Lost on the Road of Life (An AU Naruto Quest)

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I do like, though, that Shizuka feels safe enough around Kakashi to do this. Sure, she's traveled with him long enough that she knows he's not interested. Still, it makes me feel proud of Kakashi. Jonin-insanity aside, and accidental(?) rudeness aside, Shizuka ( a woman who is at a disadvantage against Kakashi) feels safe around him.
I will note that this is at the end of their week in the hot springs. I started writing a bit about how they (esp. Ameri) were all bashful and embarassed at first, but they both wanted to use the outdoor bath for the better experience, and how they chilled out over time. Sadly, I couldn't find a way to do it that wasn't either pervy or cliched so I cut it. Feel free to look up equivalent scenes of your choice and find+replace the character names, I'm sure there are plenty of people that have written "boy and girl forced to share public hot spring".
[X] Time to dust off the old ninjutsu design skills. Focus on minor tweaks to make existing jutsu more powerful.
[X] Time to dust off the old ninjutsu design skills. Focus on minor tweaks to make existing jutsu more powerful.

Yeah, let's do this. It fits well with the training plan, and that last fight was a bit too close for comfort.
Isn't this going to override your previous vote?
For Technique Hacking proposals its generally fine to vote in 2-3 projects. Kakashi will generally attempt to do whatever subset he deems feasible given his skill level and time constraints, with priority to those that have more votes.

Unofficially, I tend to try to incorporate a decent amount of player input into each chapter regardless of the vote count--so long as theres at least a few votes for it, its not mutually exclusive with something else that has more votes (so basically, two plans of action that differ by more than minor details), and the character deems it sensible.
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Okay, good to know. So I can vote for both a general "spend time tweaking jutsu" and a specific "modify the chidori" and they're not in contradiction, just one suggesting the other.
[X] (Technique Hacking) Make Radiant Bolt faster to cast

[X] (Technique Hacking) Projects the QMs would have fun writing
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Also @Paperclipped @MMKII Do we need to save any XP to buy TH'd jutsu stunts?
They will cost XP if you manage to make them, but it's up to you all whether you want to actually buy the finished results.
Also note that improved TH skills can reduce the cost of the stunt, all the way down to 0 XP (though it comes at a tradeoff of not having the progress points put towards cheapening the stunt not put towards making the technique stronger).
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