Lord of the Rings: Reign of the Great Eye

[X] Yes

Does this even really need to be a vote? Is there any reason not to do this? Unless this is Mannfred or something, which is extremely unlikely, we could probably pretty solidly handle anything that goes wrong. And given who we are, hiding this visit from prying eyes should be child's play.
To clarify he walked up to a crowd of people and specifically requested you by name with that introduction of where he came from.

Any questions or comments are welcome, and I will answer them before putting up the battle update tomorrow.
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[X] Yes
-[x] Prepare some contingences just in case, because those with a hunger for power will never be truly predictable...especially these "wind users" as they are...
-[x] but on the off chance, try to convert him to your side with the chance of truly becoming a immortal being, however the price of such a thing would require...service...as per a agreement (aka: Nazgul-ification, having one of our new ring-wraiths be able to summon the dead would be a wonderful thing, as well as a way to get started on useful minion projects)

I suggest this for just in case people...I mean having a necromancer would be interesting, however we need to be cautious...but if we can have him sign a agreement to only use the corpses of our enemies (aka forces of destruction) and not our own? Well then he will be tolerated and under our protection...as long as he also understands that by our service he has a way to live beyond mortal years...

However we don't tell him everything about the steep price of Nazgul-ification, just most of the benefits and the deterrents...like vulnerability to fire and spirit damage, however being able to be revived and literally require bullshit levels of epicenes to be killed or slain? hell yes, plus with our experience and this worlds magic system we could even improve our old workings on the Nazgul's themselves. This way we could get a early servant out of this mess, and if we take over the border princes to become New Mordor? Then great!!!

as this way we can eventually get Uruk-Hai (more reliable then Orcs, even if we have to rush to them), I also suggest we go on the path for Jack of Trades...while we wont master everything, we can do everything to a okay degree, and once we get all three of those realms of power under our belts? Hunker down and train our asses off until we master all three realms of power and tell the forces of chaos, destruction, and other things that threaten order and stability of the world to fuck off!!!

edit: I mean can you imagine the empire in a serious battle, and then out of nowhere a Uruk-Hai army charges from holes made by Were-Worms (aka the giant ass rock-crunching monsters that remind me of Purple Worms from DND) to tear into the armies of chaos as we fuck them over? not to mention killing off the skaven would save the world a Massive pain in the ass...especially the lizardmen should at least be thankfull they would have a chance to rest and recuperate. Hell if were lucky we can even trade with them and be acknowledged by the Slann as needed for the "Plan of the Old One's".
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[X] Yes
-[x] Prepare some contingences just in case, because those with a hunger for power will never be truly predictable...especially these "wind users" as they are...
-[x] but on the off chance, try to convert him to your side with the chance of truly becoming a immortal being, however the price of such a thing would require...service...as per a agreement (aka: Nazgul-ification, having one of our new ring-wraiths be able to summon the dead would be a wonderful thing, as well as a way to get started on useful minion projects)

I suggest this for just in case people...I mean having a necromancer would be interesting, however we need to be cautious...but if we can have him sign a agreement to only use the corpses of our enemies (aka forces of destruction) and not our own? Well then he will be tolerated and under our protection...as long as he also understands that by our service he has a way to live beyond mortal years...

However we don't tell him everything about the steep price of Nazgul-ification, just most of the benefits and the deterrents...like vulnerability to fire and spirit damage, however being able to be revived and literally require bullshit levels of epicenes to be killed or slain? hell yes, plus with our experience and this worlds magic system we could even improve our old workings on the Nazgul's themselves. This way we could get a early servant out of this mess, and if we take over the border princes to become New Mordor? Then great!!!

as this way we can eventually get Uruk-Hai (more reliable then Orcs, even if we have to rush to them), I also suggest we go on the path for Jack of Trades...while we wont master everything, we can do everything to a okay degree, and once we get all three of those realms of power under our belts? Hunker down and train our asses off until we master all three realms of power and tell the forces of chaos, destruction, and other things that threaten order and stability of the world to fuck off!!!

edit: I mean can you imagine the empire in a serious battle, and then out of nowhere a Uruk-Hai army charges from holes made by Were-Worms (aka the giant ass rock-crunching monsters that remind me of Purple Worms from DND) to tear into the armies of chaos as we fuck them over? not to mention killing off the skaven would save the world a Massive pain in the ass...especially the lizardmen should at least be thankfull they would have a chance to rest and recuperate. Hell if were lucky we can even trade with them and be acknowledged by the Slann as needed for the "Plan of the Old One's".
personally i want to create a new Magic system, by converting winds into some sort of usable form which our servants can use.

