I'm going to just lock the first part of the vote, but if anyone want's to through there preference for the spells that is still open. I need a d20 and a d100
Turn 1
You put the Amplifier that you made to the side, not entirely happy with the result of your efforts with its creation. It's passable, and can defiantly be of some use to you, but it simply isn't your best creation. Sadly a number of your mystic codes were destroyed when you left the Clock Tower and your last family, but you still have a few on you.

You dismiss that line of thought and started to tap on your laptop to check the various messages that other members of your family have sent you. You haven't told others in Yggdmillennia about you having been chosen for the Holy Grail War, but you're sure that Darnic Prestone has already puzzled it out. You may talk with him about using some of your new family resources for the war, you don't want to get to in debt to the man. The fact that he still looks like a twenty some year old man when he's nearly a century old, well you're not sure how he's pulling it off.

Some things have been going according to plans, like your new home in Fyuki city and the set up for all of your defenses are in place. It will take you a while to finish the rest of defensive fields around the place, but for now, the intent field will do.

Unfortunately your search for a catalyst hasn't grown any fruit. You wish you could say that the feelers you had sent out pulled up some results, but all you can really say is that some people tried to point you in the direction of some museums. Honestly, you can't say it's been any form of a success.

Current IP: 6

None -> Minor -> Slight -> Small -> Average -> Large -> Greater -> Major -> Total

Suspicion is a measure of how suspicious you are acting, and how much attention you are drawing to yourself.

Every master has a Suspicion rating, going from 0 (no one gives a shit) to 25 (The arch director is watching)

For every 5 Suspicion points across all the masters, Alert goes up.

Suspicion goes down for each turn slightly.

Alert is a measure of how much Everyone is realizing that shit is starting to go down.

If alert gets too high, Panic ensues, and people know that there are command seals about. Command seals that could very well be used to summon servants of their own.

Fuyuki City
'Visiting Family' - Hypnotize locals to allow you to stay - Uses minor amounts of magic each day - No Defense - No Visibility - 0 IP
Motel Room - Rent a single room in a motel - No Defense - Slight Visibility, Visibility increases if Bounded Fields are used - 0 IP/ Minor Funds used
House Flat - Buy a small house - Minor Defense - Workshop - Slight Visibility - 1 IP
Hotel Suite - Rent an expensive Hotel Suite - Minor Defenses - Slight Visibility - 1 IP
Hotel Floor - Rent an entire floor of a Hotel - Small Defense - Average Visibility - 2 IP

Small Manse - Buy a local Manse - Average Defense - Workshop - Average Visibility - 3 IP
Mansion - Buy a Mansion - Average Defense - Workshop - Large Visibility - 4 IP
Temple Room - Hypnotize the members of the Temple to allow you to stay - Greater Defense - TOTAL VISIBILITY - 6 IP

Protections -
Hostile Intent Field - 0 IP
Minor Defense Field - Takes 1 Turn to create - 0 IP
Slight Defense Field - Takes 2 Turns to create - 1 IP
Small Defense Field - Takes 3 Turns to create - 2 IP
Average Defense Field - Takes 2 Turns to be created - 4 IP
Large Defense Field - Takes 3 Turns to be created - 6 IP

Crafting -
Create an Amplifier Mystic Code - 1 IP - Create a basic mystic code that is capable of acting like a Prana Battery
Create a Mystic Code - Various IP - Give us something that you want to create, and we'll give a general idea of the cost and time needed to create it.

Catalysts -
Museum Trawling - Go through Museums to try and find old things? - 0 IP - Is there even anything to find?
Go artifact hunting - Go somewhere and try to find a Catalyst on your own - 1 IP - Puts you in possible danger?
Search for a Catalyst - Spread feelers about looking for info about any Potential Catalysts - 1 IP - Spend an additional IP to specify class. Spend an Additional 3 IP to search for a particular Spirit

You have three command seals. Other people must have them too... right?
Search for the other Masters - 1 IP - Automatically raises Alert - Spend 1 IP to prevent the increase in Alert.

Monitor a Master that you know of -
The Tohsaka - 1 IP
The Einzbern - 1 IP
The Makiri - Died Out?

