to lose its stigma, being seen more as embarrassing than disreputable. Brothels and sex shops remain tucked away in weird corners, but a few brave universities offer courses on sexuality with hands-on components. Approximately a mountain of waivers is required. The use of sex surrogates to aid in therapy for sexual issues is now largely uncontroversial.

[ ][Mores] It's been about a century, and sexuality is starting to come into the light.

You can take a 2-year program on sex work at a technical college and get a certification. Most cities have a well-regulated red-light district, with sex clubs that advertise as such. "Sexologist" is no longer a job title that raises eyebrows. The sex education you get in high school admits that kinks exist. Sexual diseases and dysfunctions receive serious investment. Better methods of contraception are invented, and many STDs are vaccinated out of the population.

[ ][Mores] The world has started to slide into blatant eroticism.

You can get an MA in sex work from a reputable university. While sex work continues to have unique issues as a profession, there are now established certification standards and a strong professional association, just as in law, engineering and medicine. Saying the word "whore" is a seriously career-limiting move if you're a politician. A high school sex education teaches RACK.

[ ][Mores] A sex theme park along the lines of Mizuryu Kei Land actually exists ethically.
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Character Select?
And the polling says...

We're actively interested in:

(Two-thirds majority in favor - 10 or more votes.)

- Monstergirls and Taurs.
- Star Trek Aliens.
- Fantasy Races.
- Humans.
- Shapeshifters.
- Visually strange genitalia.
- Exotic penises.
- Unusually visible or hidden arousal.

We're okay with:

(Simple majority in favor - 8 or more votes.)

- Nonhumanoids.
- Hermaphroditic partners.
- Genitalia with tactile edits.
- Exotic vaginas.
- Atypical libido.
- Atypical sensitivity.
- Atypical refractory periods.

As for society's mores, we have a tie between "today's issues have been resolved" and "it's been another few decades." Most people don't want the extremes at either end, but there seems to be a consensus that sexuality ought to be less repressed than in the modern-day real world.

I think I'm going to let that be partly determined by the voters' choice of protagonist.

Which of these interviews is with our heroine? You may vote to read more before deciding, if you wish.

[ ] Queen Valerie, High Forgekeeper of Elbia.

"What exactly is Elbia?"

Its Queen smiles at me, turning her crown over in her hands. I can't help but stare; though I know it's just a prop, it looks very real.

"Elbia," she says, "Is a shared hallucination. It's a future where we kept more of the past: it's a past we've imported the present to. It's a fantasy nation that only exists on weekends, and it's an ideal that you can always carry."

"But what do you do there?", I ask.

"Me? Mostly I make gear and set up events. This crown is mine in both senses." She holds it up, displaying a stylized V along its inner rim. "See the maker's mark?"

"Is it really gold?"

"Do you really think I'd drop like ten grand on a prop?"

"I don't know. How much do you earn making armor?"

She raises a finger to her lips: Shhhh.

[ ][Our interview with Queen Valerie continues on page...]
[ ][Read Valerie's short biography.]

[ ] Dr. Wisteria, Dean of the Department of Gender & Sexuality at Ottawa.

"So, tell me - how did you end up the head of an entire department at only twenty-eight?"

"I'm brilliant, I'm motivated, and I don't take shit lying down," she says. "That's the blunt and honest answer. Gender and sexuality have been political footballs since forever; they're long overdue for frank examination in the light of science."

"Is there any truth to the rumors that you're transgender?"

She gives me a flat look. "Do I look trans?"

I take a moment to consider her. While she's tall and solidly built, I'd call her regal more than mannish. She has high cheekbones, flowing black hair, and a spark in her eyes that I instinctively flinch from.

"Well?", she prompts, tapping her slender fingers together. She certainly sounds female.


She grins. "And you'd be completely wrong. Isn't modern technology wonderful?"

"So do you, ah -"

"Have a penis? I'm flattered that you're apparently attracted enough to me to wonder about my genitals, but they're generally viewed as unprofessional to discuss in a work environment. Off the record: No. Like Data, I am fully functional and anatomically correct."

[ ][Our interview with Dr. Wisteria continues on page...]
[ ][Read Wisteria's short biography.]

[ ] Isabel Lillian Amber, Founder of Click Inc.

"Click is based on the philosophy that love is an integral part of life," says the app's creator. "We fall for people who share our interests and values - the ones who lift us up, who help us to be our proper selves. That's why I built an app that matches people based on their problems."

"Based on their problems? How on earth is that a good idea?"

Isabel laughs. "Yeah, it sounds crazy! But these don't have to be big problems that we're talking about. Maybe you have an extra ticket to a Tuesday matinee, and your match has an important business meeting that got cancelled at the last minute. Maybe your car has engine trouble and they're a mechanic. What's different between Click and any other crowdsourcing app is that Click remembers people who've helped each other, and encourages them to build lasting relationships."

"By which you mean romances?"

She shakes her head. "That's up to my users. I can't make love bloom; all I can do is nudge. By encouraging people to reach out to each other - to take that first hesitant step of saying 'I want more of you in my life' - I can help them discover what they actually want."

"So it's an app that helps introverts learn how to be social?"

"It's hard to be open with people! Intimacy makes us vulnerable; reaching out, really reaching out, is always a risk. You're exposing your flaws to people. Click helps with that, because it starts your relationship with a problem that needs fixing. It's more open about the fact that we're not perfect."

[ ][Our interview with Isabel continues on page...]
[ ][Read Isabel's short biography.]

Read some more. You're interested in...

[ ] Dr. Avalon, Head of the Effing Institute for Sex-Positive Innovation.
[ ] Silvie Heartsake, better known by her stage name ★STARBURST★.
[ ] Angelika Sarethi, Chairwoman of the Rithsathra Foundation for Interspecies Relationships.
[ ] Someone else entirely. (A write-in prompt would be appreciated!)