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The Holy Grail War.

Two hundred years ago, the families known as "the three," the Einzberns...
Character Sheet

Name Lilliana Auld Yggdmillennia
Sex Female
Age 19
Height 167.7 cm 5' 5
Weight 124
Number of Circuits 72
Prana per Cicuit 175
  Current Total
Health [ (Str+Sta) x 5] 25 25
Body Od Level 1440 1440
Servant Prana Cost    
Max Usable Prana 12600 12600
Attributes Score
Strength Rank : e+ 2
Dexterity Rank : e 1
Stamina Rank : d 3
Intelligence Rank : d+ 4
Perception Rank : d+ 4
Wisdom Rank : d 3
Appearance Rank : d+ 4
Manipulation Rank : e+ 2
Charisma Rank : d+ 4
Magical Skills
Spell Name Level EXP Prana Cost Spell Effect
Academia Your general knowledge and the level of conventional learning 2
Alertness Your ability to figure out what is truly happening around you. 1
Athletics Your Athletic skill represents any form of training you might have had in sports or other rigorous activities. Athletics concerns all forms of running, swimming, jumping, throwing sports and the like, however it does not cover basic motor function such as lifting weights, nor does it govern athletic feats covered by another ability (Such as Melee). 1
Awareness You can notice things, things that others don't. Things that only other magi would notice, but even still you need some skill to recognize what it is that you are noticing. Not paying attention to your surroundings leads to pain 1
Brawl Your ability to fight hand to hand there is rage hidden under this girl's sharp gaze 3
Etiquette You understand the nuances of proper behavior in society. This skill is used during haggling, dancing, dinner etiquette and all forms of diplomacy. You know, being polite. She had to learn this under her family... or else 1
Understanding the emotions of others is something that many people can do, if you can simply sympathize with, feign sympathy for, or play on such emotions is what this skill is all about. You are an easy hand at discerning motive, and might be able to pick up on when someone is lying to you. Being raised in an abusive home has led her to try to reach out and understand others
Firearms Skill at using guns and other firearms 3
Intimidation Intimidation takes many forms, from outright threats and physical violence to mere force of personality. You know the right method for each occasion, and can be very….persuasive. Her bad homelife gave rise to a rage that she keeps a hard lid on, but letting some people see it can be useful 4
Leadership TThis is your ability to inspire others to follow your lead, to recognize your place. Leadership has less to do with manipulating people's desires than it does with presenting yourself as the sort of person they want to follow. This is usually paired with Charisma rather than Manipulation. Hidden beneath her shy exterior is a strength of heart and a fiery will that can give strength to her allies 3
Magecraft Your skill at channeling and using Mana through your magical circuits - Magic came to the girl as easy as breathing, despite the fact that she was passed over for the family crest. 5
Politics This is your familiarity with the politics of the moment, including the people in charge and how they got their. This knowledge can aid you in dealings with or influencing politicians. Learning a little bit of the Clocktower's political environment allowed Lilliana to survive until she could escape 1
Ride You're ability to drive a car or ride a horse. This skill does not automatically entail familiarity with complicated vehicles. Hating her family, Lilli did everything she could to learn the things of the non magical world, given the hate her family has for it 1
Light Sleeper - You are easily awoken from sleep, and even less than the average person. Less penalties for missing sleep, and you awaken faster so it's harder to get a drop on you. - Living with her Family, Lilliana had to be able to wake at even the slightest moment, or else.
Generational Magus - Your not the first Magus in your family, each rank increases the history of the family by one generation, which increasing your influence. There is no max on the level. 5th Generation Magus
Moxie - You've got da Mox, kiddo. +1 die to all Social Situations involving backbone - Under the shyness brought by the emotional beatdown from her family, there is a fiery young woman under there.
Silken Voice - You've a voice like velvet with a tongue like silk. +2 die to all social actions involving using your voice to your advantage.
Yggdmillennia - You are a member of Yggdmillennia, a massive family that while it doesn't have the quality of Clock Tower Magi, it makes up for it in quantity.
Non Standard Element - You have a non-standard element. Write in what element your magic is aligned with. GM okay required. Sixth Imaginary Element
Average One - You are one of the ironically rare member of the Average One, who has an affinity with all five elements
First Rate Magus - You have a higher amount of Circuits and better quality then your average Magus, this increases your ability to cast and increases your influence