Gain Influence -
Do Research - 1 IP - Roll a d4. Even gain 2 IP, Odd gain 0 IP. What do you do for your Research?
Socialize - 1 IP - Roll a d10. 1-2, 9-10 Gain 1 IP; 3-4, 7-8 Gain 2 IP, 5-6 Gain 4 IP. Small chance of events
Balance Checkbook - 0 IP - +1 IP. May only be done once per turn.
Eavesdropping - 0 IP - Roll a d4. Even you are found (-1 IP) Odd you are not found. Roll a d5. Gain half that many IP rounded up.May only be done once per turn.

Servant -
Preform Summoning without a Catalysts. - 0 IP - May only be done once - Unreliable on who is summoned

[ ] What do you do? Please format using a Plan format to make things easier on us.
I forgot picking out some magics was a thing. :oops:
[X][MAGIC] Shadow Lance Curse
[X][MAGIC] Elementalism - Fire - Boiling Blood Curse
[X][MAGIC] Elementalism - Water - Illusion of the Changing Tides
[X][MAGIC] Elementalism - Earth - Growth of the Green Heart
[X][MAGIC] Material Three - Structural Grasp, Alteration, Graduation Air
[X][MAGIC] Reinforcement of Concept
[X][MAGIC] Cloak of Shifting Shadows - Pull upon the shadows surrounding you to hide from the detection of others
[X][MAGIC] Crafting The Shadow of an Image - An enhanced version of Graduation Air that draws upon the Elements of Earth, Fire, Water, and the Sixth Imaginary Element that is Lilliana's personal element in order to create a variation of an object. Not a copy, but a distinctly different existence formed that does not have the weight of Gaia weighing it down. Unfortunately, this spell is in the domain of Formalcraft, and likely requires a huge amount of Prep time, and whatever is created by this spell is likely less powerful than the original, but it also functions as if Lilliana was the creator and owner of whatever is created. It cannot be used to create life, or things that do not have any substance, such as Command seals in this particular instance. As a formal craft spell, this spell probably has a huge Prana cost, even after the fact that it calls on three of her elements drops the Prana cost.
[X][MAGIC] Shadow Lance Curse - 50 Prana - Gathering the shadows near you, create a spike of pure shadow to strike at the soul of your target - 1d8 Damage
[X][MAGIC] Elementalism - Fire - Spark Shot - 10 Prana - Fire a red bolt of magical energy that burns everything it touches - 1d4 Damage
[X][MAGIC] Elementalism - Water - Blessing of The Water of Life - 25 Prana - Using the blessing of water, touch target heals 1d6 Damage
[X][MAGIC] Elementalism - Wind - Aero Hammer - 60 Prana - Fire off a bullet of air - 1d10 Damage
[X][MAGIC] Elementalism - Earth - Shifting Stones Method - Prana Cost Varies - Transfer Energy from yourself to another through the ground - Either Healing effect, or increase NP gauge scaling with cost
[X][MAGIC] Material Three - Structural Grasp, Alteration, Graduation Air - 1, Cost Varies, Cost Varies - A trio of spells that many Magi learn or develop during the early days of their training. Nominally considered useless.
[X][MAGIC] Reinforcement of Concept - Scales with Object - Imbue an object with your own energies, increasing it's concept and nature, making something more than it was before. A very complex and dangerous magic that very delve into due to it's prohibitive cost and slow increase in power.
[X][MAGIC] Cloak of Shifting Shadows - Pull upon the shadows surrounding you to hide from the detection of others

Okay, here's the plan:

[X]Plan Second Try
-[X] Minor Defense Field -0 IP
-[X] Create an Amplifier Mystic Code -1 IP
-[X] Museum Trawling -0 IP
-[X] Go Artifact Hunting -1 IP
-[X] Socialize x2 -2IP
-[X] Balance Checkbooks -0 IP

Remaining IP= 2

With this plan we should have a minimum of 5 IP and a maximum of 11 IP next turn.

Please let me know if the plan isn't valid.
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[X]Plan Second Try
-[X] Minor Defense Field -0 IP
-[X] Create an Amplifier Mystic Code -1 IP
-[X] Museum Trawling -0 IP
-[X] Go Artifact Hunting -1 IP
-[X] Socialize x2 -2IP
-[X] Balance Checkbooks -0 IP

Middling results
Unhacker threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: QM Request Total: 12
7 7 5 5
Unhacker threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: QM Request Total: 13
13 13
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Right, so I forgot to have you roll another d100 for the possible random encounter from the artifact hunting. So, yeah, need that.
Random encounter here we come. Though it is probably a bad random encounter.