Log Horizon Discussion Thread

From what I heard, the LH anime was funded by the government - and also wasn't it a Saturday Morning Cartoon?

Saturday Evening, my dear friend... Especially at a slot right after Toddler Shows. I remember with indignation that Log Horizon was scheduled after a show name "Together with Daddy"おとうさんといっしょ, a brother show of the arguably more popular "Together with Mommy"おかあさんといっしょ.

It amuses me that this is his response when asked about it.

Other than that, I've no real response other than a general hope this gets dealt with and we get more LH anime seasons.

And in Japan, if I remember correctly, this sort of shit is a typical start of the Japanese Government's commitment of discrediting someone. So, someone in the Japanese Government hates Log Horizon, apparently, or hates Mamare's guts.
The tabloids here are already starting campaigns to make sure more Log Horizon Anime will not exist by 'quoting' members of the Animation Team lamenting about any chance to make a Season Three, "Because Avoiding Taxes is a Major Crime, we can't hope to make more" to sort-of-quote 東スポWeb, in a fashion.

Though, I must admit I am a paranoid asshole who sees conspiracies every corner, so who knows?
Personally, I want to know how you get "marmalade jam" from "m2ladeJAM." :p

(Two is 'er' in Chinese, but I have no idea how to get "arma" from 2 in Japanese...)

Also, weren't there discussions about Touno (oh gods he's got the MEoDP) getting backlash for some of his societal critique earlier in this thread? Totally forget what it was about though.
Saturday Evening, my dear friend... Especially at a slot right after Toddler Shows. I remember with indignation that Log Horizon was scheduled after a show name "Together with Daddy"おとうさんといっしょ, a brother show of the arguably more popular "Together with Mommy"おかあさんといっしょ.

And in Japan, if I remember correctly, this sort of shit is a typical start of the Japanese Government's commitment of discrediting someone. So, someone in the Japanese Government hates Log Horizon, apparently, or hates Mamare's guts.
The tabloids here are already starting campaigns to make sure more Log Horizon Anime will not exist by 'quoting' members of the Animation Team lamenting about any chance to make a Season Three, "Because Avoiding Taxes is a Major Crime, we can't hope to make more" to sort-of-quote 東スポWeb, in a fashion.

Though, I must admit I am a paranoid asshole who sees conspiracies every corner, so who knows?
You've cracked the case. A conspiracy runs deep in the annals of the Japanese government and media, a vast web of lies and corruption burying an innocent man because someone in Japan really hates an anime.

Or like, a dude didn't pay his taxes.
The m2 part most likely stands for "ma" twice over, so in hiragana it'd be:


Think of it as a bastardised form of l33t sp34k with a Japanese twist and it makes sense.
Don't fucking hotlink it's not fucking rocket science people why the fuck don't you fucking learn.
It's literally copypasting the url to imgur, uploading then copypasting the resulting link back here. Dead simple

My initial guess is that the taxes thing comes down to an accountant or somebody not doing their job right, because if you have that much money coming in you either have somebody who professionally handles the accounting details for you or you're a dumbass, and Touno doesn't seem like a dumbass.
Apparently the money had been sitting there untouched for months. Maybe he just forgot he was earning money. :V
Apparently the money had been sitting there untouched for months. Maybe he just forgot he was earning money. :V

If he hasn't spent the cash on investments or various purchases, it is still possible to work out a settlement. The taxman wants money and not necessarily to put productive people in jail.

It's when you earn money and spend it all away before paying your taxes that bites you bad. Mainly because if you cannot pay the tax and whatever penalties, you'll sit in jail for sure, which tends to derail any writing career.

According to these pages, Isuzu's 43rd Song had an actual, magical effect -- shifting rubble around to protect people.

Is this just wiki-editor nonsense, or verified by the light novel?

I checked the Web version, and there is this part in the last chapter of 'Route 43':

"The Song reached out like a ripple as it burst out a birth cry, the World accepting its existence. Pebbles from the size of the tip of her fingertips to the size of eggs floated up. As they started to dance around like squirrels everywhere they turned into a make-shift defense line, charging into every single attack on the battlefield, attempting to deflect any Magic."

So, technically yes, though it is more "pebbles" than "rubble", in fact, the above portion is immediately followed with this.


"It was a really weak Song. All the little it would do was to make small rocks dance, and it was doubtful that it was even worth it, but Isuzu refused to stop singing."

It isn't a "powerful" spell; in fact is seems that it is the opposite of it. The point of the song from Isuzu's POV isn't the magical factor:


"The despair of that she would reach nobody came hand in hand with the blessing that it would reach someone someday. Even requiring such a rationale made Isuzu think of herself as being weak, but even then with hope alone she could walk towards the ends of the World. That's Rock."


"Now, Isuzu was Music/43. The World was Isuzu herself."


"She wished that this Melody would reach out to everybody. That it would fall upon all like glittering stardust; both upon the 'Landers' who fumed at their own weakness, and the 'Odyssea Knights' who cried for their home like children."

It is that she genuinely believes that her song is worth something to the people, and the situation, around her; I'm thinking that the magical factor is just a bonus. As Soujirou and such say, an Overskill isn't really much of a big deal in itself.
So, I got the Yen Press publication of The Beginning of Another World a few days ago.

It's technically competent and I enjoyed it more than the Baka-tsuki version, thanks to better sentence structure and vocabulary, although that's a given considering I spent SGD 22 on one and none on the other.

The only hiccups were several terms that were mistranslated, but in their defense, it was Phantasmal (in the Baka-tsuki), that was probably Mythical, which is more commonly used in MMOs, while here it was translated to "Fantasy", which just sounds odd. And also Thorn Bind Hostage got translated to Sewn Bind Hostage, which is a little more egregious (since it appears plenty of times in the first volume).

It also almost got me back to writing Beneath a Frozen Sky, but I've found its rather difficult for me to juggle a fic and a quest at the same time.
How thick is the translation? I know that depending on the ratio of Kanji to Kana used, Japanese texts can be quite compact, but the use of English can really fill pages.
About 200 pages. A rough estimate of the word count gives me 80k words, give or take up to 10k.

It does have all the artwork, plus character sheets and class listings in the proper places.
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