Nightmare - You suffer from horrible nightmares, and have trouble sleeping. You suffer effects from loss of sleep faster than others, and after particularly bad nights, you gain a general -1 to all actions for a while. Being murdered by the people she loves
Shy - You're no social butterfly, that's for sure. +1 difficulty to a number of social interactions, and if you are the center of attention it's +2.
Curiosity - You know what they say about Curiosity, but even so, your need to know can override your common sense if you fail a Will Roll.
Inferiority Complex - You suffer from low self esteem, and no matter what, you never seem to feel like you are good enough. -2 die in situations where you are force to face your inability to believe in yourself.
Graceless - You can trip over your feet even when standing still... +2 difficulty to all social situations involving making a good impression
Absent-Minded - You have lousy short term memory and commonly get distracted from your goals.
Loathing - there is something out there which you hate with all the rage of the sun, and when you come across it, everything else falls to the wayside until it is destroyed. Her horrible Family
Otherworldly Taint - There is something... off about you. Something is strange and unusual. Perhaps it's an odd color of hair or strange eyes, maybe just something about your Aura. But whatever it is, it draws attention from the wrong crowds. The girl's magical circuits lay particularly close to her body, leaving her unusually warm. And when she gets angry her purple eyes glow with an inner light.

Small Manse :
Average Defense
Average Visibility
Hostile Intent Field
Large Defense Field - 1/3 complete
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Servant Character Sheet
Attributes and Servant vs Mortal Scalinging

Lower Case letters are Human Scale, Upper Case are Servant Level
3(d), 4(d+)
5(c), 6(c+/E--)
7(b/E-), 8(b+/E)
9(a/E+), 10(a+/E++)
11(a++/D--), 12 (--, D-)
13(D), 14(D+)
15(D++), 16(C--)
17(C-), 18(C)
19(C+), 20(C++)
21(B--), 22(B-)
23(B), 24(B+)
25(ex/B++), 26(A--)
27(A-), 28(A)
29(A+), 30 (A++)
The servant that you are about to Summon
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EXP Shop
Experience Shop
Name Formula Cost Effect
Health Level 2(Levels Bought) - 1 - Increase Health by 1
Body Od 5(Levels Bough) - 1 - Increase Base Od by 5
Attribute 3(Attribute State) - 4 Varies Increase Attribute by 1
Spell EXP 1/Spell Level Scales Increase Spell EXP by 1
New Spell Various Varies Learn a Spell from the Spell Shop
Craft Spell 10* 10
Create a new spell to go into the spell Shop
Cost of spell decreased by 10
Skill 2(Skill Level) - 3 Varies Increase Skill by 1
??? ??? ??? ???
Spell Shop
Name EXP Cost Prana Cost Spell Description
Curse of Binding --- 65 A simple curse that generates resistance against a targets movements, slowing them down.
Curse of Pain --- 15 A simple curse that makes a target's nerves to randomly fire, causing a spike of pain - 1d6 Damage
Shadow Lance Curse --- 50 Gathering the shadows near you, create a spike of pure shadow to strike at the soul of your target - 1d8 Damage
Spark Shot --- 10 Fire a red bolt of magical energy that burns everything it touches - 1d4 Damage
Blood Boiling Curse --- 100 A complex and dangerous curse that alters the targets blood, raising the temperature until their very blood begins to boil - 2d6 Damage, chance of inflicting Death
Heat Wave --- 30 Generate a wave of blistering heat that distorts light passing through it. 1d3 Damage to all who enter, gain 5% Dodge
Blessing of the Water of Life --- 25 Using the blessing of water, touch target heals 1d6 Damage
Crashing Waves --- 50 Generate a wall of water that surges forth towards the enemy - 5% chance of knock down. 1d6 Damage
Illusion of the Changing Tides --- 45 Twist light approaching you as if you were underwater - gain 15% Dodge
Aero Hammer --- 60 Fire off a bullet of air - 1d10 Damage
Roar of the Hurricane --- 15 Whip the air into a roaring fury, making it impossible for conversation to happen
Aero Barrier --- 30 Condense the air before you into a protective sheet - gain 10% Dodge
Pillars of Stone --- 50 Cause the stone below an opponent's feet to shoot into the air - 1d8 Damage
Shifting Stone Method --- Varies Transfer Energy from yourself to another through the ground - Either Healing effect, or increase NP gauge scaling with cost
Growth of the Green Heart --- 25 Calling forth the energy of the earth, touch target heals 1d6 Damage
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First Plan
Huh, was honestly expecting more people to actually make some plans. Anyways, here's the plan for what you will be doing over the next four months.

