Lordaerons Ambition - WOW AU GSRP - OOC/claim Thread [APP CLOSED]

If someone drops I'd love to hop on for Kirin Tor or other mages-y nation. I envision a Twin-headed Orge Mage hanging out.

Sure thing! That also goes for all that are not chosen as players.

But Ceslas makes a good point - if you are interested, Maybe Mike's Remnants of Outland is still searching for a Shaffar's Conglomerate. Since Ethereals are inherently magic, that might be a faction for you. Or the Ango'Rosh Ogres if you realy want to lead with a two headed ogre mage lord should Overlord Gorefist happen to have an.. incident.. <plants ideas>
Thanks again for all the interest. Sadly, you cannot squeeze 21 people into a 17 player game.

Player List
Eastern Kingdoms:
Empire of Lordaeron - @LurkingWreck
Kingdom of Quel'Thalas - @Easter
Kingdom of Stromgarde - @Orwelans III
Crimson Order - @Walker Of Chaos
Kingdom of Gilneas- @Merunes
Admirality of Kul Tiras - @Sinsystems
Kingdom of Khaz Modan - @cosmic_lonewolf
Blackrock Empire - @Setsura
Kingdom of Stormwind - @Terrafirma
Kirin Tor Remnants - @Bestbe
Gurubashi Tribes - @King Tharassian

The Orcish Horde - @Awetduck
Jaina Expedition - @Magnive
Daelins Fleet (Kul'Tiras) - @gaiachild
Kael'Thas Expedition - @Ceslas
Darkspear Tribe - @Maybe Mike
Bloodhoof Tribe - @SneakyWalrus

Mike switch away from Gurubashi left a spot, but with Tharassians post almost all players now have their first pick and with only one exception their second one.
I will finish the start PMs and OP as soon as possible.
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