Lost on the Road of Life (An AU Naruto Quest)

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She closed her eyes and grimaced as the image from her nightmares came into her thoughts once more -- Hideo's severed head sinking into the blackness of the ocean, mouth moving in a silent condemnation moments before he was consumed whole by a giant walrus.

I see someone's recently gained a thousand yard stare point.

Let them do something useful for now and let them hunt. We'll solve our food problems, they'll gain experience, they'll stay alive!

That sounds like a perfectly sensible management decision.

Worse, over the course of weeks or months, he always convinced her and everyone else around him that he was right. The rest of Glacier was eating out of the palm of his hand.
No matter what she tried to tell him, no matter how unreasonable his great plans were, he never changed.

And this sounds like what happens when a reasonably high wisdom character is interacting with a high charisma, low wisdom character!

Be careful if you do manage to get it though, the texts indicate that carrying it is dangerous in some way. It's described as bringing the owner bad luck of some sort."

Is it bad my first two thoughts were "how could Kakashi tell, on the macro?" And "I wonder if we can weaponize that somehow?"

Say, are there any body parts of his that you're not particularly attached to?"

More like "are there any body parts that he's not particularly attached to anymore" amirite?

first, Kakashi had moved through the forest by leaping from tree to tree and shaking snow out of their branches in his wake. Yaganita had quickly told him how the Snow ninja moved -- on the ground rather than in the trees, with quiet, quick steps moderated by chakra repulsion.

I really enjoy this bit. Partially for the worldbuilding, partially because it shows Kakashi as the talented but still fairly young ninja exploring the world and learning as he goes.

Kakashi (Taijutsu): 55 + 6 (boost) + 6 (Sharingan) + 6 (Chidori) + 3 (tag "Mini Blizzard") + 6 (tag "Raining Flames") + 6 (invoke "Flat Footed"; -1; 3 FP) + 6 (invoke "Ex-ANBU, Ex-Jounin, Ex-Leaf Ninja"; -1; 2 FP) + 9 (dice) = 103
Nadare (Athletics): ?? + ? (boost) + ? (Terrain Expertise: Snow) + ? (invoke ????; -1; ? FP) + ? (invoke ????; -1; ? FP) + ?? (Substitution; -14; ??? CP) + ? (dice) = ???

I don't know what's worse: that we hit everything we could but missed Strong Fist; that we got over 100 for the first observable time (I think) without our fighting style; or that, on arguably the best roll we could possibly do, we still lost.

She definitely had to burn a lot to get away, but dang, that's still impressive and speaks of a high base Athletics.
I see someone's recently gained a thousand yard stare point.

That sounds like a perfectly sensible management decision.

And this sounds like what happens when a reasonably high wisdom character is interacting with a high charisma, low wisdom character!

Is it bad my first two thoughts were "how could Kakashi tell, on the macro?" And "I wonder if we can weaponize that somehow?"

More like "are there any body parts that he's not particularly attached to anymore" amirite?

I really enjoy this bit. Partially for the worldbuilding, partially because it shows Kakashi as the talented but still fairly young ninja exploring the world and learning as he goes.

I don't know what's worse: that we hit everything we could but missed Strong Fist; that we got over 100 for the first observable time (I think) without our fighting style; or that, on arguably the best roll we could possibly do, we still lost.

She definitely had to burn a lot to get away, but dang, that's still impressive and speaks of a high base Athletics.
Oooh, reaction post!

Happy chemicals received. +1 XP.
[X] Accept Compel (+1 FP)

Holy fuck I hate SV on mobile. Can't figure out how to remove this fucking table.
Mine were "hey, that sounds like radioactivity" and "didn't Snow have power armor and other high-tech gear in canon?"
Wow, you're good. Its like you have practice in hiding the foreshadowing of setting relevant worldbuilding details in offhand comments or something?

*pedant mode engaged*

Technically, the Snow content in Naruto is from a movie, and thus it is filler by my definitions (the manga is canon).
So thinking we intercept Nadare and engage her non-lethally. While we're doing that we ask her why her brother wants her dead. We where very public so he had to know we where in the area. I mean fighting the copy ninja without any backup when he's had time to prepare an ambush is a death sentence

let her know if she cuts a deal with us she can take revenge on her brother and stabilize glacier and get our help unlocking the snow release

If she doesn't well we will just have to kill her.
So thinking we intercept Nadare and engage her non-lethally. While we're doing that we ask her why her brother wants her dead. We where very public so he had to know we where in the area. I mean fighting the copy ninja without any backup when he's had time to prepare an ambush is a death sentence

let her know if she cuts a deal with us she can take revenge on her brother and stabilize glacier and get our help unlocking the snow release

If she doesn't well we will just have to kill her.