3 Points to start with
Additional 1 point for each Gen bought
4 Point added for Average one
5 Point added for First Rate Magus

So 17 total points

None -> Minor -> Slight -> Small -> Average -> Large -> Greater -> Major -> Total

Suspicion is a measure of how suspicious you are acting, and how much attention you are drawing to yourself.

Every master has a Suspicion rating, going from 0 (no one gives a shit) to 25 (The arch director is watching)

For every 5 Suspicion points across all the masters, Alert goes up.

Suspicion goes down for each turn slightly.

Alert is a measure of how much Everyone is realizing that shit is starting to go down.

If alert gets too high, Panic ensues, and people know that there are command seals about. Command seals that could very well be used to summon servants of their own.

Fuyuki City
'Visiting Family' - Hypnotize locals to allow you to stay - Uses minor amounts of magic each day - No Defense - No Visibility - 0 IP
Motel Room - Rent a single room in a motel - No Defense - Slight Visibility, Visibility increases if Bounded Fields are used - 0 IP/ Minor Funds used
House Flat - Buy a small house - Minor Defense - Workshop - Slight Visibility - 1 IP
Hotel Suite - Rent an expensive Hotel Suite - Minor Defenses - Slight Visibility - 1 IP
Hotel Floor - Rent an entire floor of a Hotel - Small Defense - Average Visibility - 2 IP

Small Manse - Buy a local Manse - Average Defense - Workshop - Average Visibility - 3 IP
Mansion - Buy a Mansion - Average Defense - Workshop - Large Visibility - 4 IP
Temple Room - Hypnotize the members of the Temple to allow you to stay - Greater Defense - TOTAL VISIBILITY - 6 IP

Protections -
Hostile Intent Field - 0 IP
Minor Defense Field - Takes 1 Turn to create - 0 IP
Slight Defense Field - Takes 2 Turns to create - 1 IP
Small Defense Field - Takes 3 Turns to create - 2 IP
Average Defense Field - Takes 2 Turns to be created - 4 IP
Large Defense Field - Takes 3 Turns to be created - 6 IP

Crafting -
Create an Amplifier Mystic Code - 1 IP - Create a basic mystic code that is capable of acting like a Prana Battery
Create a Mystic Code - Various IP - Give us something that you want to create, and we'll give a general idea of the cost and time needed to create it.

Catalysts -
Museum Trawling - Go through Museums to try and find old things? - 0 IP - Is there even anything to find?
Go artifact hunting - Go somewhere and try to find a Catalyst on your own - 1 IP - Puts you in possible danger?
Search for a Catalyst - Spread feelers about looking for info about any Potential Catalysts - 1 IP - Spend an additional IP to specify class. Spend an Additional 3 IP to search for a particular Spirit

You have three command seals. Other people must have them too... right?
Search for the other Masters - 1 IP - Automatically raises Alert - Spend 1 IP to prevent the increase in Alert.

Monitor a Master that you know of -
The Tohsaka - 1 IP
The Einzbern - 1 IP
The Makiri - Died Out?

Gain Influence -
Do Research - 1 IP - Roll a d4. Even gain 2 IP, Odd gain 0 IP. What do you do for your Research?
Socialize - 1 IP - Roll a d10. 1-2, 9-10 Gain 1 IP; 3-4, 7-8 Gain 2 IP, 5-6 Gain 4 IP. Small chance of events
Balance Checkbook - 0 IP - +1 IP. May only be done once per turn.
Eavesdropping - 0 IP - Roll a d4. Even you are found (-1 IP) Odd you are not found. Roll a d5. Gain half that many IP rounded up.May only be done once per turn.

Servant -
Preform Summoning without a Catalysts. - 0 IP - May only be done once - Unreliable on who is summoned

[ ] What do you do? Please format using a Plan format to make things easier on us.