To be quite honest, I wouldn't be surprised if Sauron could coerce their obedience through grabbing a hold of their soul and just twisting it until they surrender to make the pain stop.
On the Eve of battle, you shall speak to the Damned.

And your behavior is your own, so soul twisting is not by default something you would do. Especially since you love words and manipulation...from all soul stuff sources lol.
Adhoc vote count started by ErraticWizard on Jan 11, 2019 at 2:33 PM, finished with 15 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Yes
    [X] Yes
    -[x] Prepare some contingences just in case, because those with a hunger for power will never be truly predictable...especially these "wind users" as they are...
    -[x] but on the off chance, try to convert him to your side with the chance of truly becoming a immortal being, however the price of such a thing would require...service...as per a agreement (aka: Nazgul-ification, having one of our new ring-wraiths be able to summon the dead would be a wonderful thing, as well as a way to get started on useful minion projects)
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Deal with the Damned, Slaughter of the Lambs...
You had forged a set of armor for yourself with the assistance of the most skilled Smith's. And your armor was....

A mere after image of the glorious suits you'd donned in ages of war and strife...myet for the craftsmanship of mortals, and the touch of your own hand. You created something,

One word to describe your armor?

[ ] Beautiful- a symbol of what a Craftsmen at his peak can create, and that beauty is embodied here.

[ ] Dread- a symbol of what Craftsmen and Warriors are capable of. Creating a visage of fear and domination.

[ ] Authorative- a symbol of concise, clean, and authorative posisition, like a noble general.

[ ] Mystical- the symbol of a sorceror is embodied in this armor. A symbol of magical might, visible to all.

[ ] Other

As the people worked frantically to clear almost the entire forest for materials. And from the forests emerged a man from a decrepit mansion. Coming before the encampment and requesting to Meet you by name.

Just from a glance from the center of the increasingly fort-like market grounds. Your mere glance at him though your senses were dulled, told you much. Whoever he was he indeed hailed from a land of the living and dead.

From him you saw the dark winds blowing, winds of manipulating and stealing from the body and soul.

Into your tent you went, and you poured him a glass of the sweet wine as well. "Greetings Nobleman of Sylvania. What may I, a humble forgemaster do for you?"

The pale man simply laughed

"You my good man are very much so more then what you appear....as am I. You go to war tomorrow with the raging green menace. I hold powers over life and death, and I could certainly be persuaded to call the dead to your aid. You see I am weak in my homeland compared to other nobles, and I seek someone of influence to help me in my visions for my homeland. Any support is worthwhile, and defending against these savages, and securing a friend in the borderlands is a worthy start"

He admits his Nature he is...

[ ] A Necromancer...masters of commanding the dead to their bidding, and dark arts.

[ ] A Vampire...powerful and immortal beings who feed upon blood.

Do you accept his help in return for some support for him?

[ ] Yes

[ ] No

Finally, how do you promise to reward his service in tomorrow's battle?

[ ] A informal alliance, trade, non aggression unofficially, and the like

[ ] A formal agreement, signed papers of trade, non-aggression, etc.

[ ] Aid in opposition removal, you or those that serve you shall aid him in the direct removal of threats to his goals.

[ ] Aid in politics, you can go to bat for him in the political realms of the world.

[ ] A magic item, you shall forge him....something special for his efforts.

[ ] Other (Write-in) [ any combination of the above or otherwise gifts for his aid]

Didn't mean to post this 0_0, will be adding two more sections to this today. Shit I forgot to update, and I got a little caught up before finishing the battle. Will upload that later today.
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[X] Authorative- a symbol of concise, clean, and authorative posisition, like a noble general.

[X] A Necromancer...masters of commanding the dead to their bidding, and dark arts.

[X] Yes

[X] A magic item, you shall forge him....something special for his efforts.

I have something small and inconspicuous in mind. Something like... a ring
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[X] Authorative- a symbol of concise, clean, and authorative posisition, like a noble general.

I'll Choose this for now...
[X] Beautiful- a symbol of what a Craftsmen at his peak can create, and that beauty is embodied here.
[X] Other
-[X] Power - a symbol of an absolute might, challenged only by the most powerful

This one is easy, Sauron is a Necromancer himself, he can do all the magic he wants. So, skill diversion here we go.

[X] A Vampire...powerful and immortal beings who feed upon blood.

I don't see why not.

[X] Yes

[X] Other (Write-in) [ any combination of the above or otherwise gifts for his aid]
- [X] Unoficial alliance, trade, etc.
- [X] Even more unoficially, possible aid in removing opposition for appropriate price. Partners with benefits.