[X] Action Plan: Choice Words Are Like Fists To The Soul
Word Count: 341
  • Catch Nadare before she reaches Hidden Glacier
  • Open dialogue
    • Audibly note that she is not Roga
      • What did you do to piss him off?
        • Roga is obsessed with information about this relic, and he knows the Yakuza hired a ninja that killed one of your Jonin publicly. If he's not here in person, he knew it was an ambush, and he sent you into it.
        • Surely he's not so incompetent and unfit to lead that he's straight up wasting jonin, right? Did he send you to die? That sucks.
    • You want to know the worst part about all this?
      • Kakashi came to fuck shit up and steal techniques, only to find the region was already on the verge of collapse.
        • The first few ninja Kakashi captured to steal their techniques weren't even mad, they just complained about Hidden Glacier leadership. If anything they seem to be on his side!
          • None of you know how to treat each other. People who are shitty to their enemies are one thing, but people who are shitty to their comrades are worse than scum. Roga's leadership is destroying the people he promised to take care of, and the whole region is paying for it.
    • We're going to kill Roga and install a leader that will actually take care of the people here, and make sure the region is stabilized. Then we're going to take the secrets of Snow Element and go somewhere else to repeat the process.
      • If you work with us, a lot less blood will be shed.
        • We also have valuable information you can sell for food and supplies, contingent on your cooperation.
      • If you don't want to work with us, that's fine, we'll just kill you too. We're not picky.
  • Should we be unable to catch up to her, track her to the outskirts of Glacier and write this on a note, then bottle it up and place it in the snow. Map out the route she takes.
EDIT: Cleaned up the word count some for convenience, and removed Kakashi implying he is going to become a Missing-nin. Also, removed tone indicators entirely bc I don't think they're really necessary.
EDIT 2: Added another actionable section should we fail to catch up to Nadare
Last edited:
[X] Action Plan: Choice Words Are Like Fists To The Soul
Word Count: 302
  • Catch Nadare before she reaches Hidden Glacier
  • Open dialogue
    • Audibly note that she is not Roga
      • What did you do to piss him off?
        • Roga is obsessed with information about this relic, and he knows the Yakuza hired a ninja that killed one of your Jonin publicly. If he's not here in person, he knew it was an ambush, and he sent you into it.
        • Did he send you to get you out of his hair? Hope that we'd take each other out in mutually assured destruction? That sucks.
    • You want to know the worst part about all this?
      • Kakashi came to fuck shit up and steal techniques, only to find the region was on the verge of collapse.
        • The first few ninja Kakashi captured to steal their techniques weren't even mad, they just complained about Hidden Glacier leadership. If anything they seem to be on hisside!
          • None of you know how to treat each other. People who are shitty to their enemies are one thing, but people who are shitty to their comrades are worse than scum. Roga's leadership is destroying the people he promised to take care of, and the whole region is paying for it.
    • We're going to kill or incapacitate Roga and install a leader that will actually take care of the people here, and make sure the region is stabilized. Then we're going to take the secrets of Snow Element and go somewhere else to repeat the process.
      • If you work with us, it would be easier to make sure he survives instead of having to kill him.
        • We also have valuable information you can sell for food and supplies, contingent on your cooperation.
      • If you don't want to work with us, that's fine, we'll just kill you too. We're not picky.
EDIT: Cleaned up the word count some for convenience, and removed Kakashi implying he is going to become a Missing-nin. Also, removed tone indicators entirely bc I don't think they're really necessary.
You might want to include some directives in the case that you dont end up catching up with the ninja (regardless of whether you have tracked down where she went). Not necessarily guaranteed, with how this Glacier ninja seems to be able to maneuver in the terrain.
[X] Action Plan: Choice Words Are Like Fists To The Soul
Word Count: 334
  • Catch Nadare before she reaches Hidden Glacier
  • Open dialogue
    • Audibly note that she is not Roga
      • What did you do to piss him off?
        • Roga is obsessed with information about this relic, and he knows the Yakuza hired a ninja that killed one of your Jonin publicly. If he's not here in person, he knew it was an ambush, and he sent you into it.
        • Did he send you to get you out of his hair? Hope that we'd take each other out in mutually assured destruction? That sucks.
    • You want to know the worst part about all this?
      • Kakashi came to fuck shit up and steal techniques, only to find the region was on the verge of collapse.
        • The first few ninja Kakashi captured to steal their techniques weren't even mad, they just complained about Hidden Glacier leadership. If anything they seem to be on his side!
          • None of you know how to treat each other. People who are shitty to their enemies are one thing, but people who are shitty to their comrades are worse than scum. Roga's leadership is destroying the people he promised to take care of, and the whole region is paying for it.
    • We're going to kill or incapacitate Roga and install a leader that will actually take care of the people here, and make sure the region is stabilized. Then we're going to take the secrets of Snow Element and go somewhere else to repeat the process.
      • If you work with us, it would be easier to make sure he survives instead of having to kill him.
        • We also have valuable information you can sell for food and supplies, contingent on your cooperation.
      • If you don't want to work with us, that's fine, we'll just kill you too. We're not picky.
  • Should we be unable to catch up to her, track her to the outskirts of Glacier and write this on a note, then bottle it up and place it in the snow
EDIT: Cleaned up the word count some for convenience, and removed Kakashi implying he is going to become a Missing-nin. Also, removed tone indicators entirely bc I don't think they're really necessary.
EDIT 2: Added another actionable section should we fail to catch up to Nadare

Added an actionable alternative if we don't catch up, but there could be more we could do. Feel free to suggest things.
[X] Action Plan: Choice Words Are Like Fists To The Soul

Another actionable thing we could do is just make sure we record on a map or something where the tunnels her trail leads to are. I'm itching to create a giant explosive-powered drill and use it to drill our way into glacier. And we can't do that unless we know where glacier is.
Did he send you to get you out of his hair? Hope that we'd take each other out in mutually assured destruction? That sucks.

Would change this part to something more along the lines how he had to either want her to die (cause come on I'm Kakashi. Everyone knows about me) or how he's an incompetent who is throwing away jounin for no gain. Either way he's not fit to lead a bunch of academy drop outs let alone a whole ninja village

If you work with us, it would be easier to make sure he survives instead of having to kill him.

Would like this removed. Roga is going to die by our hands in the end and don't want to lie to her
Would change this part to something more along the lines how he had to either want her to die (cause come on I'm Kakashi. Everyone knows about me) or how he's an incompetent who is throwing away jounin for no gain. Either way he's not fit to lead a bunch of academy drop outs let alone a whole ninja village


Would like this removed. Roga is going to die by our hands in the end and don't want to lie to her

I'm personally okay with just permanently crippling him if it means winning over his sister easier, but I don't feel that strongly about it so eh, I guess I'm fine removing it
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