You guys started with a Score of 5 in Magecraft, which was a very good decision on your part.
You may vote up to Eight different choices. The top five choices are the winners.
You do not need to copy the italicized parts of the vote

[ ][MAGIC] Curse of Binding - 65 Prana - A simplistic magical curse that generates resistance against a targets movements, slowing them down.
[ ][MAGIC] Curse of Pain - 15 Prana - A rather simple magical curse that causes the target's nerves to randomly fire, generating a spike of pain - 1d6 Damage
[ ][MAGIC] Shadow Lance Curse - 50 Prana - Gathering the shadows near you, create a spike of pure shadow to strike at the soul of your target - 1d8 Damage
[ ][MAGIC] Photon Beam - 50 Prana - A sort of antithesis of the above spell, instead creating a beam of shining light to burn your target - 1d8 Damage
[ ][MAGIC] Elementalism - Fire - Spark Shot - 10 Prana - Fire a red bolt of magical energy that burns everything it touches - 1d4 Damage
[ ][MAGIC] Elementalism - Fire - Boiling Blood Curse - 100 Prana - A complex and dangerous curse that alters the targets blood, raising the temperature until their very blood begins to boil - 2d6 Damage, chance of inflicting Death
[ ][MAGIC] Elementalism - Fire - Heat Wave - 30 Prana - Generate a wave of blistering heat that distorts light passing through it. 1d3 Damage to all who enter, gain 5% Dodge
[ ][MAGIC] Elementalism - Water - Blessing of The Water of Life - 25 Prana - Using the blessing of water, touch target heals 1d6 Damage
[ ][MAGIC] Elementalism - Water - Crashing Waves - 50 Prana - Generate a wall of water that surges forth towards the enemy - 5% chance of knock down. 1d6 Damage
[ ][MAGIC] Elementalism - Water - Illusion of the Changing Tides - 45 Prana - Twist light approaching you as if you were underwater - gain 15% Dodge
[ ][MAGIC] Elementalism - Wind - Aero Hammer - 60 Prana - Fire off a bullet of air - 1d10 Damage
[ ][MAGIC] Elementalism - Wind - Roar of the Hurricane - 15 Prana - Whip the air into a roaring fury, making it impossible for conversation to happen
[ ][MAGIC] Elementalism - Wind - Aero Barrier - 30 Prana - Condense the air before you into a protective sheet - gain 10% Dodge
[ ][MAGIC] Elementalism - Earth - Pillar of Stone - 50 Prana - Cause the stone below an opponent's feet to shoot into the air - 1d8 Damage
[ ][MAGIC] Elementalism - Earth - Shifting Stones Method - Prana Cost Varies - Transfer Energy from yourself to another through the ground - Either Healing effect, or increase NP gauge scaling with cost
[ ][MAGIC] Elementalism - Earth - Growth of the Green Heart - 25 Prana - Calling forth the energy of the earth, touch target heals 1d6 Damage
[ ][MAGIC] Material Three - Structural Grasp, Alteration, Graduation Air - 1, Cost Varies, Cost Varies - A trio of spells that many Magi learn or develop during the early days of their training. Nominally considered useless.
[ ][MAGIC] Reinforcement of Concept - Scales with Object - Imbue an object with your own energies, increasing it's concept and nature, making something more than it was before. A very complex and dangerous magic that very delve into due to it's prohibitive cost and slow increase in power.

[ ][MAGIC] Create your own spell - QM Okay Required - Nasu magic is very Conceptual in nature, so if you can think up a spell that you think would be awesome, then cool. Add it here.

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Turn 1
You put the Amplifier that you made to the side, not entirely happy with the result of your efforts with its creation. It's passable, and can defiantly be of some use to you, but it simply isn't your best creation. Sadly a number of your mystic codes were destroyed when you left the Clock Tower and your last family, but you still have a few on you.

You dismiss that line of thought and started to tap on your laptop to check the various messages that other members of your family have sent you. You haven't told others in Yggdmillennia about you having been chosen for the Holy Grail War, but you're sure that Darnic Prestone has already puzzled it out. You may talk with him about using some of your new family resources for the war, you don't want to get to in debt to the man. The fact that he still looks like a twenty some year old man when he's nearly a century old, well you're not sure how he's pulling it off.

Some things have been going according to plans, like your new home in Fyuki city and the set up for all of your defenses are in place. It will take you a while to finish the rest of defensive fields around the place, but for now, the intent field will do.

Unfortunately your search for a catalyst hasn't grown any fruit. You wish you could say that the feelers you had sent out pulled up some results, but all you can really say is that some people tried to point you in the direction of some museums. Honestly, you can't say it's been any form of a success.

Current IP: 6

None -> Minor -> Slight -> Small -> Average -> Large -> Greater -> Major -> Total

Suspicion is a measure of how suspicious you are acting, and how much attention you are drawing to yourself.

Every master has a Suspicion rating, going from 0 (no one gives a shit) to 25 (The arch director is watching)

For every 5 Suspicion points across all the masters, Alert goes up.

Suspicion goes down for each turn slightly.

Alert is a measure of how much Everyone is realizing that shit is starting to go down.

If alert gets too high, Panic ensues, and people know that there are command seals about. Command seals that could very well be used to summon servants of their own.

Fuyuki City
'Visiting Family' - Hypnotize locals to allow you to stay - Uses minor amounts of magic each day - No Defense - No Visibility - 0 IP
Motel Room - Rent a single room in a motel - No Defense - Slight Visibility, Visibility increases if Bounded Fields are used - 0 IP/ Minor Funds used
House Flat - Buy a small house - Minor Defense - Workshop - Slight Visibility - 1 IP
Hotel Suite - Rent an expensive Hotel Suite - Minor Defenses - Slight Visibility - 1 IP
Hotel Floor - Rent an entire floor of a Hotel - Small Defense - Average Visibility - 2 IP

Small Manse - Buy a local Manse - Average Defense - Workshop - Average Visibility - 3 IP
Mansion - Buy a Mansion - Average Defense - Workshop - Large Visibility - 4 IP
Temple Room - Hypnotize the members of the Temple to allow you to stay - Greater Defense - TOTAL VISIBILITY - 6 IP

Protections -
Hostile Intent Field - 0 IP
Minor Defense Field - Takes 1 Turn to create - 0 IP
Slight Defense Field - Takes 2 Turns to create - 1 IP
Small Defense Field - Takes 3 Turns to create - 2 IP
Average Defense Field - Takes 2 Turns to be created - 4 IP
Large Defense Field - Takes 3 Turns to be created - 6 IP

Crafting -
Create an Amplifier Mystic Code - 1 IP - Create a basic mystic code that is capable of acting like a Prana Battery
Create a Mystic Code - Various IP - Give us something that you want to create, and we'll give a general idea of the cost and time needed to create it.

Catalysts -
Museum Trawling - Go through Museums to try and find old things? - 0 IP - Is there even anything to find?
Go artifact hunting - Go somewhere and try to find a Catalyst on your own - 1 IP - Puts you in possible danger?
Search for a Catalyst - Spread feelers about looking for info about any Potential Catalysts - 1 IP - Spend an additional IP to specify class. Spend an Additional 3 IP to search for a particular Spirit

You have three command seals. Other people must have them too... right?
Search for the other Masters - 1 IP - Automatically raises Alert - Spend 1 IP to prevent the increase in Alert.

Monitor a Master that you know of -
The Tohsaka - 1 IP
The Einzbern - 1 IP
The Makiri - Died Out?

Gain Influence -
Do Research - 1 IP - Roll a d4. Even gain 2 IP, Odd gain 0 IP. What do you do for your Research?
Socialize - 1 IP - Roll a d10. 1-2, 9-10 Gain 1 IP; 3-4, 7-8 Gain 2 IP, 5-6 Gain 4 IP. Small chance of events
Balance Checkbook - 0 IP - +1 IP. May only be done once per turn.
Eavesdropping - 0 IP - Roll a d4. Even you are found (-1 IP) Odd you are not found. Roll a d5. Gain half that many IP rounded up.May only be done once per turn.

Servant -
Preform Summoning without a Catalysts. - 0 IP - May only be done once - Unreliable on who is summoned

[ ] What do you do? Please format using a Plan format to make things easier on us.